An Article on 2012.

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    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, As cension, and the Golden Age

    Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011

    2011 AUGUST 3

    Posted by Steve Beckow

    This is a reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon of the Council

    of Love. The highlights of it are: AAM gives the reason why the galactics

    backed off from disclosing on June 2 1; he discusses the 2012 end date, what

    Ascension will be like, th e day of darkness, the fate of the Earth and t hose

    who dont choose to ascend.

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    Thanks very much to Ellen who transcribed this reading.

    Archangel Michael: Gree tings , I am Michael.

    Steve: Gree tings , Lord. Thank you fo r co ming.

    AAM: Where e lse would I g o?


    Welcome, my brother of peace.

    S: Thank you, Lord.

    AAM: And my bro ther of love .

    S: Thank you.

    AAM: For so often, there are those on the human realm and on the planet of Earth that forget that these terms

    are interwoven and reflective, back and forth, that they are not separate. And so I bring you love this day as

    well as peac e. And it is a sac red love , and it is a love that you and I, many, and all, participate and share in.

    Do not become discouraged, my friend, with the human adventure. For, yes, there are many twists and turns,

    and eve n from our side it s om etime s lo oks a little skewe d. But understand, it is all in order. And it is in the

    enfoldment of One.

    And it is in the e nfoldme nt of the universal plan, the plan of the Mo ther/Father One, (1) and the res toration o f

    love, the raising of vibration upon this wondrous planet. And so far beyond. Of course it is to be understood

    and anticipated that fo r so many, as they de al with the change s that are now rampant, their conce rn is about

    the Earth and abo ut their journeys and about their in so me situations s urvival, in the mo st bas ic o f


    But this is not simply about the unfoldment of the human collective, those who have chosen to be in form on

    Earth at this time. Are the y in the fo refront? Yes . But it is so much bigg er than that. Yes , I know, my be love d

    bro ther, that I am speaking to one who unders tands this, but neverthe less it be ars rep eat ing that the e ffe ct and

    the ripple o f what takes place no w, with the raising o f freque ncy vibrations, with the o pening of hearts and

    minds eve n, it travels far, not o nly throughout this universe, but many universe s.

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  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    And there are so many who stand not only and watch in observation, but who assist, some in a very proactive

    way, and some in ways which are suitable. Yes, of course, I am speaking about your brothers and sisters of

    the st ars. You have an e xpress ion on Earth, chom ping at the bit. And I know that you are ve ry anxious t o

    discuss this. [chuckles ] But so are they. So are the y.

    S: Um hummh. Am I co rrec t, Lord, in thinking that you anticipate all my questions, that you know my

    questions before I ask them?

    AAM: Well, let us say that we are ve ry clos e.


    And so we share te lepathically and energ etically, mo re than anything, a knowing o f what is g oing o n, a

    commonality of our hearts and minds. So yes, there is a knowing, but there is also the importance of the

    human factor. Because we want this to be an exchange, a conversation. I do not always simply wish for you

    to come and to hear what I have to say, because it is just as important in our closeness and in our love that

    you express the yearnings and the feelings of your heart.

    S: All right.

    AAM: So where shall we be gin?

    S: Well, I did obviously have some questions. Can you tell me what occurred around June 21st to have that

    not be a go od date fo r disclosure?

    AAM: Fear. Of course, let me elaborate.

    No w, yo u know it is not the fe ar of the c ommon man, o f what yo u think o f as the man in the s tree t. For in

    many ways they wo uld de al with this just f ine. But there is an agree me nt and a pledg e b y the I ntergalactic

    Council that they will not c om e in a situation that will create such fe ar that there is a trigge r eve nt.

    It is the leaders of several countries, and in particular it is the United States of America, to some degree

    France, to some degree China, and even Israel, that have, upon discussion let us put it that way the

    leadership of what we felt and know to be the pivotal decision makers, the movers and shakers, the power

    brokers, o r so they b elieve, have bee n in alignme nt, and certainly in co mmunicat ion with the c ounc ils, with

    the Star Brothers and Sisters.

    R E C E N T P O S T S

    UPDATE: The 2012 Scenario Conference

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    Royal Bank Subpoenaed in LIBOR Probe
  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    by no t only military co nce rns or input, but also ec ono mic. Of c ourse it is true, and it is part o f the unfo ldme nt

    and this was ve ry clearly understo od , that what yo u think of as yo ur ec ono mies, whether yo ur Star Brothers

    or Sisters were prese nt or not, are shifting bec ause they are based in old paradigms that are of old

    dimensions and no longer serve. They are based on lower vibrations of greed, control, lust you know the


    S: Yes .

    AAM: But when the e co nomic ad visers have truly beg un to think about how this would shift the reality of not

    only what you think of as national economies but global economies, how the value of things, not only by

    neces sity but eve n comm on se nse, would shift, it gave them co ncern about losing o r not be ing able to

    manage that shift in a way that maintained o r maintains po wer base s.

    Additionally to that, there has been military input about protection, control of the populace, control of those

    who wo uld se ek to usurp the e nergy o r the s ituation politically of yo ur Star Brot hers and Sisters be ing

    pres ent.

    What they are not seeing, and what the visionaries, the core group had been quite clear on was the vision of

    the shift, was the opening of such potential. Yes, economies shift, but the gifts and the caretaking, in very

    prac tical ways, o f yo ur populaces are as sured . Nevertheles s, there has be en a huge spike high in the what

    we would call the f ear quotient.

    So there has been a backing away, but not off. Let me be very clear about that. And of course that is always

    why we are retice nt about dates . But this was ve ry clearly a time that was favo rable and co uld have be en

    favo rable, des pite e verything. But we will not s ee k to o ver-ride o r interfere with free will on any leve l.

    No w, yo u say to me , But Lord, if yo u are say ing that, t hen we c an wait until the end o f time . And I reas sure

    you, my brother, that that is not so. Because even though we tell you of this situation, it does not halt the

    unfo ldment, and it do es not halt the shifts in energy that are already underway.

    I want to give you a practical example. When you see a young boy, and hes on the diving board for the first

    time, he may be ve ry nervous, and there may be seve ral false starts, and he may back up a few times, and he

    may e ven take a running jump and then sto p. But what happens is eve ntually there is a dive. So me times it is

    pe rfect , some time s it is rather c lumsy. But it takes place . Because the c hild will no t stand on the diving bo ard

    until the water freezes over. Well, we are not waiting for the water to freeze over, either.

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    Part 1

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    with AAM and a Rebroadcast

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    Answer Love

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    Andrea Scullys Video Posts from the 2012

    Scenario Co nference Sedona Days 1 and 2
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    S: You understand that on the basis of disclosure having been postponed so many times, really, that some

    pe ople are say ing that Dec em ber 21st , 2012 is no t a sig nificant date and that what is said to be planned fo r

    that date wont happen until so me say 2013, s ome are saying 2015, so me 2030. Others are saying that

    disclosure itself wont happen until 2015, 2030, etc. Is there validity to the date December 21, 2012 or


    AAM: Yes , there is. Now, we do nt like t o play the date gam e. But this has be en think of it as a line in the

    sand. Think of it as the first crust of ice that forms on the water. You have to jump at some point. Everybody

    who is in this frame of mind is having a g reat de al of fun with the dates , are they not?

    S: I think so , ye s. And eve n an upset c an be fun.

    AAM: Yes , that is true. You s ee it all the time, in your sports and political spo rts. But thos e who are

    sugg es ting that this will not happen, s ay, til 2015 or 203 0, they are hedg ing the ir bets . So if nothing

    transpires, they c an still go fo rward. What is e sse ntial here and we do not in any way eve r wish to so und,

    be , and c ertainly not ac t, judgem ental; but let us speak to this, de ar heart, bec ause it is important it spe aks

    to a lack of faith and trust, not o nly in us, fo r that is not the iss ue. It is spe aking to a lack of trust and faith also

    in their sac red s elves , in the unfoldme nt that they are witness ing eve ry hour within their being, and within the

    be ings o f their neighbors, their friends. Yes, we know, it loo ks and sm ells and tas tes like chao s, and that is the

    good news. Because everything is boiling on the surface of the water. It is not buried deep within. So for

    those who wish or feel that they are guided at a future date, that is all right. Give them the compassion.

    Reassure t hem that it is all right, but it is also all right to trust that the Universe may s hift in a millisec ond.

    It does not take forever, although it has seemed as if it has. We are not in the habit or in the business of

    setting up false expectations. It is contrary to universal law, and it is contrary to love. If anything, my

    be love d friend and we keep t elling yo u this yo u are ahead o f sche dule. But do we want yo u to be

    wedded to a date? No. Do we say that the date s that have be en given are accurate and significant? Yes. If

    you were paralyzed, and let us suggest that in many ways the collective has been paralyzed, if you were

    paralyzed , and yo u were praying and praying and do ing yo ur sacre d prac tice , and me ditating for healing , and

    you were g iven the date of Decem ber 2012, would you be upset, dear friend, if it arrived in Septembe r? I

    think not .

    So look to your dates, but at the same time we are asking dee ply of yo u, keep an ope n mind to e arly arrival.

    S: So so the shift that were ex ectin could ha en before December 21 2012?

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    AAM: That is c orrec t.

    S: And is it go ing to be a s hift that happens in a mome nt, or is it go ing t o b e a g radual shift?

    AAM: It is already underway.

    S: Yes ?

    AAM: But as yo u know it has be en fo r som e time .

    But there is a moment, there is a moment when the door opens. So it is a has been and is a gradual

    awakening. You have s ee n the c hange s m entally, physically, emo tionally; interc onnect ednes s; the s hift in the

    co llec tive. But there is that mo me nt when it clicks. So it is a mo me nt. Actually, it is a period o f abo ut 20 to

    24, 26 hours.

    S: What are yo u desc ribing, Lord, a mo me nt? Is it an op ening o f a po rtal or a c hange in vibration, o r? What

    is it pos sible to p ut into words ?

    AAM: It is a change in the entire co llec tive vibration within which Earth, G aia and e verything upon it co me s

    together. It comes together In a different vibration. So it is not like going through a portal.

    S: No t. Okay.

    AAM: So yo u have g one through many portals, and that has be en part of what yo u think of as these mini-

    shifts that you have been undergoing.

    S: Right.

    AAM: And some people have gone through them very eagerly. Certainly the planet has gone through them.

    Many of the elem ental kingd om s have do ne their work as well. But there is a mo me nt, what we think of as a

    moment, which for you feels more like a day or so. There is a moment when it is harmonized all together.

    S: And on o ne side were in 3D or 4D, and on the o ther side were in 5D?

    Or higher.

    S: Or higher. And Ill be c om ing b ack to that later, about Starse eds . But peo ple, I think, are hunge ring fo r

    so me desc ription of really what








    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS



    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO


    ESSAYS ON 2012






  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    AAM: Yes, one o f the things that we hear very often is, do I have a bo dy? Is there an experience of

    physic ality? Do es the Earth disappear? Do my f riends disappe ar? Do es my dog disapp ear?


    It is m os t likely the do g will remain.


    S: The dog will have a g oo d time of it!

    And theres questions like, are there three days o f darknes s, and. Peo ple are wanting to know what the s hift

    entails. Do I get up physically and move to another location? Do I does the Earth disappear behind me in

    3D and the Earth ope n up in 5D? The y do nt know what to e xpe ct.

    AAM: No, yo u dont. Think of it as blinking. Have y ou ev er blinked and the roo m s ee ms b righte r all of a

    sudden? This happens all the time in your meditation. It is like a blink. The Earth has already do ne mo st o f her


    And a g reat de al of the Earth changes that you witness are actually helping the co llec tive so uls, the humans,

    to adjust as well. So it is m ore like a blink. You may have the ex perience of physicality fo r that is part o f

    the joy o f be ing o n this Earth if you want to . It is a shift in po tential of how you o perate and how

    eve rything. So it is as if all at o nce there is a c leanup c rew. And what is swep t away, what is swep t away, my

    be love d o ne, is t he rem nants o f the f ear, o f the hatred, o f the d arknes s.

    In that mom ent, what we are calling a mo me nt, there is a c hoice. Do yo u want and it can happen

    instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation do you want to be in the heart of one of

    love? Do yo u wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last sec ond, all they nee d to say is yes , and

    allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet.

    That is why we say all are invited.

    No w, if they choo se not, that is all right. It is s ad. But they do not ne ed , the re is no requirement fo r them to

    co ntinue to exist in a diffe rent frequency o f the planet. But let us be clear, and this is where fear arises

    amongst pe ople, they cannot stay. So there will be those who c hoose to leave.

    S: What will happen to this Earth, 3D Earth, that they c annot stay? Is that what yo u meant, Lord?












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  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    : e s, a s w a m ean. n e rs an , ar , s no e x s ng .

    S: Any long er, afte r that mo me nt?

    AAM: [Des cribing 5D:] You c an have the e xpe rience of being in 3D. Of think of it as living s om ewhere

    and projecting and having an on-stage experience. So you can have the 3D experience, but the 3D

    exp erience is not including all the o ld paradigm s, the duality.

    S: What is it including?

    AAM: It is including a physical reality of love, the physical embodiment of joy, of the incredible experience

    of diversity, o f interco nnecte dness, of love, of co mmunity. It is the res toration o f what was always


    S: No w, it s ounds like yo ure talking abo ut the 5D Earth.

    AAM: That is c orrec t.

    S: What abo ut for the p eo ple who say no? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, o r will they find themse lves

    somewhere else?

    AAM: They will find thems elves else where.

    S: And will they find themse lves e lsewhere as bab ies, o r as they are now?

    AAM: They will return home . They will return out o f b od y.

    S: To the as tral planes ?

    AAM: Yes . And they will be co unse led and then reas signed as they c hoo se .

    S: And there will be no one on this Earth? Or will this Earth exist?

    AAM: Oh, no, it will exist [in 5D]. It will exist. Because it is still the po ssibility o f having the e xperience of

    dem onstrating in physicality.

    S: All right. Will it exist as it exists now, or will it be a burned-out shell?

    AAM: No, it will exist as it exists now [but in 5D] in her divine p erfe ctio n. Just as yo u will exist as yo u do, if

    you wish to have this form, although you may do some alterations on it.

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  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.



    S: I c an think of a few!

    AAM: Many will do alterations, my friend.

    S: Ill be happy to do alterations.

    AAM: And that is the difference . It is the ability to c reate and c o-c reate with lov e. It is ac tively using the

    creation energy to bring forward what you are wishing to experience.

    S: All right. Let me just s ee if I underst and things now. The pe op le who say ye s will go to 5D, the pe op le

    who say no will go to the as tral plane. Will there be any life left o n Earth [meaning in 3D]?

    AAM: Yes [meaning in 5D].

    S: And who would that be o r what would that be?

    AAM: It would be tho se who are in the f ifth dime nsion, wishing to have that awarenes s, but also inhabit and

    have a physical experience.

    S: Oh, maybe I do nt understand you. Are we no t having a physical expe rience in 5D?

    AAM: Yes . And that is on Earth.

    S: Oh, now Im a little co nfused. Im talking abo ut two diffe rent things. One is 3D Earth, o ne is 5D Earth. The


    AAM: The 3D Earth has done her cosmetic change. It is not there.

    S: It is not there.

    AAM: The sam e way yo u, dear heart as the e mbo diment o f a singularly third-dimensional being are no

    longe r prese nt. [Because I'll be in 5D and not in 3D.] At that mom ent, yo u both, and all jumpe d.

    S: All right. So is there anything left in 3D?

    AAM: No, it is all transmuted, transformed, elevated.

    S: Ahhh. Okay.

    AAM: Im so rry. I have no t be en clear with you.

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    Suzan Caroll: Opening Portals I
  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    S: So there is no 3D Earth after that date?

    AAM: That is c orrec t.

    S: Oh, I didnt understand that.

    AAM: She does not want to duplicate herself and to continue to be the carrier of that energy.

    S: Uh-huh . Unlike, say, Venus? (2)

    AAM: Yes , there has be en a division there [i.e., o n Venus], but that is not how Earth is choo sing to do this.

    S: Ill be darned. I havent heard that bef ore , and Im just trying to diges t it. There wo nt be a 3 D Earth. The

    pe ople who s ay no will go to the as tral planes, the pe ople who s ay ye s will co ntinue o n with Earth.

    AAM: That is c orrec t.

    S: That is very much an eye o pener fo r me. Thank you.

    AAM: You are all go ing t og ether. It is a package deal, m y friend.

    S: Yes , indeed. [Laughs] I s ee that now. Will there be three days o f darknes s, o r is that just c om pletely


    AAM: There will be a pe riod of darkness . It is ve ry unlikely that it would be what yo u think of as three days . It

    is more likely to be a period of about, oh, 20 hours, a cycle of what you would think of as a day.

    S: And what will we be doing in that 20 hours?

    AAM: Well, so me of it you will be s leeping. So me of it you will simply be and we g uide y ou stro ngly

    still. Be in your heart. Be in peace . Be with us. Be with those yo u love and cherish. But do not panic.

    S: Right. Okay. Well, that is very helpful. I think for the first time I be gin to apprec iate whats g oing to be

    happening at that time. Well, okay, so, let me ask you a few more questions. Divine deadlines that comes

    from a state me nt that SaLuSa made in which he s aid that there are de adlines which have bee n divinely


    I dont understand the concept of divine deadlines, though, because previously I thought that once a divine

    deadline had bee n reached the galactics would take o ver the ranch and do what they wanted. But I think weve

    Suzan Carroll: Opening Portals II Part 2/2

    Suzan Carroll: Opening Portals II Part 1/2

    Suzan Carroll: The Arcturian Corridor Part III

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    Future Rea lity Will Be

    Welcome, New World of Bliss

    Starseeds: Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension

    Further Questions on Ascension












  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    passe d the d ivine dead line fo r disc losure, have we no t? And yet that didnt happen.

    AAM: Yes , yo u are c orrec t. And one o f the things is that it is a languag e iss ue as well, bec ause when you use

    that term de adlines it do es imply that line in the sand. And we want to em phasize this is a ve ry unique

    undertaking, to say the least.

    And many o f mmm we do nt have so much rules as what yo u would think of as pro toc ol. A very human

    word, is it not? Anyway. We are working with the human co llec tive as never be fo re. And the de adlines have

    happened. And we have taken a c ollect ive breath and s aid, all right. But there is so me margin here. And we will

    give it to them.

    One of the things that you will have noticed, my beloved friend, is the intensity of what is flooding your

    planet and e very human being, ev en tho se who are no t aware, at this time . Everyo ne is fe eling this, s ince

    there are many who are in what we would call a feed ing frenzy. They are chasing their tails. T hey are f ee ling

    the intensity of the frequencies that are being given to them to break through, because, yes, there will be that

    mom ent, but also the more the c ollective has co me tog ether, the firmer the fo undation, the sweete r, the

    smoother it all is. So we are giving extensions that have not normally been available.

    S: Okay. So then it might be more accurate to say that the initiative has passed to the galactics and the spirit

    hierarchy afte r the divine d eadline, but they then use p rudence and

    AAM: Discretion.

    S: discretion in what they do next. Is that correct?

    AAM: That is correct. The Company of Heaven, and far beyond. We want to help, so we are giving,

    allowing, so me extra flexibility. But from o ur side, eve rything is in place . Everything is a g o. I am the

    archange l of pe ace. I am the warrior o f peac e, as are yo u. It is o ur desire that this be as peace ful and as

    loving as the o utcome is.

    S: Okay, thats ve ry clear. Im just go ing t o as k you a very quick question. I think it came as a bit o f a sho ck

    to many peo ple that they might have to give up their well, including myse lf that they mig ht have to

    give up so me pleasures and pastimes. So me pe ople worry that they m ay not be able to asce nd if they dont

    give up things like s mo king, m arijuana thos e were the two m ain ones that came up. I said to them that I

    thought that it was more a case of it being a rocky ride rather than not achieving ascension. Could you

    co mment o n that whole question, please?















    12. 2012 HISTORY


    14A. MEET-UPS

    14B. MEET-UPS II
  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    AAM: You are abs olutely co rrect. What they are do ing, and what they are fac ing, is their own eg o f ears. What

    they are do ing is the y are fac ing t heir own issues o f se lf lov e and se lf worth. So what they are thinking is that,

    If I dont do X, then I will not be allowed to participate in love. That is not the case.

    No w, as we have tried to em phasize with you to day, the re is that m ome nt of de cis ion. But it is, like yo u say,

    if you have prepare d the way, not o nly upon the planet but within your sacred s elf, if yo ur vesse l is c lear, this

    is about the clarity of heart. So it is not the issue of this substance or that substance. The issue is: Is partaking

    of the substance an act of love for your sacred self, or is it simply helping you to mask the self loathing thatyou feel?

    No w, that is a ques tion each being has ne ed to take to their heart, no t fe eling that we judg e in any way, e ver.

    But if they were to turn to us and to ask for clarity, to ask for assistance, that is what this period of discretion

    and flexibility is about. We want to help.

    So, do they have to give up what they love. No. But is it love? Is it an honoring of the sacred nature of who

    they are? That is the question we po se.

    S: Thank yo u. Thats ve ry clear. I notice I miss ed a que stion, and Ill quickly go back to it. Ive s aid to my

    readers that my hunch is that most Starseeds are already ascended. And Ive added to that, why would

    Starseeds be asked to co me to Earth if theyre not asc ended? It see ms like that would be part of the

    problem rather than part of the s o lution, if it were the cas e. Am I c orre ct in my hunch?

    AAM: Yes. Starseeds are here to help.

    S: I see. And theyre already ascended, mostly. Theyve already been through this?

    AAM: That is co rrect. And that is why the s hifting inter-dimensionally is be co ming so profo und and cleare r

    and clearer. So sometimes they do not know, and it is confusing for them, whether they have their feet in the

    third or the fifth, the se venth or the ninth. But it do es not matte r, they are here to help.

    S: Okay. And what de termines when the time at which the blindfo lds co me of f?

    AAM: It is a co mbination, but 90 pe rcent o f the fac tor is the individual.

    S: And in what respect, Lord? The individual

    AAM: The individual deciding


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    S C H O P E N H A U E R O

    O F T R U T H

    "All truth passes through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Se cond,

    it is violently oppose d. Third, it is accep ted as b eing se lf-

    evident." - Arthur Schopenhaue r

    F I R S T T H E Y I G N O

    "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they

    attack you and want to burn you. And then they build

    monum ents to you." (Ge neral Executive Board Report and
  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.



    that they have had e noug h.

    S:Ive had enough ! [Laughs.]

    AAM: And yo ur blindfo ld is as thin as gauze .

    S: [Laughing] Uh-hunh!

    AAM: You underestimate yo urse lf. What yo u call hunches are visions, my f riend.

    S: Well, thats g oo d to know. I ce rtainly do fee l more c onfident with what Im saying.

    AAM: It is coming from a place of understanding and knowing. Now, the next step, my dear brother, is to

    accept it.

    S: Thats wo nderful. Well, I v ery m uch appreciate what yo uve told m e tod ay. Its just s o helpful. And it will

    help all thos e o ut there who have had thos e ques tions in their minds.

    AAM: Dear heart. I am with you always. Go with my lo ve. And go with my bles sing.

    S: Thank you.

    AAM: Farewell.

    S: Thank you, Lord.


    (1) A reference to the Trinity of the Father (transcendent, still, silent), the Mother (phenomenal, active,

    so nic), and [understo od ] the Child (the Transce ndent in the Phenome nal, the f lame in the heart, t he Christ,

    Atman, Self).

    (2) I c ome from the planet Venus, known to yo u as the one asso ciated with the e nergy of love. A hostile

    planet as yo u see it, ye t o n a higher dime nsion o ne o f be auty with its c rystal cities . You look at other planets

    and see no possibility of life, yet all have similar dimensions to ours and some are even higher. (Ker-On of

    Venus, Oct. 22, 2008.)

    Proceed ings [of The] Biennial Convention, Amalgamated

    Clothing Workers of America, 1914. Some times attributed to


    M A T T H E W W A R D :

    R E A S O N T O F E A R

    "Although we hope that none of you is appreh ens ive about the

    rece nt pred ictions of cataclysms , we s hall tell you that there

    will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide

    with Earth; radiation from Japan s Fukus hima n uclea r plant will

    not cause population e xtinction; no plague will annihilate m ost

    of the worlds peop les; living un de rgrou nd will not be

    nece ssary; the fight for free dom in Arab countries will not

    ignite WWIII. Your de sire s that none of those will occur are

    added to Earths intention that they will not, and the e nergy

    pr od uc e d in the co lle ctive co ns cio us ne ss as su re s tha t n on e of

    those devastating e vents can be manifested." (Matthew Ward,

    June 11, 2011.)

    P L E A S E N O T E

    Neit he r a m I qu alifie d to be , n or do I wish to be co ns ide re d, a

    spiritual teacher. I 'm a re searche r and writer, he re s imply to

    share my views and listen to yours as spiritual adults and

  • 7/30/2019 An Article on 2012.


    Copyright 2012 The 2012 Scenario

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