Analysis 1 - Detailed Written Analysis - Limitless

Analysis 1 – Detailed Written Analysis – Limitless Camerawork Example 1: This wide shot shows the protagonist from the film perched on the edge of an apartment balcony. The character is shown to be very small on the shot in comparison to his surroundings, which represents him as overwhelmed and vulnerable. This is typical in the thriller genre as it represents how the events in the narrative have put the character under serious strain and conflict. The wide shot also emphasizes the deadly situation the character is in which is typical of the thriller genre and will leave the trailer on a cliffhanger ending that will encourage the target audience to see the film.

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Analysis 1 – Detailed Written Analysis – Limitless


Example 1:

This wide shot shows the protagonist from the film perched on the edge of an apartment balcony. The character is shown to be very small on the shot in comparison to his surroundings, which represents him as overwhelmed and vulnerable. This is typical in the thriller genre as it represents how the events in the narrative have put the character under serious strain and conflict. The wide shot also emphasizes the deadly situation the character is in which is typical of the thriller genre and will leave the trailer on a cliffhanger ending that will encourage the target audience to see the film.

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Example 2:

This low angle long shot once again puts the protagonist in a dangerous and daring situation typical of the thriller genre but this time shows him to be in control. The low angle looking up on the character emphasizes his control and power, which is a result of the pill he has taken. This is conventional of the psychological genre as it displays the extreme feats of the pill.

Example 3:

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This mid shot is at the beginning of the trailer and emphasizes the progression of the narrative. It does this through presenting the scruffy appearance of the protagonist. The shot begins to pan as the character walks across the road and displays the angry look on his face, which connotes his frustration at his life that is going nowhere. This is in juxtaposition to how his lifestyle develops throughout the narrative therefore this shot fully establishes the equilibrium of the film allowing the audience to have a greater understanding of the films storyline.


Example 1:

This is an example of eyeline match as it shows the protagonist looking at what he is holding and then a shot of the pill he is holding. The first shot displays the curiosity on his face, which reveals to the audience that what he is holding is a point of interest and significance. The second shot then fully reveals the pill while the voiceover explains what it does which explains the disequilibrium of the narrative. It also opens up a conventional story arc to the psychological genre through the boosted mental state of the protagonist.

Example 2:

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This shot shows a use of CGI that reveals a series of numbers and equations on the ceiling. This will stand out to the audience and make the shot more memorable as it does not reveal what is actually there but in fact provides an insight into the protagonist’s mind allowing the audience to relate more to what he is experiencing. The insight into his mind is also conventional of the psychological genre as it shows his new thought process since he has taken the pill.

Example 3:

Editing is also used to create a conventional thriller trailer through the increasing fast paced editing. At the start of the trailer the editing is slow which supports the portrayal of the protagonist’s life that is going nowhere. The pace of the editing however starts to increase as the pace of the protagonist’s life does up to the point where he is under attack from thugs where the transition between each shot becomes more and more frequent. This adds to the sense of excitement and tension in the trailer, which is a key characteristic of the thriller genre.

Mise en Scene

Example 1:

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This shot displays many aspects of mise-en-scene that create an introduction to the protagonists life. For example the low-key lighting within the room connotes the negative route in which his life is currently heading. The setting of a run down bar creates a similar impression and contrasts some of the luxurious and glamorous locations he is in later on in the trailer. Props are used such as the glass of whiskey which he is drinking from which creates the impression he has a reckless nature and has a negative attitude towards his life; this impression is added to with the protagonists costume which is looks scruffy and dirty, once again contrasting outfits he is seen in later on.

Example 2:

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This shot is put in the trailer as a form of juxtaposition to example 1 as it shows the protagonist in a contrasted atmosphere. The use of props such as the shot glass he is holding link this scene to the previous one but other aspects of mise en scene contrast it such as the setting, which is clearly a much more upmarket bar than the one he was previously in which connotes the increase in his quality of life. His costume is used to the same effects as his smart shirt and blazer is clearly more expensive and professional than the plain old t-shirt he is wearing in example 1 and signifies his wealth and power. This will create a sense of intrigue within the audience who will be interested to see how the character developed into what he is at this point.

Example 3:

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The mise en scene is used conventionally for the thriller genre in this extract due to the use of props such as the knife being held by the antagonist, which creates a sense of threat and danger, conventional of this genre. As this is seen from the perspective of the protagonist it allows the audience to feel more engaged in the scene and persuaded to watch the film. The characters appearance and costume adds to his menace and state of authority, which emphasizes the state of peril the protagonist is in.


Example 1:

The action in the trailer begins with the accompaniment of a voiceover from the main protagonist. This non-diegetic sound is a conventional trait of the start of a trailer and a film alike and allows the audience to both engage with the character and be introduced to the concept and themes of the film. In this trailer, the voiceover creates a humorous tone to the scene in reference to the “I’m a writer” quote, which adds a sense of personality to the main protagonist. It also continues to explain the plot developments within the film throughout the trailer, which proves it to be an efficient way of presenting an outline of the film in a trailer to its audience.

Example 2:

Another considerable use of non-diegetic sound in the extract is the soundtrack itself which changes in pace and tone depending on the action. It starts off slow paced to represent his life going nowhere and begins to pick up in pace as the

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protagonists life begins to change. This is a conventional and effective means of setting the scene and helps to convey the mood and intensity of a scene. Towards the end of the soundtrack, a famous song by Kanye West is incorporated into it that would be well known to a large amount of the audience. This is an effective technique, as it would help the audience remember the trailer and associate it with that song.

Example 3:

Diegetic sound is also used in the trailer to emphasize the tension such as loud car engines, the sound of doors being kicked in and people being punched in the face etc. All of these are conventional for the thriller genre as it shows the protagonist in a situation of danger and peril that is often shown in thriller trailers. It will also appeal to the audience who will associate these sound effects with exciting scenes and will be inclined to see how these scenes pan out.

Conventions, Representations and Narratives

The main protagonist is represented in two contrasting ways during the narrative, firstly as a down on his luck loser and secondly as a hotshot millionaire; the technical elements emphasize this change. Despite it being a thriller there is no clear, main protagonist represented in the trailer despite some minor shots of thugs threatening the lead character. This could be explained due to the psychological nature of the film, suggesting the main conflict of the protagonist to be with himself. The narrative follows the traditional form of equilibrium (the pill drastically improving the quality of the protagonists life), disequilibrium (him getting into trouble and experiencing side effects of the pill) and the resolution is not featured within the trailer as it typically only previews and promotes the main film. Other conventions of the form include the companies and actors names appearing at the beginning and end and on-screen text that outlines key themes of the plot.