All right reserved1. 2 3 What will we bring for our hiking?

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Transcript of All right reserved1. 2 3 What will we bring for our hiking?

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環保學會 X 旅遊學會

環保旅遊塔門生態一日遊 3月 8日(星期六)李美娟及林文傑老師帶隊

集合時間:9:00 集合地點:學校門口

解散時間:5:00 解散地點:彩虹地鐵站

車費:(自備約 30元) 午餐:自備(野餐)

名額:約 40名 非學會會員亦可參加

奇珍異石 悠久建築

四大景點 海天一色


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What will we bring forour hiking?

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mobile phone (n)

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pocket knife (n)

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raincoat (n)

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snacks (n)

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sunscreen (n)

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torch (n)

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trekking pole (n)

trek-king poleA long tine straight piece of wood or metal used for hiking.

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water bottles (n)

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whistle (n)

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insect repellent

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Can you tell me…what are the things…

a) for us to drink and eat?b) that we use?c) that I wear?

when we hike?

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Things for drinking and eating

Things that we use

Things that we wear

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Let’s see the matching of the PEACE class…

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Do you still remember you are either Peter or Mary?

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We have to buy these!

Snacks? Great!

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How about drinks?

Let’s bring water bottles with enough


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The weather forecast said it will

rain tomorrow.

Then, we need to bring raincoats.

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Then, I don’t think we need to bring sunscreen.

No, we’d better to

bring this.

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Shall we bring this?

A pocket knife? Yes, it’s a good idea. We can use this to cut


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Let’s bring whistles.

Yes, it’s a good idea. We can ask for help

with a whistle.

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Hey, Peter, I think I need a mobile phone when we need help.

Yes, I agree with you. Hey, Mary,

your mobile phone looks great!

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Hey, Peter, we also need a torch when we hike at night.

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Mary, we will finish hiking before 5:30

p.m.I think we need a trekking pole. It is because we are going to have a long walk.

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Do you still remember what are we going to bring

for our hiking?

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We are going to bring…

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a mobile phone (n)

(mo-bile phone)

A telephone that you can carry and use anywhere.

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pocket knife (n)(pock-etknife)

A small knife that folds.

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raincoat (n)(rain-coat)

A long light coat that keeps you dry in the rain.

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snacks (n)


A small meal or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry.

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sunscreen (n)


Cream or liquid that you put on your skin to protect it from the sun.

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torch (n)


A small electric lamp that uses batteries and you can hold in your hand.

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trekking pole (n)

(trek-king pole)A long straight piece of wood or metal used for hiking.

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water bottles (n)

(water bot-tle)

A glass or plastic container used for storing liquids.

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whistle (n)(whis-tle)

A thing that you blow to make a loud sound.