Analysis of Hulk and The Avengers film opening

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In the background there are images of cells mutating and skulls. As the tense music is playing during the images, the audience will feel theres a link between something biological and a threat. It foreshadows what the film will be revolved around. The images shown are related to laboratory experiment which reinforces the fact that something biological may be a threat. It reveals something needs fixing.


The text is in bold and in green because its fits perfectly into that genre. Its common for all action film opening to have the text in really bold writing. Also the colour green is frequent throughout all the text. This could be done as that colour is very specific to the film as the main character changes into a green monster. The colour of the text ties the film together with the text. Its directing a clear link of the film being related to something green.


The main character is first introduced. The long shot is used to show he is in a lab, implying something is not right with him biologically. The previous images in the background start making sense, which is something is wrong with him and is being experimented on. He is part of a co-operation which he needs help from.

We are then introduced to a female who he is directly looking at. This could suggest there may be some romance between them two and she too will also be a significant character within the film. This is also emphasised by when he winks at her. It shows there is a close relationship between the two.


The tense music is played in background, building up, making the audience sense distress. It then gradually build up into heroic music up until we see the film tittle. The change in music shows a contrast and a change in attitude. The Music then stops as the film tittle is shown of The Incredible Hulk. The pace of music begins to go faster once there are close up of the surroundings inside the laboratory. The movement of the camera is really fast which also fits with the music. It builds up tension and audience can already feel something bad is going to happen. As it shows an experiment on a guy, the audience gets an idea that the experiment they are doing is going to go wrong. The music still carries on, getting more forceful.

In addition as soon as we see the danger sign, the pitch of music gets higher and the music is then overpowered by a roar. The only thing audience can hear mainly is a roar which then finally reveals something went wrong and its associated with a monster. He turned into a monster. It makes sense why the guy was getting experimented on and what was wrong with him.


Images in the background

The film starts off by showing close ups of different aspect of different characters. Theres a variety of costumes shown and all appear to be heroic. Audiences will start to get a brief idea on what kind of characters will be involved as each of the shots express a certain characteristic. The opening of the film reveals it will be about a group of heros which all have something unique about them and a speciality. This is reinforced by the different images shown as each image shown, show a diverse range of power.


The text also used in this opening is bold text. The colour It is in is a solid grey/silver colour. As mentioned before this is common in all action films because bold text shows confident and symbolises daring and bravery. The genre action always consists of bravery and courageous characters so the film tittle needs to fit in with that. Bold text stands out and the colour of the text is always a solid dark colour. The colour implies the film is more serious and thoughtful.


As soon as the film starts the music is almost tense but gradually build up to heroic music. The Heroic music starts to slowly come in when the images of the characters are showing. As the images start to show more the music gets more and more louder and heroic. This is done to show the courageousness of the different characters and the heroism. They are related to fearlessness, the hero's. The music continues throughout the whole opening. It stops when the beginning of the first scene which shows a sky.

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