American History Review. What was the problem surrounding the outcome of the second presidential...

American History Review

Transcript of American History Review. What was the problem surrounding the outcome of the second presidential...

American History Review

• What was the problem surrounding the outcome of the second presidential election?

• Who was vice president under Thomas Jefferson?

• Why was he elected to the position of Vice President?

• After his tenure as Vice-President, what political office did Aaron Burr run for?

• Why did Aaron Burr believe he did not get elected to the office of Governor of New York?

• What happened because Burr lost this election?

• What political movement in America supported going to war with Britain?

• Who were the two main leaders of the War Hawks?

• What unpopular acts did Thomas Jefferson pass during his presidency in response to impressment of sailors by Britain?

• Which wars do the “Sixty Years War” begin and end with?

• What were the British accused of doing on the frontier in America?

• From what areas of America were a majority of the War Hawks from?

• What is the name of the group of Native Americans that banded together to oppose American expansion?

• What is the term for a group of independent nations banding together?

• This treaty gave a vast amount of land in the Indiana territory to the US with very little exchange of funds – this is the treaty that led into Tecumseh’s War.

• Who was the religious leader originally in charge of Tecumseh’s League?

• Act in which because of wartime issues, America tries to harm British trade.

• Act where Britain forbids trade with France.

• What is the term meaning an executive order or decree made by the monarch in Britain?

• What 3 expeditions were mounted by the United States in order to make claims on land?

• Which president was in charge of commissioning these expeditions?

• What was the treaty, signed at the end of the French & Indian War which ceded land from France to Spain?

• What is the court order that is meant to force a government official to follow a command or correct an issue?

• What is the term for members of the judiciary that were appointed by John Adams all the way until the very last moments of his term?

• What were the ultimate goals of Lewis & Clark’s expedition?

• With the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory, what areas did the US secure their access to?

• Other than the Louisiana Purchase, what other 2 expeditions did the United States commission?

• What treaty was signed by America and France during the French & Indian war?

• What is another term for the Lewis & Clark expedition?

• Who was the slave brought on the Lewis & Clark expedition?

• Why was Jefferson hesitant to make the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

• How did Jefferson justify this purchase?

• What was the western-most endpoint of Lewis & Clark’s expedition?

• What events led to France finding it necessary to sell their claim in the new world?

• Who was the French leader behind the Louisiana Purchase?

• What was the cost at which the Louisiana Purchase was made by the US?

• Where did Lewis & Clark begin their journey?

• During what battle did William Henry Harrison gain fame for defeating the Indians, making him an America hero?

• What is the term for an event/procedure from the past that sets a benchmark for future events/procedures?

• Who is Toussaint Charbonneau?

• Who was the first Supreme Court Chief Justice?

• Which Supreme Court case set up the idea of Judicial Review?

• This term means the Supreme Court is given the ability to determine the constitutionality of a law.

• Who was the Native American who served as an interpreter to Lewis & Clark?

• What large animal did Lewis & Clark discover on their journey?

• How was the tie in the election of 1800 decided?

• Who won the election of 1800?

• Who is America’s first 1-term president?

• Who was America’s second Vice President?

• What term means division within a group, in this case, division within the American political system?

• Who were the men behind the Kentucky &Virginia Resolutions?

• What principle did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions suggest?

• What is the idea that a state, if unhappy with the government, is able to leave the United States?

• What two men were behind the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions?

• What political party were these men a part of?

• What is the term meaning that an unjust law can be ignored by a state?

• Who chartered the first National Bank?

• What political action restricted the immigration of foreigners into the United States?

• Who is the man responsible for writing inflammatory things about politicians leading to the Sedition Act?

• What is sedition?

• What is the term for the war between America and France during the period of the XYZ affair?

• What did the French demand of America during the XYZ Affair?

• What amendment led to the Vice President being a separate vote from the president?

• Who are X, Y, and Z?

• What are the self-sufficient farmers in America, engaged in small business, and supported by Thomas Jefferson?

• Of what political party was Jefferson a part?

• What type of economy did the federalists support?

• Who was the second president?

• Who were two prominent leaders of a political party who opposed the second president?

• What is the term meaning one, single chamber congress?

• What is the term meaning power is derived from those whom are governed?

• What is the rebellion that showed the strength of the Federal government?

• What rebellion showed the weakness of the American government?

• What document did the US government initially use that gave the federal government far too little power?