Altiris Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 ... - … upgrade from 7.1 to 7.1 SP1, open the...

AltirisSoftware Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from SymantecRelease Notes

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Altiris™ SoftwareManagement Solution 7.1SP1 from Symantec™ ReleaseNotes

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 fromSymantec™ Release Notes

The software described in this book is furnished under a license agreement andmay be usedonly in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

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Symantec and the Symantec Logo, Altiris, and any Altiris or Symantec trademarks used intheproduct are trademarks or registered trademarks of SymantecCorporationor its affiliatesin theU.S. and other countries. Other namesmay be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Symantec Corporation350 Ellis StreetMountain View, CA 94043

Altiris™ SoftwareManagement Solution 7.1SP1 from Symantec™Release Notes

This document includes the following topics:

■ About Software Management Solution

■ What's new in Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1

■ General installation and upgrade information

■ System requirements

■ Supported platforms

■ Known issues

■ Fixed issues

■ Other things to know

■ Documentation that is installed

■ Other information

About Software Management SolutionAltiris™ Software Management Solution from Symantec™ provides intelligentand bandwidth-sensitive distribution andmanagement of software froma central

Web console. It significantly reduces desktop visits and lets you easily supportyour mobile work force. Software Management Solution also lets users directlydownload and install approved software, or request other software.

This product is part of the following suites:

■ Altiris™ Client Management Suite from Symantec

■ Altiris™ Server Management Suite from Symantec

■ Altiris™ IT Management Suite from Symantec

What's new in Software Management Solution 7.1SP1

In the7.1SP1 releaseofSoftwareManagementSolution, the followingnew featuresare introduced:

■ The new emergency policy update feature lets you roll out Managed SoftwareDelivery policies rapidly throughout your environment.

■ In the Software Portal Settings page there are new sections which allow youto:

■ Choose whether you want to publish software across all trusted domains.By default this option is now disabled.

■ Choose thedefault timeout forQuickDeliveryTasks createdby theSoftwarePortal to delivered required software.

■ Active Directory Import integration with the Software Portal.This integration means that you do not need to manually specify user detailsto createSoftwarePortalUsers to start using theSoftwarePortal. Pre-populateduser details are taken from the Active Directory if the required fields arespecified for the same user.For more information, see the topics about the user profile in the SoftwarePortal Help

■ SoftwareManagementSolutionnow includes the latest versionof theSymantecWorkspace Virtualization Agent.

This feature includes the following changes:

■ TheSymantecWorkspaceVirtualizationAgent that is included in SoftwareManagement Solution is updated to the latest version SP7.

■ Rollout policies are now implemented for the Symantec WorkspaceVirtualization Agent.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesWhat's new in Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1


■ Oldversions of SymantecWorkspaceVirtualizationAgent arenowremovedon upgrade.

General installation and upgrade informationYou install this product by using the Symantec Installation Manager. You candownload the installation files directly to your server or you can create offlineinstallation packages.

For more information, see the IT Management Suite Implementation Guide at

Formore informationaboutmigrating from6.x and7.0 to 7.1 SP1, see the followingdocumentation resources:

■ IT Management Suite Migration Guide version 6.x to 7.1 SP1 at

■ IT Management Suite Migration Guide version 7.0 to 7.1 SP1 at

To upgrade from 7.1 to 7.1 SP1, open the Symantec Installation Manager, thenon the Installed Products page click View and install updates, and then on theProduct Updates page select the products to update.

System requirementsSoftware Management Solution 7.1 SP1 requires the following software:

■ Symantec Management Platform 7.1 SP1.

Supported platformsSoftware Management Solution can manage the following client platforms:

■ Windows XP (SP2 and SP3) x64/x86

■ Microsoft Windows 7 and SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

■ Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 and SP2 (32-bit)

■ Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 and SP2 (64-bit)

■ Mac OS X 10.4.x (Universal binary), 10.5.x (Universal binary), 10.6

■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 - x64/x86

■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, 11 - x64/x86

5Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesGeneral installation and upgrade information

Software Management Solution can manage the following server platforms:

■ Windows Server 2003 (SP1/SP2/R2) x64/x86

■ Windows Server 2008 and SP2 x64/x86

■ Windows Server 2008 (R2) and SP1

■ Windows Server 2008 Core Edition and SP2

■ Mac OS X Server 10.3.9 (PPC), 10.4.x (Universal binary), 10.5.x (Universalbinary)

■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 - x64/x86

■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 Server - x64/x86

■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11 - x64/x86

■ Solaris 9 SPARC, 10 SPARC, 10 - x64/x86

■ Hewlett-Packard HP-UX 11.11 (11i) PA-RISC, 11.23 (11i v2) PA-RISC/IA-64,11.23 (11i v3) PA-RISC/IA-64, 11.31 (11i v3) PA-RISC/IA-64

■ IBM AIX 5.2 PPC, 5.3 PPC, 6.1 PPC

■ VMware ESX Server 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.5

TheSymantecWorkspaceVirtualizationAgent 6.1 SP7 (6.4.1266) that is includedin the product installation supports the following operating systems:

■ Microsoft Windows 7 and SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

■ Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 and SP2 (32-bit)

■ Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 and SP2 (64-bit)

■ Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or SP3 (32-bit)

■ MicrosoftWindows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit), when used as an endpoint

■ MicrosoftWindowsServer 2003SP1 or later (32-bit), whenused as an endpoint

Known issuesBelow you find the references to the release notes of the IT Management 7.0 MRreleases.

The following are known issues for this release. If additional information aboutan issue is available, the issue has a corresponding Article link.

The known issues are separated into the following groups:

■ Installation and upgrade issuesSee Table 1-1 on page 7.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


■ Known issuesSee Table 1-2 on page 8.

■ Replication issuesSee Table 1-3 on page 10.

■ Managed Software Delivery issuesSee Table 1-4 on page 13.

■ Software Portal issuesSee Table 1-5 on page 15.

■ Virtualization issuesSee Table 1-6 on page 16.

■ Non-Windows-specific issuesSee Table 1-7 on page 17.

Table 1-1 Installation and upgrade issues



Quick and Managed Delivery policies that deliver 7.1 SP6 HF1 SymantecWorkspace Virtualization (SWV) Agent fail on clients with exit code 1.However, no error message is shown to explain the reason for failure.

The reason the SWV Agent fails to deliver is because the old SWV Agentpackageson the server are replacedwithdummypackages.As a consequence,a user cannot install them any more and must install the latest SP7 agent.

Quick andManagedDeliverypolicies that deliver the oldSymantec WorkspaceVirtualization Agent fail onclients without showing anyerror message.

When you migrate to 7.1, you install the Symantec Management Platform7.1 to a new computer. The local users that you specified while configuringSoftwareResourceAvailability settings in software packages andmanageddelivery policies are no longer available after upgrade.

The domain users and groups are migrated correctly.

Local users in softwareavailability settings are lostafter upgrade.

After you upgrade the Altiris Agent 6.x to Symantec Management Agent7.1, some of the 6.x solution agents may not be removed. For example, theSoftwareDeliveryAgent forTaskServer andApplicationManagementAgentare not removed from the client. Instead they are shown as installed in theSymantec Management Agent user interface.

Symantec recommends that you uninstall the solution agents that do nothave an equivalent in 7.1 before you perform the upgrade.

Some 6.x solution agents arenot removed from the clientcomputer.

7Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues

Table 1-1 Installation and upgrade issues (continued)



If you select a large number of software delivery packages and select theAction > Assign to Software Resources right-click action, an error can bedisplayed.

Workaround: select a smaller number of packages.

Error appears when youassign 6.x software deliverypackages to softwareresources.

After you upgrade to 7.1, you must upgrade the Symantec ManagementAgent and the Software Management Solution Plug-in, and turn on theSoftware Portal Plug-in Policy.

Software Portal does not support computers with the previous versions ofclient management software installed.

You must upgrade theSoftware Portal plug-in andother client software to 7.1.

The Wake-on-LAN task is created for the legacy software delivery policies,but it does not work.

Legacy task's WOL featuredoes not work.

When you copy the software package migration data during an off-boxupgrade, themigration can fail. Youmust place both the package files folderand the data store (ADB) file in the same location on the 7.x NotificationServer computer.

During an off-box upgrade,the Software Deliverypackage file Importer in themigration wizard might fail.

Table 1-2 Known issues

Article linkDescriptionIssue

TECH160947Except for ApplicationManagement, Portal and Virtualized SoftwareResources reports, reports scoping does not work for SoftwareManagement Solution reports.

Except for ApplicationManagement, Portal andVirtualized SoftwareResources reports, reportsscoping does not work forSoftware ManagementSolution reports.

The emergency policy update launched from a task you added in theManaged Delivery policy does not get replicated on child-levelNotification Server computers. An exception occurs in NotificationServer logs stating does not have any package items

associated with it.

Theemergencypolicyupdatelaunched from a task youadded in the ManagedDelivery policy does not getreplicated on child-levelNotification Servercomputers.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


Table 1-2 Known issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

AManagedDelivery policy to unistallMicrosoft Office 2007 fails withexit code 1603. Despite the exit code Microsoft Office 2007 doescorrectly uninstall.

A Managed Delivery policyto unistall Microsoft Office2007 fails with exit code1603.

Consider a domain user who changes pre-populated user details fromthe Active Directory on the User Profile page of the Software Portal.If theMicrosoft ActiveDirectory Import is run, thesemanual changesare overwritten by those from the Active Directory.

Microsoft Active DirectoryImport running manuallyspecified Software Portaluser details are overwritten.

With a Managed Software Delivery, you can check the Install thispolicy’s software into a virtual layer option. This option does notworkwhen SVS 2.1 is installed on the client computer. Youmust haveSymantecWorkspaceVirtualization 6.1 or later installed on the clientcomputer.

We do not support installinga policy’s software into alayer with SVS 2.1

AQuickDelivery task fails to run if it is scheduled to run immediately,and the schedule is outside of amaintenancewindow.This issue occursif a timeout period does not overlap with the maintenance windowperiod.

As a workaround, you can increase the timeout value or change theschedule.

QuickDelivery task timeoutsif scheduled to run outside ofmaintenance window.

The legacy software delivery tasks always download their files to driveC, even if the Symantec Management Agent is installed on anotherdrive.

For example, if the Agent is installed to E:/mydir/, legacy softwaredelivery task's cache is created on C:/mydir/ instead.

Legacy software deliverytasks download their files todrive C.

If you reconfigure the solution through the Symantec InstallationManager, then compliance reports suchasSoftwareComplianceStatusmay show incorrect data.

Compliance reports showincorrect data after solutionreconfiguration.

TECH122112Whenyou install softwarewith aQuickDelivery task, theMSIpackageis downloaded to and run on the client computer. In some cases, theway theQuickDelivery task is configured and installed can cause theSource Path Update task or the Windows Installer Repair task tofail.

For more information, see knowledge base article TECH122112.

The configuration of aQuickDelivery task can causeSource Path Update tasksand Windows InstallerRepair tasks to fail.

9Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues

Table 1-2 Known issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

When you create a software delivery task or policy to install WiseToolkit and run it with the default settings, then Wise Toolkit itemsare not visible in the Add or Remove programs tool or Start menufor any user.

Adding an option ALLUSERS=2 to the command line does not solvethe problem. The reason is because the Wise Toolkit package is anEXE file and not an MSI file.

Workaround: Set the Runas option of the task or policy to Currentlylogged-on user. Alternatively, set it to Specific user and specify thecredentials of the user who use the Wise Toolkit on the computer.

A software delivery task orpolicy installs the WiseToolkit only for the userunder which the installationruns.

The Package Delivery, Quick Delivery, Source Path Update, andWindows Installer Repair tasks do not use multicasting. If you selectthe multicasting option in the global Symantec Management Agentsettings, the multicasting does not occur.

The Software ManagementSolution tasksdonot supportmulticasting.

When you publish a software resource to the Software Portal on aparentNotification Server computer, you cannot search for and selectlocal users and groups of a child domain. You can assign permissionsfor the users and groups that are visible on the parent domain only.

Workaround: The software publishing in hierarchy works properlywhen the parent Notification Server computer and its children are inthe same domain.

When you assignpermissions for a softwareresource on aparent domain,you cannot search for usersand groups on a childdomain.

Table 1-3 Hierarchy and replication issues



Consider a Managed Software Delivery policy that has been replicated to achildNotification Server. If the detection rule in the policy ismodified, thenthese changes are not replicated to the child using theReplicateNow option.

Note that these changes are correctly replicated to the child when you usea differential replication schedule.

Formore information, see topics onhierarchy configuration in the SymantecManagement Platform Help

Modified detection rule doesnot replicate when you usethe Replicate Now option.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


Table 1-3 Hierarchy and replication issues (continued)



Users that are assigned to a Software Portal manager are not replicated tothe child Notification Servers. As a result, the software requests go to theSoftware Portal administrator instead of the manager.

To work around this issue do the following:

1 Add users to the Software Portal manager's direct reports list on thechild Notification Server manually.

2 Approve the Software Portal requests on the child Notification Server.

3 On the parent Notification Server, publish pre-approved software tothe Software Portal.

Software Portal managedusers are not replicated tochild.

The managed software delivery policies that are published to the SoftwarePortal and then replicated cannot be edited and executed on the childNotification Server. This issue occurs even if the Hierarchy EditableProperties settings allow editing.

You can do one of the following to work around this issue:

■ Edit the policy on the parent Notification Server.

■ Clone the policy on the child and edit the cloned policy.

Published managed deliverypolicy cannot be edited andexecuted on child.

Consider any Managed software delivery policies that have the Power oncomputers if necessary (using Wake-on-LAN, Intel AMT, ASF or DASH)option checked. Under such settings, the policies do not turn on thecomputers when run from the child Notification Server.

Workaround: On the child Notification Server, open the replicated policyand click Save changes. This action recreates the power management task.

Policies with Power oncomputers if necessaryoption do not work correctlyon child.

If you publish amanaged software delivery policy to the Software Portal onthe child Notification Server, you must keep the Resource target propertychecked.

Keep Resource targetproperty enabled for somepolicies.

11Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues

Table 1-3 Hierarchy and replication issues (continued)



The replication of the Software Delivery task or policy execution event datais disabled bydefault. As a result, the SoftwareManagement Solution reportson a parent Notification Server do not show any information from the childNotification Servers.

To view the reports from the child Notification Servers on the parentNotification Server, you must enable the following data classes forreplication:

■ AeX SWD Execution■ AeX SWD Package■ AeX SWD Status

To enable the replication of the data classes:

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Settings menu, clickNotification Server > Hierarchy.

2 In the right pane, on the Hierarchy Management page, on theReplication tab, under Events, check the Software Package andDelivery Event Replication Rule.

Note: In some large environments, the enablement of these data classescan have an affect on the performance of the parent Notification Server. Itis recommended you evaluate the effect onperformance before the full-scalerollout.

The Software Delivery taskor policy execution eventdata is not replicated up thehierarchy by default.

Software Portal requests do not replicate up the hierarchy from the clientsof a childNotificationServer . As a result, those requests cannot be processedfrom the parent Notification Server in a global hierarchy scenario.

Workaround: Software Portal requests on a child Notification Server canbe processed in either of the following ways:

■ The administrator of the child Notification Server can process andmanage the requests.

■ The administrator of the parent Notification Server can assign users orgroups to theSoftwarePortalmanager role.Anyonewhohas theSoftwarePortal manager role can process and manage the requests from theSoftware Portal Manager page on the child server.

Software Portal requestsfrom a child NotificationServer computer cannot bemanaged from the parentserver.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


Table 1-3 Hierarchy and replication issues (continued)



When you specify Software Portal settings on a parent Notification Serverandwant to replicate these settings to its children, not all data is replicated.The company logo is not replicated because it is a physical file that is storedon the parent Notification Server. You cannot replicate physical files.

Workaround:You canmanually replace theSymantecLogo.png image fileon the child Notification Server computer, in the C:\Programfiles\Altiris\Software Management Solution\Software

Portal\Web\Images folder.

Replication of the SoftwarePortal company logo settingsis not possible.

The Software Portal user rights of the local users do not replicate properlyfrom the parent Notification Server computer to its children. This problemdoes not occur for the domain user accounts and user groups.

The Software Portal userrights of the local users donot replicate properly fromthe parent NotificationServer computer to itschildren.

Table 1-4 Managed software delivery issues

Article linkDescriptionIssue

TECH160945During a Managed Software Delivery Policy requestingSqlException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint

'PK_TargetFilterResource'. Cannot insert duplicate

key in object 'dbo.TargetFilterResource' is logged toNotification Server log and policy cannot be made in approved state.

This issue is only valid formigrated from7.x policieswhich are alreadyrequested in the 7.x environment and approved. Consider a scenariowhen anupgrade is performed andpolicy targets are deleted for thesemigrated policies. This issue appears for the clients that have alreadyrequested this policy or for those clients that request this policy forthe first time.

This situationmay also happen ifHierarchy is set up andduring policyreplicationHEP controls are disabled. After replication is done, policytargets are deleted and after you try to request it once again thissituation appears.

During a Managed SoftwareDelivery Policy requestingSqlException:

Violation of PRIMARY

KEY constraint


Cannot insert

duplicate key in



is logged to NotificationServer log and policy cannotbe made in approved state.

13Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues

Table 1-4 Managed software delivery issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

Amanaged software deliverypolicy that is targeted for auser to delivera task does not get to the client computer. The policy does not getdelivered to the client even after a client log-in is performed.

In addition, when you save the policy for the first time the number ofresources inAppliedto tab is correct.However if you reopen thepolicyor click Save again the Applied To is set to 0 resources even thoughthe target is present.

Amanaged software deliverypolicy that is targeted for auser to deliver a task doesnot arrive to the clientcomputer.

The compliance status of a managed software delivery policy can beincorrect in the following scenario:

1 Software resource B follows Task A

2 The Upon failure the Managed Delivery will option for Task Ais set to Continue.

3 When the managed software delivery policy runs on the clientcomputer, task A fails, and the software resource B succeeds.

In certain conditions, themanaged delivery policycompliance status can beincorrect.

Whenyoudelete aManaged SoftwareDelivery policy that is publishedin the Software Portal, the following problems appear:

■ You cannot select and deletemultiple Managed Software Deliverypolicies at once. You must select a single Managed SoftwareDelivery policy, delete its item references, and then delete thepolicy.

■ Whenyoudelete an itemreference of aManagedSoftwareDeliverypolicy, the Item References list is not automatically refreshed.You must refresh the Item References list manually to see whichof the items have been deleted.

Problems occur when youdelete a Managed SoftwareDelivery policy that ispublished in the SoftwarePortal.

When you import Sequential Software Delivery tasks from 6.x to 7.x,they become Managed Delivery policies. When such a policy runs in7.x, its status in the Symantec Management Agent is always set toCompliant. This status is set to Complaint even if one or more of itssequential tasks fails. This status does not apply to an importedManaged Delivery policy, because its tasks always execute even if apreceding task fails.

An imported ManagedSoftwareDelivery policy canbe incorrectly marked ascompliant.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


Table 1-4 Managed software delivery issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

The Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 installation returns 1 as asuccessful exit code. However, in Software Management Solution,delivery tasks and policies are considered successful only when theinstallation is completedwith exit code 0.When you install SymantecEndpoint Protection with a Managed Software Delivery policy, asuccessful installation is marked as a failure.

Workaround: Specify 1 as a success code for the Symantec EndpointProtection 11.0 installation command line, as follows:

1 In the Software Catalog, double-click the software resource forSymantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.

2 On the software resource page, click the Package tab.

3 On the Package tab, in the CommandLines list, select an Installcommand line and click Edit.

4 In the Edit CommandLine dialog box, in the Success codes box,type 1, and then click OK.

The Install command of aManaged Software Deliverypolicy for SymantecEndpoint Protection 11.0returns false even if theinstallation is successful.

Table 1-5 Software Portal issues



Software Portal does not work with Internet Explorer version 6.Internet Explorer 6 is notsupported.

The Show link for Software Portal in Start Menu option on the SoftwarePortalPlug-inPolicypage is non-functional. No link is created on the clientcomputer.

Workaround: Create a Symantec subfolder in the Start menu and thenreapply the policy.

The Show link for SoftwarePortal in Start Menu optionis non-functional.

If the Software Portal plug-in has been installed, the desktop shortcut doesnot appear until the desktop is refreshed.

User must refresh thedesktop for the SoftwarePortal shortcut to appear.

After you upgrade to 7.1, you must upgrade the Symantec ManagementAgent, the SoftwareManagement SolutionPlug-in, and turnon theSoftwarePortal Plug-in Policy.

Software Portal does not support computers with the previous versions ofclient management software installed.

You must upgrade theSoftware Portal plug-in andother client software to 7.1.

15Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues

Table 1-5 Software Portal issues (continued)



If you join theNotification Server computer to a domain, the Software Portalpage becomes inaccessible.

Workaround: Configure the Notification Server computer ApplicationIdentity account with the domain administrator account. Make sure thatthis account also has access to the database.

Software Portal fails to loadif Notification Server ismoved from workgroup to adomain.

The Approved Software and Approved Managed Delivery filters in theadministrator's portal do not include pre-approved software that did notrequire an administrator's approval. Use theAllApproved filter if youwantto view both pre-approved software and the software requests that areapproved by an administrator.

Some filters do not work asexpected.

Table 1-6 Virtualization issues



Sometimes Virtualized Software Resources reports can show incompletedata relating to the operations with virtualized software.

Evaluation results for a managed software delivery policy that is installedinto a virtual layer are also absent from theVirtualizedSoftwareResources,Compliance, and Delivery reports.

The issue can occur on Microsoft Windows Vista, 7 and 2008 operatingsystems.

No workaround is available at this time.

Sometimes VirtualizedSoftware Resources reportsdo not show all the data.

When you want to create a Software Virtualization Command task thatimports a vsa file, you must specify a layer name. The problem is that thevsa file already contains a layer name; therefore, specifying it once moreshould not be necessary. Furthermore, when you specify a different layername, the Software Virtualization import task fails.

Workaround: Find out the layer name that the vsa file contains and type itin the Create new task dialog box, in the Layer name box.

To successfully accomplisha Software VirtualizationCommand task that importsa vsa file, you must specifythe same layername that thevsa file contains.

In aManagedDelivery policy, if you choose to virtualize the software duringinstallation, you must provide a name for the virtual layer. If you enter alocalized string as the layer name, the software appears in the SVS Adminwith the default layer name SWD instead of the localized layer name thatyou provided.

When you install softwareinto a virtual software layerwith a localized layer name,the localized name does notappear in the SVS Admin onthe client computer.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesKnown issues


Table 1-7 Non-Windows-specific issues



When you run a Quick Delivery task on a UNIX/Linux/Mac computer, twoentries appear in the Execution Attempts report. One entry has the taskname and the other has the name of the executed command line.

The Execution Attemptsreport shows two entries forone task.

When a Quick Delivery package is downloaded to the client successfully,but the task failed to run, the package download status is shown as Failedin the Download Status report.

You can ignore this error.

Quick Delivery packagedownload incorrectlyreported as failed.

Because the client-side user interface (on the SymantecManagementAgent)is not available on UNIX, Linux, or Mac computers, the following ManagedSoftware Delivery settings do not apply to UNIX, Linux, or Mac deliverypolicies:

■ Power on if necessary (using Wake-On-LAN, Intel AMT, ASF, DASH)Appears on the Managed Delivery Settings page, on the Schedule tab,under the Compliance section.

■ Only perform check if… Computer is available at the exact scheduledtimeAppears on the Managed Delivery Settings page, on the Schedule tab,when you click the Advanced button.

■ Upon success runAppears on the ManagedDeliverySettingspage, on the Run tab, underthe Results-based actions section.

Some Managed SoftwareDelivery settings donotworkfor non-Windows software.

The client-side user interface (on the Symantec Management Agent) is notavailable onUNIX, Linux, orMac computers. Therefore, you cannot executeManaged SoftwareDelivery policies from those client computers. This issueoccurs because those policies do not appear in the utility "aex-swdapm" onUNIX, Linux, or Mac clients.

Youcannot executeManagedSoftware Delivery policiesfrom the client side onnon-Windows computers.

Fixed issuesThe following are the previous issues that were fixed in this release. If additionalinformation about an issue is available, the issue has a correspondingArticle link.

17Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesFixed issues

Table 1-8 Fixed issues

Article linkDescriptionIssue

Sometimes, when you assign a 6.x software delivery package to a 7.1software resource, all of the command lines and associated packagesmay not be visible when you try to create a Quick Delivery task or amanaged software delivery policy out of this software resource.

To work around this issue do one of the following:

■ Convert the 6.x package again.

■ Restart the Notification Server computer.

Not all of the command linesare visible after softwaredelivery package conversion.

When you add software A, dependent software B, and an update forsoftware B in amanaged delivery policy, the update is always executedunder the logged in user context. The user interface does not providethe possibility to change the execution context for the dependentsoftware updates.

To work around this issue do one of the following:

■ Ensure that the currently logged in user has rights to installsoftware.

■ Install dependent software updates using another managedsoftware delivery policy.

Updates of dependentsoftware are always executedunder the logged in usercontext.

The Power on computers if necessary (using Wake-on-LAN, IntelAMT,ASForDASH) option is capable of waking up the computer forcompliance check only. If the computer goes back to sleep before theremediation schedule, the remediation does not take place.

The Power on computers ifnecessary option is forcompliance check only.

When you create a newmanaged delivery policy and check the Poweron computers if necessary (using Wake-on-LAN, Intel AMT, ASF orDASH) option, the Run Power On task is created underC:\Windows\Tasks, but the Run WOL Task is not.

Workaround:Open themanageddeliverypolicy andclickSave changesagain. This creates the Run WOL Task.

TheWake-on-LANtask isnotcreated when you create anew policy.

An incorrect Quick Delivery task is created when the administratorapproves the same software resource simultaneously for multipleusers.

All software delivery tasks will run on the same schedule, regardlessof the settings in the individual request. Sometimes it happens thata software delivery task runs more than once.

Workaround: Approve software one at a time.

IncorrectQuickDelivery taskcreated when approvingmultiple requests.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesFixed issues


Table 1-8 Fixed issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

If a software was requested from a domain that is currently offline,the Software Portalmanager page fails to load. For example, this issuecan occur if a trust relationship between twodomains is removed aftera software request was made.

Possible workarounds:

■ Approve the software requests from the Software Portaladministrator's page.

■ Publish pre-approved software.

■ Repair the domain connectivity issue.

Software Portal managerpage fails to load if a domainis offline.

Sometimes software can fail to install into a virtual layer with thefollowing error:

Module: smfagent.dll Source: CommandExecHook::HookExecutionDescription: Failed to start SVS capture for software installation. Thesoftware being installed will not be virtualized. SVS Error=1039

This issue occurswith SymantecWorkspaceVirtualizationAgent 6.3,and is not dependent on an operating system or the software beinginstalled.

No workaround is available at this time.

Sometimes software isinstalled on the hard diskinstead of a virtual layer.

TECH44430Migration of sequential software delivery tasks from 6.x to 7.1 fails ifthe Altiris Profiler on the 6.x server is not up to date.

On the 6.x Notification Server computer, launch the Altiris Profiler.If a dialog box appears with a request to upgrade the Altiris Profiler,click Yes.

Sequential software deliverytasks fail tomigrate if AltirisProfiler is not up to date.

When you upgrade from Software Delivery 6.1 to SoftwareManagement Solution 7.x, you can migrate Sequential SoftwareDelivery tasks to Managed Software Delivery policies. When you runthose migrated policies, their packages are always downloaded to thedefault location on the client computers. If you specified an alternatedownload location in the download settings, it is not used.

When Sequential SoftwareDelivery tasks are migratedto Managed SoftwareDelivery policies, they donotdownload packages to thealternate download location.

TECH122110The problem can appear when you run any software delivery task orpolicy, because the problem is related to the nature of the MSI file.

For more information, see knowledge base article TECH122110.

Some MSI files do not installthe software for the wholecomputer but only for theuser under which theinstallation runs.

19Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesFixed issues

Table 1-8 Fixed issues (continued)

Article linkDescriptionIssue

If command lines are added to a software resource before the packageis added, those command lines are not available for selection whenyou create a Package Delivery task for that software resource.

Workaround: Use Quick Delivery to deliver such software resources.

Command lines are notavailable for selection in aPackage Delivery task.

By default, the software resources that you import from SoftwareDelivery Solution 6.x do not have detection rules. When you add anMSI Product Code standard rule, an invalidMSI product code appearsinstead of the software package’s product code.

Workaround:Use a tool likeORCA to find out the correct product codeof the MSI and apply it to the detection rule manually.

When you create a detectionrule for a migrated softwareresource, the default productcode is invalid.

After you upgrade the SVS agent to Symantec WorkspaceVirtualization Agent 6.3, the latter is not shown as installed in theSymantec Management Agent user interface.

To make the SWV agent data appear in the Symantec ManagementAgent user interface, add the following registry entry:


Agent\Plugin Objects\Agents\Software Virtualization

Agent] "Build Number"=""

"Agent Ident"="SVAgentSoln"

"Product Version"="6.3.2065"

"Install Path"="C:\\Program

Files\\Symantec\\Workspace Virtualization\\"


"Agent Name"="Symantec Workspace Virtualization


The issuedoesnot occur if you completely remove theprevious versionof the SVS agent before installing the new one.

After youupgradeSVSagent,it is not shown as installed.

You cannot specify a UNIX-style alternate location on a destinationcomputer for software package download both for managed deliveryglobal settings and for theparticularmanaged softwaredeliverypolicy.

Managed Delivery Alternatepackage download locationsetting does not work fordestinationUNIXcomputers.

A Solaris 10 global zone that has non-global zones installed is notsupported. However, Solaris 10 that does not contain any non-globalzones is supported.

Solaris 10 zones are notsupported.

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesFixed issues


Other things to knowThere are no other things to know in this release.

Documentation that is installedTable 1-9 Documentation that is included into the product installation


The Documentation Library, which isavailable in the Symantec ManagementConsole on the Help menu.

Context-sensitive help is available formost screens in the SymantecManagement Console.

You can open context-sensitive help inthe following ways:

■ The F1 key when the page is active.

■ The Context command, which isavailable in the SymantecManagement Console on the Helpmenu.

Information about how to use thisproduct.

Help is available at the solution level andat the suite level.

This information is available in HTMLhelp format.


■ The Documentation Library, which isavailable in the SymantecManagement Console on the Helpmenu.

The Documentation Library providesa link to the PDF User Guide on theSymantec support Web site.

■ Supported Products page

Information about how to use thisproduct.

This information is available in PDFformat.

User Guide

Same as above.Information about how to use theSymantec Management Platform

Symantec ManagementPlatform Help

21Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesOther things to know

Other informationTable 1-10 Information resources that you can use to get more information

LocationDescriptionDocument about capacityrecommendations, design models,scenarios, test results, and optimizationbest practices to consider when planningor customizing ITMS.

ITMS 7.1 ImplementationGuide

Symantec Management PlatformDocumentation page

Information about using the SymantecManagement Platform.

Symantec ManagementPlatform User Guide

Symantec Management PlatformDocumentation page

Information about new features andimportant issues in the SymantecManagement Platform.

Symantec ManagementPlatform Release Notes about using SymantecInstallation Manager to install theSymantec Management Platformproducts.

Symantec ManagementPlatform Installation Guide

SymWISE support pageArticles, incidents, and issues about thisproduct.

Knowledge base

Symantec Connect pageAn online magazine that contains bestpractices, tips, tricks, and articles forusers of this product.

Symantec Connect

Altiris™ Software Management Solution 7.1 SP1 from Symantec™ Release NotesOther information