All Php Function

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Transcript of All Php Function

  • 7/28/2019 All Php Function


    1. abs (mixed $number)2. acos (float $arg)3. acosh (float $arg)4. addAction (SWFAction $action, int $flags)5. addAction (SWFAction $action, int $flags)6. addASound (SWFSound $sound, int $flags)7. addAttribute (string $name, string $value [, string $namespace])8. addChars (string $char)9. addChars (string $chars)10. addChild (string $name [, string $value [, string $namespace]])11. addColor (int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $a])12. addcslashes (string $str, string $charlist)13. addEntry (float $ratio, int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $a])14. addExport (SWFCharacter $char, string $name)15. addFill (int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $a])16. addFont (SWFFont $font)17. addFunction (mixed $functions)18. add_namespace (string $uri, string $prefix)19. add (object $instance)20. add (object $object)21. addShape (SWFShape $shape, int $flags)22. addslashes (string $str)23. addString (string $string)24. addString (string $string)25. addUTF8Chars (string $char)26. addUTF8String (string $text)27. aggregate_info (object $object)28. aggregate_methods_by_list (object $object, string $class_name, array

    $methods_list [, bool $exclude])

    29. aggregate_methods_by_regexp (object $object, string $class_name, string $regexp[, bool $exclude])

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    30. aggregate_methods (object $object, string $class_name)31. aggregate (object $object, string $class_name)32. aggregate_properties_by_list (object $object, string $class_name, array

    $properties_list [, bool $exclude])

    33. aggregate_properties_by_regexp (object $object, string $class_name, string$regexp [, bool $exclude])

    34. aggregate_properties (object $object, string $class_name)35. Aliasofxdiff_string_bdiffxdiff_string_bpatchxdiff_string_diffxdiffFunctionsPHPMa

    ualxdiff_string_diff_binary (PECLxdiff:0.2-


    f_string_bdiff (string $old_data, string $new_data)

    36. align (int $alignement)37. apache_child_terminate (void)38. apache_getenv (string $variable [, bool $walk_to_top])39. apache_get_modules (void)40. apache_get_version (void)41. apache_lookup_uri (string $filename)42. apache_note (string $note_name [, string $note_value])43. apache_request_headers (void)44. apache_reset_timeout (void)45. apache_response_headers (void)46. apache_setenv (string $variable, string $value [, bool $walk_to_top])47. apc_add (string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl])48. apc_cache_info ([string $cache_type [, bool $limited]])49. apc_clear_cache ([string $cache_type])50. apc_compile_file (string $filename)51. apc_define_constants (string $key, array $constants [, bool $case_sensitive])52. apc_delete (string $key)53. apc_fetch (string $key)54. apc_load_constants (string $key [, bool $case_sensitive])55. apc_sma_info ([bool $limited])

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    56. apc_store (string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl])57. apd_breakpoint (int $debug_level)58. apd_callstack (void)59. apd_clunk (string $warning [, string $delimiter])60. apd_continue (int $debug_level)61. apd_croak (string $warning [, string $delimiter])62. apd_dump_function_table (void)63. apd_dump_persistent_resources (void)64. apd_dump_regular_resources (void)65. apd_echo (string $output)66. apd_get_active_symbols (void)67. apd_set_pprof_trace ([string $dump_directory [, string $fragment]])68. apd_set_session (int $debug_level)69. apd_set_session_trace (int $debug_level [, string $dump_directory])70. apd_set_socket_session_trace (string $tcp_server, int $socket_type, int $port,

    int $debug_level)

    71. append_child (DOMNode $newnode)72. append (mixed $value)73. append (OCI-Lob $lob_from)74. array_change_key_case (array $input [, int $case])75. array_chunk (array $input, int $size [, bool $preserve_keys])76. array_combine (array $keys, array $values)77. array_count_values (array $input)78. array_diff (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])79. array_diff_assoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])80. array_diff_key (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])81. array_diff_uassoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback


    82. array_diff_ukey (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$key_compare_func)

    83. array_fill (int $start_index, int $num, mixed $value)

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    84. array_fill_keys (array $keys, mixed $value)85. array_filter (array $input [, callback $callback])86. array_flip (array $trans)87. array_intersect (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])88. array_intersect_assoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])89. array_intersect_key (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...])90. array_intersect_uassoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback


    91. array_intersect_ukey (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$key_compare_func)

    92. array_key_exists (mixed $key, array $search)93. array_keys (array $input [, mixed $search_value [, bool $strict]])94. array_map (callback $callback, array $arr1 [, array $...])95. array_merge (array $array1 [, array $array2 [, array $...]])96. array_merge_recursive (array $array1 [, array $...])97. array ([mixed $...])98. array_multisort (array $arr [, mixed $arg [, mixed $...]])99. array_pad (array $input, int $pad_size, mixed $pad_value)100. array_pop (array& $array)101. array_product (array $array)102. array_push (array& $array, mixed $var [, mixed $...])103. array_rand (array $input [, int $num_req])104. array_reduce (array $input, callback $function [, int $initial])105. array_reverse (array $array [, bool $preserve_keys])106. array_search (mixed $needle, array $haystack [, bool $strict])107. array_shift (array& $array)108. array_slice (array $array, int $offset [, int $length [, bool $preserve_keys]])109. array_splice (array& $input, int $offset [, int $length [, mixed $replacement]]110. array_sum (array $array)111. array_udiff (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback


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    112. array_udiff_assoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$data_compare_func)

    113. array_udiff_uassoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$data_compare_func, callback $key_compare_func)

    114. array_uintersect (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$data_compare_func)

    115. array_uintersect_assoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$data_compare_func)

    116. array_uintersect_uassoc (array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...], callback$data_compare_func, callback $key_compare_func)

    117. array_unique (array $array)118. array_unshift (array& $array, mixed $var [, mixed $...])119. array_values (array $input)120. array_walk (array& $array, callback $funcname [, mixed $userdata])121. array_walk_recursive (array& $input, callback $funcname [, mixed $userdata])122. arsort (array& $array [, int $sort_flags])123. ascii2ebcdic (string $ascii_str)124. asin (float $arg)125. asinh (float $arg)126. asort (array& $array [, int $sort_flags])127. assert (mixed $assertion)128. assert_options (int $what [, mixed $value])129. assign (array $parameter)130. assignElem (int $index, mixed $value)131. assign (OCI-Collection $from)132. asXML ([string $filename])133. atan2 (float $y, float $x)134. atan (float $arg)135. atanh (float $arg)136. attreditable (array $parameter)137. attributes ([string $ns [, bool $is_prefix]])

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    138. base64_decode (string $data [, bool $strict])139. base64_encode (string $data)140. base_convert (string $number, int $frombase, int $tobase)141. basename (string $path [, string $suffix])142. bbcode_add_element (resource $bbcode_container, string $tag_name, array


    143. bbcode_add_smiley (resource $bbcode_container, string $smiley, string$replace_by)

    144. bbcode_create ([array $bbcode_initial_tags])145. bbcode_destroy (resource $bbcode_container)146. bbcode_parse (resource $bbcode_container, string $to_parse)147. bbcode_set_arg_parser (resource $bbcode_container, resource $bbcode_arg_parser)148. bbcode_set_flags (resource $bbcode_container, int $flags [, int $mode])149. bcadd (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])150. bccomp (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])151. bcdiv (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])152. bcmod (string $left_operand, string $modulus)153. bcmul (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])154. bcompiler_load_exe (string $filename)155. bcompiler_load (string $filename)156. bcompiler_parse_class (string $class, string $callback)157. bcompiler_read (resource $filehandle)158. bcompiler_write_class (resource $filehandle, string $className [, string


    159. bcompiler_write_constant (resource $filehandle, string $constantName)160. bcompiler_write_exe_footer (resource $filehandle, int $startpos)161. bcompiler_write_file (resource $filehandle, string $filename)162. bcompiler_write_footer (resource $filehandle)163. bcompiler_write_function (resource $filehandle, string $functionName)164. bcompiler_write_functions_from_file (resource $filehandle, string $fileName)165. bcompiler_write_header (resource $filehandle [, string $write_ver])

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    166. bcompiler_write_included_filename (resource $filehandle, string $filename)167. bcpowmod (string $left_operand, string $right_operand, string $modulus [, int


    168. bcpow (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])169. bcscale (int $scale)170. bcsqrt (string $operand [, int $scale])171. bcsub (string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale])172. bin2hex (string $str)173. bindec (string $binary_string)174. bind_textdomain_codeset (string $domain, string $codeset)175. bindtextdomain (string $domain, string $directory)176. bzclose (resource $bz)177. bzcompress (string $source [, int $blocksize [, int $workfactor]])178. bzdecompress (string $source [, int $small])179. bzerrno (resource $bz)180. bzerror (resource $bz)181. bzerrstr (resource $bz)182. bzflush (resource $bz)183. bzopen (string $filename, string $mode)184. bzread (resource $bz [, int $length])185. bzwrite (resource $bz, string $data [, int $length])186. calculhmac (string $clent, string $data)187. calcul_hmac (string $clent, string $siretcode, string $price, string $reference

    string $validity, string $taxation, string $devise, string $language)

    188. cal_days_in_month (int $calendar, int $month, int $year)189. cal_from_jd (int $jd, int $calendar)190. cal_info ([int $calendar])191. __call (string $function_name, array $arguments [, array $options [, array

    $input_headers [, array $output_headers]]])

    192. call_user_func_array (callback $function, array $param_arr)193. call_user_func (callback $function [, mixed $parameter [, mixed $...]])

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    194. call_user_method_array (string $method_name, object& $obj, array $params)195. call_user_method (string $method_name, object& $obj [, mixed $parameter [, mixe


    196. cal_to_jd (int $calendar, int $month, int $day, int $year)197. ceil (float $value)198. ChangesthecolorvalueofanypixelthatmatchestargetImagick::coalesceImagesImagick::c




    lthatmatchestargetDescriptionboolImagick::colorFloodfillImage (mixed $fill, flo

    $fuzz, mixed $bordercolor, int $x, int $y)

    199. chdir (string $directory)200. checkdate (int $month, int $day, int $year)201. checkdnsrr (string $host [, string $type])202. checkin (array $parameter)203. checkout (array $parameter)204. chgrp (string $filename, mixed $group)205. children (array $parameter)206. children ([string $ns [, bool $is_prefix]])207. chmod (string $filename, int $mode)208. chown (string $filename, mixed $user)209. chr (int $ascii)210. chroot (string $directory)211. chunk_split (string $body [, int $chunklen [, string $end]])212. class_exists (string $class_name [, bool $autoload])213. class_implements (mixed $class [, bool $autoload])214. classkit_import (string $filename)215. classkit_method_add (string $classname, string $methodname, string $args, strin

    $code [, int $flags])

    216. classkit_method_copy (string $dClass, string $dMethod, string $sClass [, string$sMethod])

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    217. classkit_method_redefine (string $classname, string $methodname, string $args,string $code [, int $flags])

    218. classkit_method_remove (string $classname, string $methodname)219. classkit_method_rename (string $classname, string $methodname, string $newname)220. class_parents (mixed $class [, bool $autoload])221. clearstatcache (void)222. closedir (resource $dir_handle)223. closelog (void)224. close (void)225. com_addref (void)226. com_create_guid (void)227. com_event_sink (variant $comobject, object $sinkobject [, mixed $sinkinterface]228. com_get_active_object (string $progid [, int $code_page])229. com_invoke (resource $com_object, string $function_name [, mixed


    230. com_isenum (variant $com_module)231. com_load_typelib (string $typelib_name [, bool $case_insensitive])232. com_message_pump ([int $timeoutms])233. commit (void)234. compact (mixed $varname [, mixed $...])235. com_print_typeinfo (object $comobject [, string $dispinterface [, bool


    236. com_release (void)237. connection_aborted (void)238. connection_status (void)239. connection_timeout (void)240. connect (string $protocol [, array $properties])241. constant (string $name)242. content (array $parameter)243. convert_cyr_string (string $str, string $from, string $to)244. convert_uudecode (string $data)

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    245. convert_uuencode (string $data)246. copy (string $source, string $dest [, resource $context])247. cos (float $arg)248. cosh (float $arg)249. count_chars (string $string [, int $mode])250. count (mixed $var [, int $mode])251. crack_check (resource $dictionary, string $password)252. crack_closedict ([resource $dictionary])253. crack_getlastmessage (void)254. crack_opendict (string $dictionary)255. crc32 (string $str)256. create_function (string $args, string $code)257. crypt (string $str [, string $salt])258. ctype_alnum (string $text)259. ctype_alpha (string $text)260. ctype_cntrl (string $text)261. ctype_digit (string $text)262. ctype_graph (string $text)263. ctype_lower (string $text)264. ctype_print (string $text)265. ctype_punct (string $text)266. ctype_space (string $text)267. ctype_upper (string $text)268. ctype_xdigit (string $text)269. curl_close (resource $ch)270. curl_copy_handle (resource $ch)271. curl_errno (resource $ch)272. curl_error (resource $ch)273. curl_exec (resource $ch)274. curl_getinfo (resource $ch [, int $opt])275. curl_init ([string $url])

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    276. curl_multi_add_handle (resource $mh, resource $ch)277. curl_multi_close (resource $mh)278. curl_multi_exec (resource $mh, int& $still_running)279. curl_multi_getcontent (resource $ch)280. curl_multi_info_read (resource $mh [, int $msgs_in_queue])281. curl_multi_init (void)282. curl_multi_remove_handle (resource $mh, resource $ch)283. curl_multi_select (resource $mh [, float $timeout])284. curl_setopt_array (resource $ch, array $options)285. curl_setopt (resource $ch, int $option, mixed $value)286. curl_version ([int $age])287. current (array& $array)288. cyrus_authenticate (resource $connection [, string $mechlist [, string $service

    [, string $user [, int $minssf [, int $maxssf [, string $authname [, string


    289. cyrus_bind (resource $connection, array $callbacks)290. cyrus_close (resource $connection)291. cyrus_connect ([string $host [, string $port [, int $flags]]])292. cyrus_query (resource $connection, string $query)293. cyrus_unbind (resource $connection, string $trigger_name)294. data (void)295. date_add (DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval)296. date_create ([string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone]])297. date_date_set (DateTime $object, int $year, int $month, int $day)298. date_default_timezone_get (void)299. date_default_timezone_set (string $timezone_identifier)300. date_format (DateTime $object, string $format)301. date_isodate_set (DateTime $object, int $year, int $week [, int $day])302. date_modify (DateTime $object, string $modify)303. date_offset_get (DateTime $object)304. date_parse (string $date)

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    305. date (string $format [, int $timestamp])306. date_sub (DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval)307. date_sun_info (int $time, float $latitude, float $longitude)308. date_sunrise (int $timestamp [, int $format [, float $latitude [, float

    $longitude [, float $zenith [, float $gmt_offset]]]]])

    309. date_sunset (int $timestamp [, int $format [, float $latitude [, float $longitu[, float $zenith [, float $gmt_offset]]]]])

    310. date_time_set (DateTime $object, int $hour, int $minute [, int $second])311. date_timezone_get (DateTime $object)312. date_timezone_set (DateTime $object, DateTimeZone $timezone)313. db2_autocommit (resource $connection [, bool $value])314. db2_bind_param (resource $stmt, int $parameter-number, string $variable-name [,

    int $parameter-type [, int $data-type [, int $precision [, int $scale]]]])

    315. db2_client_info (resource $connection)316. db2_close (resource $connection)317. db2_column_privileges (resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string

    $schema [, string $table-name [, string $column-name]]]])

    318. db2_columns (resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [,string $table-name [, string $column-name]]]])

    319. db2_commit (resource $connection)320. db2_connect (string $database, string $username, string $password [, array


    321. db2_conn_errormsg ([resource $connection])322. db2_conn_error ([resource $connection])323. db2_cursor_type (resource $stmt)324. db2_escape_string (string $string_literal)325. db2_exec (resource $connection, string $statement [, array $options])326. db2_execute (resource $stmt [, array $parameters])327. db2_fetch_array (resource $stmt [, int $row_number])328. db2_fetch_assoc (resource $stmt [, int $row_number])329. db2_fetch_both (resource $stmt [, int $row_number])

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    330. db2_fetch_object (resource $stmt [, int $row_number])331. db2_fetch_row (resource $stmt [, int $row_number])332. db2_field_display_size (resource $stmt, mixed $column)333. db2_field_name (resource $stmt, mixed $column)334. db2_field_num (resource $stmt, mixed $column)335. db2_field_precision (resource $stmt, mixed $column)336. db2_field_scale (resource $stmt, mixed $column)337. db2_field_type (resource $stmt, mixed $column)338. db2_field_width (resource $stmt, mixed $column)339. db2_foreign_keys (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, stri


    340. db2_free_result (resource $stmt)341. db2_free_stmt (resource $stmt)342. db2_get_option (resource $resource, string $option)343. db2_lob_read (resource $stmt, int $colnum, int $length)344. db2_next_result (resource $stmt)345. db2_num_fields (resource $stmt)346. db2_num_rows (resource $stmt)347. db2_pconnect (string $database, string $username, string $password [, array


    348. db2_prepare (resource $connection, string $statement [, array $options])349. db2_primary_keys (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, stri


    350. db2_procedure_columns (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema,string $procedure, string $parameter)

    351. db2_procedures (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string$procedure)

    352. db2_result (resource $stmt, mixed $column)353. db2_rollback (resource $connection)354. db2_server_info (resource $connection)355. db2_set_option (resource $resource, array $options, int $type)

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    356. db2_special_columns (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema,string $table_name, int $scope)

    357. db2_statistics (resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string$table-name, bool $unique)

    358. db2_stmt_errormsg ([resource $stmt])359. db2_stmt_error ([resource $stmt])360. db2_table_privileges (resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $sche

    [, string $table_name]]])

    361. db2_tables (resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, stri$table-name [, string $table-type]]]])

    362. dba_close (resource $handle)363. dba_delete (string $key, resource $handle)364. dba_exists (string $key, resource $handle)365. dba_fetch (string $key, resource $handle)366. dba_firstkey (resource $handle)367. dba_handlers ([bool $full_info])368. dba_insert (string $key, string $value, resource $handle)369. dba_key_split (mixed $key)370. dba_list (void)371. dba_nextkey (resource $handle)372. dba_open (string $path, string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $...]])373. dba_optimize (resource $handle)374. dba_popen (string $path, string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $...]])375. dba_replace (string $key, string $value, resource $handle)376. dbase_add_record (int $dbase_identifier, array $record)377. dbase_close (int $dbase_identifier)378. dbase_create (string $filename, array $fields)379. dbase_delete_record (int $dbase_identifier, int $record_number)380. dbase_get_header_info (int $dbase_identifier)381. dbase_get_record (int $dbase_identifier, int $record_number)382. dbase_get_record_with_names (int $dbase_identifier, int $record_number)

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    383. dbase_numfields (int $dbase_identifier)384. dbase_numrecords (int $dbase_identifier)385. dbase_open (string $filename, int $mode)386. dbase_pack (int $dbase_identifier)387. dbase_replace_record (int $dbase_identifier, array $record, int $record_number)388. dba_sync (resource $handle)389. dbplus_add (resource $relation, array $tuple)390. dbplus_aql (string $query [, string $server [, string $dbpath]])391. dbplus_chdir ([string $newdir])392. dbplus_close (resource $relation)393. dbplus_curr (resource $relation, array& $tuple)394. dbplus_errcode ([int $errno])395. dbplus_errno (void)396. dbplus_find (resource $relation, array $constraints, mixed $tuple)397. dbplus_first (resource $relation, array& $tuple)398. dbplus_flush (resource $relation)399. dbplus_freealllocks (void)400. dbplus_freelock (resource $relation, string $tuple)401. dbplus_freerlocks (resource $relation)402. dbplus_getlock (resource $relation, string $tuple)403. dbplus_getunique (resource $relation, int $uniqueid)404. dbplus_info (resource $relation, string $key, array& $result)405. dbplus_last (resource $relation, array& $tuple)406. dbplus_lockrel (resource $relation)407. dbplus_next (resource $relation, array& $tuple)408. dbplus_open (string $name)409. dbplus_prev (resource $relation, array& $tuple)410. dbplus_rchperm (resource $relation, int $mask, string $user, string $group)411. dbplus_rcreate (string $name, mixed $domlist [, bool $overwrite])412. dbplus_rcrtexact (string $name, resource $relation [, bool $overwrite])413. dbplus_rcrtlike (string $name, resource $relation [, int $overwrite])

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    414. dbplus_resolve (string $relation_name)415. dbplus_restorepos (resource $relation, array $tuple)416. dbplus_rkeys (resource $relation, mixed $domlist)417. dbplus_ropen (string $name)418. dbplus_rquery (string $query [, string $dbpath])419. dbplus_rrename (resource $relation, string $name)420. dbplus_rsecindex (resource $relation, mixed $domlist, int $type)421. dbplus_runlink (resource $relation)422. dbplus_rzap (resource $relation)423. dbplus_savepos (resource $relation)424. dbplus_setindexbynumber (resource $relation, int $idx_number)425. dbplus_setindex (resource $relation, string $idx_name)426. dbplus_sql (string $query [, string $server [, string $dbpath]])427. dbplus_tcl (int $sid, string $script)428. dbplus_tremove (resource $relation, array $tuple [, array& $current])429. dbplus_undoprepare (resource $relation)430. dbplus_undo (resource $relation)431. dbplus_unlockrel (resource $relation)432. dbplus_unselect (resource $relation)433. dbplus_update (resource $relation, array $old, array $new)434. dbplus_xlockrel (resource $relation)435. dbplus_xunlockrel (resource $relation)436. dbstat (array $parameter)437. dbx_close (object $link_identifier)438. dbx_compare (array $row_a, array $row_b, string $column_key [, int $flags])439. dbx_connect (mixed $module, string $host, string $database, string $username,

    string $password [, int $persistent])

    440. dbx_error (object $link_identifier)441. dbx_escape_string (object $link_identifier, string $text)442. dbx_fetch_row (object $result_identifier)443. dbx_query (object $link_identifier, string $sql_statement [, int $flags])

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    444. dbx_sort (object $result, string $user_compare_function)445. dcgettext (string $domain, string $message, int $category)446. dcngettext (string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n, int


    447. dcstat (array $parameter)448. deaggregate (object $object [, string $class_name])449. debug_backtrace ([bool $provide_object])450. debug_print_backtrace (void)451. debug_zval_dump (mixed $variable)452. decbin (int $number)453. dechex (int $number)454. decoct (int $number)455. defined (string $name)456. define (string $name, mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive])457. define_syslog_variables (void)458. deg2rad (float $number)459. delete (void)460. description (void)461. dgettext (string $domain, string $message)462. dio_close (resource $fd)463. dio_fcntl (resource $fd, int $cmd [, mixed $args])464. dio_open (string $filename, int $flags [, int $mode])465. dio_read (resource $fd [, int $len])466. dio_seek (resource $fd, int $pos [, int $whence])467. dio_stat (resource $fd)468. dio_tcsetattr (resource $fd, array $options)469. dio_truncate (resource $fd, int $offset)470. dio_write (resource $fd, string $data [, int $len])471. dirname (string $path)472. disconnect (void)473. disk_free_space (string $directory)

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    474. disk_total_space (string $directory)475. dl (string $library)476. dngettext (string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n)477. dns_get_record (string $hostname [, int $type])478. DomDocument->add_root (string $name)479. DomDocument->create_attribute (string $name, string $value)480. DomDocument->create_cdata_section (string $content)481. DomDocument->create_comment (string $content)482. DomDocument->create_element_ns (string $uri, string $name [, string $prefix])483. DomDocument->create_element (string $name)484. DomDocument->create_entity_reference (string $content)485. DomDocument->create_processing_instruction (string $content)486. DomDocument->create_text_node (string $content)487. DomDocument->doctype (void)488. DomDocument->document_element (void)489. DomDocument->dump_file (string $filename [, bool $compressionmode [, bool


    490. DomDocument->dump_mem ([bool $format [, string $encoding]])491. DomDocument->get_element_by_id (string $id)492. DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname (string $name)493. DomDocument->html_dump_mem (void)494. DomDocument->xinclude (void)495. dom_import_simplexml (SimpleXMLElement $node)496. DomNode->append_sibling (domelement $newnode)497. DomNode->attributes (void)498. DomNode->child_nodes (void)499. DomNode->clone_node (void)500. DomNode->dump_node (void)501. DomNode->first_child (void)502. DomNode->get_content (void)503. DomNode->has_attributes (void)

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    504. DomNode->has_child_nodes (void)505. DomNode->insert_before (domelement $newnode, domelement $refnode)506. DomNode->is_blank_node (void)507. DomNode->last_child (void)508. DomNode->next_sibling (void)509. DomNode->node_name (void)510. DomNode->node_type (void)511. DomNode->node_value (void)512. DomNode->owner_document (void)513. DomNode->parent_node (void)514. DomNode->prefix (void)515. DomNode->previous_sibling (void)516. DomNode->remove_child (domtext $oldchild)517. DomNode->replace_child (domelement $newnode, domelement $oldnode)518. DomNode->replace_node (domelement $newnode)519. DomNode->set_content (string $content)520. DomNode->set_namespace (string $uri [, string $prefix])521. DomNode->set_name (void)522. DomNode->unlink_node (void)523. domxml_new_doc (string $version)524. domxml_open_file (string $filename [, int $mode [, array& $error]])525. domxml_open_mem (string $str [, int $mode [, array& $error]])526. domxml_version (void)527. domxml_xmltree (string $str)528. domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc (DomDocument $xsl_doc)529. domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file (string $xsl_file)530. domxml_xslt_stylesheet (string $xsl_buf)531. domxml_xslt_version (void)532. __doRequest (string $request, string $location, string $action, int $version [,

    int $one_way])

    533. dotnet_load (string $assembly_name [, string $datatype_name [, int $codepage]])

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    534. drawArc (float $r, float $startAngle, float $endAngle)535. drawCircle (float $r)536. drawCubic (float $bx, float $by, float $cx, float $cy, float $dx, float $dy)537. drawCubicTo (float $bx, float $by, float $cx, float $cy, float $dx, float $dy)538. drawCurve (int $controldx, int $controldy, int $anchordx, int $anchordy [, int

    $targetdx], int $targetdy)

    539. drawCurveTo (int $controlx, int $controly, int $anchorx, int $anchory [, int$targetx], int $targety)

    540. drawGlyph (SWFFont $font, string $character [, int $size])541. drawLine (int $dx, int $dy)542. drawLineTo (int $x, int $y)543. dstanchors (array $parameter)544. dstofsrcanchor (array $parameter)545. each (array& $array)546. easter_date ([int $year])547. easter_days ([int $year [, int $method]])548. ebcdic2ascii (string $ebcdic_str)549. echo (string $arg1 [, string $...])550. empty (mixed $var)551. enchant_broker_describe (resource $broker)552. enchant_broker_dict_exists (resource $broker, string $tag)553. enchant_broker_free_dict (resource $dict)554. enchant_broker_free (resource $broker)555. enchant_broker_get_error (resource $broker)556. enchant_broker_init (void)557. enchant_broker_list_dicts (resource $broker)558. enchant_broker_request_dict (resource $broker, string $tag)559. enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict (resource $broker, string $filename)560. enchant_broker_set_ordering (resource $broker, string $tag, string $ordering)561. enchant_dict_add_to_personal (resource $dict, string $word)562. enchant_dict_add_to_session (resource $dict, string $word)

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    563. enchant_dict_check (resource $dict, string $word)564. enchant_dict_describe (resource $dict)565. enchant_dict_get_error (resource $dict)566. enchant_dict_is_in_session (resource $dict, string $word)567. enchant_dict_quick_check (resource $dict, string $word [, array& $suggestions])568. enchant_dict_store_replacement (resource $dict, string $mis, string $cor)569. enchant_dict_suggest (resource $dict, string $word)570. end (array& $array)571. endAttribute (void)572. endCData (void)573. endComment (void)574. endDocument (void)575. endDTDAttlist (void)576. endDTDElement (void)577. endDTDEntity (void)578. endDTD (void)579. endElement (void)580. endMask (void)581. endPI (void)582. entities (void)583. eof (void)584. erase ([int $offset [, int $length]])585. eregi_replace (string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string)586. eregi (string $pattern, string $string [, array& $regs])587. ereg_replace (string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string)588. ereg (string $pattern, string $string [, array& $regs])589. error_get_last (void)590. error_log (string $message [, int $message_type [, string $destination [, strin


    591. error_reporting ([int $level])592. escapeshellarg (string $arg)

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    593. escapeshellcmd (string $command)594. eval (string $code_str)595. exec (string $command [, array& $output [, int& $return_var]])596. exif_imagetype (string $filename)597. exif_read_data (string $filename [, string $sections [, bool $arrays [, bool


    598. exif_tagname (string $index)599. exif_thumbnail (string $filename [, int& $width [, int& $height [, int&


    600. exit ([string $status])601. expect_expectl (resource $expect, array $cases [, array& $match])602. expect_popen (string $command)603. exp (float $arg)604. explode (string $delimiter, string $string [, int $limit])605. expm1 (float $arg)606. export (string $filename [, int $start [, int $length]])607. extension_loaded (string $name)608. extract (array $var_array [, int $extract_type [, string $prefix]])609. Extractentryfromthearchiverar_entry_getRar::getAttrRarFunctionsPHPManualRar::ext

    act (Noversioninformationavailable,


    xtract (string $dir [, string $filepath])

    610. ezmlm_hash (string $addr)611. fam_cancel_monitor (resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor)612. fam_close (resource $fam)613. fam_monitor_collection (resource $fam, string $dirname, int $depth, string $mas614. fam_monitor_directory (resource $fam, string $dirname)615. fam_monitor_file (resource $fam, string $filename)616. fam_next_event (resource $fam)617. fam_open ([string $appname])618. fam_pending (resource $fam)

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    619. fam_resume_monitor (resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor)620. fam_suspend_monitor (resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor)621. fault (string $code, string $string [, string $actor [, mixed $details [, strin


    622. fbsql_affected_rows ([resource $link_identifier])623. fbsql_autocommit (resource $link_identifier [, bool $OnOff])624. fbsql_blob_size (string $blob_handle [, resource $link_identifier])625. fbsql_change_user (string $user, string $password [, string $database [, resour


    626. fbsql_clob_size (string $clob_handle [, resource $link_identifier])627. fbsql_close ([resource $link_identifier])628. fbsql_commit ([resource $link_identifier])629. fbsql_connect ([string $hostname [, string $username [, string $password]]])630. fbsql_create_blob (string $blob_data [, resource $link_identifier])631. fbsql_create_clob (string $clob_data [, resource $link_identifier])632. fbsql_create_db (string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier [, string


    633. fbsql_database_password (resource $link_identifier [, string $database_password634. fbsql_database (resource $link_identifier [, string $database])635. fbsql_data_seek (resource $result, int $row_number)636. fbsql_db_query (string $database, string $query [, resource $link_identifier])637. fbsql_db_status (string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier])638. fbsql_drop_db (string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier])639. fbsql_errno ([resource $link_identifier])640. fbsql_error ([resource $link_identifier])641. fbsql_fetch_array (resource $result [, int $result_type])642. fbsql_fetch_assoc (resource $result)643. fbsql_fetch_field (resource $result [, int $field_offset])644. fbsql_fetch_lengths (resource $result)645. fbsql_fetch_object (resource $result)646. fbsql_fetch_row (resource $result)

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    647. fbsql_field_flags (resource $result [, int $field_offset])648. fbsql_field_len (resource $result [, int $field_offset])649. fbsql_field_name (resource $result [, int $field_index])650. fbsql_field_seek (resource $result [, int $field_offset])651. fbsql_field_table (resource $result [, int $field_offset])652. fbsql_field_type (resource $result [, int $field_offset])653. fbsql_free_result (resource $result)654. fbsql_get_autostart_info ([resource $link_identifier])655. fbsql_hostname (resource $link_identifier [, string $host_name])656. fbsql_insert_id ([resource $link_identifier])657. fbsql_list_dbs ([resource $link_identifier])658. fbsql_list_fields (string $database_name, string $table_name [, resource


    659. fbsql_list_tables (string $database [, resource $link_identifier])660. fbsql_next_result (resource $result)661. fbsql_num_fields (resource $result)662. fbsql_num_rows (resource $result)663. fbsql_password (resource $link_identifier [, string $password])664. fbsql_pconnect ([string $hostname [, string $username [, string $password]]])665. fbsql_query (string $query [, resource $link_identifier [, int $batch_size]])666. fbsql_read_blob (string $blob_handle [, resource $link_identifier])667. fbsql_read_clob (string $clob_handle [, resource $link_identifier])668. fbsql_result (resource $result [, int $row [, mixed $field]])669. fbsql_rollback ([resource $link_identifier])670. fbsql_rows_fetched (resource $result)671. fbsql_select_db ([string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier]])672. fbsql_set_characterset (resource $link_identifier, int $characterset [, int


    673. fbsql_set_lob_mode (resource $result, int $lob_mode)674. fbsql_set_password (resource $link_identifier, string $user, string $password,

    string $old_password)

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    675. fbsql_set_transaction (resource $link_identifier, int $locking, int $isolation)676. fbsql_start_db (string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier [, string


    677. fbsql_stop_db (string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier])678. fbsql_table_name (resource $result, int $index)679. fbsql_username (resource $link_identifier [, string $username])680. fbsql_warnings ([bool $OnOff])681. fclose (resource $handle)682. fdf_add_doc_javascript (resource $fdf_document, string $script_name, string


    683. fdf_add_template (resource $fdf_document, int $newpage, string $filename, strin$template, int $rename)

    684. fdf_close (resource $fdf_document)685. fdf_create (void)686. fdf_enum_values (resource $fdf_document, callback $function [, mixed $userdata]687. fdf_errno (void)688. fdf_error ([int $error_code])689. fdf_get_ap (resource $fdf_document, string $field, int $face, string $filename)690. fdf_get_attachment (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, string $savepath691. fdf_get_encoding (resource $fdf_document)692. fdf_get_file (resource $fdf_document)693. fdf_get_flags (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichflags)694. fdf_get_opt (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $element])695. fdf_get_status (resource $fdf_document)696. fdf_get_value (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $which])697. fdf_get_version ([resource $fdf_document])698. fdf_header (void)699. fdf_next_field_name (resource $fdf_document [, string $fieldname])700. fdf_open (string $filename)701. fdf_open_string (string $fdf_data)702. fdf_remove_item (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $item)

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    703. fdf_save (resource $fdf_document [, string $filename])704. fdf_save_string (resource $fdf_document)705. fdf_set_ap (resource $fdf_document, string $field_name, int $face, string

    $filename, int $page_number)

    706. fdf_set_encoding (resource $fdf_document, string $encoding)707. fdf_set_file (resource $fdf_document, string $url [, string $target_frame])708. fdf_set_flags (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichFlags, int


    709. fdf_set_javascript_action (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int$trigger, string $script)

    710. fdf_set_on_import_javascript (resource $fdf_document, string $script, bool$before_data_import)

    711. fdf_set_opt (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $element, string$str1, string $str2)

    712. fdf_set_status (resource $fdf_document, string $status)713. fdf_set_submit_form_action (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int

    $trigger, string $script, int $flags)

    714. fdf_set_target_frame (resource $fdf_document, string $frame_name)715. fdf_set_value (resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, mixed $value [, int


    716. fdf_set_version (resource $fdf_document, string $version)717. feof (resource $handle)718. fflush (resource $handle)719. fgetc (resource $handle)720. fgetcsv (resource $handle [, int $length [, string $delimiter [, string

    $enclosure [, string $escape]]]])

    721. fgets (resource $handle [, int $length])722. fgetss (resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]])723. fileatime (string $filename)724. filectime (string $filename)725. file_exists (string $filename)

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    726. file_get_contents (string $filename [, int $flags [, resource $context [, int$offset [, int $maxlen]]]])

    727. filegroup (string $filename)728. fileinode (string $filename)729. filemtime (string $filename)730. fileowner (string $filename)731. fileperms (string $filename)732. filepro_fieldcount (void)733. filepro_fieldname (int $field_number)734. filepro_fieldtype (int $field_number)735. filepro_fieldwidth (int $field_number)736. filepro_retrieve (int $row_number, int $field_number)737. filepro_rowcount (void)738. filepro (string $directory)739. file_put_contents (string $filename, mixed $data [, int $flags [, resource


    740. filesize (string $filename)741. file (string $filename [, int $flags [, resource $context]])742. filetype (string $filename)743. filter_has_var (int $type, string $variable_name)744. filter_id (string $filtername)745. filter_input_array (int $type [, mixed $definition])746. filter_input (int $type, string $variable_name [, int $filter [, mixed


    747. filter_list (void)748. filter_var_array (array $data [, mixed $definition])749. filter_var (mixed $variable [, int $filter [, mixed $options]])750. find (array $parameter)751. finfo_buffer (resource $finfo, string $string [, int $options [, resource


    752. finfo_close (resource $finfo)

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    753. finfo_file (resource $finfo, string $file_name [, int $options [, resource$context]])

    754. finfo_open ([int $options [, string $arg]])755. finfo_set_flags (resource $finfo, int $options)756. floatval (mixed $var)757. flock (resource $handle, int $operation [, int& $wouldblock])758. floor (float $value)759. Flushes/writesbufferoftheLOBtotheserverOCI-Lob->exportOCI-Lob-

    >freeOCI8FunctionsPHPManualOCI-Lob->flush (Noversioninformationavailable,



    Lobboolflush ([int $flag])

    760. flush (void)761. fmod (float $x, float $y)762. fnmatch (string $pattern, string $string [, int $flags])763. fopen (string $filename, string $mode [, bool $use_include_path [, resource


    764. fpassthru (resource $handle)765. fprintf (resource $handle, string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $...]])766. fputcsv (resource $handle, array $fields [, string $delimiter [, string


    767. fread (resource $handle, int $length)768. free (void)769. free (void)770. frenchtojd (int $month, int $day, int $year)771. fribidi_log2vis (string $str, string $direction, int $charset)772. fscanf (resource $handle, string $format [, mixed& $...])773. fseek (resource $handle, int $offset [, int $whence])774. fsockopen (string $hostname [, int $port [, int& $errno [, string& $errstr [,

    float $timeout]]]])

    775. fstat (resource $handle)

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    776. ftell (resource $handle)777. ftok (string $pathname, string $proj)778. ftp_alloc (resource $ftp_stream, int $filesize [, string& $result])779. ftp_cdup (resource $ftp_stream)780. ftp_chdir (resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)781. ftp_chmod (resource $ftp_stream, int $mode, string $filename)782. ftp_close (resource $ftp_stream)783. ftp_connect (string $host [, int $port [, int $timeout]])784. ftp_delete (resource $ftp_stream, string $path)785. ftp_exec (resource $ftp_stream, string $command)786. ftp_fget (resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file, int $mod

    [, int $resumepos])

    787. ftp_fput (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle, int $mod[, int $startpos])

    788. ftp_get_option (resource $ftp_stream, int $option)789. ftp_get (resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file, int $mo

    [, int $resumepos])

    790. ftp_login (resource $ftp_stream, string $username, string $password)791. ftp_mdtm (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file)792. ftp_mkdir (resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)793. ftp_nb_continue (resource $ftp_stream)794. ftp_nb_fget (resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file, int

    $mode [, int $resumepos])

    795. ftp_nb_fput (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle, int$mode [, int $startpos])

    796. ftp_nb_get (resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file, int$mode [, int $resumepos])

    797. ftp_nb_put (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file, int$mode [, int $startpos])

    798. ftp_nlist (resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)799. ftp_pasv (resource $ftp_stream, bool $pasv)

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    800. ftp_put (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file, int $mo[, int $startpos])

    801. ftp_pwd (resource $ftp_stream)802. ftp_rawlist (resource $ftp_stream, string $directory [, bool $recursive])803. ftp_raw (resource $ftp_stream, string $command)804. ftp_rename (resource $ftp_stream, string $oldname, string $newname)805. ftp_rmdir (resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)806. ftp_set_option (resource $ftp_stream, int $option, mixed $value)807. ftp_site (resource $ftp_stream, string $command)808. ftp_size (resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file)809. ftp_ssl_connect (string $host [, int $port [, int $timeout]])810. ftp_systype (resource $ftp_stream)811. ftruncate (resource $handle, int $size)812. ftstat (array $parameter)813. fullEndElement (void)814. func_get_arg (int $arg_num)815. func_get_args (void)816. func_num_args (void)817. function_exists (string $function_name)818. fwrite (resource $handle, string $string [, int $length])819. gd_info (void)820. geoip_country_code3_by_name (string $hostname)821. geoip_country_code_by_name (string $hostname)822. geoip_country_name_by_name (string $hostname)823. geoip_database_info ([int $database])824. geoip_db_avail (int $database)825. geoip_db_filename (int $database)826. geoip_db_get_all_info (void)827. geoip_id_by_name (string $hostname)828. geoip_isp_by_name (string $hostname)829. geoip_org_by_name (string $hostname)

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    830. geoip_record_by_name (string $hostname)831. geoip_region_by_name (string $hostname)832. getallheaders (void)833. getAscent (void)834. getAscent (void)835. get_attribute_node (string $name)836. get_attribute (string $name)837. getAttr (void)838. get_browser ([string $user_agent [, bool $return_array]])839. getBuffering (void)840. get_cfg_var (string $option)841. get_class_methods (mixed $class_name)842. get_class ([object $object])843. get_class_vars (string $class_name)844. getCrc (void)845. get_current_user (void)846. getcwd (void)847. getdate ([int $timestamp])848. get_declared_classes (void)849. get_declared_interfaces (void)850. get_defined_constants ([mixed $categorize])851. get_defined_functions (void)852. get_defined_vars (void)853. getDescent (void)854. getDescent (void)855. getDocNamespaces ([bool $recursive])856. get_elements_by_tagname (string $name)857. getElem (int $index)858. getenv (string $varname)859. get_extension_funcs (string $module_name)860. getFileTime (void)

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    861. __getFunctions (void)862. getFunctions (void)863. get_headers (string $url [, int $format])864. getHeight (void)865. gethostbyaddr (string $ip_address)866. gethostbynamel (string $hostname)867. gethostbyname (string $hostname)868. getHostOs (void)869. get_html_translation_table ([int $table [, int $quote_style]])870. getimagesize (string $filename [, array& $imageinfo])871. get_included_files (void)872. get_include_path (void)873. getlastmod (void)874. __getLastRequestHeaders (void)875. __getLastRequest (void)876. __getLastResponseHeaders (void)877. __getLastResponse (void)878. getLeading (void)879. getLeading (void)880. get_loaded_extensions ([bool $zend_extensions=FALSE])881. get_magic_quotes_gpc (void)882. get_magic_quotes_runtime (void)883. get_meta_tags (string $filename [, bool $use_include_path])884. getMethod (void)885. getmxrr (string $hostname, array& $mxhosts [, array& $weight])886. getmygid (void)887. getmyinode (void)888. getmypid (void)889. getmyuid (void)890. getNamespaces ([bool $recursive])891. getName (void)

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    892. getName (void)893. getNumFrames (void)894. get_object_vars (object $object)895. getopt (string $options [, array $longopts])896. getPackedSize (void)897. get_parent_class ([mixed $object])898. getprotobyname (string $name)899. getprotobynumber (int $number)900. getrandmax (void)901. get_resource_type (resource $handle)902. getRot (void)903. getrusage ([int $who])904. getservbyname (string $service, string $protocol)905. getservbyport (int $port, string $protocol)906. getShape1 (void)907. getShape2 (void)908. getShape (int $code)909. gettext (string $message)910. GetthedefaultLocalei18nFunctionslocale_set_defaulti18nFunctionsPHPManuallocale_g

    t_default (Noversioninformationavailable,


    ale_get_default (void)

    911. gettimeofday ([bool $return_float])912. gettype (mixed $var)913. __getTypes (void)914. getUnpackedSize (void)915. getUTF8Width (string $string)916. getUTF8Width (string $string)917. getVersion (void)918. getWidth (string $string)919. getWidth (string $string)

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    920. getWidth (void)921. getXScale (void)922. getXSkew (void)923. getX (void)924. getYScale (void)925. getYSkew (void)926. getY (void)927. glob (string $pattern [, int $flags])928. gmdate (string $format [, int $timestamp])929. gmmktime ([int $hour [, int $minute [, int $second [, int $month [, int $day [,

    int $year [, int $is_dst]]]]]]])

    930. gmp_abs (resource $a)931. gmp_add (resource $a, resource $b)932. gmp_and (resource $a, resource $b)933. gmp_clrbit (resource& $a, int $index)934. gmp_cmp (resource $a, resource $b)935. gmp_com (resource $a)936. gmp_divexact (resource $n, resource $d)937. gmp_div_q (resource $a, resource $b [, int $round])938. gmp_div_qr (resource $n, resource $d [, int $round])939. gmp_div_r (resource $n, resource $d [, int $round])940. gmp_fact (int $a)941. gmp_gcdext (resource $a, resource $b)942. gmp_gcd (resource $a, resource $b)943. gmp_hamdist (resource $a, resource $b)944. gmp_init (mixed $number [, int $base])945. gmp_intval (resource $gmpnumber)946. gmp_invert (resource $a, resource $b)947. gmp_jacobi (resource $a, resource $p)948. gmp_legendre (resource $a, resource $p)949. gmp_mod (resource $n, resource $d)

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    950. gmp_mul (resource $a, resource $b)951. gmp_neg (resource $a)952. gmp_nextprime (int $a)953. gmp_or (resource $a, resource $b)954. gmp_perfect_square (resource $a)955. gmp_popcount (resource $a)956. gmp_powm (resource $base, resource $exp, resource $mod)957. gmp_pow (resource $base, int $exp)958. gmp_prob_prime (resource $a [, int $reps])959. gmp_random (int $limiter)960. gmp_scan0 (resource $a, int $start)961. gmp_scan1 (resource $a, int $start)962. gmp_setbit (resource& $a, int $index [, bool $set_clear])963. gmp_sign (resource $a)964. gmp_sqrtrem (resource $a)965. gmp_sqrt (resource $a)966. gmp_strval (resource $gmpnumber [, int $base])967. gmp_sub (resource $a, resource $b)968. gmp_testbit (resource $a, int $index)969. gmp_xor (resource $a, resource $b)970. gmstrftime (string $format [, int $timestamp])971. gnupg_adddecryptkey (resource $identifier, string $fingerprint, string


    972. gnupg_addencryptkey (resource $identifier, string $fingerprint)973. gnupg_addsignkey (resource $identifier, string $fingerprint [, string


    974. gnupg_cleardecryptkeys (resource $identifier)975. gnupg_clearencryptkeys (resource $identifier)976. gnupg_clearsignkeys (resource $identifier)977. gnupg_decrypt (resource $identifier, string $text)978. gnupg_decryptverify (resource $identifier, string $text, string& $plaintext)

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    979. gnupg_encrypt (resource $identifier, string $plaintext)980. gnupg_encryptsign (resource $identifier, string $plaintext)981. gnupg_export (resource $identifier, string $fingerprint)982. gnupg_geterror (resource $identifier)983. gnupg_getprotocol (resource $identifier)984. gnupg_import (resource $identifier, string $keydata)985. gnupg_init (void)986. gnupg_keyinfo (resource $identifier, string $pattern)987. gnupg_setarmor (resource $identifier, int $armor)988. gnupg_seterrormode (resource $identifier, int $errormode)989. gnupg_setsignmode (resource $identifier, int $signmode)990. gnupg_sign (resource $identifier, string $plaintext)991. gnupg_verify (resource $identifier, string $signed_text, string $signature [,

    string& $plaintext])

    992. gopher_parsedir (string $dirent)993. grapheme_extract (string $haystack, int $size [, int $extract_type [, int $star

    [, int& $next]]])

    994. grapheme_stripos (string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset])995. grapheme_stristr (string $haystack, string $needle [, boolean $before_needle])996. grapheme_strlen (string $input)997. grapheme_strpos (string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset])998. grapheme_strripos (string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset])999. grapheme_strrpos (string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset])1000. grapheme_strstr (string $haystack, string $needle [, boolean $before_needle])1001. grapheme_substr (string $string, int $start [, int $length])1002. gregoriantojd (int $month, int $day, int $year)1003. gzclose (resource $zp)1004. gzcompress (string $data [, int $level])1005. gzdecode (string $data [, int $length])1006. gzdeflate (string $data [, int $level])1007. gzencode (string $data [, int $level [, int $encoding_mode]])

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    1008. gzeof (resource $zp)1009. gzfile (string $filename [, int $use_include_path])1010. gzgetc (resource $zp)1011. gzgets (resource $zp, int $length)1012. gzgetss (resource $zp, int $length [, string $allowable_tags])1013. gzinflate (string $data [, int $length])1014. gzopen (string $filename, string $mode [, int $use_include_path])1015. gzpassthru (resource $zp)1016. gzread (resource $zp, int $length)1017. gzrewind (resource $zp)1018. gzseek (resource $zp, int $offset)1019. gztell (resource $zp)1020. gzuncompress (string $data [, int $length])1021. gzwrite (resource $zp, string $string [, int $length])1022. __halt_compiler (void)1023. handle ([string $soap_request])1024. HaruAnnotation::setBorderStyle (float $width, int $dash_on, int $dash_off)1025. HaruAnnotation::setHighlightMode (int $mode)1026. HaruAnnotation::setIcon (int $icon)1027. HaruAnnotation::setOpened (bool $opened)1028. HaruDestination::setFitBH (float $top)1029. HaruDestination::setFitBV (float $left)1030. HaruDestination::setFitB (void)1031. HaruDestination::setFitH (float $top)1032. HaruDestination::setFitR (float $left, float $bottom, float $right, float $top)1033. HaruDestination::setFitV (float $left)1034. HaruDestination::setFit (void)1035. HaruDestination::setXYZ (float $left, float $top, float $zoom)1036. HaruDoc::addPageLabel (int $first_page, int $style, int $first_num [, string


    1037. HaruDoc::addPage (void)

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    1038. HaruDoc::__construct (void)1039. HaruDoc::createOutline (string $title [, object $parent_outline [, object


    1040. HaruDoc::getCurrentEncoder (void)1041. HaruDoc::getCurrentPage (void)1042. HaruDoc::getEncoder (string $encoding)1043. HaruDoc::getFont (string $fontname [, string $encoding])1044. HaruDoc::getInfoAttr (int $type)1045. HaruDoc::getPageLayout (void)1046. HaruDoc::getPageMode (void)1047. HaruDoc::getStreamSize (void)1048. HaruDoc::insertPage (object $page)1049. HaruDoc::loadJPEG (string $filename)1050. HaruDoc::loadPNG (string $filename [, bool $deferred])1051. HaruDoc::loadRaw (string $filename, int $width, int $height, int $color_space)1052. HaruDoc::loadTTC (string $fontfile, int $index [, bool $embed])1053. HaruDoc::loadTTF (string $fontfile [, bool $embed])1054. HaruDoc::loadType1 (string $afmfile [, string $pfmfile])1055. HaruDoc::output (void)1056. HaruDoc::readFromStream (int $bytes)1057. HaruDoc::resetError (void)1058. HaruDoc::resetStream (void)1059. HaruDoc::save (string $file)1060. HaruDoc::saveToStream (void)1061. HaruDoc::setCompressionMode (int $mode)1062. HaruDoc::setCurrentEncoder (string $encoding)1063. HaruDoc::setEncryptionMode (int $mode [, int $key_len])1064. HaruDoc::setInfoAttr (int $type, string $info)1065. HaruDoc::setInfoDateAttr (int $type, int $year, int $month, int $day, int $hour

    int $min, int $sec, string $ind, int $off_hour, int $off_min)

    1066. HaruDoc::setOpenAction (object $destination)

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    1067. HaruDoc::setPageLayout (int $layout)1068. HaruDoc::setPageMode (int $mode)1069. HaruDoc::setPagesConfiguration (int $page_per_pages)1070. HaruDoc::setPassword (string $owner_password, string $user_password)1071. HaruDoc::setPermission (int $permission)1072. HaruDoc::useCNSEncodings (void)1073. HaruDoc::useCNSFonts (void)1074. HaruDoc::useCNTEncodings (void)1075. HaruDoc::useCNTFonts (void)1076. HaruDoc::useJPEncodings (void)1077. HaruDoc::useJPFonts (void)1078. HaruDoc::useKREncodings (void)1079. HaruDoc::useKRFonts (void)1080. HaruEncoder::getByteType (string $text, int $index)1081. HaruEncoder::getType (void)1082. HaruEncoder::getUnicode (int $character)1083. HaruEncoder::getWritingMode (void)1084. HaruFont::getAscent (void)1085. HaruFont::getCapHeight (void)1086. HaruFont::getDescent (void)1087. HaruFont::getEncodingName (void)1088. HaruFont::getFontName (void)1089. HaruFont::getTextWidth (string $text)1090. HaruFont::getUnicodeWidth (int $character)1091. HaruFont::getXHeight (void)1092. HaruFont::measureText (string $text, float $width, float $font_size, float

    $char_space, float $word_space [, bool $word_wrap])

    1093. HaruImage::getBitsPerComponent (void)1094. HaruImage::getColorSpace (void)1095. HaruImage::getHeight (void)1096. HaruImage::getSize (void)

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    1097. HaruImage::getWidth (void)1098. HaruImage::setColorMask (int $rmin, int $rmax, int $gmin, int $gmax, int $bmin,

    int $bmax)

    1099. HaruImage::setMaskImage (object $mask_image)1100. HaruOutline::setDestination (object $destination)1101. HaruOutline::setOpened (bool $opened)1102. HaruPage::arc (float $x, float $y, float $ray, float $ang1, float $ang2)1103. HaruPage::beginText (void)1104. HaruPage::circle (float $x, float $y, float $ray)1105. HaruPage::closePath (void)1106. HaruPage::concat (float $a, float $b, float $c, float $d, float $x, float $y)1107. HaruPage::createDestination (void)1108. HaruPage::createLinkAnnotation (array $rectangle, object $destination)1109. HaruPage::createTextAnnotation (array $rectangle, string $text [, object


    1110. HaruPage::createURLAnnotation (array $rectangle, string $url)1111. HaruPage::curveTo2 (float $x2, float $y2, float $x3, float $y3)1112. HaruPage::curveTo3 (float $x1, float $y1, float $x3, float $y3)1113. HaruPage::curveTo (float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x3, float


    1114. HaruPage::drawImage (object $image, float $x, float $y, float $width, float$height)

    1115. HaruPage::ellipse (float $x, float $y, float $xray, float $yray)1116. HaruPage::endPath (void)1117. HaruPage::endText (void)1118. HaruPage::eoFillStroke ([bool $close_path])1119. HaruPage::eofill (void)1120. HaruPage::fillStroke ([bool $close_path])1121. HaruPage::fill (void)1122. HaruPage::getCharSpace (void)1123. HaruPage::getCMYKFill (void)

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    1124. HaruPage::getCMYKStroke (void)1125. HaruPage::getCurrentFontSize (void)1126. HaruPage::getCurrentFont (void)1127. HaruPage::getCurrentPos (void)1128. HaruPage::getCurrentTextPos (void)1129. HaruPage::getDash (void)1130. HaruPage::getFillingColorSpace (void)1131. HaruPage::getFlatness (void)1132. HaruPage::getGMode (void)1133. HaruPage::getGrayFill (void)1134. HaruPage::getGrayStroke (void)1135. HaruPage::getHeight (void)1136. HaruPage::getHorizontalScaling (void)1137. HaruPage::getLineCap (void)1138. HaruPage::getLineJoin (void)1139. HaruPage::getLineWidth (void)1140. HaruPage::getMiterLimit (void)1141. HaruPage::getRGBFill (void)1142. HaruPage::getRGBStroke (void)1143. HaruPage::getStrokingColorSpace (void)1144. HaruPage::getTextLeading (void)1145. HaruPage::getTextMatrix (void)1146. HaruPage::getTextRenderingMode (void)1147. HaruPage::getTextRise (void)1148. HaruPage::getTextWidth (string $text)1149. HaruPage::getTransMatrix (void)1150. HaruPage::getWidth (void)1151. HaruPage::getWordSpace (void)1152. HaruPage::lineTo (float $x, float $y)1153. HaruPage::measureText (string $text, float $width [, bool $wordwrap])1154. HaruPage::moveTextPos (float $x, float $y [, bool $set_leading])

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    1155. HaruPage::moveTo (float $x, float $y)1156. HaruPage::moveToNextLine (void)1157. HaruPage::rectangle (float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height)1158. HaruPage::setCharSpace (float $char_space)1159. HaruPage::setCMYKFill (float $c, float $m, float $y, float $k)1160. HaruPage::setCMYKStroke (float $c, float $m, float $y, float $k)1161. HaruPage::setDash (array $pattern, int $phase)1162. HaruPage::setFlatness (float $flatness)1163. HaruPage::setFontAndSize (object $font, float $size)1164. HaruPage::setGrayFill (float $value)1165. HaruPage::setGrayStroke (float $value)1166. HaruPage::setHeight (float $height)1167. HaruPage::setHorizontalScaling (float $scaling)1168. HaruPage::setLineCap (int $cap)1169. HaruPage::setLineJoin (int $join)1170. HaruPage::setLineWidth (float $width)1171. HaruPage::setMiterLimit (float $limit)1172. HaruPage::setRGBFill (float $r, float $g, float $b)1173. HaruPage::setRGBStroke (float $r, float $g, float $b)1174. HaruPage::setRotate (int $angle)1175. HaruPage::setSize (int $size, int $direction)1176. HaruPage::setSlideShow (int $type, float $disp_time, float $trans_time)1177. HaruPage::setTextLeading (float $text_leading)1178. HaruPage::setTextMatrix (float $a, float $b, float $c, float $d, float $x, floa


    1179. HaruPage::setTextRenderingMode (int $mode)1180. HaruPage::setTextRise (float $rise)1181. HaruPage::setWidth (float $width)1182. HaruPage::setWordSpace (float $word_space)1183. HaruPage::showTextNextLine (string $text [, float $word_space [, float


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    1184. HaruPage::showText (string $text)1185. HaruPage::stroke ([bool $close_path])1186. HaruPage::textOut (float $x, float $y, string $text)1187. HaruPage::textRect (float $left, float $top, float $right, float $bottom, strin

    $text [, int $align])

    1188. has_attribute (string $name)1189. hash_algos (void)1190. hash_copy (resource $context)1191. hash_file (string $algo, string $filename [, bool $raw_output])1192. hash_final (resource $context [, bool $raw_output])1193. hash_hmac_file (string $algo, string $filename, string $key [, bool $raw_output1194. hash_hmac (string $algo, string $data, string $key [, bool $raw_output])1195. hash_init (string $algo [, int $options [, string $key]])1196. hash (string $algo, string $data [, bool $raw_output])1197. hash_update_file (resource $context, string $filename [, resource $context])1198. hash_update (resource $context, string $data)1199. hash_update_stream (resource $context, resource $handle [, int $length])1200. headers_list (void)1201. headers_sent ([string& $file [, int& $line]])1202. header (string $string [, bool $replace [, int $http_response_code]])1203. hebrevc (string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line])1204. hebrev (string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line])1205. hexdec (string $hex_string)1206. highlight_file (string $filename [, bool $return])1207. highlight_string (string $str [, bool $return])1208. htmlentities (string $string [, int $quote_style [, string $charset [, bool


    1209. html_entity_decode (string $string [, int $quote_style [, string $charset]])1210. htmlspecialchars_decode (string $string [, int $quote_style])1211. htmlspecialchars (string $string [, int $quote_style [, string $charset [, bool


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    1212. http_build_cookie (array $cookie)1213. http_build_query (array $formdata [, string $numeric_prefix [, string


    1214. http_build_str (array $query [, string $prefix [, string $arg_separator]])1215. http_build_url ([mixed $url [, mixed $parts [, int $flags=HTTP_URL_REPLACE [,

    array& $new_url]]]])

    1216. http_cache_etag ([string $etag])1217. http_cache_last_modified ([int $timestamp_or_expires])1218. http_chunked_decode (string $encoded)1219. http_date ([int $timestamp])1220. HttpDeflateStream::__construct ([int $flags=0])1221. HttpDeflateStream::factory ([int $flags=0 [, string


    1222. HttpDeflateStream::finish ([string $data])1223. HttpDeflateStream::flush ([string $data])1224. HttpDeflateStream::update (string $data)1225. http_deflate (string $data [, int $flags=0])1226. http_get_request_body_stream (void)1227. http_get_request_body (void)1228. http_get_request_headers (void)1229. http_get (string $url [, array $options [, array& $info]])1230. http_head ([string $url [, array $options [, array& $info]]])1231. HttpInflateStream::__construct ([int $flags=0])1232. HttpInflateStream::factory ([int $flags=0 [, string


    1233. HttpInflateStream::finish ([string $data])1234. HttpInflateStream::flush ([string $data])1235. HttpInflateStream::update (string $data)1236. http_inflate (string $data)1237. http_match_etag (string $etag [, bool $for_range=FALSE])1238. http_match_modified ([int $timestamp [, bool $for_range=FALSE]])

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    1239. http_match_request_header (string $header, string $value [, bool$match_case=FALSE])

    1240. HttpMessage::addHeaders (array $headers [, bool $append=FALSE])1241. HttpMessage::__construct ([string $message])1242. HttpMessage::detach (void)1243. HttpMessage::factory ([string $raw_message [, string


    1244. HttpMessage::fromEnv (int $message_type [, string$class_name='HttpMessage'])

    1245. HttpMessage::fromString ([string $raw_message [, string$class_name='HttpMessage']])

    1246. HttpMessage::getBody (void)1247. HttpMessage::getHeader (string $header)1248. HttpMessage::getHeaders (void)1249. HttpMessage::getHttpVersion (void)1250. HttpMessage::getParentMessage (void)1251. HttpMessage::getRequestMethod (void)1252. HttpMessage::getRequestUrl (void)1253. HttpMessage::getResponseCode (void)1254. HttpMessage::getResponseStatus (void)1255. HttpMessage::getType (void)1256. HttpMessage::guessContentType (string $magic_file [, int $magic_mode=MAGIC_MIME1257. HttpMessage::prepend (HttpMessage $message [, bool $top=TRUE])1258. HttpMessage::reverse (void)1259. HttpMessage::send (void)1260. HttpMessage::setBody (string $body)1261. HttpMessage::setHeaders (array $headers)1262. HttpMessage::setHttpVersion (string $version)1263. HttpMessage::setRequestMethod (string $method)1264. HttpMessage::setRequestUrl (string $url)1265. HttpMessage::setResponseCode (int $code)

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    1266. HttpMessage::setResponseStatus (string $status)1267. HttpMessage::setType (int $type)1268. HttpMessage::toMessageTypeObject (void)1269. HttpMessage::toString ([bool $include_parent=FALSE])1270. http_negotiate_charset (array $supported [, array& $result])1271. http_negotiate_content_type (array $supported [, array& $result])1272. http_negotiate_language (array $supported [, array& $result])1273. http_parse_cookie (string $cookie [, int $flags [, array $allowed_extras]])1274. http_parse_headers (string $header)1275. http_parse_message (string $message)1276. http_parse_params (string $param [, int $flags=HTTP_PARAMS_DEFAULT])1277. http_persistent_handles_clean ([string $ident])1278. http_persistent_handles_count (void)1279. http_persistent_handles_ident (string $ident)1280. http_post_data (string $url [, string $data [, array $options [, array& $info]]1281. http_post_fields (string $url [, array $data [, array $files [, array $options

    array& $info]]]])

    1282. http_put_data (string $url [, string $data [, array $options [, array& $info]]]1283. http_put_file (string $url [, string $file [, array $options [, array& $info]]]1284. http_put_stream (string $url [, resource $stream [, array $options [, array&


    1285. HttpQueryString::__construct ([bool $global=TRUE [, mixed $add]])1286. HttpQueryString::get ([string $key [, mixed $type=0 [, mixed $defval=NULL [, bo


    1287. HttpQueryString::mod (mixed $params)1288. HttpQueryString::set (mixed $params)1289. HttpQueryString::singleton ([bool $global=TRUE])1290. HttpQueryString::toArray (void)1291. HttpQueryString::toString (void)1292. HttpQueryString::xlate (string $ie, string $oe)

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    1293. http_redirect ([string $url [, array $params [, bool $session=FALSE [, int$status]]]])

    1294. HttpRequest::addCookies (array $cookies)1295. HttpRequest::addHeaders (array $headers)1296. HttpRequest::addPostFields (array $post_data)1297. HttpRequest::addPostFile (string $name, string $file [, string


    1298. HttpRequest::addPutData (string $put_data)1299. HttpRequest::addQueryData (array $query_params)1300. HttpRequest::addRawPostData (string $raw_post_data)1301. HttpRequest::addSslOptions (array $options)1302. http_request_body_encode (array $fields, array $files)1303. HttpRequest::clearHistory (void)1304. HttpRequest::__construct ([string $url [, int $request_method=HTTP_METH_GET [,

    array $options]]])

    1305. HttpRequest::enableCookies (void)1306. HttpRequest::getContentType (void)1307. HttpRequest::getCookies (void)1308. HttpRequest::getHeaders (void)1309. HttpRequest::getHistory (void)1310. HttpRequest::getMethod (void)1311. HttpRequest::getOptions (void)1312. HttpRequest::getPostFields (void)1313. HttpRequest::getPostFiles (void)1314. HttpRequest::getPutData (void)1315. HttpRequest::getPutFile (void)1316. HttpRequest::getQueryData (void)1317. HttpRequest::getRawPostData (void)1318. HttpRequest::getRawRequestMessage (void)1319. HttpRequest::getRawResponseMessage (void)1320. HttpRequest::getRequestMessage (void)

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    1321. HttpRequest::getResponseBody (void)1322. HttpRequest::getResponseCode (void)1323. HttpRequest::getResponseCookies ([int $flags [, array $allowed_extras]])1324. HttpRequest::getResponseData (void)1325. HttpRequest::getResponseHeader ([string $name])1326. HttpRequest::getResponseInfo ([string $name])1327. HttpRequest::getResponseMessage (void)1328. HttpRequest::getResponseStatus (void)1329. HttpRequest::getSslOptions (void)1330. HttpRequest::getUrl (void)1331. http_request (int $method [, string $url [, string $body [, array $options [,

    array& $info]]]])

    1332. http_request_method_exists (mixed $method)1333. http_request_method_name (int $method)1334. http_request_method_register (string $method)1335. http_request_method_unregister (mixed $method)1336. HttpRequestPool::attach (HttpRequest $request)1337. HttpRequestPool::__construct ([HttpRequest $request])1338. HttpRequestPool::__destruct (void)1339. HttpRequestPool::detach (HttpRequest $request)1340. HttpRequestPool::getAttachedRequests (void)1341. HttpRequestPool::getFinishedRequests (void)1342. HttpRequestPool::reset (void)1343. HttpRequestPool::send (void)1344. HttpRequestPool::socketPerform (void)1345. HttpRequestPool::socketSelect (void)1346. HttpRequest::resetCookies ([bool $session_only=FALSE])1347. HttpRequest::send (void)1348. HttpRequest::setContentType (string $content_type)1349. HttpRequest::setCookies ([array $cookies])1350. HttpRequest::setHeaders ([array $headers])

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    1351. HttpRequest::setMethod (int $request_method)1352. HttpRequest::setOptions ([array $options])1353. HttpRequest::setPostFields (array $post_data)1354. HttpRequest::setPostFiles (array $post_files)1355. HttpRequest::setPutData ([string $put_data])1356. HttpRequest::setPutFile ([string $file])1357. HttpRequest::setQueryData (mixed $query_data)1358. HttpRequest::setRawPostData ([string $raw_post_data])1359. HttpRequest::setSslOptions ([array $options])1360. HttpRequest::setUrl (string $url)1361. HttpResponse::capture (void)1362. HttpResponse::getBufferSize (void)1363. HttpResponse::getCacheControl (void)1364. HttpResponse::getCache (void)1365. HttpResponse::getContentDisposition (void)1366. HttpResponse::getContentType (void)1367. HttpResponse::getData (void)1368. HttpResponse::getETag (void)1369. HttpResponse::getFile (void)1370. HttpResponse::getGzip (void)1371. HttpResponse::getHeader ([string $name])1372. HttpResponse::getLastModified (void)1373. HttpResponse::getRequestBodyStream (void)1374. HttpResponse::getRequestBody (void)1375. HttpResponse::getRequestHeaders (void)1376. HttpResponse::getStream (void)1377. HttpResponse::getThrottleDelay (void)1378. HttpResponse::guessContentType (string $magic_file [, int


    1379. HttpResponse::redirect ([string $url [, array $params [, bool $session=FALSE [,int $status]]]])

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    1380. HttpResponse::send ([bool $clean_ob=TRUE])1381. HttpResponse::setBufferSize (int $bytes)1382. HttpResponse::setCache (bool $cache)1383. HttpResponse::setCacheControl (string $control [, int $max_age=0 [, bool


    1384. HttpResponse::setContentDisposition (string $filename [, bool $inline=FALSE])1385. HttpResponse::setContentType (string $content_type)1386. HttpResponse::setData (mixed $data)1387. HttpResponse::setETag (string $etag)1388. HttpResponse::setFile (string $file)1389. HttpResponse::setGzip (bool $gzip)1390. HttpResponse::setHeader (string $name [, mixed $value [, bool $replace=TRUE]])1391. HttpResponse::setLastModified (int $timestamp)1392. HttpResponse::setStream (resource $stream)1393. HttpResponse::setThrottleDelay (float $seconds)1394. HttpResponse::status (int $status)1395. http_send_content_disposition (string $filename [, bool $inline=FALSE])1396. http_send_content_type ([string $content_type='application/x-


    1397. http_send_data (string $data)1398. http_send_file (string $file)1399. http_send_last_modified ([int $timestamp])1400. http_send_status (int $status)1401. http_send_stream (resource $stream)1402. http_support ([int $feature=0])1403. http_throttle ([float $sec [, int $bytes=40960]])1404. hw_api_attribute ([string $name [, string $value]])1405. hw_api_content (string $content, string $mimetype)1406. hwapi_hgcsp (string $hostname [, int $port])1407. hw_array2objrec (array $object_array)1408. hw_changeobject (int $link, int $objid, array $attributes)

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    1409. hw_children (int $connection, int $objectID)1410. hw_childrenobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1411. hw_close (int $connection)1412. hw_connection_info (int $link)1413. hw_connect (string $host, int $port [, string $username], string $password)1414. hw_cp (int $connection, array $object_id_array, int $destination_id)1415. hw_deleteobject (int $connection, int $object_to_delete)1416. hw_docbyanchor (int $connection, int $anchorID)1417. hw_docbyanchorobj (int $connection, int $anchorID)1418. hw_document_attributes (int $hw_document)1419. hw_document_bodytag (int $hw_document [, string $prefix])1420. hw_document_content (int $hw_document)1421. hw_document_setcontent (int $hw_document, string $content)1422. hw_document_size (int $hw_document)1423. hw_dummy (int $link, int $id, int $msgid)1424. hw_edittext (int $connection, int $hw_document)1425. hw_error (int $connection)1426. hw_errormsg (int $connection)1427. hw_free_document (int $hw_document)1428. hw_getanchors (int $connection, int $objectID)1429. hw_getanchorsobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1430. hw_getandlock (int $connection, int $objectID)1431. hw_getchildcoll (int $connection, int $objectID)1432. hw_getchildcollobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1433. hw_getchilddoccoll (int $connection, int $objectID)1434. hw_getchilddoccollobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1435. hw_getobjectbyquerycoll (int $connection, int $objectID, string $query, int


    1436. hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj (int $connection, int $objectID, string $query, int$max_hits)

    1437. hw_getobjectbyquery (int $connection, string $query, int $max_hits)

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    1438. hw_getobjectbyqueryobj (int $connection, string $query, int $max_hits)1439. hw_getobject (int $connection, mixed $objectID [, string $query])1440. hw_getparents (int $connection, int $objectID)1441. hw_getparentsobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1442. hw_getrellink (int $link, int $rootid, int $sourceid, int $destid)1443. hw_getremotechildren (int $connection, string $object_record)1444. hw_getremote (int $connection, int $objectID)1445. hw_getsrcbydestobj (int $connection, int $objectID)1446. hw_gettext (int $connection, int $objectID [, mixed $rootID/prefix])1447. hw_getusername (int $connection)1448. hw_identify (int $link, string $username, string $password)1449. hw_incollections (int $connection, array $object_id_array, array

    $collection_id_array, int $return_collections)

    1450. hw_info (int $connection)1451. hw_inscoll (int $connection, int $objectID, array $object_array)1452. hw_insdoc (resource $connection, int $parentID, string $object_record [, string


    1453. hw_insertanchors (int $hwdoc, array $anchorecs, array $dest [, array$urlprefixes])

    1454. hw_insertdocument (int $connection, int $parent_id, int $hw_document)1455. hw_insertobject (int $connection, string $object_rec, string $parameter)1456. hw_mapid (int $connection, int $server_id, int $object_id)1457. hw_modifyobject (int $connection, int $object_to_change, array $remove, array

    $add [, int $mode])

    1458. hw_mv (int $connection, array $object_id_array, int $source_id, int$destination_id)

    1459. hw_new_document (string $object_record, string $document_data, int$document_size)

    1460. hw_objrec2array (string $object_record [, array $format])1461. hw_output_document (int $hw_document)1462. hw_pconnect (string $host, int $port [, string $username], string $password)

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    1463. hw_pipedocument (int $connection, int $objectID [, array $url_prefixes])1464. hw_root (void)1465. hw_setlinkroot (int $link, int $rootid)1466. hwstat (array $parameter)1467. hw_stat (int $link)1468. hw_unlock (int $connection, int $objectID)1469. hw_who (int $connection)1470. hypot (float $x, float $y)1471. ibase_add_user (resource $service_handle, string $user_name, string $password [

    string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name]]])

    1472. ibase_affected_rows ([resource $link_identifier])1473. ibase_backup (resource $service_handle, string $source_db, string $dest_file [,

    int $options [, bool $verbose]])

    1474. ibase_blob_add (resource $blob_handle, string $data)1475. ibase_blob_cancel (resource $blob_handle)1476. ibase_blob_close (resource $blob_handle)1477. ibase_blob_create ([resource $link_identifier])1478. ibase_blob_echo ([resource $link_identifier], string $blob_id)1479. ibase_blob_get (resource $blob_handle, int $len)1480. ibase_blob_import (resource $link_identifier, resource $file_handle)1481. ibase_blob_info (resource $link_identifier, string $blob_id)1482. ibase_blob_open (resource $link_identifier, string $blob_id)1483. ibase_close ([resource $connection_id])1484. ibase_commit ([resource $link_or_trans_identifier])1485. ibase_commit_ret ([resource $link_or_trans_identifier])1486. ibase_connect ([string $database [, string $username [, string $password [,

    string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int


    1487. ibase_db_info (resource $service_handle, string $db, int $action [, int$argument])

    1488. ibase_delete_user (resource $service_handle, string $user_name)

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    1489. ibase_drop_db ([resource $connection])1490. ibase_errcode (void)1491. ibase_errmsg (void)1492. ibase_execute (resource $query [, mixed $bind_arg [, mixed $...]])1493. ibase_fetch_assoc (resource $result [, int $fetch_flag])1494. ibase_fetch_object (resource $result_id [, int $fetch_flag])1495. ibase_fetch_row (resource $result_identifier [, int $fetch_flag])1496. ibase_field_info (resource $result, int $field_number)1497. ibase_free_event_handler (resource $event)1498. ibase_free_query (resource $query)1499. ibase_free_result (resource $result_identifier)1500. ibase_gen_id (string $generator [, int $increment [, resource $link_identifier]1501. ibase_maintain_db (resource $service_handle, string $db, int $action [, int


    1502. ibase_modify_user (resource $service_handle, string $user_name, string $passwor[, string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name]]])

    1503. ibase_name_result (resource $result, string $name)1504. ibase_num_fields (resource $result_id)1505. ibase_num_params (resource $query)1506. ibase_param_info (resource $query, int $param_number)1507. ibase_pconnect ([string $database [, string $username [, string $password [,

    string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int


    1508. ibase_prepare (string $query)1509. ibase_query ([resource $link_identifier], string $query [, int $bind_args])1510. ibase_restore (resource $service_handle, string $source_file, string $dest_db [

    int $options [, bool $verbose]])

    1511. ibase_rollback ([resource $link_or_trans_identifier])1512. ibase_rollback_ret ([resource $link_or_trans_identifier])1513. ibase_server_info (resource $service_handle, int $action)1514. ibase_service_attach (string $host, string $dba_username, string $dba_password)

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    1515. ibase_service_detach (resource $service_handle)1516. ibase_set_event_handler (callback $event_handler, string $event_name1 [, string

    $event_name2 [, string $...]])

    1517. ibase_timefmt (string $format [, int $columntype])1518. ibase_trans ([int $trans_args [, resource $link_identifier]])1519. ibase_wait_event (string $event_name1 [, string $event_name2 [, string $...]])1520. iconv_get_encoding ([string $type])1521. iconv_mime_decode_headers (string $encoded_headers [, int $mode [, string


    1522. iconv_mime_decode (string $encoded_header [, int $mode [, string $charset]])1523. iconv_mime_encode (string $field_name, string $field_value [, array


    1524. iconv_set_encoding (string $type, string $charset)1525. iconv (string $in_charset, string $out_charset, string $str)1526. iconv_strlen (string $str [, string $charset])1527. iconv_strpos (string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset [, string


    1528. iconv_strrpos (string $haystack, string $needle [, string $charset])1529. iconv_substr (string $str, int $offset)1530. id3_get_frame_long_name (string $frameId)1531. id3_get_frame_short_name (string $frameId)1532. id3_get_genre_id (string $genre)1533. id3_get_genre_list (void)1534. id3_get_genre_name (int $genre_id)1535. id3_get_tag (string $filename [, int $version])1536. id3_get_version (string $filename)1537. id3_remove_tag (string $filename [, int $version])1538. id3_set_tag (string $filename, array $tag [, int $version])1539. idate (string $format [, int $timestamp])1540. identify (array $parameter)1541. ifx_affected_rows (resource $result_id)

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    1542. ifx_blobinfile_mode (int $mode)1543. ifx_byteasvarchar (int $mode)1544. ifx_close ([resource $link_identifier])1545. ifx_connect ([string $database [, string $userid [, string $password]]])1546. ifx_copy_blob (int $bid)1547. ifx_create_blob (int $type, int $mode, string $param)1548. ifx_create_char (string $param)1549. ifx_do (resource $result_id)1550. ifx_errormsg ([int $errorcode])1551. ifx_error ([resource $link_identifier])1552. ifx_fetch_row (resource $result_id [, mixed $position])1553. ifx_fieldproperties (resource $result_id)1554. ifx_fieldtypes (resource $result_id)1555. ifx_free_blob (int $bid)1556. ifx_free_char (int $bid)1557. ifx_free_result (resource $result_id)1558. ifx_get_blob (int $bid)1559. ifx_get_char (int $bid)1560. ifx_getsqlca (resource $result_id)1561. ifx_htmltbl_result (resource $result_id [, string $html_table_options])1562. ifx_nullformat (int $mode)1563. ifx_num_fields (resource $result_id)1564. ifx_num_rows (resource $result_id)1565. ifx_pconnect ([string $database [, string $userid [, string $password]]])1566. ifx_prepare (string $query, resource $link_identifier [, int $cursor_def], mixe


    1567. ifx_query (string $query, resource $link_identifier [, int $cursor_type [, mixe$blobidarray]])

    1568. ifx_textasvarchar (int $mode)1569. ifx_update_blob (int $bid, string $content)1570. ifx_update_char (int $bid, string $content)

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    1571. ifxus_close_slob (int $bid)1572. ifxus_create_slob (int $mode)1573. ifxus_free_slob (int $bid)1574. ifxus_open_slob (int $bid, int $mode)1575. ifxus_read_slob (int $bid, int $nbytes)1576. ifxus_seek_slob (int $bid, int $mode, int $offset)1577. ifxus_tell_slob (int $bid)1578. ifxus_write_slob (int $bid, string $content)1579. ignore_user_abort ([bool $setting])1580. iis_add_server (string $path, string $comment, string $server_ip, int $port,

    string $host_name, int $rights, int $start_server)

    1581. iis_get_dir_security (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path)1582. iis_get_script_map (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string


    1583. iis_get_server_by_comment (string $comment)1584. iis_get_server_by_path (string $path)1585. iis_get_server_rights (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path)1586. iis_get_service_state (string $service_id)1587. iis_remove_server (int $server_instance)1588. iis_set_app_settings (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string


    1589. iis_set_dir_security (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, int$directory_flags)

    1590. iis_set_script_map (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string$script_extension, string $engine_path, int $allow_scripting)

    1591. iis_set_server_rights (int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, int$directory_flags)

    1592. iis_start_server (int $server_instance)1593. iis_start_service (string $service_id)1594. iis_stop_server (int $server_instance)1595. iis_stop_service (string $service_id)

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    1596. image2wbmp (resource $image [, string $filename [, int $threshold]])1597. imagealphablending (resource $image, bool $blendmode)1598. imageantialias (resou