algorithms for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults in logic circuits


Transcript of algorithms for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults in logic circuits




A Thesis

Submitted For the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the Faculty of Engineering



Department of Electrical Communication Engineering






Perfection is the goal of human life� but human e�orts are limited� Happiness does not

come merely through human endeavour� but comes through grace� Blessed are those who

have the grace of both God and master�

� Swami Rama



It gives me immense pleasure to sincerely thank every one who helped me in various

ways to complete this dissertation� First and foremost� I bow before the Lord Almighty

with a grateful heart� for His blessings which have made me what I am�

I express my deep sense of gratitude to my research supervisor Dr� James Jacob of

the ECE Department� He has been an excellent teacher� counseller� and guide to me and

has given me continual encouragement and wise guidance throughout the course of my

research work� I am also indebted to him and his family for their personal care� love and

understanding during many di�cult times�

I place on record my heartfelt gratitude to my research co�supervisor Prof� L� M�

Patnaik of the CSA Department� for his encouragement� moral support and valuable

suggestions� I am obliged to him not only for providing the computing facilities in Micro�

processor Applications Laboratory� but also for his personal care and fatherly guidance

which will always be remembered and treasured by me�

My heartfelt thanks to Dr� Vishwani D� Agrawal of the AT�T Bell Labs� USA�

for acting as an uno�cial research co�supervisor by always being there for me with his

valuable advice� suggestions� keen interest and encouragement during the entire course

of this work� His comments and suggestions have greatly helped me in improving my

thinking� presenting and writing skills� I thank him also for providing me the most recent

pre�prints and publications� and for having gone through the entire manuscript�

I would like to thank Prof� V� U� Reddy� past Chairman and Prof� A� Selvarajan�

present Chairman of the ECE Department and Prof� N� Balakrishnan� the Chairman of

SERC� for providing the �nancial assistance and necessary computing facilities for my

research work� I must also thank Prof� A� Kumar and Prof� T� S� Vedavathy for allowing

me to use their laboratory facilities during the initial period of my research career and

also for their love and concern over the years�

I have greatly bene�ted by the scholarly advice and suggestions from Dr� M� K�

Srinivas� Rutgers Univ�� USA� Pradip Mandal� Jacob Augustine� and P� R� Sureshkumar�


I thank them for their friendship and encouragement during my research work� I would

also like to thank Dr� Srinivas Patil� Dr� Ankan Pramanick� Dr� Ira Pramanick and Dr�

L� N� Reddy� all of IBM� USA� and Keerthi Heragu of Univ� of Illinois� USA� for providing

me copies of their theses and recent publications in the area of my work�

IISc has been a stimulating environment especially because of my loving friends� Ani�

mesh� Ratikanta� Lochan� Purna� Manoj� Prasant� Saroj� Barada� Krutibas� Himansu� Ni�

raj� Venkatesh� Rajendra� Raghu� Pradipta� Dillip� Pratap� Chidananda� Subhra� Radha�

Gowri� Nanda� Namita� Shorey� Prem� Sai� Mala and others� They have truly shared

many a lighter moment and made my life enjoyable during my stay on the campus� My

special thanks to Animesh� for being always with me in pain and pleasure and sharing

my feelings at my monotonous moments�

I am especially grateful to Biswajit� Biswamohan� Moharana and family� Rajesh and

family� Rout and family� for their love and concern as a younger brother and for making

my stay comfortable in Bangalore� Uninvited appearances in their houses on various

occasions will always be remembered by me�

It is my pleasure to thank Chandramouli Mahadevan� Project Manager� Product

Engineering Division� Texas Instruments �India�� Bangalore� for his kind help and un�

derstanding during the �nal phase of the work� Life is always cheerful in TII due to

friends like Balajee� SriVidhya� Debaleena� Baskar� Swagata� Swathi� Vinayak� Saraja�

RSR� Palani� and Prakash� The �nancial assistance from Texas Instruments �India� for

printing and xeroxing the �nal manuscript is greatly acknowledged�

Finally� words cannot express my feelings of gratitude to my beloved mother� uncle�

and other family members� for their unwavering encouragement� moral support and sac�

ri�ce� without which this work would not have been completed� Their love and blessings

were a perpetual source of inspiration to me�




Ascertaining correct operation of digital logic circuits requires veri�cation of functional

behavior as well as correct operation at desired clock speed� The maximum allowable clock

rate in a digital circuit is determined by the propagation delays of the combinational logic

network between latches� If the delay of the manufactured network exceeds speci�cations

due to some physical defects or process variations� unstabilized and possibly incorrect logic

values may be latched in memory elements� Delay fault testing can be used to ensure that

manufactured digital circuits meet their timing speci�cations� In this thesis� we present

novel and e�cient algorithms for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults

in combinational logic circuits�

We have developed a novel delay fault simulator for combinational logic circuits

which is capable of simultaneously analyzing both robust and nonrobust tests for path

delay faults� Only a simple binary logic is used instead of the multi�valued algebra as

is used in most existing simulators� A rule based approach is developed to identify all

robust and nonrobust paths tested by a two�pattern test� while backtracing from primary

outputs to primary inputs in a depth��rst manner� Rules identify probable glitches as

they propagate through the circuit� and thus determine when a test becomes nonrobust�

Experimental results for benchmark circuits determine the performance of the simulator

for deterministic as well as random test vectors� For coverage� all path delay faults are

implicitly considered�

We have also developed an e�cient automatic test generation algorithm for path

delay faults in combinational circuits� To facilitate simultaneous consideration of robust

and nonrobust tests� we employ a ��value logic system� Once a robust test is found

for a path with a given transition� our algorithm derives another test for the opposite

transition with minimal extra e�ort� The derived test in most cases is either a robust or

nonrobust test for the same path� An e�cient multiple backtrace procedure is employed

for satisfying the test generation objectives� A path selection method is proposed which

covers all lines in the logic circuit by the longest as well as the shortest possible paths


through them� The fault simulator� integrated with the test generation system� gives

information on robust and nonrobust detection of faults either from a given target set

or all path faults� Experimental results on several benchmark circuits substantiate the

e�ciency of our algorithm� A comparison with other published results is given�

We propose a new coverage metric and a two�pass test generation method for delay

faults in combinational circuits� The coverage metric termed as line delay fault coverage

considers two delay faults on paths passing through each line in the circuit� one for the

rising transition and the other for the falling transition� However� the test criterion is

di�erent from that of the slow�to�rise and slow�to�fall transition faults� The new test�

called line delay test� is a path delay test for the longest robustly testable path� producing

a given transition on the target line� The maximum number of tests �and faults� is limited

to twice the number of lines� Using a two�pass test generation procedure� we begin with

a minimal set of longest paths covering all lines and generate tests for them� Fault

simulation is used to determine the line delay fault coverage� The second pass considers

those lines for which line delay tests could not be generated in the rst pass� and attempts

to generate robust tests for successively shorter paths through these lines� until a test for

the longest robustly testable path is found� We present a theorem stating that a redundant

stuck�at fault makes all path delay faults involving that faulty line untestable for either

a rising or falling transition depending on the type of the stuck�at fault� The use of this

theorem considerably reduces the e�ort of delay test generation� An implementation of

our algorithm achieved very high �� ��� line delay coverage e�ciency for most of the

benchmark circuits�

We hope that the novel ideas and algorithms proposed in this thesis will nd appli�

cation in the development of e�cient CAD tools for delay fault testing and simulation

of real life VLSI circuits� The new delay fault coverage metric has the advantages of

reduced complexity and high coverage e�ciency� We discuss its limitations with respect

to the conventional path delay fault model� Future experimental work should establish

the validity of our fault coverage metric�


� Introduction �

��� Design and Test of Integrated Circuits � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Delay Fault Testing � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Why Delay Fault Testing� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Contribution of the Thesis � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Organization of the Thesis � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

� Prior Work ��

��� Delay Fault Models � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

����� Transition Fault Model � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Gate Delay Fault Model � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Path Delay Fault Model � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Prior Work on Path Delay Fault Simulation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Path Delay Fault Simulation by Logic Value Propagation � � � � � � ��

����� Parallel Pattern Fault Simulation of Path Delay Faults � � � � � � � ��

����� Non Enumerative Estimation of Path Delay Fault Coverage � � � � �

����� Fault Coverage Estimation by Test Vector Sampling � � � � � � � � � �

����� Delay Fault Coverage Estimation by Selective Path Search � � � � � ��

����� Exact Path Delay Fault Coverage Estimation � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� SPADES� A Path Delay Fault Simulator for Sequential Circuits � � ��

��� Prior Work on Test Generation for Path Delay Faults � � � � � � � � � � � � ��


vi Contents

����� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults Using PODEM � � � � � � � ��

����� DYNAMITE � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Delay Fault Testing Using Boolean Expressions � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� NEST� NonEnumerative Test Generation Method for Path Delay

Faults � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Compact Delay Tests by Multiple Path Activation � � � � � � � � � � �

���� RESIST� Recursive Test Generation for Path Delay Faults � � � � � ��

����� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults in NonScan Sequential Circuits ��

��� Conclusion � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

��� Introduction � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Theoretical Background and Basic De�nitions � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Hardware Model and Clock Timings � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Robust and Nonrobust Paths � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Sensitivity and Gate Evaluation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Glitch Generation and Propagation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Glitch Generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

����� Glitch Propagation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Backtracing for Robust and Nonrobust Paths � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Rules for Evaluating the Inputs of a Robust Gate � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Rules for Evaluating the Inputs of a Nonrobust Gate � � � � � � � � ��

����� Rule for Evaluating the Input of an IS Gate � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Simulation Results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Conclusion � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� An E�cient Automatic Test Generation System for Path Delay Faults

in Combinational Circuits ��

��� Introduction � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �


��� A ��Value Logic System � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

���� Derivation of ��Value Logic � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

�� Path Selection � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Test Generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

���� Procedure for Test Generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

����� Robust�Nonrobust Test for Opposite Transition � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Experimental Benchmark Results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Conclusion � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

� Line Delay Fault Model and Its Coverage ��

�� Introduction � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Line Delay Tests and Coverage Metric � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Two�Pass Test Generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� N �Longest Path Selection � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Elimination of Untestable Path Faults � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Experimental Results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Limitations of the Fault Model � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Conclusion � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� Conclusions ��

�� Summary of Work Presented � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Future Work � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

Bibliography ���

Good manners without sincerity are like a beautiful dead lady� Straightforwardness

without civility is like a surgeon�s knife� e�ective but unpleasant� Candour with courtsey

is helpful and admirable�

� Sri Yukteswar

List of Figures

��� Hardware model and clock timings � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Example of a fault that requires knowledge of circuit delays � � � � � � � � ��

��� Example of robust and nonrobust tests � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Examples of robust and nonrobust paths � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Evaluation of gate sensitivity� CO and NC inputs � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Glitch generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Examples of glitch generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Glitch propagation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Example illustrating glitch generation and propagation � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Robust and nonrobust inputs of a robust gate � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Nonrobust inputs of a nonrobust gate � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Example of robustly and nonrobustly tested paths � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Proposed � value logic � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Examples of glitch generation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

�� Glitch causing a nonrobust test � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� Example of path selection � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

�� Example of con�ict at a stem � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Pseudo code for the test generation algorithm � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

�� Test generation �Example ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� Derivation of test for opposite transition �Example ��� � � � � � � � � � � � ��


x List of Figures

��� Nonrobust test derived from robust test �Example ���� � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� Test generation for longest path through line � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Test generation for second longest path through line � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

�� Elimination of untestable path delay faults � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

�� Limitation of the fault model � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

List of Tables

��� Number of possible physical paths� PIs� POs� and levels � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Test generation results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Path delay fault simulation results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Overall statistics � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Path delay fault simulation results for ISCAS� circuits � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Enumeration of logic states � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Signal value representation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Longest path selection � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

��� Delay test results for ISCAS� benchmarks � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Comparison with other results � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

��� Test results for scan�hold versions of ISCAS� benchmarks � � � � � � � �

��� Two�pass test generation results for ISCAS benchmark circuits � � � � � � � ��

��� Statistics for line delay fault e�ciency � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��


By three methods we may learn wisdom� First� by re�ection� which is noblest� second� by

imitation� which is easiest� and third by experience� which is the bitterest�

� Confucius

Chapter �


The primary objective of this thesis is to develop e�cient algorithms for test generation

and fault simulation of path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� We present a

novel path delay fault simulator using binary logic rather than using the multi�valued

logic as presented in most of the literature� An e�cient automatic test generation system

for path delay faults in combinational logic circuits is developed which employs a new

��value logic system for generating robust and nonrobust tests simultaneously� A new

coverage metric called �line delay fault coverage� is proposed for path delay faults and a

two�pass test generation method is developed to obtain almost � line delay coverage


In this chapter� we provide a brief background of design and test of integrated cir�

cuits � � and the motivation for the research reported in this thesis� Major contributions

of the thesis are summarized and the organization of the thesis is outlined at the end of

this chapter�

��� Design and Test of Integrated Circuits

Rapid advances in integrated circuit technology have made it possible to fabricate digital

circuits with a very large number of devices on a single chip� Very Large Scale Integration

�VLSI� is the fabrication of millions of components and interconnections at once by a

� Chapter �� Introduction

common set of manufacturing steps� Its advantages are reduced system cost� better

performance� and greater reliability� These advantages would be lost unless VLSI devices

can be economically tested� The testing process detects the physical defects produced

during fabrication of a VLSI chip� Testing is an experiment in which the system under

test is exercised and its resulting response is analyzed to ascertain the correct behavior�

If an incorrect behavior is detected� the second goal of the testing experiment may be

to diagnose� or to locate� the cause of misbehavior� Diagnosis assumes knowledge of the

internal structure of the system under test�

Manufacturing of a product consists of fabrication and testing� Design and test

development precede manufacture� While design is a synthesis of manufacturable details�

test development speci�es the test data and details of the testing procedure� Design links

the abstract speci�cations to the physical device through a synthesis or assembly of known

parts and generates data necessary to drive the equipment that physically produces the

assembly� Veri�cation� consisting of analysis and simulation� checks correctness of the

design� The correctness of the fabricated device is determined through testing� Thus� in

order to produce a correctly working device� both design and test data are necessary�

In any IC manufacturing process physical defects are almost invariably introduced�

No manufacturing process can guarantee ���� yield and� therefore� some circuits are

bound to have defects� Typical defects include shorts between lines� breaks in conducting

paths� missing devices� pinholes in the oxide layer� threshold voltage shift due to ionic

contamination or improper doping� surface defects due to dust particles� etc� The types

and quantity of defects depend on the variability of process parameters� In general� the

larger the circuit is in terms of chip area� the greater is the chance of having a defect�

It is necessary to separate the bad circuits from the good ones during production as

well as during operation� From an economic viewpoint� the cost of identifying a faulty

component during its life cycle is lowest before it is packaged� This cost increases rapidly

as the component becomes a part of larger and larger systems� Therefore� testing is a

very important aspect of any VLSI manufacturing system�

The testing process involves the application of a sequence of input stimuli� known as

Chapter �� Introduction �

test vectors� to the circuit and a comparison of the circuit response with a pre�computed

expected response� Test vectors are applied to the circuit using an automatic test equip�

ment �ATE�� Any discrepancy in the output response indicates the presence of a fault�

The faults in digital circuits can be classi�ed as logic or parametric faults� A logic fault

is one which causes the logic function of the circuit on an output signal to be changed to

some incorrect function� Parametric faults alter the magnitude of the circuit parameters

causing changes in speed of operation or the levels of currents and voltages� In this thesis�

we focus only on one type of parametric faults� particularly delay faults� which can cause

timing related failures in a circuit�

Test Generation for a VLSI device involves the generation of test vectors to detect

failures� An important issue is the fault model used in test generation� Physical defects

are often modeled as logic faults� This makes the problem of fault analysis independent of

the technology� In addition� tests derived for logic faults may be useful for many physical

faults whose e�ect on the circuit behavior is not well understood or is too complex to be

analyzed� The main requirement for the fault model is that the model should capture

the change in functionality caused by most of the commonly occurring physical defects in

the circuit� Also� the complexity of test generation depends on the fault model and the

circuit representation� The lowest level for a VLSI device is the layout� Test generation

complexity for faults in the geometrical structure at this level is very high� However� it is

possible to consider actual defects like shorts and bridging between conductors� On the

other hand� the test generation complexity is reduced if we model faults at the logic gate

or even higher Boolean function levels� The fault model at these levels may not always

be a true representation of the physical defects� Realistic and higher level fault models

are important areas of research� Some popular fault models targeted by automatic test

pattern generation �ATPG� are the stuck�at fault model� the bridging fault model� the

CMOS stuck�open fault model� and various delay fault models� It is possible that more

than one fault occur in a circuit� However� the single fault assumption is popular as the

total number of multiple faults in a circuit is too large to be considered explicitly� and

tests generated for single faults frequently detect a large numbers of multiple faults� As

� Chapter �� Introduction

di�erent fault models represent di�erent physical defects� it may be necessary to perform

test generation for various fault models and derive tests in order to maximize the product


A normal requirement for test vectors is that they detect a very high fraction of the

modeled faults� The detected fraction of the faults is called the fault coverage and it

is determined by the process of fault simulation� Fault simulation involves �nding the

fault�free output response and the set of modeled faults that produce a response di�erent

from the fault�free response� Fault simulation is widely employed to grade the quality

of a given set of tests and is useful to speed up ATPG by avoiding test generation for

those faults already detected by a generated test� Fault simulation is also useful for the

construction of fault dictionaries which help in fault diagnosis� A variety of techniques

for fault simulation have been developed ���

��� Delay Fault Testing

Ascertaining correct operation of digital logic circuits requires veri�cation of functional

behavior as well as correct operation at the rated clock speed� Research on methods to

model failures that a�ect functional behavior and methods to detect these modeled faults

has been extensively reported �� However� it is equally important to insure that the

manufactured circuits meet their timing speci�cations� The maximum allowable clock

rate in a digital circuit is determined by the propagation delays of the combinational

logic network between the latches� If the delay of the manufactured network exceeds

speci�cations� unstabilized and possibly incorrect logic values may be latched in �ip��ops

or produced at outputs� Failures causing logic circuits to malfunction at desired clock

rates� or not meet timing speci�cations are currently receiving much attention� Such

failures are modeled as delay faults� The objective of delay testing is to guarantee that

the circuit operates without any malfunction at the speci�ed clock rate� The use of delay

fault models in VLSI test generation is currently gaining acceptance in the industry�

Recent studies at IBM have shown that the application of a delay fault tests can raise the

Chapter �� Introduction �

SPQL �Shipped Parts Quality Level� by an order of magnitude �����

��� Why Delay Fault Testing�

Digital system designers have traditionally maximized the frequency of system clocks in

order to obtain the highest performance from a hardware unit� The maximum allowable

clock rates are determined by the propagation delays of the combinational logic network

between latches� A change in the logic value at any network primary input �PI� may

propagate along one or more paths through the network to the primary output �PO��

Consider the circuit under test shown in Figure ���� Let DPi be the propagation delay

associated with any path i in the logic network�









Output is sampledis loaded2Vis Loaded1V

2V 1V












Figure ��� Hardware model and clock timings

� Chapter �� Introduction

In practice� logic designers must calculate the maximum path delay DPmax in order

to specify a clocking rate� In Figure ���� during the normal operation of the circuit�

the input clock C� is the same as the output clock C� and the period �Tc� of C� and

C� corresponds to the system clock� This period should be greater than the maximum

propagation delay of any path DPmax in the circuit� However� during testing for delay

faults� we use two separate test clocks� C� and C�� running at the same frequency but

at a speed slower than the normal system clock� Thus� the period of test clocks� Tt� is

longer than Tc� The two test clocks are skewed by the amount Tc� The activation of

the output clock C� must follow the activation of the input clock C� by at least DPmax

time units �i�e�� Tc � t� � t� � DPmax�� If the output clock is activated sooner� then

unstabilized and possibly incorrect logic values may be latched at the output latches�

When the logic network is manufactured� the actual gate delays may not conform to

manufacturing speci�cations� Due to delay faults� the actual DPmax of a manufactured

network can exceed the DPmax predicted by the logic designer� As the clocking rate is

based on the predicted DPmax� the faulty network may not operate correctly� Since delay

faults do not alter the logic function realized by a circuit and since the tests for stuckat

faults are normally applied at a slow clock rate� they are inadequate for detecting delay

faults� Special twopattern test vectors are required for detecting delay faults�

The hardware model used in delay fault testing has been shown in Figure ���� Here

the vector pair � V�� V� � constitutes a delay test and signals C� and C� are used to

clock the input and output latches� respectively� At time t�� an initializing input vector

V� is applied� and the circuit is allowed to stabilize under input V�� At time t�� the

propagation vector V� is applied� and the outputs are sampled at time t�� where �t� � t��

is the intended time interval between the input and output clocks� called the clock period�

or clock interval Tc�

For verifying that the circuit meets timing requirements we must exhaustively test

for all patternpairs� i�e�� apply all pairs of inputs � V�� V� � under the above condition�

and verify that the expected values under V� are always obtained at the output latches

at time t�� However� for the circuits having n inputs� the total number of patternpairs

Chapter �� Introduction �

required will be ��n���n � ��� which is of the order ��n� This will be an astronomical

number even for moderately large values of n inputs� Thus� exhaustive testing is quite

impractical for delay faults� Hence� one has to derive suitable and reasonable delay fault

models and devise algorithms that can generate tests for modeled faults� Various fault

models used in delay fault testing and a survey of existing algorithms for test generation

and fault simulation are presented in Chapter ��

��� Contribution of the Thesis

We propose new and e�cient methods for delay test generation and fault simulation of

path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� The major contributions of this thesis


�� A new rule based path delay fault simulation algorithm for combinational circuits

employing twovalued logic simulation ��� �

�� An e�cient test generation algorithm for path delay faults incorporating multiple

backtrace and several novel features ��� �

�� A new coverage metric for path delay fault testing that alleviates the problems of

generally low path delay fault coverage and an astronomically large number of paths�

A two pass test generation approach achieves high fault e�ciency ���� �� �

We have developed a novel path delay fault simulator for combinational logic circuits

which is capable of detecting both robustly and nonrobustly tested paths simultaneously�

Simple binary logic is used in place of the more complex multiplevalued logic as used in

most of the fault simulators presented in the literature� This contributes to the reduction

of the overall complexity of the algorithm� The twovalued algebra proposed in this thesis

is simpler� though not necessarily faster than the multivalued algebras� A rule based

approach has been developed which identi�es all robust and nonrobust paths tested by a

twopattern test� while backtracing from primary outputs to primary inputs in a depth

�rst manner� Additional rules are developed to �nd probable glitches and to determine

� Chapter �� Introduction

how they propagate through the circuit� which enables the identi�cation of nonrobust

paths� Experimental results for several ISCAS��� and scan�hold versions of ISCAS���

benchmark circuits are given�

We have developed a versatile and ecient automatic test pattern generation system

for path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� To facilitate a simultaneous con

sideration of robust and nonrobust tests� we have devised a new �value logic system�

Once a robust test is found for some path with a given transition� our algorithm derives

another test with minimal extra e�ort� The derived test in most cases is either a robust

or nonrobust test for the same path with the opposite transition� We employ a multiple

backtrace procedure for satisfying the test generation objectives� We also use a path

selection method which covers all lines in the logic circuit by the longest and shortest

possible paths through them �� �� We have integrated our fault simulator with this test

generator to determine all robustly and nonrobustly detected faults from the targeted

path faults as well as from all possible path faults in the circuit� Experimental results

on several ISCAS��� and scan�hold versions of ISCAS��� benchmark circuits substantiate

the eciency of our algorithm in comparison to other published results�

We propose a practical coverage metric called �line delay fault coverage� and a two

pass test generation method for path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� The

coverage is measured for each line with a rising and a falling transition� The new test�

called a �line delay test�� is a robust path delay test for the longest sensitizable path

producing a given transition on the target line� One major advantage is that the maximum

number of tests �and faults� is limited to twice the number of lines� Since the fault is tested

along the longest propagation path� the system timing failures caused by the smallest

localized delay defects �spot defects� or the accumulation of distributed delay defects can

be detected� Our model� thus retains many advantages of the transition and gate delay

fault models� while alleviating the major drawback of the path delay model �viz�� too

many paths to be tested and the low fault coverage�� For test generation� in the �rst

pass� we begin with a minimal set of longest paths covering all lines and generate tests

for them� Fault simulation is used to determine the line delay coverage� For uncovered

Chapter �� Introduction �

lines� in the second pass� several paths of successively decreasing length are targeted� We

give a theorem stating that a redundant stuck fault on a line makes all path delay faults

corresponding to paths passing through that line untestable for a particular transition�

The use of this theorem reduces the e�ort of delay test generation� An implementation of

our algorithm achieved very high �� ���� line delay coverage eciency for most of the

ISCAS�� and scan hold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits�

��� Organization of the Thesis

In Chapter �� we survey delay fault models and prior work on test generation and fault

simulation of path delay faults in combinational and sequential logic circuits� In Chapter

�� we present our path delay fault simulator which uses binary logic� Delay fault simu�

lation results for ISCAS�� and scan hold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits are

presented� In Chapter �� we describe an ecient automatic test generation system for

path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� A new ��value logic system is illustrated

for the simultaneous generation of robust and nonrobust tests� Test generation results are

presented for both ISCAS�� and scan hold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits� In

Chapter �� we present the new coverage metric� called �line delay fault coverage� and a

two�pass test generation method for path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� We

have employed the information on redundant stuck�at faults in the circuit� obtained from

a stuck�at fault test generator� to avoid test generation for a large number of untestable

path delay faults and thus have achieved signi�cant savings in computational time by this

novel approach� Results are presented for ISCAS�� and scan hold versions of ISCAS��

benchmark circuits� Finally� in Chapter �� we present a critical review of our work and

suggestions for further research�

Chapter �

Prior Work

This chapter provides the necessary background for the work reported in this thesis� We

�rst discuss various fault models used in delay testing along with their advantages and

limitations� A brief survey of the existing techniques for delay fault simulation and test

generation is also presented�

��� Delay Fault Models

When a logic circuit is found to be free from DC stuck�at faults� it does not imply that the

circuit will operate correctly under actual operating conditions� The operation of digital

circuits is often controlled by periodic clock signals� Correct operation requires that

the propagation of signals in the combinational logic block must be completed within

a clock period� Delay fault testing is used to ascertain that the manufactured digital

circuits meet their timing speci�cations and operate correctly at desired clock rates� A

delay fault causes logic values to change slower than the normal rate which leads to the

malfunctioning of the logic network at the rated speed� Unlike a stuck�at fault� a delay

fault does not a�ect the steady state logical operation of a system� but a�ects the timing

behavior of the system and degrades the overall system performance� In the recent past�

three fault models have been proposed for delay testing� These are described below�


Chapter �� Prior Work ��

����� Transition Fault Model

The transition fault model ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ��� is considered as a logical

model for a defect that delays rising or falling transitions at inputs and outputs of logic

gates� There are two kinds of transition faults� i�e�� slow�to�rise and slow�to�fall� The

slow�to�rise transition fault temporarily behaves like a DC stuck�at�� fault� Likewise� the

slow�to�fall transition fault corresponds to a DC stuck�at�� fault�

A test for a transition fault is a pair of input patterns� one �initialization pattern�

to set up the initial state of a transition and another �propagation pattern� to cause

the appropriate transition and observe its e ects at a primary output� The propagation

pattern is identical to the pattern that detects the corresponding DC stuck�at fault�

The transition fault model has another application� independent of its use as an

idealized model of delay faults� It is well known that stuck�open transistors can induce

sequential behavior in CMOS logic circuits� and testing for such defects can be done only

by applying pairs of patterns� For dynamic CMOS circuits� open transistors that cause

sequential behavior correspond to certain transition faults in Boolean circuits �����

The transition fault coverage is a measure of the e ectiveness of the delay test in

detecting large delay variations� Transition faults are a special case of gate delay faults

because the delay due to the defect is large enough to cause a logical failure when propa�

gated along any path through the site of the fault� The main drawback of this model is

the assumption of large gate delay faults ����� Also� it is di�cult to tell how small a delay

fault can be� before it is not detectable� In practice� delay variations tend to be distributed

over many circuit elements� Thus� many small gate delay faults� each undetectable as a

transition fault� can give rise to a large path delay fault�

����� Gate Delay Fault Model

A quantitative model for delay faults� de�ned as the gate delay fault� was �rst introduced

by Carter et al� ��� In this model� it is assumed that delays through the logic gates

are known with some precision� The characteristics of likely delay faults �size� location�

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

are also known� The delays through a gate are represented by intervals in this model� A

fault is an added delay of certain size� say �� in the rising or falling transition at a gate

input or output� The set of faults considered includes numerical delay information� An

excessive delay of � nanoseconds at a point is not the same fault as an excessive delay of

� nanoseconds at the same point� Both the path delay fault model �discussed in the next

section� and the transition fault model share the characteristic that precise gate delay

information is not integrated into these models and some potential tests for the particular

circuit under test are excluded� The gate delay fault model overcomes this drawback as

illustrated below ���

Consider the circuit given in Figure ���� where the fault being considered is a slow to

rise delay fault on line B�� To excite this fault we need to apply a �� � transition on B�

The initial and �nal values required at the latch with output B are indicated� The arrows

between the latches indicate the correlation in the scan chain when the �nal pattern is

derived by a one bit shift of the initial pattern� For example� specifying a initial value

of ��� for B forces the same �nal value ��� for C� To propagate the fault to F puts the

requirement of ��� for the �nal value of A� To further propagate the fault to the output H

requires a steady ��� �without any glitch� on G� Since B� already has a �� � transition�

most test generation schemes will attempt to justify a steady ��� on G by setting a steady

��� on E� However� a steady ��� on E results in a con�ict with the values chosen so far as

it requires steady ��� on both inputs to E� Without any knowledge of the circuit delays

one would have to give up at this point� However� the set of latch values indicated is a

test if the AND gate �E� delay is large enough that G has a steady ��� because E does

not fall until after B� has risen�

Given the size of a gate delay fault� most of the recent research in this area has

concentrated on the determination of such fault sizes detected by a given test ��� ��� �����

Given a particular fault of a �xed known size� Carter et al� ��� provide a method to

determine whether a test T detects that fault� This is clearly a painstaking and ine�cient

method� and it would be more desirable to �nd a certain minimum fault size at a fault

site such that given a test T for a fault at the above fault site� T is guaranteed to detect

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

1 1

0 1

1 0

1 1

1 1

0 1

1 0

1 1







1 0E




1 0

1 11 0

Figure ���� Example of a fault that requires knowledge of circuit delays

any fault at that site with a magnitude greater than the determined minimum size�

����� Path Delay Fault Model

The path delay fault model was �rst proposed by Smith ������ This model has received

greater attention than the gate delay and transition fault models and has been quite

extensively studied �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � � � ��� ��� ��� �����

A considerable amount of research has already been reported on various aspects of test

generation and fault simulation of path delay faults� Our research work mainly considers

e�cient methods for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults and we

propose a new coverage metric for path delay fault testing in Chapter ��

In path delay fault model any path with a total delay exceeding the system clock

interval is said to have a path delay fault� This is a distributed fault model because

it is associated with an entire path� For each physical path P connecting a primary

input to the primary output of the circuit there are two corresponding delay paths� The

rising path �falling path� is the path traversed by a transition which is initiated as a

rising �falling� transition at the input of path P and changes the direction of transition

whenever it passes through an inverting gate� For convenience we shall refer to a �delay

path� simply as a �path� and denote it as Px when the direction of the transition is

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

immaterial� A path Px is said to have a path delay fault if the propagation delay of the

path is larger than the clock interval Tc as described in the previous chapter� We present

the following de�nition from �����

De�nition ���� Let G be a gate on path P in a logic circuit and let r be an input

to gate G r is called an o��path sensitizing input if r is not on path P �

Robust Tests

The class of robust tests for path delay faults is a very important class of delay fault

detecting tests� We present the following de�nitions and results ����� for combinational


De�nition ���� A two pattern test � V�� V� � is called a robust test for a delay

fault on path P if the vector detects that fault independently of all other delays in the


It has been shown ����� that a two pattern test � V�� V� � represents a robust test

for path fault on P i�

� it provokes a transition on the primary input at the source of the path�

� it guarantees that all signals on the structural path corresponding to P cannot attain

their �nal values according to V� until the provoked transition reaches them�

Nonrobust Tests

De�nition ��� A two pattern test � V�� V� � is called a nonrobust test for a delay

fault on path P if it detects the fault under the assumption that no other path in the

circuit involving the o� path inputs to P has a delay fault�

A satisfactory de�nition for nonrobust test has not been given in the literature� The

de�nition given by Schulz et al� ����� and several others is based on the early arrival of

the o� path signals� It is possible to �nd an example where a nonrobust test will fail to

detect the fault even if their condition is satis�ed� Therefore we have chosen the above

de�nition which matches that of Gharaybeh et al� �����

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

It has been shown ����� that a two�pattern test � V�� V� � represents a nonrobust

test for a fault on path P � i��

� it provokes a transition on the primary input at the source of the path

� V� causes all o��path sensitizing inputs along the structural path corresponding to P

to assume those non�controlling values that allow the propagation of the transition

from the primary input PI� to primary output PO�

Examples for robust and nonrobust tests are given below

Consider the circuit given in Figure �� The two�pattern test vector consists of the

initialization vector V� � ���� and the propagation vector V� � �� � According to

De�nition ��� this is a robust test for the structural path P� � C�E�I�J�L�N�Q shown

in bold lines�� since all signals on the corresponding path cannot attain their �nal values

unless the provoked transition at input C arrives The same test becomes a nonrobust

test for the structural path P� � C�E�I�J�L�M�P� because an excessive delay in the rising

transition on line H may cause the primary output line P � to have its expected true �nal

logic value ��� at the sampling time� regardless of the delay on path P� Thus� it can lead

to the conclusion that the circuit is fault�free� although there are delay faults on line H

and path P� But if there is no delay fault on line H and when P� has a delay fault� we

will get the faulty logic value � � on the primary output P at the sampling time provided

that the delay fault on P� is not due to a lumped delay defect on the output gate P �

Thus� the above test ful�lls the conditions for a nonrobust test for path P� as stated in

De�nition �� The usefulness of a nonrobust test is limited since it does not guarantee

the detection of a path delay fault independent of other path delays in the circuit

The gate delay and transition fault models described earlier have some inherent draw�

backs They do not model the cumulative e�ect of distributed gate delays along a path

from primary inputs to primary outputs The path delay fault model alleviates this de��

ciency In this model� the delay fault is associated with a physical path and the path is

declared to be free of delay faults only if the transition provoked at the input of the path

propagates to the output through the speci�ed path in less time than the operational

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

















1 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0

0 1

1 0

0 1

1 10 1

1 1

Figure ���� Example of robust and nonrobust tests

system clock interval� Thus� the path delay fault model provides the capability of model�

ing the distributed failures which are mainly caused by statistical process variations and

physical defects during the VLSI manufacturing process�

The major bottleneck in the path delay fault model is the selection of paths for which

test generation and fault simulation are to be carried out since� as the circuit size grows�

the number of paths grow exponentially with circuit depth and the number of fanouts�

Hence� prior to the test generation and fault simulation process� it may be necessary

to focus on a subset of all possible paths in the logic circuit� There are several methods

available in literature such as worst�case path selection� threshold�based path selection ����

or a polynomial time algorithm to �nd a minimum cardinality path set � �� We have

employed a path selection method similar to Li et al� � � where we consider the longest

and shortest possible paths through each line in the logic circuit �����

��� Prior Work on Path Delay Fault Simulation

We present a brief survey of various path delay fault simulation techniques described in

the literature� Since our work is limited to test generation and fault simulation of path

delay faults in combinational circuits� we have concentrated only on the path delay fault

Chapter �� Prior Work ��


����� Path Delay Fault Simulation by Logic Value Propagation

Smith ����� �rst proposed a procedure that identi�es paths which are tested for path delay

faults by a given set of patterns� He used a six�valued logic to describe the state of a signal

in two consecutive patterns� Each value consisted of the ordered pairs s �s p �p �

and ��� The �rst element of each ordered pair was a Boolean or � which represented the

�nal logic value of the signal� The second value was �s� steady� �p� path� or ��� neither

�s� nor �p��� A value �s� indicated that a gate necessarily held a steady value during the

two patterns� This must be true no matter what delays are assumed for the gates of the

network� The value s �s� indicated that the initial and �nal logic values of the signal

were �� and there were no transients hazards� between the two consecutive patterns�

A value �p� indicated that there was at least one path of gates with a value �p� from the

network input to this gate and that the gate output did not change before transitions

have propagated through each path of gates with a value �p� from the network input to

this gate� A value p �p� denoted a falling rising� transition of the signal during the

two consecutive patterns� There may be momentary transitions between the initial and

�nal patterns� A value ��� indicated that it did not meet the criteria for values �s� or �p��

A gate with a value ��� may have none one or many transitions� Its �nal value may or

may not be the same as its initial value� The value � ��� represented a logic value ��

in the �nal pattern of the signal and an unknown X� logic value in the initial pattern�

There may be several transitions between the two consecutive patterns�

The following procedure describes how to identify the set of paths that are robustly

tested for path delay faults independent of other delays by a set of patterns�


�� Generate the next set of initial and �nal values� Assign corresponding values s �s

p or �p to each input of the network�

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

�� Propagate values as per the propagation tables which can be easily derived for each

gate type ������

�� Trace each path in the list of untested paths� Any path with the correct transition

direction and with the value �p on every gate of the path is agged as tested� It is

then removed from the path list�

The main advantage of this method is that a path is tested for path faults independent

of gate delays and the size of any individual gate delay has no e�ect on the delay testing

of the path� Whether or not the delay values of individual gates exceed speci�cations is

irrelevant to this criterion� This fault model is capable of modeling all delay faults of any

size� The execution time is roughly proportional to a linear function of the number of

gates and the number of paths�

����� Parallel Pattern Fault Simulation of Path Delay Faults

Schulz et al� ��� � proposed an accelerated fault simulation for path delay faults� which

applies parallel processing of patterns� A large number of paths cannot be tested under

the restrictive condition of robustness� Using Smiths six�valued algebra� they devised a

four�valued algebra to enable simulation of robust and nonrobust path delay faults�

In order to e�ectively cope with the typically huge number of paths in circuits� they

have employed a highly economical data structure� called the path tree� Its basic idea

consists in storing parts of paths� which are common to many paths from a distinct PI

to POs� only once rather than explicitly carrying them along for each path separately�

Performance results for robust and nonrobust path delay fault simulation of ������ random

pattern pairs for the ISCAS� benchmark circuits have been reported� However� even

with an e�cient data structure� explicit representation of all physical paths can be very

expensive� for example� it takes more than �� MB to store the path tree for circuit c�����

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

����� Non�Enumerative Estimation of Path Delay Fault Cover�


Pomeranz and Reddy ����� propose a method to estimate the number of path delay

faults detected by a given test� without enumerating paths� The time complexity of the

algorithm is polynomial in the size of the circuit� The computed estimate is pessimistic�

i�e�� the true fault coverage is greater than the estimated one� As the degree of complexity

of the polynomial is increased� better estimates are obtained� If the degree of polynomial

is allowed to be of the order of number of lines in the circuit instead of being a constant�

the complexity becomes exponential and the exact number of path delay faults detected

is obtained� Three properties are used to allow the fault coverage of path delay faults to

be estimated without enumerating paths�

�� The total number of physical paths in the circuit can be computed in time that is

linear in the number of lines in the circuit� by making one backward pass over the


�� Considering a single test pattern� one pass of fault�free logic simulation is required to

determine which lines in the circuit belong to paths whose delay faults are covered

by the test� In this method� the number of paths dened by this subset of lines

can be determined in linear time without enumerating paths� The number of paths

computed equals the number of path delay faults covered by the test�

� Considering an arbitrary test pattern in a given test set� some of the faults detected

by the test are also detected by the preceding tests� Only new faults detected for

the rst time by the test pattern considered should be counted for the purpose of

computing the fault coverage� Circuit lines that are not included in path delay

faults detected by earlier tests are determined� These lines are called new lines�

The number of new path delay faults detected by the test pattern considered can

be pessimistically estimated by counting the number of path delay faults detected

by the test� which include at least one new line� The estimated number of faults

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

can then be added to the number of faults detected earlier to obtain an estimate of

the fault coverage�

An approximation is required to estimate the fault coverage of a test set comprising

more than than one test� Several levels of approximation� with increasing accuracy and

increasing complexity� have been proposed� In all cases� the method remains polynomial

in the number of lines in the circuit� and thus allows even circuits with exorbitant number

of paths to be considered under the path delay fault model� However� using the zero�order

approximation method� the coverages tend to be very pessimistic and have a signi�cant

error as reported by Heragu et al� ���� Also� the method does not give any information

about the detectability of individual faults� which can be used for fault dropping� Heragu

et al� ���� � have proposed further improvements to this method to reduce the estimation

error in fault coverage�

����� Fault Coverage Estimation by Test Vector Sampling

Heragu et al� ��� proposed another approximate technique of estimating fault coverage

in combinational circuits by fault�free simulation of a random sample of the test vector

set� Unlike fault sampling where exact fault simulation is required for the sampled faults

over the entire vector set� in this case� they only determine detection probabilities of all

faults from fault�free simulation of a randomly sampled subset of vectors�

The proposed vector sampling method is applicable to both stuck�at faults and delay

faults� They use a fault sampling technique to determine path delay fault coverages

with respect to all paths� where only a �xed number of sampled paths is considered for

fault coverage computation� Following fault�free simulation of a random sample from the

vector set� they statistically compute controllabilities and observabilities of all faults in

the circuit which are used to predict fault detection probabilities on a randomly selected

vector pair� The detection probabilities for the entire length of the vector set is then

computed and are used to predict the fault coverage�

For F faults� V vectors� and N lines in a circuit� the complexity of their method is

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

O�N� as opposed to O�N � F � V � for a fault simulator and O�N � V � for a random

sampling estimator� The reduction in complexity of fault coverage estimation becomes

very signi�cant in applications like built�in self�test �BIST� where the number of vectors

is typically very large�

����� Delay Fault Coverage Estimation by Selective Path Search

Bose et al� proposed fault simulation algorithms for path delay faults in synchronous

sequential circuits ���� A dynamic path search of only the active paths is devised to

avoid explicit simulation of all path faults� The fault simulator provides both robust and

nonrobust fault coverage� For robust coverage a new update rule �Optimistic Update

Theorem� for state variables is used in which latches are updated with their correct values

provided they are destinations of at least one robustly activated path delay fault ���� This

rule provides a less pessimistic coverage than the earlier method of Chakraborty et al� ���

in which all latches with transition were assumed to have unknown values�

Among the numerous possible paths in a circuit only a few propagate transitions

during any given vector� The number of such paths depends on the previous and current

vectors and is a dynamic property of both the circuit and input vectors� After simulation

of a new vector the algorithm evaluates the highest ranked sensitized path in the subtree

rooted at each node� This information is maintained at each node with the help of a

one�bit propagation �ag called p��ag and an integer identi�er referred to as maxpath�

If p��ag is false then no sensitized path to any output of the combinational logic exists

in the subtree and the value of maxpath is irrelevant� So p��ag is true if a sensitized

path from that node to an output exists� The evaluation of maxpath uses the values of

pathcount at each node of the graph� The computation is done with a depth��rst search�

The complexity of the algorithm is O�n�F � where n is the number of lines the circuit

and F is the number of faults considered� However if for every vector pair a signi�cant

number of paths is sensitized then the complexity of this algorithm can be O�n� �n� in

the worst case due to the possibility of an exponential number of paths in large circuits�

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

Hence� the method may not work well for estimating path delay fault coverage for large


����� Exact Path Delay Fault Coverage Estimation

In recent papers� Gharaybeh et al� ���� have presented an e�cient fault simulator� for

path delay faults� that does not involve enumeration of paths� Their method calculates

the exact fault coverage� and identies all tested faults even in circuits with a very large

number of paths� They have presented a new data structure called PathStatus Graph

�PSG�� to e�ciently hold the status of each path delay fault in the circuit� The key to this

e�ciency is in breaking the information into pieces and distributing over the data structure

and in retaining all or part of the reconverging fanout structure of the circuit in the PSG�

Thus� an exponential number of path delay faults can share the same piece of information�

In their implementation� they have used the sixteenvalued algebra � ��� which is e�cient

for simulating single�input change �SIC� patternpairs� They have concentrated on non

robust detection which identies singlytestable �ST� path delay faults � ���

Kapoor ���� has presented an e�cient algorithm to compute exact path delay fault

coverage� In his implementation� a set of consecutively numbered path delay faults has

been represented as a closed interval over a pair of integers� He has described a modied �

� tree data structure to store and manipulate these intervals to keep track of tested faults�

In addition to estimating exact path delay fault coverage� this technique also provides the

ability to e�ciently nd out whether a given path delay fault has been tested�

����� SPADES� A Path Delay Fault Simulator for Sequential


Pomeranz et al� ����� proposed a fault simulator for path delay faults in synchronous

sequential circuits� where a test sequence is considered under di�erent combinations of

slow and fast clock cycles �clocking schemes�� The main features of the fault simulator

are as follows� ��� A special path representation scheme is used� which facilitates the step

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

where a detected path fault is compared to the previously detected path faults� to �nd

whether the fault has already been detected by a previous test or the fault coverage has

to be increased� ��� For a given input sequence V and a clocking scheme C containing

a single fast clock cycle� it determines the path delay faults detected by robust and

nonrobust tests� ��� Given an input sequence V � it simulates in parallel all cases of a

di�erent single vector applied with a fast clock� The full fault coverage of a test sequence

of length k� when used with any set of clocking schemes� can be determined by considering

a number of clocking schemes which is linear in the length of the test sequence� instead of

considering all �k possible clocking schemes� �� Given an input sequence� it determines

a minimal number of clocking schemes� each using multiple fast clock cycles� to achieve

the maximum fault coverage� These features maximize the number of faults detected by a

given sequence and minimize the number of clocking schemes with which a test sequence

is applied�

The major drawback of the proposed method is that it assigns unknown values to

o�path latches that have nonsteady signals at their inputs in the previous vector� Such

procedures are pessimistic and predict low fault coverages� They also have an adverse

e�ect on the execution time of fault simulation� especially if the circuit has a large number

of active paths� because a separate analysis of fault e�ect propagation may be necessary

for every active path fault� The situation can be remedied by the optimistic update

theorem of Bose et al� �� as mentioned in Section ������

��� Prior Work on Test Generation for Path Delay


We now give a brief survey of various test generation techniques which have been developed

for path delay faults in combinational as well as sequential logic circuits� We also discuss

the advantages and limitations of the di�erent approaches�

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

����� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults Using PODEM

Lin and Reddy ���� �rst proposed a PODEM based test generation technique for path

delay faults in combinational circuits� The delay fault test generation algorithm with a

PODEM type mechanization with several heuristics to aid backtracing has been imple

mented and described by Patil and Reddy ��� �� They propose a �vevalued logic system

to facilitate the derivation of robust tests for path delay faults and give necessary and

su�cient conditions for a twopattern test to be a robust test for a given path�

The major advantage of this approach is that the proposed logic system allows spec

i�cation of minimal signal conditions to propagate required transitions along the path

under test� The reduced number of logic symbols leads to more e�cient implementations

in terms of computation time and memory requirements�


Fuchs et al� ���� proposed a test generation system for path delay faults in combinational

or scanbased circuits named Delay Fault Oriented Automatic Test Generation System

�DYNAMITE�� Their method exploits the bene�cial techniques applied in the automatic

test generation �ATG� system SOCRATES ������ Based upon a ��valued logic for robust

tests and a threevalued logic for nonrobust tests DYNAMITE is capable of generating

tests for path delay faults� Moreover in order to overcome the main disadvantage of

the path delay fault model they introduce a new path sensitization procedure which is

capable of e�ciently identifying large number of path faults as redundant with a single

ATG attempt� If the given subset of paths is not highly testable due to the presence

of many redundant paths DYNAMITE dynamically switches to another subset of paths

and may eventually succeed in generating a test set for all testable path delay faults� The

path tree structure ����� described in Section ����� is used for e�cient storage of paths�

All selected paths are stored in the path tree� A stepwise path sensitization procedure

identi�es sets of redundant path delay faults without enumerating them� This method is

very e�ective in poorly testable circuits but many faults have to be treated separately in

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

those circuits that are highly testable� A limitation of this approach is that the storage of

the path tree is impractical for large circuits� Because of limited memory resources� the

set of all path delay faults must usually be partitioned into many subsets�

����� Delay Fault Testing Using Boolean Expressions

Bhattacharya et al� ��� present a new test generation technique for path delay faults in

scan�hold type circuits� They use reduced ordered binary decision diagrams ROBDDs

to represent Boolean functions implemented by the sub�circuits in a circuit� as well as to

represent the constraints to be satis�ed by the delay fault test� Two faults are considered

for each path in the circuit under test and a pair of constraint functions� corresponding to

the two time frames that constitute a transition� is evaluated for each fault� These con�

straint functions are manipulated to obtain robust tests if they exist otherwise nonrobust

tests are obtained� For circuits amenable to analysis using BDDs� the Boolean algebraic

technique is much faster than existing branch�and�bound algorithms� This approach� how�

ever� requires post processing steps to check for robustness� Since an exhaustive check

may be prohibitively CPU intensive� the method only provides a conservative estimate of

the robust path delay fault coverage�

Chakradhar et al� ���� have employed a four�valued logic in a similar approach when

the constraint function is solved using a transitive closure method�

����� NEST� Non�Enumerative Test Generation Method for Path

Delay Faults

Pomeranz et al� ����� present a test generation method that is based on the procedures

introduced in their fault coverage estimator ����� described in Section ����� and is ca�

pable of generating tests for a large number of path delay faults� without enumerating

paths� The basic idea behind the method is to replace the practically infeasible process

of considering an exponential number of paths with a process that considers single lines�

The authors show that it is possible to detect a large number of path delay faults by

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

propagating transitions robustly through parts of the circuit� without having to enumer�

ate the complete paths through which these transitions are propagated� To make the

method e�ective� subcircuits with a large number of paths� which can be simultaneously

tested� are identi�ed� This is done by using a labeling technique that considers only lines

�and not paths� For every selected subcircuit� test generation objectives are determined�

Once the objectives are satis�ed� a test is obtained that often detects a large number of

path delay faults� A fault simulation method ���� is then used to estimate how many

faults are actually detected�

The major advantage of this approach is that� in contrast to conventional test genera�

tion approaches where speci�c faults are targeted� this method allows circuits with a large

number of detectable path delay faults to be handled� It thus removes the most serious

restriction of the path delay fault model� The drawback of this method� however� is that

though it is e�ective in highly testable circuits� it may fail in those with poor testability�

NEST also provides only a conservative estimate of the robust path delay fault coverage�

����� Compact Delay Tests by Multiple Path Activation

Bose et al� ��� present a test generation algorithm for multiple path tests� The objective

is to generate a compact set of tests that will robustly test all testable path delay faults�

Each test is successively augmented to detect as many path faults as possible� Other

features of the test generator are a PODEM�like branch�and�bound search for test and an

algorithmic selection of secondary target faults for augmenting the tests to cover multiple

faults� The new ideas incorporated in the algorithm are

�� A ���value logic system that represents the signal state in two consecutive vectors�

It has been shown ��� that such a ���value logic system is ideal� This logic system

is complete and puts minimum restrictions on signals for satisfying path activation


�� An e�cient path numbering scheme previously developed for path delay fault sim�

ulation ��� ���� ���� is employed to avoid storing the details of paths� which may

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

require enormous memory�

�� A test generation procedure that arbitrarily selects the �rst path and uses the ���

value logic to obtain a test with a minimal set of essential signal assignments� The

logic is further used to �nd the candidate paths that may be testable by augmenting

the present test�

The drawback in this approach is that the fault selection algorithm is heuristic and

does not guarantee that a test will indeed be found by input assignment modi�cation for all

secondary target faults� No consideration is given to the circuit connectivity� However� the

method works well for smaller circuits� whereas for some circuits the number of secondary

backtracks is very large as reported in the results�

In a recent paper ��� Pramanick and Reddy have presented an e�cient method

for multiple path propagation compact tests for delay faults where each test covers many

single path faults�

����� RESIST� Recursive Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

Fuchs et al� � � present RESIST� a recursive test pattern generation algorithm for path

delay fault testing of combinational and scan�based sequential circuits� Five di�erent test

classes are introduced and their properties are discussed� They derive a logic system for

test pattern generation that results in an early recognition of con�icting value assignments�

RESIST uses the derived logic system for each test class for an optimal search strategy�

In contrast to earlier approaches� RESIST exploits the fact that many paths in a circuit

have common subpaths and sensitizes these subpaths only once� thus reducing the number

of value assignments during path sensitization signi�cantly� In addition� the procedure

identi�es large sets of untestable path delay faults without enumerating them�

Reported results show that RESIST is capable of performing test pattern generation

for all path delay faults in ISCAS�� and ISCAS�� benchmark circuits� A comparison

with other test pattern generation systems shows that RESIST is signi�cantly faster than

all previous published methods�

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

����� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults in Non�Scan Se�

quential Circuits

Agrawal et al� ��� developed a new method for generating tests for path delay faults

in synchronous sequential circuits using the sequential circuit test generation program

STEED ����� To generate a test sequence for a path delay fault they augment the netlist

model of the circuit under test with a sequential logic block such that the test for a single

stuck type fault in this block is also a test for the path delay fault in the original circuit�

The added logic consists of a pair of ip�ops and a few logic gates that are driven by the

signals feeding the gates on the paths� A stuck�at fault in this logic is activated and its

e�ect is latched into the destination ip�op of the path only when all signals on the path

are set in the states required for the delay test� The fault e�ect is then propagated to a

primary output� The test sequence for the stuck fault thus performs all three functions

namely initialization path activation and fault propagation for the delay fault�

Given a path and a transition a modi ed circuit is created in which a test for a

speci ed single stuck fault will detect the delay fault� This stuck fault is de ned as


�� The stuck fault must be activated only when the two path activation vectors have

been applied to the combinational logic� Since the circuit is sequential any initial�

ization vectors also precede path activation vectors�

�� Once the stuck fault is activated its e�ect �D or D� is injected into the destination

ip�ops of the path� This happens at the second path activation vector� Prior to

its activation the stuck fault must not interfere with the normal operation of the


�� After the fault e�ect is stored in the destination ip�op the stuck fault must allow

the fault�free function of the circuit during the propagation phase�

Notice that the initialization and propagation phases assume slow clock operation� The

main disadvantage in this approach is that the complexity is rather high which makes it

Chapter �� Prior Work ��

impractical for very large sequential circuits�

Chakraborty et al� ���� propose another method for test generation of path delay

faults in random logic sequential circuits� A new thirteen�valued algebra is employed to

represent logic values in two consecutive time frames and the hazard between them� This

algebra helps in detecting robust and nonrobust tests and hence is useful for path based

delay fault simulation� Three fault models are proposed based on speci�c assumptions

about the initial states of �ip��ops for the vector sequence that propagates the captured

logic value to a primary output� This method of path delay testing in which the clock is

run at rated speed only during the path activation phase simpli�es test generation�

One disadvantage of this approach is that no speci�c criterion is used to select a

combinational path between the source and destination� Hence this method may not be

feasible for large circuits� The experience in their approach indicates that circuits with

poor testability with respect to stuck�at faults� may in fact also have many untestable

paths� The consequences arising from low path delay fault coverage however require

detailed investigation�

The process of test generation under rated clock test application in sequential circuits

is more complex� Recent results have been given by Bose and Agrawal �� �� However

because of the complexity of the problem they were able to give results only for some

smaller benchmark circuits�

Multi�valued algebras are basic to delay testing� These algebras should be minimal

use the smallest number of values� and complete provide all information necessary for

the speci�c problem�� Derivation of such algebras is discussed by Bose et al� �����

��� Conclusion

In this chapter we brie�y discussed the three important delay fault models namely the

transition fault model the gate delay fault model and the path delay fault model� The

advantages and limitations of these fault models were also discussed� Our present work is

con�ned to the path delay fault model which has the advantageous capability of modeling

�� Chapter �� Prior Work

the distributed failures along an entire path� We have also presented a brief survey of

various techniques used for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults in

combinational as well as sequential circuits� In the following chapters� we will describe

the main contributions of our work� i�e�� the development of e�cient test generation and

fault simulation algorithms for path delay faults in combinational circuits and also a new

line delay fault coverage metric for path delay faults�

Chapter �

Path Delay Fault Simulation Using

Binary Logic

In this chapter� we present a novel path delay fault simulator for combinational logic cir�

cuits� The simulator is capable of detecting both robustly and nonrobustly tested paths

simultaneously� We use binary logic instead of the multiple�valued logic as is used in ex�

isting simulators� The simpler logic contributes to the reduction of the overall complexity

of the algorithm� A rule based approach has been developed which identi�es all robust

and nonrobust paths tested by a two�pattern test using backtracing from POs to PIs in

a depth��rst manner� Rules are also given to �nd probable glitches and to determine

how they propagate through the circuit� thus identifying nonrobust paths� Experimental

results on several ISCAS��� and the scanhold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits

demonstrate the e�ciency of the algorithm�

��� Introduction

There has always been an increasing demand for faster digital systems� The maximum

allowable clock frequency in a synchronous system is determined by the propagation delay

of signals in the combinational network between latches� Due to some physical defects�

statistical process variations or stray capacitances� if the delay of the manufactured net�

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

work exceeds speci�cations� there is a chance of unstabilized and possibly incorrect logic

values being latched� Delay fault testing can be used to ascertain that manufactured dig�

ital circuits meet their timing speci�cations and operate correctly at desired clock rates�

Thus� delay fault testing has achieved theoretical and practical importance in the design

of high�speed logic circuits� In this chapter� we have presented a novel path delay fault

simulator for combinational circuits which detects the faulty paths under the application

of two�pattern tests�

We described several delay fault models and their advantages and limitations in the

previous chapter� The path delay fault model is considered for delay fault simulation

and test generation in our present work� In this model� the delay fault is associated with

a physical path in the circuit and the path is declared to be free of delay faults if the

transition provoked at the input propagates to the output through a speci�ed path in less

time than the operational system clock interval�

There is a major bottleneck in selecting paths for which the test generation and fault

simulation are to be carried out� since as the circuit size grows the number of paths can

grow exponentially with circuit depth and the number of fanouts� Hence� prior to the

test generation and fault simulation process� it may be necessary to focus on a subset

of all possible paths in the logic network� There are several methods available in the

literature such as the worst�case path selection� threshold�based path selection ���� and

a polynomial time algorithm to �nd a minimum cardinality path set ���

Multi�valued logic systems are commonly used for test generation and fault simulation

of path delay faults� Smith ���� has proposed a six�valued logic� which identi�es the

paths tested for delay faults independent of the delays of any individual gate in the

network� Schulz et al� �� � have used Smith�s six�valued logic and a modi�ed four�valued

logic for robust and nonrobust detection of path delay faults with parallel processing of

patterns� Bose et al� �� have used Smith�s six�valued algebra for delay fault simulation

of synchronous sequential circuits� Similarly� multiple�valued logic has been used for

the test generation process of the delay faults� e�g�� eleven�valued logic ����� ten�valued

logic ���� ���� and �ve�valued logic ���� ��� The number of logic states used is a factor

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

that determines the time and memory complexity of the algorithms based on them� fewer

logic symbols lead to less complex implementations ����� Hence� we have employed the

simple two�valued logic for path delay fault simulation�

The broad outline of our fault simulation approach is as follows� During eventdriven

logic simulation with respect to the rst vector �initialization vector� of the twopattern

test � V�� V� �� we classify all gate inputs as either controlling �CO� or noncontrolling

�NC� based on their logic values� After evaluating the true logic values with respect to the

second vector �propagation vector�� using the same eventdriven approach� the possibility

of a glitch event at the output of a gate is determined taking both the initialization and

propagation vectors into account� An eventqueue is also maintained for the propagation

of the glitch events from PIs to POs in order to determine the robustness nonrobustness

of a path� Finally� we backtrace from POs to PIs in a depthrst manner based on some

specied rules to trace the faulty paths� Thus� our algorithm detects both robust and

nonrobust paths during the simulation procedure� All paths are counted initially� but no

target path list is generated� Once a path fault is detected by a vector pair� it is added

to the global list of detected faults to keep track of the fault coverage� Thus� all paths in

the circuit are implicitly considered by the fault simulator� The algorithm can be easily

modied to simulate faults for any given list of paths�

��� Theoretical Background and Basic De�nitions

����� Hardware Model and Clock Timings

Unlike a singlepattern test as used for testing a stuckat fault� delay fault testing re

quires a twopattern test� The main objective of delay fault testing is to ensure that the

maximum propagation delay of paths in the circuit is less than the system clock interval�

The hardware model and clock timings for delay fault testing have already been given in

Chapter ��

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

����� Robust and Nonrobust Paths

For clarity of presentation� we de�ne two types of paths� robust and nonrobust� employing

the de�nitions of robust and nonrobust tests� given in the previous chapter�

Robust Path� A structural path P in the logic network is termed a robust path

with respect to a two�pattern test � V�� V� �� i��

� a transition provoked at the input to the path propagates to the output through

the structural path P �

� it is guaranteed that all signals on the structural path P cannot attain their �nal

values with respect to the propagation vector V� of the two�pattern test � V�� V� ��

until the provoked transition reaches them�

A delay fault in the robust path will cause a faulty logic value at the output of the

path independent of other path delays in the network� The corresponding vector pair

which detects the faulty robust path is de�ned as a robust test�

Nonrobust Path� A structural path P in the logic network is termed a nonrobust

path with respect to a two�pattern test � V�� V� �� i��

� a transition is provoked at the input of path P by the test � V�� V� ��

� the excessive delay on path P can be detected by the two�pattern test � V�� V� �

under the assumption that there does not exist any other faulty path in the network�

In other words� the propagation vector V� causes all o��path sensitizing inputs

along the structural path P to assume their noncontrolling values to propagate the

provoked transition�

Figure �� illustrates a two�pattern test � V�� V� � consisting of the initialization

vector V� �� and the propagation vector V� ��� � The primary inputs are

assumed to be glitch free� The structural path P� �C�E�I�J�L�N�Q is referred as a

robust path �shown in bold lines with respect to the test � V�� V� �� since all lines in

path P� cannot attain their �nal values unless the transition provoked at input C arrives

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

at them ������ The structural path P� � CEIJLMP� is referred as a nonrobust path

with respect to the test � V�� V� �� because an excessive delay in the rising transition

on line H may cause the PO line P � to have its expected true nal logic value � at the

sampling time t� as shown in Figure ���b�� regardless the delay on path P�� We assume

that the delay fault on path P� is not entirely caused by a spot delay defect on the output

gate P �� Thus� it leads to the conclusion that the circuit is faultfree� although there are

delay faults on line H as well as path P�� But if there is no delay fault on line H as shown

in Figure ���c�� we will get the faulty logic value � at the PO line P � at the sampling

time t�� Thus� path P� can be detected as a nonrobust path with respect to the test pair

� V�� V� �� i� there is no delay on line H�








L, M


[b] [c]

L, M

















1 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0

0 1

1 0

0 1

1 10 1

1 1

Figure ���� Examples of robust and nonrobust paths

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

����� Sensitivity and Gate Evaluation

During event�driven logic simulation with respect to the initialization vector V� of the

two�pattern test � V�� V� �� we classify each gate as follows� ����

� Globally Sensitive �GS�� A logic gate with all inputs at noncontrolling NC�

values is classi�ed as a GS gate Noncontrolling values are ��� for AND�NAND

OR�NOR� gates

� Potentially Sensitive �PS�� A logic gate with at least one input at a controlling

CO� value is classi�ed as a PS gate Controlling values are ��� for AND�NAND

OR�NOR� gates

� Odd�Parity Sensitive �OPS�� A logic gate whose output is complemented when

an odd number of inputs have events is classi�ed as an OPS gate� e g � XOR�XNOR

gates We have restricted the OPS gates to two input gates throughout our dis�

cussion as any gate with � or more inputs can be modeled as a cascade of � input

gates �

� Input Sensitive �IS�� A logic gate with single input is classi�ed as IS gate� since

the output is complemented by complementing the input Inverters�bu�ers are IS


��� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

In order to perform the path delay fault simulation with respect to a given two�pattern

test vector� we follow the procedures given below�

� While doing event�driven logic simulation with respect to the initialization vector

V� of the two�pattern test � V�� V� �� the gate sensitivity i e � GS� PS� OPS� IS�

as well as the controlling CO� and noncontrolling NC� inputs of the gates are

determined based on the classi�cation given in the previous section An example is

given in Figure � �� where we have taken the test pair � V�� V� � as ������������

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

Gate inputs having a star ��� are the CO inputs with respect to the initialization

vector V��



























1 0

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0

0 1

1 0

0 1

1 10 1

1 1

Figure ���� Evaluation of gate sensitivity CO and NC inputs

� Eventdriven logic simulation is then performed for the propagation vector V� and

the true �nal logic values are evaluated� Along with the logic simulation we ad

ditionally check for the possibility of a glitch event at gate outputs� An example

showing the generation of a glitch at the gate output is shown in Figure ���� There

are both rising and falling transitions at the inputs of the AND gate� According

to the rules of eventdriven logic simulation we do not have a logic event on the

output of the AND gate� However this condition can cause a glitch event at the

gate output if the falling transition at the NC input is delayed with respect to the

rising transition at the CO input� We have developed a set of rules to accurately

model the generation and propagation of glitches as explained in the next section�

� After evaluating the true logic values produced by V� we perform glitch propagation

�for those glitch events which were scheduled in the previous step� in an eventdriven

manner toward primary outputs�

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic



Figure ���� Glitch generation

� Finally� we backtrace from POs to PIs in a depth��rst manner to determine the

tested paths �both robust and nonrobust based on the rules explained in Section


��� Glitch Generation and Propagation

In order to determine the robustness�nonrobustness of a path� we need to check for the

possibility of a glitch event at the gate output� A robust test may get invalidated due

to the presence of a glitch �static hazard caused by another delay fault present in the

circuit� The concept of hazards �static and dynamic and methods for their detection and

elimination have been addressed by earlier researchers � �� ��� ����� A simple theorem

for identifying probable glitches based on the structure of reconvergent paths in a circuit

was presented by Shaik et al� ������ A glitch is possible at a gate output only if two

opposite transitions arrive at gate inputs and one gets delayed with respect to another�

Thus� only gates whose output does not have a logic event need be considered for glitch

generation� We also need to determine whether or not a glitch event can propagate to the

primary output� A glitch may propagate through a gate causing a glitch at the output or

a glitch and a transition may simultaneously propagate through a gate causing a dynamic

hazard at the gate output� However� we do not consider the propagation of dynamic

hazards through the circuit� This is because if a transition propagates through a gate�

any dynamic hazard �glitch associated with the transition can also propagate through the

gate� Since during backtrace we consider the invalidation of a robust test due to possible

dynamic hazards� we need not explicitly consider the propagation of dynamic hazards�

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

We have developed a set of simple rules that govern the generation and propagation of

the glitch event as discussed next�

����� Glitch Generation

� Rule ���� If the gate is PS� all CO inputs have events and exactly one NC input

has an event� so then the output can have a glitch as shown in Figure ����a��

� Rule ���� If the gate is OPS and both inputs have events� then output can have a

glitch as shown in Figures ����b� and �c��

The above rules are based on the observation that a glitch is possible only if transitions

in opposite directions arrive at the inputs of a gate� The situation can not occur for GS�IS

gates� A glitch can occur even when more than one NC input have events provided that

all events at the NC inputs are delayed with respect to the event at CO input� However�

this implies that at least two paths in the circuit have delay faults and thus it leads to

a multiple delay fault assumption� Since the criterion for a nonrobust test requires that

there is a delay fault associated with only one path �all other paths are assumed to be

fault free�� we do not consider such cases�


0 0


0 0PS









10 11


Figure ��� Examples of glitch generation

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

����� Glitch Propagation

� Rule ���� If the gate is GS or OPS� a glitch on any input will propagate to the

output as shown in Figures ����a� and �b��

� Rule ���� If the gate is PS� exactly one CO input has a glitch� all other CO inputs

�if more than one CO input are present� have events and no NC input has an event�

then the glitch on the CO input will propagate to the gate output as shown in Figure

����c�� We do not restrict the presence of glitches on NC inputs�

� Rule ���� If the gate is IS� the glitch on the single input will propagate to the

output as shown in Figures ����d� and �e��



[d] [e]

OPS1 1

1 1

0 01 1

1 1

1 1GS

0 01 1

0 1





Figure ��� Glitch propagation

Illustration� Figure �� shows the generation of glitch events at lines I and J

according to Rules ��� and ���� respectively� The glitch events are then propagated toward

a primary output based on Rules ���� ��� and ��� mentioned above� Finally� the path �E

G M P� can be tested as a nonrobust path �based on the rules described in the next

section� under the test �������� ��������

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��
















0 11 0

1 1

1 00 1

0 0

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0

1 1

1 0



Figure ���� Example illustrating glitch generation and propagation

��� Backtracing for Robust and Nonrobust Paths

Our strategy in identifying robust and nonrobust paths detected by a vector pair is to

backtrace from POs to PIs in a depth �rst manner and mark each input of gates along

the path as robust or nonrobust based on a set of simple rules� Once we reach a PI� we

have identi�ed a path and it is classi�ed as a robust or nonrobust path depending on the

status of the lines along the path� The backtrace employs a recursive procedure� To start�

a PO having an event is marked as robust and a PO with a glitch is marked as nonrobust�

A gate is declared robust nonrobust if its output is robust nonrobust� The following

rules are then applied to compute the robust�nonrobust status of the inputs of a gate�

����� Rules for Evaluating the Inputs of a Robust Gate

The following rules are used to evaluate the robust�nonrobust status of the inputs of a

gate that has already been marked as robust since it has a logic event with or without a

dynamic hazard at its output�

� Rule ���� If the gate is PS� all CO inputs are marked as robust and all NC inputs

with glitches are marked as nonrobust�

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

� Rule ���� If the gate is GS� exactly one input� say input j� has an event and no

other input has a glitch� then input j is marked as robust� If at least one input

�except j� has a glitch then input j will be marked as nonrobust�

� Rule ���� If the gate is OPS� the input with an event is marked as robust if there

is no glitch on the other input� else� both inputs are marked as nonrobust�

Example ���� Figure �� illustrates the logic underlying Rules �� through ��� for

determining the robust and nonrobust inputs of a robust gate� In Figure ���a�� the

output D of the AND gate �type PS� has an event and has been marked as robust� The

controlling inputs A and B with rising transitions ��� � will be marked as robust� since

the path delay fault on these inputs can robustly propagate to output D� The delay fault

on input C �i�e�� glitch � � � � can be propagated to output D� if there is no delay

on inputs A and B� Thus� input C is marked as nonrobust and Rule �� is justi�ed� �

Example ���� In Figure ���b�� the output D of the OR gate �of type GS� has an

event and has been marked as robust� The input B having a rising transition ��� � will

be marked as robust� since the delay fault on this input can be robustly propagated to

output D� But the same input B will be marked as nonrobust as shown in Figure ���c��

when there is a glitch �� � � �� on input A� The glitch on A may cause a true �nal

logic value on output D at the sampling time and the delay fault on B could remain

undetected� The delay fault on B can propagate to the output provided that there is

no delay on input A and thus B is marked as nonrobust satisfying Rule ��� Again� if

there are more than one inputs of the GS gate having events� then none of the inputs

will be marked as robust� because the delay fault on one input will be masked by the

transition on the other input causing the gate output to have its true �nal logic value at

the sampling time� �

Example ���� In Figure ���d�� the delay fault on input A of the XOR gate �of

type OPS� can robustly propagate to output C and thus it is marked as robust� In Figure

���e�� the delay fault on A can be masked by the delay fault on B �i�e�� glitch � �� �

and vice versa� As a result the output can have its true �nal logic value at the sampling

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

time though there are delay faults on both inputs� The delay fault on one input will

propagate to the output provided there is no delay on the other input and thus both

inputs A and B are marked as nonrobust satisfying Rule ���� �

=> A, B are nonrobust[e] C is robust and B has a glitch

=> A is robust[d] C is robust

=> B is nonrobustA has a glitch

[c] D is robust and => B is robust

[b] D is robust

C is nonrobust

[a] D is robust=> A, B are robust and



0 1

0 00 10 0



A0 1

1 1

1 0


0 1

1 10 10 1


1 0

1 1

0 1A


0 00 10 0

0 1D



Figure ���� Robust and nonrobust inputs of a robust gate

����� Rules for Evaluating the Inputs of a Nonrobust Gate

� Rule ���� If the gate is PS and the output has a glitch� but none of the inputs has

a glitch� then the single NC input having an event is marked as nonrobust� If the

output has a glitch and exactly one input has a glitch� then the input with a glitch

is marked as nonrobust� If the output has an event� all CO inputs with events as

well as all NC inputs with glitches are marked as nonrobust�

� Rule ����� If the gate is GS and the output has a glitch� all inputs with glitches are

marked as nonrobust� If the gate is GS and the output has an event and exactly one

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

input� say input j� has an event� then input j is marked as nonrobust �independent

of the presence of glitches on other inputs��

� Rule ����� If the gate is OPS and the output has an event or a glitch� then any

input with an event or glitch is marked as nonrobust�

=> A is nonrobusthaving an event

[h] C is nonrobust but

=> B is nonrobustB has a glitch

[g] C is nonrobust and => A, B are nonrobust

[f] C is nonrobust

=> A is nonrobusthaving an event

[e] C is nonrobust but

=> A is nonrobustA has a glitch

[d] C is nonrobust and

=> A, B, C are nonrobusthaving an event

[c] D is nonrobust but

=> A is nonrobustA has a glitch

[b] D is nonrobust and => C is nonrobust

[a] D is nonrobust

*0 1


1 11 1

0 0B


OPS1 1

0 1 CB

A1 0


A0 1

C0 0


0 0

0 0




0 0B C

0 1

1 10 10 1





0 10 1

1 0

0 0

1 1

0 00 0



0 10 1

1 0

1 1

Figure ���� Nonrobust inputs of a nonrobust gate

Example ���� Figure ��� illustrates the logic behind Rules �� through �� for

determining the nonrobust inputs of a nonrobust gate� It must be noted that the inputs

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

of a robust gate can be marked either as robust or as nonrobust� whereas the inputs of

a nonrobust gate will be only nonrobust� This is because if an event at a gate output

cannot robustly propagate to a PO� then no event at the inputs to that gate can propagate

robustly to a PO� In Figure ����a�� the output D of the AND gate �of type PS� has a

glitch and has been marked as nonrobust� The delay fault on the single NC input C can

propagate to the output if all CO inputs have events and there is no delay fault on any

one of the CO inputs� Thus� input C is marked as nonrobust� In Figure ����b�� the glitch

� � � � on the CO input A can propagate to output D� if there are no events on

other NC inputs and thus input A is marked as nonrobust� In Figure ����c�� the output

D has been marked as nonrobust although it has an event� This possibility has been

explained in the previous example used for illustrating Rules ��� through ���� Referring

to Figure ����c�� the delay faults on inputs A and B can robustly propagate to output D�

but these inputs will be marked as nonrobust since output D is nonrobust� Again� input

C having a glitch �� � � will be marked as nonrobust as the associated delay fault

can be detected provided that there is no delay fault on inputs A and B� �

Example ���� Consider the case when the output of the GS gate has a glitch and

has been marked as nonrobust� The delay fault �i�e�� glitch� on any input will propagate

to the output� An example is given in Figure ����d� in which input A has a glitch and is

thus marked as nonrobust� In Figure ����e�� the output C of the GS gate has an event

and has been marked as nonrobust� The delay fault on input A having an event will

propagate to the output C provided that there is no delay fault on input B and thus A

will be marked nonrobust as the output C is nonrobust satisfying Rule ��� �

Example ���� Consider the case when the output of an OPS gate has a glitch and

has been marked as nonrobust� The delay fault on any input having a logic event or a

glitch event can propagate to the output� Thus� inputs A and B having logic events will

be marked nonrobust as shown in Figure ����f� and input B having a glitch event will be

marked nonrobust as shown in Figure ����g�� If the output of the OPS gate has an event

and has been marked nonrobust� then the delay fault on the input having a logic event

will propagate to the output� In Figure ����h�� the input A having a logic event will be

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

marked nonrobust since the delay fault can propagate through the gate and the output

has been marked nonrobust� �

����� Rule for Evaluating the Input of an IS Gate

Rule ����� If the gate is IS� its input is marked as robust �nonrobust� provided that the

output is robust �nonrobust��

Rule ��� is obvious since any transition or glitch at the input of an IS gate will

always propagate through the gate� Similarly� when we backtrace from a fanout branch

and reach a stem line� the stem will be assigned the same robustnonrobust status as the


Illustration� Figure ��� shows an example circuit where we have applied Rules ���

to ��� while backtracing from POs to PIs and determined the status of each line� Each

line in the circuit will have two associated �ags r and nr� The r �ag is set if the line is

robust and nr is set if it is nonrobust during backtrace� For lines that are common to two

or more paths� both �ags may be set during backtrace and such lines will be indicated

as rnr� We have applied the two pattern test ��� � � �� at the inputs of the logic circuit

and propagated the logic events as well as the glitch events through the circuit� Finally�

the output P will have a logic event � � �� whereas the output Q will have a glitch

event �� � � ��� Hence� the output P will be marked as robust �r �ag set� and Q as

nonrobust �nr �ag set�� First� we backtrace from the robust output P toward primary

inputs in a depth��rst manner� The inputs G and M of the AND gate �of type PS� will

be marked as robust based on Rule ���� Backtracing along the line G� the stem line F

will be marked as robust since its fanout branch G is robust� The input C of the XOR

gate �of type OPS� will be marked robust based on Rule ��� and thus primary input B�

which is a stem line for C� will also be marked as robust� After reaching at the primary

input B� we can enumerate the path �B�C�F�G�P� which is robust since all lines along

the path have been marked as robust� Next� backtracing along line M � the stem line L

will be marked as robust� The inputs H and J of the XOR gate �of type OPS� will be

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

marked as nonrobust based on Rule ���� Backtracing along the line H� the stem line F

�which has already been marked as robust� will also be marked as nonrobust �nr ag also

set�� The input C of the XOR gate will be marked as nonrobust based on Rule �� and

thus the primary input B will also be marked as nonrobust� Hence� we can enumerate

another path �B�C�F�H�L�M�P� which is nonrobust since some of the lines along this path

have been marked as only nonrobust �e�g�� line H�� Next� backtracing along line J � the

stem line I will be marked as nonrobust� The input D of the AND gate �of type PS�

will be marked as nonrobust based on Rule ��� and thus the primary input B will also

be marked as nonrobust� Hence� we can enumerate another path �B�D�I�J�L�M�P� as

nonrobust� After enumerating all paths whose output converge on P � we backtrace from

the nonrobust output Q� The input K of the NAND gate �of type PS� will be marked as

nonrobust based on Rule ��� and thus the stem line I will also be marked as nonrobust�

Backtracing again� the input D will be marked as nonrobust according to Rule ��� and

the stem line B will also be marked as nonrobust� Thus� we enumerate another path

�B�D�I�K�Q� as nonrobust� and now all robust and nonrobust paths tested by the vector

pair � � � have been enumerated�

and B-D-I-K-Q are nonrobust

[a] Path B-C-F-G-P is robust

[b] Paths B-C-F-H-L-M-P, B-D-I-J-L-M-P





1 1

0 1

0 1

1 0

1 1P



















rr r



rnr0 1

nr 0 0



Figure ���� Example of robustly and nonrobustly tested paths

As shown in Figure ���� we have used the following notation to mark the status of a

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

line� e�g�� a line is denoted as r which is only robust� nr which is only nonrobust and rnr

which is both robust as well as nonrobust� Thus� we observe that

�� A line can be robust as well as nonrobust with respect to di�erent paths�

�� A functional path will be robust i� all lines of the path have their r �ag set even

if some lines have both r and nr �ags set

�� A functional path will be nonrobust i� at least one of the lines on the path has only

the nr �ag set�

��� Simulation Results

We have implemented the proposed path delay fault simulation algorithm in the C lan�

guage about � �� lines of code on an IBM RS������ �� computer system running UNIX�

Table ��� shows the number of primary inputs� primary outputs� number of logic levels in

the circuit and total number of physical paths for the ISCAS�� combinational benchmark

circuits� The CPU times for counting the number of paths have been included in Table

���� We have not enumerated the path lists� Path counting was carried out as described

by Pomeranz and Reddy ������ The number of logical path delay faults modeled is twice

the number of physical paths present in a circuit since both the rising and falling transi�

tions are considered at the source of each path� The number of logical path faults varies

from ����� for circuit c��� to ����� ���� for circuit c�����

In order to derive a set of deterministic delay fault test vectors for use in simulation�

we have employed Patil and Reddy�s test generator ������ In Table ���� the total number

of paths generated by the worst�case path selection procedure ����� is given in the column

Examined� The number of path faults tested is given in the column Tested� The column

Dropped denotes the number of path faults dropped due to the backtrack limit of ���� The

number of path faults proved undetectable is given in the column Notest� The number of

two�pattern test vector pairs generated is given in the column Vectors�

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

Table ���� Number of possible physical paths� PIs� POs� and levels

Circuit � PI � PO � Levels � Physical Time

paths secs�

c��� �� �� ����� ���

c��� �� �� � ���� ���

c��� �� �� �� ���� ���

c���� �� �� �� �� ���� ���

c���� �� �� �� ���� ���

c�� � ��� ��� �� � ���� ��

c���� �� �� � ��� �� � ���

c���� � � ��� �� ������� ���

c���� �� �� ��� ������ ���� ���

c ��� �� ��� �� ����� ���

Table ���� Test generation results

Circuit Examined Tested Dropped Notest Vectors Timesecs�

c��� ��� �� ��� ��� �� ���

c��� ��� ��� ��� �� ��� �����

c��� �� ��� �� �� ��� ����

c���� ��� �� ��� ��� �� �����

c���� ���� ��� ��� ��� �� �����

c�� � �� � ��� ��� ��� ��� �����

c���� ���� ��� ��� ���� ��� ����

c���� ���� ���� �� � ��� ���� �����

c���� �� � �� ���� ���� �� �� ���

c ��� ���� � � ��� ���� � �� ���

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

Table ��� shows the delay fault simulation results obtained by our fault simulator

implementation� We have simulated three sets of vector pairs to detect both robust and

nonrobust paths for all circuits� The �rst row of each circuit shows the simulation results

of the deterministic test pattern pairs for path delay faults �denoted as dpd� shown in

Table ���� In our simulation procedure we use the second pattern �propagation vector� of

the present simulation as the �rst pattern �initialization vector� for the next simulation�

Hence we get �n � vector pairs where n is the number of deterministic vector pairs

generated which are given in Table ���� The second row in Table ��� for each circuit

shows the simulation results employing the deterministic test patterns obtained for stuck�

at faults and these are denoted as dsa� These deterministic test patterns for single stuck

faults were obtained using COMPACTEST �� and had a complete coverage of all non�

redundant stuck faults� The third row for each circuit shows the simulation results for

���� random test patterns denoted as r�

In our implementation once a path fault is detected by a test vector pair the path

is added to the global path list of detected paths provided that path does not already

exist in the global list of tested paths� The circuit c���� was not simulated for nonrobust

paths since the number of nonrobust paths detected was extremely large and simulation

did not complete within reasonable CPU time� Hence the CPU time mentioned for this

circuit is the time taken only for detecting the robust paths� We have not imposed any

restriction on path lengths� All paths tested by the test patterns are added to the global

path list�

Table ��� shows the overall statistics� The simulation results of circuit c���� have not

been considered for the statistics in Table ��� since we have not considered the nonrobust

paths for this circuit� It is to be noted that the number of robust paths tested per vector

pair by dpd patterns is greater than that of random patterns� For example �� dpd test

patterns test �� robust paths whereas ���� random patterns test only � robust paths

for circuit c���� Similarly � dpd test patterns cover ���� robust paths whereas ����

random patterns cover only ��� robust paths for circuit c��� as given in Table ���� On

average the number of nonrobust paths tested per vector pair by dsa patterns is greater

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

Table ���� Path delay fault simulation results

Circuit � Vector � Robust � Nonrobust Time

pairs paths paths �secs��

c��� �dpd� �� ��� ���

� �dsa� � �� ���

��� �r� � � ���

c� � � �dpd� ��� ��� ���

�dsa� �� � ���

��� �r� �� ���� � ��

c��� ���� �dpd� ���� ���� ���

� �dsa� ��� � � ���

��� �r� �� ��� � ��

c�� ��� �dpd� � ��� ��

� �dsa� ��� ���

��� �r� ��� ���� ����

c� �� �� �dpd� ���� ����� ����

��� �dsa� ��� ��� ���

��� �r� �� �� � ���

c��� ��� �dpd� ���� ��� ����

�dsa� � ���� ��

��� �r� ���� � �� ��

c��� �� �dpd� � ��� ����

�� �dsa� � � ����� ��

��� �r� ��� ���� ����

c�� ���� �dpd� ��� ����� ����

�dsa� ��� �� ���

��� �r� �� ��� ���

c��� � �dpd� �� NA ���

� �dsa� � NA ���

��� �r� ��� NA ���

c�� � �dpd� �� �� � �����

� �dsa� � �� � ���

��� �r� �� ��� � �����

�dpd� � deterministic test patterns for delay faults�

�dsa� � deterministic test patterns for stuck�at faults�

�r� � random test patterns�

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

Table ���� Overall statistics

Type of � Vector � Robust � Nonrobust Faults det��Vector pair

vectors pairs paths paths Robust Nonrobust

dpd �� �� ���� ��� ����

dsa �� ���� ���� ��� �����

random ����� ����� ������ ���� ���

than that of dpd patterns since dpd patterns were obtained using the deterministic robust

test generator� As shown in Table ���� the per vector coverage of nonrobust paths by dsa

patterns is ����� whereas that of dpd patterns is ����� For example� �� dsa patterns

cover � nonrobust paths whereas � dpd patterns cover only ��� nonrobust paths for

circuit c���� Similarly� � dsa patterns cover ��� nonrobust paths whereas �� dpd

patterns cover only �� nonrobust paths for circuit c��� as shown in Table ���� On

the whole the per vector coverage by dsa patterns is better than that of dpd and random

patterns for both robust and nonrobust paths as shown in Table ���� This indicates that

vector sets generated by test generators targeting single stuck faults can be e�ectively used

in delay fault testing� Simulation with these vectors can cover a signi�cant number of

path delay faults so that the delay fault test generator needs to target only the uncovered

paths in the target path list�

Table ��� shows the delay fault simulation results for some of the scan�hold versions

of the ISCAS�� benchmark circuits� We have simulated ���� random test patterns for

these circuits�

��� Conclusion

In this chapter� we have described a novel path delay fault simulator that is capable of

�nding the coverage of both robust and norobust paths� We believe that our path delay

fault simulator that uses the simple two�valued algebra will be simpler� though not neces�

sarily faster than the multi�valued algebras� Although it is not necessary to have a look�up

Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic ��

Table ���� Path delay fault simulation results for ISCAS��� circuits

Circuit � Vector � Robust � Nonrobust Time

pairs paths paths �secs��

s�� � � � ��

s�� � �� ��� ���

s��� ���� �� �� ��

s�� ���� ��� �� ��

s�� ���� ��� �� ��

s�� ���� �� �� ���

s� ���� ��� �� ��

s��� ���� ��� ��� ��

s��� ���� �� � ���

s��� ���� ��� � ��

s��� ���� � �� ���

s�� ���� �� � ���

s��n ���� ��� � ���

s�� ���� ��� ���� ����

s�� ���� ��� �� ���

s��� ���� ��� ��� ���

s�� ���� ��� ��� ���

s�� ���� ��� �� ��

s�� ���� ���� � ���

s��� ���� ���� ���� ����

s��� ���� ���� �� ����

s��� ���� ���� ��� ����

s���� ���� ��� ���� ����

s���� ���� ���� ��� ����

s��� ���� ��� �� ����

s��� ���� ��� ���� ��

�� Chapter �� Path Delay Fault Simulation Using Binary Logic

table as required in the multiple�valued logic evaluation� we have to perform logic simula�

tion both for the �rst and second vector of each vector pair� Our experimental results on

the ISCAS��� and the scanhold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits indicate that

even moderately large circuits can be handled by our simulator within reasonable CPU


In the next chapter� we will discuss an e�cient automatic test pattern generation

system for path delay faults for combinational logic circuits�

Chapter �

An E�cient Automatic Test

Generation System for Path Delay

Faults in Combinational Circuits

In this chapter� we describe an e�cient automatic test pattern generation algorithm and

its implementation for path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� To facilitate

simultaneous consideration of robust and nonrobust tests� we have developed a ��value

logic system� Once a robust test is found for a path with a given transition� our algorithm

derives another test with minimal extra e�ort� The derived test in most cases is either

a robust or nonrobust test for the same path with the opposite transition� An e�cient

multiple backtrace procedure is employed for satisfying the test generation objectives� A

path selection method covers all lines in the logic circuit by the longest and the shortest

possible paths through them� We have integrated a fault simulator with the test generator�

which can cover robust and nonrobust path faults either from a targeted path list or from

all possible path faults in the circuit� Experimental results on several ISCAS� and

the scan�hold versions of ISCAS�� benchmark circuits are presented to substantiate the

e�ciency of our algorithm in comparison to other published results�

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

��� Introduction

The path delay fault model ����� is extensively used since it represents the in�uence of

distributed delays on the operation of clocked systems� The complexity of test generation

for delay faults is rather high due to factors such as the large number of possible paths

large number of tests and the exponential search space for test generation� In this chapter

we present a novel test generation algorithm which is capable of eciently generating

robust and nonrobust tests for path delay faults in combinational circuits� We have

employed an ecient path selection procedure that targets a suitable subset of paths

from the enormously large number of possible paths in the circuit�

Most of the delay fault testing methods reported hitherto ��� �� � �� are based on the

relatively simple concept of the PODEM algorithm ����� Schulz et al� have demonstrated

an extended multiple backtrace procedure and the concept of static and dynamic learning

for path delay fault testing ��� ����� Park and Mercer �� �� have implemented a delay test

generation algorithm based on the D�algorithm for generating robust and nonrobust tests�

Their algorithms use a � �valued hazard�free logic system to prevent the invalidation of

a test due to hazard phenomena and to reduce the potential search space for delay test

generation� Several non�enumerative methods �i�e� without explicitly accounting for any

speci�c paths� for test generation and fault simulation of path delay faults have recently

appeared in the literature ��� �� ��� �����

Our method uses a multiple backtrace procedure similar to that of Schulz et al� �����

for satisfying the test generation objectives� The new ideas incorporated in our algorithm

are as follows�

�� A new ��value logic system to derive robust and nonrobust tests for path delay

faults �Section �����

�� A multiple backtrace procedure to �nd and resolve con�icts at internal nodes rather

than at PIs� This is illustrated by Example ����

�� Direct derivation of a test for the opposite transition once a test for a path for a

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

given transition is found� This is illustrated by Examples ��� and ����

�� Tests are generated for all paths or� especially in the case of too many paths� for

one longest and one shortest path per line �Section �����

��� A ��Value Logic System

Multivalued logic has been used by practically all researchers for test generation and

fault simulation of path delay faults� In a recent paper� Bose et al� �� have used a

��valued logic system for the test generation for multiple paths� Fuchs et al� �� have

introduced ��valued logic for robust automatic test generation �ATG� and threevalued

logic for nonrobust ATG� Park and Mercer have used ��valued logic for robust test

generation ��� � The number of logic states used is a key factor that determines the

time and memory complexities of the algorithm� fewer logic symbols generally lead to less

complex implementations �� �

We have used a �value logic system �i�e�� S�� X�� FT� S�� X�� RT� XX� G�� G�� for

the generation of robust and nonrobust tests� The initial seven logic values are simply

a more explicit representation of Lin and Reddy�s �ve value system �� whereas signals

G� and G� are newly introduced in our proposed logic system� Signal values S� and S�

specify steady values � and �� respectively� for both vectors without a static hazard �glitch�

in the signal� Signals X� and X� represent the �nal logic values � and �� respectively�

whereas the initial value is X �don�t care�� Signals RT and FT specify rising and falling

transitions without a dynamic hazards� The concepts of static and dynamic hazards are

given in �� ��� ��� ��� � XX means don�t care for both vectors� G� and G� represent

static hazards �i�e�� glitches ��� and ���� respectively��

����� Derivation of ��Value Logic

Our goal is to derive an optimal logic system that will allow simultaneous consideration of

robust and nonrobust tests� In earlier literature ��� ��� �� � a multivalued logic system

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

has been derived by manipulating three logic ��� � and X� states which are simultaneously

considered in two consecutive time frames �initial� �nal� of the clock period Similarly� we

manipulate three logic ��� � and X� states for three �initial� intermediate and �nal� sub

intervals within two clock periods in order to determine the presence of hazards between

two successive clocks Thus� we get �� � � possible transition states which are given in

Table �� These � states eventually collapse to a �value logic system

In Table ��� the transition states �� and ����� in which the logic values are fully

speci�ed� are represented by unique values� ie� �S�� G�� FT� and �S�� G�� RT�� respec

tively The composite states �transition states �� and ����� are absorbed together and

are represented by X� and X�� respectively� since the �nal value is known and the initial

or intermediate values are not fully speci�ed The last � states ��� �� are collapsed to

a single logic value XX since the �nal logic value is X �don�t care� Signal values G�

and G� represent static hazards �ie� glitches ��� and ���� and are explicitly used for

generation of nonrobust tests





Figure ��� Proposed �value logic

Figure �� shows the pictorial representation of our proposed �value logic system in

which X� covers �S�� FT� G��� X� covers �S�� RT� G��� and XX covers both X� and X�

Following Agrawal et al� ���� in Table � � we have given the signal value representation

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

Table ���� Enumeration of logic states

State Possible Fully Composite

id states speci�ed states

� � � � fS�g �

� � � � fG�g �

� � � � fFTg �

� � � � fFTg �

� X � � fS�G�g

� X � � � fS�FTg

� X X � � fS�G�FTg

� X � � fFTFTg

� X � � � fG�FTg

�� � � � fS�g �

�� � � � fG�g �

�� � � � fRTg �

�� � � � fRTg �

�� � X � � fRTRTg

� � X � � fS�G�g

�� X � � � fRTG�g

�� X X � � fS�G�RTg

� X � � � fRTS�g

�� � � X � �

�� � � X � �

�� X � X � �

�� X � X � �

�� � X X � �

�� � X X � �

� � � X � �

�� � � X � �

�� X X X � �

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

Table ���� Signal value representation

Name of Initial Final Hazard

signal value value value conditions

S� � � no static hazard

X� X � hazard possible

FT � � no dynamic hazard

S� � � no static hazard

X� X � hazard possible

RT � � no dynamic hazard

XX X X hazard possible

G� � � static hazard ����

G� � � static hazard ����

and their corresponding logic values in both vectors�

Hazards �static or dynamic are timing anomalies in digital circuits and are caused by

inherent delays of the circuit elements� A hazard may invalidate a delay test by declaring

a faulty circuit to be good� Thus� hazards play an important role in twopattern test

generation for delay faults� For example� a twoinput AND gate having one rising and

one falling transition at the inputs will give rise to a static hazard �i�e�� glitch ��� if

the falling transition is delayed with respect to the rising transition� Examples are given

in Figure ��� showing the glitch generation�

1 0 10 1 0

1 0 0

0 0 1

1 1 0

0 1 1


Figure ���� Examples of glitch generation

Signal values G� and G� are explicitly used for the generation of nonrobust tests�

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

Consider the circuit of Figure ���� Suppose we have to �nd a test for the rising transition

on path AE shown in bold lines� For propagating the transition through the OR gate

we need to justify a S� on the o�path sensitizing input D� These conditions for robust

propagation are the same as given by Lin and Reddy �� � Assume that the twopattern

test vector applied is V� � ��� and V� � ���� After simulation we will get a static hazard

G� at D if the falling transition at C is delayed with respect to the rising transition at B�

The static hazard at D can appear as a dynamic hazard at E� provided that there is an

excessive delay on path AE� If the hazard at E coincides with the clock� the correct logic

value � will be latched and thus the test will be invalidated� If there is no propagation

delay on C� then the delay fault �rising transition on path AE� can be detected and thus

�V�� V�� will be a nonrobust test� For generating a robust test� we need to justify a S�

signal at D and this can be obtained by assigning S� to either input B or C�








Figure ���� Glitch causing a nonrobust test

��� Path Selection

There is a major bottleneck in selecting all possible paths for test generation and fault

simulation since as the circuit size increases the number of possible paths grows exponen

tially with the number of lines� In most practical cases� the large number of paths makes

it impossible to consider all paths for the purpose of delay fault testing� Hence� it may be

necessary to focus on a subset of all possible paths� There are several methods presented

in the literature like worst�case path selection and threshold�based path selection ��� � Li

et al� have presented a polynomial time algorithm to �nd a minimum cardinality path

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

set ����� In their approach� a set of paths is selected such that each line L is included in

at least one selected path P and the modeled signal propagation delay along the path P

is maximum among all paths that contain L� In recent papers �� ��� it has been shown

that the determination of an optimal clocking period highly depends on the accuracies

of the estimated longest path delay and the shortest path delay in the circuit �e�g�� in

the case of wave pipelined combinational circuits � Furthermore� in a synchronous design�

there are instances where the minimum delay of a path may be important� For example�

if the skew between the clocks of two �ip��ops is larger than the combinational path

delay between them� then incorrect data can be latched in the destination �ip��op� In

general� the delay of paths should be greater than a lower bound that is determined by

the permissible skew of the clock signal� Hence in this work� we have introduced a method

for selecting a subset of paths that covers all lines in the logic circuit at least once and

includes the longest �L as well as the shortest �S possible path through each line ����

The procedure for longest path selection is described below for clarity�

Consider the circuit given in Figure ���� Each line is labeled with two labels� The

two labels� namely� level and depth of the line� are its maximum distances �in terms of

the number of logic levels from a PI and a PO� respectively� The labels for level of each

line are computed in a breadth��rst forward trace of the circuit during netlist reading�

For computing the depth of each line� �rst we label all primary outputs �i�e�� lines ��� ��

with the depth �� All inputs of a gate are labeled by the depth of the output of the gate

plus �� Thus� we assign lines ��� ��� and �� depth �� lines �� and � depth �� lines �� and

� depth � and so on� When a fanout stem is encountered� it is labeled by the maximum

depth of its fanout branches plus �� Thus� we assign depth � to the fanout stem ��� depth

to the fanout stem ��� and so on� We thus continue the breadth��rst backward trace of

the circuit till we reach primary inputs�

First� we begin a depth��rst trace for longest path selection from all PIs and mark

those lines as covered for which the enumerated path is the longest structural path� Next�

we enumerate the longest paths through intermediate lines which are not covered in the

already enumerated paths� During this path enumeration� we mark all PIs as covered�

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

11 [3,1]

18 [7,2]

22 [9,0]21 [8,1]

20 [8,0]

19 [6,2]

17 [7,1]16 [6,3]

15 [4,3]

14 [5,3]

13 [5,4]

12 [4,5]

10 [3,4]9 [2,5]

8 [3,4]

7 [3,6]6 [2,7]

5 [1,6]

4 [1,8]

3 [1,8]

2 [1,6]

1 [1,4]

Figure ���� Example of path selection

In Figure ���� starting from PI �� when we reach the fanout stem ��� we choose the

fanout branch �� for depthrst enumeration since it has the maximum depth� Continuing

the trace along line ��� we reach a PO �line �� through line ��� Thus� the path P� ����

������ is found as the longest structural path through line �� We have employed the

following rule to mark whether or not a line on the path is covered by a longest path�

Rule ���� In a circuit� a line L will be marked as covered through path P if the sum

of level and depth of line L is equal to the number of logic levels in path P �

Example ���� Consider the path P� � ���������� given above which is the

longest path through line �� The number of logic levels �number of lines in path P� is ��

The sum of the level �i�e�� � and depth �i�e�� � of line � is �� whereas the sum of level

and depth for other lines is greater than �� Hence� only line � is covered by the longest

path P�� �

Next� the longest path through PI � �i�e�� P� � ������������� is enumerated

and line � is marked as covered� Then the longest path through PI � is enumerated �i�e��

P� � ��������������� � In this case� all lines of the path P� are marked as covered

since they satisfy Rule ���� Thus� the longest path through each PI is enumerated and

corresponding lines are marked as covered based on Rule ���� These paths are shown in

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

Table ���� Longest path selection

Path Longest Lines

no� path covered

� ���������� �


� ������������������ ������������������

� ������������������ �

� �� �������� ��� �� ������

� ���������� ��� �

�� ���� ��

� ����������� ��� ����

���������������� ���

the upper half of Table ���� Next� we enumerate the longest path through the lines which

are not yet covered� To �nd the longest structural path through an internal line� we make

a backward trace toward PIs in a depth��rst manner along the lines having maximum level

and a forward trace toward POs in depth��rst manner along the lines having maximum

depth� For example� line �� is not covered by the longest paths enumerated from PIs� For

choosing the longest path through line ��� we make a backward trace and reach the PI �

through lines �� and �� Making a forward trace along the maximum depth lines from

�� in a depth��rst manner we reach the PO through lines � and �� Thus� path P�

������������ ���� is enumerated and lines �� and � are marked as covered following

Rule ����

All the chosen structural paths through each signal line are listed in Table ���� Longest

path represents the longest enumerated path� Lines covered denotes the lines for which

the enumerated path is the longest structural path� The number of path delay faults is

twice the number of enumerated structural paths since for every path we consider both

rising and falling transitions at the source of the path� In general� it is not necessary to

assume a unit weight �representing delay� for all lines� They can be assigned their rise

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

and fall delays as weights� The above analysis will then be repeated twice� once for rise

delay and then for the fall delay�

In a similar manner� for selecting the shortest paths through each line� we trace the

circuit in both directions �i�e�� from PIs to POs and vice versa� for assigning two labels

�depthpi� depthpo� to each line L which represent the minimum length �in terms of logic

levels� from L to any PI and PO� We continue the backward and forward traces along the

minimum depth lines for selecting the shortest paths�

��� Test Generation

Given a target path and a transition at the input of the path� we must sensitize the

path to propagate the transition� In order to satisfy the primary objectives �i�e�� opath

sensitizing input values�� backtracing is carried out and PIs are assigned for obtaining a

twopattern test vector� Our test generation method uses a multiple backtrace procedure�

similar to that of Schulz et al� ������ Along with the multiple backtrace procedure� we

have used some novel and e cient backtracking techniques for detecting and resolving

con�icts on internal lines� We do not target the generation of nonrobust tests explicitly�

Once a robust test is generated for a path with a given transition� we derive another test

for the opposite transition by modifying the robust test obtained� In most cases� the

derived test becomes a robust or nonrobust test for the opposite transition on the same

path� Details of the test generation algorithm and examples are given below�

����� Procedure for Test Generation

The salient features of the test generation procedure are as follows�

� The implication operation is done with respect to the transition �rising or falling� at

the input of the path with all other inputs unspeci�ed �XX�� The main objective of

this implication procedure is to determine whether or not the transition can robustly

propagate along the target path�

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

� The o��path inputs of the gates along the target path are then set to suitable

logic values in order to propagate the transition� The rule used to set the o��path

sensitizing inputs is as follows� If the transition at a gate input along the path

is in the direction of the controlling value of the gate� all side inputs of this gate

must have steady non�controlling logic values� if the transition is toward the non�

controlling value� all side inputs can also have transitions toward the non�controlling

value� During this propagation phase� if any one of the o��path sensitizing inputs

has already been implied during the previous step and there is a con�ict between

the implied logic value and the required sensitizing logic value� then we immediately

conclude that no robust test is possible for this path delay fault� If no con�ict is

found� the o��path inputs with the assigned sensitizing logic values become the

primary objectives� Also� we mark all fanout branches of a stem as assigned if the

stem is a part of the target path�

� It is best to �nd out any inconsistency in the primary objectives as early as possible�

Sometimes it may so happen that two or more primary objectives have con�icting

logic values and they are the fanout branches of the same stem� In that case� it is not

possible to generate a test and hence we eliminate such paths without attempting

test generation�

� We have not used controllability measures for choosing the inputs as used in FAN ��

and PODEM � �� Instead� for the sake of simplicity� we have used a heuristic

concept of fanin sorting� i�e�� we put all fanins of a gate g in an ascending order

with respect to the level number in a linked list attached to the gate g� the lowest

level input at the head and the highest level input at the tail� Hence� when a choice

exists� we �rst select the input with the lowest level number�

� In order to satisfy the primary objectives� we backtrace from primary outputs toward

primary inputs in a breadth��rst manner� This multiple backtrace procedure is the

most important aspect of our algorithm� The highest level objective generates the

previous level objectives and so on� For example� if we are required to satisfy a S�

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

logic value at the output of an AND gate� then we choose the input having the lowest

level number �in other words easiest to control� and put that input and objective

in the level of the chosen line� The other inputs are then put on the primary stack

along with the logic value to be satis�ed� This helps in backtracking to the last

choice if we fail to generate a test in the �rst multiple backtrace process� Again� for

example� if we need to satisfy a S� logic value at the output of an OR gate� then we

put all inputs with logic value S� in their corresponding level objectives�

� During the backtrace operation� if we create a new objective on an input of a gate G

and this input happens to be a fanout branch� then we immediately create another

objective with the same logic value on the fanout stem� After doing an implication

operation we mark all fanout branches as tried� Hence� before setting an objective

on any fanout branch during backtrace� we �rst check whether or not it has already

been tried by previous objectives� If so� we intersect the already assigned logic value

on the stem with the required logic value on the fanout branches� If conict occurs

in the intersection� then the fanout branch with the required logic value is pushed

to the secondary stack�

As an example� consider the circuit shown in Figure ��� We need to satisfy the

objectives� F�S and G�X�� The value mentioned in brackets �n��� n� � n� etc��

refers to the level number� Suppose that the objective F�S is to be satis�ed �rst�

We choose the input C as it has a lower level number� assign C�S and put the other

input A�S in the primary stack which is used to store the untried alternatives�

Since C is a fanout branch� immediately it creates the previous level objective on

the stem B�S � After implication� the fanout branches C and D will be marked

as tried� When the next objective G�X� is considered� we �rst choose the input

D which has already been tried as the level number of D is lower than E� After

intersection it leads to a conict at the stem �S �X� � NULL�� Hence� input D

with logic value X� is pushed to the secondary stack and next input E is considered�

Thus we create the new objective E�X� and the backtrace procedure will continue

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

further toward primary inputs� If all choices in the primary stack fail to generate

a test� the objectives in the secondary stack are tried� allowing the test generation

process to consider all possible choices�










Figure ���� Example of con�ict at a stem

� The complexity of the test generation algorithm depends on the number of back

tracks required in generating a test� However� the eciency of test generation is

strongly in�uenced by the order in which the signals in the target list are consid

ered for justi�cation � ���� According to the existing literature� a single stack has

been used for the backtrack operation by all researchers� In this work� we use two

stacks �primary and secondary� which store alternative choices for selecting inputs�

The primary stack contains line numbers with noncon�icting logic values and the

secondary stack contains line numbers with con�icting logic values� During the

backtrack� �rst we choose the last choice from the primary stack and after comple

tion of all choices� we consider the secondary stack� Through experiments we have

found that this method has a greater advantage over the use of single stack and it

drastically reduces the number of backtracks for generating a test�

The pseudo code for the test generation algorithm is given in Figure ���� The procedure

for test generation is illustrated by the following example�

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��


Imply��� �� wrt transition and other unspecified inputs ��

Propagate�Transition�� �� propagate the transition along the target path ��

If there is conflict between implied logic value and the

transition on line k� on target path then �

Transition can not propagate along the path�

No test possible� Exit���

Set primary objectives��� �� Find all primary objectives to be justified ��

If there is conflict between two or more primary objectives on the

fanout branches of the same stem then �

No test possible� Exit���

Fanin sorting��� �� puts the fanins of a gate in an ascending order

wrt the level number ��

Multiple backtrace��� �� backtrace from POs to PIs in a breadth�first manner

for satisfying test generation objectives ��

Imply��� �� Implication wrt the PI assignments ��

If all primary objectives are satisfied

then test is found�

else continue backtrace from the last choice assigned�

Substitute primary objectives��� �� X��X�� by S��S�� and vice versa ��

Modified test vector��� �� replace X��X�� by S��S�� and reverse the

transition at source of the path ��

Imply��� �� Implication wrt the new derived test vector ��

If all primary objectives are satisfied

then a test is found for the opposite transition�

Figure ���� Pseudo�code for the test generation algorithm

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

Example ���� Consider the circuit given in Figure ���� where a test is to be generated

for the falling transition on path ���������������� shown by the bold lines�

During the implication operation with respect to the falling transition at input �� the

fanouts � and � are marked as assigned and the implication evaluates the output of the

NAND gate as X� Next� the propagation phase generates a primary objective �i�e��

line ��X� in order to robustly propagate the transition through the OR gate � For

robustly propagating the transition through the NAND gate �� the o��path input

must be set to S� But� input has already been set to the logic value X during the

previous implication procedure� Intersection of these two logic values �S � X � S

does not create any con�ict and hence the primary objective �S is obtained� Thus�

the transition is propagated along the target path and the primary objectives obtained

are ���X�� �S� ��S�� ��X � All lines of the path and the fanout branches of stems

along the path are marked as assigned in order to avoid any further assignment of logic

values on them during backtrace� Then� we check for the existence of primary objectives

that are fanout branches and have con�icting logic values to be justi�ed� In this case �

and � are fanout branches but belong to di�erent stems� Hence� we immediately assign the

corresponding logic values to the fanout stems and create the new objectives� ��X� and

�S�� which happen to be primary inputs� We do an implication on the stems and mark

the fanout branches and � as tried� Next� we backtrace from the highest level objective

��X� The input of NAND gate � is considered �rst since it has the lowest level

number� Since it has already been tried by another objective� we compare its required

logic value X� with the already assigned logic value �S� of the stem� After intersection

�S��X� � S� � we assign S� to the stem � The next objective� �S� can be satis�ed

by setting ��S�� but input � has already been marked as tried by the previous objective�

��X�� Thus� after intersection we assign logic value S� to the stem � in the same manner

as described above� After the backtrace completes� we assign �S�� ��S�� ��FT and

��XX and do an implication with respect to the test vector� We have a robust test since

all objectives are justi�ed� �

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

























Figure ���� Test generation �Example ����

����� Robust�Nonrobust Test for Opposite Transition

Once we nd a robust test for a transition say rising on a target path instead of trying

to generate another test for the opposite transition i�e� falling we derive another test

by substituting the X values �X� X�� in the rst test with steady values �S� S�� and

reversing the transition at the input of the target path� The underlying principle is that

the second vector �propagation vector� of the two�pattern test is a test for the stuck�

at fault on the primary input at the source of the transition� The stuck fault at the

PI is sensitized along the target path� If the sensitizing condition remains unchanged

�i�e� all PIs have values as in V� except the PI at the source of the path� the opposite

transition will always reach the primary output along the target path� Hence we replace

the non�steady X values X��X�� by the steady values S��S�� in the generated test vector

to derive a new test vector for the opposite transition on the target path� In most cases

this modied vector pair will be a valid robust nonrobust test for the opposite transition�

In a few cases the derived test vector pair will not be either a robust or a nonrobust

test due to the presence of redundant stuck�at faults on any one of the signal lines along

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

the target path� The following example illustrates the derivation of robust test for the

opposite transition�

Example ���� Consider the circuit shown in Figure ���� in which we �rst generate a

test for the rising transition on the target path ��� � ��� The primary objectives

to be justi�ed for this path delay fault are ��X � ��S and ��X � The highest level

objective ��X will be justi�ed by setting ��X�� Since the other two objectives are

already PI objectives� we obtain the robust test � �XX� ��X�� �RT� ��X � ��S ��

The test for the opposite transition �falling� can be derived by substituting ��S�� �FT

and ��S in the above test� Since the transition has been reversed the primary objectives

along the path will also change� The new set of the primary objectives will be ���S �

��X and ��S �� Then we do an implication with respect to the derived test � �XX�

��S�� �FT� ��S � ��S � and �nd that all primary objectives are justi�ed� Hence�

we obtain another test without explicitly executing the test generation procedure� On

average� we found that ��� of the generated robust tests actually produce either a robust

or a nonrobust test for the opposite transition for the ISCAS��� benchmark circuits� �





















Figure ���� Derivation of test for opposite transition �Example ���

During the implication operation� we compare the primary objective logic values with

the implied logic values in order to determine the robustness�nonrobustness of a test� If

the implied logic values either are a subset �S� and G� � X�� S and G � X � of the

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

primary objective logic values� or are the same� then the derived test will be a robust

test� If at least one of the primary objective logic values is S��S�� and the implied logic

value becomes G��G��� then the derived test will be a nonrobust test for the opposite

transition� The following example illustrates the derivation of a nonrobust test for the

opposite transition by modifying the robust test�

Example ���� In Figure �� we �rst generate a test for the rising transition on path

�� ������������ The primary objectives are ��X�� ��S� and ���X�� After backtrace

we obtain a robust test� i�e�� ���S�� �RT�� The new set of primary objectives for the

opposite transition will be ��S�� ��X� and ���S�� The derived test will be ���S��

�FT�� After implication� we �nd that the implied logic value of line �� is G� �i�e�� static

hazard ������� whereas its primary objective logic value is S�� Hence� the derived test

will be a nonrobust test for the falling transition� Thus� once a robust test is derived

for a path with a given transition� we are able to save a considerable amount of e�ort

by directly generating a robust�nonrobust test for the opposite transition on the target

path� �















Figure �� Nonrobust test derived from robust test �Example ��

��� Experimental Benchmark Results

We have implemented the proposed path delay test generation algorithm in the C language

�about ���� lines of code� on an IBM RS������ �� workstation� In order to benchmark

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

and demonstrate the e�ciency of our test generator� we have performed ATG for ro�

bust and nonrobust tests on the ISCAS��� and the scanhold versions of the ISCAS��

benchmark circuits�

Table ��� gives the results for ISCAS��� benchmarks� Path faults is the number of

logical paths considered for test generation� This is twice the number of the physical

paths selected to cover each line via the longest �L path through it� For the purpose

of comparison� we have also given the test generation results when the path selection

procedure is modi�ed to choose the shortest �S path through each line� As expected� in

general� the coverage is higher for shorter paths� We have integrated a fault simulator ���

in the system� Once a robust or nonrobust test is generated� immediately we do fault

simulation with respect to the test vector� Both robust and nonrobust detection of path

delay faults are reported� Robustly detected paths are then marked in the targeted path

list and hence not considered for further test generation� The third and forth columns of

Table ��� give the number of robust and nonrobust tests generated by the test generator

within the backtrack limit of ���� The �fth and sixth columns give the number of path

faults which are robustly and nonrobustly tested from the targeted fault list while columns

seven and eight are for the non�targeted faults� The CPU time �in seconds is given for the

complete ATPG process� For circuit c����� the number of nonrobustly detected paths was

extremely large even for a small number of tests and requires a large amount of CPU time

and memory for a successful completion� Hence� we have not considered the nonrobust

detection of paths during simulation�

Our results in Table ��� may be compared to two earlier works ����� ���� on test

generation for ISCAS��� benchmarks� Their results are included in Table ���� We have

given our results only for longest paths� However� since the number of modeled path faults

and the machines used are di�erent� a direct comparison can not be made� It may be

noticed that the fraction of modeled path faults that are robustly tested by our method is

signi�cantly higher than that reported in both previous papers ����� ����� For example�

in our method� the fraction of targeted path faults that are robustly tested ranges from

� to ����� with the average being ������ The results reported by Schulz et al� ����� are

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

Table ���� Delay test results for ISCAS��� benchmarks

Tests Paths detected Paths detected

Circuit Path generated �Targeted� �Non�targeted�

faults Rob� Nrob� Rob� Nrob� Rob� Nrob� CPU s�

c��� ��L� � � � � � ��� ����

��S� � � �� � � �� ����

c���� �����L� � � � � � � �����

�����S� � � � � � ����

c���� � ��L� �� � �� �� �� ������

� ��S� ��� � � � �� � � �����

c �� ��L� �� � ��� �� �� ���� ����

��S� � ���� � �� ��� ���� �

c��� ���L� � � �� ��� � ������

���S� �� � �� �� ���� ���� �����

c���� ��L� � �� � ��� ������

��S� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� �� ����

c �� �� �L� � � � NA � NA �������

�� �S� ��� � �� NA �� NA �����

c��� ����L� � ��� ��� ��� ���� �����

����S� ��� �� �� ��� �� � ��� ����

� IBM RS��������

Table ���� Comparison with other results

Our ATPG NEST ��� � Schulz et al� �� �

Circuit Target Tested CPU s� Target Tested CPU sy Target Tested CPU sz

paths paths paths

c��� ��L� � � � �� � �� �� ��� �� ��

c���� �����L� � �� ��� �� �� ������ � ��

c���� � ��L� �� ��� ����� � ��� ����

c �� ��L� ��� � ������ ��� �� ���� � �� ���

c��� ���L� �� ��� ������ � ��� �� ��� ����

c���� ��L� � ��� � �� �� ���� ��� ��� � ��

c �� �� �L� � ���� ����� ���� � ���� ����� � ���

c��� ����L� ��� ��� �� �� �� �� �� � ���

� IBM RS�������� y SUN SPARC z Micro�VAX

�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

also for the longest paths and the fraction of targeted path faults that are robustly tested

ranges from � to ������ whereas the average is only ��� In Pomeranz et al� ���� the

percentage coverage will be extremely low since it implicitly considers all possible paths�

Our results show that the test generation for path delay faults can be e ectively done for

both longest as well as shortest paths by the proposed algorithms�

Table ��� presents the results of our algorithm for scan�hold versions of ISCAS���

benchmark circuits� Path faults is the number of both rising and falling transitions on

all possible physical paths� Under Our ATPG� Rob��nrob� tests is the number of robust

and nonrobust tests generated within the backtrack limit of ��� Rob� det� is the number

of path faults which are robustly tested� Nrob� det� is the number of path faults that

are nonrobustly tested by the fault simulator� The CPU time �in seconds�� given for the

IBM RS��������� workstation� includes the time for test generation and fault simulation�

For the last eight benchmarks shown in Table ���� we have considered only a subset of all

possible path faults since the total number of paths in these circuits was very large� These

paths were obtained by the path selection algorithm given in Section �� and include one

shortest path per line�

For comparison� we include the results of three other papers ��� � ��� in Table

��� which report the coverages of robustly tested paths and CPU times� All possible

path faults are modeled in Bhattacharya et al� ��� and Bose et al� ��� Fuchs et al� ����

have presented a highly e�cient ATPG algorithm called RESIST which considers all path

delay faults in the ISCAS��� benchmark circuits� Their method presents the best available

results on path delay faults and the CPU time is given for SUN SPARC IPX� For a direct

comparison� CPU times must be normalized for the corresponding machine speeds� Such

normalization has not been done in Table ���� However� our ATPG algorithm appears to

be more e�cient than the technique of Bose et al� �� and the fault coverage is comparable�

The CPU times reported in Bhattacharya et al� ��� and Fuchs et al� ���� are better than

our results�

In RESIST ����� an e�cient sensitization technique has been proposed that sensitizes

common subpaths only once� The method resulted in a substantial decrease in the number

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

Table ���� Test results for scan�hold versions of ISCAS�� benchmarks

Our ATPG ��� ���� ����

Circuit Path Rob��nrob� Rob� Nrob� CPU Paths CPU Paths CPU Paths CPU

faults tests det� det� sy det� s�� det� sz det� sx

s �� �� �� � ���� �� ��� �� ��� �� ����

s� �� ��� � ���� �� �� �� � �� ��

s� �� ��� � ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ��� ��

s��� �� ����� ��� �� �� ��� ��� �� �� ��� ��

s��� �� ����� ��� �� �� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ��

s� �� ������ ��� �� �� �� ��� ��� ���� �� ���

s� � ��� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ���

s��� �� �� �� ��� �� ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ���

s�� � ���� �� � ��� � ��� � ��� � ��

s��� ��� ����� �� ��� ���� � � �� ��� ��� � � ���

s��� � ���� � �� �� � ��� �� ���� � ���

s�� � ���� ��� �� ���� ��� ��� � � ��� ���

s��n �� ��� �� �� ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ���

s��� �� ������ ���� �� �� ��� �� � � �� ���

s � � � ����� ��� ��� � � ��� ��� � �� � � ��

s � ��� ����� ��� �� ��� � � ��� �� ��� � � ���

s � �� ����� ��� � ����� �� �� � � �� ��

s��� �� � ��� ��� � ����� �� ��� � ��� �� ��

s���� ���� �� � ��� ��� � ��� ���� �� �� �� � ����

s�� �� ������ ���� � � �� ���� � � �� ���

s�� ��� ���� � �� �� ��� � � ��� � �� �� � � ���

s���� ��� ���� � � � �� � � ��� � � �� � ���

s�� �� ���� � ���� ��� ��� � ��� � �� �� ���� � ��� ���

s�� � �� ����� � � � ��� �� � �� � � �� ���

s��� ��� ��� �� �� � �� ��� ����� � � �� ���

s��� � �� �������� ��� ��� ��� �� � � ��� � � ��� ���

s��� �� � ������ ���� �� �� � ��� ��� � � ��� ����

s�� �� ����� ����� ���� �� �� � � � � ���� ���

s���� ���� ������� ����� �� � �� � � �� � � � �� � �����

s� �� �� � ������� ���� ���� ����� � � � � �� � � ��

s� � � ������ � ������ �� ���� �� ��� ��� � � ��� ����

� Partial set of path faults y IBM RS����� �� DECstation ������� z SUN SPARC


�� Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults

of subpath sensitization steps� The sensitization procedure has been shown to give a

speed�up factor that grows linearly with the circuit depth� Compared to conventional

approaches� RESIST is capable of detecting a signi�cantly larger number of path delay

faults in less time� The technique of sensitizing common subpaths only once may be

readily applied in our algorithm as well to obtain substantial speed up�

In the BDD approach ��� a combination of the conventional fully transitional path

FTP� approach to path activation and the single input transition SIT� method provides

a high coverage of robustly detectable path delay faults� Every major step in the test

generation process consists of manipulation of Boolean functions and does not require

enumeration of input patterns or covers and hence the algebraic approach can be faster

than existing methods� However� it must be remembered that the time and memory

complexities of the BDD approach �� can be impractical for some circuits� This method

has been applied to synchronous circuits also� However� results only for smaller ISCAS���

benchmarks are reported � ��

The novel ideas developed by us such as the ��value logic system� the e�cient multiple

backtrace technique and direct derivation of tests for the opposite transition from a given

test can be used to further enhance the performance of any delay test generation package�

��� Conclusion

In this chapter� we have presented a novel path delay test generation algorithm which

incorporates an e�cient multiple backtrace procedure for signal value justi�cation� The

��value logic system provides an e�cient way of deriving both robust and nonrobust tests�

Once we �nd a robust test for a path delay fault� we modify it to derive another test for

the opposite transition� In most cases� the derived test is either a robust or a nonrobust

test for the same path with the opposite transition� Thus� we are able to considerably

reduce the test generation time� A subset of paths is selected for test generation covering

all lines in the logic circuit at least once� This subset includes the longest and shortest

paths through each line� We use a fault simulator for robust and nonrobust detection of

Chapter �� Test Generation for Path Delay Faults ��

path faults�

In the next chapter� we will discuss a new coverage metric and a two�pass test gen�

eration method for path delay faults through the longest robustly testable path to cover

each signal line of the combinational logic circuits�

Chapter �

Line Delay Fault Model and Its


In this chapter� we propose a coverage metric and a two�pass test generation method for

path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� The coverage is measured for each line

with a rising and a falling transition� However� the test criterion is di�erent from that of

the slow�to�rise and slow�to�fall transition faults� The new test� called the line delay test�

is a robust path delay test for the longest sensitizable path producing a given transition

on the target line� The maximum number of tests �and faults� is limited to twice the

number of lines� However� the line delay test criterion resembles the path delay test and

not the gate or transition delay test� Using a two�pass test generation procedure� we begin

with a minimal set of longest paths covering all lines and generate tests for them� Fault

simulation is used to determine the coverage metric� For uncovered lines� in the second

pass� several paths of decreasing length are targeted� We present a theorem stating that

a redundant stuck�at fault makes all path delay faults involving the faulty line untestable

for either a rising or falling transition depending on the type of the stuck�at fault� The use

of this theorem considerably reduces the e�ort of delay test generation� We give results

on several benchmark circuits�

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

��� Introduction

In this chapter� we combine relevant features of transition ����� and path delay fault �����

models and de�ne line delay tests A rising line delay test will test the longest sensitizable

path passing through the target line producing a rising transition on it Similarly� a

falling line delay test is de�ned The de�nition of longest can be appropriately chosen

For example� in the simplest case� it can be the path with the largest number of gates

Alternatively� gates can be weighted by their nominal delays However� once the path is

selected� the test generation is independent of the gate delays The criterion of delay test

through the longest path has been used for diagnosis ���

The coverage is measured for all lines with two possible transitions Thus� the max�

imum number of faults or tests� is twice the number of lines For example� in c�����

we will consider only ���� line delay faults� whereas the total number of possible path

faults is � ����� ����� Yet� the test criterion is similar to the path delay fault� and not

like the gate or transition delay fault In general� a test will cover several lines This cov�

erage methodology can also be applied to the reported methods that extract sensitizable

paths ���� ���

Conventional path delay test generators attempt to derive robust tests for a subset

of paths in the circuit� based on some path selection criterion such as the worst�case path

selection or threshold�based path selection ����� However� a large number of these paths

may not be robustly testable and hence the test coverage of the targeted paths can be

very low eg� only about ����� paths in c���� are reported as robustly testable� The

new coverage metric seeks to remove this de�ciency by attempting to derive a pair of line

delay tests for each line in the circuit A ���� coverage of line delay faults gives the

user the con�dence that the longest sensitizable paths through each line in the circuit are

covered by the vectors The two�pass test generation method proposed here can achieve

this goal� given su�cient computational resources

The basic idea of an iterative approach for generating a robust test was �rst proposed

by Park and Mercer ����� They have followed an approximate method where the search

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

space of the test generation process is biased to �nd a test along a path whose propagation

delay is greater than or equal to a prede�ned threshold value� Our method� on the other

hand� uses an exact method for generating a robust test for the longest testable path

through each line� To facilitate the simultaneous consideration of robust and nonrobust

tests� we have used the ��value logic system described in Chapter � ���

A major improvement in the performance of a delay fault test generation algorithm

can be obtained by avoiding test generation for those path delay faults which are guar�

anteed to be untestable� We have employed the information on redundant stuck�at faults

in the circuit� provided by a stuck�at fault test generator� to avoid test generation for

a large number of untestable path delay faults� We have achieved signi�cant savings in

computational time by this novel approach�

��� Line Delay Tests and Coverage Metric

A line delay test is de�ned as a robust test for the longest sensitizable path passing

through the target line producing a given transition on the line� One may consider line

delay tests with respect to the rising as well as falling transitions on the target line� The

motivation of de�ning the line delay test is to determine the smallest incremental delay

associated with a rising or falling transition at any line that can be robustly detected by

a test vector� Let �L be the incremental delay of a rising or falling transition through

line L� Then for detection of this delay fault�

�L TP � TC �� �L � TC � TP ���

where TC � system clock period and TP � nominal delay of the path P through which

L is tested� From the above relation ���� we determine that the smallest incremental

delay fault on L can be detected via the path through L having the longest nominal delay

�TP �max� i�e��

��L�min � TC � �TP �max ���

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

By sensitizing the longest path through L� we are able to detect the delay fault of the

smallest size� However� simultaneous delay variations are possible for other gates on P

due to correlation with L� Suppose that the delays of other gates increase� Then the

line delay test for L will detect a delay fault of even smaller size� If the delays of other

gates reduce while that of L increases� the sensitivity of the tests reduces� Considering

correlation of delays� this later case is less probable� The basic assumption associated

with the line delay fault model is that the delays of all gates are not reduced below their

nominal values�

The major advantage of this fault model is that the number of faults is limited to twice

the number of lines in the circuit� Since the fault is tested along the longest propagation

path� the system timing failures caused by the smallest localized delay defects or the

accumulation of distributed delay defects can be detected� In the transition fault model�

a delay test is obtained along any arbitrary path because the size of delay fault is assumed

to be large enough to be tested via any path through the fault site� In the gate delay fault

model one has to specify the exact sizes of the delay defects and accurate information may

not be always available� Both transition and gate delay faults do not model the distributed

delay defects along a target path� Our model� on the other hand� retains many advantages

of the transition and gate delay fault models� while alleviating the major drawback of the

path delay model �viz�� too many paths to be tested and the low fault coverage��

��� Two�Pass Test Generation

Finding the longest sensitizable and robustly testable path through a given delay fault

site is an NP�hard problem ���� We �rst attempt to �nd a robust test for the longest

structural path through a line� If the path is not sensitizable� then we try to �nd a robust

test for successively shorter structural paths� until a test for the longest sensitizable path

is found� Given enough resources �CPU time and memory� this method guarantees to

�nd a test for the longest sensitizable path through the line if such a test exists�

The �rst pass of our two�pass test generation strategy is essentially the same as

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

reported in Chapter � ����� Initially a simple path selection method is employed to obtain

a list of paths that cover all signal lines by their respective longest structural paths�

This method of path selection has been explained in Chapter �� The multiple backtrace

procedure employing a ��value logic system ���� is used to derive robust tests for these

targeted path faults� Once a robust test is generated fault simulation is carried out to

obtain information on the robust detection of other path faults� Whenever the simulator

nds that a path in the circuit is robustly tested by the generated test vector pair each

line on this path is examined to see if the vector pair satises the criterion of being a line

delay test for any other line on that path� If the robustly tested path happens to be the

longest structural path in the circuit through any line then that line can be marked as

covered since a line delay test has been obtained for the line with respect to a rising�falling

transition� The fault coverage includes lines and transitions for which line delay tests were


The line delay fault coverage at the end of the rst pass is generally low since many

structural paths are not robustly testable� For each line that is not covered by the line

delay tests in the rst pass we attempt to derive a robust test for the second longest

structural path� If a robust test exists for this path we mark the corresponding line as

covered� If a test is not possible for the second longest structural path then we go for the

third fourth etc� successively shorter paths until we get a robust test� Once a line delay

test is obtained for a line L through the Nth longest path PL we mark line L as covered�

The simulator then determines the other lines in the circuit for which the generated test

satises the criterion for a line delay test� The successive line segments following L along

the tested path PL will be marked as covered if the level numbers of these successive

line segments di�er only by � This strategy usually obtains signicantly improved line

delay fault coverage after the second pass� The procedure for two�pass test generation is

illustrated by the following example�

Example ���� Consider the circuit given in Figure �� � Lines are numbered through

��� The label of line l is l�m�n� where m and n are level and depth respectively� These

are the maximum distances �in terms of the number of logic levels� from primary inputs

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

and primary outputs� In the �rst phase of the two pass test generation procedure� we

select a list of paths that cover all signal lines through the longest propagation delay path

using the algorithm discussed in Section ���� We assume that a unit delay is associated

with each signal line� There are a total of �� signal lines and hence we have �� line delay

faults to be tested� The list of longest paths selected in the �rst pass is given below

� ���������

�� ��������������

�� ���� �������������

�� ���� �������������

�� ��������������

�� ��������������

� �������

�� ���� �����������

�� ���� ������� ���






11 [3,1]

18 [7,2]

22 [9,0]21 [8,1]

20 [8,0]

19 [6,2]

17 [7,1]16 [6,3]

15 [4,3]

14 [5,3]

13 [5,4]

12 [4,5]

10 [3,4]9 [2,5]

8 [3,4]

7 [3,6]6 [2,7]

5 [1,6]

4 [1,8]

3 [1,8]

2 [1,6]

1 [1,4]

Figure �� Test generation for longest path through line �

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

We try to derive robust tests for the above selected paths and it is found that only

� robust tests �vector�pairs� are generated for the �� targeted path faults� After fault

simulation with these � robust tests we nd that �� line delay faults are covered� These

are lines � �� �� �� � and �� which are covered for both rising and falling transitions

on them� Hence the line delay coverage at the end of the rst pass is only ����� or ������

Consider line � which has not been covered in the rst pass since the longest path

through line � �i�e� ������������������������ is not robustly testable with respect to both

rising and falling transitions� We then enumerate the list of successively shorter paths

through line � as listed below�

�� ����������������������� �longest path�

�� ��������������������

�� ������������� ������

�� ���������� ������

We now derive a robust test for the falling transition on the path ������������������

�� �which is one of the second longest paths through line �� as shown in Figure ���� We

get a robust test as ��S� ��X� ��S� ��FT and ��XX for this path using our test

generator and hence this test will be a line delay test for the falling transition on line �

which is now marked as covered� Now the simulator is invoked and it is found that all

other line segments of the tested path �������������������� will also be marked as covered

since successive line segments di�er in their levels only by �� Once a test is obtained for a

path with a given transition another test for the same path with the opposite transition

is immediately derived with a small extra e�ort� Thus we get another test for the rising

transition on the same path by suitable substitution on the already derived test vector

�i�e� ��S� ��S� ��S� ��RT and ��XX� which is a rising line delay test for line

�� The details of derivation of the test for the opposite transition have been discussed

in Chapter �� At the end of the second pass our algorithm succeeds in obtaining �����

coverage of all �� line delay faults in the circuit by a total of �� derived tests �vector�

pairs�� The six line delay faults on lines � �� and �� are found to be untestable through

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

any path for both rising and falling transitions� giving a fault e�ciency of ����� �

It may so happen that there is no test for the second longest path through a given

line� In that case� we try to generate a test for the next longest or successively shorter

paths until we obtain a test for the longest robustly testable path� Our main objective is

to cover all� or most� signal lines for delay defects through the longest sensitizable paths�

In most other methods� if it is not possible to derive a test for a target path� then the

next targeted path is tried� However� this does not guarantee that the longest robustly

testable path through each line in the circuit will be tested�









3 21
















Figure �� Test generation for second longest path through line �

��� N�Longest Path Selection

Yen et al� have presented an algorithm to nd the K longest paths of a directed acyclic

graph �DAG� ������ Ju and Saleh presented an incremental algorithm for enumeration of

paths� which is log�linear in complexity ����� Kundu has given a linear time complexity

algorithm that nds the next k longest or shortest paths of a directed acyclic graph

on demand� without recomputing all previous paths ����� However� for simplicity of

implementation� we use a path selection algorithm that is enumerative� We enumerate

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

all possible paths through the target line L� order the paths according to decreasing

length� and retain only the N longest paths at any given time� This brute�force approach

is used only to demonstrate the e�ectiveness of the new fault model� In a production

implementation� any of the cited approaches can be used for e�cient path selection�

We �rst trace backward in a breadth��rst manner from line L toward PIs and mark

all signal lines from which there is a path to L� We then trace forward from line L in a

breadth��rst manner toward POs and mark all signal lines that can be reached from L�

For each PI that has been marked in the backward trace from L� we enumerate all paths

starting at the PI and passing through L� by traversing depth��rst along only the marked

lines� As each path is enumerated� we store it in a linked list in decreasing order of path

lengths� If the total number of possible paths through line L is greater than N � then we

insert the �N �th path into the ordered list at the appropriate position and remove the

last path from the list to retain only the N longest paths� Our approach however is not

suitable for handling circuits which have extremely large number of paths �e�g�� c� ����

However one can implement Kundu�s algorithm ���� to overcome this problem�

��� Elimination of Untestable Path Faults

In this section� we present the integration of a stuck�at fault test generator �COM�

PACTEST� ��� in our ATPG system for the elimination of untestable path delay faults�

The main objective of this approach is to save the unnecessary computational time spent

in generating tests for some of the untestable path delay faults� COMPACTEST� though

based on PODEM� is not primarily intended as a redundancy identi�er� It fails to identify

some redundant faults� We have employed COMPACTEST since this was the only ATPG

tool available to us� Better results can be obtained with more e�cient programs for redun�

dancy identi�cation � �� � � �� ��� The following theorem relates to the identi�cation

of untestable path delay faults�

Theorem ���� Consider an untestable �redundant� stuck�at�� �stuck�at�� fault on

line k in a logic circuit� Then all path delay faults for paths through line k �and hence

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

the line delay fault on line k� for which a rising �falling� transition reaches line k will be


Proof� We consider an untestable stuck�at�� fault on line k� The proof for the

opposite case is analogous� Since the stuck�at�� fault on line k is untestable� the logic

function realized by the circuit is unaltered when we replace the logic value on line k with

a constant �� Replacing the logic value to a constant � can also be viewed as a rising

transition� due to arrive at line k� which is innitely delayed �line k never attains the

value and hence is �stuck� at logic ��� Thus if the stuck�at�� on line k does not alter

the good circuit behavior �does not cause an incorrect logic value at the output�� then an

innitely delayed rising transition on line k also cannot cause an incorrect logic value at

the circuit output� Hence all path delay faults through line k for which a rising transition

arrives on line k will be untestable in the circuit� �

In a preprocessing phase� we run COMPACTEST for determining the redundant

stuck�at faults and keep this information in a separate le� After reading the circuit

netlist� we read the redundant faults from the le and mark the corresponding lines�

Before invoking test generation for a path delay fault� we rst examine whether or not

any line along this path is redundant for stuck�at faults� Thus� we save a large amount of

computation time by avoiding test generation for untestable path faults� This procedure

is explained in the following example�

Example ���� Consider the circuit given in Figure ��� This is a highly redundant

�contrived� circuit for stuck�at faults� The faults ��� �notation for line � stuck�at����

����������������� and �� are proved to be redundant by COMPACTEST�

Considering� for example� the fault � �line stuck�at��� we conclude that no test

can be obtained for the falling transition on any path passing through line � However�

a test may be possible for the rising transition on any path passing through this line�

Hence� we run the test generator to obtain a test for the rising transition on path ��

����� and nd �X�� ��RT� �S� and ��S� to be a robust test� If both stuck�

at�� and stuck�at� faults are redundant on any line L� then we conclude that all paths

passing through L are untestable for both rising and falling transitions� In this way� we

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

1 2




6 7












Figure ���� Elimination of untestable path delay faults

avoid some of the untestable path delay faults and make the ATPG process faster� For

example� there are ��� redundant stuckat faults in c��� circuit� By employing this

information for eliminating untestable path delay faults� we completed the twopass test

generation in ��� � seconds �CPU time on IBM RS�������� workstation� as given in

Table ���� whereas it took �� � seconds when the redundancy information was not used�

COMPACTEST took only �� seconds for identifying all redundancies in circuit c���� �

��� Experimental Results

We have implemented the proposed twopass test generation algorithm in the C language

�about ��� lines of code� on an IBM RS�������� workstation� In order to benchmark

and demonstrate the e�ciency of our algorithm� we performed an experimental study of

the ISCAS��� and scan�hold versions of ISCAS��� benchmark circuits�

Table ��� gives the results for the ISCAS benchmarks� Total LDF denotes the total

number of line delay faults which is twice the number of lines in the circuit� Red� Flts�

gives the number of redundant stuckat faults obtained by COMPACTEST which are

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

Table ���� Two�pass test generation results for ISCAS benchmark circuitsTotal Red� Pass I Pass II Final Total

Circuit LDF Flts� Target Vec� Paths LDF CPU Vec� Paths LDF LDF CPU

Paths Tested Cov� s � Tested Cov� Cov� s �

c��� ���� � ��� �� �� �� � �� ��� ��� �� ��

c���� ��� � ���� � � � �� � � ��� ���� ����

c��� ���� ��� � ��� �� �� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���

c��� ���� ��� ��� �� ���� ���� ��� �� ��� ���� ���� ���

c���� ���� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ��� ���

c���� ����� � ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ���� ��� ���

c���y ���� �� ��� � � �� ���� y y y ��� y

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s����� ��� ��� � ��� ���� ���� ��� ��� ����� ���� ���

� IBM RS��������� COMPACTEST did not identify any redundant faults

y Pass II incomplete

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

used to avoid test generation for untestable path delay faults� The fourth column� Target

Paths� gives the number of logical paths considered for test generation in the �rst pass�

This is twice the number of the physical paths selected to cover each line via the longest

path� The �fth column� Vec�� gives the number of robust tests �vector�pairs� generated

in the �rst pass within a backtrack limit of � We have a fault simulator in the test

generation system� Robustly detected paths are immediately marked in the targeted path

list and hence not considered for further test generation� The sixth column� Paths Tested�

gives the total number of path faults detected robustly from the Target Paths as well

as from all other path faults� as reported by the fault simulator� LDF Cov� �seventh

column� gives the number of line delay faults �LDF� detected in the �rst pass� The CPU

time �in seconds� is given for the �rst pass in the eighth column� The ninth column� Vec��

gives the number of additional robust test vectors generated in the second�pass of test

generation� For the second pass� we have enumerated up to longest paths through

each line although more paths may exist for some lines� Paths Tested gives the number of

additional paths tested robustly at the end of the second pass� The eleventh column LDF

Cov� gives the number of new line delay faults detected in the second pass� The twelfth

column Final LDF Cov� gives the total percentage line delay fault coverage obtained at

the end of two�pass test generation� The CPU time �in seconds� in the last column is for

the complete ATPG process including both passes�

For example� we have initially targeted ��� longest paths �Target Paths� for circuit

c� �� There is a total of � line delay faults which is twice the number of lines in

the circuit� In the �rst pass of the test generation process� � � robust test vectors are

generated� After simulation with these vectors� we found that �� path delay faults in the

circuit are detected robustly and ���� line delay faults �LDF� are detected in the �rst pass

of the ATPG process corresponding to a line delay fault �LDF� coverage of ���� After

the two�pass test generation process� we obtain another � extra robust tests which in

turn detect an additional �� path faults robustly and � �� new line delay faults� giving

a total coverage of ��� �� The total time taken for the complete test generation process

is ���� seconds� The line delay fault coverage is less than � in many circuits primarily

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

due to the backtrack limit employed by us in the test generation process to keep the time

complexity manageable� In other cases� it is due to the path limit of ��� used in pass II�

The details are presented in Table ���� Furthermore� many circuits have a large number

of untestable line delay faults�

COMPACTEST did not identify redundant stuck faults in some circuits� although

these circuits are known to have several redundant faults ���� Such cases are shown with

�� in Tables ��� and ���� The ATPG timings could improve considerably if all redundant

stuck faults are identi ed for these circuits� Since our N longest path algorithm cannot

handle circuit c����� pass II remained incomplete for that circuit�

We have given the statistics for line delay coverage e�ciency in Table ��� for the

ISCAS benchmark circuits� Total LDF is the total number of line delay faults and is

twice the number of lines in the circuit� Tested LDF gives the total number of line delay

faults tested after the two�pass test generation process� The fourth column� Untestable

due to Red� stuck fault� gives the number of redundant stuck�at faults� All paths untestable

gives the number of line delay faults� which are proved to be untestable after trying to

generate a test for all possible paths through a given line� Under the column� Aborted due

to Backtrack limit� we give the number of line delay faults dropped due to a backtrack

limit of ��� and Path limit gives the number of line delay faults dropped due to the path

limit of ���� For the faults aborted due to the path limit� we have tried only the rst ���

longest paths and all of these were found untestable� although more than ��� paths can

be enumerated through these lines� Fault e�ciency gives the line delay coverage e�ciency

in percentage and is computed by dividing the sum of tested faults and proved untestable

faults with the total LDF�

��� Limitations of the Fault Model

The strengths of the line delay fault model were discussed in Section ��� and now we will

discuss some of its limitations� In order to derive a line delay test for a given line� we

need to target the longest structural path� If that path is not robustly testable then we go

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model

Table ���� Statistics for line delay fault e�ciency

Total Tested Untestable due to Aborted due to Fault

Circuit LDF LDF Red� stuck All paths Backtrack Path E�ciency

fault untestable limit limit in �

c��� ��� ��� � �� � � ���

c�� ���� � � � � � � � ����

c���� ��� ���� � ��� �� �� ���

c��� �� �� ��� ��� �� � �

c� � ���� ���� �� � �� �� ����

c �� ���� ����� � �� ��� ���

c��� �� � � � �� � � ��

c� � � �� ���� ��� ��� � � �� ���

s�� � � � � ���

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s� � � ����� ���� �� ���� ��� �� ����

�� COMPACTEST did not identify any redundant faults

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

for the next longest path and so on� until we �nd a test for the longest robustly testable

path� The limitation in this approach is that in addition to the longest robustly testable

path there could exist a nonrobust test for some longer path� In such a case� the robust

test would miss a line delay fault that only causes the longer nonrobustly testable path

to fail� To overcome this limitation we may include any possible nonrobust tests for all

paths that are longer than the longest robustly testable path�

The second limitation of our approach is that in case of distributed delay defects

our derived test set will fail to detect some of the delay faults which are not targeted�

We consider only one path through any given line for determining a line delay test�

However� there may be some other paths of the same length �or shorter� through the

target line which have distributed delay defects exceeding the permissible propagation

delay� Consider the � paths shown in Figure ��� Let us assume that paths and �

are the longest structural paths through lines A and B� respectively� Let us further

assume that the smallest incremental delay fault that is detectable for each path is � �i�e��

� TC � TP �� where TP is the nominal delay of each of the paths� If the incremental

delays of nodes A and B are � � �� where � is small� then paths and � will pass the

test� However� path � has a fault which is not detected by our test vectors although it is

a detectable delay fault� As stated earlier in Section ���� the basic assumption associated

with the line delay fault model is that the delays of all gates are not reduced below their

nominal values� More than one faulty gate is due to correlation between delays of gates�

In that case many gates in paths and � will have increased delays and it is more likely

that the tests for these faults will show failures�

There can be several ways of dealing with the situation depicted in Figure ��� When

there are several longest paths of equal length through a target line� we can modify the

test generator to consider all such paths� for increasing the con�dence level in the tests

obtained� However� this can lead to a potentially large number of paths to be tested in

some circuits�

There are two extreme cases of delay defect distributions� One extreme is the com�

pletely correlated case� where all delays tend to increase proportionately� Here� the longest

�� Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model








Figure ���� Limitation of the fault model

delay paths fail� Since line delay tests include tests for longest paths� they are likely to

cover such defects� The other extreme case is that of a spot defect� where the delay of

one single gate is increased� Here too the line delay test retains its e�ectiveness since it

is specically derived to detect the smallest incremental delay� As the example of Figure

��� shows� the e�ectiveness of the line delay test can be questioned for certain cases in

between the two extremes� A likely case is that of a locally distributed delay defect� If the

correlation area of the delay defect is known� then segments of lines spanning the defect

area can be considered instead of single lines� Such a model� known as the segment delay

fault has been discussed by Heragu et al� ���� The longest path criterion� as used for the

line delay test� will be benecial for line segments also�

��� Conclusion

We have presented a new coverage metric that requires a pair of robust tests termed as

line delay tests for each line in the circuit� one for the rising and the other for the falling

transition on the line� The main advantage of our new metric is that the maximum number

of faults �and tests is limited to twice the total number of lines in the circuit� For test

generation� we begin with a minimal set of longest paths covering all lines and generate

robust tests for them� Fault simulation is used to determine the line delay fault coverage�

Chapter �� Line Delay Fault Model ��

A second pass of test generation considers those lines for which line delay tests could

not be generated in the �rst pass� and attempts to generate robust tests for successively

shorter paths through these lines� until a test for the longest sensitizable path is found�

We have presented a theorem stating that a redundant stuck�at fault makes all path delay

faults involving that faulty line untestable for either a rising or falling transition depending

on the type of the stuck�at fault� The use of this theorem considerably reduces the e�ort

of delay test generation� An implementation of our algorithm achieved very high �� ��

line delay coverage e�ciency for most benchmark circuits� More e�cient test generator

can be implemented by using a dynamic path selection algorithm ���� Several limitations

and possible improvements of the new coverage metric are discussed in Section ����

Chapter �


��� Summary of Work Presented

As advances in technology push the performance of VLSI circuits to higher levels� delay

fault testing becomes increasingly important for ensuring that the manufactured circuits

meet their timing speci�cations� Delay testing is also the only reliable method through

which manufactured products can be graded according to their performance measures�

Development of e�cient test generation and fault simulation algorithms for delay faults

has been an active area of research� especially in the last �� years� A survey of related

literature revealed that there is considerable scope for the development of new fault models

and algorithms for delay fault testing in combinational as well as sequential circuits� In

this thesis� we have presented novel and e�cient algorithms for test generation and fault

simulation of path delay faults in combinational logic circuits� We have also presented a

new coverage metric for path delay fault testing that alleviates the problems of generally

low path delay fault coverage and the astronomically large number of paths�

The advantages and limitations of various delay fault models �i�e�� transition� gate

delay and path delay were discussed in Chapter � The number of transition faults is

limited to twice the total number of lines in the circuit and a test is obtained along any

arbitrary path because the size of the delay fault is assumed to be arbitrarily large to be


Chapter �� Conclusions ��

tested via any path through the fault site� The tests are� therefore� not as e�ective for

small and distributed delay faults� In gate delay fault model� one has to specify the exact

sizes of delay defects� Such information may not be always available� Both transition and

gate delay faults do not model the cumulative e�ect of delays along paths� On the other

hand� path delay fault model alleviates this de�ciency� However� the astronomically large

number of possible paths in many circuits makes the test generation and fault simulation

procedures very complex� Also� many paths are not robustly testable which leads to

extremely low fault coverage�

In Chapter �� we have presented a novel path delay fault simulator for combinational

circuits� The simulator is capable of simultaneously analyzing both robust and nonrobust

tests for path delay faults� Simple binary logic is used in place of the more complex

multi�valued logic used in most existing simulators� This contributes to the reduction

of overall complexity of the algorithm� The two�valued algebra proposed in this thesis

is simpler� though not necessarily faster than the multi�valued algebras� A rule based

approach has been developed which identi�es all robust and nonrobust paths detected by

a two�pattern test� while backtracing from primary outputs to primary inputs in a depth�

�rst manner� Experimental results for benchmark circuits demonstrate the performance

of the simulator for deterministic as well as random test vectors� All path delay faults are

implicitly considered for determining the fault coverage�

In Chapter �� we developed an ecient test generation algorithm for path delay faults

in combinational logic circuits� which incorporates the multiple backtrace procedure for

signal value justi�cation� A new ��value logic system provides the capability of deriving

both robust as well as nonrobust tests� Once a robust test is found for some path with

a given transition� our algorithm derives another test with minimal extra e�ort� The

derived test in most cases is either a robust or nonrobust test for the same path with

opposite transition� Thus� we are able to considerably reduce the test generation time� A

subset of paths is selected for test generation covering each line of the logic circuit at least

once� This subset includes the longest and shortest paths through each line� We have

integrated our fault simulator with the test generator to determine robust and nonrobust

��� Chapter �� Conclusions

detection of path faults from either a given target set or all path faults� Experimental

results on several benchmark circuits are given� Also� a comparison to other published

results is provided�

In Chapter �� we proposed a new coverage metric called �line delay fault coverage�

and a two�pass test generation method for path delay faults in combinational circuits� The

coverage is measured for each line with rising and falling transitions� The new test� called

�line delay test�� is a path delay test for the longest robustly testable path producing a

given transition on the target line� The main advantage of this line delay fault model is

that the maximum number of faults is limited to twice the total number of lines in the

circuit� Since the fault is tested along the longest propagation delay path� the system

timing failures caused by the smallest localized delay defects spot defects and most of

the distributed delay defects are detected� Our model� thus retains many advantages of

the transition and gate delay fault models� while alleviating the major drawback of the

path delay model viz�� too many paths to be tested and the low fault coverage� In the

�rst pass of the ATPG� we begin with a minimal set of longest paths covering all lines

and attempt to generate robust tests for them� Fault simulation is used to determine

the line delay fault coverage� The second pass considers those lines for which a line

delay test could not be generated in the �rst pass� and attempts to generate robust tests

for successively shorter paths through these lines� until a test for the longest robustly

testable path is found� We have employed information on redundant stuck faults to avoid

test generation for a large number of untestable path faults� An implementation of our

algorithm achieved very high � �� line delay coverage e�ciency for most benchmark


��� Future Work

The rapidly advancing �eld of delay testing has become one of the primary areas of interest

in digital circuit testing� There are numerous challenging problems to be solved in this

area� The following are some possible future extensions of this research�

Chapter �� Conclusions ���

During the last few years� a considerable number of test generation and fault simu�

lation methods for path delay faults have been developed for combinational or full�scan

versions of sequential circuits� Path delay fault testing for non�scan and partial scan se�

quential circuits is also addressed in several papers ��� ��� �� ��� ��� �� � ���� The

rule based approach which uses the simple binary logic for fault simulation of path delay

faults �described in Chapter can be extended for sequential circuits� Also� the novel

ideas presented in Chapter �� i�e�� the ��value logic system to facilitate simultaneous gen�

eration of robust and nonrobust tests and a test for the opposite transition by modifying

a generated robust test� etc�� can be incorporated to make an e�cient path delay test

generation system for non�scan and partial scan sequential circuits�

As described in Chapter � we target the longest structural path to derive a line delay

test and if it is not robustly testable� we then try to cover successively shorter paths until

we �nd a test for the longest robustly testable path� The longest path may not be robustly

testable whereas there may exist a nonrobust test for the path delay fault� Hence our

algorithm can be modi�ed to also include possible nonrobust tests for all paths that are

longer than the robustly testable path�

The time and memory complexities of test generation and fault simulation methods

for delay fault testing are larger than those for stuck�at fault testing� The implementation

of stuck�at fault ATPG algorithms in parallel and distributed environments have been

successful ��� �� ��� ���� ���� However� such parallel and distributed algorithms for test

generation and fault simulation of delay faults have not been reported� This is another

possible direction for fruitful future research�

We hope that the novel ideas and algorithms proposed in this thesis will �nd appli�

cation in the development of e�cient CAD tools for delay fault testing and simulation of

real life VLSI circuits�


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��� M� A� Abramovici� M� A� Breuer� and A� D� Friedman� Digital Systems Testing and

Testable Design� Computer Science Press� New York� �����

�� P� Agrawal� V� D� Agrawal� and S� C� Seth� �Generating Tests for Delay Faults in

Non�Scan Circuits�� IEEE Design � Test of Computers� Vol� ��� pp� ����� March


� � P� Agrawal� V� D� Agrawal� and S� C� Seth� �A New Method for Generating Tests

for Delay Faults in Non�Scan Circuits�� in Proc� of �th Int�l Conf� on VLSI Design�

India� pp� ���� January �����

��� V� D� Agrawal and S� C� Seth� Test Generation for VLSI Chips� Los Alamitos� CA�

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��� P� Agrawal� V� D� Agrawal� and J� Villoldo� �Sequential Circuit Test Generation on

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����� P� C� McGeer and R� K� Brayton� E�cient Algorithms for Computing the Longest

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����� A� Miczo� Digital Logic Testing and Simulation� New York� Harper and Row� ��� �

����� E� S� Park and M� R� Mercer� An E�cient Delay Test Generation System for

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July �����

����� E� S� Park and M� R� Mercer� Robust and Nonrobust Tests for Path Delay Faults in

a Combinational Circuit� in Proc� IEEE Int�l Test Conf�� pp� ���������� September


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����� S� Patil� An Automatic Test Pattern Generator for Delay Faults in Logic Circuits�

Master�s Thesis� Dept� of Elect� and Comp� Engg�� University of Iowa� May �� ��

����� S� Patil and S� M� Reddy� A Test Generation System for Path Delay Faults� in

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��� � S� Patil and P� Banerjee� A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Test Gener�

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����� I� Pomeranz� L� N� Reddy� and S� M� Reddy� COMPACTEST� A Method to Gen�

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����� I� Pomeranz and S� M� Reddy� An E�cient Non�Enumerative Method to Estimate

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����� I� Pomeranz� S� M� Reddy� and P� Uppaluri� NEST� A Non�Enumerative Test

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����� I� Pomeranz� L� N� Reddy� and S� M� Reddy� SPADES� A Simulator for Path

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Ananta Kumar Majhi

Ananta was born in Orissa on �� August ����� He obtained B�Sc� degree in ElectricalEngineering from College of Engg� and Technology� O�U�A�T�� Bhubaneswar� Orissa� in����� During ������� he worked as a Lecturer in Electrical Engg� Department at IndiraGandhi Institute of Technology� Sarang� Talcher� Orissa� He obtained M�Tech degreein Electronics Engg� from Institute of Technology� Banaras Hindu University� Varanasi�India� in ����� During ������� he pursued his Ph�D degree in Electrical CommunicationEngg� Department at Indian Institute of Science� Bangalore� India� Presently he isworking in Product Engineering Division of Texas Instruments India�� Bangalore� Hisresearch interests include the CAD for VLSI Design� Simulation� Automatic Test PatternGeneration ATPG� and Design for Testability DFT� for logic circuits�

Email� ananta�india�ti�com


� A� K� Majhi� J� Jacob� L� M� Patnaik� and V� D� Agrawal� �An E cient AutomaticTest Generation System for Path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits�� in Proc�

�th Int�l Conf� on VLSI Design� New Delhi� India� pp� ������� January �����

� A� K� Majhi� J� Jacob� L� M� Patnaik� and V� D� Agrawal� �On Test Coverage ofPath Delay Faults�� in Proc� �th Int�l Conf� on VLSI Design� Bangalore� India� pp�������� January �����

� A� K� Majhi� J� Jacob� and L� M� Patnaik� �A Novel Path Delay Fault Simulatorusing Binary Logic�� VLSI Design� An Int�l Jour� Custom�Chip Design� Simulation

and Testing� Vol� �� No� �� pp� ������� �����

� A� K� Majhi� V� D� Agrawal� J� Jacob� and L� M� Patnaik� �Line Coverage of PathDelay Faults�� submitted to IEEE Trans� on VLSI Systems �under review��

Burn all attachement in true knowledge�

Grind it to ashes and make ink out of it�

Make thy clean mind the paper�

With love as thy pen and thy heart as the writer�

Write the Name and glory of God

Under the inspiration of the Guru�

� Guru Nanak