American Revolution & Colonization Pg. 9

American Revolution & Colonization Pg. 9


American Revolution & Colonization Pg. 9. The American Revolution . During the Age of Exploration European countries explore America. England est. 13 colonies along the Atlantic. How many of the 13 colonies can you name? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of American Revolution & Colonization Pg. 9

Page 1: American Revolution  &  Colonization  Pg. 9

American Revolution



Pg. 9

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The American Revolution • During the Age of Exploration

European countries explore America.

• England est. 13 colonies along the Atlantic.

How many of the 13 colonies can you name?

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• Spain had colonies in Mexico, Central America, South America, SW, & FL.

• France had colonies in Canada &

West of Miss. River.

• Map on pg. 11

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• England's 1st enduring colony was Jamestown Va.

• Successful tobacco farmers.

• Created a House of Burgesses – elected legislature that governed with the colony w/ royal governor from England.

Indentured Servant vs.


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Bacon’s Rebllion• Nathan Bacon• Poor people want some cake (land). • Wants farmland outside of Williamsburg• Governor Berkeley says no, natives

there.• Bacon attack natives-ruthless, violent• Bacon arrested, supporters spring him

free. • Bacon gains control of colony.• Frees indentured servants & prisoners.

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New England Colonies • New England Colonies –Massachusetts,

Rhode Island, Conn., New Hampshire. • 1620 – Mayflower Compact – frame work

for self govern. • Crops: small farming, fishing, whaling,

shipping• Religion: Puritan/Congregational

-Salem Witch Trials—1692-93—class conflict

• Life Span: added 10 years to life over England(70s)

• Democratic town meetings, legislature• Education important—need to read Bible

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Middle Colonies • NY, NJ, Pa,

Delaware• Fertile land—food

surplus• CASH CROPS:

Wheat trade easy due to deep rivers

• Flood of immigrants in 1700s—Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans)

• More ethically and religiously diverse

Wealthy Merchants

Artisans & Business Owners

Unskilled Laborers, Servants, Slaves

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Southern Colonies • Virginia (1607, Jamestown)

• Maryland, 1634, haven for Catholics

• Plantation economy (commercial agriculture based on enslaved labor)

• Cash crops: Tobacco (Md, Va, NC); Rice, indigo (SC)

• Unhealthy climate—shorter life span

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Enlightenment IdeasGreat Awakening

• Enlightenment Ideas hit the Colonies

• Locke & Montesquieu

• Great Awakening – Religious movement – tour of colonies to spread The Word.

• Both influenced American Revolution

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Causes of the American Revolution

1.) French & Indian War – British spent too much $$$ & start to tax colonies like crazy.

2.) Taxation w/o Representation - Sugar Act – tax on all sugar imported-Stamp Act- tax on all paper documents-Townsend Acts- tax on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.

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Causes of the American Revolution

• 3.) Boston Massacre- Tension over the presence of British

troops in Boston led to the Boston Massacre.

- Four Bostonians were killed when Redcoats fired into an angry mob.

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Causes of the American Revolution

• 4.) Boston Tea Party• - Sons of Liberty boarded a

British tea vessel dressed as Indians and dumped all of its tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea tax.

• -This event resulted in the Intolerable Acts

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First Continental Congress

• Ask the British to stop taxing.

• Directed colonies to start forming militias.

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Declaring Independence• 1775 – Redcoats try to seize arms &

ammo.• 1776 America adopts Declaration of

Independence—drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

• George Washington leader.• French help out in 1778.• Patriots win –Redcoats surrender at

Yorktown, VA.

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The Constitution

• Articles of Confederation- First official self-governing

document-National Legislature-Each state has 1 vote.- NO executive or judicial branches.

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Articles of Confederation Under the Articles of Confederation

Congress could1.) Declare War2.) Make treaties with foreign

nations3.) Work out trade agreement

between states.

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Articles of Confederation• Congress could NOT

1. Tax or enforce taxes2. Enforce laws

Articles of Confederation = WEAK CENTRAL GOVERNMENT

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Shay’s Rebellion• Shay’s Rebellion- showed weakness –

called for new stronger government.

• Angry farmers wanted pay for fighting in American Revolution.

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Constitution Convention • May 25, 1787• 55 delegates from 12 states.

(Rhode Island, the 13th State opposed a strong central government)

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• Virginia Plan-Recommended by James Madison

-Called for a two house Legislature- Bicameral – Two house

-Representation based on states population.

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• New JerseyIntroduced by William Paterson

Included one House

States would have equal representation and therefore equal votes.

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• The two sides come to a compromise.The Great CompromiseIn one house each state would have equal representation. – Senate In the other house, representation would be based on each states population.- House of Representatives

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Anti-Federalist v. Federalist

• Anti-Federalist– Argued the national government had too much

power.– Feared this would lead to tyranny. – The states lost too much power.– **And it was missing a bill of rights.**

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Anti-Federalist v. Federalist

• Federalists• Argued the nation could not survive without

a strong national government. • Promised if the Constitution is adopted they

would add Bill of rights. • Wrote The Federalist to convince people to

support the new constitution.

First political parties in America.

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The New Republic • First President – George Washington• First Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson• First Secretary of Treasury- Alexander


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• Hamilton creates first National Banking system.

• Many dislike system – govt. gets too much power.

• Plan- tax goods to manage debt

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Alien & Sedition Act• Alien Act – made is more difficult for

them to become citizens.

• Sedition Act – crime for citizen to publicly discredit the federal leaders.

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Louisiana Purchasepg. 24

• 1803 Thomas Jefferson convinced Napoleon to sell him the Louisiana Territory.

• Doubled the size of U.S. for only $15 millon dollars.

• Sent Lewis and Clark west to explore.

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War of 1812 (we fight the Birtts….again)

• After growing tensions with British, Jefferson orders embargo (do not trade).

• James Madison becomes Prez. & declares war on the British Empire.

• 1814 Redcoats briefly capture White House.

• Eventually ends because both sides are weary of war.

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Difference between North & South

North- Industry (textiles)

grows.- Growing immigrants

pop. From Europe. - Larger population.

South- Agricultural economy- Slave labor- Cotton Gin (Eli

Whitney) increases the amount of cotton grown.

- Supplied Northern facotries.

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Monroe Doctrine• James Monroe – President – • Monroe Doctrine – Europeans had no

business meddling in American republics (Central & South America included)

• If European countries came into the Western Hemisphere we would get involved.

• Hard b/c do not have a navy.