An autoignition performance comparison of chemical kinetics models for n-heptane

An autoignition performance comparison of chemical kinetics models for n-heptane Kyle Niemeyer Oregon State University WSSCI Spring 2016 Meeting 21 March 2016 Contact: [email protected]

Transcript of An autoignition performance comparison of chemical kinetics models for n-heptane

An autoignition performance comparison of chemical

kinetics models for n-heptane Kyle Niemeyer

Oregon State University

WSSCI Spring 2016 Meeting 21 March 2016

Contact: [email protected]



Motivation1. Establish performance of various published models for n-heptane


Motivation1. Establish performance of various published models for n-heptane

➡ PRF, TRF, & TRF+ethanol mixtures


Motivation1. Establish performance of various published models for n-heptane

➡ PRF, TRF, & TRF+ethanol mixtures

2. Enable more robust performance testing of models


Motivation1. Establish performance of various published models for n-heptane

➡ PRF, TRF, & TRF+ethanol mixtures

2. Enable more robust performance testing of models

➡ Open-source validation software, and publish full set of experimental data used


Motivation1. Establish performance of various published models for n-heptane

➡ PRF, TRF, & TRF+ethanol mixtures

2. Enable more robust performance testing of models

➡ Open-source validation software, and publish full set of experimental data used

3. Encourage openness in combustion/chemical kinetics research


Similar work


Similar work• Sheen & Tsang (2014)1: comparison of n-heptane


• Only three experimental ignition datasets

• Four models considered; LLNL model also here

• Olm et al. (2014 & 2015): comprehensive performance comparison of models for hydrogen2 and syngas3 combustion






Name Coverage # Species # Reactions Ar? ReferenceTsurushima-2009 PRF 33 48 4

ERC-2013 PRF 73 454 5Ogura-2007 PRF+EtOH 634 3724 ✓ 6

Saisirirat-2011 PRF+EtOH 1046 8576 7CNRS-2009 TRF 536 2987 ✓ 8Dalian-2013 TRF 56 191 9Andrae-2013 TRF 138 641 ✓ 10

LLNL-2012 TRF 1388 10479 ✓ 11Princeton-2009 TRF+EtOH 469 1267 ✓ 12Cancino-2011 TRF+EtOH 1130 9158 ✓ 13

Tsinghua-2014 TRF+EtOH 91 411 ✓ 14CRECK-2014 TRF+EtOH 317 12353 ✓ 15Aachen-2015 TRF+EtOH 339 1693 ✓ 16

Experimental data


Experimental data


Study P (atm) T (K) ϕVermeer et al.17 1.4–4.1 1270–1580 1.0Burcat et al.18 2.0–11.8 1137–1661 0.5–2.0

Ciezki & Adomeit19 3.16–41.5 660–1350 0.5–3.0Fieweger et al.20 39.5 700–1200 1.0

Colket & Spadaccini21 4.1–7.8 1229–1427 0.5Horning et al.22 1.15–5.71 1329–1547 0.5–2.0Gauthier et al.23 2–60 800–1400 1.0

Smith et al.24 1, 2 1150–1700 0.5–2.0Herzler et al.25 49.3 720–1130 0.1–0.4Sakai et al.26 2 1319–1567 1.0Shen et al.27 10.5–53.6 786–1396 0.25–1.0

Hartmann et al.28 39.5 692–1275 0.5, 1.0Vandersickel et al.29 19.7–64.2 700–1100 0.5–1.0

Karwat et al.30 9 660–707 1.0




Approach• Similar approach to that of Olm et al.2,3:


Approach• Similar approach to that of Olm et al.2,3:

• Obtained experimental data and encoded into modified ReSpecTh31 XML format


Approach• Similar approach to that of Olm et al.2,3:

• Obtained experimental data and encoded into modified ReSpecTh31 XML format

• eval_kinetic_models32 software parsed XML files and set up Cantera-based33 autoignition simulations


Approach• Similar approach to that of Olm et al.2,3:

• Obtained experimental data and encoded into modified ReSpecTh31 XML format

• eval_kinetic_models32 software parsed XML files and set up Cantera-based33 autoignition simulations

• Model performance with dataset evaluated using error function and absolute deviation function


Ei =1




log ⌧ expij � log ⌧ simij

�(log ⌧ expij )


Di =1




log ⌧ expij � log ⌧ simij

�(log ⌧ expij )

The details: uncertainty

Dataset standard deviation σi: • Spline fit of

experimental data2,3 • σi = standard deviation

of difference between data and fit

• Minimum allowable: 10%


The details: ignition modeling


The details: ignition modeling

• Most shock tube experiments: modeled as adiabatic constant volume reactor


The details: ignition modeling

• Most shock tube experiments: modeled as adiabatic constant volume reactor

• Cases with preignition pressure increase: reported dP/dt employed using


P (t) = P0 +

Z tend





v(t) = v0⇢0⇢(t)


The details: ignition modeling

• Most shock tube experiments: modeled as adiabatic constant volume reactor

• Cases with preignition pressure increase: reported dP/dt employed using


P (t) = P0 +

Z tend





v(t) = v0⇢0⇢(t)


then volume history applied as reactor wall velocity

The details: ReSpecTh


# n-heptane ignition delay from Colket and Spadaccini 2001 # P (atm), T (K), Ignition Delay (µs) # Mole Fraction nC7H16 O2 Ar : 0.00192 0.04224 0.95584 7.72 ,1393 ,85 7.78 ,1299 ,345 7.04 ,1235 ,631 6.38 ,1299 ,348 7.53 ,1372 ,134 6.08 ,1236 ,678 7.35 ,1340 ,148 6.63 ,1328 ,211 6.94 ,1395 ,89

CSV file21

The details: ReSpecTh


Obtaining experimental data:

# n-heptane ignition delay from Colket and Spadaccini 2001 # P (atm), T (K), Ignition Delay (µs) # Mole Fraction nC7H16 O2 Ar : 0.00192 0.04224 0.95584 7.72 ,1393 ,85 7.78 ,1299 ,345 7.04 ,1235 ,631 6.38 ,1299 ,348 7.53 ,1372 ,134 6.08 ,1236 ,678 7.35 ,1340 ,148 6.63 ,1328 ,211 6.94 ,1395 ,89

CSV file21

The details: ReSpecTh


Obtaining experimental data:

PDF table18

# n-heptane ignition delay from Colket and Spadaccini 2001 # P (atm), T (K), Ignition Delay (µs) # Mole Fraction nC7H16 O2 Ar : 0.00192 0.04224 0.95584 7.72 ,1393 ,85 7.78 ,1299 ,345 7.04 ,1235 ,631 6.38 ,1299 ,348 7.53 ,1372 ,134 6.08 ,1236 ,678 7.35 ,1340 ,148 6.63 ,1328 ,211 6.94 ,1395 ,89

CSV file21

The details: ReSpecTh


Obtaining experimental data:

PDF table18


B E N Z E N E ¢ = 1 . 0

Ps =13 bar

P [bar] strong ignition T s =1080 K \

Aps mild ignition Ts=1040 K


t [ms3


I Fig. 2. Pressure- t ime histories for a s~oichio- ~- metric benzene-a i r mixture.

region the dependence of the ignition delay time upon temperature can be expressed ap- proximately by straight lines in the Arrhenius plot. The corresponding global activation ener- gies decrease with increasing pressure.

For Ps around 13.5 bar the dependence be- comes strongly nonlinear in a temperature range between 950 and 700 K. In this interme- diate temperature region a decrease in ignition delay time is observed with decreasing temper- atures. This leads to an S-shaped curve with a maximum and a minimum. Between both ex- termal values the dependence possesses a neg- ative temperature coefficient. The position of this transition region shifts to higher tempera-

tures with increasing pressures Ps- In the low- temperature region--below approximately 700 K-- the dependence of the ignition delay time upon temperature can again be expressed by a linear dependence. Because the measuring time of the shock tube is limited, the delay times could be determined only above 660 K, so that only a short part of the low-temperature region could be investigated in our experiments. The influence of pressure on the ignition delay is most pronounced in the transition region, smallest for low temperatures and of varying degree in the high-temperature region, where with increasing temperature this dependence becomes smaller.

"1~ z





16 2

,, 3.2 bar , , . / - - ~ - ~ . ~ / . - '~ o 6.s ,, . / \ ' - - - J . / /

O I£3 " / ' / n [] \ . . ~ - / 30 ,,,, . o

, ~ _ D,,- x i< \ 3 bar 1 Comoufofion ~o/"°E~/" × ~+.---+-.---L_._.+_.~..~" ~ X13 " ,, [ , " ,

t / ~ / / " !.ine of /+0 " j el'. a[. / .z~ ~ / . / pressure variation , / ~ / / T= 9/,0 K (Fig.11) T

/ 1200 1000 800 [K] I I I i I I I I I l I

0:8 1.o 1.2 114 loooK T

Fig. 3. Ignition delay times.

Figure19# n-heptane ignition delay from Colket and Spadaccini 2001 # P (atm), T (K), Ignition Delay (µs) # Mole Fraction nC7H16 O2 Ar : 0.00192 0.04224 0.95584 7.72 ,1393 ,85 7.78 ,1299 ,345 7.04 ,1235 ,631 6.38 ,1299 ,348 7.53 ,1372 ,134 6.08 ,1236 ,678 7.35 ,1340 ,148 6.63 ,1328 ,211 6.94 ,1395 ,89

CSV file21

The details: ReSpecTh


Obtaining experimental data:

PDF table18


B E N Z E N E ¢ = 1 . 0

Ps =13 bar

P [bar] strong ignition T s =1080 K \

Aps mild ignition Ts=1040 K


t [ms3


I Fig. 2. Pressure- t ime histories for a s~oichio- ~- metric benzene-a i r mixture.

region the dependence of the ignition delay time upon temperature can be expressed ap- proximately by straight lines in the Arrhenius plot. The corresponding global activation ener- gies decrease with increasing pressure.

For Ps around 13.5 bar the dependence be- comes strongly nonlinear in a temperature range between 950 and 700 K. In this interme- diate temperature region a decrease in ignition delay time is observed with decreasing temper- atures. This leads to an S-shaped curve with a maximum and a minimum. Between both ex- termal values the dependence possesses a neg- ative temperature coefficient. The position of this transition region shifts to higher tempera-

tures with increasing pressures Ps- In the low- temperature region--below approximately 700 K-- the dependence of the ignition delay time upon temperature can again be expressed by a linear dependence. Because the measuring time of the shock tube is limited, the delay times could be determined only above 660 K, so that only a short part of the low-temperature region could be investigated in our experiments. The influence of pressure on the ignition delay is most pronounced in the transition region, smallest for low temperatures and of varying degree in the high-temperature region, where with increasing temperature this dependence becomes smaller.

"1~ z





16 2

,, 3.2 bar , , . / - - ~ - ~ . ~ / . - '~ o 6.s ,, . / \ ' - - - J . / /

O I£3 " / ' / n [] \ . . ~ - / 30 ,,,, . o

, ~ _ D,,- x i< \ 3 bar 1 Comoufofion ~o/"°E~/" × ~+.---+-.---L_._.+_.~..~" ~ X13 " ,, [ , " ,

t / ~ / / " !.ine of /+0 " j el'. a[. / .z~ ~ / . / pressure variation , / ~ / / T= 9/,0 K (Fig.11) T

/ 1200 1000 800 [K] I I I i I I I I I l I

0:8 1.o 1.2 114 loooK T

Fig. 3. Ignition delay times.

Figure19# n-heptane ignition delay from Colket and Spadaccini 2001 # P (atm), T (K), Ignition Delay (µs) # Mole Fraction nC7H16 O2 Ar : 0.00192 0.04224 0.95584 7.72 ,1393 ,85 7.78 ,1299 ,345 7.04 ,1235 ,631 6.38 ,1299 ,348 7.53 ,1372 ,134 6.08 ,1236 ,678 7.35 ,1340 ,148 6.63 ,1328 ,211 6.94 ,1395 ,89

CSV file21 Email plea

The details: ReSpecTh


<commonProperties> <property name="initial composition"> <component><speciesLink preferredKey="nC7H16" InChI="1S/C7H16/c1-3-5-7-6-4-2/h3-7H2,1-2H3"/> <amount units="mole fraction">0.010</amount> </component> <component><speciesLink preferredKey="O2" InChI="1S/O2/c1-2"/> <amount units="mole fraction">0.110</amount> </component> <component><speciesLink preferredKey="Ar" InChI="1S/Ar"/> <amount units="mole fraction">0.880</amount> </component> </property> </commonProperties> <dataGroup id="dg1" label="ignition delay"> <dataGroupLink dataGroupID="" dataPointID=""/> <property id="x1" label="T" name="temperature" units="K" description="Temperature behind reflected shock wave"/> <property id="x2" label="P" name="pressure" units="atm" description="Pressure behind reflected shock wave"/> <property id="x3" label="tau" name="ignition delay" units="us" description="Ignition delay time"/> <dataPoint><x2>4.6600e+00</x2><x1>1.2600e+03</x1><x3>3.2300e+02</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>5.1700e+00</x2><x1>1.4100e+03</x1><x3>7.0000e+01</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>4.5200e+00</x2><x1>1.3230e+03</x1><x3>1.7000e+02</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>2.0300e+00</x2><x1>1.2680e+03</x1><x3>6.4700e+02</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>3.1500e+00</x2><x1>1.3410e+03</x1><x3>1.5500e+02</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>3.0800e+00</x2><x1>1.6020e+03</x1><x3>2.5000e+01</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>9.2300e+00</x2><x1>1.3610e+03</x1><x3>8.7000e+01</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>8.3400e+00</x2><x1>1.2860e+03</x1><x3>2.0000e+02</x3></dataPoint> <dataPoint><x2>1.1810e+01</x2><x1>1.5650e+03</x1><x3>1.0000e+00</x3></dataPoint> </dataGroup> <ignitionType target="p" type="d/dt max" />

ReSpecTh XML

Model performance



Error function


Absolute deviation


Analysis of Aachen-2015


Analysis of Aachen-2015

*Outliers not displayed


Aachen-2015 absolute deviation



Discussion• Best performing models: Cancino-2011,

Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, Dalian-2013, & Aachen-2015


Discussion• Best performing models: Cancino-2011,

Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, Dalian-2013, & Aachen-2015

• Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, & Dalian-2013: reduced models, with optimized rate parameters based on experimental data.


Discussion• Best performing models: Cancino-2011,

Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, Dalian-2013, & Aachen-2015

• Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, & Dalian-2013: reduced models, with optimized rate parameters based on experimental data.

• Aachen-2015: calibrated using uncertainty quantification technique


Discussion• Best performing models: Cancino-2011,

Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, Dalian-2013, & Aachen-2015

• Tsurushima-2009, ERC-2013, & Dalian-2013: reduced models, with optimized rate parameters based on experimental data.

• Aachen-2015: calibrated using uncertainty quantification technique

• Room for improvement in all models


Future work


Future work• This work is first step towards comparison of

models for ignition of PRFs, TRFs, and TRF+EtOH mixtures.


Future work• This work is first step towards comparison of

models for ignition of PRFs, TRFs, and TRF+EtOH mixtures.

• Explore alternate means to estimate experimental variability


Future work• This work is first step towards comparison of

models for ignition of PRFs, TRFs, and TRF+EtOH mixtures.

• Explore alternate means to estimate experimental variability

• All experimental data in XML format and automatic analysis software eval_kinetic_models will be released openly.


Thank you! Questions?


Acknowledgements: Dr. Bryan Weber; OSU School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Thank you! Questions?


?Acknowledgements: Dr. Bryan Weber; OSU School of Mechanical,

Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Thank you! Questions?


?Acknowledgements: Dr. Bryan Weber; OSU School of Mechanical,

Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

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