Analysis Survey

Survey analysis

Transcript of Analysis Survey

Page 1: Analysis Survey

Survey analysis

Page 2: Analysis Survey

From my survey, I have learnt a great deal about what appeals to my target audience.

I have found that the majority of my target audience read Kerrang!, Rock Sound and NME – all of these music magazines follow a rock / alternative / indie genre.

My results also show that the majority hear about new music through music magazines, which suggests the importance of including new, unsigned bands.

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My survey has helped greatly with ideas for design, layout and content of my magazine.

The main features which contribute to catching the attention of readers are shown here – A good use of colour, photography and information on bands is important, along with freebies!

What has shocked me is that a use of cover lines is least important – readers are more interested in the design of the magazine, that what’s included.

However, this contrasts with the results from my question ‘How important to you, in regards to purchasing a magazine, is the front cover?’ as this shows that the front cover is only slightly important, which would now suggest that the design is only half of the importance.

5% Good use of cover lines

18% Freebies

27% Bands of interest

18% Good use of colour

14% Photography

9% New bands

9% Reviews

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CONCLUSION. (:In conclusion to my results, I plan to include a good use of photography, colour and information on bands. I also now

understand the importance of the front covers appeal, yet also understand the importance of the articles.

I will also include information on gigs and festivals, as the majority of my audience attend them at least once a year.

I will also make my magazine a weekly published magazine, as this was shown the most popular, along with a price range between £2-


£0 - £1 – 25%

£2 - £3 – 50%

£4 - £5 – 25%

£5+ - 0%