alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for...

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. WP 2 – Identification of best practices in the collective commercial valorisation of Alpine Food Intangible Cultural Heritage WP leader: KEDGE BS alpinavera Involved partners: University of Innsbruck Andrea Hemetsberger Michael Klingler Clemens Maaß

Transcript of alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for...

Page 1: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.

WP 2 – Identification of best practices in the collective

commercial valorisation of Alpine Food Intangible Cultural


WP leader: KEDGE BS


Involved partners:

University of Innsbruck

Andrea Hemetsberger

Michael Klingler

Clemens Maaß

Page 2: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.


alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons

of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino. The aim of the association is, on the one hand, to develop consumer

markets and distribution channels for partners from the agricultural and food industries. On the other hand,

consumers should be guaranteed to purchase genuine products from the respective alpinavera region,

thereby supporting local communities. Currently, 1,600 products have been awarded with the quality label

"regio.garantie". It indicates the use of at least 80% of regional ingredients and an 80% share of regional

value added.

Abstract (German)

alpinavera ist eine Marketing- und Kommunikationsplattform für zertifizierte Regionalprodukte aus

Graubünden, Uri, Glarus und Tessin. Ziel des Vereins ist es, zum einen Absatzmärkte und Verkaufskanäle für

Partner aus der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft zu erschließen. Zum anderen soll den Konsument*innen

garantiert werden, dass es sich beim Kauf der Spezialitäten um echte Produkte der jeweiligen alpinavera

Region handelt und dadurch die regionale Wertschöpfung gefördert wird. Derzeit sind rund 1.600 Produkte

mit dem Gütesiegel „regio.garantie“ ausgezeichnet. Es kennzeichnet die Verwendung von mindestens 80%

regionaler Zutaten und einen 80% Anteil regionaler Wertschöpfung.

Page 3: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.1. Case typology

CASE STUDY: alpinavera


Collective marketing organization

- Marketing and communication platform for regionally

certified products

Product type/supply chain 1,600 certified alp, mountain and regional food products

Business model

Key activities

- Certification of regional food products (quality label


- Organization of mountain pass markets and fairs

- Product presentations and tastings at supermarkets

- Online promotion and distribution of products

- Advertisement activities (shopping guides,

billboards, facebook, etc.) Partner network

- Swiss producers focusing on regional (and organic)


- Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (VSR) [Swiss

Regional Products Association]

- Kulinarisches Erbe der Schweiz [Swiss Culinary


- Retailers (Migros, COOP) Financing

- Public subsidies by the Federal Administration of


- Annual membership fees

- Additional revenues by sales commission (online-


- Jobs and sales

Evaluation of ICH


Different states of commercial valorization due the size of the


Geographical area Cantons of Grisons, Uri, Ticino, Glarus, Switzerland

Page 4: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.2. Methodological procedures

In order to yield a broad empirical basis for the analysis of the commercial valorization of ICH consistent

products and practices the following data has been collected in the study area Grisons (Graubünden) where

alpinavera operates:

1. Semi-structured interviews:

- Gion O. Vincenz (Sortenorganisation Bündnerkäse [Variety Organisation Grisons Cheese]),


- Jasmine Said-Bucher (executive director of alpinavera), 12.02.2019

- Alois Schlager (Bischi Bündnerfleisch [Grison Meat] butchery in Churwalden), 12.02.2019

- Jürg Flükiger (Alpine dairy Splügen), 13.02.2019

- Leonard Kunz (Branchenverband Graubünden Wein), 13.02.2019

- Lucia Meier & Giancarlo Marco De Santis (Meier-Beck AG Bäckerei Sta. Maria Val Müstair),


2. Field observation of commercial enterprises:

- alpinavera administration office and warehouse

- COOP supermarket, inspection of product placement

- Bischi Bündnerfleisch butchery

- Alpine dairy Splügen

- Meier-Beck bakery

- Merz Chur

- Café Confiserie Maron

3. Content analysis of websites and advertising materials

4. Analysis of secondary sources (see 1.3.5)

We conducted a five-day field research stay in April 2019 to collect the interview and field observation data.

We determined the city Chur, where alpinavera’s main administration office is located, and its surrounding

region in the canton of Graubünden as the sample area. Our research focused on a mixture of criterion-based

purposeful and snowball sampling techniques. Interview partners were selected based on the criteria to

obtain an in-depth understanding of the composition of the diverse actor network (small-scale producers,

networks, HoReCa) as well as to include the most recognized Swiss products of the Grisons region (cheese,

meat, nut gateau). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of the alpinavera

association as well as individual producers and cooperatives of certified regional products. During the

interviews, some participants referred to other alpinavera members, with whom we subsequently had


Page 5: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.3. Evaluation

1.3.1. Key internal and external processes

The alpinavera network

alpinavera is one of the four supra-regional organizations (Culinarium, «Das Beste der Region» und Pays

romand – Pays gourmand) represented by the Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (VSR, Swiss Regional

Products Association). The VSR organization was founded in 2015. The organization built on the experiences

made by the very first marketing initiatives for regional products in the 1990s and the creation of the IG

Regionalmarken in 2007. In 2017, VSR officially launched the national brand “regio.garantie” for the labelling

and communication of certified regional products (see 1.3.2). According to the statutes (see agreement

Basisvereinbarung über die nationale Richtlinie), the overall aim is to:

Provide and to communicate the sponsorship of the national, supra-regional guidelines for regional


Manage the sponsorship of the national brand for regional products,

Represent the interests of regional products towards Cantons, the Swiss Confederation, trade and

other farming organizations.

Products that are labelled with the national brand regio.garantie in combination with a regional brand are

considered as regional products that have been certified according to the guidelines for regional brands. The

guidelines comprise three cases of certified products (see certification document Richtlinien für

Regionalmarken [guidelines for regional marks]):

A non-composite product consisting of 100% regional raw materials.

A composite product consisting of at least 80% regional ingredients, of which the main ingredient

must be completely regional.

For all regional products, it is also mandatory that at least 2/3 of the value added is generated in the

region. The region boundaries are defined by each regional brand itself. The guidelines for regional

brands do not prescribe a minimum and maximum region size. A region can be defined by a valley,

cantonal borders or a larger region.

Compliance with the guidelines is monitored and certified by independent certification bodies (bio.inspecta,

OIC, Procert). The origin of the raw materials, the flow of goods and the individual processing steps are

checked as part of regular on-site audits in the factories (see the following documents: Musterbeispiel

Rezeptur- und Wertschöpfungsprüfung; Sanktionsreglement zu den Richtlinien für Regionalmarke and

Sanktionspraxis zu den Richtlinien für Regionalmarke – a list of references is provided in 1.3.5.).

Page 6: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

The four VSR members operate in different geographical areas of Switzerland representing 37 regional

brands (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1: Labels represented by alpinavera (Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz, FRC, ACSI 2017)

Das Beste der Region certifies regional products from the cantons of Aargau, Bern, Solothurn, Zurich and

central Switzerland. Das Beste der Region represents 18 small-scale, historically-grown regional brands, and

works towards a stronger homogenization of the label. By the end of 2017, 5,301 products were certified and

more than 800 licensees contracted. The budget of the organization amounts to approx. two million CHF.

Half of it is obtained from member fees, license agreements and marketing investments, the other half

derives from public funding. The estimated annual revenue of the organization amounts to 270 million CHF.

Pays romand – Pays gourmand (PRPG) promotes regional products from the French-speaking parts of

Switzerland (e.g. cantons Jura, Vaud, Valais, Fribourg, Neuchâtel). The regional brand was founded prior to

its integration into VSR in 2005 and manages since then more than 2,000 regional certified products with 800


Culinarium exists since the year 2000 and encompasses agricultural producers, restaurant owners and

retailers (approx. 600 licensees are registered). Branding activities are concentrated in the region of St.

Gallen. Culinarum certified more than 2,200 regional products. With an estimated annual revenue of 460

million CHF Culinarium is the economically most important member of VSR.

alpinavera is the forth and youngest member of VSR. alpinavera is a registered association and operates in

the cantons of Grisons, Uri, Ticino, and Glarus as a marketing and communication platform for regional

products. It was founded in 2006 to cover the surrounding areas of Grisons within the VSR organization. It

operates with 13 board members, who represent the member associations and the participating cantons.

Ten permanent employees are responsible for the entire management, administration, marketing, online

sales, graphic design, as well as support at fairs and markets. Currently 531 businesses are part of the

alpinavera network. The type of producers involved ranges from small-scale farmers to producer networks,

from bakeries to hotels.

Today almost 10,000 products are certified according to the VSR standards. A total revenue of CHF 1.06

billion is generated, which accounts for approximately 3.5% of the Swiss food market. More than 2,300

Page 7: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

producers label their products as regional products. While only 1,600 products are certified by alpinavera,

the estimated annual revenue accounts to 280 million CHF and is therefore the second largest among the

members. In addition to certification activities, alpinavera’s main activity is the promotion of regional

products. The organization of product tastings, mountain fairs and marketplaces accounts for roughly 42

million media contacts per year. The main administration office and the enclosed warehouse for the online-

shop is located in Chur, canton of Grisons. Further offices are located in the cantons of Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

alpinavera currently has ten employees working in the task fields of marketing, product management,

communication, corporate design, public relations, administration and accounting. The board consists of 13

members, representing the members as well as the cantons involved.

Big national retailers are important actors of the VSR network. Migros as one of the two most important

retailers in Switzerland is involved with the label «Aus der Region. Für die Region (From the region. For the

region)» that yields an annual revenue of approx. 900 million CHF. The umbrella organization of Swiss organic

producers BIO Suisse, the Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) as well as the Network Swiss Parks are

other significant branding collaborators and distribution partners. A similar cooperation with COOP was

attempted to establish in 2018 but has so far failed.

Fig. 2 provides an overview of the importance of different distribution channels for regional products. While

only a small number of producers work with national retailers, this type of cooperation accounts for the

biggest revenue (38%) among alpinavera certified products. A similar share is held by regional retailers, which

includes both retailers operating exclusively on a regional level and regional programs by national retailers.

40% of producers either provide direct marketing at their facilities or engage in cooperation with local

retailers. The direct distribution channel accounts for one quarter of the collective revenue of alpinavera

certified products.

Table 1 shows a comparison on the pricing of alpinavera products1 compared to similar products2. However,

it does not show that the alpinavera label itself accounts for these price differences. The conclusion to be

drawn from this calculation is that alpinavera provides a market segment for high price/high quality products.

1 Source: Producers’ online stores:, Meier-Beck. 2 Source: MIGROS online store.




Producers per distribution


national retailers

regional retailers

local retailers anddirect marketing




Revenue per distribution channel

national retailers

regional retailers

local retailers anddirect marketing

Fig. 2: Weighting of distribution channels; source: alpinavera (2018)

Page 8: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

Table 1. Price comparison of regional products


alpinavera MIGROS Difference

„regio.garantie“ unbranded




respect to




to organic



[Grisons Meat]

13.50 CHF


8.90 CHF

(102g) - +54,72% -

Bündner Nusstorte

[Grisons Nut Gateau] x)

17.00 CHF


7.00 CHF

(450g) - +160,20% -

Biologischer Bündner


[Organic Grisons Mountain


5.07 CHF (200g) 3.80 CHF


4.40 CHF

(200g) +33,42% +15,23%

x) The nut gateau sold under the alpinavera label is also made from organic raw materials.

Page 9: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

Selected alpinavera members

The Sortenorganisation Bündner Bergkäse (SOBK) [Variety organisation Bündner

mountain cheese] is a cooperative of mountain hay-milk cheese producers and processors

in the canton of Grisons. It consists of nine associated dairies in the villages of Nufenen,

Splügen, Sufers, Andeer, Brigels, Lumbrein, Vals, Müstair and Bever. Some of them buy the

hay-milk from the local farmers’ cooperatives, some of them are owned by the farmer’s

cooperatives themselves. In total, the production volume amounts to 600 tons of Bündner

Bergkäse [Grisons Mountain Cheese] per year. The dairies are responsible for the entire

cheese production, which is then stored in a refrigerated facility of Emmi, the biggest milk

processor of Switzerland. About one third of the cheese produced is sold locally at the in-

house shops of the dairy producers. The remaining cheese production is purchased by

Emmi and resold to national supermarkets and other customers. About 10 to 15 tons per

year are exported, mostly to Germany. Since 2002, all producers involved are licensed

organic producers.

SOBK aims to maintain and promote Bündner Bergkäse as a regional, traditional specialty

by means of joint quality management, coordinated sales promotion and brand

management: “It is important to recognize advantages and disadvantages in order to get

the best out of the product.” (G. Vincenz, interview, February 11, 2019) An attempt to

obtain a Protected Geographical Indication for Bündner Bergkäse failed and a big concern

of the cooperative relates to external dairies, which are not involved in the SOBK network

nor follow the certification standards but apply the name Bündner Bergkäse for their

products. As a consequence, the main strategy of SOBK is to strengthen the brand and

especially the label recognition - the ibex in the red background logo - so that customers

will be able to distinguish the original from other cheese produced by the dairies.

Given its revenue, the cheese cooperative is the biggest economic actor within alpinavera.

The cooperative runs significant promotional activity on its own and needs less support

from alpinavera in this respect. They organize 100 to 120 cheese tastings per year – in

contrast, they participate in 15 to 20 tastings held by alpinavera. Nevertheless, they highly

appreciate the possibilities of being part of this network. Due the importance of retailing,

the contact of alpinavera to private customers is considered a huge asset. Since the hay-

milk production of the mountain areas remains constant and cannot be increased within

an organic farming framework, there is no intention to expand the cheese production in

the near future. Nevertheless, SOBK and alpinavera recognize the relevance to continue

the investment in marketing via social media.

Page 10: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

The Alpine dairy Splügen is a small-scale dairy in Splügen. Many of their cheese products are

licensed by alpinavera. They manufacture Bündner Bergkäse [Grisons Mountain Cheese] for

the SOBK as well. The dairy belongs to the local farmers’ cooperative from whom they

purchase their milk. The toll to be paid depends on the production volume. On average, they

process 75 thousand liters of milk per year and produce roughly 60 tons of cheese.

In recent years, even though the production volume has been constant, the production

diversified, with currently more than 20 different types of cheese. Some types have been

highly honored by international cheese awards. The concentration on niche products and the

flexibility of the dairy production are considered key elements to withstand the competition

against large-scale producers. Of tremendous importance is the in-house store, which is

opened seven days a week during summer and winter and attracts numerous tourists, mainly

from Italy via the Splügenpass: “The Italian is still a customer who spends money on food.” (J.

Flükiger, interview, Feburary 13, 2019).

They almost exclusively operate on word-of-mouth basis and do not take part in the markets

organized by alpinavera or in the marketing opportunities they offer. However, alpinavera is

of great importance, mainly because other food producers within the network, who are

obligated to use regional ingredients, have a strong incentive to purchase their licensed

products, such as butter.

Page 11: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

The Bündnerfleisch [Grisons Meat] is one of the most recognized traditional products of

Switzerland. The air-dried meat is produced in the canton of Grisons, most famously in the

Churwalden valley. In 2014, the total production volume reached 2.9 thousand tons. The

butchery is one of four, formerly 20, remaining businesses in Churwalden that

produces Bündnerfleisch. Traditionally the main ingredient is beef, specifically the upper thigh

that is freed from fat and tendons, and a mixture of salt, herbs, spices and wine. The salting

and drying process is burdensome and usually takes about six months if the product is hung

in natural air-dried conditions. Unlike Speck (bacon), Bündnerfleisch is not smoked or cured.

By pressing the Bündnerfleisch, the product acquires its rectangular form. With its high share

of proteins (40g/100g), low fats and lack of preservatives, it is considered a quality product

with a great nutritional value. also offers organic Bündnerfleisch, which is certified by the BIO Suisse label. Given

its production volume of 30 tons per year, it is by far the smallest producer in the area. The

main asset enabling to withstand competition against large-scale producers is the superior

quality of the product.

The current owner acquired the butchery in 2007. Since then, the production volume has

been increased by roughly 50%. In order to keep the high-quality standards, there are no

plans to expand production. In this context, the acquisition of regional certified raw materials

in appropriate quantities poses a major challenge. If the required quantity from the canton

of Grisons is not sufficient, meat stocks from Switzerland are used. Approximately 90% of the

production is sold within Swiss boarders. The main clients are other butcheries, delicatessen

shops, restaurants and individual consumers. 10% of the production are distributed via the

in-house store. Purchases from restaurants as well as other butcheries have declined in recent

years. However, the number of individual customers has been expanding. In 2018,

invested in a new online-shop, which is growing in importance as a distribution channel (A.

Schlager, interview, February 12, 2019).

Page 12: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino. has been a member of alpinavera for about ten years and recognizes the collective

marketing approach as valuable, even though only small quantities are sold via alpinavera directly.

The most important support from the alpinavera network consists in the assistance regarding

participation to fairs and markets, which otherwise would not be profitable.

Meier-Beck is a family owned bakery in Val Müstair. They bake traditional rye bread made

from organic regional mountain rye. The rye bread is safeguarded by a Slow Food Presidium.

As a project result with Gran Alpin, an old rye variety from the valley has been revived. “We

still had old rye grains from earlier [...] then they [Gran Alpin] tried it and it sprouts

wonderfully.“ (L. Meier & G. de Santis, interview, February 13, 2019). The old rye variety is

currently cultivated by two local farmers. Meier-Beck purchases approximately two tons of

rye and three tons of wheat from these farmers per year.

Another well-selling product is the Schweizer Nusstorte (Swiss walnut cake). This specialty

cake is included in the inventory maintained by the Swiss Food Heritage Association. Due to

importing restrictions regarding sugar, it is currently not possible to produce it in line with

alpinavera specifications. Attempts are being made to obtain regional organic sugar but it

remains a great challenge to find a mill willing to process smaller quantities of certified sugar.

Until now, walnuts were purchased from outside of Grisons, but in the past years a production

of locally grown walnuts was established. The fruits of collaboration with alpinavera is first

and foremost a promotional advantage, which includes a higher visibility at fairs but also

supporting measures in political or economic negotiations.

Page 13: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

The Branchenverband Graubünden Wein [Association Grisons Wine] is an association of 60

wine producers in the northern Grisons. Together, they account for about three million liters

of wine, or 3.5% of the annual Swiss wine production.

All wineries are located in the Rhine valley where 420 hectares are cultivated in total. Among

the 42 varieties of grapes planted, the main variety is Pinot Noir (roughly 70%). The average

farm owns roughly five hectares. Previously, farmers often operated with two to three

hectares only, but in recent years many well-trained young people have inherited farms and

professionalized traditional wineries.

The main activates of the Branchenverband include cooperation with other networks, such

as alpinavera, and engagement with policy makers and stakeholders. The Branchenverband

also owns the wine house “Alter Torkel”, which is leased to a restaurant owner. In the wine

house, lectures are held, regional wine is served and promotional material and exhibitions

about the wineries in the Rhine valley take place. Tours through the vineyards are offered as

well. On the producer side, the Branchenverband provides training for its members (e.g.

about frost or pest infections) and regulates the maximum production quantities allowed per

area. The Branchenverband also makes price suggestions. Unlike maximum quantity

agreements, these price suggestions are not binding (L. Kunz, interview, February 13, 2019).

The cooperation with alpinavera is considered to be of great importance. The big advantage

of this cooperation is the possibility to directly engage customers and to promote the main

values of wine from Grisons: quality, regionality, diversity and ecological responsibility.

“Quality is most important, because the price of this wine is rather high.” The main concern

is that it will be harder to sell the wine in the near future, due to an increase of high quality

imports, which are often cheaper than the wine produced in the region. As a result, it is of

utmost importance to further promote these key values.

Page 14: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.


In January 2017, VSR launched a new nationwide regional brand called “regio.garantie”. The new label is

awarded based on the following criteria:

Products made of only one ingredient need to contain 100% regionally sourced raw


A compound product must consist of no less than 80% regional raw products. The main ingredient

must be obtained from the region.

At least two third of the value must be created within the region.

The minimum requirement for licensed products must be in line with the Swiss Ecological

Performance Record (Ökologischer Leistungsnachweis, ÖLN).

There are additional guidelines for specific types of products, such as drinks, or specific business types, such

as restaurants, which can also be certified “regio.garantie”. Temporary exceptions can be granted in justified

cases. A common example is sugar, as it is an important component of pastry, such as the traditional

Schweizer Nusstorte certified by alpinavera. However, there is no regional sugar beet production. Therefore,

producers purchase organically certified sugar from other regions in Switzerland and can still produce in line

with the “regio.garantie” certification.

Numerous efforts have been made to foster the value chain within the region. Alongside Gran Alpin the

production of flour from regional grain is organized and expended. In 2009, 400 products were licensed by

alpinavera. Since then, the number of certificated products has quadrupled. About half of the products solely

bare the “regio.garantie” certification. The other half also is certificated as alp/mountain products and/or

organic products. About a quarter of the products is listed in the Swiss Food Heritage inventory.

Page 15: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.3.2. Business and financing model

The central aspects of the alpinavera business model relate to:

Key activities

- Certification of regional food products (“regio.garantie”


- Promotional activities

Partner network

- Swiss producers focusing on regional (and organic) production

- Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (VSR)

- Kulinarisches Erbe der Schweiz [Swiss Food Heritage]

- Retailers (Migros, COOP)

Revenue sources

- Public subsidies by the Federal Administration of Switzerland

- Annual membership fees

- Additional revenues by sales commission (online-shop)

Certification of regional food products

As anticipated above, a key activity of alpinavera is the certification of regional food products based on the

“regio.garantie” criteria. As studies show (e.g. Feige et al. 2017), it is of great value to consumers if the

regional origin of the product is guaranteed. Being aware of this, alpinavera has been extremely strict with

any out-of-compliance occurrences in this context.

“regio.garantie” currently enjoys high public recognition but needs to address a broader customer base. In

interviews, producers voiced their impression that some customers have limited awareness of

“regio.garantie”. The producers claim that customers put organic labels above regional labels and that the

large number of existing labels tends to confuse consumers. Nevertheless, based on the experience they

have had with alpinavera in the past, the producers trust in their ability to strengthen the image and

awareness of the regional brand.

While “regio.garantie” is an attempt to

create a national-level collective brand,

it still bears regional specifications.

Beyond the regional label

“region.garantie”, the products verified

by alpinavera have no common product

design (Fig. 3). While such a design

would certainly increase brand

awareness, manufacturers are reluctant

to adopt a common design.

Fig. 3: Two alpinavera products with the “regio.garantie” label

Page 16: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

Promotional activities

alpinavera promotional strategies include the following:

Organization of mountain pass markets and fairs (see fig. 4). In 2019, the list included the following

events: Mercato del Lago Ascona, St. Galler Genusstag, Bio Marché Zofingen, O Sole Bio, BEA Bern,

Guarda Chur, Sapori e Saperi Bellinzona, Food Zürich, Kantonstag Fête des Vignerons, Tag der

offenen Alp- und Bergkäserei, Caseifici Aperti

Product presentations and tastings at supermarkets

Printed media: shopping guide (bilingual booklet for tourists and ‘conscious’ consumers), shopping

bags, billboards

TV and radio advertising (product placement)

Digital media: Website (, Facebook (

Online store (

The most prominent form of promotion are food tastings, which allow a direct communication between

producer and consumer. The regional products are introduced by the producers and offered as food tastings

at mountain pass markets, fairs or supermarkets. The latter are hosted mostly by three different producers

with one stall at COOP (Pro Montagna/Miini Region) or Migros (Nostrani del Ticino).

Fig. 4. Mountain pass market Flüelapass (source: alpinavera)

Page 17: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

Partner network

Another important aspect of the business plan relates to the established partner network. alpinavera fosters

synergies between industries and partners (see 1.3.1), promotes the exchange of experiences and the

generation of new knowledge about markets for certified regional products. In addition to the main actors

already mentioned (see 1.3.1) the Kulinarisches Erbe der Schweiz (Swiss Food Heritage - is also an important actor connected with alpinavera. Since 2004, the

association works on safeguarding Swiss food heritage. Many of alpinavera’s certified products (e.g. Bündner

Bergkäse, Bündnerfleisch, Nusstorte, Salsiz) are also listed by Kulinarisches Erbe der Schweiz. In addition,

there are many overlaps, which have positive side effects between people engaging within Kulinarisches

Erbe der Schweiz and people engaging within alpinavera. On the one hand, this relationship strengthens the

network with trading partners; on the other hand, it contributes to a better marketing.

Economic impact of alpinvera’s activities

The Federal Administration of Switzerland supports the members of Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte.

»Das Beste der Region« and Pays romand – Pays gourmand (PRPG), each of them subsidized with 1 million

CHF per year. The smaller networks Culinarium and alpinavera are funded with 580,000 to 600,000 CHF.

These differences haven grown historically but subsidizers attempt to close this gap. The Federal

Administration leaves it to the members to split funding in the future and the conceptualization of a future

system is currently in progress.

The overall annual revenue of products sold under the alpinavera label accounts for 280 million CHF. The

certification process guarantees that at least two third of the value added is obtained in the cantons of

Grisons, Uri, Ticino and Glarus. Through its promotional activities, alpinavera creates 1.3 million CHF of

additional value: fares and markets generate about 1 million CHF value added, additional sales are realized

after degustation and tastings in various locations, mostly retailers. In addition, alpinavera offers media

coverage to its members worth an estimated 500,000 CHF.

As mentioned above, 531 producers are currently associated with alpinavera. Most of them actively

approach the network and seek certification of their products. The number of producers involved shows a

steady growth since the foundation (190 producers listed in 2008) until 2013. In 2013, the percentage of

regional ingredients needed for certification has been increased from 75 to 80%. As a result, the number of

involved producers slightly decreased (from 415 to 405); ten producers lost the permission to use the

alpinavera certificate. Since 2016, the number of producers engaging in alpinavera shows a steady growth

(J. Said-Bucher, interview, February 12, 2019).

In the last ten years, alpinavera almost doubled its value creation. Starting from 700,000 CHF in 2008 to 1.3

million CHF in 2017. While in the early stages of their work, alpinavera created the most value added through

product tastings and sales at mountain pass markets. Markets have become increasingly important over the

years and accounted for approximately 4/5 of the value added in 2017.

The marketing activities of alpinavera are most important to small-scale producers who would otherwise

struggle with media coverage and their position in the market. In addition to promotional activities,

alpinavera provides a platform for producers to coordinate their activities and get in contact with each

another. Overall, alpinavera became an important backbone of regional producers in the cantons of Grisons,

Uri, Ticino and Glarus and developed into a valuable support system.

Page 18: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.3.3. Evaluation of ICH commercialization

Commercial valorization of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH): a virtuous circle

Given the size of the alpinavera network, the evaluation of the state of the ICH commercialization cannot be

answered straightforwardly. Given the fact that alpinavera focuses on regionality, not all products certified

by alpinavera are located in the realm of ICH. However, about every forth product is acknowledged by the

Culinary Heritage of Switzerland association and shows a large intersection between regionality and heritage.

To illustrate the impact of alpinavera on ICH, it is best to look at particular cases more in more detail.

Bündnerfleisch is own of the most recognized specialties from the canton of Grisons. In the area of Chur,

numerous small-scale butcheries used to produce Bündnerfleisch, especially in Churwalden. Now, only a

handful of producers are left. These – nowadays mostly large-scale – butchers are highly professionalized

and produce mainly for export. Many of them import beef from South America in order to be able to process

such large quantities, since there is not enough meat available in Switzerland. The smallest producer in the

Churwalden area is a member of alpinavera. To withstand competition with industrialized producers, they

created a high quality premium product. The maturing process under traditional conditions takes roughly six

months, while Bündnerfleisch from the factory matures in four to six weeks. alpinavera is “mainly a form of

support” for producers in engaging a premium-oriented customer base.. Therefore, the certification system

of alpinavera requiring that products are rooted in the region can be a tool to guarantee that the majority of

the value added remains within the heritage community. It limits industrialized production methods and

hence prevent ICH from over-commercialization. At the same time, it helps small-scale producers through its

promotional activities to minimize missed opportunities by providing a form of collective marketing they

would not be able to engage in by themselves, thus contributing to the safeguarding of their ICH.

A second known example from the region is the Schweizer Nusstorte. The cake made from walnuts is a

regional specialty and also recognized as Food Heritage of Switzerland. alpinavera actively supported

producers to gain access to regional raw ingredients and continues to work on this goal. Again, it protects

the value added in the region and strengthens the involvement of the heritage community.

Overall, regional brands such as alpinavera can be a strong pillar in safeguarding ICH and support ICH-

communities, provided that the criteria for certification stress cultural heritage.

1.3.4. Future perspectives

The number of alpinavera members has grown steadily, and so did the number of products certified and the

overall revenue.

Yet, the analysis also highlighted some key challenges that need to be addressed in the years to come. First,

almost all involved producers see the need to increase their efforts in the field of social media promotion.

The potential impact of an increased social media presence has not been assessed and might be overrated.

Other case studies however suggest that social media is a key element in the future to acquire a young

customer base. Finding the right approach for social media marketing will be a key challenge for alpinavera

in the near future. Taste education and storytelling approaches might contribute to differentiate their

products respect to more industrialized counterparts with a weaker regional link.

Page 19: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

A second issue concerns the evaluation of the ecological impact of alpinavera products. The management of

alpinavera supports the idea of relying on external third parties. While first responses within the network

have been mostly positive, the management anticipate the possibility of conflicts in the near future. Many

producers might realize that their products are not as sustainable as they think they are – a problem

specifically in the meat sector. The future goal of alpinavera is to provide consumers with a balanced

shopping guide with certified regional products. At this stage, it is unforeseeable if the producers will go along

with this strategy.

From an outside perspective, the enforcement of the alpinavera quality label criteria within the network will

be crucial to maintain customer trust. Violations were addressed strictly in the past in order to avoid

damaging the brand image. Some producers are still reluctant to strictly check the regionality of their

processed ingredients, which will inevitably weaken the impact of 'regio.garantie' on the public. However, it

is important to address this issue and more actively communicate the economic gains from regional

certification for producers in the network.

Page 20: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.

1.3.5. Reference list

Documents, books

alpinavera (2018). 10 Jahr alpinavera – ein Rückblick. Chur.

Feige, Stephan; Annen, Raphael; Hirsbrunner, Roman; Scharfenberger, Philipp (2017). Regionalprodukte.

Was ist Herkunft wert? – Eine empirische Studie. THEXIS

Imhof, Paul (2015). Das kulinarische Erbe der Schweiz. Band 4: Glarus – Graubünden – Grigioni italiano –

Ticino – Uri. Basel. Echtzeit Verlag.

Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz, Fédération romande des consommateurs (FRC), Associazione

consumatrici e consumatori della Svizzera italiana (ACSI) (2017). Was steckt hinter den Schweizer

Regional-Labels? 55 Schweizer Regional-Labels unter der Lupe. Bern, Lausanne, Pregassona.

Retrieved 14 March 2019, from the Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2015). Basisvereinbarung über die nationalen Richtlinien. Retrieved 27

May 2019, from the VSR website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2014). Sanktionsreglement zu den Richtlinien für Regionalmarke.

Version 4.00. Retrieved 27 May 2019, from the VSR website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2017). Musterbeispiel Rezeptur- und Wertschöpfungsprüfung. Version

2.3. Retrieved 27 May 2019, from the VSR website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2018). Jahresbericht 2018 Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte.

Retrieved 27 May 2019, from the VSR website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2018). Sanktionspraxis zu den Richtlinien für Regionalmarken. Version

7.00. Retrieved 27 May 2019, from the VSR website



Verein Schweizer Regionalprodukte (2019). Richtlinien für Regionalmarken. Teil A Allgemeine Vorgaben.

Version 9.00. Retrieved 27 May 2019, from the VSR website


Page 21: alpinavera - Alpine Space...Abstract alpinavera is a marketing and communication platform for certified regional products from the Swiss cantons of Grisons, Uri, Glarus and Ticino.


Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 11). Personal interview with G. Vincenz.

Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 12). Personal interview with J. Said-Bucher.

Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 12). Personal interview with A. Schlager.

Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 13). Personal interview with J. Flükiger.

Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 13). Personal interview with L. Kunz.

Klingler, M.; Maass, C. (2019, February 13). Personal interview with L. Meier & G. de Santis.
