All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB ® Open Discussion on Industrial Data and the...

All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB ® Open Discussion on Industrial Data and the Semantic Web : Volume 2 David Price Seattle SC4, October 2004

Transcript of All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB ® Open Discussion on Industrial Data and the...

All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB


Open Discussion on Industrial Data and the

Semantic Web : Volume 2

David PriceSeattle SC4, October 2004


All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB


1. Brief summary of Bath meeting2. Activities since Bath (that David knows about)

– Structural mapping of EXPRESS to OWL for 233 subset• Translator from SysML Assembly XMI to OWL individuals

– Human modeling of 233 subset in OWL– Tutorial at NIST on “Information Architectures for Next

Generation STEP” with one day on Semantic Web/OWL– Held planning workshop on ISO 15926/OWL/STEP

3. Related activities– OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel– ISO Standard for Common Logic

4. Next actions


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1. Bath Summary

• Reviewed OWL PLCS Reference Data approach– D. Price presenting paper on this at International Semantic

Web Conference 2004 in November

• Discussion of “Structural EXPRESS->OWL” as possible approach to data exchange, publication

• Discussion on STEP and Semantic Web– Realization that Semantic Web and Knowledge-based

Applications are not the same thing (Common Logic, PSL/KIF, etc.)

• Proposal for separate session in Seattle (Didn’t happen)– OMG has a Request for Information on Knowledge-Based

Engineering out– Is ISO 15926/EPISTLE good approach for getting STEP to

KBE world?• Proposal for “Real work” in Seattle or interim workshop


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2. Activities Since Bath

• On Modular STEP direct to OWL– Report on John Deere/Eurostep project

• Review scope and chose schema• Used exff EXPRESS->UML translator to present model• Used exff EXPRESS->OWL translator for AP233 subset

supporting SysML Assembly example• Wrote translator from SysML XMI data to OWL individuals

based on that ontology• Presented issues/results at Bath SysEng seminar, as AP239

ballot comments on modules, at PLM conference• See slides

• On STEP through ISO 15926 to OWL– Held planning workshop in September– See slides


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3. Related Activities

• OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel– submitters produced interim draft in August

• ISO standard for Common Logic– working draft out for review


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OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel

• OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel– From the Usage Scenarios and Goals, interest in

ontology comes from a wide variety of fields.– There is considerable existing development in a

variety of representations. The ODM therefore includes several different metamodels:

• RDFS and OWL as called for in the RFP• UML• the Entity-Relationship (ER) model• ISO standard process Topic Maps (TM)


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OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel (2)

• OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel (continued)– none of these metamodels support a fully

declarative first-order predicate calculus, ODM includes a metamodel for Simple Common Logic (SCL) for this purpose.

– metamodels to be connected by mappings expressed in the OMG QVT (Query/View/Transform)

– To avoid n-squared set of mappings defines weakly constrained

– abstract formulation of Description Logic (DL), to be the target of bi-directional mappings from the other metamodels.


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Current view of mappings




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Description Logic


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RDF Schema


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Simple Common Logic


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Topic Maps


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EXPRESS ?• Last week I emailed the ODM Submitters from

– DSTC– Gentleware– IBM– Sandpiper Software

• asked if they would consider including EXPRESS if– “we” do all the work to develop the MOF model of EXPRESS– “we” do an open source implementation to support the OMG

requirement for “implementation within 1 year of standard approval”

– did not say who “we” was …

• Did not receive any response yet• Concern : in Bath P25 meeting proposed Edition 3

being MOF of EXPRESS standardized in SC4 starting 1Q2005


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Common Logic ISO Standard

• ISO 24707 Information technology — Common Logic (CL) – Framework for a family of logic-based languages

• ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 N 1132• 2004-06-07• ISO/WD 24707• ISO/JTC 1/SC 32/WG2• ANSI• See slides


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Next actions

• We did not complete all we hoped for testing STEP-to-Semantic Web approach– How do we make progress?

• Hold a separate session on logic languages as STEP implementation method?