Amati Pfleiderer 1988

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Transcript of Amati Pfleiderer 1988

  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Siraprapa Watakit



  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Overview and Contribution Theoretical Background and Model Conclusion


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988



    The paper develop a theory around trading patterns which arises as aresult ofinformed traderand strategic liquidity trader.

    The results provide some empirical explanation about tradingpatterns ofvolume andprice variability.


    New models which accounted for strategic behavior of liquidity trader


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Typical observation: Trading patterns of a day a U shape. Tradingvolume is intense at the beginning and endof the day,

    Such empirical finding leads to the following question

    Why does trading tend to be concentrated in particular time?

    Why are returns more variable in some periods and less variable inothers?

    Why do the periods of higher trading volume also tend to be theperiods of higher return variability?

    To answer these question, we had better look at the trader behaviors


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988



    Big assumption

    Previous studies assumed that all un-informed or liquidity trader are

    just noises e.g. ordinary or individual trader This is a too big assumption if we consider that large financial

    institutions are also, many times, considered as liquidity traders ,whose trades reflects client liquidity needs

    Minimizing transaction costs is obviously in order








  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Developing models: Based on Glosten Milgrom(1985) and*Kyle(1984,1985)

    Market maker: Risk neutral, setting prices based on aggregated flows


    informed traders act on private information

    non-discretionary traders just trade, no timing model

    discretionary traders trade with strategic timing model


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Model of informed traders

    The trading time is divided into T period

    F is value of asset, tis mean zero i.i.d. random variable of public


    In each period t, there assumed to be nt

    trader who observe private

    information at t+1

    +twhere var(



    If informed traders received noisy signal att, the information will bepublic at the beginning oft+1

    Assumed that informed trader will act on it att+1. ( This is a one-period model, no linkage between period, information is short-lived), he needs to decide how much to trade

    Order flows of informed traders is


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Model of non-discretionary trader

    He needs to trade immediately, with a specific amount at 1 period(no split trade)

    Order flows of non-discretionary trader is Model of discretionary trader

    He needs not to trade immediately but he must trade before the endof day, so he choose carefully when to trade. He can also split trade

    Suppose there is m discretionary traders, order flows is

    Hence, all aggregated order flows from all 3 traders type is

    Note that variance of uninformed order, , affects the equilibrium price



  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    The market maker determine the price from aggregated order flow

    Where is a Kyle market depth parameter(price impact from orderflows)

    Notice that market maker strategy include both public and privateinformation in his model

    Main result in this section: for discretionarytrader, there aretendency that they will trade in the same period.


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    Given that market maker follow the pricing rule, optimal strategiesfor informed traderand discretionary tradercan be determined

    Xdepends on

    no. of other informed, nt

    variance of order, variance of private info.

    is decreasing in nt

    , .

    Since (total variance of uninformed trader) is endogenous, thestrategic behavior of discretionary trader affect the prices

    This is a significant departure from a passive role as in other studies


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    For discretionary traders

    In Admati and Pfleiderer model, discretionary traders are assumed totake as given.

    If it werent, there will be many and many equillibrium since everyaction will affect

    Hence, the problem is reduced to justchoose to transact at thelowest cost period offered by market maker

    That lowest cost period is the one with highest

    It follows that, all discretionary traders will select the same periodto transactinducing price patterns

    Since the optimal strategy for informed traders depends on ,the informed trader patterns will follow discretionary patternsas well


  • 7/30/2019 Amati Pfleiderer 1988


    The model take strategic behavior of discretionary un-informedtrader into account which results in the following findings

    discretionary trader chooses the optimal time to transact

    his action affect the total variance of uninformed trade, Market maker price rules depend on aggregated order flow which is

    also depends on ,

    Since discretionary trader takes as given, all discretuinary traderwill transact at the lowest cost periodinducing patterns

    discretionary trader pattern will causes informed trader pattern aswell
