AN OVERVIEW OF COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKSchintha/resources/papers/2017/...2 An Overview of Cognitive...

AN OVERVIEW OF COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS 1. INTRODUCTION Radio spectrum needed for applications, such as mobile telephony, digital video broadcasting (DVB), wireless local area networks (WiFi), wireless sensor networks (ZigBee), and Internet of things, is enormous and continues to grow (1,2,3). This exponential growth is set to continue (4). For example, by 2019, the monthly mobile data traffic will ex- ceed 24.3 exabytes, mobile devices per capita will be 1.5 and the average speed of a wireless connection will increase to 4 Mbps, over 59% of mobile connections will be from smart- phones, and mobile-to-mobile connections will be the ma- jority (4). Therefore, the demand for wireless connectivity, coverage, capacity, and services will continually expand. However, a critical bottleneck is the radio spectrum, a fi- nite resource that cannot be readily expanded. For exam- ple, although theoretically ranging from 3 Hz to 3000 GHz, the entire spectrum is not usable; thus, the prime spectrum for current wireless standards may be roughly 1–5 GHz. This is because the spectrum below 1 GHz has already been reserved for applications such as radar, military commu- nications, and terrestrial radio/television, while the spec- trum above 5 GHz suffers from increased attenuation and atmospheric absorption. Therefore, the limited spectrum presents a roadblock for the rapid growth of wireless net- works and users. Now given this real, physical spectrum constraint, an obvious question is how efficient is the current use of spec- trum? Quantitatively, spectral efficiency is measured in bits per second per Hertz (bps/Hz), which is the data rate that can be sent over a unit bandwidth. While this effi- ciency has steadily increased due to technical improve- ments, such as the use of higher order modulation and adaptive techniques (5,6), the rate of growth has decreased recently (7). Due to this saturation, improving spectral ef- ficiency by other means is essential for the growth of wire- less networks. How do we improve the spectral efficiency of wireless networks as a whole? Before answering this question, we must look at the inefficiencies of current spectrum us- age. First of all, spectrum is assigned in a fixed man- ner by national regulatory bodies, and their main prin- ciple is to avoid radio interference, which is achieved by dividing spectrum into bands (e.g., frequency division) that are allocated to one or more services. These radio services include mobile, satellite, amateur radio, navigation, and others (e.g., Table 1). A license gives an exclusive right to operate (transmit and receive wireless signals) in a spe- cific frequency band, in a specific location or geographic area. But much of the licensed spectrum remains unused in practice at different times and/or locations. Those tem- porary spectrum slots (aka spectrum holes or white spaces) (8,9) can be as high as 15–85 % of the licensed spectrum (10). Clearly, to improve the overall spectral efficiency, unlicensed users can be allowed to access such spectrum holes. Thus, this fact suggests the need for opportunis- tic spectrum access without causing undue interference to licensed users (11,12). Such capability is the defining characteristic of cognitive radio (CR) nodes, which require algorithms and protocols for rapid spectrum sensing, coor- dination, and cooperation. In other words, CR nodes can recognize unused parts of spectrum and adapt their com- munications to utilize them while minimizing the inter- ference on licensed users. Consequently, CR improves the overall spectrum usage, by moving away from static as- signments into more dynamic forms of spectrum access. Thus, to enable access to idle or underutilized spec- trum, CR networks have already been standardized in IEEE 802.22 WRAN (Wireless Regional Area Network) and its amendments, IEEE 802.11af for wireless LANs, IEEE 1900.x series, and has also been a motivating factor for licensed shared access (LSA) for LTE mobile operators (13). Furthermore, test beds have been built to verify the feasibility of CR within LTE systems (14). In the context of CR, licensed spectrum users are called primary users (PUs) and unlicensed users are called sec- ondary users (SUs) or CR nodes (both terms will be used interchangeably henceforth.) Thus, SUs must opportunis- tically access spectrum holes, while keeping the interfer- ence on the PU receivers at either zero or below a pre- scribed level. The coexistence of a group of secondary CR networks and a primary network is shown in Figure 1. CR networks can be divided into the following three paradigms (Figure 2) (15,16,17,18,19,20): Interweave networks. These operate on an interfer- ence free basis and hold true to the original premise of utilizing spectrum holes (e.g., spectrum slots or chunks which are vacant or underutilized within a given geographical area) (15). As soon as a spec- trum hole appears, interweave devices can begin data transmission, but must end their transmissions when the sensing algorithms indicate that PU devices are resuming (17). Such algorithms include matched filter, cylostationary, signal energy or eigenvalues- based detection, waveform sensing, and beacon detec- tion (21,22). Other schemes use out-of-band beacon transmissions (23) or geolocation databases (22,24). These will be described in detail subsequently. Underlay networks. In these, both PU and SU de- vices simultaneously transmit over the same spec- trum slots (15,17,19,25,26). Thus, there is no need to detect spectrum holes. However, the interference temperature (Section 3.4) experienced by a PU re- ceiver must be below a threshold. To reduce the inter- ference temperature (19), the SU devices may reduce their transmit power, cancel interference, and imple- ment nontransmitting regions (guard regions) around primary receivers (11,27). These regions can be en- forced either through prior location information from a centralized controller using a geolocation database, GPS (Global Positioning System) data, or sensing pi- lot signals originating from the PU nodes (28,29,30). Overlay networks. These also allow concurrent PU and SU transmissions. However, the difference from the underlay mode is that SU devices must have knowledge about the PU transmitted data sequence J. Webster (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8355

Transcript of AN OVERVIEW OF COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKSchintha/resources/papers/2017/...2 An Overview of Cognitive...



    Radio spectrum needed for applications, such as mobiletelephony, digital video broadcasting (DVB), wireless localarea networks (WiFi), wireless sensor networks (ZigBee),and Internet of things, is enormous and continues to grow(1,2,3). This exponential growth is set to continue (4). Forexample, by 2019, the monthly mobile data traffic will ex-ceed 24.3 exabytes, mobile devices per capita will be 1.5 andthe average speed of a wireless connection will increase to4 Mbps, over 59% of mobile connections will be from smart-phones, and mobile-to-mobile connections will be the ma-jority (4). Therefore, the demand for wireless connectivity,coverage, capacity, and services will continually expand.However, a critical bottleneck is the radio spectrum, a fi-nite resource that cannot be readily expanded. For exam-ple, although theoretically ranging from 3 Hz to 3000 GHz,the entire spectrum is not usable; thus, the prime spectrumfor current wireless standards may be roughly 1–5 GHz.This is because the spectrumbelow 1GHzhas already beenreserved for applications such as radar, military commu-nications, and terrestrial radio/television, while the spec-trum above 5 GHz suffers from increased attenuation andatmospheric absorption. Therefore, the limited spectrumpresents a roadblock for the rapid growth of wireless net-works and users.

    Now given this real, physical spectrum constraint, anobvious question is how efficient is the current use of spec-trum? Quantitatively, spectral efficiency is measured inbits per second per Hertz (bps/Hz), which is the data ratethat can be sent over a unit bandwidth. While this effi-ciency has steadily increased due to technical improve-ments, such as the use of higher order modulation andadaptive techniques (5,6), the rate of growth has decreasedrecently (7). Due to this saturation, improving spectral ef-ficiency by other means is essential for the growth of wire-less networks.

    How do we improve the spectral efficiency of wirelessnetworks as a whole? Before answering this question, wemust look at the inefficiencies of current spectrum us-age. First of all, spectrum is assigned in a fixed man-ner by national regulatory bodies, and their main prin-ciple is to avoid radio interference, which is achieved bydividing spectrum into bands (e.g., frequency division) thatare allocated to one or more services. These radio servicesinclude mobile, satellite, amateur radio, navigation, andothers (e.g., Table 1). A license gives an exclusive right tooperate (transmit and receive wireless signals) in a spe-cific frequency band, in a specific location or geographicarea. But much of the licensed spectrum remains unusedin practice at different times and/or locations. Those tem-porary spectrum slots (aka spectrumholes or white spaces)(8,9) can be as high as 15–85 % of the licensed spectrum(10). Clearly, to improve the overall spectral efficiency,unlicensed users can be allowed to access such spectrumholes. Thus, this fact suggests the need for opportunis-tic spectrum access without causing undue interference

    to licensed users (11,12). Such capability is the definingcharacteristic of cognitive radio (CR) nodes, which requirealgorithms and protocols for rapid spectrum sensing, coor-dination, and cooperation. In other words, CR nodes canrecognize unused parts of spectrum and adapt their com-munications to utilize them while minimizing the inter-ference on licensed users. Consequently, CR improves theoverall spectrum usage, by moving away from static as-signments into more dynamic forms of spectrum access.

    Thus, to enable access to idle or underutilized spec-trum, CR networks have already been standardized inIEEE 802.22 WRAN (Wireless Regional Area Network)and its amendments, IEEE 802.11af for wireless LANs,IEEE 1900.x series, and has also been a motivating factorfor licensed shared access (LSA) for LTE mobile operators(13). Furthermore, test beds have been built to verify thefeasibility of CR within LTE systems (14).

    In the context of CR, licensed spectrum users are calledprimary users (PUs) and unlicensed users are called sec-ondary users (SUs) or CR nodes (both terms will be usedinterchangeably henceforth.) Thus, SUs must opportunis-tically access spectrum holes, while keeping the interfer-ence on the PU receivers at either zero or below a pre-scribed level. The coexistence of a group of secondary CRnetworks and a primary network is shown in Figure 1.

    CR networks can be divided into the following threeparadigms (Figure 2) (15,16,17,18,19,20):

    • Interweave networks. These operate on an interfer-ence free basis and hold true to the original premiseof utilizing spectrum holes (e.g., spectrum slots orchunks which are vacant or underutilized within agiven geographical area) (15). As soon as a spec-trum hole appears, interweave devices can begindata transmission, but must end their transmissionswhen the sensing algorithms indicate that PU devicesare resuming (17). Such algorithms include matchedfilter, cylostationary, signal energy or eigenvalues-based detection, waveform sensing, and beacon detec-tion (21,22). Other schemes use out-of-band beacontransmissions (23) or geolocation databases (22,24).These will be described in detail subsequently.

    • Underlay networks. In these, both PU and SU de-vices simultaneously transmit over the same spec-trum slots (15,17,19,25,26). Thus, there is no needto detect spectrum holes. However, the interferencetemperature (Section 3.4) experienced by a PU re-ceiver must be below a threshold. To reduce the inter-ference temperature (19), the SU devices may reducetheir transmit power, cancel interference, and imple-ment nontransmitting regions (guard regions) aroundprimary receivers (11,27). These regions can be en-forced either through prior location information froma centralized controller using a geolocation database,GPS (Global Positioning System) data, or sensing pi-lot signals originating from the PU nodes (28,29,30).

    • Overlay networks. These also allow concurrent PUand SU transmissions. However, the difference fromthe underlay mode is that SU devices must haveknowledge about the PU transmitted data sequence

    J. Webster (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8355

  • 2 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    Table 1. Existing Frequency Assignment for Different Services

    Service FrequencyE-GSM-900 (Mobile) 880–915, 925–960 MHzDCS (Mobile) 1710–1785, 1805–1880 MHzFM radio (Broadcasting) 88–108 MHzStandard C Band (Satellitecommunication)

    5.850–6.425, 3.625–4.200 GHz

    Nondirectional radio beacon(Navigation)

    190–1535 kHz

    Figure 1. Cognitive radio (CR) networks existing within a pri-mary network.



    Primary network

    CR network


    Figure 2. Interweave, underlay, and overlay modes of cognitiveradio.

    (e.g., message) encoding methods (code book) (17,19).This information can be utilized in two different ways.First, it can be used to cancel the PU interference onSU receivers, using canceling techniques such as dirtypaper coding (DPC) that precodes transmitted data to

    negate the effects of interference (31). Second, it canbe used by SU nodes to cooperate with the primarynetwork by relaying PU messages.


    To enable opportunistic spectrum access, the key func-tions of CR networks are (1) spectrum sensing, (2) spec-trum management and decision, (3) spectrum sharing,and (4) spectrum mobility (15). These are briefly describednext.

    2.1. Spectrum Sensing

    This refers to detecting spectrum holes accurately. Fur-thermore, it must be ongoing and continuous such thatwhenever the PU reaccesses the spectrum, it indicates toCR nodes to cease transmission immediately. It can be im-plemented via in-band sensing, out-of-band-sensing, andgeolocation databases (Section 3). It also helps to adjustadditional parameters such as power levels, codes, andfrequencies in order to limit unwanted interference (15).

    2.2. Spectrum Management and Decision

    When multiple spectrum holes are distributed over a widefrequency range (15), spectrum management involves se-lecting the best possible one. The choice is made by con-sidering transmit power, bandwidth, modulation schemes,coding schemes, and scheduling (15). The choice alsodepends on Quality of Service (QoS) criteria for the needsof CR communication, such as packet error rate, latency,and throughput, and these can be based either on the op-timality for a single pair of communicating nodes or fora whole set of CR devices. In the latter case, a centralentity makes the decisions and disseminates those to theparticipating nodes.

    Before a spectrum decision can be made, the availablespectrum holes must be characterized based on the follow-ing factors (10,15):

    (a) Interference on the primary network: The potential in-terference on primary network when using a spectrumhole depends on several factors. For a given spectrumhole within a specific geographical area, there may beadjacent PUs, which also could be subject to interfer-ence. Furthermore, underlay nodes can transmit evenwith PU activity. In addition, even if a nearby PU trans-mitter is silent, it may reaccess the spectrumhole at anymoment. If multiple spectrumholes exist that are other-wise equal apart from potential interference to the PUs,the one with the lowest potential interference must bechosen.

    (b) Mutual CR interference: This occurs when multiple CRnodes access the same spectrum hole. Thus, the levelof their mutual interference is a factor in choosing thespectrum hole. Low potential interference levels per-mit the use of higher transmit powers, and thus higherorder constellations such as 256 QAM (quadrature am-plitude modulation) may be used instead of lower orderQPSK (quadrature phase shift keying).

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 3

    (c) Holding time: This is the time period a CR node occu-pies a spectrum hole before having to release it due tothe reentering PUs. Large holding times enable unin-terrupted CR communication.

    (d) Frequency band: The frequency range of available spec-trum holes is important in many aspects. First, highfrequencies increase free space path loss, requiring anincrease of transmit power levels. However, this re-duces the battery life and energy efficiency. Especiallyfor handheld cell phone devices, increasing power maynot be viable, and thus the CR communication range de-creases rapidly. Second, higher frequency bands, suchas the millimeter wave frequency band (30–300 GHz),suffer additional channel impairments such as block-ages due to objects, because at such frequencies signalsexhibit weak scattering properties. Third, certain fre-quencies are highly attenuated due to oxygen absorp-tion at 60 GHz or water vapor absorption at 24 GHz.Overall, spectrum holes in such frequency bands arenot highly desirable.

    (e) Channel capacity: This is the theoreticalmaximumdatarate supported by a given channel. The channel capacity𝐶 in bits per second is given by the followingwell-knownShannon formula:

    𝐶 = 𝐵 log2(1 + 𝑆

    𝑁 + 𝐼


    where 𝐵 is the bandwidth in Hertz, 𝑆 is the receivedsignal power, 𝑁 is the noise power at the receiver, and𝐼 is the interference power at the receiver. The units of𝑆, 𝑁 , and 𝐼 are Watts. The channel capacity is a maincriterion for making spectrum decisions (15).

    Taking all these factors into consideration, thereare three ways to perform spectrum access decisions:(1) centralized, (2) distributed, and (3) cluster based(10,32).

    • Centralized decision-making. This involves a fusioncenter (FC), which can be an access point, a basestation, sink node, or a central controller. The FCcollects individual spectrum sensing results from dif-ferent SUs and those by itself. It may also use a ge-olocation database that lists the spectrum activity ofPUs within different geographical areas (Section 3.1).Finally, by appropriately combining all these results,it decides if PU signals are present or not, therebyidentifying spectrum holes.The main advantage is that a centralized processcan take into consideration multiple factors such asoptimizing the overall network throughput, reduc-ing intranetwork and internetwork interference, en-suring fairness among SU devices, and prioritizingcritical devices with added resources (32). However,the centralization requires high overhead due to SUnodes sending their sensing results and location in-formation and receiving spectrum access, power lev-els, scheduling, and other information from the FC.This overhead grows as the network gets denser andmore congested. Furthermore, this process needs adedicated control channel with reserved spectrum

    slots and energy, thus reducing the overall spectraland energy efficiency. Finally, this extra energy ex-pensemay not be feasible for small handheld, battery-powered SU devices.

    • Distributed decision-making. This refers to each SUmaking its own spectrum access decisions. This maybe a preferred way for nodes in ad hoc networkswithout any base station or a centralized control-ling entity. In this approach, each SU node hascomplete control on the decisions, which can betaken to maximize a suitable performance measure.Moreover, decisions suffer little latency. To sud-den changes in spectrum activities, the node canmake real-time responses without having to waitfor the FC. However, those locally optimal decisionsmay not be optimal for the network as a whole.Furthermore, incorrect decisions will risk the in-terference on both primary and SU networks. Thechances of this occurring are lower with centralizeddecisions.

    • Cluster-based decision-making. A group of nearby CRnodes may form clusters, and a cluster head amongthis group makes spectrum decisions (32). This ap-proach has the advantages of both distributed andcentralized schemes while limiting disadvantages.The cluster size can be kept small enough to reducecontrol information transfers, but large enough tomake decisions optimal for an area. Consequently,clustering reduces the power requirements for thetransmission of control signals.

    2.3. Spectrum Sharing

    Spectrum sharing refers to the fair division of spectrumholes among different CR devices. It is based on schedul-ing and may be performed in time, frequency, code, andeven space dimensions. It is also designed to avoid un-wanted intranetwork interference (10). It can be central-ized or distributed. In the former, a central entity controlsaccess and allocation by using the sensing results it re-ceives from distributed nodes. This entity computes thespectrum decisions. In the latter, without a central entity,each node makes spectrum decisions based on local infor-mation and rules.

    In a broader sense, spectrum sharing can involve notonly CR devices but also PU nodes. This situation is mostlyapplicable to the underlay CR mode where concurrenttransmissions occur. In such cases, priority should alwaysbe given to the PU.

    2.4. Spectrum Mobility

    This refers to the ability of CR nodes to hop among dif-ferent spectrum holes seamlessly depending on the condi-tions. These include PUs reaccessing the spectrum hole,adverse channel conditions within the current frequencyband, or increasing bandwidth to cater to a higher demandfor data rate among others. The transition between differ-ent spectrum holes is referred to as a spectrum handoff(15). These are analogous to traditional cellular handoffswhere amobile transfers to a different serving base station

  • 4 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    (with different codes/time, slots/frequencies, etc.) when theconditions of the current cell deteriorate. However, hand-offs should be seamless to avoid CR outages or latency.


    As mentioned before, unlicensed SU devices can oppor-tunistically access spectrum holes. Holes may exist invacant, underutilized, or occupied spectrum. Vacant spec-trum is where PU activity is absent within a particulargeographical area (19). For example, this may occur whenthe licensee does not use the spectrum in a specific locationor geographic area. Underutilized spectrum occurs whenPU activity is only present within certain times, but ab-sent during others. For example, cellular frequency slotsmay be idle at times depending on traffic levels. Even PU-occupied spectrum can be accessed by CR devices undercertain conditions. For example, transmit beamformingallows the signals to focus toward the intended receiverwithout interfering on other devices. The PU spectrumcan thus be used at the same geographical location by CRdevices without mutual interference (19).

    Spectrum identification techniques include geolocationdatabases, in-band sensing, out-of-band sensing, interfer-ence temperature-based detection, and co-operative sens-ing (15,19,33,34). We will elaborate on these schemes next.

    3.1. Geolocation Databases

    Having first measured its geographical location, an SUqueries a geolocation database for a list of availablefrequencies at this location. The database may also supplyadditional information such as the associated maximumpermitted transmit power levels for each of available fre-quencies and the validity time of the provided parameters(20,34).

    These centralized databases store up-to-date informa-tion about spectrum usage within different geographicalareas to identify spectrum holes readily (20,34). Thesedatabases may be administered by the regulators, whowill have final say on whether a particular CR device is al-lowed to access regulated spectrum. With such centralizedschemes, each CR device connects to the decision-makingentity (base station or an access point) while this entity inturn communicates with the database through a backhaulchannel.

    A given geographical area is divided into a grid. Spec-trum usage pattern is stored in the geolocation database.The size of the grid impacts both the performance and datatransfer rates. With large scaled grid, the spectrum infor-mation might be inaccurate. Too fine grid will likely in-crease computational complexity and data transfer. Withthe database, the location of the SU can be tested for PUactivity in all frequency bands. Thus the spectrum holes (ifexist) can be indicated to the SU. For a more conservativeallocation, even the blocks adjacent to the location of theSU can be tested before a positive response is given (34).

    However, this approach has several complexity issues.First, precise determination of the location of the SU iscrucially important. Because at any location errors in-crease the risk of the interference on licensed users, the

    SU should maintain this accuracy while in operation. Forthis purpose, Global Positioning System (GPS) or trans-mitting pilot signals to location-aware nearby users orbase stations in order to perform triangulation calcula-tions may be required. Second, geolocation-based systemsare not robust to rapid network changes, but are idealfor relatively static primary systems such as digital ter-restrial television networks. In such systems, the loca-tions of primary base stations, and their activities arereadily available beforehand. In contrast, heterogeneouscellular networks present a more complicated situation(10,35). Although legacy macro base station informationcan be easily stored, this is not possible for new nano andfemto cells. These smaller access points have low powerand are located within user premises. These micro basestations can be either active, inactive, or partially activewithout prior knowledge. Furthermore, their locations canalso change without any prior warning. Third, geolocationdatabases may not be able to capture temporal opportu-nities (34) where some time–frequency slots are availabledynamically. Fourth, the latency (34) in a dynamic wire-less environment may lead to loss of spectrum opportuni-ties. Fifth, implementation complexity can also be an issue.The database must cater to hundreds or even thousandsof CR devices that require feedback. Furthermore, it hasto communicate with multiple primary devices regularlyto ensure robustness. Finally, a central database presentsa single point of failure.

    3.2. In-band Sensing

    In-band sensing refers to the direct measurement of theprimary band by an SU device that is trying to accessor is currently using this band. While in-band sensingis best suited to use with distributed decision-making,it can also be adapted for centralized decisions. A majordisadvantage is that it relies upon the detection of pri-mary transmitters, but cannot identify the presence of pri-mary receivers (which are silent, nontransmitting nodes)which are the entities actually affected by interference(Figure 3). This applies to broadcast-based schemes suchas digital terrestrial television and frequency division du-plexing based schemes. Therefore, in-band sensing canonly establish the presence of a transmitter within agiven range, but not location of primary receivers. There-fore, having not detected a primary transmitter, when SUtransmits on the band, there can be interference on nearbyprimary receivers. This is called the hidden terminal prob-lem (34).

    In-band spectrum sensing techniques include energydetection, cylostationary feature detection, eigenvalue-based detection, matched filter detection, p-norm detec-tion, and Anderson–Darling sensing (36). Other schemessuch as filter-based sensing (37), fast sensing (38),learning-based sensing, measurement-based sensing, anddiffusion-based detection schemes (36) have also been pro-posed. We will elaborate on some of these schemes below.

    Energy Detection. An energy detector computes the en-ergy level of a signal over a target frequency band andcompares to a threshold (36,39,40). If the computed energy

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 5

    Figure 3. Interference from a CR transmitter to a primary user(PU) receiver. The PU transmitter is beyond the sensing range ofthe CR transmitter, however, the primary receiver is still withinthe range.

    is below the threshold, the spectrum band is identified asa spectrum hole; otherwise, the band is identified as occu-pied (41,42). This detector is optimal under the presence ofadditive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and when no priorinformation is available about the PU signals.

    The energy detection problem can be formulated as achoice between two hypotheses. The first is that there is aspectrum hole (i.e., no primary signal is present) (0), andthe second is that a primary signal is present (1). 0 and1 may be written as (19),

    𝑦(𝑡) =

    {𝑛(𝑡) 0ℎ𝑥(𝑡) + 𝑛(𝑡) 1


    where 𝑦(𝑡) is the received signal, 𝑥(𝑡) is the transmittedPU signal, ℎ is the fading coefficient, and 𝑛(𝑡) is the AWGNterm. By processing the samples of 𝑦(𝑡), the energy detectorchooses either 0 or 1.

    This choice depends on the energy (𝑌 ) of the receivedsignal. The energy measure may be given as the squaredsum of the output samples of a band-pass filter correspond-ing to the frequency band surveyed. We may thus write 𝑌as

    𝑌 = 1𝑁


    |𝑦𝑖|2 (3)where𝑁 is the number of samples and 𝑦𝑖 is the ith sample.Using the threshold 𝜆, 1 is taken to be true if 𝑌 > 𝜆, and0 is taken to be true otherwise.

    The performance of the energy detector (and other spec-trum sensing schemes) is measured by the probabilities offalse alarm (𝑃f ) and missed detection (𝑃m). 𝑃f is the proba-bility that 1 is taken to be true when 0 is true (e.g., thedetector output declares a PU signal when it is actuallynot present), while 𝑃m is the probability of not detecting a

    PU signal when it is present. These two probabilities areexpressed as (43)

    𝑃f = Pr[𝑌 > 𝜆|0] (4)𝑃m = Pr[𝑌 < 𝜆|1] (5)

    Ideally, a detector should aim for low 𝑃f and 𝑃m. Forexample, IEEE 802.22 prescribes 𝑃f and 𝑃m to be lessthan 0.1 (44). A higher false alarm probability results ina loss of potential spectrum access opportunities, a fail-ure to improve spectral efficiency. Furthermore, fewer fre-quency bands are then available for CR transmissions, andQoS issues may occur. A high missed detection probabil-ity results in SU devices transmitting concurrently withPUs, which will generate interference on the primary net-work. Conversely, the PU signal will interfer on the SUdevices.

    The performance of an energy detector (or that of otherdetectors) is typically characterized using the receiver op-erating characteristic (ROC) curve (45). This is the plotof the detection probability (1 − 𝑃m) versus the false alarmprobability (𝑃f ) for different detection thresholds. More-over, the area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC plot canalso be of interest (45). The performance of the energydetector has been investigated in References 46 and 47,among other papers.

    Themain advantages of the energy detector are the easeof implementation, low computational complexity, and thelack of need for PU signal information (15). However, ithas several shortcomings. First, there is a lack of resilienceagainst noise uncertainty, which refers to changes in thesystem noise floor with time (48). Such random fluctua-tions increase both missed detection and false alarm prob-abilities, and moreover the threshold 𝜆 is chosen assuminga fixed noise floor. Second, it is vulnerable to interferencefrom cochannel transmitters, which could be other primaryor secondary devices in adjacent areas. Third, it cannotidentify different primary signals apart (43). Thus, sig-nals from unknown sources may increase the probabilityof false alarm (19). Finally, it performs poorly in low SNR(signal-to-noise ratio) (49,50).

    Cyclostationary Feature Detection. This detector willexploit the periodicity of the statistics such as meanand autocorrelation of PU signals (15,19). The period-icity arises due to the features of PU modulation, upconversion to passband signals, cyclic prefixes, codes, hop-ping sequences, and other factors. Consequently, this phe-nomenon is termed as cyclostationarity. Moreover, it is notpresent in additive noise signals. As such, this detector willwork even when the primary signal is embedded in signif-icant noise. On the other hand, if periodic features aredeliberately introduced (e.g., cyclic prefix), this detectorperforms even better. Another advantage of this detectoris the ability to differentiate between different primarysystems with differing transmit features.

    This detector will thus use the cyclic autocorrelationfunction and transform it to the cyclic spectrum density inorder to conduct a hypothesis test in the frequency domain(19). The cyclic autocorrelation function 𝑅𝑦𝑦(𝛼, 𝜏) is given

  • 6 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks


    𝑅𝑦𝑦(𝛼, 𝜏) = lim𝑀→∞



    𝐸[𝑦(𝑡)𝑦∗(𝑡 + 𝜏)]e−𝑗2𝜋𝛼𝑡d𝑡, (6)

    where 𝑦(𝑡) is the received signal, 𝐸[⋅] is the expectation,𝑦∗(𝑡) is the complex conjugate of 𝑦, and 𝛼 is the cyclic fre-quency. The cyclic spectrum density function in the fre-quency domain is written as (19)

    𝑆(𝑓, 𝛼) =∞∑

    𝜏=−∞𝑅𝑦𝑦(𝛼, 𝜏)e−𝑗2𝜋𝑓𝜏 (7)

    However, the major disadvantages of this detector in-clude the complexity, high sampling rate, and the require-ment for a large amount of samples, which necessitatesa high observation time (15). Moreover, timing and fre-quency offsets can reduce the degree of correlation, whichin turn affects the periodicity of the received signal. Inaddition, when the primary network employs orthogonalfrequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), identifying dif-ferent primary systems is not readily possible (19). As aremedy, introducing different cyclic properties to differ-ent primary systems occupying the spectrum has beenproposed (19). The complexity of this method renders itunsuitable when the SU devices are simple low-powereddevices.

    Matched Filter Detection. Amatched filter is obtainedby correlating a transmit signal with the received signal todetect the presence of the transmit signal. Equivalently,the received signal is convolved with a conjugated time-reversed version of the transmit signal. The matched filteris optimal in the sense of maximizing the SNR in the pres-ence of additive Gaussian noise. The decision variable 𝑌can thus be written as (51)

    𝑌 =𝑁∑𝑖=1



    where 𝑁 is the number of samples, 𝑦𝑖 is the ith (𝑖 = 1...𝑁)sample of the received signal, and 𝑥𝑖 is the ith sampleof the transmitted primary signal. This method requiresthe prior information about the transmitted primary sig-nal such as modulation format, pulse shapes, phase, andothers (43). To enable such coherent processing, primarydevices will have to transmit pilots periodically (43). Thisdetector has the main advantage of a lower sensing timeto achieve a certain level of required performance (19).

    However, when the noise increases, it performs poorly,and the number of samples required for a particular levelof performance increases (19). Furthermore, if the priorinformation is incorrect, it performs poorly. Furthermore,when spectrum holes are dispersed over a wide span ofspectrum, different PU signals over different frequencybands must be correlated. Prior information about suchdisparate PUs may be unrealistic. In addition, the perfor-mance also drops when different PUs are present in thesame band. While having a dedicated matched filter struc-ture for each PU is possible, this increases the receivercomplexity (36,52). Nevertheless, the matched filter detec-tor remains the best way for CR spectrum sensing when

    information about the primary signal is known beforehand(19).

    Eigenvalue-Based Detection. This method uses eigen-values of the covariance matrix of the received signal to ob-tain the ratio between the maximum and minimum eigenvalues, which in turn is used to detect the presence of pri-mary signals in the presence of noise and without priorknowledge of the signal, channel, or noise power (53). Thecovariance matrix of the received signal can be written as(53)

    𝑅𝑋 = 𝐸[�̂�(𝑖)�̂�𝐻 (𝑖)] (9)

    where 𝐸(⋅) is the expectation operator, �̂�(𝑖) is the receivedsignal vector at sampling instance 𝑖, and �̂�𝐻 (𝑖) is its Her-mitian (conjugate-transpose). The decision variable wouldthus be

    𝑌 =𝜆max

    𝜆min, (10)

    where 𝜆max and 𝜆min are respectively the maximum andminimum eigenvalues of 𝑅𝑋 .

    When noise is the only component present in the re-ceived signal, this ratio tends 1 while it increases when PUsignals are present (43). Eigenvalue-based detection workswell under low-received signal to interference and noise ra-tios, different fading models, and noise uncertainty. How-ever the computational complexity is high with regards tocovariance matrix formulation and eigenvalue decomposi-tion (54). This detector may also fail when the samples ofprimary signals are uncorrelated (36).

    𝑝-norm Detection. This is a generalization of the clas-sical energy detector described earlier. Similar to equa-tion 3, the decision variable of this detector can be writtenas (55)

    𝑌 = 1𝑁


    |𝑦𝑖|𝑝 (11)where 𝑁 is the number of samples, 𝑦𝑖 is the ith sample,and 𝑝 ∈ ℝ. Clearly, the case 𝑝 = 2 yields the energy detec-tor. However, rather than fixing 𝑝 at 2, it can be optimizeddepending on the received SNR for the probability of falsealarm, probability of correct detection, and signal samplesize. Such adaptive optimization of 𝑝 is shown to give sig-nificant performance gains over the energy detector (55).

    Wideband Spectrum Sensing. These techniques allowfor sensing spectrum blocks greater than the coherencebandwidth of the channel whereas narrowband sensinggenerally outputs a binary decision on spectrum occupancyfor a narrow band (56). These techniques are especiallycritical in the UHF (ultra high frequency) band between300 MHz and 3 GHz and the upcoming millimeter wavefrequency band above 3GHz. They can be classified accord-ing to the sampling rate. If it is greater than the Nyquistrate, we have Nyquist wideband spectrum sensing, other-wise sub-Nyquist wideband sensing (57,58).

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 7

    Anderson–Darling Sensing. This is a goodness of fit testfor spectrum sensing, and the test statistic is given as (59)

    𝐴2c = −∑𝑛

    𝑖=1(2𝑖 − 1)(ln(𝑍𝑖) − ln(1 −𝑍𝑛+1−𝑖))𝑛

    − 𝑛 (12)

    where 𝑍𝑖 = 𝐹0(𝑌𝑖), and 𝐹𝑌 (𝑦) is the empirical cumulativedistribution function given as

    𝐹𝑌 (𝑦) = |{𝑖 ∶ 𝑌𝑖 ≤ 𝑦, 1 ≤ 𝑖 ≤ 𝑛}|∕𝑛 (13)where |𝐴| is the cardinality of set𝐴. This method can checkwhether the samples of the received signal are from a noisedistribution (0) or whether they are from primary signalsin the presence of noise (1). If the test statistic is greaterthan a certain threshold 𝑡0, 0 is selected, otherwise 1.Moreover, for a primary signal static over the observationinterval, the Anderson–Darling test outperforms the en-ergy detector (59).

    3.3. Out-of-Band Sensing

    Unlike in-band sensing, this does not involve directly sens-ing the frequency band for which spectrum access is re-quired. Instead, a dedicated out-of-band control channeltells whether the frequency band is occupied or not by PUdevices. To this end, on the control channel, PU receiversor transmitters send beacon signals. For example, suchbeacons have been proposed for IEEE 802.22.1 (60) andare the most suitable for CR implementation in a cellularsystem (34). The SU devices detect beacon signals by com-paring the received signal power in the control channelwith a threshold level.

    Beacon signaling is efficient and simple (61,62,63). Thebeacon signals are simply narrowband electromagneticwaves modulated by on–off switching (64), do not neces-sarily have to be continuous, and can be transmitted peri-odically, which will reduce additional power requirementfor the PUs. Furthermore, beacon detection circuits canbe relatively simple. In addition, the beacon signals canbe used to separate different primary devices using differ-ent time slots or orthogonal codes. Individually identifyingdifferent primary devices is not readily possible in manyin-band spectrum identification strategies, including en-ergy detection. Furthermore, beacons provide added con-trol mechanism to the primary devices, which can activelyallow or prevent CR spectrum access dynamically. This ishowever not possible with in-band schemes.

    Beacons can be transmitted by either primary transmit-ters or primary receivers. With the former, transmit poweris not limited. For example, primary base stations are pow-ered by the national grid, but handheld PU receiver devicesare battery limited. Since main goal is to limit interferenceon primary receivers, beacon transmissions from them canhelp to identify their locations and avoid the hidden nodeproblems. For example, these occur when the CR device isout of range of the primary transmitter, but not from theprimary receiver.

    Beacon signals can be permission or denial type (65,66).Permission (grant) beacons indicate the absence of pri-mary activity and thus allow SUs to transmit, while de-nial beacons indicate otherwise. Denial beacons appearmore feasible simply because the active primary device can

    transmit them simultaneously with its own data transmis-sions. Denial beacons become problematic if the primarydevice goes into a sleep mode, loses power, or turns off.However, the reliability of beacon signaling can be furtherincreased by dual beacons that combine grant and denybeacons, and can be implemented using the IEEE 802.11standard (64).

    If the beacons are not individualized tomake the senderidentifiable, aggregating beacons coming from all the pri-mary devices can be used to access the spectrum. How-ever, if individual beacons are identifiable, other beaconprocessing techniques emerge. For example, beacons fromindividual primary devices (usually the PUs within a spe-cific geographical area such as a cell) can be checked, anda decision can be made if no individual beacon is sensed.Moreover, as a less conservative approach, only the bea-cons from the nearest or 𝑀 > 1 nearest primary devicescan be sensed to make a spectrum decision.

    The main drawback of out-of-band sensing is the useof additional spectral resources in the form of the beaconchannel and power transmit beacons. Moreover, due tomultipath fading, shadowing and path loss, and receiveruncertainty, SU devices may not correctly detect beacons,which runs the risk interference on PUs. While increas-ing the beacon transmit power is an obvious answer, theenergy efficiency of the system will then decrease. In ad-dition, the prevention of beacon reception outside its in-tended coverage area (33) is important in order to increasethe spectrumavailable to SUs. Furthermore, if the licensedspectrum has several different sub-bands, beacon signal-ing will lose its simplicity.

    3.4. Interference Temperature

    The concept aims to capture the interference interactionsbetween primary and secondary users. Using it, both in-terference impact on licensed users and also achievablecapacity for the underlay network can be quantified. Thatit is a receiver-centric concept is especially important be-cause the interference actually affects the primary re-ceivers rather than primary transmitters. Furthermore,what matters is the sum interference frommultiple CR de-vices, other cochannel primary transmitters, and unknownthird party transmitters. Interference temperature-basedspectrum identification is especially attractive for the un-derlay CR devices that do not actively sense the spectrum.

    The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Spec-trum Policy Task Force has thus introduced the interfer-ence temperature (15), which is defined as the temperatureequivalent of radio frequency power available at a receiverantenna per unit bandwidth (19,67). The interferencetemperature in Kelvin may be expressed as

    𝑇 =𝑃I(𝑓c, 𝐵)


    where 𝑘 = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant, 𝐵 isthe bandwidth of the channel, and 𝑃l(𝑓c, 𝐵) is the inter-ference power centered around 𝑓c over a bandwidth of 𝐵(19). The main idea behind the interference temperaturemodel is to jointly characterize both interference and noise(68). It is shown in Reference 69 that typical values for

  • 8 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    interference temperature range roughly from 0 to 2 K de-pending on the number of antennas. For a given geographicarea, one can establish an interference temperature limit,𝑇l, which is the maximum amount of tolerable interferencefor a given frequency band. Any CR device utilizing thisband must guarantee that their transmissions added tothe existing interference must not exceed 𝑇l at a licensedreceiver (68).

    In an interference temperature-based scheme, CR de-vices are allowed to access the spectrum as long as theinterference temperature of the primary receiver is be-low 𝑇l. The interference experienced at a primary re-ceiver becomes noise impulses superimposed on the noisefloor. These spikes are tolerable until an acceptable in-terference temperature level beyond which they degradeperformance. The interference temperature level of a par-ticular primary receiver can be independent from corre-sponding values of other receivers (70) depending on spe-cific receiver characteristics. In such a scenario, the CRnetwork needs prior information about interference tem-perature levels of each receiver or the level of the devicehaving the lowest threshold. Conversely, the interferencetemperature limits can be set by a regulating authority forcertain frequency bands.

    While spectrum opportunities can be identified by mon-itoring the interference temperature, a major drawback isthat real-time estimations of it are difficult. As a remedy,PU receiversmay provide feedback to potential SUdevices.While this requires a centralized CR network, it may beinfeasible within a decentralized or ad hoc CR network.In a centralized CR network, a global maximum trans-mit power can be set, which can then be adjusted accord-ing to the feedback on interference temperature receivedfrom the primary network. The other method for each CRtransmitter is to make a probabilistic estimate about theinterference temperature at a primary receiver. However,locations of the primary receivers must be known in ad-vance for such an estimate (19).

    3.5. Cooperative Sensing

    This refers to several SUs sharing their local spectrumsensing results for an overall decision. Thus, it achievesbetter sensing performance by exploiting spatial and mul-tiuser diversity in wireless networks (19,33,66,71,72). Fur-thermore, minimizing the detection error and reducingindividual sensing times are possible (73).

    Due to wireless channel impairments, such as multi-path fading, shadowing, and path loss, a CR node maynot be able to detect a spectrum hole through either in-band or out-of-band sensing, which may result in the hid-den terminal problem (15,34,43). That is, CR devices couldnot differentiate between the primary signal and noise forin-band sensing and the beacon signal and noise for out-of-band sensing, and misidentify spectrum holes and thusinterfere. As an example, consider CR devices with in-banddetection scheme such as energy detection. If the path be-tween the primary transmitter and the CR node is blockedby an obstruction, the CR node will sense a spectrum hole.But suppose the link from the CR node to the primary re-ceiver is clear. Then CR transmissions will cause interfer-

    Figure 4. The primary transmitter is blocked to CR-A, but notfor both CR-B and CR-C. However, CR-B is blocked by a tree.Thus, CR-A must cooperate with CR-C

    ence to the primary receiver. However, there may be otherCR devices within line of sight from the primary transmit-ter which are able to correctly identify spectrum (Figure 4).Cooperation between these devices prevent the blocked CRnode from incorrectly identifying the spectrum as vacant.Thus, this is the motivation for cooperative sensing.

    Cooperation techniques among secondary nodes can bebroadly classified as data fusion and decision fusion (21).In data fusion, a node amplifies and transmits the sensedinformation, while in decision fusion it makes a spectrumoccupancy decision, which is then broadcast. With data fu-sion, a node may either share all the sampled informationor a summary (43), and soft decisions combining such asthe likelihood ratio test can be used. However, with deci-sion fusion, each node makes a binary decision about PUspectrum occupancy, which is shared. These hard decisionsare combined using the AND,OR, ormajority rules (21,34).With the AND rule, if all cooperating devices indicate a PUchannel occupancy, then the spectrum is designated as oc-cupied. On the contrary, with the OR rule, the same deci-sion is reached even with a single occupancy indication bya cooperating device. Thus, the OR rule is more conserva-tive in allowing spectrum access. With the majority rule,a majority of cooperating nodes must indicate spectrumoccupation.

    However, cooperation among secondary nodes faceschallenges. These include the added complexity and im-plementation issues. CR devices will need additional re-sources to (1) select optimum neighbor nodes for coopera-tion, (2) send their own sensed information/decisions to thecooperating nodes, and (3) fuse information from the coop-erating nodes and its own to make a decision on spectrumoccupancy. As such, there is additional overhead to the en-tire CR system (34). Ideally, for such information sharingamong SUs, a separate dedicated control channel is re-quired. However, without priority access to spectrum, CR

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 9

    networks may not be able to implement the control chan-nel. Another issue with cooperative sensing is the pres-ence of asynchronous sensing information (43). DifferentCR devices may have performed their individual sensingat different times. As such, some of the information sharedmay not be up to date. For example, a certain CR devicemay be reporting an idle channel, when it is in fact in useby a primary node. In addition, the sensed information istransmitted on a reporting channel with errors (43). Dueto the signal corruption in this channel, a cooperating CRmay indicate a spectrum hole, but the information may beerroneously received by another CR device as occupied.

    Cooperating Node Selection. Suppose an SU needs toselect several other SUs for cooperation. The optimal num-ber and the criteria to select the cooperating nodes must bedetermined to maximize the effectiveness of SU coopera-tion (74,75). As a general rule, more cooperating nodes willincrease the performance, albeit with increased overheadand complexity. The following are the common selectionmethods.

    • Random node selectionA simple method is to choose them randomly withina range. For example, the nodes within a given ra-dius of the SU can be selected. Nodes can also be se-lected within a given radius from the PU transmitter.However, this method requires the distances to othernearby SUs.Moreover, if the selected number of nodesare high, there is a high overhead and resource usagein terms of power, time, processing power, spectrumwhen cooperating SUs share their information.

    • Closest node selectionThis scheme is most advantageous for distributed de-cisions because the two devices can easily commu-nicate with each other. However, the major risk ofchoosing the nearest CR device is the fact that shad-owing and fading from the primary device and the twoCR devices may be correlated. If so, the shared spec-trum information does not originate from indepen-dent measurements, and the cooperation gain couldbe lower.

    • Best instantaneous channel selectionThis scheme requires a node with best channel ateach time to be selected for cooperation. While theclosest CR node provides the best channel conditionson average, this may change at specific times due tothe effects of fading. As such the CR device with thebest instantaneous channel properties may or maynot be the closest. However, the complexity of thisscheme lies in the fact that real-time channel stateinformation (CSI) is required for links to neighboringSUs.

    A major factor to consider when selecting cooperatingnodes is the additional resources required. The locationsof the neighboring SUs are required in advance, and some-times CSI is required for multiple links in order to selectco-operating SUs. Moreover, sharing spectrum informa-tion requires additional power, spectral resources such as

    control channels, and higher processing capabilities fromeach SU.

    In distributed cooperative sensing, the CR nodes mustcommunicatewith selected close by neighbors to reduce thepower required for sharing spectrum information. How-ever, this comes at the risk of the sensed data being corre-lated. Conversely, choosing CR nodes close to the primarydevice increases the probability that the shared spectruminformation is correct. However, there may be additionalpower requirements. Furthermore, the shared informationitself may get corrupt due to channel effects.


    As was mentioned before, primary devices are highly sus-ceptible to unwanted SU interference. While interferenceshould ideally be zero for interweave networks, it shouldbe less than an acceptable limit for underlay networks.Factors affecting interference includewireless propagationcharacteristics, spatial distribution of SU and PU devices,power control and receiver association procedures, activ-ity factors of CR devices, and spectrum sensing techniquesamong others. Some of these topics are briefly describednext.

    4.1. Wireless Channel

    The wireless channel is subject to several impairments,including small-scale fading, shadowing, path loss, anddoppler shifts (3,76). Modeling these impairments is criti-cal in order to characterize and analyze wireless systems.

    Due to the superposition of many replicas of the trans-mit signal with different time delays and phases due tomultipath propagation from random scatterers, the re-ceived signal can rapidly fluctuate, which is referred toas small-scale fading (76). The powers of different multi-path components are represented by the power delay pro-file, and measures such as average delay and root meansquare (r.m.s) delay (𝜎𝜏 ) are important parameters. Thecoherence bandwidth is defined as 𝐵coh = 1∕𝜎𝜏 , and signalswhose frequencies are less than 𝐵coh are said to undergofrequency flat fading while others undergo frequency se-lective fading. Small scale fading is described by variousmodels such as Rayleigh fading, Nakagami-𝑚 fading, andRician fading (3).

    Shadowing refers to random variations of the receivedsignal power due to obstruction by large obstacles suchas buildings, hills, or trees. The distances in which shad-owing occurs depend on the dimensions of the obstructingobject (76). Shadowing is most commonly modeled usingthe log-normal distribution (76,77). However, due to itsmathematical complexity, the Gamma model and the mix-ture of Gamma model have been proposed (42,78). For si-multaneous shadowing and fading, it is convenient to rep-resent the combined effect in a single PDF, rather thanwork with separate distributions. Thus, several compos-ite models incorporating shadowing and fading, namely,Rayleigh-lognormal and Nakagami-lognormal models andothers (79) have been proposed (80,81).

  • 10 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    Path loss is the variation of signal amplitude betweenthe transmitter and receiver over large distances (76). Thefree space path loss is the simplest path loss model, and isexpressed as

    Path Loss =(4𝜋𝑟𝑓𝑐


    where 𝑟 is the transmitter receiver distance, 𝑓 is the fre-quency, and 𝑐 is the speed of light. However, this model isinaccurate in practice due to irregularities in the terrain(76). To overcome this, several empirical models such asOkumura model, Hata model, and COST 231 Hata modelhave been developed (3).

    However, the most commonly used model is the simpli-fied path loss model where the received power at a distanceof 𝑟 from the transmitter (𝑃r) is given by (76)

    𝑃r = 𝐴𝑟−𝛼 (16)

    where 𝐴 is a constant depending on antenna dimensionsand frequency, and 𝛼 is the path loss exponent. The pathloss exponent commonly varies between 1.6 and 6.5 (76),and free space propagation is a special case when 𝛼 and 2.

    Combining the effects of small scale fading, shadowing,and path loss, the received power 𝑃r can be expressed as

    𝑃r = 𝑃𝑋|ℎ|2𝑟−𝛼 (17)where 𝑃 is the transmit power, 𝑋 is the shadowing gain,and |ℎ|2 is the power gain due to small-scale fading.4.2. Spatial Modeling

    The locations of base stations and different user terminalsdo not usually conform to a predetermined setup. Whilethe placement of base stations is not purely random, itis increasingly becoming irregular with the introductionof small cells and pico cells. The user terminals on theother hand are almost always random, and change loca-tion regularly. As such, conventional fixed models, suchas the hexagonal grid model, do not present an accuratepicture of the network. Stochastic geometry-based model-ing has thus gained groundwithin the research community(82,83,84,85,86,87). In addition to providing a realistic net-work scenario, stochastic models are tractable (84). Whilethe binomial point process is more accurate for node dis-tributions (especially base stations) when the number ofnodes within the total geographical area is known (88),the PPP is more popular due to its superior analyticaltractability.

    Poisson Point Process (PPP) Model. A PPP Φ is a pointprocesses in ℝ2 such that (89)

    • for every bounded closed set 𝐴 (in practical terms, 𝐴is the area occupied by nodes), the number 𝑁(𝐴) isPoisson distributed with mean 𝜆(𝐴) and

    Pr[𝑁(𝐴) = 𝑛] = (𝜆(𝐴))𝑛

    𝑛!𝑒−𝜆(𝐴), 𝑛 = 0, 1, 2,… (18)

    • if 𝐴1, 𝐴2 … , 𝐴𝑚 are disjoint sets, 𝑁(𝐴1), 𝑁(𝐴2),…,𝑁(𝐴𝑚) are independent random variables.

    The PPP has extensively been used to characterize thespatial distribution of cognitive radio nodes in literature(27,28,29,90). When the average density of nodes does notchange with the location, it is a homogeneous PPP, withthe mean number of nodes per unit area being 𝜆, where 𝜆is called the node density.

    When modeling nodes as a PPP, several useful stochas-tic geometry tools such as mapping, thinning, and clus-tering can be employed (89,91). Mapping refers to trans-forming a point process to another point process by ap-plying a fixed transformation (89). In formal terms, itis stated as follows (92). If Φ is an inhomogeneous PPPon ℝ𝑑 with intensity Λ, and let 𝑓 ∶ ℝ𝑑 → ℝ𝑠 be measur-able and Λ(𝑓−1{𝑦}) = 0 for all for 𝑦 ∈ ℝ𝑠. Assume furtherthat 𝜇(𝐵) = Λ(𝑓−1{𝐵}) satisfies 𝜇(𝐵) < ∞ for all bounded𝐵. Then, 𝑓 (Φ) is a nonhomogeneous PPP on ℝ𝑠 with inten-sity 𝜇.

    On the other hand, thinning of a PPP refers to delet-ing some points. The remaining points are said to form athinned PPP (89). Each point of the process is marked withan indicator taking the values 1 or 0 representing whetherthe point is to be retained or not. When the indicatorsare independent of each other, it is referred to as inde-pendent thinning; otherwise, dependent thinning occurswhen the indicators depend on each other (89). While theresultant processes after independent thinning are alsoPPPs, dependent thinning generally produces a hardcoreprocess. Matern type I and II are commonly used hard-core processes where the thinning procedure is dependenton the distance to neighbouring nodes (89). Hardcore pro-cesses are especially useful in modeling medium accessprotocols such as CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Ac-cess with Collision Avoidance) employed in IEEE 802.11(28).

    A cluster involves the formation of daughter processesaround a parent process. If the points within a parent pro-cess𝑋 is replaced with a set of points𝑍𝑥, the superpositionof all the cluster points represents the daughter process𝑌 =

    ⋃𝑥𝑍𝑥 (89). The most commonly used cluster processes

    is the Matern cluster process where the parent process isa PPP in ℝ2, and each cluster within the daughter pro-cess consists of 𝑀𝑥 points independently and uniformlydistributed within a disc having a radius 𝑟 centered at 𝑥where 𝑀𝑥 = 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛(𝜇), and 𝑥 is the location of any parentnode (89). TheMatern cluster process has been extensivelyused in the modeling of user terminals centered aroundbase stations in cellular networks (93,94,95).

    4.3. Power Control and Receiver Association

    The transmitter controls its power depending on distancefrom the receiver, other transmissions, and channelconditions. The benefits include saving transmitterpower and reducing interference. Power control methodsinclude fixed power, distance-based schemes with channelinversion, and measurement-based schemes (96). Forexample, open-loop and closed-loop schemes are used inWideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) andLong-Term Evolution (LTE) networks (3). Power controlschemes have been extensively studied for noncognitivesettings (97,98,99,100,101) as well as for CR networks

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 11

    (28,102,103,104,105). Furthermore, it is common to havea maximum allowable transmit power for CR networksin order to prevent interference to the primary networkand other CR receivers (103). This maximum allowabletransmit power can be a constant for all devices or alocation-dependent one. A location-dependent power levelis desirable because the interference from a cognitivenode on the primary receiver depends greatly on itsdistance from the primary receiver. Therefore, a constantmaximum allowable power level disadvantages cognitivenodes which are far away from a primary device.

    Receiver association schemes are the policies governinghow a receiver is assigned to a particular transmitter orvice versa. Association can be made with the closest re-ceiver/transmitter, the receiver/transmitter providing thebest instantaneous SNR, or a random receiver/transmitterwithin a given radius (103). These schemes, power lim-itations, and the location of the selected receiver wouldgreatly influence the transmitted power.

    4.4. Interference Analysis

    The total interference experienced by a primary receiveris the combination of interference from all active CR de-vices (106,107). Thus, the aggregate interference 𝐼 may bewritten as

    𝐼 =𝑁∑𝑖=1

    𝐼𝑖 (19)

    where 𝐼𝑖 is the interference caused by the ith interfererand𝑁 is the number of interferers.𝑁 can be a finite valueor ∞.

    The individual interference 𝐼𝑖 is written as

    𝐼𝑖 = 𝛽𝑖𝑃𝑖𝑋𝑖|ℎ𝑖|2𝑟−𝛼𝑖 (20)where 𝛽𝑖 is a Bernoulli random variable depending on theactivity level and spectrum identification errors of the ithCR device and 𝑃𝑖 is the transmit power of the ith CR device.𝑋𝑖, |ℎ𝑖|2, and 𝑟𝑖 are the shadowing gain, small-scale fadinggain, and the distance between the ith CR device and theprimary receiver, respectively. 𝛼 is the path loss exponentof the environment.

    Since the PDF of the aggregate interference isgenerally intractable, an MGF (moment generatingfunction)-based approach is generally used for analysis(108,109,110,111,112,113,114). The MGF can be obtainedrelatively easily because, for a sum of independent inter-ferers, the total MGF is the product of individual MGFs(108,113).

    The MGF 𝑀𝑖I (𝑠) of the interference from a single nodecan be written as

    𝑀𝑖I (𝑠) = 𝐸[e−𝑠𝐼i ] (21)

    where 𝐸[⋅] denotes the expectation and 𝑠 is the Laplacevariable. If the individual interferers are independent andidentically distributed, the MGF of the aggregate interfer-ence becomes

    𝑀𝐼 (𝑠) = (𝑀𝑖I (𝑠))𝑁 (22)

    Other valuable parameters of the aggregate interfer-ence include the mean and higher moments and cumu-

    lants. The nth moment (𝜇𝑛 = 𝐸[𝐼𝑛]) can be obtained fromthe MGF 𝑀I(𝑠) as

    𝜇𝑛 = (−1)𝑛[ d𝑛d𝑠𝑛



    Modeling aggregate interference to fit well-known dis-tributions has been extremely popular due to the in-tractability of exact analysis. Typically such distributionsare Gaussian, log-normal, tailed 𝛼-stable, gamma, and assums of normal and log-normal (108,115,116,117,118,119).This is generally achieved by matching moments of the ag-gregate interference with the corresponding moments ofthe well-known distribution.


    5.1. Medium Access Control Strategies

    Traditional wireless networks use fixed access schemessuch as time division multiple access (TDMA), frequencydivision multiple access (FDMA), code division multipleaccess (CDMA), and others. In CR networks, availablechannels are dynamic in one or all degrees such as time,frequency, code, and space. Therefore, dynamic mediumaccess control (MAC) strategies are needed to ensure aproper functioning of the CR network. They can be broadlydivided into two types. These are direct access based (DAB)and dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA) algorithms (120).WithDAB, each transmitter–receiver pair tries to optimizeits own throughput while under DSA, a global objective isreached (120).

    TheMAC layer of a CR device controls two key function-alities, which are spectrum-aware sensing, and spectrum-aware access control (43). In the context of the MAC layer,the proportion of time spent on these two functions shouldbe balanced. Factors to consider include the accuracy ofsensing, the timeliness of the sensed information, and therequired QoS of the SU (43). A workaround for a longersensing duration is to divide the sensing period into chunksand spread them among spectrum access periods (43).

    5.2. Common Control Channel

    A common control channel (CCC) is a dedicated channelshared by CR devices that has been assumed for manyMAC schemes for CR networks (121). The CCC enablesCR devices to report and negotiate on channel access, andthus, the CCC needs to be available at all times. A disad-vantage of the CCC is that it would hinder interoperabil-ity between different device types using different protocolstacks manufactured by different vendors (122). The con-trol channel may be implemented either in-band or out-of-band. An issue with having an out-of-band dedicated con-trol channel is the resource inefficiency at idle times; how-ever, it would guarantee a reporting/signalling medium.Several options have been proposed on the spectral loca-tion of the out-of-band control channel. These include theguard regions of the primary user’s spectrum block or theISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) band (13).

    The need for a dedicated control channel may be allevi-ated by using in-band control channels. One technique toimplement in-band control channels is frequency hopping.

  • 12 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    However, in a CR network, the available channels changein a dynamic manner, and thus the hopping sequencesmust adapt accordingly. Rendezvous-based control chan-nels and ultrawideband control channels (13).

    5.3. Spectrum Sharing

    Spectrum sharing can be accomplished for CR networksusing several criteria (13). These are the protection of PUsand fairness among SUs. Several of these methods aredescribed below.

    CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access). CSMA is a mul-tiple access protocol where a device senses a shared chan-nel before transmitting. It is well suited to the dynamicsof CR networks due to its adaptability and robustness.Furthermore, it can be implemented without any globalcontroller or a control channel. Moreover, CSMA-basedschemes may also provide PU protection due to power con-trol features (13). However, before any CSMA scheme isapplied to a CR network, it needs to be adapted keeping inmind the PU activities and QoS requirements of the SUs(19).

    By applying PTS/RTS/CTS mechanisms, Chen et al.(121) tweaked the traditional CSMA/CA protocol to adaptit to the CR context. Asynchronous spectrum sensing isaccomplished by sending a prepare to sense (PTS) frameto neighbouring SUs, requesting these devices to ceasetransmission in a following time duration. Only thenwould the original CR device sense the spectrum. Fur-thermore, a blocking mechanism may be implementedwhen PUs are active, which temporarily halts the back-offtimer.

    Dynamic Frequency Hopping. In this spectrum shar-ing technique, the available spectral blocks are sharedamong CR devices by assigning each a specific hoppingsequence. In order to be robust to dynamic channel avail-abilities, a constant monitoring process is needed, and thehopping sequences need to be changed dynamically. Toachieve this, ideally a central controller and a control chan-nel are needed.

    TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)/FDMA (FrequencyDivision Multiple Access). The available time–frequencyblocks are shared between participating SUnodes. For thisscheme towork, the underlying primary networkmust alsouse this as a multiple access scheme (13). One disadvan-tage with this scheme is that some time frequency blocksmay need to be released due to PU activity sooner than oth-ers, and SUs accessing those blocks may be at a temporarydisadvantage.

    CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). This approachis most attractive for underlay CR (13) because SUs canuse orthogonal codes to access spectrum irrespective ofwhether PUs are active. The interference from CR sig-nals will be added to the noise floor of the PUs and otherCR devices. Therefore, stringent transmission power lim-its have to be enforced such that the interference powerexperienced by PUs is less than an acceptable limit. Dis-

    advantages of CDMA include the requirement of a widebandwidth and the need for significant control informa-tion.

    Stochastic Approaches. These use probabilistic objec-tives to reduce PU interference (122), and are most at-tractive when there is no common control channel. Thechannel selection procedure is treated as an optimizationproblem providing the highest probability to access a po-tential channel, and can be solved according to a Markovchain Monte Carlo method (122). The primary prioritizedMarkov approach can also be used for dynamic spectrumaccess in a stochastic manner where the interactions be-tween PUs and CR devices are modeled as continuous timeMarkov chains (123).

    Several other more specialized protocols such as dy-namic open spectrum sharing (DOSS), single radio adap-tive channel (SRAC), opportunistic spectrum medium ac-cess control (OSMAC), cognitive medium access control (CMAC), cognitive mesh network (COMNET), hardware con-strained medium access control (H MAC), and others havealso been proposed (43,120). As a final note, anyMAC spec-trum access strategymust consider the fluidity of availablechannels, the disparity of channels that may be separatedby vast swathes of frequency, and the presence or absenceof a control channel.

    5.4. Routing

    When CR devices relay data/packets from an originatingCR to a destination, efficient routing protocols are needed(15,43). Routing in CR networks is a critical issue becauseavailable spectrum holes are spread far and wide (19).Furthermore, the spectrum availability for a particularnode changes with time, and neighbouring nodes may notidentify the same frequency band for opportunistic access.Therefore, the routing algorithms should be able to handlethe dynamics of the CR environment, and deploying legacyrouting algorithms designed for general ad hoc networksmay not be suitable (124).

    The issues with routing in a CR networks include theunavailability of a control channel to share link informa-tion needed for dynamic routing protocols among neigh-bours, reachability of CR devices being hampered due tochannel dynamics, the necessity of having rerouting algo-rithms to alter the route when one or more CR devices be-come unavailable due to interruptions from the primarysystem, the inadequacy of traditional routing metrics,and managing queues of different packets in a dynamicspectral environment (15,124). For example, packets mayarrive at a particular CR device when it had identifiedspectrum holes for communication. However, these maybecome unavailable. A question arises on what to do withthe received packets. Furthermore, similar to ad hoc net-works, most of the opportunistic links in a CR networkmay be unidirectional, and thus need to be identified assuch.Moreover, instead of the traditional single-path rout-ing schemes, multipath routing where multiple redundantpaths exist to the destination are more attractive for thedynamic spectral environment CR nodes operating in Ref-erence 124. However, additional metrics such as route sta-

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 13

    bility, route closeness, and dead zone penetration needto be considered in selecting multipath routing schemes(124).

    The routing problem in CR networks can be solved viaspectrum-aware routing protocols (19,125), and probabilis-tic path selection schemes are needed. New routing met-rics need to be introduced such as the number of chan-nel switches along a path, frequency of channel switchesalong a link, and switching delay (19). In spectrum awarerouting, the routing algorithms should operate collabora-tively with spectrum management schemes to identify thebest route (43). Different routing schemes such as oppor-tunistic spectrum routing, stability-aware routing proto-col (STRAP), medium access control-independent oppor-tunistic routing (MORE), spectrum-aware routing protocol(SPEAR), spectrum-aware mesh routing (SAMER), spec-trum tree based on demand routing protocol (STOD RP),SEARCH, and routing and spectrum allocation algorithm(ROSA) have been proposed for the context of dynamicspectral environments (43,124).

    5.5. Error Control

    To limit interference on the primary network, secondarydevices face significant limitations on the maximum powerthey are allowed to transmit (126). This limit will naturallyreduce the reliability and throughput of the secondary net-work. A potential solution is the use of error correctioncoding, which includes forward error correcting codes andautomatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes. ARQ schemesuse feedback from the receiver indicating the correct recep-tion of data and timeouts. If the sender does not receivean acknowledgment before the timeout, retransmissionsoccur. However, ARQ becomes complicated in a CR net-work due to the available spectrum dynamically changingas licensed users enter and leave the spectrum (43). Thesefactors suggest that the forward error correction may bepreferable.

    5.6. Security

    Due to their unique characteristics, CR networks face sev-eral unique security challenges (19). While traditional net-work threats are applicable to CR networks, the cogni-tive capability and reconfigurability introduce additionalthreats to CR devices (127). Security threats specific toCR networks include adversaries mimicking PU behav-iors, transmitting false spectrum information, receiverjamming during sensing phase, intruders posing as CRdevices, and greedy CR devices acting selfishly (128).These threats can occur during both the sensing period,and the communicating period. Transmitter verificationschemes, integrating cryptographic signatures, abnor-mality detection approaches, and trusted node-assistedschemes among others can be used as countermeasuresfor security threats (128).


    CR technology standards have been developed by the FCCin United States, the European Telecommunications Stan-

    dards Institute, IEEE, and the International Telecommu-nications Union (10,129). These standards differ in thelevel of cognition and the target environment. Currently,the IEEE 802.22Wireless Regional AreaNetwork (WRAN)and the IEEE P1900.X standards developed by the IEEEDynamic spectrum access networks (DySPAN) commit-tee remain the main CR standards. Furthermore, WiFi(IEEE 802.11), Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4), andWiMAX (IEEE802.16) have increasingly incorporated some elements ofcognition (130).

    6.1. IEEE 802.22 (Wireless Regional Area Network)

    While spectrum is reserved for terrestrial TV transmis-sions, some of those channels may not be used in a specificlocation or geographic area. Furthermore, the switch fromanalogue to digital also leaves a considerable amount ofUHF and VHF (very high frequency) spectrum vacant (10).Thus, unlicensed use of television frequency bands (54–862MHz) on a noninterfering basis with primary users is theaim of IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard (129), focusing onwireless broadband access for rural areas. This standardadopts a cellular architecture and cell radius would typi-cally be 17–30 km while the maximum allowable range is100 km (131). This standard is the first to define the phys-ical and MAC layers of the air interface for CR-enableddevices (10).

    This standard requires the SUs to be aware about theavailability of spectrum at a given instance. Spectrumawareness is achieved via a geolocation database and spec-trum sensing (130,131). To enable the geolocation process,all devices must be GPS enabled in order to accuratelyidentify their locations. Spectrum sensing is performed foranalog and digital TV bands in addition to low-poweredauxiliary devices (131). Moreover, all 802.22 devices mustbe able to sense beacons transmitted by devices at a powerof 250 mW in UHF and 50 mW in VHF, having a band-width of 77 kHz within the TV band. Furthermore, thestandard compliant devicesmust dynamically adapt trans-missions and move to a new channel if the current channelgets occupied by licensed users (131). The network topol-ogy is a point-to-multipoint network where base stationscan serve up to 255 users and provide a minimum peakdata rate of 1.5 Mbps in the downlink and 384 kbps in theuplink for cell-edge users. The physical layer uses orthog-onal frequency division multiple access with 2048 carriers(10,131). The uplink and downlink are time division du-plexed because paired television channels are not readilyavailable.

    6.2. IEEE DySPAN (Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks)Standards

    These set of standards support new technologies and tech-niques on advanced spectrum management and dynamicspectrum access (DSA), which include new techniques formanaging interference, sensing, network management,and coordination of wireless networks (130). The IEEEDySPAN Standards Committee was previously known asStandards Coordinating Committee 41 (SCC41) and theIEEE P1900 Standards Committee (10).

  • 14 An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks

    Currently there are seven separate standards being de-veloped by different groups. IEEE 1900.1 provides precisedefinitions and explanations, IEEE 1900.2 provides rec-ommended practice, IEEE 1900.3 provides dependabilityand evaluation compliance for radio systems with dynamicspectrum access, 1900.4 provides architectural buildingblocks for distributed decision-making by devices for op-timum radio resource usage in heterogeneous networks,IEEE 1900.5 provides vendor independent policy and sys-tem requirements for dynamic spectrum access, IEEE1900.6 provides the logical interfaces and data structuresfor information transfer between spectrum sensing devicesand their clients, and IEEE 1900.7 develops a standarddefining the radio interface for communication within aspectrum hole (129,130,132).

    6.3. IEEE 802.19.1

    This standard has been developed for devices to exploit TVspectrum holes and ensure coexistence (129,130,133). Co-existence refers to self-coexistence between CR devices us-ing the same CR standard and coexistence among the sys-tems using different CR standards. While self-coexistenceis almost always incorporated into the CR standard, co-existence between devices using different CR standardsis more challenging (133). This standard aims to achievethis through three main tasks: (1) Discovering differentCR systems which need to coexist, (2) changing operat-ing parameters of the different CR systems such that theirperformance is improved, and (3) providing a unified inter-face between the CR devices using different technologies(133). The main elements of the protocol include subscrip-tion, registration, providing coexistence set information,reconfiguration, obtaining channel classification informa-tion, sharing coexistence set information, and coexistenceset element reconfiguration (133).

    6.4. IEEE 802.15.4m (Zigbee)

    This standard (134) rebands frequencies used by con-ventional IEEE 802.15.4 devices (low rate personal areanetworks) into the TV spectrum holes (135). The IEEE802.15.4 has become popular for wireless sensor networks,active radio frequency identification, body area network-ing, and smart utility networking (135). However, as moreapplications emerge, it is vital to explore into additionalspectrum opportunities as the current spectrum is limited.To this end, the IEEE 802.15.4m has incorporated peer-to-peer connectivity and device-to-device connectivity to keepin line with its target sensor network applications.

    6.5. IEEE 802.11af (WiFi)

    Modifications to the 802.11 physical and MAC layers areproposed in the IEEE 802.11af standard for local area net-works (LANs) accessing TV spectrum holes (129,136). Themain elements include a geolocation database, registereduser secure server, and geolocation database-dependententities (GDD) such as the GDD enabling and depen-dent stations (137). The registered location query protocol(RLQP) serves as a communication protocol between GDDenabling and dependent stations, and enables the depen-

    dent stations to select transmission parameters such asthe power, bandwidth, and spectral band (137).

    7. SUMMARY

    Cognitive radio aims to access unused or underutilizedspectrummore effectively as a promising solution for spec-trum shortages faced by new wireless applications. Threecommon CR paradigms are overlay, underlay, and inter-leave. Moreover, identification of spectrum opportunitiesis a key challenge, and can be accomplished through dif-ferent static or dynamic means. A key inhibiting factor ofCR networks is their mutual interference, which can becharacterized using statistical spatial and channel mod-els. A successful CR implementation needs to take into ac-count the physical layer,MAC, routing, and security issuesamong others. Several standards dealing with CR have al-ready been developed, and others have been incorporatedwith elements of cognition.


    ARQ automatic repeat requestAUC area under the curveAWGN additive white gaussian noiseC MAC cognitive medium access controlCCC common control channelCDMA code division multiple accessCOMNET cognitive mesh networkCR cognitive radioCSMA carrier sense multiple accessDAB direct access basedDOSS dynamic open spectrum sharingDPC dirty paper codingDSA dynamic spectrum accessDVB digital video broadcastingDySPAN dynamic spectrum access networksFC fusion centerFDMA frequency division multiple accessGDD geolocation database dependent entitiesGPS global positioning systemH MAC hardware constrained medium access controlIEEE institute of electrical and electronic engineersISM industrial, scientific, and medicalLSA licensed shared accessLTE long term evolutionMAC medium access controlMGF moment generating functionMORE medium access control independent opportunistic

    routingOFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexingOSMAC opportunistic spectrum medium access controlPPP poisson point processPTS prepare to sensePU primary userQAM quadrature amplitude modulationQoS quality of serviceQPSK quadrature phase shift keyingRLQP registered location query protocolROC receiver operating characteristicROSA routing and spectrum allocation algorithmSAMER spectrum aware mesh routingSNR signal to noise ratioSPEAR spectrum aware routing protocolSRAC single radio adaptive channel

  • An Overview of Cognitive Radio Networks 15

    STOP RP spectrum tree based on demand routing protocolSTRAP stability aware routing protocolSU secondary userTDMA time division multiple accessUHF ultra high frequencyVHF very high frequencyWCDMA wideband code division multiple accessWRAN wireless regional area network


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