Analysis of thriller – 28 days later



My video analysis of the first part of 28 days later.

Transcript of Analysis of thriller – 28 days later

Page 1: Analysis of thriller – 28 days later



By George Blewitt

Page 2: Analysis of thriller – 28 days later

Starts off with random shots of riots and protesting. The shots create fear amongst the audience, they will be wondering what is wrong? Over the top, radio broadcasts are played, suggesting military involvement. What could be happening?

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Cuts to mid shot a tied down gorilla watching TV’s with images of violence and rioting. The grey setting and low-key lighting suggest a secret experiment.

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Pans across to CCTV footage, the dark costumes and balaclavas give the idea that they are breaking in to this secret facility. The audience will be wondering why they are breaking in? And who are they?

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Long shot of the room, shows that perhaps the reason for breaking in has something to do with the gorilla. Do they want it? Or are they trying to save it?

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For the first time you can actually make out one of their faces. This may be implying that this woman has some sort of significance. Possibly the leader of this group.

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The close up of the monkey again supports the idea of a secret lab doing animal testing. Perhaps these people are animal rights activists about to free them. The shocked face of the woman also backs this idea up.

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An establishing shot of the room really helps the audience get a sense of the place. They know by the low-key lighting and the eerie containers that something is about to go wrong.

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The camera tracks along the side of this potential main character and the framing behind the containers could be indicating that she is being watched.