AMORC - Know the Unpublished Facts of Life (1920s).pdf

7/27/2019 AMORC - Know the Unpublished Facts of Life (1920s).pdf 1/6 E t t o t o Cfje Unpublisfjei)  Jfacts of Htfe sv* Public Inquiry Leaflet 7\[o. 4 Iv Ilo U ) 'Cfje Enpublisfjeb  JFactS of Hifc Public Inquiry Leaflet T^o. 4

Transcript of AMORC - Know the Unpublished Facts of Life (1920s).pdf

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E t t o t oCfje Unpublisfjei)

 J fa c ts of Htfe


Public Inquiry Leaflet 7\[o. 4

Iv I lo U )'Cfje Enpublisfjeb

 JFactS of H ifc

Public Inquiry Leaflet T^o. 4

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The Unpublished Facts of Life

HE unpublished facts of life, like the

unknown elements of our existence, have

always held a strong fascination for the

human mind.

From the dawn of early civilization,there have been those facts known to a

few which have never been widely pub-

lished, if published at all. Su ch facts have eventually

become generally known, and many of them today are

accepted facts o f science and philosophy; but there was

a time when only those who were especially prepared

to receive them were permitted to know them.

There are stages of development in the progress of 

human comprehension and in the evolution of man's

ability to master himself, when certain facts must be

concealed from the majority and revealed only to the

worthy or the selected. N ot all who are ambitious for 

knowledge may be trusted with all \nowledge.

Knowledge Is Power 

It is unquestionably true that knowledge is power—

a power fraught with dangers as well as sublime pos-

sibilities. Fo r this reason, all know ledge may not be

safe in the hands of the masses.

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In the early days of the Wise M en and the schools

of advanced learning, the multitude dwelt in darkness

while the minority possessed such knowledge as en

abled them, efficiently, to lead, direct, guide, and pro

tect the interests of those who were incapable of selfmastership or the mastership of their best interests.

T od ay , all \nowledge is not available to the masses,

and we find there are those who still dwell in darkness,

•not because \nowledge is designedly withheld from  

them or forbidden, but because many are unprepared;

and the majority manifests little or no interest in the

quest for that knowledge which is available.

M an’s great advance throughout the ages is not a

result of the influence of environment upon him, but a

direct result of his mastership over his environment. 

The knowledge possessed by the masses in each stage

of human evolution has not been the power which

brought about the improvement of the race or the de-

velopment of human leadership in the evolution of 

self and selfmastership. M an, individually and in 

groups of selected individuals, has advanced and be-

come the dictator of his career through the unpublished \nowlcdge granted to him in advance of the education

of the masses.

In every land, in ever period of history, there have

heen those men and women who through special quali-

fication or through a sincere desire to know, have been

permitted to drink at the fountain of knowledge and

partake of the feast of wisdom possessed by the secret

or restricted schools of instruction.

Attainment of MastershipM an 's success in life depen ds not upon tread ing the

welltrammelled highways, nor in following the multi

[ 4 ]

tude in its adopted and standardized practices or cus-

toms. The p athfinde rs of life in all ages have found

that advanced knowledge, or knowledge just beyond

the ken of the multitudes, has enabled them to progress

beyond the elements of the accepted standards and blazea new trail to success and power.

That which is accepted as standard, in life today,

and as recognized facts in the scheme of life was \nown  

to the few, centuries ago, as unpublished knowledge,

arcane wisdom, and restricted facts. The se pathfinders

were unique in their rise above the commonplace things

of life, and became outstanding figures in the master-

ship of the problems which held the mass in its en-

slaving mediocrity.

The Arcane Schools

Such illuminated minds as comprehend the little

known and unpublished facts of life formed, in every

land, the groups of leaders and creators who consti-

tuted the arcane schools and the philosophical bodies. 

Foremost among such groups throughout the middleages and up to the present time has been the Rosi

crucian Order, or the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross. 

Not a sectarian cult, not a philosophical forum, nor an

organized body of extremists or fanatics. Th e Rosicru-

cians were practical workers in the arts and sciences,

the businesses and the trades. Th ey were leaders and

advanced workers in the practical activities of those

who h ad to create the new and better ways of living

and the attainment of the material as well as the

spiritual necessities o f life. In their increa sing ranks

were men and women whose names have become

famous for their contributions to the professions of 


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medicine, law, chemistry, art, music, surgery, physics,

electricity and hygiene. W ith no other aim than to

foster the desire for greater knowledge, and to encour

age man to rise above his present station in life, the

Rosicrucians attracted to their ranks those who were notmerely dissatisfied with their present status, but those

who sought to transmute their lives and their interest

into the highest channels of human activity. For this

reason, we find them referred to as the leaders and

creators of the new civilization in every history and

reference book dealing with the advancement of civil'


The Rosicrucians of Today

Throughout the world at the present time the Rosi'

crucians, as an international organization, continue

their activities and devote themselves to the dissemina-

tion, freely and without price, of that knowledge and

that wisdom which constitutes the unpublished facts of 

life, even in these days of seemingly unlimited wisdom.

To men and women who are seeking, as of old, to

know the mysteries of our existence, the real principles

of our life on earth, the meaning of the tests and trials

through which we must pass, and the solution of the

problems which confront us daily in our ambitions and

desires, the Rosicrucians offer their specialized know-

ledge, their secretly preserved wisdom, and their hearty


W ithou t conflict with p resent religious doctrines,

without antagonism to any of the standard practices

or customs of the arts or sciences, and without any

revolutionary change in the present mode of living,

[ 6 ]

those who are seeking to attain real mastership in their 

individual lives, and a higher and better form of liv-

ing, will find the Rosicrucian instructions and the

Rosicrucian system of guidance and help an unmistak-

able and unlimited power in their lives.

What the Rosicrucians Offer 

The Rosicrucians offer to those who are discontented

with life, a newer aspect, a broader view, and an open

portal to a new road that leads to the enthusiastic

achievement of many of life's dreams.

To those who are physically or mentally below thestandard of   superlative health or  happiness, the Rosi

crucians offer a system and method for the rapid es-

tablishment of complete harmonium, physically, men-

tally and spiritually, bringing about abundant health,

freedom from unnecessary pain and suffering, and a

regeneration that leads to longer and more useful


To those who are perplexed by the seeming incon-sistencies of life, or enslaved by the limitations of en-

vironment, the Rosicrucian teachings open up a new

world, wh erein Mastership, complete comprehension and

efficient directorship of personal interests, are made

demonstrable and easy of application.

To those who are thwarted in their plans by the

strange and unaccountable influence of deterring fac-

tors, or who have to contend with seemingly insur-

mountable obstacles, the Rosicrucians offer an expla-

nation and an understanding that wipes away the mys-

teries, removes the obstacles, and presents a new path

to achievement.

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To those who are lonely in their search for the

hidden keys, or who are seeking for companionship,

sympathy, cooperation, and help in their personal ef-

forts along the lines of higher living, the Rosicrucian

organization through its hundreds of branches, thou-sands of members, and many open doors, offers a

system and a means that has never failed to impress

the seeker with its sincerity, its loving understanding,

and its wholehearted cooperation.

How Tou M ay Know

If you desire to know more about the Rosicruciansand their unusual knowledge, coupled with their wel-

come and proffer to help, you may have more of their 

literature without any obligation, and may meet those

who will be glad to discuss with you the simple methods

of sharing in the Rosicrucian activities in America, or 

any of the other civilized lands.

Those who are actuated solely by idle curiosity or 

who, with skepticism or doubt in their hearts, seek to

confirm their erroneous beliefs, will find little encour-

agement in their attempt to contact the Rosicrucian

ideals. But to those who have open minds, and who

are not biased or prejudiced, but realize that there

are those who may know the unpublished facts of life,

and who may have contact with arcane wisdom and

restricted sources of unusual power, the way is open

and the path is clearcut. Th e first step for these per-sons is a sincere expression for the desire to \now.

W ithout preliminary obligations and without eventual

pledges of allegiance to individuals or unknown prin

[ 8 ]

ciples, and without agreement to mysterious, political,

religious or material affiliations, the sincere seeker may

immediately ask for further knowledge and find a cour-

teous response and kindly welcome. Ad dress your let-

ter and requ est for the interesting free book, “ Th e W is-dom of the Sages,” to the address below.

Your communication will be confidently considered

and will be used in no other way and for no other 

purpose than to give you enlightenment regarding the


A D D R E S S A L L L E T T E R S T O :

P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n D e p t .

A M O R CRosicrucian Park

S A N J O S E , C A L I F O R N I A

* N o t e :— Th e R osicrucians in the various sections of  

North America issue this pamphlet in the name of the

internat ional Ros icrucian organizat ion k n o w n as

A M O R C . The ir teachings have never been published intext books to be sold on the open market or in any other 

way. N or does this organization spon sor or deal with

any form of fortune telling, crystal gazing, necromancy,

or hypnotism. The teachings offered by the Rosicrucians

are given freely to those who are found qualified to be-

come a part of the great work of the organization. Th e

organization operates under no other name than

A M O R C , and neither sponsors nor acknowledges any

movement, school, publishing company, nor commercial

proposit ion using the term “ Rosicruc ian," and has exclu-

sive rights to its official name and symbols in accord-

ance with the rules and regulations of the organization

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throughout the world; and all affiliated and chartered

bodies or branches throughout North America use none

other than the name, A M O RC . Th e only national head-

quarters of the Rosicrucians of the A M O R C interna-

tional body are located at Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,California.

f in }

R O S K R I K I A N B R O T H E R H O O D^ ^ A M J » R C



R O S I C R U C I A N T E A C H I N G S )

P R I N T E D I N T H E U . S . A .

R  o s i c r u c i a n P r e s s  

S a n J o s e . C a l i f o r n i a