All the Ingredients for a Sensible Diet

All the Ingredients for a Sensible Diet Proper nutrition during pregnancy is important in determining the health of the newborn child. The quantity and quality of a woman’s diet directly contributes to the growth and development of her fetus. How much weight in Right? The first rule of sensible nutrition is: don’t diet during pregnancy. In fact, women need to have an extra 300 calories per day over their pre-pregnancy needs- and gain weight during pregnancy. For a woman of average weight – for- height before pregnancy, the suggested weight gain is 11 kg to 16 kg. An underweight woman should aim for a 13 to 18kg weight gain. For an overweight woman, the suggested range is 7 to 11 kg. In the first 3 months, most woman gain only 1 to 2 kg. After that, the average weight gain is nearly half a kg per week. When the child is born, most women lose 5 to 6 kg. The extra weight can be lost within a year, with good nutrition and normal activity. Nutrients and fetus Development Developing fetuses get their nutrition directly from their mothers. As such a pregnant woman needs to know which foods will provide proper nutrition for her growing baby. One of the most important nutrients for pregnant women is protein. During pregnancy, a total of 2 or 3 servings a day are recommended. (One serving of protein is 100 gm) Lean meats,



Transcript of All the Ingredients for a Sensible Diet

All the Ingredients for a Sensible DietProper nutrition during pregnancyisimportant in determining the health of the newborn child. The quantity and quality of a womans diet directly contributes to the growth and development of her fetus.

How much weight in Right?The first rule of sensible nutrition is: dont diet during pregnancy. In fact, women need to have an extra 300 calories per day over their pre-pregnancy needs- and gain weight during pregnancy. For a woman of average weight for- height before pregnancy, the suggested weight gain is 11 kg to 16 kg.

An underweight woman should aim for a 13 to 18kg weight gain. For an overweight woman, the suggested range is 7 to 11 kg.

In the first 3 months, most woman gain only 1 to 2 kg. After that, the average weight gain is nearly half a kg per week. When the child is born, most women lose 5 to 6 kg. The extra weight can be lost within a year, with good nutrition and normal activity.

Nutrients and fetus DevelopmentDeveloping fetuses get their nutrition directly from their mothers. As such a pregnant woman needs to know which foods will provide proper nutrition for her growing baby. One of the most important nutrients for pregnant women is protein. During pregnancy, a total of 2 or 3 servings a day are recommended. (One serving of protein is 100 gm) Lean meats, eggs, and other foods such as beans are excellent sources of protein. Three other nutrients that are essential to the health of a mother and her growing baby are calcium, iron and folic acid. These require special attention, because most women do not get enough through their normal diet.

Sensible Meal PlanFor most women, a balanced diet during pregnancy will consist of three meals a day. Meals should contain nutrient-rich foods from each of the following food groups: proteins, fruits, vegetables, grain products, milk and milk products.

ProteinsProtein-rich foods have the added advantage of containing iron and B vitamins. Good choices eggs and beans.

VitaminsThree to five daily serving of vegetables ad two to four servings of fruits are necessary to supply vitamins, particularly A and C. Recommended fruits include citrus (oranges, grapefruits) as well as apples, bananas, guavas, mangoes and dried fruit. Vegetables may be dark green such as spinach or a variety of other including carrots, cabbage, or baked white or sweet potato.

CarbohydratesAmong the grain products, whole-grain and whole-wheat are best. Six to eleven daily servings are recommended. Any of the following counts as serving: one slice of whole-grain bread, cup ready-to-eat enriched cereal, cup oatmeal, or cup spaghetti or noodles.

CalciumFour servings a day of milk and milk products are suggested. These may include: one cup of milk, yoghurt or cottage cheese, two one-inch cubes of cheese, one cup pudding or custard, 1-1/2 cups soup made with milk or one cup iced milk or ice cream.

Lactose intolerantFor women who cannot digest the sugar in milk or are lactose-intolerant, modified milk productsareavailable. These include yoghurt-and low-lactose substitutes. A woman who feels she is not getting enough milk products should talk with her health care provider about other sources of calcium. Woman can also introduce fruits in yoghurt for natural sugar.

Varying your DietAdjustments in diet may be required to deal with some of the common discomforts of pregnancy. If you experience nausea (usually during the first trimester), smaller and more frequent meals may help, along with crackers as snacks and liquids between rather than with-meals. Frequent small meals also help to prevent heartburn. Also avoid greasy or heavily spiced foods and caffeine. For constipation problems, which may occur at any time during pregnancy but is more common during the latter part, helpful remedies include increased fluid intake, high-fiber foods such as whole grains, and naturally laxative foods such as dried fruits (especially prunes and apricots), and other fruits and juices, particularly prune juice or grape juice.

DrugsMany drugs including the seemingly harmless aspirin- can be dangerous for the unborn child. Cocaine and other recreational drugs can kill an unborn baby or cause any number of major birth defects and/or childhood problems. Many prescriptions or over the counter drugs cross the placenta and may adversely affect a fetus. A pregnant woman should check with her health care provider before using any medication.

Artificial sweetenersAvoid artificial sweeteners during pregnancy if you have never used them before. If you normally drink a diet soda you should limit yourself to two servings per day. Saccharin containing foods should be avoided completely during pregnancy.

CaffeineLimit caffeinated beverages such as regular coffee, tea and cola to no more than one to two cups per day. Caffeine is also found in soft drinks and chocolate. Too much caffeine may not be safe for your baby