Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

Analysis of Adverts for Digipaks By Dwayne Grossett

Transcript of Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

Page 1: Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

Analysis of Adverts for Digipaks

By Dwayne Grossett

Page 2: Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

Her hair, lipstick and make up all link together with can see with her clothes, making the image fashionable and a selling point.

The date of the release is bold and is in white, which is different form the red colour which occurs in the image. This ensures that the reader can see it clearly.

The name of the artist is the biggest text on the advert. The name of the artist is the main focus because she is the selling point and that her name alone can sell.

The colour scheme means it all links together; due to everything being pink so that when you see her face it stands out and you are drawn to it.

Album title is also in bold so that the viewers can see what it is named and the small writing next to it pointing out that it is her album name makes it stand out even more.

Page 3: Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

The name of the group is the biggest text on the advert, this is because the group is the selling point and if the fans see this they'll know its from the group.

The creator insured that they made it known to the audience that its a new album so that viewers don't get confused and is well aware.

The black and white colouring makes the text on the screen stand out, thereby making every wording readable.

There are ratings from well known music magazines. This makes the audience feel if these sources have given such high regards to the album it must be good.

Doesn’t just feature the name of the album but also the single that is presumably number 1 on the chart.

Page 4: Analysis of adverts for Digipaks

The Logo is the biggest text on the advert and his name is the main focus berceuse the artist is the biggest focus

The date of the release is one of the main focus because the audience needs to know when its available for purchase.

The white background makes the artist standout more and makes him

more visual.

The name of the album is in a special graphical design so that it is noticeable to the audience.

If you liked the tracks that have been released already then with there being three newly added tracks you should buy the album.