Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent

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  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent




  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    C-NTENTSIntroduction .................................................................................................................5

    Legal protections to the right to freedom of expression......................................................7

    Prosecutions threatening freedom of expression brought under Penal Code articles..............9

    Article 30! "enigration of the #ur$ish nation ............................................................0

    Article 3%! Alienating the public from militar& ser'ice................................................

    Article (5! "efamation...........................................................................................3

    Article (5! Praising a crime or a criminal .................................................................)

    Article (*! Incitement to hatred or hostilit& ..............................................................5

    Prosecutions under anti+terrorism legislation threatening freedom of expression ................7

    #he definition of terrorism ........................................................................................%

    Article 3)! ,embership of a terrorist organi-ation .....................................................9

    Article ((0*! Committing a crime in the name of a terrorist organi-ation......................(3

    Article ((07! Assisting a terrorist organi-ation...........................................................()

    Article 7(! ,a$ing propaganda for a terrorist organi-ation...........................................(7

    Article *(! Printing orpublishing ofdeclarations orstatementsofterroristorgani-ations...30

    /ecommendations ......................................................................................................33

    ndnotes ...................................................................................................................3)

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    officials. It pro'ides an anal&sis of the current la and practice related to the mostproblematic articles threatening freedom of expression and ma$es concrete recommendationsto the #ur$ish authorities and Parliament for the repeal or substantial amendment of articlesin the Penal Code and anti+terrorism legislation that are needed bring #ur$ish la in line ithinternational standards on the right to freedom of expression.

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  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    characteristics of the Republic and safeguarding the indivisible integrity of the State with itsterritory and nation.#hese pro'isions go be&ond the permissible restrictions to the right tofreedom of expression found in international la. #he full Article (* of the constitutionstates!

    Everyone has the right to epress and disseminate his thoughts and opinion by speech, inwriting or in pictures or through other media, individually or collectively. !his right includesthe freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference from officialauthorities. !his provision shall not preclude sub"ecting transmission by radio, television,cinema, and similar means to a system of licensing.

    !he eercise of these freedoms may be restricted for the purposes of protecting nationalsecurity, public order and public safety, the basic characteristics of the Republic andsafeguarding the indivisible integrity of the State with its territory and nation, preventingcrime, punishing offenders, withholding information duly classified as a state secret,protecting the reputation and rights and private and family life of others, or protectingprofessional secrets as prescribed by law, or ensuring the proper functioning of the "udiciary.

    #he E.F. 2uman /ights Committee has been clear that restrictions on the right to freedom ofexpression are onl& permitted for the reasons explicitl& cited in the Co'enant! nationalsecurit& public order public health or morals and respect for the rights and reputation ofothers.Permissible restrictions on freedom of expression include such restrictions as arestrictl& necessar& to prohibit ad'ocac& of hatred that incites directl& to 'iolence ordiscrimination b& ad'ocating hatred as stipulated in Article (0 of the International Co'enanton Ci'il and Political /ights. An& other reasons prima facie constitute impermissiblerestrictions on this right. It falls to the go'ernment to pro'e that restrictions are lafulstrictl& necessar& and aimed at fulfilling one of the permissible ob4ecti'es.

    6eparatel& to the process of 4udicial reform pac$ages the go'ernment has also signalled itsintention to adopt a ne constitution. Amnest& International urges the go'ernment and theParliament to re'ie the constitutional protection of the right to freedom of expressionenshrined in Article (* so as to ensure its consistenc& ith international human rightsstandards.

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,



    2REED-M -2 E51RESSI-N 4R-U/TUNDER 1ENAL C-DE ARTICLES#his section examines the Articles of the #ur$ish Penal Code that are most commonl& used torestrict free speech and gi'es case examples of the $inds of expression that are criminali-edin 'iolation of #ur$e&s obligations under international human rights la. All the articles formpart of the current Penal Code hich came into force in (005 and ha'e been used to limitfreedom of expression since this time.(In man& cases the offences replaced 'er& similarl&orded articles in the pre'ious Penal Code and ha'e been a longstanding concern.

    6e'eral pro'isions directl& limit the right to freedom of expression in a manner that is notpermitted b& international legal standards and are used to prosecute speech that is protectedb& international human rights la. Bthers are so broadl& orded that the& lend themsel'es toabuse impermissibl& limiting freedom of expression through their implementation. Indeedthe interpretation of la b& 4udges and prosecutors is fre :sa&n a fre

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    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    sensiti'e sub4ects ala&s brings ith it the ris$ of prosecution.5

    ARTICLE ,)*% DENIGRATION OF THE T&R0ISH NATIONArticle 30 of the #ur$ish Penal has long been one of the most problematic articles as far as

    freedom of expression is concerned. Ep until (00% the article criminali-ed =denigrating#ur$ishness>. /eforms replaced =denigrating #ur$ishness> ith =denigration of =the #ur$ishnation the state of the /epublic of #ur$e& the #ur$ish Parliament :#J,,; the go'ernmentof the /epublic of #ur$e& and the legal institutions of the state> and added the additionalre7#he uropean Court enton to note that that =despite the replacement of the term =#ur$ishness> b& =the #ur$ishFation> there seems to be no change or ma4or difference in the interpretation of these

    concepts because the& ha'e been understood in the same manner b& the Court of Cassation.Accordingl& the legislators amendment of the ording in the pro'ision in order to clarif& themeaning of the term =#ur$ishness> does not introduce a substantial change or contribute tothe idening of the protection of the right to freedom of expression>.%

    In practice as the case of #emel "emirer demonstrates the amendment re .nd Arti/le +*? =In/itement toreliio1$ or r./i.l h.tred>2

    Temel Demirer /h.llened the 31$ti/e Mini$ter .##.rentl- dire/tin the 81di/i.r- on the /.$e2+)The /rimin.l #ro$e/1tion 1nder Arti/le$ +*? .nd ,)* h.d rem.ined $t.lled .7.itin the de/i$ion o! thehihe$t Admini$tr.tive Co1rt9 the Co1n/il o! St.te @D.nBt.-9 re.rdin the le.lit- o! the 31$ti/e Mini$ter de$#ite Temel Demirer

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,

    the $t.tement2 At the time o! 7ritin it 7.$ not 5no7n 7hether the #ro$e/1tor 7o1ld re1e$t the #ermi$$ion o!the Mini$tr- o! 31$ti/e to 6rin .n inve$ti.tion 1nder Arti/le ,)* o! the Pen.l Code2+*

    Article 30 continues to constitute a direct and impermissible limitation to the right tofreedom of expression despite some cosmetic reforms made to the Article in (00%. Its partial

    reform in (00% must no be brought to the onl& conclusion compatible ith #ur$e&sinternational obligations @ its repeal.

    ARTICLE ,*% ALIENATING THE P&LIC FROM MILITAR SERVICEArticle 3% of the #ur$ish Penal Code criminali-es =Alienating the public from militar&ser'ice>. It carries a maximum sentence of to &ears imprisonment hich can be increasedb& another &ear in the e'ent of the offence being committed through the media.((As themultiple prosecutions of 2alil 6a'da documented belo illustrate the article is fre. #he Ct2/ found the con'iction of the applicant did not meet a pressing socialneed that the restriction as therefore not =necessar& in a democratic societ&> and 'iolatedArticle 0 of the C2/ :freedom of expression;.(*

    As the ,inistr& of ?ustice does not pro'ide disaggregated statistics per Penal Code Article itis impossible to state ho fre

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    #he draft =1ourth 4udicial pac$age> put before Parliament proposes the folloing amendmentto paragraph of Article 3%!

    &eople who urge those carrying out their military service to desert or suggest to those whoare yet to carry out their military service to be dissuaded from carrying it out are imprisoned

    for si months to two years.

    #he amendment changes the definition of the offence from alienating the public frommilitar& ser'ice to dissuading those currentl& or &et to perform militar& ser'ice from doing so.'en in its amended form the Article ould continue to allo for the prosecution of thosead'ocating conscientious ob4ection in 'iolation of #ur$e&s commitments under internationalhuman rights la.

    Amnest& International recommends that Article 3% be repealed in its entiret& on account ofits imposition of restrictions to the freedom of expression that are not permissible underinternational human rights la.

    Con$/ientio1$ o68e/tor .nd h1m.n riht$ de!ender /alil Sav&ah.$ 6een #ro$e/1ted .nd /onvi/ted on m1lti#leo//.$ion$ 1nder Arti/le ,* in #rotr./ted /.$e$ m.r5ed 6- del.-$ t-#i/.l o! /rimin.l /.$e$ 7ithin T1r5e-

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    A//ordin to the indi/tment revie7ed 6- Amne$t- Intern.tion.l9 no eviden/e 7.$ #re$ented o! $#ee/h th.tmiht /on$tit1te .dvo/./- o! h.tred .$ de!ined in intern.tion.l l.79 or other mi$/ond1/t th.t 6e $168e/t to $t.te intervention2

    ARTICLE *+;% DEFAMATIONArticle (53of the Penal Code criminali-es defamation defined as attributing an =act or factto a person in a manner that ma& de'alue that persons honour dignit& or prestige orG. anattac$ on someones honour dignit& or prestige b& searing>. It pro'ides for a maximumpenalt& of to &ears imprisonment or a fine. #he Article carries additional penalties fordefamation of public officials. Amnest& International is informed of do-ens of prosecutionsbrought under this Article e'er& &ear. In the absence of official statistics it is impossible to$no the full extent of the numbers of prosecutions for defamation but it is li$el& that thenumber is far higher.

    Article (5 is fre

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    4o>#rtre.rdin . /.rtoon ill1$tr.tin .lQn 0Q5 on the ro1nd$ th.t the $#ee/h 7.$ #rote/ted 1nder the riht to!reedom o! e"#re$$ion2''hile the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$ 81dment i$ #o$itive9 in the T1r5i$h le.l $-$tem9the 81ri$#r1den/e o! the S1#reme Co1rt i$ not 6indin on lo7er /o1rt$9 thi$ r1lin doe$ not there!ore #reventlo7er /o1rt$ /onvi/tin #eo#le on the 6.$i$ o! $1/h $#ee/h in the !1t1re2 Moreover9 individ1.l$ re!errin toA6d1ll.h /.l.n .$ =$.-n> /ontin1e to 6e #ro$e/1ted 1nder the more $erio1$ o!!en/e o! =M.5in #ro#..nd.!or .n .rmed> &$e o! the 7ord$ =01rdi$t.n> .nd =1errill.> h.$ !re1entl- 6een 1$ed .$

    eviden/e to $16$t.nti.te /$ o! mem6er$hi# o! . terrori$t @$ee /.$e o! Zi-. Ji/e5Qi9 #.e ,)2

    Article (5 is also used to prosecute publications on contro'ersial sub4ects in hichdescriptions of indi'iduals di'erge from accounts put forard b& the authorities. #he case ofLe'ent Klma- pro'ides a stri$ing example of this.

    C.$e$ 1nder Arti/le +*; in/l1de th.t$t Taraf$t Levent YFlma !or .n .rti/le entitled =Homo

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  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    permissible restrictions on the freedom of expression are those that are necessar& for therespect of the rights and reputations of others and for the protection of national securit& orpublic order health or morals.

    As the uropean Court of 2uman /ights has stated in respect of the broadl& similar pro'ision

    on freedom of expression in the uropean Con'ention on 2uman /ights =freedom ofexpression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democraticD societ& one of thebasic conditions for its progress and for the de'elopment of e'er& man GD it is applicablenot onl& to information or ideas that are fa'ourabl& recei'ed or regarded as inoffensi'e oras a matter of indifference but also to those that offend shoc$ or disturb the 6tate or an&sector of the population.>)7

    It follos that insults alone ought not to be prosecuted and nor should =derogator&comments> that are not ad'ocac& of hatred constituting incitement to 'iolence.

    In practice Article (* has been used to prosecute criticism of dominant beliefs and poerstructures and has not to Amnest& Internationals $noledge been used to prosecute actual

    incitement to 'iolence or discrimination against at+ris$ groups. In 1ebruar& (0( Chair of theParliamentar& 2uman /ights n

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,



    TERR-RISM LEISLATI-NT/REATENIN 2REED-M -2E51RESSI-Nthe wor$ of a terrorist organi/ation doesn0t "ust ta$e place in the mountains, the plains,

    the cities, the streets, simply by setting itself up in bac$ streets and callously attac$ing inthe night, it is not solely armed terror. )t has another wing. !here is psychological terror,scientific terror. !here is a bac$ room, feeding terror. )n other words, there is propaganda,there is terrorist propaganda. 1ow does this get transmitted, maybe he is drawing a picture

    and reflecting it on the canvas, in a poem, in a column in the newspaper, in a "o$e. 1ecannot stop himself, he targets the soldier, and3 the police officer who are ta$ing part in thefight against terrorism in his wor$, in his art in order to demorali/e them. !hose who fightterrorism are sub"ected to a struggle against them. !he bac$ room where terror is hoveringabout and conducting these activities, and the bac$ room is )stanbul, )/mir, 4ursa, 5ienna,6ermany, 7ondon, wherever it is, a rostrum in a university, an association, a civil societyorgani/ation. ) thin$ the fight against the one in the mountains is easy and this bac$ roomweed and cress are all mied up. !hey all loo$ green. !hey are mied up, some are poisonous,some very healthy. 8hich one is healthy which is poisonous, you only $now when you eat it.Then Mini$ter o! the Interior9 H&ris Naim a!in .ddre$$in . #oli/e $-m#o$i1m on /o1nterin terrori$m9 +? De/em6er +)**;)

    #his section loo$s at the use of anti+terrorism pro'isions to criminali-e conduct that isprotected under international human rights la. It focuses on fi'e pro'isions! Article *( ofthe Anti+#errorism La =Printing or publishing of declarations or statements of terroristorgani-ations> Article 7( of the Anti+#errorism La =,a$ing propaganda for a terroristorgani-ation> Article 3) of the Penal Code =,embership of a terrorist organi-ation> andthe related Article ((0* of the Penal Code hich punishes those ho =Commit crimes in thename of a terroristD organi-ation and ((07 hich criminali-es =8noingl& and illingl&assisting a terroristD organi-ation>.

    /egional and international bodies including the Council of uropes Commissioner for 2uman/ights the 6pecial /apporteur on 2uman rights hile Countering #errorism and theBrgani-ation for 6ecurit& and Co+operation in urope :B6C; in addition to Amnest&International and other national and international ci'il societ& organi-ations ha'e consistentl&raised concerns regarding the impact of anti+terrorism prosecutions on the right to freedom ofexpression in #ur$e&.5A number of amendments to anti+terrorism legislation ere made in(00 and (0( including the remo'al of child demonstrators from the scope ofprosecutions under anti+terrorism legislation5( greater discretion for 4udges to reducesentences in respect of certain offences53and the repeal of Article *5 of the Anti+#errorism

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    La hich pro'ided for the temporar& suspension of periodicals.5)2oe'er these reforms @as ith others affecting the right to freedom of expression @ ha'e left the $e& problemuntouched. #ur$e&s la still contains articles ith such broad and imprecise ording thatprosecutions are still brought and con'ictions secured solel& on the basis of beha'iourprotected b& the rights to freedom of expression association and assembl& including critical

    riting political speeches attendance at demonstrations and association ith registeredorgani-ations percei'ed b& the authorities to be s&mpathetic to armed groups.

    In the absence of accurate up+to+date and disaggregated official statistics from the ,inistr&of ?ustice regarding the number of terrorism related prosecutions it is impossible to $no theexact number of prosecutions b& Article. 2oe'er partial information periodicall& pro'ided b&the ,inistr& of ?ustice indicates that tens of thousands of prosecutions are brought each &earunder anti+terrorism legislation and that the number has increased in recent &ears. /esearchcarried out b& the Associated &ressin (0 found that of approximatel& 30000 con'ictionsunder anti+terrorism legislation orldide since (00 more than a third approximatel&(000 had ta$en place in #ur$e&.55

    ,inistr& of ?ustice statistics put the number of completed criminal in'estigations b& 6pecial2ea'& Penal Courts ith 4urisdiction for organi-ed crime crimes against state securit& andterrorism at *%0% in (00 :the last &ear for hich figures are a'ailable;. Criminalprosecutions ere opened against 3*3*) people. 1igures also sho that the number ofcriminal in'estigations ha'e increased tenfold since (00%. Jeteen (00+(007 criminalin'estigations ere beteen se'en and nine thousand per &ear. In (00% the figure as(5*) hile in (009 and (00 criminal in'estigations ere launched against *9000people each &ear.5*

    THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM,an& of the problems relating to the use of anti+terrorism legislation to prosecute conduct in'iolation of the right to freedom of expression are reflected in the definition of terrorism

    contained in Article of the Anti+#errorism La hich states that!

    9!errorism is any $ind of act done by a person or persons belonging to an organi/ation withthe aim of changing the characteristics of the Republic as defined in the :onstitution, thepolitical, legal, social, secular and economic system, damaging the indivisible unity of theState with its territory and nation, endangering the eistence of the !ur$ish State andRepublic, wea$ening, destroying or sei/ing State authority, eliminating fundamental rightsand freedoms, damaging the internal and eternal security of the State, public order orgeneral health by means of coercion and violence; pressure, intimidation, deterrence,suppression or threats.57

    As the EF 6pecial /apporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights andfundamental freedoms hile countering terrorism noted folloing his (00* mission to#ur$e& this definition of terrorism is extremel& broad and defines terrorism in terms of itsaims ithout the re5%

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    Indeed in practice prosecutions ha'e fre!

    !errorism means an action or attempted action where9 . ro1# 1# o! mother$ 7ho lo$t$on$ or h.d $on$ im#ri$oned on 6oth $ide$ o! the /on!li/t 7ith the P002 On : 31ne +)*) $he 7.$ /onvi/ted o!6ein . mem6er o! . terrori$t on the 6.$i$ o! her .ttend.n/e .t $i" #e./e!1l demon$tr.tion$ inthe 7e$tern /it- o! Imir 6et7een 3.n1.r- +))? .nd M.r/h +)) .nd . $#ee/h $he .t one o! the$edemon$tr.tion$2 The $#ee/h /.lled !or #e./e .nd .n end to the /on!li/t 6et7een the P00 .nd the T1r5i$h.rmed !or/e$2 The .lle.tion$ $et o1t in the indi/tment 7ere 6.$ed on #oli/e re/ord$ o! demon$tr.tion$9#hotor.#h$ o! the demon$tr.tion$9 .nd .1dio re/ordin$24*A$ det.iled 6elo79 the /ond1/t 7hi/h h.$ 6een1$ed .$ eviden/e to $e/1re the /onvi/tion o! A/61/. i$ #rote/ted 1nder the riht$ to !reedom o!e"#re$$ion9 .$$o/i.tion .nd #e./e!1l .$$em6l-2

    The #ro$e/1tion$t A/61/. 7.$ initi.ted in +))2 The indi/tment li$t$ the !ollo7in /$%6ein . mem6er o! . terrori$t @Arti/le ,*' o! the Pen.l Code9 m.5in #ro#..nd. !or . terrori$ @Arti/le 4(+ o! the AntiTerrori$m L.7 .nd #r.i$in . /rime or . /rimin.l9 @Arti/le +*; o! thePen.l Code2 The #ro$e/1tion relied on eviden/e th.t A/61/. 7.$ #.rt o! . ro1# th.t $ho1ted $lo.n$th.t 6een !o1nd 6- the E1ro#e.n Co1rt o! H1m.n Riht$ to !.ll 7ithin the #ermi$$i6le limit$ o! the rihtto !reedom o! e"#re$$ion2 The- in/l1de =lon live #e./e9 lon live /.l.n> .nd =omen 7.nt #e./e9 not to!iht>24+In the $#ee/h9 7hi/h #ro$e/1tor$ $.- #r.i$ed /rimin.l ./tivitie$9 A/61/. /.lled !or #e./e24,Inthi$ $#ee/h9 $he$.id th.t the $it1.tion o! m.rt-r$ @1$in the terminolo- t-#i/.ll- em#lo-ed 6- the T1r5i$h$t.te to re!er to !.llen mem6er$ o! the .rmed !or/e$ .nd 1errill.$ @re!errin to .rmed mem6er$ o! the P007.$ the $.me9 .nd /.lled !or T1r5i$h .nd 01rdi$h mother$ to 1nite2 She .l$o /.lled on Prime Mini$ter ErdoK.nto $end hi$ $on to the .rm-9 $.-in =#oor !.milie$ $end their $on$ to the .rm-9 7e dont 7.nt to !iht 7ith

    them2 The- $ho1ld $end their o7n $on$ to the .rm-9 the- $ent 1$ o1t o! o1r vill.e$9 o1t o! o1r home$ @re!errinto !or/i6le di$#l./ement 6- the .rmed !or/e$9 o1r 6ride$ .re T1r5i$h9 7e .ve o1r d.1hter$ to T1r5$9 =lonlive the 6rotherhood o! the #eo#le9 lon live the !reedom o! 7omen>2 A/61/. 7.$ onl- /onvi/ted o! mem6er$hi# o! . terrori$t !or 7hi/h $he 7.$$enten/ed to $i" -e.r$ .nd three month$ in #ri$on2 The /o1rt did not /onvi/t her o! m.5in #ro#..nd. !or .terrori$t or #r.i$in . /rime or /rimin.l$ on the 6.$i$ th.t the$e 7ere =element$ o! the /rime o!mem6er$hi# o! . terrori$t !or 7hi/h $he 7.$ /onvi/ted>24'The /o1rt re./hed it$ de/i$ion to/onvi/t A/61/. !or mem6er$hi# o! . terrori$t on the 6.$i$ th.t% $he 7.$ . mem6er o! the#e./e mother$9 . ro1# the /o1rt $.id 7itho1t re!eren/e to .n- $16$t.nti.tin eviden/e 7.$ develo#ed 6-the P00 7ith the intention o! m.5in #ro#..nd. th.t $he /.rried o1t ./tivitie$ !or thi$ ro1# in the #rovin/eo! Imir th.t $he #l.-ed .n ./tive role in the$e demon$tr.tion$ .nd $ho1ted $lo.n$ th.t $he the

    @.6ove de$/ri6ed $#ee/h 7hi/h .mo1nted to terrori$t #ro#..nd. .nd th.t $he /.lled o1t the $lo.n$ !orother$ on the demon$tr.tion to re#e.t24;

    The #ro$e/1tion did not #rovide .n- eviden/e o! . /onne/tion 6et7een the ro1# .nd the P00 6e-ond the !./tth.t the demon$tr.tion$ too5 #l./e .nd 7ere #16li/ied 6- Roj TV9 . !orein 6.$ed /h.nnel 7hi/h in other/.$e$ de$/ri6ed in thi$ re#ort i$ .lleed to 6e lin5ed to the P002

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    The /o1rt /on/l1ded th.t A/61/. in di!!erent t-#e$ o! the it h.d 6een e$t.6li$hed th.t $he 7.$ . mem6er o! . terrori$t$ o! Fe6r1.r- +)*, the /.$e$ #endin .t the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$2

    ARTICLE ++)(?% COMMITTING A CRIME IN THE NAME OF A TERRORISTORGANIZATIONArticle ((0* of the #ur$ish Penal Code allos the state to punish indi'iduals ho ha'e notbeen pro'en in court to be members of terrorist organi-ation as though the& ere if deemedto ha'e performed a criminal act =in the name of an organi-ation>. In full the Article reads!

    A person who commits a crime in the name of an organi/ation without being a member ofthat organi/ation is punished as a member of the organi/ation. !he punishment formembership of an organi/ation can be reduced by up to one half.

    Courts ha'e used this Article as the basis for imposing increased sentences for supposedl&criminal acti'it& ith little e'idence either of the commission of a recogni-abl& criminaloffence or an& demonstrable lin$ to a =terrorist organi-ation>. As ith direct membershipcases the e'idence presented for ha'ing committed a crime =in the name of an organi-ation>fre 1nder Arti/le 4(+ o! theAntiTerrori$m L.72 A!ter the /$ 7ere i$$1ed9 he 7.$ t.5en to #ri$on !or #retri.l detention on ,) 3.n1.r-+)):9 7here he rem.ined !or the ne"t t7o .nd h.l! -e.r$2 The /o1rt /om6ined ,, $e#.r.te indi/tment$ in one#ro$e/1tion24In M.- +)*)9 Ved.t 01rB1n 7.$ /onvi/ted o! in!rinement o! 6oth Arti/le$2 The /o1rt $enten/edVed.t 01rB1n to t7elve -e.r$ in #ri$on 1nder Arti/le ++)(?24:&nder the #rovi$ion$ !or =M.5in #ro#..nd. !or. terrori$t>9 the Co1rt /onvi/ted Ved.t 01rB1n on *), /o1nt$9 $enten/in him to one -e.r .nd $i"month$ im#ri$onment !or e./h o//.$ion2 The $enten/e$ 7ere *;' -e.r$ .nd $i" month$ !or #ro#..nd. .nd *+-e.r$ im#ri$onment !or mem6er$hi#2 The tot.l $enten/e !or Ved.t 01rB1n9 there!ore9 7.$ *?? -e.r$ .nd $i"month$2)

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l h.$ not revie7ed in !1ll .ll the ne7$#.#er .rti/le$ #re$ented in the /.$e 61t h.$ re.d

    .ll the e"/er#t$ /on$idered relev.nt 6- the .1thoritie$ .nd #re$ented .$ eviden/e in the /.$e2 The *, M.-+)*) 81dment in the /.$e re.rdin Ved.t 01rB1n r.i$e$ /on/ern$ on . n1m6er o! level$2 Ved.t 01rB1n 7.$/onvi/ted o! =Committin . /rime in the o! . terrori$t> $olel- on the 6.$i$ o! ne7$#.#er.rti/le$ .nd de$#ite the l./5 o! .n- eviden/e lin5in him to . #ro$/ri6ed*He 7.$ .l$o /onvi/tedo! m1lti#le /o1nt$ o! =M.5in #ro#..nd. !or . terrori$t> on the 6.$i$ o! ne7$#.#er .rti/le$7hi/h9 .t le.$t in the e"/er#t$ #re$ented9 do not re#re$ent .dvo/./- o! violen/e .nd 7hi/h o1ht9 there!ore9

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    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    to /on$tit1ted #rote/ted $#ee/h 1nder the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion2+ The Co1rt /on$idered the.rti/le$ to 6e #ro#..nd. on 6eh.l! o! the P00 on .//o1nt o! their re!eren/e$ to the e.$t .nd $o1the.$t o!T1r5e- .$ =01rdi$t.n>9 =1errill.$> in re!eren/e to .rmed mem6er$ o! the P00 .nd their de$/ri#tion$ o!A6d1ll.h /.l.n .$ =#eo#le .nd =le.der o! the 0C0>2 In .ddition9 . $16$t.nti.l #.rt o! the eviden/e#re$ented in the /.$e 7.$ th.t the ne7$#.#er #16li$hed $t.tement$ 6- the P00 7itho1t .n- di$/1$$ion o! the/ontent o! the $t.tement or 7hether it /on$tit1ted .dvo/./- o! violen/e2,

    In it$ !in.l 81dment9 the /o1rt /ited . +)) 81dment o! the Gener.l Pen.l o.rd o! the S1#reme Co1rt o!A##e.l$< r1lin9 $t.tin%

    $n %artici%ation in actions w&ere t&ere is a eneral call from t&e oraniation %u'licied in t&e media of t&eoraniation# it is not necessary to esta'lis& t&at t&ere was instruction to an indi(idual to esta'lis& t&at t&ey

    were actin in t&e name of a terrorist oraniation in order to sentence accordin to t&e %ro(isions formem'ers&i% of a terrorist oraniation in addition to t&e crimes committed as %art of t&e action t&ey%artici%ated in)*+

    The /o1rt 7ent on to /on$ider the /ontent o! the ne7$#.#er .rti/le$ in Aadiya "elat 7.$ in it$el! $1!!i/ient

    eviden/e to /onvi/t Ved.t 01rB1n o! /ommittin . /rime in the o! . terrori$t .nd 7itho1te$t.6li$hin .n- .ddition.l eviden/e9 or intent either to .dvo/.te violen/e or to #.rti/i#.te in the ./tivitie$ o!the P002

    On ++ Fe6r1.r- +)** the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$9 re8e/ted the lo7er /o1rt2;The S1#remeCo1rt o! A##e.l$9 ho7ever9 1#held Ved.t 01rB1n 1nder Arti/le 4(+ o! the AntiTerrori$m L.79 61t r1led th.t he $ho1ld not 6e $enten/ed $!or e./h o! the *), /o1nt$2 Follo7in the overt1rnin o! the 81dment 6- the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$9 thelo/.l /o1rt in 31ne +)** ./1itted Ved.t 01rB1n 1nder Arti/le ++)(? .nd $enten/ed him to *) -e.r$ .nd ?month$ im#ri$onment 1nder Arti/le 4(+ o! the AntiTerrori$m L.72?In 31l- +)*+9 .!ter more th.n t7o -e.r$

    .nd $i" month$ o! detention9 the lo/.l /o1rt /on!irmed the de/i$ion o! the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$ .nd the$enten/e o! *) -e.r$ .nd $i" month$ !or =M.5in #ro#..nd. !or . terrori$t>2 The Co1rt .l$o r1ledth.t Ved.t 01rB1n $ho1ld 6e rele.$ed 1nder the term$ o! the /ondition.l $1$#en$ion o! $enten/e$ 6ro1ht intol.7 1nder the term$ o! the =Third 81di/i.l #./5.e>24

    Amnest& International considers that ((0* is neither necessar& for the prosecution ofindi'iduals for genuinel& terrorist+related offences nor in practice applied in such a a& asto uphold the right to freedom of expression. Amnest& International therefore recommendsthat the Article be repealed and that legitimate prosecutions be brought instead under otherexisting Penal Code articles re

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    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    A person who $nowingly and willingly assists the organi/ation but is not within thehierarchical structure of the organi/ation is punished as a member of the organi/ation. !hepunishment given for membership can be reduced by one third, depending on the nature ofthe assistance given.

    As ith Article ((0* this Article is often used to prosecute conduct protected b& the rightsto freedom of expression association and assembl&. Indeed the choice of prosecutors toprosecute under ((0* or ((07 often appears arbitrar& ith similar beha'iour sometimesprosecuted under one sometimes under the other @ and sometimes under Article 3):criminali-ing membership of a terrorist organi-ation; directl&. As ith prosecutions under((0* hen prosecutors see$ to con'ict a person under Article ((07 the& often do notpro'ide e'idence demonstrating a lin$ to a terrorist organi-ation nor do the& attempt to pro'ethat the accused as engaged in an& criminal offence or in aiding and abetting other thansupposedl& assisting the proscribed organi-ation.

    It is incumbent on the #ur$ish authorities to ensure that Article ((07 is not used to bringprosecutions that 'iolate the rights to freedom of expression association and assembl& or

    other human rights. #o this end the go'ernment should issue and publish guidelines forprosecutors that set out clear criteria for hen assisting an armed group can be criminali-edincluding the re.nd Ne&im ener i$ .nother e".m#le o! #olemi/.l9 .ntiovernment 7ritin97hi/h $ho1ld 6e #rote/ted .$ !ree e"#re$$ion9 6ein 1$ed .$ eviden/e o! the .1thor ODATV i$ . ne7$ 7e6$ite /riti/.l o! the overnment 7hi/h i$ .//1$ed o! $1##ortin the./tivitie$ o! the =Erene5on .rmed terrori$m> =.$ #.rt o! it$ medi. $tr1/t1re>2

    oth Ahmet 5 .nd Nedim ener .re inve$ti.tive$t$ 7ith . hi$tor- o! 1n/overin .61$e$ 6- #16li/o!!i/i.l$2 oth #revio1$l- 6een #ro$e/1ted !or their inve$ti.tive$m2 In the ODATV /.$e Ahmet 5.nd Nedim ener .re .//1$ed 1nder Arti/le ++)(4 o! the Pen.l Code !or =0no7inl- .nd 7illinl- $1##ortin .terrori$t>2 The- 7ere det.ined on , M.r/h +)** .nd rele.$ed !rom #retri.l detention on *+ M.r/h+)*+2 A$ o! M.r/h +)*,9 their tri.l 7.$ onoin2

    The indi/tment in /1rrent /.$e de$/ri6e$ Erene5on .$ .n .rmed terrori$t 7ith the .im$ o!/re.tin /h.o$ .nd di$order thro1h e/onomi/ /ri$i$9 ethni/ /on!li/t .nd terrori$m9 7e.5enin the $t.te .ndm.5in the /o1ntr- 1novern.6le to en.6le the overthro7 o! the overnment 6- !or/e2:It de$/ri6e$ v.rio1$medi. o1tlet$ .$ 6ein either !ormed 7ith the #1r#o$e o! .$$i$tin thi$ $tr.te- or 6een t.5en 1nderthe /ontrol o! .nd dire/ted 6- Erene5on2 It i$ .lleed th.t 1nder the dire/tion o! .lQn 0Q59 . de!end.nt inthe Erene5on #ro$e/1tion9 the ODATV ne7$ 7e6$ite /.rried o1t it$ 6ro.d/.$t ./tivitie$ to in!l1en/e the#16li/ .//ordin to the W#oliti/.l o.l$ .nd .im$ o! the Erene5on .rmed terrori$t

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    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    The eviden/e$t Ahmet 5 #re$ented in the indi/tment i$ 6.$ed l.rel- on . dr.!t m.n1$/ri#t 7ritten 6-him .nd d1e to 6e #16li$hed .$ . 6oo5 entitled =The Im.m Ord1$12:)The m.n1$/ri#t9 7hi/hh.$ $in/e 6een #16li$hed9 .llee$ the e"i$ten/e o! . net7or5 7ithin $t.te in$tit1tion$ .nd /ivil $o/iet- m.de1# o! !ollo7er$ o! the T1r5i$h I$l.mi/ $/hol.r in e"ile9 Fet1ll.h Glen9 . $1##orter o! the 31$ti/e .ndDevelo#ment #.rt- @A0P overnment2:*There i$ no .lle.tion th.t the 6oo5 #r.i$e$ Erene5on9 it$ $tr.te- orth.t it #rove$ th.t Ahmet 5 #l.-$ .n ./tive role in the The indi/tment .llee$ th.t the 6oo5 7.$ 7ith the .im o! $1##ortin the o.l$ o! Erene5on2 It /ite$ .$ eviden/e o! thi$ the !./t th.t . dr.!t o!the 6oo5 7.$ di$/overed on /om#1ter$ 6elonin to ODATV .nd th.t it i$ di$/1$$ed in . 7ord do/1ment9 !o1nd.t the $.me time9 entitled =n.tion.l medi. +)*)9> .l$o !o1nd on ODATV /om#1ter$2:+The .1thoritie$ / the6oo5 i$ Erene5on

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  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    of printed press or broadcasting, the penalty shall be increased by one half. )n addition,editors=in=chief * who have not participated in the perpetration of the crime shall bepunished with a "udicial fine from one thousand to fifteen thousand days0 rates.

    !he acts and behaviours below are also punished under this Article. wearing a uniform with symbols, images or signs of the organi/ation.

    #he proposed amendments do narro the offence and might therefore pre'ent some of thet&pes of abusi'e prosecutions under the Article in its current form such as the prosecution ofstatements in support of political aims that are shared b& armed groups. 2oe'er theproposed amendment is still too broad insofar as it includes the 'ague concepts of threat andcoercion ithout specif&ing in respect of these a lin$ to 'iolence. As a result there remainsthe real possibilit& that this Article ould be used to prosecute statements that do notamount to incitement to 'iolence. 1urthermore the extremel& problematic paragraph b;ould remain in force alloing the current abuses seen under the Article :for instance seecase of 6ultani Acbuca page ((; to continue. Paragraph b; should be remo'ed entirel& as itimposes far greater restrictions on the right to freedom of expression than are permissibleunder international human rights la.

    #he first paragraph should be amended in such a a& as to explicitl& re

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    though the published scripts do not ad'ocate 'iolence or incite hatred. #he authorities ha'ealso prosecuted under Article 7( non+'iolent expression in the context of speeches atpolitical rallies and demonstrations related to 8urdish rights and politics and left ing groupspercei'ed b& the authorities to be s&mpathetic to armed groups :see for example the case of6ultani Acibuca page ((;.

    In cases re'ieed b& Amnest& International courts ha'e issued con'ictions under Article 7(for =,a$ing propaganda for a terrorist organi-ation> b& rongl& interpreting permissiblerestrictions to the right to freedom of expression found in international la ignoring theestablished case+la of the Ct2/. 1or example slogans shouted at demonstrations such as=long li'e President Hcalan> :Ji4i 6ero$ Apo; referring to imprisoned P88 leader AbdullahHcalan ha'e repeatedl& been found b& the Ct2/ to be protected b& the right to freedom ofexpression.99Prosecutions for shouting these slogans continue under Article 7( :see case of6ultani Acbuca page ((; despite the rulings of the Ct2/ finding pre'ious con'ictions forthe same conduct to 'iolate the right to freedom of expression.

    In a number of cases re'ieed b& Amnest& International domestic courts ha'e cited Ct2/

    cases ?ana v. !ur$eyand S@re$ v. !ur$ey.+In these to cases the Ct2/ found that theprosecutions under Article 7( did not represent a 'iolation of the right to freedom ofexpression0 as the statements in #his coupled ith the factthat the letters attac$ed named indi'iduals ho might potentiall& be 'ictims of 'iolentre'enge lead the Court to find that the statements represented ad'ocac& of 'iolence and thatthe interference in the applicants right to freedom of expression as 4ustified.03In thecases here domestic courts cited the ?ana v. !ur$eyand S@re$ v. !ur$ey'erdicts to 4ustif&con'ictions the speech as 'er& different constituting discussion of the P88 that did notad'ocate 'iolence as :see for instance the case A&dn Juda$ belo;.

    Amnest& International calls on the #ur$ish authorities to amend Article 7( so as to ensurethat it onl& prohibits ad'ocac& of incitement to 'iolence in line ith international humanrights la standards.

    In +)) Ay&Fn 4#&a>9 m.-or o! the Cire m1ni/i#.lit- in $o1the.$tern T1r5e-9 . $#ee/h .ttri61tin

    im#rovement$ in the $it1.tion in T1r5e- to the 1nil.ter.l /e.$e!ire de/ 6- the P00 .nd /riti/iin the$t.te 1nder Arti/le 4(+ o!the AntiTerror L.72*)'In it$ re.$oned 81dment the Co1rt /on/l1ded th.t the $#ee/h @the $ole #ie/e o!eviden/e .mo1nted to . #16li/ #rovo/.tion to /ommit . terrori$t o!!en/e 7ithin the term$ o! the Co1n/il o!

  • 8/11/2019 Amnesty International - Decriminalize Dissent


    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    E1ro#e Convention on the #revention o! terrori$m notin th.t the Convention doe$ not re1ire dire/t .dvo/./-o! terrori$t o!!en/e$2*);Ho7ever9 the Co1rt #rovided no eviden/e to demon$tr.te .n intent to in/ite violen/e .$re1ired 6- the Convention .nd relied $olel- on the te"t o! the $#ee/h 7hi/h e"#li/itl- $1##orted . /e.$e!ire2*)?The Co1rt held th.t 6- re!errin to mem6er$ o! the P00 .$ #e./e .m6.$$.dor$ .nd $t.tin th.t it 7.$ne/e$$.r- to neoti.te 7ith A6d1ll.h /.l.n9 the $#ee/h re#re$ented #ro#..nd. !or the P00i1nder Arti/le 4(+o! the AntiTerrori$m L.7 !or =M.5in #ro#..nd. !or . terrori$t>2 The /onvi/tion rel.ted to t7o.rti/le$ #16li$hed in the #ro01rdi$h ,-nl-k ne7$#.#er entitled =S.- $to# to o#er.tion$>9 o##o$in milit.r-o#er.tion$$t the P009 .nd =P00 i$ it Pe5e5e or Pe5.5.>9 re!errin to the #ron1n/i.tion o! P00 in

    01rdi$h .nd T1r5i$h re$#e/tivel-2 The .rti/le e"#re$$ed the vie7 th.t tho$e 7ho #rono1n/ed it Pe5e5e @01rdi$h#ron1n/i.tion 7ere more in !.vo1r o! #e./e th.n tho$e th.t did not2*)The$e ne7$#.#er .rti/le$ re#re$ent.n.l-$i$ .nd /riti/i$m th.t do not in/ite violen/e2

    =S.- $to# to o#er.tion$> i$ 1oted 6- the Co1rt%

    T&ey .t&e o%erations/ are su%%ortin t&e mentality of t&e 0tate t&at is aimin to eliminate t&e %ro'lem 'y

    smas&in t&e 1urdis& Freedom 2o(ement) T&e a%%roac& t&at &as its roots in t&e &atred of 3calan and t&e P11and t&at states 4if t&e P11 didn5t e6ist and uerillas didn5t fi&t# t&is %ro'lem would 'e resol(ed muc& more

    easily5 is ludicrous)

    The Co1rt 1ote$ !rom the !ollo7in #.$$.e o! the te"t o! =P00 i$ it Pe5e5e or Pe5.5.> .$ /on$tit1tin

    =M.5in #ro#..nd. !or . terrori$t>2

    T&ere is indeed t&is trut&7 T&ose w&o are of t&e (iew t&at t&e 1urdis& issue s&ould 'e democratically resol(ed

    or t&at 1urdis& %eo%le5s ri&ts s&ould 'e uaranteed under t&e law %ronounce P11 enerally as 4Pekeke5)T&ose w&o do not want t&e 1urdis& issue to 'e resol(ed %ronounced it as 4Pekaka5)

    On the 6.$i$ o! the$e $t.tement$9 the Co1rt $enten/ed Zi-. JiQe5Qi to one -e.r .nd $i" month$ im#ri$onment2A$ o! Fe6r1.r- +)*, the /.$e$ #endin .t the S1#reme Co1rt o! A##e.l$2 Zi-. JiQe5Qi h.$ .l$o 6een/onvi/ted 1nder Arti/le ?(+ o! the AntiTerrori$m L.7 =#rintin or #16li$hin de/l.r.tion$ or $t.tement$ o!terrori$t$.tion$> @$ee 6elo78) He i$ .l$o 6ein #ro$e/1ted !or mem6er$hi# o! . terrori$t .$#.rt o! . 0C0 tri.l2*):At . he.rin in Fe6r1.r- +)*, he 7.$ rele.$ed !ollo7in *' month$ o! #retri.l detention2

    ARTICLE ?(+% PRINTING OR P&LISHING OF DECLARATIONS OR STATEMENTS OFTERRORIST ORGANIZATIONSArticle *( of the Anti+#errorism La criminali-es the =printing or publishing of declarationsor statements of terrorist organi-ations>.0It allos for sentences of beteen one and three&ears imprisonment.

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    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    #he current ording of Article *( is e'en broader than that of Article 7( since it ma$es noreference to the content of the statement b& the =terrorist> organi-ation hatsoe'er or theintent of the subse courts did not see$ to4ustif& the interference ith the right to freedom of expression in terms of the permissiblelimitations to this right found in international la. #he case of i&a QiRe$Ri described belo:a separate prosecution to the one brought under Article 7( described abo'e; is t&pical ofother recent 4udgments anal&-ed b& Amnest& International in hich courts ha'e appliedArticle *( in a manner that is incompatible ith the right to freedom of expression. i&aQiRe$Ri as con'icted under Article *( for a nespaper article that did not amount toincitement of hatred or ad'ocac& of 'iolence in 'iolation of the right to freedom ofexpression.

    In De/em6er +)**9 Zi-. JiQe5Qi 7.$ /onvi/ted o! =#rintin or #16li$hin de/l.r.tion$ or $t.tement$ o! terrori$$.tion$> 1nder Arti/le ?(+ o! the AntiTerrori$m L.7 6- the *4thI$t.n61l He.v- Pen.l Co1rt !or .n .rti/le

    #16li$hed on *, Se#tem6er +)** in the #ro01rdi$h ne7$#.#er 3-r ,-ndem9 entitled =The- .re tr.m#linon the l.7 .t Imr.l> @\mr.l

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    DECRIMINALIZE DISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*, Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,


    oriin.ted9 7hi/h it /on$idered . medi. or.n o! the P002 It /on/l1ded th.t the .rti/le #16li$hed . $t.temento! . terrori$t It o!!ered no !1rther .n.l-$i$ o! the /ontent o! the $t.tement$ or the 6ro.der /onte"to! the .rti/le in 7hi/h the- 7ere 1oted indeed9 $1/h .n .n.l-$i$ i$ not re1ired to $.ti$!- the element$ o! theo!!en/e2**,Zi-. JiQe5Qi 7.$ $enten/ed to *) month$ im#ri$onment .!ter di$/retion.r- red1/tion$2**'InSe#tem6er +)*+9 the /.$e 7.$ $1$#ended 1nder the term$ o! the =Third 81di/i.l #./5.e>2

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    DECRIMINALIZEDISSENTTime to deliver on the riht to !reedom o! e"#re$$ion

    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*, Amne$t- Intern.tion.l M.r/h +)*,


    REC-MMENDATI-NSAmnest& International urges the #ur$ish go'ernment to!

    /epeal Article 30 of the Penal Code :"enigrating the #ur$ish Fation;O

    /epeal Article 3% of the Penal Code :Alienating the public from militar& ser'ice;O

    /epeal Article (5 of the Penal Code :Praising a crime or a criminal;O

    /epeal Article (5 of the Penal Code :Criminal defamation;O

    Amend Article (* of the Penal Code :Incitement to hatred or hostilit&; b& repealingparagraphs ( and 3 so as to ensure that onl& ad'ocac& of hatred constituting incitement to'iolence is prosecutedO

    Amend the definition of terrorism Article of the Anti+#errorism La so as to bring it inline ith the definition proposed b& the EF 6pecial /apporteur on the promotion andprotection of human rights and fundamental freedoms hile countering terrorismO

    /epeal Article ((0* of the Penal Code :Committing a crime in the name of anorgani-ation;O

    /epeal Article *( of the Anti+#errorism La :Printing or publishingdeclarationsstatements of a terrorist organi-ation;O

    Amend Article 7( of the Anti+#errorism La :,a$ing propaganda for a terroristorgani-ation; so as to ensure that it onl& prohibits ad'ocac& of incitement to 'iolence

    Adopt guidelines for prosecutors on the application of Article ((07 of the Penal Codethat set out clear criteria for hen assisting an armed group can be criminali-ed includingthe re

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    La on Legal Amendments /e or =b; to obstruct the in'estigations disco'er& of the

    :material; truth.> #he amendments made changes to Article (%% re

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    not specified in paragraph 3 e'en if such grounds ould 4ustif& restrictions to other rights protected in

    the Co'enant. /estrictions must be applied onl& for those purposes for hich the& ere prescribed and

    must be directl& related to the specific need on hich the& are predicated. #he full text is a'ailable at


    *6ee eneral Comment Fo. 3) para. 50 :=#he acts that are addressed in article (0 are all sub4ect to

    restriction pursuant to article 9 paragraph 3. As such a limitation that is 4ustified on the basis of

    article (0 must also compl& ith article 9 paragraph 3>;.

    7#he 2uman /ights Committee addresses concerns and ma$es recommendations to states parties on

    their submission of regular reports on steps ta$en to implement the Co'enant. 1ull text of the

    International Co'enant on Ci'il and Political /ights :ICCP/; a'ailable here


    %6ee uropean Court of 2uman /ights Annual Report 2+2, &rovisional version, page 53. A'ailable at



    9Article ( of ICCP/ pro'ides that !he right of peaceful assembly shall be recogni/ed. Co restrictions

    may be placed on the eercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and

    which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public

    order *ordre public, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms

    of others.

    Article (( clearl& states that*+. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others,

    including the right to form and "oin trade unions for the protection of his interests. *2. Co restrictions

    may be placed on the eercise of this right other than those which are prescribed by law and which are

    necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order *ordre

    public, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

    !his article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on members of the armed forces and of

    the police in their eercise of this right. *-. Cothing in this article shall authori/e States &arties to the)nternational 7abour Drganisation :onvention of +>F concerning Breedom of Association and &rotection

    of the Right to Drgani/e to ta$e legislative measures which would pre"udice, or to apply the law in such a

    manner as to pre"udice, the guarantees provided for in that :onvention.

    Article of the uropean Con'ention on 2uman /ights :C2/; pro'ides that *+. Everyone has the

    right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to

    form and to "oin trade unions for the protection of his interests. *2. Co restrictions shall be placed on

    the eercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic

    society in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for

    the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. !his Article

    shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the eercise of these rights by members of the

    armed forces, of the police or of the administration of the State.

    0Article (. of ICCP/ pro'ides that Each State &arty to the present :ovenant underta$es to respect

    and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and sub"ect to its "urisdiction the rights recogni/ed in

    the present :ovenant, without distinction of any $ind, such as race, colour, se, language, religion,

    political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

    eneral Comment 3) of the 2uman /ights Committee clearl& underlines the specific conditions

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    shall be punishable b& imprisonment of beteen six months to to &ears. :(; here the act is committed

    through the press or broadcasting the penalt& shall be increased b& one half.


    6ee Amnest& International !ur$ey< !ime to recognise right to conscientious ob"ection. A'ailable athttp!.amnest&.orgenlibrar&infoE/))00(0(en

    ()An& such restrictions must additionall& be pro'ided b& la strictl& necessar& and proportionate to the

    aim pursued.

    (5#he right to refuse militar& ser'ice for reasons of conscience is inherent in the notion of freedom of

    thought conscience and religion as laid don in a number of international human rights instruments

    including the Eni'ersal "eclaration of 2uman /ights and the International Co'enant on Ci'il and

    Political /ights :ICCP/; to hich #ur$e& is a part&. #he rand Chamber if the uropean Court of 2uman

    /ights ruled in 4ayatyan v. Armenia :Application no. (3)5903;in ?ul& (0 that the state had 'iolated

    the right to freedom of thought conscience and religion :Article 9;. ?udgement a'ailable at


    (*6ee uropean Court of 2uman /ights Ergin v. !ur$ey:Fo. *; :Application no )753399; 4udgment of) ,a& (00* para. 35. A'ailable at http!hudoc.echr.coe.intsitesengpagessearch.aspxViW00+753(7O

    Article 55 of the former #ur$ish Penal Code reads! =It shall be an offence punishable b& to months

    to to &ears imprisonment and a fine ... to publish articles inciting the population to brea$ the la or

    ea$ening national securit& to issue publications intended to incite others to e'ade militar& ser'ice...>

    (7#he reference pla&s on the #ur$ish pro'erb ='er& #ur$ is born a soldier>

    (%?udgment of ) ?une (0(. As of 1ebruar& (03 the ritten reasoned 4udgment as not a'ailable.

    (96ee Amnest& International #ur$e&! #ur$ish human rights defender imprisoned! 2alil 6a'da. A'ailable

    at http!.amnest&.orgenlibrar&infoE/))00)(0(en

    30Indictment no. (03(9 ( August (0

    3Article +2O = Qefamation:; A person ho undermines the honour dignit& or respectabilit& of anotherperson or ho attac$s a personYs honour b& attributing to them a concrete act or a fact or b& means of

    an insult shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of three months to to &ears or punished ith a

    4udicial fine. In order to con'ict for an insult made in the absence of the 'ictim the act must ha'e been

    itnessed b& at least three persons. :(; If the act is committed b& means of a spo$en ritten or 'isual

    message addressing the 'ictim the perpetrator shall be sentenced to the penalties set out abo'e. :3; If

    the offence of defamation is committed! a; against a public official in connection ith their dut&O b; in

    response to expression modification efforts for dissemination of ones religious political social

    philosophical beliefs thoughts and opinions the indi'iduals compliance ith the rules and prohibitions

    of his religion c; b& reference to the hol& 'alues of a persons religion the penalt& shall be not less than

    one &ear. :); :Amended b& La 5377 of (9 ?une (005 Article 5; here the defamation is committed

    in public the penalt& shall be increased b& one sixth. :5; :Amended b& la 5377 of (9 ?une (005

    Article 5; here public officials or$ing as Joard ,embers are exposed to defamation and theallegation is connected ith their public status or the public ser'ice the& pro'ide the offence is deemed

    to ha'e been committed against the ,embers of the Joard. 2oe'er in this case the pro'isions

    indicated in the article on consecuti'e crimes do appl&.

    3(Paragraph 3% of the 2uman /ights Committees eneral Comment 3) clearl& states here =Gthe

    mere fact that forms of expression are considered to be insulting to a public figure is not sufficient to

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    4ustif& the imposition of penalties albeit public figures ma& also benefit from the pro'isions of the

    Co'enant.,oreo'er all public figures including those exercising the highest political authorit& such as

    heads of state and go'ernment are legitimatel& sub4ect to criticism and political opposition. Accordingl&

    the Committee expresses concern regarding las on such matters as lese ma4est& desacatodisrespect

    for authorit& disrespect for flags and s&mbols defamation of the head of stateand the protection of the

    honour of public officials and las should not pro'ide for more se'ere penalties solel& on the basis of

    the identit& of the person that ma& ha'e been impugned. 6tates parties should not prohibit criticism of

    institutions such as the arm& or the administration.> 1ull text a'ailable at


    33Article () of the Ci'il Code pro'ides for the circumstances in bringing ci'il claims for insult. =Persons

    hose indi'idual rights are infringed in contra'ention to legislation are entitled to re

    )3In (00% then ,inister of ?ustice ,ehmet Ali Uahin said that o'er 7000 people had been prosecuted

    for referring to Abdullah Hcalan as =sa&n>. 6ee Jianet !@r$iye G$i HIlda J.FF> KiLiyi 9Su%u, Su%luyu

    Mvme$9ten HargIladI, (* "ecember (00%. A'ailable at http!bianet.orgbianetbianet597+tur$i&e+i$i+

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    &ilda+7+%%)+$isi&i+sucu+suclu&u+o'me$ten+&argiladiO and Jianet HargItay< 9SayIn9 ve 96erilla9 Qeme$

    Gfade M/g@rl@#@, ( ,a& (0(. A'ailable at http!bianet.orgbianetifade+o-gurlugu3%)%%+&argita&+



    )5Indictment no. (03(% ( ?ul& (0 page

    )*?udgment no. (0(** (9 ,arch (0(

    )71andyside vs K, application no 5)937(, ?udgment of 7 "ecember 97*

    )%A&han 6efer MstNn made the comments folloing a demonstration in Istanbul in 1ebruar& (0(

    commemorating the 99( 8ho4al& ,assacre of A-erbai4ani citi-ens b& Armenian soldiers. Protestors

    shouted slogans praising the person con'icted of shooting 2rant "in$ and carried placards reading =Kou

    are all Armenians Kou are all bastards> moc$ing the 4ustice campaign slogan =e are all Armenians e

    are all 2rant "in$>. 2e is reported as sa&ing regarding the (005 introduction of Article (* =Brada Ro$

    aR$ &a-&or a&rmcl$ &apanlarn hangi ce-a&a maru- $alacaZ. 1a$at sa'clar bu maddeleri henN- tatbi$

    etmedi$leri iRin bu a&rmc r$R s[&lemler de'am edi&or. \uoted from Agos Fespaper !a$sim0de$i

    pan$artlara Teclis0ten tep$i (% 1ebruar& (0(. A'ailable at http!$simde$i+


    )9Indictment no. (0(75) (5 ,a& (0(

    50\uoted in Jianet 4en 4ir AyrI$ Dtuyum,( ?anuar& (0(. A'ailable at


    56ee for example para. ()+(* of #homas 2ammarberg Commissioner for 2uman /ights of the Council

    of urope Report onBreedom of epression and media freedom in !ur$ey.A'ailable at


    6ee also para. (*+33 Tission to !ur$ey< Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and

    protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorismA'ailable athttp!daccess+dds+n&.un.orgdocEF"BCF0*)9)(P"10*)9)(.pdfVBpenlementO Also see

    B6C Tain Bindings of the !able of )mprisoned Uournalists in !ur$ey, A&R)7 2+2. A'ailable at


    In addition in (00 Amnest& International published a report All :hildren have rights< End prosecutions

    of children under anti=terrorism legislation in !ur$ey that loo$ed into the abuse of anti+terrorism

    legislation to prosecute demonstrators man& of them children. #he report is a'ailable at


    5( Amnest& International issued the folloing statement regarding the (00 amendments! !ur$ey ends

    prosecution of child demonstrators under anti=terror laws. A'ailable at http!.amnest&.orgennes+


    53?ul& (0( amendments to the Anti+#errorism La ithin the =#hird ?udicial Pac$age> pro'ided 4udgesith the option to reduce sentences b& a half :((0*; and a third :((07;.

    5)Article *5 of the Anti+#errorism La alloed 4udges to suspend periodicals from beteen fifteen da&s

    to one month for =public incitement of crimes ithin the frameor$ of acti'ities of a terrorist

    organisation praise of committed crimes or of criminals or the propaganda of a terrorist organisation>. It

    as found b& the Ct2/ to 'iolate the right to freedom of expression most recentl& in the case of Vrper

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    7(6ee uropean Court of 2uman /ights Kor$ma/ v. !ur$ey *Application no.>2OPF 4udgement of

    (0 "ecember (005. A'ailable in 1rench at http!hudoc.echr.coe.intsitesengpagessearch.aspxViW00+


    73Indictment of ( ?une (00% no. (00%(0( page 3

    7)/easoned 4udgment 9 ?une (00 no.(00*0

    75/easoned 4udgment 9 ?une (00 no.(00*0

    7*/easoned 4udgment 9 ?une (00 no.(00*0

    77/easoned 4udgment 3 ,a& (00 no.(00357

    7%Indictment no. (00%(5( 07 ,arch (00%O Indictment no. (00%503 ( April (00%O Indictment no.

    (0077*5 ( ?une (007O Indictment no. (00%35 (7 ,arch (00%O Indictment no. (007%79 5

    6eptember (007O Indictment no. (0079*% 9 Bctober (007O Indictment no. (00755 )

    "ecember (007O Indictment no. (0073( 5 "ecember (007O Indictment no. (00%*0% ( ,a&

    (00%O Indictment no. (007)(* ) April (007O Indictment no. (007)* 9 April (007O Indictment no.(007)% 3 April (007O Indictment no. (007)9 3 April (007O Indictment no. (007)( 3 April

    (007O Indictment no. (007)5 3 April (007O Indictment no. (007*55 % ,a& (007O Indictment

    no. (007*5) % ,a& (007O Indictment no. (00%*%5 (( ,a& (00%O Indictment no. (007%07

    ?ul& (007O Indictment no. (00%57 5 ?anuar& (00%O Indictment no. (007*%% (9 ,a& (007O

    Indictment no. (00%) * Bctober (00%O Indictment no. (00793* ( Bctober (007O Indictment

    no. (0079)7 ( Bctober (007O Indictment no. (007)*) 9 April (007O Indictment no. (007%0%

    ?ul& (007O Indictment no. (0079(9 (5 6eptember (007O Indictment no. (007)* 3 April (007O

    Indictment no. (00%90* % ?ul& (00%O Indictment no. (00%9* (3 ?ul& (00%O Indictment no.

    (00%%7 (7 ?une (00%O Indictment no. (0079(% (5 6eptember (007O Indictment no. (00%*5*

    * ,a& (00%

    79"ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %0"ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %"ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %("ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %3"ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %)"ecision no.(00357 3 ,a& (00

    %5"ecision no. (05 (( 1ebruar& (0

    %*"ecision no. (0()7 9 ?une (0

    %7Additional decision no.(0()7 () ?ul& (0(

    %%Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 pages (9 to 3*

    %9Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 page )

    90Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 page *)

    91or information on 1etullah Nlen see Fe Kor$ #imes !ur$ey Beels Sway of Reclusive :leric in the

    .S () April (0(. A'ailable at http!.n&$e&+feels+

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    9(Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 page %0

    93Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 page %0

    9)Indictment no. (0)(5 (* August (0 page %

    951or the full

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    April (00.

    09As of 1ebruar& (03 a number of large scale trials targeted alleged membership and support for the

    8urdistan Communities Enion :8C8;. i&a QiRe$Ri is one of )) 4ournalists accused of 8C8 membershipin an Istanbul trial that began in 6eptember (0(.

    0Article Z = Announcement and publication :; #hose ho announce or publish that a crime ill be

    committed b& terrorist organisations against persons in a a& that ma$es possible that these persons

    can be identified hether or not b& specif&ing their names and identities or those ho disclose or

    publish the identities of state officials that ere assigned in fight against terrorism or those ho mar$

    persons as targets in the same manner shall be punished ith imprisonment from one to three &ears. :(;

    #hose ho print or publish declarations or announcements of terrorist organisations shall be punished

    ith imprisonment from one to three &ears. :3; #hose ho in 'iolation of article ) of this La disclose

    or publish the identities of informants shall be punished ith imprisonment from one to three &ears.

    :Amended b& La 553( on (9 ?une (00* Art 5; If an& of the offences indicated in the paragraphs

    abo'e are committed b& means of mass media editors+in+chief :G; ho ha'e not participated in the

    perpetration of the crime shall be punished ith a 4udicial fine from one thousand to fifteen thousand

    da&s rates. 2oe'er the upper limit of this sentence for editors+in+chief is fi'e thousand da&s rates.

    Fot re

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    Inde"% E&R ''())*(+)*,M.r/h +)*,


    T!e rig!t to ree&om o e7$ression is #n&er atta'> in T#r>ey, Criminal$rose'#tions targeting &issenting o$inions re$resent one o T#r>eys mostentren'!e& !#man rig!ts $roblems, Des$ite a series o legislative reorm$a'>ages% #nair la+s remain on t!e stat#te an& 'ontin#e to be ab#se&,

    1revio#sly taboo iss#es s#'! as t!e sit#ation o Armenians in T#r>ey or

    'riti'ism o t!e arme& or'es are more +i&ely &is'#sse& in t!emainstream me&ia, /o+ever% t!e la+s #se& to 'riminalie s$ee'! ont!ese iss#es remain in or'e an& 'ontin#e to be a$$lie&,

    T!e most negative &evelo$ment in re'ent years !as been t!e in'reasinglyarbitrary #se o anti=terrorism la+s to $rose'#te legitimate a'tivitiesin'l#&ing $oliti'al s$ee'!es% 'riti'al +riting% atten&an'e o&emonstrations an& asso'iation +it! re'ognise& $oliti'al gro#$s an&organiations = in violation o t!e rig!ts to ree&om o e7$ression%asso'iation an& assembly,

    In t!is re$ort% Amnesty International analyses t!e $roblems in la+ an&$ra'ti'e relating to ten o t!e most $roblemati' oen'es an& ma>es'on'rete re'ommen&ations on t!e legislative '!anges nee&e& to bringt!ese ab#ses to an en&,