
Taoism (Daoism) BY ALICE NUNN P4 -1

Transcript of Alice

Page 1: Alice

Taoism (Daoism)


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Taoism is the most common Chinese philosophy. It is represented by the symbol below called Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang represent many things in the universe, including male and female, sun and moon, birth and death. The symbol shows how the two forces are intertwined and in balance with each other.

Yin and Yang

What is Taoism?

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Tao (Dao) means way ,path or principle. Taoism(Daoism) was started by a Chinese philosopher called Lao Tze ,who was a librarian for the Emperor. He was the supreme master in the sixth century BC. Lao Tzu believed that the way to happiness was for people to go with the flow. Instead of trying to do it the hard way, people should take time to figure out the easy way to do it. Then everything would get done more simply. This idea is called “wu-wei” which means doing by not doing.

Statue of Lao Tze

Lao Tze

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Taoists believe good actions will mean a good life for their soul. They are not aloud to tell lies, steal, commit adultery, commit murder or drink alcohol. Taoists also have a list of good deeds to further guide their way to live. They are encouraged to obey their elders, love their parents, be tolerant, help others act, stay in excellent , physical and mental shape, practice self control of mind and body and act without thinking of themselves , in other words act selflessly.

Taoist Beliefs

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The Yin/Yang symbol represents the interaction and balance of two complementary forces in the universe. Yin and Yang have been used to represent any two things that naturally go together, such as female and male, dark and light, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, life and death, heaven and earth.

Chinese doctors believe that a lot of illness was caused by too much Yin or Yang. Everyone has the same Yin and Yang in them, and Taoists say that it is important to keep them in balance. Because everything has this life force in them, Lao Tze thought it was wrong for people to fight each other in wars and kill that life force.

Yin and Yang