Analysis of stalker horror films The Resident/The Gift

Mise en Scene Analysis of Stalker Horror Films The Gift and The Resident

Transcript of Analysis of stalker horror films The Resident/The Gift

Page 1: Analysis of stalker horror films The Resident/The Gift

Mise en Scene Analysis of Stalker Horror Films

The Gift and The Resident

Page 2: Analysis of stalker horror films The Resident/The Gift

The Resident – Mise en Scene: Settings The trailer starts with a Idyllic landscape view of New York city. This setting evokes beauty and perfection which parallels the victim in the film. The beauty of this scene and the wide open spaces have been used to show the vulnerability of the ‘perfect’ world the victim lives in, which will later be changed and destroyed. Having this parallel makes it easier for the director to show us the changes in the victim, her mood/feelings. Later into the film the setting change to the night time and show close up views of the city. This again parallels with the plot of the film. As the story goes on the victim becomes more venerable this is shown by the darkness which evokes danger and vulnerability. The movement in shot type, getting closer in also reflects the movements of the stalker in the film. Towards the end of the trailer the settings become daylight again, however instead of idyllic settings it shows derelict dishevelled buildings. This is representative of the victim at the end of the film, she has been ripped of her perfect world and her pure beauty.

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The Resident – Mise en Scene: Lighting

Lighting is used to evoke mood in the trailer. At the start it is used to show safety and a haven fort the victim. Lighting does this because we as human deem things we can see and that have light as safe, they're not mysterious. So by having lots of light at the start it sets the scene as a place of safety for the victim and lulls the audience into comfort. As the trailer progresses we get an outside view looking into the apartment the victim lives. The light is being concentrated on her alone here. This parallels with the idea that the evil character will be looking in on her and her alone. The lighting is again being used as a marker of safety, having the light just in the apartment shows she is safe but is venerable the dark outside world in the perimeter of this shot. Towards the end of the trailer we see the victims apartment in complete darkness. Here it is being shown that she is no longer safe. The darkness has infiltrated her home in the same way in which the stalker has. Again this links back to the idea of feeling unsafe in unlit areas, as we can no longer see her apartment the audience are being told she is no longer safe there.

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The Resident – Mise en Scene: Props

The props in this trailer are being used to tell us about the movement in the storyline and also information on the characters themselves. The phone being used towards the start of the trailer is being used to show the audience what relationships the victim has. Here the text shows us that the victim probably has a boyfriend that doesn’t live at her apartment. We know this because of the words “baby” being used and “your place”. By calling the victim “baby” it heavily implies that the sender is in a committed relationship with the recipient. Also by him calling her apartment “your place” not “our place” shows us that he doesn’t live their full time. Both of these pieces of information will probably be important to the plot of the overall film. We also see a mattress being moved into the apartment, this tells us she has just recently moved in, again this will probably be important to the plot. Finally the audience are also shown cameras, this give more depth to the trailer as it tells us how the victim is trying to solve the problem that then film focuses on . This intrigues the viewer and makes the trailer more interesting.

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The Resident – Mise en Scene: Costume

Costume is used to show the roles of the victim and the different stages of the plot. Towards the start of the trailer we see the victim wearing pyjama clothing. This evokes vulnerability in the victim as she is about to go bed and isn't wearing much. Having slight nudity shows vulnerability because that’s when the victim is most bare, meaning she almost cant defend herself. Later we see the victim wearing scrubs. This tells the audience about where she works, what she does for a living. Looking deeper into this, if she is a doctor/nurse she may be working unusual hours, arriving home early. In the final scenes of the trailer we see the victim in blood-stained clothes. The blood-stained clothes shows the audience that there will be a climax in the film including violence, which may appeal to some sections of the audience of the film.

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The Gift – Mise en Scene: Settings/Lighting The settings at the start of the trailer are light and open. This creates a sense of safety and security for the characters. This expected in a normal domestic environment. The use of quadrilateral shapes within the home maker it seem modern and stylish which could reflect the characters and their idyllic lifestyle's All of these features of the early settings parallel the plot, in that here they are safe. Later the settings seem to get darker and closer to the buildings. This is a parallel to the story line in that the stalker is getting closer and creating a unsafe environment for the characters

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The Gift – Mise en Scene : Props

At the start of the trailer we see one of the main characters hanging a baby mobile. This prop has been used to outline the relationships between the characters and their plans. With this prop we can see that they are starting a family. This may also parallel perverse themes later in the plot. The next prop we see is one of the ‘gifts’. This helps outline the story and they key elements of the stalkers plans . This helps provide information to the watcher and lets them know how the plot is being carried out. The last prop is the dead fish in the koi pond, this foreshadows death and maybe events later ion the film.