Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form...

SIRA No 243 Itk ve orta tedrisat muallimleri hakkında 1/631 numaralı kan- un lâyihası ve Maarif, Memuru Kanunu Muvakkat ve Bütçe Encümenleri mazbataları T. C. Başvekâlet Muamelât Müdürlüğü Şuben 14-V-1930 Sayı : 6J1224 B. M. M. Yüksek Reisliğine İlk ve orta tedrisat muallimlerinin terfi ve tecziyesi hakkında Maarif Vekâletince hazırlanan ve İcra Vekilleri Heyetinin 9-4-1930 tarihli içtimaındâ Yüksek Meclise arzı kararlaştırılan kanun lâyihası esbabı mucibesile birlkte takdim olunmuştur. Muktazasının ifasına ve neticesinin iş'arına müsaade buyrulmasını rica ederim efendim . Başvekil Esbabı mucibe ; Ç ; ' e:T " :i ' '' ; Merbut kanunun teklifine saik olan başlıca iki sebep şunlardır: • 1 • - îlk ve Orta tedrisat muallimlerinin terfi ve tecziyeleri, şimdiye kadar, muhtelif tarihlerde neşredilmiş olan ayrı ayrı kanunlara tabi bulunuyor idi. Orta tedrisat muallimleri 439 numaralı orta tedrisat muallimleri kanunun ahkâmına tabi tutuluyor, ilk tedrisat muallimleri de 786 numaralı Maarif teşkilâtı kanunu ve ona zeyl olarak neşredilen 832 numaralı kanun ile ilk tedrisat muallimleri- nin terfilçri hakkındaki 482 numaralı kanun ahkâmına tabi idiler. \ 2 - Bir taraftan 788 numaralı Memurin Kanununun ve diğer taraftan 1452 numaralı maaşların tevhit ve teadülü hakkındaki kanunun neşrinden sonra bu umumî kanunların bâzı ahkâmı ile sırf muallimleri alâkadar eden yukanki hususî kanunların bazı ahkâmı arasında görülen ittiratsızlıklar tatbikatta bir çok güçlüklere sebep olmaktadır. Esasen Memurin ve Teadül kanunları, memurların hukukî ve idarî vaziyeti ile maaşların tabi olacağı umumî esasları vaz ve tayin eden kanunlar olduğu cihetle her vekâletin bu esaslar dahilinde olmak şartile kendi memurları için, kendi fonkisyonu icaplarına göre, hususî kanunlar vücuda getirmesi zarurî ve mantikî addedilmiş ve yukarıda zikri geçen ana kanunlarda da bu icap ve imkân kabul olunmuştur, işte merbut kanunun teklifine saik olan cihet birinci derecede bu icap ve zaruret, ikinci derecede de tatbikattan hasıl olan tecrübeler neticesinde, Maarife ait kanunların bazı cihetlerce bu günkü ihtiyaç ve zaruretleri karşılamaya kâfi olmadığının ve binaenaleyh tadile muhtaç bulunduğunun anlaşılmasıdır. İşte teklif olunan kanun ile bir taraftan maarif memurlarının meslekî hususiyetlerini, idare, hukuk ve disiplin itibarile, Memu- rin kanunundaki esaslarla ahenkli bir hale getirmek, diğer taraftan muallimlerin maaş ve terfi itibarile olan hususî vaziyetlerini Teadül Kanununun umumî ahkâmına ithal etmek ve üçüncü bir maksat olarak da mevcut maarif kanunlarının bazı maddelerini bu günkü şeraite daha uygun bir hale getirmek gayeleri istihdaf olunmaktadır.

Transcript of Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form...

Page 1: Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form Workshop / Seminar Title: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering at the

Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form

Workshop / Seminar Title: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering at the end of life_________________________________________________

Instructor(s): Sasha Pilkington


Date(s): __April 19, 2020 , 5-6:30 pm EST_______________

Location (s): __Zoom Meeting on a Cloud_______________

Number of CEU’s: ___1.5______________


Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree



Agree The program supported me to:

!.A Reflect on understandings of how they might create space for and engage with the stories of people who are suffering.

1 2 3 4 5

B. Examine and discuss questioning practices that may be helpful when meeting with people who are suffering. They will be able to apply these questioning practices to their own work context.

1 2 3 4 5

C. reflect on and critique the discursive influences that interrupt practitioners being present in helpful ways for people who are suffering.

1 2 3 4 5

Page 2: Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form Workshop / Seminar Title: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering at the

2. The accuracy and utility of content were discussed 1 2 3 4 5

3. The content was appropriate for postdoctoral level training 1 2 3 4 5

4. Instruction at a level appropriate to postdoctoral level training 1 2 3 4 5

5. Teaching methods were effective 1 2 3 4 5

6. Visual aids, handouts, and oral presentations clarified content 1 2 3 4 5

*NOTE: Instructor/proctor to enter all Learning Outcomes under item 1, adding rows as necessary.

Instructor 1: Sasha Pilkington

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree



Agree 7. Knew the subject matter 1 2 3 4 5

8. Presented content effectively (e.g., promoted deep reasoning and learning; included a consideration of obstacles or anomalies)

1 2 3 4 5

9. Elaborated upon the stated objectives 1 2 3 4 5

10. Maintained my interest 1 2 3 4 5

11. Answered questions effectively 1 2 3 4 5

12. Was responsive to questions, comments, and opinions 1 2 3 4 5

13. Provided a variety of applied examples (e.g., case presentations) 1 2 3 4 5

Professional & Ethical Issues

14. Presenter made clearly evident, prior to registration, the following:

a. Requirements for successful completion of activity Yes No

b. Commercial support for CE program, sponsor, or instructor (or any other relationship that could reasonably be construed as a conflict of interest), if applicable, either verbally or in promotional/registration materials



c. Commercial support for content of instruction (e.g., research grants funding research findings etc.) that could be construed as a conflict of interest, if applicable, either verbally or in promotional/registration materials

Yes No

d. Commercial support or benefit for endorsement of products (e.g., books, training, drugs, etc.), if applicable, either verbally or in promotional/registration materials Yes No

e. Accuracy and utility of the materials presented, the basis of such statements, the limitations of the content being taught and the severe and most common risks Yes No

Page 3: Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form Workshop / Seminar Title: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering at the

Venue, Setting, etc.

Strongly Disagree


Does Not



Strongly Agree

15. Facility was adequate for my needs 1 2 3 4 5

16. Special needs were met 1 2 3 4 5

17. Facility was comfortable and accessible 1 2 3 4 5

18. Food and beverage were adequate (if applicable) 1 2 3 4 5

19. Program brochure was informative and accurate 1 2 3 4 5


Strongly Disagree


Does Not



Strongly Agree

20. Information could be applied to my practice or other work context. 1 2 3 4 5

21. Information contributes to achieving personal or professional goals. 1 2 3 4 5

22. Issues of diversity were addressed. 1 2 3 4 5

23. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program? Very Little Little Some A Good Deal

A Great Deal

24. How useful was the content of this CE program to your practice or professional development? Not Useful A Little




A Good Deal


Extremely Useful

25. This program enhanced my professional expertise Yes No

26. I would recommend this program to others Yes No

27. Teaching methods and tools focused on how to apply program content to my practice/work environment. Yes No

28. Learning was enhanced through a variety of media utilizing auditory, visual, and multimedia formats. Yes No

29. The presentation facilitated the integration and synthesis of information. Yes No

Participant Information

30. Please tell us your profession □ □ □ □ □

Page 4: Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form · Alliant Continuing Education Evaluation Form Workshop / Seminar Title: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering at the

(Please check all that apply) Psychologist Medical Professional

Masters Level

Licensed Therapist

Social Worker



University Faculty


List profession


38. Please note years in your profession □ Student □ 1-5 □ 6-10 □ 11-20 □ 20+


31. Please provide any additional feedback that can improve this course or the program overall.

32. Please let us know what topics or presenters would you like to see at future CE presentations?