^B S,, and an M,SS itefish/h«otogy from...

ALTAMONT (Ni, Y.) ENTERPRISE ''<i ALBAJN^^O. POST* FM&^Y, MAY 10* 196^ ••CTION fWtf'— pAGi OH* YUUKntEOVlLU!. Mrs. "Frank R. Dergoslts of 17 Wrte St., Voorheesville, is your new reporter for the village. Call f ier at RO 5-2655, or mall news tems directly to her. She will also accept classified ads or other advertising. Voorheesville OKs School Budget By 8 7 4 4 Vote Voprhee^vule vpters overwheirh- wgly approved a $1,725,380 school board budget Tuesday night m addition to approving the library budget and the re-election of two trustees , The budget* reflecting an in* creaSe of $324 325 >ove}: this year's figure! was approved by 87 to 14 Votes* The library budget of $25,000 was approved 58 to i ? 3 August Berger w^s re-elated to a new five-year term as trustee, 61 to 3 and Clayton A> #&utofl deceived approval for another iwti- year term,-a{3 library trustee, with 57 votes In addition to Berger on the tfeustee ejection William. Chads- and <Ja,nje!s»&eay each received one vote. Engagement Announced f t —_~ >< ; Mr and Mrs Robert Cornell of /Slmge£}ands announee the engage- ment of their daughter Jeanne L, Wallits to Paul J Brunk son. of Mtt and Mrs Bruce G •Brlinkf Of Voorheesville , Miss Willits is fa graduate, of Clayton A Boutoh Higjl jchool 1 She attended Alfrefi Slate CMlfge, ana iS employed as a medical tech- nician, at Albany Medical Center hospital , * Mr Brunk also a graduate { of Clayton A Bouton High school, attended Hudson Valley, Com- munity College and is serying in the New York Army National Guard He is, employed by Glen- mont Development Corp ^* i An Aug 33 wedding is planned HQME-ivTADE P *IZZA Wfi flMM M B . mHwk From 5 ?. M. on •tm>- M Smith's TAVERN Voorheesville, |f. % Phone 76?<41$3 JKITCHfeN 1 CL-O^^ tatf Friday ahd Saturday y^ekaays •* Mifln^ht Take-out ttoSMtoflfai&fr <f Day ^o/" 1 Closed SEUesdaarsT-^ No Person Under 18? A^itHjt^d f Without, Parent ( or Gufcrdten FIRE OFFICERS I^STAU-Ep —The Voorheesville Fire depart ftient held itp annual dfaijjfer^ and ladfe# night May 4 at the American Lsgipn hall m V0orWeesVil|e. Officers Who were installed ate pictured above. SEATEp (front i$ll$k Ernes* Reisman, lieutenant No* 2?j William Gray III, captain No 2, Norman Bayly, Snd asst. chief, Mario D'Arpmo, -chief, John Johi% captain J^o 1, -James Love- day, lieutenant No, 1. STANplNCt! Ralph Cox ? captain of fire police, Midhael Ricci* master of cerem^ojiii;at the.fltaner-j;Frank Sulh v ^ treasure^ Joseph'Sttiacu?^ s,ecretary, WiUi^m WUnyan, ex-chief, PaW Pan*i, buartermasterj JT The officers were installed by Kenneth Jacobson, ex chief Ateo installed at -fche dinner were officei* of 4 Stitth, former president, as the installing officer. Auxiliary leaders are Japet Burfce*, president, Steltaj Field, treasurer} Mildred McCartney, secretary,. The dinner" was prepared and. served by the Ladles ai 7 s(PhOtpby-Efl fljllant Fl*nsb«rg f delegate. R tadwte auxiliary, with Ethel evei-SMi* vjee president? Jluha ilar^ of the American Vegian. tux&C B^aftdow" 1 News About Town CuhiPack. 74 will hold a swim jpariy at the high school pool from *7;fo 8*30 p, na ,May 3,3 The original date of this event was May*10 v » Mr and M*fe Larry Boss and family spent Sunday at North Creek * tyhere Jthey engoyed the White Water Derby* ' ^M** and^Mrs, Samuel Youmans returned home Monday from a"n eight-d^y holiday in Bermuda, which they toured, The challenge of the motot bikes vyas great fun The- trip was a 2Efth weddmf anni- vefsary their son and daugh- ter-jin-jaw, M r ' »"d Mr^^ Roland Bapiess ^Tjmmy and ^mmy< spent the "week With the Van £et- teh family < "Scott Davis was guest of honor' at a dinner given by his parents at- their horhe on Pane St, for his confirmation Sunday m Vqorhees-i. yille Methqcjist church Those at- tending were Mr* dnd+Mrs Henry Fmger^ and family Elizabeth Fnj,- ger of Pittsheld Mass, and Grace Bausch of Albany ' Weindy JEflopter wa^ a guest <>f Jhpnor at dmner ^ith h,er family <*, ft 1 ®* \ a 4 i S;offry fo reigp^t Hollalad 5hea is patient at v gfc Jeter's hospi^ whichjhe enteredi,gatumay u J >>*•, r Mr and Mrs Robert •Andre'ws had As tfjeir gmestjje last couple^ drjilys?' father *< On ^hdayrMr 7 and^Mrs jHaroWTiffany and fanv #> aoinfed the Andrews family as ijinnefc., ^fuests Mrs Andrews farther returmed home Sunday 'B'ohbytiAndrew.s was confirmed oh Sunday , *< x , Glad to report that Boh Humes returfied, home from St Peter's hospital 'on Tuesday, after spendV. ing j ten' day£ ^ e r e ^ ^ 1 pMOTTEp — Wtlham 6 i^ent- T „, of Voorheiesyille hafe h ^ n pro- moted to assistant diTecter of the Division of Fi$h 3ntt eame-in the State CohserVafiod department, The 45 year-old career emplbyee has sewed for^He past'tpree years as fcfjifif of Jthe Bureau of >ish He, joined fh& department In t950 as an aquatic- b|oJbg^t v )He holds a^B S,, and an M,SS itefish/h«otogy from CjornelJ lUpjyefjity^ ' S f W A,.gvt c„ _*. L^ Mt. View Home Bureau Mountain Vjew Home Bureau Day Utfgtf met Wednesday at the' home of Mrs Robert Lawrence Mrs, Eugene Sickles gave instruc- tions fo rrahbort fk>wers Mr£i Ed- War,d Puritan pr#idekt ( reminded members tp get things* ready for the Altarnortt Fair Plans were {made for the Juhe, picnic the last meeting of the year, at the honie of ^Mrs^ATthuf J3 Hatch Jt was repprted *that Mfus A Berger, a member, had, ifetusned! home from the bqsj&talaf ter minor surgery The club .entertained other unite at Achievement Night at Christ Lumer^m. £hurch on jMay 2^ Mrs Robert Lay/rence, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Arthur E Hatqti and Mrs Sal Mascara were on the commit- tee-' i , Jt lot G!rlSeouifroop ; l33 Girl ScoutiTroop^JSS unde^the leawrsltvp of Mi<s Bruce Car- gill, has- ordered badges ^for the fojlowihg Health aid, Valarie Albertjj' Jeanne Berscihwinger, Mary Beth Bfate Denise- CaugiH, Ellen ehristman Sandy * Kramer, Christine J>edeack h Mary \Iane Vyffe "Louise Gjlhplly^ book badge, Mary JaneJFyffe,, colleetorte badge, Pam Tesch Valane Albert? Chris- Kindergarten Registration , Kjindergaijte.n reg^strMionior the WOorheesvrtle ©Wment^ry school *H1 be from 9 30 a^m, to 3 p m, Wftd^esday, May lSi 1 * Thursday, May IQ, arid Fnday c May 17, ati- ,<5ordmg t o Robert M ^Farrell, schpol prihcipal l Children registered must be five years old on or ^before IJec 1 parents ^shorjld hnng thef child's 3xt\h Certificate <and health record listing childhood diseases and a jtecofcd of immunizations including polio, at the time of registration —i <—p-—- American legion Auxiliary /.American Legion Auxiliary of T?ost 1493 held its monthly meet- ing last Thursday evening at Le- gion hall Plans wei'e discussed for the Memorial Day parade the June "dinner, and election pf of- ficers ' May is Poppy Month "Let us mot forget the veterans — we help tpem because they helped us Mother's Day and Meftional Day ^also are in the month of May 39s Rev. Walter E. Taylor, minister. Sunday, May 12th; 9:20 a..'rh(. Sunday jsqhpol and ,aduit Bible study class. 0-30 and 11 a *" tflMssWp'sw™- we Baptism at 11 a m Monday, May 13th 2pm Confirmation class at the church 7 3 0 p m Commission on stew- ardship and finance will meet at the church Wednesday, May 15th« 7pm Social concerns reading program 7 3d p m Bible study group wdl meet Thursday, May 16th j £ 30 ji m Jumpr ,ehoir 7 3 0 p m Chancel choir' Friday, May 17th, S p m Youth leave for over- night retreat at Skye Farm, SaMdayijMay ISth 5,30 v m Ypww re'tum frota S\«ye Farm , Members, pf the. Jumpi 1 High and, Sem6r High Youth Fellowships will attend an overnight retreat at Skye Tarm, War,rensburg, "Friday and Saturday, May 17-,18 Re- source leaders at the refreat will b^ Mr. and Mr"s ClarK Eddy of Schenectady^ Trees growing in 4 sapdy and loam soils are more susceptible to lightning damage than, trees grow- ing in clay, rViayL and calcareous soils ^ EOUTE 85-A V O O ^ ^ f e E ^ I ^ N. Y. Specializing in SHRIMP - C L A M S Music Saturday Nights Only4-<f TThe Troubadours Fownerty of FqxenkiU Lodges t Country,, Western and Variety Music — Air Conditioned — Died GWLDEN—,-May 3, Steven '¥., son pf Mr. and.MfSf RWssell E. Gulden, Sr... of/Hennessey, Rd., Voorheesville; brpther of Russell E Jr Kathy L Patricia A Bienda Sue and Susan M also survived by his maternal grand- parents Mr and Mrs Homer Utentz of Northeast Md, and hjs paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs Edward Gulden of Loudon- vitte Funeral was held Monday at 8 30 a m from the Robert F Dufresne Funeral Home, Latham, thence to Stv Matthev/s church, Voorheesville, where at 9 30 a m , a Requiem 1-ti^b Mass was cele- " id. brateti Reed Schultz Joins Faculty • The Voorheesville Board of Ed- ucation has recently announced that Mr Reed Schultz, an alumnus pf Clayton A. Bouton High Schpol, will fill the ppsitiori of physical education instructor at thfe grade school A graduate pf Springfield. College, Mr. Schultz has taught at Cobleskil!, and has . had two : years' experience teaching both high school and elementary gradesi MattCSX%S*XSX*XXKX*$tt£^^ FASTEST SERVICE m Y®¥¥^! vsmsmmtfo ?. 5&W 3»M(.fe>y5 A i-; WILKLOW wmt. Centrally located for PROMPT delivery! COMFORT WITH OUR MEW EAUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS HOME COMFORT PLAN AUTOMATIC DELIVERY * 24-HOUR SERVICI i Neal Wilklow R. D. H VOORHEESVILLI, N. Y. PHONE UNloh 1-8331 YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT 1" , " ,A n> - 1 -iV _ »*4 ara ' CONSERVATION PROGRAM Ttf the Editor" , H seems that the V^heesville Elementary school hks ^ terrific (conservation program^ going; mi, them, all due- to the efforts of several conservation"mihd,ed teach- vfers>vlt all started sWetfjaL-years ago when DoThala" Qtferness ( accept- ed ai» mvitatioh frOm JAie Albany Couhiy Consei'VatipnVaiiance to attend a one-wedc teachers* work- shop; at iComell UinversiiyJs- Arnot Forfest- at the'eXpehs^.Of ithe. Al- liance s and. tjhe New Jdrk State Conservation,. Council , •% _, Since ?hen thrpugh ttt^ efforts of i ) f Ottefehess) and f fhfe rf Albany County ^Conservation Alhahce the Voorheesville school ha$ > §ent I Mrs W?lham Streets Mts Kftren Ams- worth ^liss^ Peggy* |Searps and Mrs^ Campbell J o the Afinot For- est^WorksbOB * On r A^ril 26, I was extended an lnyiiatio'n td 1 at-. tepd. Conservation Day^cetemoniPs at^the; Voorheesyilte ''Eletaentary schdol " t •>> -r ' f The events' were ^ follriws 1 All students took part m. jpldnt- <ing a Jin o a r jh froUt pf the schpol 4 ^ Mrsv C^phellk class, M#s, Mdran?s plass arid the ..cwss pf MisS HmeV cTearted*'*np *the- ; schoolgrounds , The Soi^hce Club- sponsored by Mt 'Otternefe, plant- ed pine trees and. pushes in front and back of the new wings Mrs Wright's class planted S cedar tree in back or the new wing, and Miss Joslins class Slanted a cedar tree in front of the new wing In the past few years the school children and teachers have plant-, ed willow trees along the* Vly creek banks white^pnie, Ml "pme and multi flora los'es along the school pl&ygrounds The Science Club has outlined plans for the future fo eradicate the deadly night shade and poison ivy along the creek b,anks Signs Will be placed by planted ar^as, trees will fee labeled with metal signs, and bird houses l wiU be placed along the creek #anl«s, As chairman of conservation adulation for the New gorllc State Conservation Council 1 wish to congratulate the VborneesVille Ele- mentary school staff and its many cohservdtion-mmded tochers, for the fme 36b that they are doing td teach the importance of good con- servation fdr without conservation therW cah fee no life , William 1 F Mfatott r Chaifman, Conservation Education, New fork State Conservation Council 1 PTA To Meet Tuesday YooiheesviUe 1*TA -will meet at 8pm Tuesday May H> a,t th^ Claytoh Boutpn High school The program 'Local Juvenile Prob- lems " Sipealser Sgt J C Wanek, commander Selkirk station of New York State Police, and Kenneth George guidance counselor, Voor- heesville High school Flection of officers is also scheduled Re- freshments will be served Enlerpuse ads paj—fij ihem. Lasa Beitz}«tDiane, .ghi?aete.i?Pa! , Teach* Jacqueline Vunk and Kathy Weaver^- 1 — Donna Mazzara re- ported '—^5 New Scotland Presbyterian Rev^Lester H jPslge pastor Friday, May l^th 3pm Juhior choir reheaisal , G^SO p m Mother and daughter feahquet at Vroonvule Eeformed church, J t J Sbnday May 12th, 9 30 a m Church school 11 a *m Mormhg worship with nursery* care for children under six years < v ? f p t5 Senior chdir V lWednesday, May 15th ^ M.lta v in H UPW meeting 4 Bung a sandwich All urged to attend, as there is /Ms. to &Q Dessert and coffee will be furn)sh;^d by the hostesses, s Mrs s E^eleth and'Mfs <Furma<i t 1 « t , ' > ^ May has beeh designated Church World §eryice Month for the col- lection- ,of good ^ used ' clothing Items-"of special need a r e clOthihg fp^ infant and children and plank- •€ts u whatever you have that can tie used, please 1 ileavp it ih the gpl4 room Everything Wjll be gladly received What you do not need others m need will be thank- ful to receive 1 Don't forgef the roast beef sup per Saturday May % /put on bj the wome n Rf the church The public is invited to enjoy this fam lly stvle dmner of roast beef mashed potatoes corn green bean salad relishes rplls coffee and assorted pies There vyill be a fancy feopth aprons pillow cases etc A candy booth will be man- ned by the Youth Fellowship The money will go to support Dorothy Grasshopper (our adopted Indian child) A baked goods booth where you can purchase cakes pies cookies and maybe bread Come and get your Sunday desseit The time — 4 30 to 7«3#p m, "-•"• J - i >' •'• " " "• , St. Matthew's Church —— /, Rev. John ,R .Slise, pastor Masses BWday at 8, 10, 12 noon Daily at 6 46, Satutday at 9 .Confessions' Saturday from 4 fo 5jand 7 30 to 8 30 p hj, Sun- day before 8 and 1,0 a, m Masses 'Activities of the Wijelt M,onday, May 13 JReligious in- struction for grade school pupils from 2 fo § p m Miraculous medal novena devotion* and ven- eration of the relic of St Matthew at 7 p m Tuesday, May 14 —• Religious instructions for the high school students from 7 to s p m The Diocesan Development Pro- gram fund drive will erid this Week fend Any parishioner not contact- ed by tjall Herbert Reilly Or the rectory v "-.—r —..ill .. .. \ About 40 inches of ram fall on New York state each year This is enough water to supply every New Yorker With 5,600 gallons of water per day However, most of thib watei is, lost through evapora- tion, transpiration, tunaff *id pol- lution If you ever jneeded an excuse to join the Vaca-j 'txOn Club at The B^rjLb, here it is. ^ Join now And you re eligible to wm an all-ex- penses-paid weekgrul vacation torJ2, a«. any of 7 thes$ 3 famous vacation spots*j "" ^ 1. Bermuda 2. take Placid/RY.V 3.' Portsmouth, Rjfi..,^ > Here's all you have to do to win: ^-^,_ When you join the Vacation Club, pick up your enfry blank Therv m X5 wntten words or" less, tell why it's wise to save for 1 a vacation. The winner Will be selected by an independent panel of out*: side judges oft the basis- of* aptness of though!^'.' originality ind sincerity. ^-^ Entries must be postmaiked or turned in at any 1 ' office of The Bank by Friday, July 12th . ;jt..' You've got nothing toUose by joining this conjt ^ , , 'test Because the Vacation Club at The Bankls l^'.fl ;;'" good deaf even if you don'l win the priz;e, : ;!,' Every week you put m $1, §Z,-$5 or $10. And" '• 'at the end of 50 weeks, yott collect a check ffoiri The Bank v to take the vacation you've earnM - ; You know where" to. s;gn «w ^ At The Bank*j * •..•" The Bank National Commercial Bank and Trust Company' Thefl&itkJALTAMONT / DHLMAR t ELSMERE* / GUILfcFRLAND* / BECKERS CORNERS (Mondays Wednesdays 9 \h 11 a m J f mm (Td^diiy*. - _ ffiiliSl SttOSpm) / WESTEFILO tMondoy?, Wednesdays Noon to 2 p m) 'EXTftA SATURDAY HOURS' 9 A M. 10 NOON,.',._ -m 1 1 '•'% •A

Transcript of^B S,, and an M,SS itefish/h«otogy from...

Page 1:^B S,, and an M,SS itefish/h«otogy from CjornelJ lUpjyefjity^ ' S f W A,.gvt c„ _*. L^ Mt. View Home Bureau Mountain

ALTAMONT (Ni, Y.) ENTERPRISE ''<i ALBAJN^^O. POST* FM&^Y, MAY 10* 196^ ••CTION fWtf'— pAGi OH*


Mrs. "Frank R. Dergoslts of 17 Wrte St., Voorheesville, is your new reporter for the village. Call

fier at RO 5-2655, or mall news tems directly to her. She will

also accept classified ads or other advertising.

Voorheesville OKs School Budget By 8 7 4 4 Vote

Voprhee^vule vpters overwheirh-wgly approved a $1,725,380 school board budget Tuesday night m addition to approving the library budget and the re-election of two trustees ,

The budget* reflecting an in* creaSe of $324 325 >ove}: this year's figure! was approved by 87 to 14 Votes* The library budget of $25,000 was approved 58 to i?

3 August Berger w^s re-elated to a new five-year term as trustee, 61 to 3 and Clayton A> #&utofl deceived approval for another iwti-year term,-a{3 library trustee, with 57 votes

In addition to Berger on the tfeustee ejection William. Chads-and <Ja,nje!s»&eay each received one vote.

Engagement Announced f t — _ ~ ><; Mr and Mrs Robert Cornell of

/Slmge£}ands announee the engage­ment of their daughter Jeanne L, Wallits to Paul J Brunk son. of Mtt and Mrs Bruce G •Brlinkf Of Voorheesville ,

Miss Willits is fa graduate, of Clayton A Boutoh Higjl jchool1

She attended Alfrefi Slate CMlfge, ana iS employed as a medical tech­nician, at Albany Medical Center hospital , *

Mr Brunk also a graduate{ of Clayton A Bouton High school, attended Hudson Valley, Com­munity College and is serying in the New York Army National Guard He is, employed by Glen-mont Development Corp ^* i

An Aug 33 wedding is planned


P*IZZA Wfi flMM M B . m H w k

From 5 ?. M. on •tm>-


Smith's TAVERN

Voorheesville, |f. % Phone 76?<41$3

JKITCHfeN1 CL-O^^ tatf Friday ahd Saturday

y^ekaays •* Mifln^ht Take-out ttoSMtoflfai&fr <f

Day ^ o / " 1

— Closed SEUesdaarsT-^ No Person Under 18? A^itHjt^d f Without, Parent (or Gufcrdten

FIRE OFFICERS I^STAU-Ep —The Voorheesville Fire depart ftient held itp annual dfaijjfer and ladfe# night May 4 at the American Lsgipn hall m V0orWeesVil|e. Officers Who were installed ate pictured above. SEATEp (front i$ll$k Ernes* Reisman, lieutenant No* 2?j William Gray III, captain No 2, Norman Bayly, Snd asst. chief, Mario D'Arpmo, -chief, John Johi% captain J o 1, -James Love-day, lieutenant No, 1. STANplNCt! Ralph Cox? captain of fire police, Midhael Ricci* master of cerem^ojiii;at the. fltaner-j; Frank Sulh v ^ treasure^ Joseph'Sttiacu?^ s,ecretary, WiUi^m WUnyan, ex-chief, PaW Pan*i, buartermasterj JT The officers were installed by Kenneth Jacobson, ex chief Ateo installed at -fche dinner were officei* of 4 Stitth, former president, as the installing officer. Auxiliary leaders are Japet Burfce*, president, Steltaj Field, treasurer} Mildred McCartney, secretary,. The dinner" was prepared and. served by the Ladles ai

7 s(PhOtpby-Efl

fljllant Fl*nsb«rgf delegate. R tadwte auxiliary, with Ethel evei-SMi* vjee president? Jluha ilar^ of the American Vegian. tux&C B^aftdow"1

News About Town CuhiPack. 74 will hold a swim

jpariy at the high school pool from *7;fo 8*30 p, na ,May 3,3 The original date of this event was May*10 v »

Mr and M*fe Larry Boss and family spent Sunday at North Creek * tyhere Jthey engoyed the White Water Derby* '

^M** and^Mrs, Samuel Youmans returned home Monday from a"n eight-d^y holiday in Bermuda, which they toured, The challenge of the motot bikes vyas great fun The- trip was a 2Efth weddmf anni-vefsary their son and daugh-ter-jin-jaw, M r ' »"d Mr^^ Roland Bapiess ^Tjmmy and ^mmy< spent the "week With the Van £et-teh family < "Scott Davis was guest of honor' at a dinner given by his parents at-their horhe on Pane St , for his confirmation Sunday m Vqorhees-i. yille Methqcjist church Those at­tending were Mr* dnd+Mrs Henry Fmger^ and family Elizabeth Fnj,-ger of Pittsheld Mass, and Grace Bausch of Albany ' „ Weindy JEflopter wa^ a guest <>f Jhpnor at dmner ^ith h,er family


ft1®* \ a 4 i S;offry fo reigp^t Hollalad 5hea is

p a t i e n t atvgfc Jeter 's h o s p i ^ whichjhe enteredi,gatumayu J >>*•, r

Mr and Mrs Robert •Andre'ws had As tfjeir gmestjje last couple^

drjilys?' father *< On ^ h d a y r M r 7

and^Mrs jHaroWTiffany and fanv #> aoinfed the Andrews family as ijinnefc., ^fuests Mrs Andrews farther returmed home Sunday 'B'ohbytiAndrew.s was confirmed oh Sunday , *< x , Glad to report that Boh Humes returfied, home from St Peter's hospital 'on Tuesday, after spendV. ingj ten' day£ ^ e r e ^ ^ 1

pMOTTEp — Wtlham 6 i^ent-T„, of Voorheiesyille hafe h^n pro­moted to assistant diTecter of the Division of Fi$h 3ntt eame-in the State CohserVafiod department, The 45 year-old career emplbyee has sewed for^He past'tpree years as fcfjifif of Jthe Bureau of >ish He, joined fh& department In t950 as an aquatic- b|oJbg^tv )He holds a^B S,, and an M,SS itefish/h«otogy from CjornelJ lUpjyefjity^ '

S f W A,.gvt c „ _*. L ^

Mt. View Home Bureau Mountain Vjew Home Bureau

Day Utfgtf met Wednesday at the' home of Mrs Robert Lawrence Mrs, Eugene Sickles gave instruc­tions fo rrahbort fk>wers Mr£i Ed-War,d Puritan pr#idekt( reminded members tp get things* ready for the Altarnortt Fair Plans were {made for the Juhe, picnic the last meeting of the year, at the honie of ^Mrs^ATthuf J3 Hatch Jt was repprted *that Mfus A Berger, a member, had, ifetusned! home from the bqsj&talaf ter minor surgery

The club .entertained other unite a t Achievement Night a t Christ Lumer^m. £hurch on jMay 2^ Mrs Robert Lay/rence, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Arthur E Hatqti and Mrs Sal Mascara were on the commit­tee-' i ,

Jt l o t

G!rlSeouifroop;l33 Girl ScoutiTroop^JSS unde^the

leawrsltvp of Mi<s Bruce Car-gill, has- ordered badges ^for the fojlowihg Health aid, Valarie Albertjj' Jeanne Berscihwinger, Mary Beth Bfate Denise- CaugiH, Ellen ehristman Sandy * Kramer, Christine J>edeackh Mary \Iane Vyffe "Louise Gjlhplly^ book badge, Mary JaneJFyffe,, colleetorte badge, Pam Tesch Valane Albert? Chris-

Kindergarten Registration , Kjindergaijte.n reg^strMionior the

WOorheesvrtle ©Wment^ry school *H1 be from 9 30 a^m, to 3 p m, Wftd^esday, May lSi1* Thursday, May IQ, arid FndaycMay 17, ati-,<5ordmg to Robert M ^Farrell, schpol prihcipal l

Children registered must be five years old on or ^before IJec 1 parents ^shorjld hnng thef child's

3xt\h Certificate <and health record listing childhood diseases and a jtecofcd of immunizations including polio, at the time of registration

— i <—p-—-

American legion Auxiliary /.American Legion Auxiliary of T?ost 1493 held its monthly meet­ing last Thursday evening a t Le­gion hall Plans wei'e discussed for the Memorial Day parade the June "dinner, and election pf of­ficers ' May is Poppy Month "Let us mot forget the veterans — we help tpem because they helped us Mother's Day and Meftional Day ^also are in the month of May


Rev. Walter E. Taylor, minister. Sunday, May 12th; 9:20 a..'rh(. Sunday jsqhpol and

,aduit Bible study class. 0-30 and 11 a *" tflMssWp'sw™-

we Baptism at 11 a m Monday, May 13th 2 p m Confirmation class at

the church 7 3 0 p m Commission on stew­

ardship and finance will meet at the church

Wednesday, May 15th« 7 p m Social concerns reading

program 7 3d p m Bible study group

wdl meet Thursday, May 16th j £ 30 ji m Jumpr ,ehoir 7 3 0 p m Chancel choir' Friday, May 17th, S p m Youth leave for over­

night retreat at Skye Farm, SaMdayijMay ISth 5,30 v m Ypww re'tum frota

S\«ye Farm , Members, pf the. Jumpi1 High and,

Sem6r High Youth Fellowships will attend an overnight retreat at Skye Tarm, War,rensburg, "Friday and Saturday, May 17-,18 Re­source leaders at the refreat will b^ Mr. and Mr"s ClarK Eddy of Schenectady^

Trees growing in 4 sapdy and loam soils are more susceptible to lightning damage than, trees grow­ing in clay, rViayL and calcareous soils

^ EOUTE 85-A V O O ^ ^ f e E ^ I ^ N. Y.

Specializing in

SHRIMP -CLAMS Music Saturday Nights


TThe T r o u b a d o u r s Fownerty of FqxenkiU

Lodges t Country,, Western and Variety


— Air Conditioned —

Died GWLDEN—,-May 3, Steven '¥.,

son pf Mr. and.MfSf RWssell E. Gulden, Sr... of/Hennessey, Rd., Voorheesville; brpther of Russell E Jr Kathy L Patricia A Bienda Sue and Susan M also survived by his maternal grand­parents Mr and Mrs Homer Utentz of Northeast Md, and hjs paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs Edward Gulden of Loudon-vitte Funeral was held Monday at 8 30 a m from the Robert F Dufresne Funeral Home, Latham, thence to Stv Matthev/s church, Voorheesville, where at 9 30 a m ,

a Requiem 1-ti b Mass was cele-" id. brateti

Reed Schultz Joins Faculty • The Voorheesville Board of Ed­ucation has recently announced that Mr Reed Schultz, an alumnus pf Clayton A. Bouton High Schpol, will fill the ppsitiori of physical education instructor at thfe grade school A graduate pf Springfield. College, Mr. Schultz has taught at Cobleskil!, and has . had two :

years' experience teaching both h i g h school and elementary gradesi



vsmsmmtfo ?. 5&W 3»M(.fe>y5 A i-;







Neal W i l k l o w R. D. H VOORHEESVILLI, N. Y.

PHONE UNloh 1-8331


1 " • , " , A n> -1

- i V _ »*4 ara


H seems that the V^heesville Elementary school hks ^ terrific (conservation program^ going; mi, them, all due- to the efforts of several conservation"mihd,ed teach-

vfers>vlt all started sWetfjaL-years ago when DoThala" Qtferness(accept-ed ai» mvitatioh f rOm JAie Albany Couhiy Consei'VatipnVaiiance to attend a one-wedc teachers* work­shop; at iComell UinversiiyJs- Arnot Forfest- at the'eXpehs^.Of ithe. Al­liance sand. tjhe New J d r k State Conservation,. Council ,•% _,

Since ?hen thrpugh ttt^ efforts of i ) f Ottefehess) and ffhferf Albany County Conservation Alhahce the Voorheesville school ha$>§entIMrs W?lham Streets Mts Kftren Ams-worth ^liss^ Peggy* |Searps and Mrs^ Campbell J o the Afinot For-est^WorksbOB * Onr A^ril 26, I was extended an lnyiiatio'n td1 at-. tepd. Conservation Day^cetemoniPs at^the; Voorheesyilte ''Eletaentary schdol " t •>> -r '

f The events' were ^ follriws 1 All students took part m. jpldnt-

<ing a J in o a r jh froUt pf the schpol4^ Mrsv C^phel lk class, M#s, Mdran?s plass arid the ..cwss pf MisS HmeV cTearted*'*np *the-; schoolgrounds , The Soi^hce Club-sponsored by Mt 'Otternefe, plant­ed pine trees and. pushes in front and back of the new wings Mrs Wright's class planted S cedar tree in back or the new wing, and Miss Joslins class Slanted a cedar tree in front of the new wing

In the past few years the school children and teachers have plant-, ed willow trees along the* Vly creek banks white^pnie, Ml "pme and multi flora los'es along the school pl&ygrounds

The Science Club has outlined plans for the future fo eradicate the deadly night shade and poison ivy along the creek b,anks Signs Will be placed by planted ar^as, trees will fee labeled with metal signs, and bird houses lwiU be placed along the creek #anl«s,

As chairman of conservation adulation for the New gorllc State Conservation Council 1 wish to congratulate the VborneesVille Ele­mentary school staff and its many cohservdtion-mmded tochers, for the fme 36b that they are doing td teach the importance of good con­servation fdr without conservation therW cah fee no life ,

William1 F Mfatott r

Chaif man, Conservation Education, New fork State Conservation Council 1

PTA To Meet Tuesday YooiheesviUe 1*TA -will meet at

8 p m Tuesday May H> a,t th^ Claytoh Boutpn High school The program 'Local Juvenile Prob­lems " Sipealser Sgt J C Wanek, commander Selkirk station of New York State Police, and Kenneth George guidance counselor, Voor­heesville High school Flection of officers is also scheduled Re­freshments will be served

Enlerpuse ads paj—fij ihem.

Lasa Beitz}«tDiane, .ghi?aete.i?Pa! , Teach* Jacqueline Vunk and Kathy Weaver^-1— Donna Mazzara re­ported


New Scotland Presbyterian Rev^Lester H jPslge pastor Friday, May l^th 3 p m Juhior choir reheaisal , GSO p m Mother and daughter

feahquet at Vroonvule Eeformed church, J t J

Sbnday May 12th, 9 30 a m Church school 11 a *m Mormhg worship with

nursery* care for children under six years < v

?fp t5 Senior chdir V lWednesday, May 15th ^

M.ltavin HUPW meeting 4 Bung a sandwich All urged to attend, as there is /Ms. to &Q Dessert and coffee will be furn)sh;^d by the hostesses,s Mrs sE^eleth and'Mfs <Furma<it

1 « t , ' > ^ May has beeh designated Church

World §eryice Month for the col­lection- ,of good ^ used ' clothing Items-"of special need a re clOthihg fp^ infant and children and plank-•€tsu whatever you have that can tie used, please1 ileavp it ih the gpl4 room Everything Wjll be gladly received What you do not need others m need will be thank­ful to receive1

Don't forgef the roast beef sup per Saturday May % /put on bj the women Rf the church The public is invited to enjoy this fam lly stvle dmner of roast beef mashed potatoes corn green bean salad relishes rplls coffee and assorted pies There vyill be a fancy feopth aprons pillow cases etc A candy booth will be man­ned by the Youth Fellowship The money will go to support Dorothy Grasshopper (our adopted Indian child) A baked goods booth where you can purchase cakes pies cookies and maybe bread Come and get your Sunday desseit The time — 4 30 to 7«3#p m,

" - • " • J - i > ' • •'• " " " •

, St. Matthew's Church — — /,

Rev. John ,R .Slise, pastor Masses BWday at 8, 10, 12

noon Daily at 6 46, Satutday at 9 .Confessions' Saturday from 4 fo 5jand 7 30 to 8 30 p hj, Sun­day before 8 and 1,0 a, m Masses

'Activities of the Wijelt M,onday, May 13 — JReligious in­

struction for grade school pupils from 2 fo § p m Miraculous medal novena devotion* and ven­eration of the relic of S t Matthew at 7 p m

Tuesday, May 14 —• Religious instructions for the high school students from 7 to s p m

The Diocesan Development Pro­gram fund drive will erid this Week fend Any parishioner not contact­ed by tjall Herbert Reilly Or the rectory

v " - . — r — . . i l l . . .. \

About 40 inches of ram fall on New York state each year This is enough water to supply every New Yorker With 5,600 gallons of water per day However, most of thib watei is, lost through evapora­tion, transpiration, tunaff *id pol­lution

If you ever jneeded an excuse to join the Vaca-j 'txOn Club at The B rjLb, here it is. ^

Join now And you re eligible to wm an all-ex­penses-paid weekgrul vacation torJ2, a«. any of7 thes$ 3 famous vacation spots*j "" ^

1. Bermuda 2. take Placid/RY.V 3 . ' Portsmouth, Rjfi..,^

> Here's all you have to do to win: ^ -^ ,_ When you join the Vacation Club, pick up your

enfry blank Therv m X5 wntten words or" less, tell why it's wise to save for1 a vacation. The winner

Will be selected by an independent panel of out*: side judges oft the basis- of* aptness of though!^'.' originality ind sincerity. ^-^

Entries must be postmaiked or turned in at any1' office of The Bank by Friday, July 12th . ;jt..'

You've got nothing toUose by joining this conjt ^ , , 'test Because the Vacation Club at The Banklsl^'.fl;;'" good deaf even if you don'l win the priz;e, : ;!,'

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The Bank National Commercial Bank and Trust Company'

The fl&itkJ ALTAMONT / DHLMAR t ELSMERE* / GUILfcFRLAND* / BECKERS CORNERS (Mondays Wednesdays 9 \h 11 a m J f mm (Td^diiy*. - _ ffiiliSl SttOSpm) / WESTEFILO tMondoy?, Wednesdays Noon to 2 p m) 'EXTftA SATURDAY HOURS' 9 A M. 10 NOON,.',._




