All Greek Newsletter March 2015

In This Issue Member Spotlight p.1 Greeks on Spring Break p.2 Greeks on Spring Break Cont. p.3 Sorority Highlights p.4 Fraternity Highlights p.5 Link to Survey p.6 GREEK NEWS Member Spotlight—Morgan Phillips & Benjamin McClay This month, Morgan Phillips and Benjamin McClay are being highlighted for their outstanding leadership within the Greek Community. Morgan Phillips Morgan Phillips has been spotlighted for her position within the 2013-2014 Alpha Delta Pi President. Morgan recounts her favorite experience in the following quote, “My favorite experience as President was being able to see everything that Alpha Delta Pi could accomplish. Not just as a whole, but individually. I saw so many woman develop amazing leadership skills, whether they held an office or if they were simply the go to people when we needed help. Almost all of the people that I knew I could count on during different events ended up becoming officers this year. I am so proud of each and every one of our member’s success individually and as a whole” Regarding her favorite Greek memory, Morgan explains, “It is so hard to pick a favorite Greek memory! I know after graduation I will never forget the late nights in the suite, laughing and spending time with my sisters. It’s not about the elaborate, planned out events that I will always cherish, it is the spontaneous times that I will never forget.” After graduation, Morgan has accepted the opportunity to become a leadership consultant for Alpha Delta Pi. Benjamin McClay Ben is a freshman business major. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi and recently organized, coordinate and ran the Phi Kappa Psi Annual Rootbeer Pong Tournament. During the event, Phi Kappa Psi raised $379.23 which will be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America. Aside from Phi Kappa Psi, Ben is also actively involved in Student Senate as Freshman Class President, Men’s Small Group, XD, College Republicans, and is head of public relations and marketing for his residence hall. Ben’s active campus involvement has allowed him to pursue many leadership opportunities during his first year at Ashland! As a member of Phi Kappa Psi, Ben serves as the Philanthropy Chair. Ben explains his favorite Greek memory in the following quote, “My favorite Greek memory is probably bid day. It was so cool to become a part of something bigger than myself with the support of so many different people.”



Transcript of All Greek Newsletter March 2015

Page 1: All Greek Newsletter March 2015

In This Issue Member Spotlight p.1

Greeks on Spring Break p.2

Greeks on Spring Break Cont. p.3

Sorority Highlights p.4

Fraternity Highlights p.5

Link to Survey p.6






Member Spotlight—Morgan Phillips & Benjamin McClay

This month, Morgan Phillips and Benjamin McClay are being highlighted for their outstanding leadership

within the Greek Community.

Morgan Phillips

Morgan Phillips has been spotlighted for her

position within the 2013-2014 Alpha Delta Pi

President. Morgan recounts her favorite

experience in the following quote, “My favorite

experience as President was being able to see

everything that Alpha Delta Pi could accomplish.

Not just as a whole, but individually. I saw so

many woman develop amazing leadership skills,

whether they held an office or if they were simply

the go to people when we needed help. Almost all

of the people that I knew I could count on during

different events ended up becoming officers this

year. I am so proud of each and every one of our

member’s success individually and as a whole”

Regarding her favorite Greek memory, Morgan

explains, “It is so hard to pick a favorite Greek

memory! I know after graduation I will never

forget the late nights in the suite, laughing and

spending time with my sisters. It’s not about the

elaborate, planned out events that I will always

cherish, it is the spontaneous times that I will

never forget.” After graduation, Morgan has

accepted the opportunity to become a leadership

consultant for Alpha Delta Pi.

Benjamin McClay

Ben is a freshman business major. He is a

member of Phi Kappa Psi and recently organized,

coordinate and ran the Phi Kappa Psi Annual

Rootbeer Pong Tournament. During the event,

Phi Kappa Psi raised $379.23 which will be

donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

Aside from Phi Kappa Psi, Ben is also actively

involved in Student Senate as Freshman Class

President, Men’s Small Group, XD, College

Republicans, and is head of public relations and

marketing for his residence hall. Ben’s active

campus involvement has allowed him to pursue

many leadership opportunities during his first year

at Ashland! As a member of Phi Kappa Psi, Ben

serves as the Philanthropy Chair. Ben explains his

favorite Greek memory in the following quote,

“My favorite Greek memory is probably bid day.

It was so cool to become a part of something

bigger than myself with the support of so many

different people.”

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2014 2015 MARCH

Habitat for Humanity:

During Spring Break, members of Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi,

Theta Phi Alpha, and Tau Kappa Epsilon traveled to

Georgetown, South Carolina in order to take part in a Habitat for

Humanity build. While in Georgetown, 22 volunteers helped

finish a newly built Habitat home by completing siding, painting,

roofing and more.

Cassie Craig, Alpha Phi, recounted her experience in the

following quote, “My experience was very eye opening. It was

awesome to be able to see the progress we made on the house

after each day.”

Hannah Hartley, Alpha Phi, explained her positive thoughts,

regarding the opportunity to be apart of the Habitat build, stating,

“I worked alongside some amazing Ashland University students to

build a home for a remarkable lady. This was such a

heartwarming experience and I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my

break doing anything else!”

Monica Clevenger, Theta Phi Alpha, shared similar thoughts and

explained, “My favorite aspect of this trip was seeing the

selflessness of all of those involved. It is very inspiring to see a

group of people my age dedicate this time to helping others. Trips

such as these create a bond amongst the group that you don’t find

many other places.”

We are so proud of the hard work and dedication this team

displayed throughout the week! What a wonderful way to actively

demonstrate the Greek Life value of service!

Kalahari Leadership Retreat:

The Kalahari Leadership Retreat provided the opportunity to

rising and active campus leaders to learn and demonstrate

pertinent leadership skills throughout the program. Participants

were presented with the opportunity to present on various topics,

such as diversity and social awareness. Members from Alpha

Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Delta Zeta, Kappa Sigma and Phi Kappa Psi

attended this event. Hallie Carrino, Delta Zeta, explained her

experience in the following quote, “Being able to participate in the

Student Affairs Leadership Retreat was a great experience. As a

graduating senior, it was wonderful to meet and interact with rising

leaders on campus. We were able to discuss very important

matters that impact leadership including diversity and social

awareness.” Schuyler Kuhlman, Delta Zeta, echoed similar

sentiments and described the following, “The leadership retreat

showed me skills that can be used through Delta Zeta every day. I

am so grateful that I had the opportunity to meet other non-Greek

and Greek leaders across campus, and have the chance to

embrace our diversity.” Patrick Wallace, Kappa Sigma, also

continued the positive reviews through his description of the

experience. Patrick stated, “The leadership conference that I

attended at Kalahari was eye opening in many ways, and I plan to

bring back many of the things that I learned to my chapter, to help

broaden our minds.”

Pictured Above: (Top Left to Right): Brittany Stoll, Theta Phi Alpha, in Naples Florida; Alpha Delta Pis in Destin, Florida; Dana Grenig, Delta Zeta, in Rome, Italy;

Alpha Delta Pis and Phi Kappa Psis Santa Maria Island in Florida; (Bottom Left to Right) Phi Delta Thetas in Panama City Beach; Kathryn Yurkowski, Delta Zeta,

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Greeks on Spring Break

Over the course of this year’s Spring Break, members of Greek Life were up to some extraordinary things! Learn more below.

Page 3: All Greek Newsletter March 2015


2014 2015 MARCH

Newman Dominican Republic Trip:

This Spring Break, members of the Newman Catholic Ministries

traveled to the Dominican Republic to work with mentally and

physically handicapped children. Members from Alpha Delta Pi were

among those on the trip. Kimberly Potter, Alpha Delta Pi, recounts

her experience in the following quote, “It was amazing! The weather

was just perfect and I really loved spending time with the children.

We were able to take them to the beach and spend a day outside

where they didn't have to be in a wheel chair all day and could

actually enjoy being outside. I am so happy that I was able to go on

this trip and it is something I will carry with me for the rest of my


Kalahari Leadership Retreat:

This year, the Isaiah Project traveled to Washington D.C. to

participate in the Washington D.C. Mission Trip with YWAM.

Greek Life member Teah Kullman, Alpha Phi, was able to

participate in this amazing experience! Teah describes her experience

in the following quote, “My Spring Break was amazing! I went on a

mission trip to Washington D.C. and was able to participate in many

service projects. Additionally, I was able to help a local ministry and

participate in evangelism.” Over her Spring Break, Teah selflessly

demonstrated her dedication to the Greek Life value of service!

American Leadership Academy:

Edward Hunt, member of Phi Kappa Psi took advantage of the

opportunity to participate in the American Leadership Academy over

Spring Break in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico! He described his

experience in following quote, “The American Leadership Academy

is a week long camp consisting of presentations, workshops, and small

group discussions specifically geared towards becoming an influential

leader. The ALA brings in noteworthy speakers from all over the

United States. I had the privilege to listen to speakers such as Tony

Horton (creator of P90X) and Jerry Nelson (creator of Ticketmaster).

ALA not only provided a venue to listen to these speakers, but also

allowed undergrads to talk and connect with these leaders at the

resort in an informal manner. I took full advantage of talking to as

many of these leaders as possible in order to learn from their failures

and success. In addition to all of this, I networked with follow

undergrads from universities such as Vanderbilt, Ohio University,

and Valparaiso. This experience has not only equipped me with the

tools to become a better leader, but has also helped me become a

better person.”

Spring Break: Other Experiences

Many other members of the Greek Community embarked on

exciting Spring Break trips. Some members participated in the AU

Italy trip as part of their academic experience. Other students from

the Greek Life community spent Spring Break bonding with their

fraternity brothers and sorority sisters! Whether members were

studying , serving or relaxing, Greek Life members were able to take a

much needed break from the regularities of the academic semester.

Greek members are now gearing up to finish out their semesters in a

positive and productive manner!

Pictured Above: (Top Left to Right): Theta Phi Alphas in Italy; Alpha Delta Pis in Dominican Republic; Phi Kappa Psis in Gatlinburg, TN; Al-

pha Phis during the Habitat Trip; (Bottom Center) Mitch Laing, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Elizabeth Waxter ,Alpha Delta Pi; Teah Kullman in

Washinton D.C. (Center)

Greeks on Spring Break Continued

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Sorority Highlights

Alpha Delta Pi:

During the month of February, the officers of Alpha Delta Pi

attended the District Leadership Conference! They are looking

forward to seeing how chapter leaders will implement the concepts

which they learned during the conference. During the Month of

March, the sisters hosted the 11th Annual Lion’s Share Silent

Auction. The sister raised over $13,000.00 through this event.

Additionally, Alpha Delta Pi was proud to support sister Hannah

Mattar, three time GLIAC Champion and GLIAC Female

Swimmer of Year, as she swam at the Division 2 National

Championship over Spring Break.

Alpha Phi:

The sisters of Alpha Phi are excited to announce the upcoming

event of Mr. University! This event will take place on March 18th

at 8pm in Upper Convo. Tickets will cost $2 presale and $3 at the

door. Please contact [email protected] for more information

on this event. After the campus wide support the sisters received

from all of Greek Life during Cardiac Care week, they are beyond

thankful and are looking forward to seeing that same support at

Mr. University! The sisters of Alpha Phi are also excited to begin

preparing for the Hunger Games themed Greek Weekend.

Delta Zeta:

The sisters of Delta Zeta are excited to announce that they have

recently welcomed 4 new members into their sisterhood! During the

month of February, Delta Zeta teams raised a total of $2,548.00 for St.

Jude’s Up ‘Til Dawn! They also supported Alpha Phi during their

Cardiac Care week, executive board members attended a regional

officer training held at Ohio Wesleyan, and they hosted a dodge ball

philanthropy event during Sibs and Kids weekend. This month they

are looking forward to getting to know their new members, focusing on

devotion, respect and leadership, participating in National Badge Day

and their annual Sisterhood Retreat!

Theta Phi Alpha:

The sisters of Theta Phi Alpha recently attended their annual Theta

Phi Days at Shawnee State University. While in attendance of this

event, they learned about the branding and marketing of Theta Phi

Alpha. During February, they also held two informal recruitment

events. During these events, they made scarves for homeless children

and dream catchers for their philanthropy, Camp Friendship! They

are excited to announce that, as a result of these events, they gained 9

new sisters! During the month of March they are looking forward to

hosting their first annual Sapphire Ball. For more information

regarding this event, please contact [email protected].

Pictured above (from left to right): Alpha Delta Pis during DLC, Delta Zetas during Sib’s n Kid’s Weekend, Alpha Phis during

their Annual Bailout, Theta Phi Alphas during Theta Phi Day


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Fraternity Highlights

Phi Delta Theta:

The brothers of Phi Delta Theta are proud to report that they’ve

raised $1,640 for St. Jude through the Up ‘Til Dawn Event. This was

the largest amount raised by a fraternity. Their dedication to service

was further solidified through their involvement in the Alpha Phi

Hoops for the Heart Tournament in which they came in first place.

On March 19, they will be holding a spaghetti dinner at the house for

their philanthropy. Tickets are $3 presale and $5 at the door. Please

contact [email protected] for more information regarding this


Kappa Sigma:

During the month of February, the brothers of Kappa Sigma are

proud to announce that they have recruited three new men into their

brotherhood! Additionally, the registration form for A Mile in a

Soldier’s Shoes is currently open. Please contact

[email protected] for more information. In March, members

Patrick Wallace, Andrew Clough, Nick Wengerd and Fredrick Platt

attended Kappa Sigma’s Great Lakes Conclave over Spring Break.

Additionally, President, Patrick Wallace attended the Spring Break

Kalahari Leadership Retreat.

Tau Kappa Epsilon:

The brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon are diligently planning their

events for the upcoming months. They are working on

hammering out details for the TKE’s annual Formal Dinner and

TKE Tub Tug. In addition to the TKE Tub Tug, the chapter is

in the process of creating a new philanthropy event in the style of

an award show. More information regarding these events will be

available soon. The brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon are also

happy to be working on the chapter’s alumni softball game and

alumni dinner. Tau Kappa Epsilon is also looing to improve their

alumni-active relations through attempting to reach out to every

alumni from the chapter.

Phi Kappa Psi:

The brothers of Phi Kappa Psi have been persistently working

towards raising funds for their philanthropy. During the month of

February, they hosted their annual Rootbeer Pong Tournament.

This event was met with great success as they were able to raise

around $400. All proceed were donated to the Boys and Girls Club

of America. Additionally, the brothers hosted a family dinner night.

Earlier in the month, Phi Kappa Psi invited members of the Greek

Community over to their house for a Super Bowl viewing party!

During the month of March, the brothers are looking forward to

attending their Formal!

Pictured above (from left to right): Phi Kappa Psis Rootbeer Pong Tournament; Phi Delta Thetas and Delta Zetas at the Alpha Phi

Hoops for the Heart Tournament; Kappa Sigmas dressed up for class presentations; Tau Kappa Epsilons volunteering with catering



Page 6: All Greek Newsletter March 2015

Upcoming Events

March 18: Alpha Phi’s Mr. University

March 19: Phi Delta Theta’s Spaghetti Dinner

March 28: Theta Phi Alpha’s Sapphire Ball

April 11: Phi Delta Theta’s Scramble for ALS

April 12: Kappa Sigma’s A Mile In a Soldier’s Shoes

April 16-18: Greek Weekend

April 19: Greek Honors

April 25: Tau Kappa Epsilon’s Alumni Active Softball Game

*Save the Date: April 2, 2016 50th Greek Reunion*

Connect With Us On Social Media!

2015 MARCH



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