ALSTOM MS 3000 Presentación

Raimund Skrzypek & Marta Moreno Octubre 2014 MS 3000 Sistema Experto de Monitoreo en Línea para Transformadores de Potencia



Transcript of ALSTOM MS 3000 Presentación

  • Raimund Skrzypek & Marta Moreno

    Octubre 2014

    MS 3000 Sistema Experto de Monitoreo en Lnea

    para Transformadores de Potencia

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    100 aos de experiencia y especializacin en transformadores de potencia

    20 aos de conocimiento experto en sistemas de monitoreo

    Tecnologa punta y soluciones innovadoras

    Marca consolidada con referencia mundial

    Plataforma global de Alstom Grid

    Centro de Competencias de Sistemas de Monitoreo

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Hydro Power Plant Chan Xia, China

    Transmission Substation SONELGAZ, Algeria

    Referencias del MS 3000 alrededor del mundo: Ms de 1000 transformadores de potencia monitoreados

    >50 Pases >100 Clientes >1000 Transformadores varias zonas climticas varias aplicaciones varias marcas

    Offshore Substation Tennet, North Sea

    Nuclear Power Plant E.ON, Germany

    Gas Power Plant MoE, Iraq

    Steel Plant BMZ, Belarus

    Oil & Gas Refinery ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia

    HVDC Substation PGCIL, India

    Distribution Substation ENELVEN, Venezuela

    Thermal Power Plant Malakoff, Malaysia

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Ventajas de una solucin completa e integral

    Deteccin temprana de fallas

    Evitar fallos, paradas imprevistas y daos colaterales

    Supervisin continua y declaraciones precisas sobre las condiciones de operacin

    Gestin optimizada del funcionamiento, mantenimiento y vida del transformador

    Conocimiento de la vida del transformador y su consumo

    Aumento de la vida til

    Reduccin de los costes del ciclo de vida

    Fuerte demanda global de sistemas de monitoreo

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Saving > 100 k

    Loss of Production of 144GWh > 5000GWh


    Localizacin de la falla Tiempo de parada: 1 da3 semanas

    Sustitucin Tiempo de parada: 1 ...12 meses

    Diagnstico de falla

    Monitoreo On-line

    Valoracin del estado

    Mantenimiento basado en el estado

    Coste efectivo y fiable

    Diagnstico de estado

    Consume tiempo y costes

    Ventajas de una solucin completa

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.


    9% 11%


    7% 5% Devanados



    Lead exit

    Ncleo/circuito magntico





    7% 3% 1%





    Lead Exit

    Ncleo/circuito magntico



    MS 3000: For Reduced Failure Probability

    Importancia de una solucin integral

    Transformadores de subestacin (>100kV) Transformadores elevadores (>100kV)

    Distribucin de Fallas en Transformadores de Potencia

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Recomendaciones de CIGRE para Sistemas de Monitoreo

    Level 3: Set de sensores recomendables para monitoreo de transformadores

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    MS 3000: Diseo Flexible para Soluciones a Medida


    Cambiador de tomas

    Parte activa










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  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Interfaces de Entrada y Salida Estandarizados

    Alta flexibilidad en la adquisicin de datos Los terminales de buses son

    compatibles con cualquier tipo de seal de entrada analgica o digital

    Dispositivos inteligentes pueden conectarse a travs de los terminales bus RS232 o RS485

    Alta flexibilidad en la interoperabilidad con las diferentes plataformas y aplicaciones Protocolos de comunicacin

    disponibles: IEC 60870-5-101 (RS232), IEC 60870-5-104 (TCP/IP), DNP3.0 (RS232 y TCP/IP), Modbus (RS232 y TCP/IP), Profibus-DP, IEC 61850 (TCP/IP)

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    MS 3000: Solucin completa para todos los componentes

    Bushings - Tensiones y sobretensiones - Cambio de capacitancia - Factor de potencia - Corrientes de carga, sobreintensidades

    y corrientes de cortocircuito - Potencia actual - Factor de carga - Descargas parciales - Presin del aceite y gradiente de


    Parte activa - Temperatura del aceite (superior e inferior) - Contenido de gas-en-aceite - Gradiente de gas-en-aceite - Humedad del aceite - Humedad del papel aislante - Capacidad de sobrecarga - Tiempo de sobrecarga de emergencia - Temperatura de punto caliente - Temperatura de ebullicin y margen de seguridad - Tasa de envejecimiento - Tiempo de vida til consumido - Prdidas actuales - Tensin de ruptura - Cantidad de gases en el rel Buchholz

    Cambiador de tomas - Posicin del cambiador de tomas - Nmero total de cambios de tomas - Suma de corrientes conmutadas - Consumo de potencia del motor - Evaluacin de las condiciones mecnicas - Erosin en los contactos - Humedad en el aceite - Aceleracin - Temperatura del aceite - Gradiente de temperaturas entre el tanque y

    el cambiador de tomas

    Sistema de refrigeracin - Estado de ventiladores y bombas - Tiempo de servicio de ventiladores y bombas - Eficiencia de refrigeracin (Rth) - Potencia de refrigeracin - Temperaturas de entrada y salida al sistema de refrigeracin - Gradiente de temperaturas de entrada y salida - Temperatura ambiente

    Tanque conservador - Nivel del aceite en la cuba - Nivel de aceite en el tanque conservador - Humedad del aire en el interior del conservador

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Red de comunicacin en subestaciones

    Ejemplo de arquitectura

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.


    Mdulo MS 3000 (Transformadores adicionales sin IED)

    Mdulo Maestro MS 3000 incl. Webserver

    Protocolos, p.ej. IEC 60870-5-101, -104, DNP3.0,

    IEC61850, Modbus



    (Maestro) (Esclavo)

    Point to Point, p.ej. 0/4 .. 20 mA, Dig.

    MS 3000: Arquitectura flexible

    Oficina Intranet/Internet

    Transformador Proteccin&Control/SCADA

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    MS 3000: Arquitectura Hecha a Medida

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Red corporativa

    MS 3000: Solucin Integrada

    Site A Site B Site C

    Mantenimiento Operadores Gestin de activos

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Modelos Sofisticados

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Sistema Experto

    Emergency Loading

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Gestin de Alarmas

    Emergency Loading

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Herramienta DGA

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Generador de Informes

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Software y Visualizacin: Simulador

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Solucin para transformadores nuevos

    Amplia Gama de Aplicacin para el MS 3000

    Desde la generacin a la transmisin de energa para servicios pblicos e industria

    Compatible con cualquier transformador, independientemente del fabricante

    Solucin para transformadores existentes

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    MS 3000: Para transformadores inteligentes

    El sistema de monitoreo On-line se convierte en un componente estndar para transformadores de potencia como OTI/WTI, rel Buchholz, indicador nivel de aceite, etc.

    El sistema de monitoreo On-line como elemento imprescindible en las subestacioned digitales y Smart Grid

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Almacenamiento de datos en tiempo real y diagnstico de estado (ejemplo con 7 aos de operacin): Correlacin de la temperatura, el factor de carga y el contenido de gas en aceite

    Temperatura superior del aceite

    Contenido de gas en aceite

    Factor de carga 250 MVA 220 kV Transformadores acoplados

    Operacin Normal del Transformador

    Caso Prctico: Correlacin del Contenido de Gas en Aceite, la Temperatura y el Factor de Carga

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Caso Prctico: Correlacin de Datos de Dos Transformadores

    Anlisis: Hot-Spot, p.ej. Problema de conexin o de contacto en el cambiador de tomas

    Gas en

    aceite T1

    Gas en

    aceite T2

    Factor de carga T1 = Factor de carga T2

    2 x 300 MVA, 400 kV

    Transformadores acoplados

    Indicacin de Anomala

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    DGA On-Line

    Caso Prctico: Correlacin de Datos de Dos Transformadores

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Nivel de alarma

    Deteccin temprana de la falla hasta que se produce el dao colateral: El monitoreo de la parte activa y el cambiador de tomas sealaron la causa por adelantado

    Hot-Spot Aceite-metal

    75 MVA, 33 kV Transformadores de horno

    Tratamiento de aceite en lnea

    Dao colateral en el transformador

    Deteccin fiable de fallas en el cambiador de tomas Diagnstico y Anlisis

    Caso Prctico: Correlacin del Monitoreo de la Parte Activa y Cambiador de Tomas

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Nivel de aislamiento [kV]

    Impregnados en aceite

    N lminas C[%]

    123 28 3.6

    245 42 2.4

    420 60 1.7

    550 70 1.4

    Deteccin de un incremento

    de capacidad del 3.6%


    350 MVA, 420 kV Autotransformador

    Caso Prctico: Monitoreo de los Bushings y Sobretensiones

    Deteccin de Falla, Diagnstico y Anlisis Exhaustivo

    Correlacin de sobretensiones y monitoreo de bushings: Deteccin de un flameo parcial en los bushings

  • ALSTOM 2013. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

    Adaptador en

    tap de tensin


    Peak sampler

    0.. 20mA Terminal de bus


    Medida de tensiones de operacin

    Deteccin de sobretensiones (1.2/50s)

    Deteccin fiable del cambio de capacidad

    Caso Prctico: Monitoreo de Bushings y Sobretensiones

    Tcnica de Medida

    Sensor de tensin



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