Amazing Grace PPT

Amazing Grace


A power point on the prodigal son

Transcript of Amazing Grace PPT

Amazing Grace

Amazing GraceGrace3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:3-5GraceFor it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God 9not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9The Prodigal SonBACKGROUND (LUKE 15)The story begins when Pharisees saw Jesus dining with Tax Collectors and sinners.The parable of the Lost Son is told in an effort by Jesus to explain why He is dining with the tax collectors.The parable of the Lost Son was told after two other parables and served as the finale.The Two Other ParablesThe Story of the Lost SheepGod is willing to leave the ninety-nine in order to seek the one that is lost. After the lost sheep was found, the shepherd called his friends to celebrate.The Story of the Lost CoinGod is willing to search for the one that is missing, and then celebrate when it is found.The Prodigal SonThese Lost parables have interesting facts:The number in relation to the one that is lost seems to be getting smaller as the story progresses.The Lost Sheep was lost outside of the influence of the Shepherd, while lost coin was lost inside the coin-owners house.It shows that the way God deals with the lost is different with how we deal with them. (it is almost illogical)The Prodigal SonThe younger sons request to get his inheritance shows that:1. He shows no respect of his father. It is tantamount to a son saying, Hey, I cant wait for you to be dead, so give me my inheritance already. (Translate: I dont care that you gave me your son to save me, from now on I am free to do things on my own.)2. He is arrogant and has a false sense of entitlement and self-worth. (I deserve to be happy and to enjoy the pleasures of this world.)

The Prodigal SonThe world promises us lot of things and win us with lies. It promises us wrong evaluation of our self-worth under the guise of fairness. It is this very reason that we became jealous and insecure.

Our enemys best lie is the same lie he told Eve during the fall.

The Enemys Oldest LieYou deserve better than what God has given/is giving you.The Prodigal SonThis is the same reason the prodigal son left. He think he deserve better that what his father is giving him. He chose to leave his fathers influence and his commandments in order to have what he thinks he deserve.

And truly he got what he deserved.

The Prodigal SonHe enjoyed his new found freedom and fell to sweet lies of the world. He wasted his fathers money in reckless extravagance, until he lost everything.

The freedom he thought he deserved and embraced, enslaved him.The Prodigal SonAfter losing everything, he became so impoverished that he wanted to eat the feed given to pigs.

Until he returned to his senses, and decided to return to his father.

He practiced his speech, then returned to his father. His father accepted him.The Prodigal SonWe will try to escape from God, but we will always see ourselves running back to Him. The Older SonNot everyone is happy with the younger sons return.

The older son also has a problem with his self-worth, and decided that the younger son does not deserve the grace given unto him.

He thinks he deserve more because he has laboured for his father and served him well.The Older SonHow many time have we questioned Gods grace? How many times have we thought that God is being unfair with His dealings? How many time have we asked God why he blessed other people more, while us who worked hard for God, always seem to get hardships?

This is a manifestation of our inflated self-worth.The Older SonHow many time have we tried to work hard to fix ourselves? How many times have we tried to please God by our service and ministries?

How many times have we told God that we have changed, and afterwards hide from his presence because we failed to reach Gods standards.

This is a manifestation of our inflated self-worth.The Older SonGod does not need a changed you or an improved you. He just wants you.