AMKsian Family Day 2009

The sun was shining, the sea was blue and the atmosphere was perfect. On 14th March 2009, Ang Mo Kio Secondary School celebrated her 30th birthday at East Coast Park. Students and teachers, members of the alumni and stakeholders joined together to make the event a great success. The objective of the event was to commemorate Ang Mo Kio Secondary School’s 30th anniversary as well as to give students the opportunity to showcase their leadership skills and imbibe themselves with the six RIC3H values of the school- Respect, Integrity, Creativity, Commitment, Compassion and Harmony. The theme for the celebration was ‘Moving Dreams, Riding Waves, Soaring Heights’. This theme was based on the idea of ‘Castles’ which was suggested by the student body and staff. ‘Castles’ captures the spirit of AMKSS as a sanctuary for its students as well as a place where dreams can be realised. At the sandcastle building event, a total of 1600 pupils took to the beach, unleashing their creativity as they worked on the castles which spanned 35 by 40 metres across the beach, creating a spectacular sight. The sandcastle building event was the highlight of the celebration- however; there were other games and activities organised for the students and teachers to participate in. Some of the games included beach volleyball, fitness challenge, stage games and performances and skipping competitions. If there is one thing all the students agreed on, it was that the AMKsian Family Day engaged all the students. “It was very fun,” said Luo Zhi of Class 1/4, “you need a lot of patience to complete the sandcastle.” Luo Zhi’s classmate, Sherman Pang, remarked that the event was “very enjoyable”. It was also agreed that teamwork was necessary to complete the structure, and that the event was truly a great success. The celebration ended with all involved in the event posing for a photograph in front of the massive structures. The AMKsian Family Day was a huge success, and the fond memories of it will be forever remembered by all. by Yeo Hui Min Stefanie 1/4 AMKsian Family Day 2009 Ang Mo Kio Secondary School Issue 1 May 2009

Transcript of AMKsian Family Day 2009

Page 1: AMKsian Family Day 2009

The sun was shining, the sea was blue and the atmosphere was perfect.On 14th March 2009, Ang Mo Kio Secondary School celebrated her 30th birthday at East Coast Park. Students and teachers, members of the alumni and stakeholders joined together to make the event a great success.

The objective of the event was to commemorate Ang Mo Kio Secondary School’s 30th anniversary as well as to give students the opportunity to showcase their leadership skills and imbibe themselves with the six RIC3H values of the school- Respect, Integrity, Creativity, Commitment, Compassion and Harmony.

The theme for the celebration was ‘Moving Dreams, Riding Waves, Soaring Heights’. This theme was based on the idea of ‘Castles’ which was suggested by the student body and staff. ‘Castles’ captures the spirit of AMKSS as a sanctuary for its students as well as a place where dreams can be realised.

At the sandcastle building event, a total of 1600 pupils took to the beach, unleashing their creativity as they worked on the castles which spanned 35 by 40 metres across the beach, creating a spectacular sight.

The sandcastle building event was the highlight of the celebration- however; there were other games and activities organised for the students and teachers to participate in. Some of the games included beach volleyball, fitness challenge, stage games and performances and skipping competitions.

If there is one thing all the students agreed on, it was that the AMKsian Family Day engaged all the students. “It was very fun,” said Luo Zhi of Class 1/4, “you need a lot of patience to complete the sandcastle.” Luo Zhi’s classmate, Sherman Pang, remarked that the event was “very enjoyable”. It was also agreed that teamwork was necessary to complete the structure, and that the event was truly a great success.

The celebration ended with all involved in the event posing for a photograph in front of the massive structures.

The AMKsian Family Day was a huge success, and the fond memories of it will be forever remembered by all.

by Yeo Hui Min Stefanie 1/4

AMKsian Family Day 2009

Ang Mo KioSecondary SchoolIssue 1 May 2009

Page 2: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Confession of a Sec Four Senior Time flies, in the blink of an eye, we are now preparing for the ‘O’ Levels. It seemed only yesterday that we joined the school as wide-eyed Secondary One juniors. We enjoyed four wonderful years in Ang Mo Kio Secondary and we appreciate all the teachers who had given us support and help whenever we encountered any problems.

One of the teachers who leaves us with a deep impression is our humorous king, Mr Kenny Toh. There is always laughter in the class when he is around. His humorous actions together with his lively lessons add flavour to our class. I think that he has the talent to become the funniest and most engaging biology teacher in Singapore!

There are many teachers who have helped us in our school work. One of the teachers is Mdm Karen Teng. Although she looks very strict, she is a very responsible teacher. Frankly speaking, one of our weakest subjects is Math. It is really due to her patient teaching that we are achieving high scores for our recent tests. We are really grateful to her for her patience, understanding and help.

There is no doubt that the people who surround us in Ang Mo Kio Secondary constitute a large part of our memories of our formative years. Teachers and dear classmates whom we will always remember and be grateful towards especially for the life lessons that they have

imparted. Indeed, we believe that when we look back on our four years in AMKSS, they are the people who will leave the strongest impressions. We hope that we too, have touched their lives and helped them in different ways, no matter how small.

But there are other, less savoury experiences that we will look back with fondness. The crazy rush to the toilet before and after PE, hurrying back to class after IAP to avoid being scolded for our tardiness and the never-ending piles of homework that had to be completed. Every day is a mad rush and each school day for us always ended in a race to the back gate before it is locked at exactly 2.30pm. Yet in hindsight, even these grouses take on a nostalgic sheen knowing that we will be graduating soon.

A word of advice for our juniors: treasure the experiences of your secondary school life, regardless of good or bad. One day, when you reflect on your teenage years, you will find that the years in secondary school are the most unforgettable.

by Wong Rui Ting, 42 and Ng Zhi Yun, 44





E: F



L, M






Page 3: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Which teacher left the deepest impression on you?This is a very difficult question! Do I really have to answer it? Before naming the person, I would like to make it clear that in my opinion, every teacher in AMKSS is great.

This teacher was our form teacher of 4/1. By naming him, I probably should apologise to every teacher whom I left out, especially the Discipline Master!

Mr Nara, that was how we addressed him, was an extraordinary teacher but what left the deepest impression was actually his skill as a disciplinarian. He wasn’t the Discipline Master but there were certain days of the week where he led the morning and post-recess assemblies. When he was in-charge of these daily ‘rituals’, I remember ourselves behaving better without him having to raise his voice much. Although he still had to remind us to behave, he did very minimal scolding. When his voice grew a little, even the recalcitrants felt obliged to obey him. He commanded respect from many students especially us, his own form class.

Can you share an interesting experience about your schooling days in AMKSS?I think everyday was interesting. Ironically, what I would name most interesting was not something that happened in class. It was the Charity Drive we had in 2000, when AMKSS was located at Buangkok. This etched one of the deepest impressions on me. It saw our class (4/1), come together from the selling of the donation tickets to the event and manning the food stall on the actual day. The class worked as a team and so did the whole school. The atmosphere was really amazing and one could feel that AMKSS is indeed an institution that is able to achieve beyond what textbooks teach.

Do you remember the school motto? No cheating by checking the internet!Erm, this is difficult. Is it ‘Together, We Touch the Future’? I remember this printed on our PE t-shirt.

Lastly, do you have any adventures or escapades that you’d like to share with us?We had to present a skit one afternoon during assembly. Someone in class forgot to bring the costumes. It was the day of performance and there was no way we could get it if we did not sneak out of school.

Eventually, we decided to get a classmate who was on MC to pass it to us. My friend and I actually sneaked out of the gates, not far, to Block 205 so that he did not have to walk right into school to pass the costumes to us as he was supposed to be on MC. That was the most adventurous thing I’ve done in school!

by Joey Teo 4/1





E: S


g Z



Ang Mo Kio Secondary School has a long and illustrious history as one of the first secondary school in Ang Mo Kio. Our school has grown from strength to strength over the past thirty years and produced numerous alumni who have gone on to achieve great successes in life. Fusion has tracked down one of our ex-AMKsians to find out how he is doing.

When Mr Song Zi Liang graduated in 2000, he did not take the common route of entering a Junior College or Polytechnic. Knowing that his interest lied elsewhere, he took the path less travelled. Straight out of his ‘O’ levels, he opted to fulfill his National Service obligation before going to the Moscow Conservatory to study music. Currently, Mr Song is in London furthering his studies. Below is the transcript of the email interview our reporter conducted with him.

Can you tell us more about what you are currently doing?I am studying piano performance in London. In fact, I transferred to uK from Moscow only four months ago as I felt I needed to understand music from a different perspective. Over here, I take part in student concerts, outreach events and sometimes, I double as a steward or usher during special events thus gaining work experience outside classes. My schedule is very much one that consists of performing as much as I can, practising on the piano, listening to music and reading as widely as possible.

What did you miss the most after you have graduated from AMKSS?The crowd in school. The joy of learning together as a big family. Due to the nature of my studies now, I am mostly alone with the piano.

And not forgetting the teachers whom I miss dearly. I am thankful and glad that everytime I visit AMKSS, I still see Mrs Ismail and Ms Karim!


Page 4: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Would you think of putting Science and Magic together? These two elements seem quite the opposite. After all, how do you explain the magic of Harry Potter with something as mundane as Science?

Well, in Ang Mo Kio Secondary School, our ever creative science teachers have found a way to put them together leaving the students amazed at the magic of science.

As one of the student volunteers participating in this event, my task is to perform a magic trick that will wow the audience. Have you ever pricked a balloon without bursting it? My assignment was to find a way to push a stick through the balloon without it bursting. Sounds impossible? To my surprise, I found that there is indeed a scientific way of making it possible. Want to find out how it is done? Simply coat the stick with cooking oil!

The balloon is made of rubber. Rubber has molecules that are joined together in chains. Sudden pricking of the balloon causes the air to escape through the narrow opening. The chains of rubber molecules break apart causing the balloon to burst. By coating the stick with oil and slowly drilling it into the balloon, the oil lubricates the process leaving enough space for the stick to poke through and not the air to rush out.

Sounds easy? Not at all! Together with my team mate, Alice Tang from 3/2, we spent two weeks preparing and practicing for the show. The balloons we used numbered in the dozens. On the day of the performance, I was both nervous and excited, hoping that the performance will be a successful one. Luckily, except for minor hiccups, everything went well. The audience enjoyed the show and at the same time, learnt something about the scientific concepts behind each performance.

At the end of the whole show, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Through the rehearsals, I learned to be patient and not to give up and I also gained confidence through the public performance. It was indeed an interesting learning experience. I enjoyed my journey into the realm of magic and science.

by Jason Zhou Jiecheng 2/2

Science Magic Trick Showcase@

science hub






Page 5: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Where do you find the greatest food, art and toys - all under one roof? Well, it’s at the junior show! Ang Mo Kio Secondary has organised the junior show to showcase Amksians’ achievements in Design and Technology, Food and Nutrition and Art. It allows pupils to share how they conceptualised their designs and in doing so, learn to speak to an audience with confidence. Visitors to the junior show had to vote for their favourite toy design and art work. This encouraged the students to speak to the visitor about their work in order to leave a deeper impression and win votes. This platform provided them with the opportunity to enhance their communication skills and boost their self esteem. It also allowed the students to unleash their creativity, not only though their practical toy designs but also aesthetically in their art work.

The artefacts for Craft and Technology are chosen based on how unique they are. Pupils learn from one another through this showcase. Also, most of the feedback they received from visitors was encouraging but there were also some who pointed out the flaws in their designs. The students have to learn how to take the pointers in good stride and reflect on what they can do to improve their work.

So what was found in the junior show? Innovative toys, Pop Art, Fantasy drawings and Castle related snacks. Amksians faced a lot of difficulties in trying to keep to the theme and had to put in a lot of hard work. Some had to stay back almost every day to perfect their Fantasy drawings! Credit also goes to the art teachers, Ms Ng Siew Kuan, Ms Julianna Tay and Ms Lila who spent many afternoons guiding the students in perfecting their art pieces. Many Amksians had to juggle their time between their CCAs, daily work and completing their projects. It was tough, but they persisted till the end.

Amksians made their parents proud too! Mrs Chan, parent of Speed Chan from 2/5 was present at the junior show, and shared with us her pride in his work. On the whole, the junior show was a great success.

Elaine Tan 2/2

Food! Art! Toys!








Page 6: AMKsian Family Day 2009

On 17th April, our school celebrated its international friendship day. International Friendship day is a day dedicated in honour of friends that began in US in 1935, where cards, flowers and friendship bands are exchanged to express their love for their friends.

Our school has taken the Internationl Friendship Day a bit further, focusing on the ‘Internationl’ aspect of friendship in our celebration. This year’s theme was ‘Knowing ASEAN’. Our school has foreign students from Thailand, Indonesia, Philppines, Taiwan and China studying alongside local students. As foreigners and students, they are busy adapting to our local culture and keeping up with their studies.

The International Friendship Day gives us a chance to get to know about our new friends’ culture. Students from different countries such as China, Thailand and Indonesia presented to the audience their countries’ culture and traditions. The 45min event was held in the school hall at 1pm, with classmates and friends of the presenters turning up to support them.

“It was fun and quite an experience for me to talk in front of a big crowd” says Justin K.A, a student from Indonesia who presented interesting facts about his country.

The presentation was a wonderful platform for us to learn about our neighbouring countries and foreign friends. It was a great success. We look forward to more of such events in future.

by Lee Eng Kiat 2/3

Friends from IndonesiaPreparing for the International Friendship Day was not an easy task. My team, which consists of me, Michael utama(class 3/5) and Justin K. A. (class 2A), decided to present something distinctive about Indonesia. The significance of our flag was something that not many non-Indonesians would know about so we shared that during the presentation.

Other interesting tidbits we shared would include the local cuisine of our country. Having Mr Lian to guide us on how to make our presentation more interesting was very helpful.

In my opinion, living and studying in a foreign land is a very exciting experience. I could say that it is completely different living here compared to living in my homeland, a small island located in the Riau province. Let’s take mode of transport for example. I used to rely on motorcycle known as “Ojek” to get me around the island. Here, travelling on the MRT and SBS bus is the norm. Though I have many friends here and the standard of living is better in Singapore, I do miss my homeland and my family at times.

by Vannyssa Andrison 3/2

InternationalFriendship Day











Page 7: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Miss Karim









30 years of m e m o r i e s

Since Ang Mo Kio Secondary School began operating in 1979, it has seen countless teachers strolling through its corridors, teaching not just subjects but also important life

lessons. Here, we pay tribute to the most stalwart supporters of the school.

Once upon a timeYou would never have imagined it but they were once like you, donning the same green uniform, attending the same school and yes, being taught by the same teachers. Can you

identify them from the following pictures?

a. Mdm Juliana 1st row, 3rd from left

b. Mr Tan Wee Meng 3rd row, 2nd from left

c. Miss Ng Kae Peng 1st row, 5th from right

d. Miss Joselyn Lee 1st row, 4th from left

e. Mr Kenny Toh 4th row, 3rd from right and Mdm Yeo Leng 3rd row, 2nd from left

Mdm Ong

Mr Manan

Mrs Yeo and Mrs Nair

Mr Tan Kim Huat

Mdm Tong

Ms Zaiton

Mrs Ismail






Page 8: AMKsian Family Day 2009

The Learning Journey began on the 21st of January. Everyone with few exceptions was wearing the class tee and ready for the excursion. We assembled at the foyer where we were given biscuits, a bottle of water and a worksheet. We then boarded the bus and headed towards the Horticultural Park.

Learning Journey

The Horticultural Park, also known as the HortPark, was officially opened to the public on the 10th of May, 2008. It was built to promote gardening in Singapore. It is home to many interesting and unusual types of plants such as the heliconia, candy plant, miraculous berry as well as a plant which moves to music! The HortPark also boasts of a showroom which showcases various species of plants, a plant nursery as well as several greenhouses.

When we got there, we were introduced to our guides and were split into two groups. We were first shown some low maintenance plants that were easy to grow. Next we took to the outdoors and

were shown the birds of paradise which can be found growing at several places in Singapore. There was also a bamboo “labyrinth” used for recreational activities such as yoga. We also smelled laksa leaves and mint leaves.

The next stop was the Kent Ridge Canopy Walk. It is only a short distance walk from the HortPark. It was a tiring walk up. Our hard work was paid off though. The air on top was cool and breezy. While we were walking, we stopped occasionally to enjoy a bird’s- eye-view of the HortPark and to take photos of the trees and plants. There was also a resting spot around the halfway point for tired guests. When the walk ended, we were at the entrance of the Reflections of Bukit Chandu.

When we were in there, we looked at a screen which showed how the battle for Singapore was fought and the surrender of the British. There were also sculptures outside which had writings on them. Next, we went to watch a movie. It showed us what it was like to be fighting for Bukit Chandu.

After the movie, we walked around to view certain exhibitions such as a room which features old guns used by the soldiers, both British and Japanese. Next, we went to see another short animation which showed us the thoughts of a soldier. These displays showed what it was like during the war and I was filled with sadness when I learned of the hardships our forefathers went through.

Finally, we got into a bus and headed for school.

I found the Learning Journey very interesting and it helps me to learn new things. It was a good opportunity to take learning outside the confines of the classroom and I hope there will be more such activities in future.

by Ong Wen Shei 2/1








Page 9: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Pada 9 November 2008, Sekolah Menengah Ang Mo Kio, telah dijemput untuk mengadakan satu pameran kecil yang dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Farmakologi Singapura (FAPA) di Hotel grand Copthorne. Pada hari tersebut, delegasi-delegasi dari merata negara Asia ke situ untuk menghadiri Konvensyen bidang Farmasi. Di samping itu, mereka juga akan didedahkan kepada budaya berbilang bangsa di Singapura. Tema pameran itu ialah kesenian dan kebudayaan bangsa Melayu. Seramai 13 pelajar dari menengah 2-4 yang terpilih harus membuat persiapan untuk pameran tersebut.

Beberapa minggu sebelum pameran tersebut, kami mengadakan mesyuarat di sekolah bersama Cikgu Siti Nadhirah. Kami membahagikan kerja supaya dapat menghabiskannya secepat mungkin kerana kami tidak mempunyai cukup masa. Kami mengadakan kajian internet untuk mendapatkan pelbagai informasi yang tepat dan berfaedah untuk membuat poster-poster bagi pameran tersebut. Kami mengkaji tentang pakaian tradisional, permainan tradisional dan pelbagai alat muzik melayu. Sikap bekerjasama pada waktu itu amat penting sekali. Tanpa kerjasama antara rakan-rakan, kami tidak mungkin dapat menyelesaikan persiapan untuk pameran itu.

Pada hari pameran tersebut, kami memakai pakaian-pakaian tradisional kami ke sekolah lalu membawa barang-barang yang diperlukan untuk pameran tersebut. Kami berhimpun di studio tarian untuk bersiap-sedia. Kami juga membawa barang-barang lain ke Foyer, lalu meletakkannya di dalam bas. Kami menaiki bas ke Hotel grand Copthorne pada pukul 8 pagi dengan perasaan ghairah ditemankan oleh Cikgu Nadhirah, Ms Angela Wong dan Mr Jesper.

Semasa kami berada di sana, kami menyiapkan dan menghiasi ruang yang diberikan kepada kami secepat mungkin. Kami menghiasnya supaya delegasi-delegasi yang datang akan tertarik hati untuk melihat pameran kami. Tiba masanya waktu rehat dan jamuan makan tengah hari, kelihatan para delegasi muncul di ruang pameran tersebut. Kami pun segera memberi layanan yang sepenuh hati kepada delegasi-delegasi itu. Ada yang mencuba pakaian tradisional yang kami pamerkan lalu mengambil gambar. Ada yang cuba bermain permainan tradisional dan ada yang melihat alat-alat muzik yang dipamerkan di atas meja yang dialas dengan kain songket berwarna-warni.

Selain daripada pameran itu, pelajar kumpulan tarian sekolah juga menarikan satu tarian yang agak unik iaitu Tarian Zapin yang digabungkan dengan pencak silat. Tarian rekaan Encik Rizman Kassim telah menghiburkan hati delegasi-delegasi tersebut ketika mereka menjamu selera. Mereka juga dapat mempelajari langkah-langkah tarian itu dan dapat menari bersama pelajar kumpulan tarian sekolah. Delegasi-delegasi itu kelihatan gembira dan situasi pada waktu itu sangat meriah. Setelah tamat, mereka memberi tepukan gemuruh kepada kumpulan tarian kami. Kami tersenyum walaupun berasa amat penat. Kami berasa sangat gembira kerana dapat menyelesaikan pameran itu dengan riang hati.

Selepas itu, kami pun berhimpun bersama-sama. Cikgu Nadhirah begitu gembira dengan kelakuan kami pada hari itu. Seorang wakil FAPA pun memuji kami. Kami berbangga sekali kerana telah mengharumkan nama sekolah dan juga bangsa Melayu.

Melalui pameran ini, kami dapat mempelajari cara berinteraksi bersama delegasi-delegasi serantau. Ini bukan perkara mudah kerana budi bahasa memainkan peranan penting ketika berinteraksi antara satu sama lain, terutama yang dewasa. Kami mahu berterima kasih kepada Cikgu Nadhirah kerana memberi peluang kepada kami meraih pengalaman yang amat menarik ini.

by Hanis Adibah Bte Md Yusof (3A) and Noraini Bte Razali (3A)

Pameran Seni Dan Kebudayaan Melayu Di Hotel grand Copthorne


Page 10: AMKsian Family Day 2009

一望无际的土.空 荡荡无树 无花只有土





天黑 沉沉





雨过 天晴太阳从飘荡的云中露脸

温煦的阳光把温暖献给土地 和种籽


学生 成长中的种籽土汲取知识的殿堂






姓名: 陆洁慧 班级: 2/4

我的前方 是疑惑的深谷但,是您!

是您 犹如木匠般 为我搭起一道道友谊的桥梁 让我有荡气回肠的回忆

是您宛如石匠般 为我筑起走向道德与自律的虹梯 让我有金石难摧的品格

是您 仿如铁匠般 为我铸起通往人生的康庄大桥 让我有璀璨充实的未来!

姓名: 方丽欣 班级: 4/3






Page 11: AMKsian Family Day 2009












姓名: 戴晓彤 班级: 2/3

姓名: Wong Jing Yuan 班级: 2A





你教会了我执着勇敢 勤奋刚强

你教会了我追逐梦想 环抱希望





姓名: Zhou Fan 班级: 2/2

遥望您我的母校是你给予我能凝望天际的希望 依偎您我的母校是你赋予我远航于知识海洋的力 我相信第三十周年的今日你垂眸微笑多年以后你仍然光彩闪耀










Page 12: AMKsian Family Day 2009

Singapore Youth Festival (SYF)This year’s round of SYF performance is finally over! Months of rehearsals and hard work have been repaid with resounding success on the stage. Below are the results:

Band goldChoir SilverDance (Malay) SilverDance (Modern) goldDrama Bronze

Sports Inter-School Competition

Athletics 50th National Inter-School Track and Field Championship

‘C’ boys finalsEugene Lim Kai Jie 2/2 - 400m (4th) & 100m (6th) Liaw Jian Hui 1B - 200m (7th) & 4 x 100m relay (7th)

‘B’ girls finalsNatalie Lee Mei Ying 4/2-200m (8th) & 100m (6th)

4 x 100m relay (7th)School Divisional Ranking - ‘C’ boys: 9th & ‘B’ girls: 12th

Badminton ‘C’ girls 4th in the South Zone Schools Championship‘B’ boys 3rd in the South Zone Schools Championship

Netball ‘C’ girls 4th in the South Zone Schools Championship‘C’ girls 4th in the National Schools Netball Championship

Soccer ‘B’ girls qualified for semi-finals of the National Schools Soccer Championship to be held on 20 May 09


‘B’ boys and girls 4th in the South Zone Schools Championship

Volleyball ‘B’ boys 3rd in the South Zone Schools Championship‘C’ boys 4th in the South Zone Schools ChampionshipA





Achievementsuniform groups

NCC (Land) Best unit Competition - SilverFreestyle drill - 3rd in Central DistrictOutstanding Cadets’ Award - MSg Jeffrey Toong Chow Seng 4A & MSg Tan Chin Koon 4/3

NPCC Unit Overall Proficiency Award 2008-SilverSingapore Police Badge Award 2008-Koh Wei En 5B

Red Cross Excellent units Award 2008-goldCommunity Service Award 2008-gold

A production of the Infocomm Media ClubAdvisors: Mr Tan Chee Siong Mdm Tong Wai Han

Teacher Editors: Mdm Komathi Miss Tan Chui Ling Miss Jin Bei Hua

Student Reporters: Brenda Tan Mei Ying 4/4 Hana Nordin 4/2 Hannah Tan Hui Juan 4/2 Zarifah 4/5 Wong Rui Ting, 42 Ng Zhi Yun, 44 Joey Teo 4/1 Lee Eng Kiat 2/3 Elaine Tan 2/2 Jason Zhou 2/2 Stefanie Yeo 1/4

Student Photographers: Toh Zhi Yuan 4/1 Liew Han Wei 4/1

One of those screams of joy came from Dorothy See, a student from 4/5. She was the top student, obtaining an outstanding score of L1R5 six points! We managed to catch up with her and get an interview.

How does it feel to be the top student?Dorothy: I feel very happy! I really didn’t expect to do this well!!

How was the suspense of waiting for the results?Dorothy: I felt very nervous. I was scared that I didn’t do well.

What school are you aiming for?Dorothy: I’m not too sure. I was planning to see my results before choosing a JC. NJC maybe?

Do you have any tips or advice to give to your juniors?Dorothy: From my experience, writing notes and regular revision really helps. Intensive studying is also very important. When you’re unclear about something, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers.

Who would you like to thank?Dorothy: I would like to thank all my teachers who have helped me, my parents who have always encouraged me, as well as my close friends who are always studying with me.

Thank you for your time. All the best for your future endeavours!Overall, our AMKsians did very well for the O Levels. Hopefully, future AMKsians would be able to do even better!Note: Dorothy See is currently a student of National Junior College

‘O’ Level Results (Express)The atmosphere was tense in the hall. Everyone was listening avidly to Mdm Tong’s analysis of this year’s result. When they heard that their cohort had done better than the previous one, a collective heave of relief could be heard and scattered cheers broke out. Finally, after half an hour, the results were released. Screams of joy could be witnessed throughout the hall.

by Hana Nordin 4/2

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