an Web view9) Membrane-bound proteins that use metabolic energy to move ions across the plasma...

1) All fatty acids contain a functional group at one end called the ________ acid group. A) linoleic B) ribonucleic C) hydroxyl D) glycosidic E) carboxylic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 2) The three structural components of a nucleotide are a pentose, a phosphate group, and a ________ base. A) nucleic B) hydrophilic C) hydrochloric D) nitrogenous E) sulfuric Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 3) Carbohydrate molecules A) are the building blocks of cellular membranes. B) form the regulatory molecules known as enzymes. C) are the body's most readily available source of energy. D) are composed of C, H, O, and N atoms. E) contain the genetic information found in cells. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 4) The third and fourth ventricles are linked by a slender canal designated as the A) central canal. B) tentorium cerebelli. C) cerebral aqueduct. D) interventricular foramina. E) pontine canal.

Transcript of an Web view9) Membrane-bound proteins that use metabolic energy to move ions across the plasma...

Page 1: an   Web view9) Membrane-bound proteins that use metabolic energy to move ions across the plasma membrane are called _____ pumps

1) All fatty acids contain a functional group at one end called the ________ acid group.A) linoleic B) ribonucleic C) hydroxyl D) glycosidic E) carboxylic Answer: ELearning Outcome: 2-10Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

2) The three structural components of a nucleotide are a pentose, a phosphate group, and a ________ base. A) nucleicB) hydrophilicC) hydrochloricD) nitrogenousE) sulfuricAnswer: DLearning Outcome: 2-12Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

3) Carbohydrate molecules A) are the building blocks of cellular membranes. B) form the regulatory molecules known as enzymes. C) are the body's most readily available source of energy. D) are composed of C, H, O, and N atoms. E) contain the genetic information found in cells. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 2-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

4) The third and fourth ventricles are linked by a slender canal designated as the A) central canal. B) tentorium cerebelli. C) cerebral aqueduct. D) interventricular foramina. E) pontine canal. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 14-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

5) You would expect a peptide bond to link A) two simple sugars. B) two amino acids. C) two nucleotides. D) a sugar and a peptide.

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E) a peptide and a fatty acid. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 2-11Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

6) Each amino acid differs from another in the A) number of central carbon atoms. B) size of the amino group. C) number of carboxyl groups. D) nature of the side chain. E) number of peptide bonds in the molecule. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 2-11Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

7) Identify the mismatched pair.A) receptor proteins — bind with enzymesB) channel proteins — provide passageway for ionsC) recognition proteins — identify selfD) carrier proteins — provide transportE) enzymes — speed up chemical reactionsAnswer: ALearning Outcome: 3-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

8) Cell membranes are said to be ________ because they allow some substances to pass but not others. A) impermeableB) doubly amphipathicC) hydrophilicD) selectively permeableE) hydrophobicAnswer: DLearning Outcome: 3-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

9) Membrane-bound proteins that use metabolic energy to move ions across the plasma membrane are called ________ pumps. A) channel B) receptor C) active D) motor E) ion Answer: ELearning Outcome: 3-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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10) Whenever positive and negative ions have been separated, a(n) ________ will be produced. A) resistanceB) potential differenceC) flow of currentD) charged fieldE) energy cloudAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 3-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

11) Special cells called ________ cells maintain tissues by unending cycles of cell division. A) cytogenic B) mother C) stem D) root E) omnipotent Answer: CLearning Outcome: 3-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

12) The physical process by which a single animal cell separates into two cells is called A) cytosis.B) mitosis.C) cytokinesis.D) phoresis.E) meiosis.Answer: CLearning Outcome: 3-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

13) A(n) ________ is a mutant of a regulatory gene that causes cancer. A) neogeneB) plasmogeneC) toxogeneD) oncogeneE) monogeneAnswer: DLearning Outcome: 3-10Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

14) The process by which cells become specialized is called A) determination.B) cytokinesis.C) mutation.D) differentiation.

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E) distinction.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 3-11

15) The study of tissues is called A) cytology.B) toxicology.C) micrology.D) histology.E) mycology.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 4-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

16) An epithelial cell can be divided into two functional regions. They are the ________ and the basal surface. A) apicalB) pinnacleC) topicalD) crestE) apogealAnswer: ALearning Outcome: 4-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

17) ________ are proteins that connect adjacent cells at a gap junction.A) BindinsB) AdhesionsC) ConnexinsD) AttachonsE) TieonsAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 4-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

18) Which of the following glands have a compound rather than a simple structure?A) salivary glandsB) sebaceous glandsC) mucous glandsD) sweat glandsE) gastric glandsAnswer: ALearning Outcome: 4-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

19) The process of lactation (milk production) depends on both merocrine and ________ secretion by mammary gland epithelial cells.

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A) epicrineB) eccrineC) holocrineD) apocrineE) endocrineAnswer: DLearning Outcome: 4-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

20) The watery fluid component of blood is called A) hemosol.B) liquid elements.C) formed elements.D) hemoplasm.E) plasma.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 4-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

21) In areolar connective tissue, ________ cells release histamine. A) plasmaB) mastC) mesenchymalD) glandE) gobletAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 4-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

22) Growth of cartilage by accumulation of matrix around chondrocytes is called ________ growth. A) appositionalB) intrasitionalC) transitionalD) transformationalE) interstitialAnswer: ELearning Outcome: 4-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

23) The loose connective tissue component of a mucous membrane is called the A) lamina densa.B) basal lamina.C) areolar lamina.D) lamina propria.E) mucina lamina.Answer: D

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Learning Outcome: 4-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

24) Accumulations of fluid within the epidermis or between the epidermis and the dermis is/are called A) keloids.B) scabs. C) blisters.D) scars.E) pus.Answer: CLearning Outcome: 5-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

25) The pigment found in vegetables that can make the skin appear orange or yellow is called A) cadmium.B) caroteneC) hemoglobin.D) keratin.E) melanin.Answer: BLearning Outcome: 5-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

26) A deficiency disease that illustrates the effect of integumentary system function on the structure of the skeletal system is A) osteoporosis.B) seborrheic dermatitis.C) decubitus ulcers.D) rickets.E) beriberi.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 5-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

27) The substance called sebum is commonly known as A) sweat.B) earwax.C) skin oil.D) pus.E) dandruff.Answer: CLearning Outcome: 5-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

28) Cells that free calcium from bone to maintain blood calcium levels are called

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A) osteolytics.B) osteoclasts.C) osteoblasts.D) osteogenics.E) osteocytes.Answer: BLearning Outcome: 6-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

29) ________ fibers are stronger than steel when stretched. A) CalciumB) MineralC) ElasticD) CarbonE) CollagenAnswer: ELearning Outcome: 6-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

30) During the process of ________, an existing tissue is replaced by bone. A) phosphorylationB) resorptionC) ossificationD) osteopropagationE) remodelingAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 6-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

31) The ongoing process of tearing down and rebuilding bone matrix is called A) restoration.B) osteolysis.C) resorption.D) ossification.E) remodeling.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 6-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

32) ________ hormones stimulate osteoblasts to produce bone matrix. A) SexB) GrowthC) ThyroidD) ParathyroidE) PancreaticAnswer: A

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Learning Outcome: 6-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

33) A(n) ________, or closed, fracture does not break the skin. A) plainB) internalC) simpleD) containedE) commonAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 6-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

34) The natural age-related loss of bone mass is called A) osteogenesis imperfecta.B) osteoporosis.C) osteomalacia.D) osteodysplasia.E) osteopenia.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 6-10Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

35) A(n) ________ can be described as a broad tendinous sheet.A) fasciaeB) retinaculumC) aponeurosisD) interstitiumE) tympanumAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 10-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

36) The protein that regulates muscle contraction by controlling the availability of active sites on actin is called A) actin.B) titin.C) myosin.D) tropomyosin.E) nebulin.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 10-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

37) Communication between axons and muscle fibers occurs at specialized synapses called A) nervous units.B) synaptic terminals.

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C) motor end plates.D) motor units.E) neuromuscular junctions.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 10-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

38) Identify the incorrect statement about a single motor unit.A) The more neurons involved, the more powerful the contraction.B) The smaller the number of muscle fibers, the more precise the movement. C) Fine motor skills depend on the development of small motor units.D) Some motor units include as many as 2000 muscle fibers.E) Muscle fibers of one motor unit intermingle with the fibers of another motor unit.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 10-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

39) The nervous tissue outside of the central nervous system composes the ________ nervous system. A) somaticB) peripheralC) autonomicD) afferentE) parasympatheticAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 12-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

40) Neuron cell bodies in the PNS are clustered together in masses called A) fibers.B) tracts.C) nerves.D) nuclei.E) ganglia.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 12-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

41) The separation of positive and negative charges across the membrane creates a ________ difference, or voltage. A) thermodynamicB) permeabilityC) dialysisD) electrochemicalE) potentialAnswer: E

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Learning Outcome: 12-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

42) The minimum stimulus required to trigger an action potential is known as the A) threshold.B) all-or-none response.C) potential.D) incentive.E) summation.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 12-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

43) The period during which an excitable membrane can respond again, but only if the stimulus is greater than the threshold stimulus, is the ________ period.A) relative refractory B) absolute refractory C) resting D) lag E) stationary Answer: ALearning Outcome: 12-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

44) The presence of ________ dramatically increases the speed at which an action potential moves along an axon. A) a capsuleB) plasma proteinC) neurilemmaD) glial cellsE) myelinAnswer: ELearning Outcome: 12-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

45) At a(n) ________ synapse, a neurotransmitter is released to stimulate the postsynaptic membrane. A) electricalB) cellC) chemicalD) osmoticE) gapAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 12-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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46) The folds of the cerebrum are called A) sulci.B) arachnoid granulations.C) cortical folds.D) gyri.E) dural sinuses.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 14-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

47) Chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid are called A) plexuses.B) ganglia.C) sinuses.D) aqueducts.E) ventricles.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 14-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

48) Cardiovascular centers located in the ________ adjust the heart rate, the strength of cardiac contractions, and the flow of blood through the peripheral tissues. A) ponsB) medulla oblongataC) prefrontal cortexD) mesencephalonE) basal gangliaAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 14-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

49) The folds of the surface of the cerebrumA) increase the surface area of the cerebrum.B) form a network of blood vessels over the brain.C) consist of axons and dendrites of neurons.D) are bathed in spinal fluid.E) are called sulci.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 14-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

50) The mesencephalon contains the headquarters of the ________, a specialized component of the reticular formation that controls alertness and attention. A) falx cerebriB) Wernicke's area

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C) general association areaD) reticular activating systemE) basal gangliaAnswer: DLearning Outcome: 14-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

51) Emotions and behavioral drives are associated with the A) geniculate nucleus.B) thalamus.C) fornix.D) general association area.E) hypothalamus.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 14-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

52) In most cases, the general interpretive center and the speech center are located in A) the left cerebral hemisphere. B) the right cerebral hemisphere. C) neither of the cerebral hemispheres.D) both of the cerebral hemispheres.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 14-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

53) The ________ nervous system carries impulses to skeletal muscles.A) somaticB) sympatheticC) parasympatheticD) afferentE) primitiveAnswer: ALearning Outcome: 15-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

54) ________ provides information about the intensity, duration, location, and modality of a sensory stimulus. A) BaroreceptorsB) Sensory codingC) Tactile receptorsD) Lamellated corpusclesE) Merkel's discsAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 15-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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55) Why is it that one cannot identify the location of internal organs, although joints and bone location can be identified?A) The internal organs have no proprioceptors like joints, bones, and muscles.B) Internal organs have no pain receptors.C) Although internal organs have some receptors, the information is not interpreted by the brain.D) Internal organs have no receptors of any kind. E) Sensory information from internal organs is processed by a different part of the brain than the joints, bones, and muscles.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 15-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

56) When placed in water, an inorganic compound dissociates 99 percent, forming hydrogen ions and anions. This compound would be aA) strong base. B) weak base. C) strong acid. D) weak acid. E) salt. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 2-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

57) Carbohydrate molecules A) are the building blocks of cellular membranes. B) form the regulatory molecules known as enzymes. C) are the body's most readily available source of energy. D) are composed of C, H, O, and N atoms. E) contain the genetic information found in cells. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 2-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

58) The term ________ means each enzyme catalyzes only one type of reaction. A) saturation B) specificity C) inertia D) activation E) monoreactive Answer: BLearning Outcome: 2-11Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

59) Red blood cell shrinkage is to ________ as red blood cell bursting is to ________. A) crenation; hemolysis B) lysis; crenation

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C) hypotonic; isotonic D) isotonic; hypotonic E) isotonic; hypertonic Answer: ALearning Outcome: 3-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

60) In order to maintain cellular homeostasis, an exchange pump ejects ________ ions from the cell and imports ________ ions. A) potassium; calcium B) sodium; calcium C) potassium; sodium D) sodium; potassium E) calcium; sodium Answer: DLearning Outcome: 3-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

61) The potential difference across the cell membrane is due to the separation of A) carbohydrate molecules. B) water molecules. C) cations and anions. D) acids and bases. E) phospholipids and proteins. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 3-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

62) Which of the following statements about simple epithelia is false? A) They afford little mechanical protection. B) They are characteristic of regions where secretion or absorption occurs. C) They line internal compartments and passageways. D) They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical or chemical stress. E) They are avascular. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 4-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

63) The dominant fiber type in dense connective tissue is A) collagen. B) elastin. C) actin. D) myosin. E) connectin. Answer: A

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Learning Outcome: 4-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

64) Tissue that is specialized for contraction is ________ tissue. A) loose connective B) dense connective C) epithelial D) nerve E) muscle Answer: ELearning Outcome: 4-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

65) All of the following are true of the pigment melanin, except that it A) decreases in concentration within cells during exposure to the sun. B) is usually some shade of brown or black. C) protects DNA from the damaging effects of UV radiation. D) is produced from the amino acid tyrosine.E) is produced by cells called melanocytes. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 5-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

66) All of the following are true of neurons except that A) when mature, they lose the ability to divide. B) they conduct a nervous impulse. C) they are composed of a cell body and axon. D) they are a very specialized form of connective tissue. E) they are separated from one another by synapses. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 4-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

67) The protein that permits stretching and recoiling of the skin is A) collagen. B) melanin. C) keratin. D) elastin. E) carotene. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 5-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

68) Variations in hair color reflect differences in the pigment produced by A) keratinocytes. B) melanocytes.

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C) dermal papillae. D) soft keratin. E) carotene cells. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 5-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

69) Glands that discharge an oily secretion into hair follicles are ________ glands. A) ceruminous B) apocrine sweat C) merocrine sweat D) sebaceous E) mammary Answer: DLearning Outcome: 5-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

70) Through the action of osteoclasts, A) new bone is formed. B) an organic framework is formed. C) bony matrix is dissolved. D) osteoid is calcified. E) fractured bones regenerate. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 6-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

Xtra Credit

1) For the last few weeks, you have had an odd sensation on your upper thigh. When you touch the naked skin, it feels very strange, like you are touching your skin through layers of cloth. The surrounding area feels normal. Your doctor thinks that this may be related to spinal nerve damage related to a herniated disc. The doctor calls this change in sensationA) paresthesia.B) anesthesia.C) hypesthesia.D) synesthesia.E) kinesthesia.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 15-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

2) Bob is struck on the left side of the head and is knocked unconscious. When he recovers

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consciousness, he can hear individual words but cannot understand the meaning of phrases or sentences. This implies damage to his A) vestibulocochlear nerve. B) general interpretive area. C) speech center. D) prefrontal lobe. E) temporal lobe. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 14-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

3) Since each myofibril is attached at either end of the muscle fiber, when sarcomeres shorten, the muscle fiber A) lengthens. B) shortens. C) strengthens. D) weakens. E) pulls from the middle. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 10-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

4) Why does osteoporosis affect more women than men? A) Women typically do not get enough calcium in their diet. B) Men do not remodel the skeleton as fast as women. C) Pregnancy causes deossification of bones in women and will lead to osteoporosis. D) Men exercise more than women and therefore have less osteoporosis. E) Women have a decrease in sex hormones after menopause.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 6-10Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

5) In dehydration synthesis reactions, compounds A) lose water molecules. B) gain water molecules. C) convert water molecules to hydrogen and oxygen. D) convert hydrogen and oxygen to water. E) gain electrons. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 2-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension