
Chiaroscuro is the technique used to create the shadows. Does this create the tension of mystery? The mini stories on the front page attract the reader to start reading straight away, it gives a hint as to what to expect through the magazine. The large capital letters as the heading shows importance over the other text. Big bold black letters catches your eye as you automatically read it. The white font under the huge title is not as eye catching because the background colour is half white as well, it doesn’t have the same effect. The writing on the body straight away gets the readers attention as you want to know what it says. There is a very simple but effective colour scheme, 3 important colours are used; Red, White and Black. The big block capital letter title is positioned top left as this is the first thing the readers see, the reader starts top left and finishes bottom right.

Transcript of Analysis

Page 1: Analysis

Chiaroscuro is the technique used to create the shadows. Does this create the tension of mystery?

The mini stories on the front page attract the reader to start reading straight away, it gives a hint as to what to expect through the magazine.

The large capital letters as the heading shows importance over the other text. Big bold black letters catches your eye as you automatically read it.

The white font under the huge title is not as eye catching because the background colour is half white as well, it doesn’t have the same effect.

The writing on the body straight away gets the readers attention as you want to know what it says.

There is a very simple but effective colour scheme, 3 important colours are used; Red, White and Black.

The big block capital letter title is positioned top left as this is the first thing the readers see, the reader starts top left and finishes bottom


Page 2: Analysis

The girl on the front cover has a nice smile, this catches the readers attention and shows positive attitude towards the magazine.

The large yellow text is the name of the magazine, the picture of the woman covers a whole letter making it hard to read.

The colour of the font relates to the colour of the large block letters title. The bright yellow catches the readers attention.

The graffiti on the wall emphasis the picture of ‘Janet Jackson’ in front of the wall.

The layout of the front cover is so hat the text is around the picture of ‘Janet

Jackson’. They try not to have to much text overlapping the picture

The use of numbers (15) promotes this issue and also the language used ‘Crucial’ signifies how important it is.

‘First EVER’ is promoting the magazine as exclusive and representing them.

Page 3: Analysis

The sans serif block capital title of the magazine is in the same colour as the other large titles, but the magazine title has a white outline to signifies

its importance.

The picture of the woman overlaps a word, making it harder to read the word. The is a bad layout style because the word overlapped is under the main title, which signifies an important story.

The ‘Free music poster’ Is promoting this issue of ‘NME’ by increasing the number of sales.

This is positioned top right to be seen after top left, this is because us as the readers, read from the top left to right.

Top left is the first thing we read as a reader, This also shows


The image on the front is a very unconventional representation of the female form. Music magazines conventionally use revealing images of exposed woman to promote their issue. The preferred meaning

of this is unconventional and brave ‘Beth Ditto’ is…

The use of numbers (501) promotes this issue and signifies is good value.

The use of the superlative ‘Biggest’ connotes this magazine is the very best

Page 4: Analysis

The sans serif font shows importance and draws the readers

attention. Black and white and red is a simple but professional colour scheme used by many magazines.

The black and white picture is big enough to be eye catching but the black and white makes the picture more hard to see.

The writing of the stories could be more larger to make it easier for the reader to see.

The ‘exclusive’ makes the reader feel like a ‘secret’ story is about to be leaked through this magazine and that they are going to be the first ones to read it.

Page 5: Analysis

The font at the top of the second page should be a professional ‘sans serif font.

The blank spaces should be filled with something other than empty grey space. This is unappealing to the reader and unprofessional.

This contents page doesn’t do its purpose of telling the reader what is in the contents of the magazine.

The contents page shouldn’t have an article like the ‘editors note’, that article should have its own page or be on the front cover, this is not what the contents page is for.

Random colour boxes to make up a colour scheme is not very professional.

The picture here is out of position and doesn’t fit with the colour scheme, it should be under or next to the lower picture.

Page 6: Analysis

Black and white colour scheme is plain and simple but also not very eye catching.

The font is a bit to small but if there is a lot of text then this font is perfect.

The font used here is a professional sans serif font used by many different magazines.

The font here is to larger for the position as you can see the word ‘Departments’ cannot fit on one line.

I like the positions of the photos here, they are eye catching and fit well with the colour scheme.

Page 7: Analysis

The words in quotation marks here might attract males because the represent the content of the article.

The font used here also the professional ‘sans serif font, used by mostly all the other magazines I have analysed.

The text here is well to small, even printed larger as the magazine, this text must be hard to read. This could lose the readers attention.

The double page spread is made up of one large image, probably a well known band which relates to the readers of this magazine.

The word news is colour in red and in big bold block letters to show importance and to catch the readers attention.

The first 3 words at the front of this article are in different colour and different size to draw the readers attention.

Page 8: Analysis

The quote which is bordered automatically catches the readers attention because it is a different size compared to the rest of the article text and different colour.

The first four lines of the article are larger and bold to draw the readers attention to the beginning of the article.

The first half of the double page spread is taken up by one large image, straight away the reader looks at this because when looking at a magazine you automatically look at the top right.

Mixture of images and text, the four images down the left hand side resemble a comic strip timeline which keeps the article fun and fresh.

Page 9: Analysis

The font here looks like it has been stamped on to make it look interesting. The background colours make the font colour stand out and the colours also match the double page spread colour scheme.

Both images here of the band are in dark colours which represent the band as dark and ‘Goth’ like. This changes your mood about the band but if the target audience of the magazine is people who represent this genre of music then these pictures would be very appealing.

The pull quote here does not really stand out as there is nothing fancy making it appealing to the reader, no bright background colours and a plain ‘sans serif font.

The main article of the double page spread is set out like an interview, names of people asking the questions and names of people who the question is asked to and they're answer.

There is not much empty space on this double page spread which is professional, the colour scheme is also clear and relates to the theme.