algebraic geometry

An introduction to algebraic geometry Swapneel Mahajan Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai Powai, Mumbai 400 076 India E-mail address: [email protected] URL: ~ swapneel

Transcript of algebraic geometry

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An introduction to algebraic geometry

Swapneel Mahajan

Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai

Powai, Mumbai 400 076


E-mail address: [email protected]


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Contents iii

Chapter 1. Commutative rings 11.1. Commutative rings 11.2. Noetherian rings 71.3. Noetherian spaces 91.4. Localization 101.5. The category of local rings 141.6. The category of reduced rings 15

Chapter 2. Affine varieties 172.1. The category of affine varieties 172.2. Affine varieties and radical ideals 212.3. The Zariski topology 242.4. The coordinate ring of an affine variety 272.5. The sheaf of regular functions 34

Chapter 3. Projective varieties 413.1. Projective varieties 413.2. Projective varieties and homogeneous radical ideals 443.3. The category of projective varieties 453.4. Rational normal curves 48

Chapter 4. Varieties 554.1. Prevarieties 554.2. Varieties 614.3. Smooth manifolds 634.4. Rational maps 63

Chapter 5. Affine schemes 675.1. Spectrum of a ring 675.2. The category of affine schemes 755.3. Examples 795.4. Fiber product of affine schemes 825.5. The functor of points 84

Chapter 6. Schemes 876.1. Preschemes 876.2. Varieties and schemes 916.3. Fiber product in the category of preschemes 936.4. Quasi-coherent sheaves 97


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6.5. The functor of points 986.6. Schemes 99

Chapter 7. Groups and Hopf algebras 1017.1. Sets 1017.2. Modules and vector spaces 1017.3. Group-like elements of a Hopf algebra 1037.4. Problems 106

Chapter 8. Affine algebraic groups 1098.1. Affine varieties 1098.2. Affine algebraic groups 1128.3. Examples 1148.4. Subgroups 1178.5. Modules over an affine algebraic group 1188.6. Linearity of affine algebraic groups 1208.7. Problems 122

Chapter 9. Affine group schemes 1259.1. Affine group schemes 1259.2. The functor of points 1259.3. Examples 1279.4. Character group 1289.5. Diagonalizable affine group schemes 1289.6. Problems 129

Appendix A. Category theory 131A.1. Products and coproducts 132A.2. Adjunctions 133A.3. Equivalences 134A.4. Colimits of functors 134A.5. Problems 135

Appendix B. Closure operators 137B.1. Closure operators 137B.2. Topological closure operators 138B.3. Joins and meets 138B.4. Galois connection 138B.5. Problems 139

Appendix C. Posets 141C.1. Posets as categories 141C.2. Order-preserving maps as functors 141C.3. Problems 142

Appendix D. Sheaves 143D.1. Sheaves 143D.2. Stalks 144D.3. The generic stalk 144D.4. The category of all sheaves 145D.5. Problems 145

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Appendix E. Monoidal categories 147E.1. Braided monoidal categories 147E.2. Hopf monoids 149E.3. Trivial examples 153E.4. The diamond of categories 153E.5. Monoidal functors 155E.6. Cartesian monoidal categories 155E.7. Modules and comodules 159

Appendix F. The Yoneda embedding 161F.1. Functor categories 161F.2. Slice categories 161F.3. The Yoneda lemma 162

Appendix G. Functors from commutative monoids to groups 165G.1. The functor of points of a commutative Hopf monoid 165G.2. The functor of matrices 166G.3. Problems 167

Appendix H. Exams 169Midsem 169

Bibliography 173

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These notes are meant for the reader who wants a rapid as well as precise in-troduction to varieties, schemes, and related concepts. Corrections and suggestionsfor improvement are welcome.


• You should be familiar with ring theory at the level of [3, Chapter 10].• Very little topology is required. You should be familiar with the notions oftopological spaces, open sets, closed sets, closure of a set, connectedness,connected components, and the Hausdorff property.

• You should be completely comfortable with category theory [18]. To keepthe material self-contained, many relevant notions are reviewed in theAppendices.

References. The material for these notes is taken from the following sources:

• For commutative algebra, I have mainly relied on Atiyah and MacDon-ald [4].

• For varieties, the material is taken from books by Harris [13], Hartshorne [14,Chapter 1], Humphreys [15, Chapter I], Mumford [19, Chapter I] andSmith et al [23]. (This last reference contains a lot of interesting pic-tures).

• For schemes, the material is taken from books by Eisenbud and Harris [11],Hartshorne [14, Chapter 2] and Mumford [19, Chapter I].

• For algebraic groups and group schemes, the material is taken from thebook by Waterhouse [26], supplemented by [15] and [24].

Some other useful sources are given below.

• Dummit and Foote [9, Chapter 15] give a good introduction to basic al-gebraic geometry.

• For commutative algebra, the books by Eisenbud [10] and Reid [20].• For algebraic geometry, the notes by Ravi Vakil available from his home-

page.• Wikipedia is a good source for getting a birds-eye-view of many of theconcepts discussed in these notes.

Problems. A number of exercises are included in the notes (many with completesolutions). Apart from the above sources, the exercises are mainly borrowed froma variety of sources which I have not kept track of.

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Commutative rings

1.1. Commutative rings

In this section, we review some basic ring theory. A good reference is [4,Chapter 1]. Throughout this course, by a ring we mean a commutative ring withidentity. Rings will be denoted usually by the letters R and S. We write Ring forthe category of rings.

1.1.1. Product and coproduct in the category of rings. Let us discuss theinitial object, terminal object, product and coproduct in Ring.

• Initial object is Z.• Terminal object is the zero ring {0}.• Product is direct product: cartesian product with componentwise addition

and multiplication.• Coproduct is tensor product.

1.1.2. Types of ideals. An ideal M in R is maximal if M 6= R and if there is noideal I which is strictly between M and R.

An ideal I in R is prime if I 6= R and if xy ∈ I then either x ∈ I or y ∈ I.An ideal I in R is primary if I 6= R and if xy ∈ I then either x ∈ I or yn ∈ I

for some n > 0.An ideal I in R is radical if

xn ∈ I for some n > 0 implies x ∈ I.An ideal I in R is irreducible if

I = J ∩K implies I = J or I = K,

for any ideals J and K.

Example 1.1. Consider the ring of integers Z. This is the initial object in Ring.All ideals are principal, so they are of the form (n) for some n ∈ Z.

• (n) is a maximal ideal iff n is a prime number.• (n) is a prime ideal iff n = 0 or n is a prime number.• (n) is a primary ideal iff n = 0 or n is a prime power.• (n) is a radical ideal iff n = 0 or n is a product of distinct primes to the

first power, that is, n is square-free.• (n) is an irreducible ideal iff n is a primary ideal.

A ring R is reduced if for all x ∈ R and each n ∈ N,

xn = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0.

In other words, a ring is reduced if it contains no nonzero nilpotent elements. Checkthat a ring is reduced iff the zero ideal is radical.


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A ring R is local if it has a unique maximal ideal.It is well-known and straightforward to verify that:

• An ideal M ⊆ R is maximal iff R/M is a field.• An ideal P ⊆ R is prime iff R/P is a domain.• An ideal P ⊆ R is primary iff R/P 6= 0 and every zero divisor in R/P isnilpotent.

• An ideal I ⊆ R is radical iff R/I is a reduced ring.• Every maximal ideal is prime, and every prime ideal is radical. The con-

verse is false in both cases.

Remark 1.2. For a field or domain, one requires 0 6= 1, so it has at least twoelements. For a ring R, it may happen that 0 = 1 in which case R = 0, that is, Rhas only one element. This is the terminal object in Ring.

Proposition 1.3. Let I1, . . . , In be ideals and let P be a prime ideal containing⋂n

j=1 Ij. Then P ⊇ Ij for some j. If P =⋂n

j=1 Ij, then P = Ij for some j.Draw picture.

Proof. The second claim immediately follows from the first. Further, it isenough to prove the first claim for two ideals: If a prime ideal P contains I ∩ Jthen it contains either I or J .

Suppose not. Then there is an x ∈ I and y ∈ J such that x, y 6∈ P . Butxy ∈ I ∩ J and hence xy ∈ P , contradicting primeness. �

Proposition 1.4. Let P1, . . . , Pn be prime ideals and let I be an ideal containedin ∪ni=1Pi. Then I ⊆ Pi for some i.

Proof. Very good exercise. Proceed by induction on n. Solution is given in [4,Proposition 1.11]. �

1.1.3. Contraction and restriction. Let ϕ : R → S be a ring homomorphism.Let P be the poset of ideals of R and Q be the poset of ideals of S under inclusion.Define order-preserving maps

f : P → Q and g : Q→ P

as follows: f(I) is the smallest ideal of Q which contains ϕ(I) (the latter may not bean ideal), while g(J) is the inverse image of J under ϕ. f(I) is called the extensionof I, while g(J) is called the contraction of J .

Observe thatI ≤ g(J) ⇐⇒ f(I) ≤ J.

Thus f is the left adjoint to g.By reversing the partial order on Q, we are in the setup of a Galois connection.

So we have the consequences given by Proposition B.9. These are explicitly statedin [4, Proposition 1.17]. For example:

I ⊆ gf(I) and J ⊇ fg(J) = Image(f) ∩ J.It is natural to wonder whether one can describe the closed sets of P and Q explic-itly. There is a simple answer to this question when ϕ is surjective which we nowexplain.

Suppose ϕ : R → S is surjective. In this case, for any ideal I of R, ϕ(I) is anideal and thus f(I) = ϕ(I). It follows that fg = id. Thus all ideals of S are closedsets. Which ideals of R are closed sets? It is not true in general that gf = id.

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However, it is easy to check that gf(I) = I if I contains kerϕ. It follows that theclosed sets of R are precisely those ideals which contain kerϕ.

Proposition 1.5. Let ϕ : R→ S be a surjective ring homomorphism. Then there isa bijection between all ideals of S and those ideals of R which contain kerϕ. Furtherthis restricts to a bijection between all maximal (prime, primary, irreducible) idealsof S and those maximal (prime, primary, irreducible) ideals of R which containkerϕ.

Proof. We have already proved the first part. The assertion about maximal(prime, primary, irreducible) ideals can be deduced from the following two facts. IfJ is a maximal (prime, primary, irreducible) ideal in S, then ϕ−1(J) is a maximal(prime, primary, irreducible) ideal in R. If ϕ−1(J) is a maximal (prime, primary,irreducible) ideal in R for some ideal J of S, then J is a maximal (prime, primary,irreducible) ideal. �

Radical also seems towork.1.1.4. Radical ideals continued. The radical of an ideal I ⊆ R is defined to be

rad (I) := {f ∈ R | fn ∈ I for some n > 0}.In particular,

rad ((0)) := {f ∈ R | fn = 0 for some n > 0}.This is precisely the set of nilpotent elements in R. It is called the nilradical of R.

Observation 1.6. Let I be any ideal in R. Consider the canonical ring homomor-phism ϕ : R → R/I. Then the inverse image of the nilradical of R/I under ϕ isprecisely the radical of I.

Proposition 1.7. The radical of any ideal in R is again an ideal in R. In partic-ular, the nilradical of R is an ideal.

Proof. The sum of two nilpotent elements is again nilpotent: use binomialtheorem. The product of a nilpotent element with any other element is againnilpotent. It follows that the nilradical of R is an ideal.

For the general case, use Observation 1.6 and the fact that the inverse imageof an ideal under a ring homomorphism is again an ideal. �

Proposition 1.8. The nilradical of R is the intersection of all the prime ideals ofR.

We give a proof using localization discussed later. For a direct proof, see [4,Proposition 1.8]. Some other references are [22, Proposition 2, pg 3] or [16, Theorem7.1].

Proof. If f is nilpotent and P is a prime ideal, then f ∈ P . So the nilradicalis contained in the intersection of all the prime ideals of R. To show that thisis an equality, suppose f is not nilpotent. Then consider the multiplicative setD = {1, f, f2, . . . }. Since f is not nilpotent, 0 6∈ D. So R

Dis not the zero ring. So

it contains a prime ideal. Its inverse image under the ring homomorphism R→ RD

yields a prime ideal P in R which is disjoint from D, and in particular, does notcontain f . Hence f does not belong to the intersection of all the prime ideals ofR. �

More generally:

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Proposition 1.9. The radical of an ideal I is the intersection of all the primeideals which contain I.

Proof. One direction of this claim is trivial. The first claim then follows fromthe following chain of equalities.

rad (I) = ϕ−1(N) = ϕ−1(



ϕ−1(P ) =⋂


Here I is any ideal of R, N is the nilradical of R/I, ϕ : R → R/I is the canonicalsurjection, the first two intersections are over all prime ideals P of S (here we useProposition 1.8), and the last intersection is over all prime ideals Q of R whichcontain I (here we use Proposition 1.5). �

Proposition 1.10. The radical of a primary ideal P is the smallest prime idealcontaining P .

Proof. One can check using the definitions that rad (P ) is a prime ideal:Suppose xy ∈ rad (P ). Then (xy)m ∈ P for some m > 0, and therefore eitherxm ∈ P or ymn ∈ P for some n > 0. Thus either x ∈ rad (P ) or y ∈ rad (P ) asrequired.

The fact that it is the smallest follows from Proposition 1.9. �

Example 1.11. Let R = Z be the ring of integers. Any ideal (n) in Z can bewritten as an intersection of primary ideals: Let n = pα1

1 . . . pαnn be the prime

factorization of n. Then

(pα11 . . . pαn

n ) = (pα11 ) ∩ · · · ∩ (pαn

n ).

Note that the ideals on the right are primary. We will look at such decompositionsin more detail later.

Applying the radical operator to both sides yields a decomposition of rad ((n))into prime ideals:

rad ((n)) = (p1 . . . pn) = (p1) ∩ · · · ∩ (pn).

We note some important properties of the radical operator:

Proposition 1.12. Let I and J be any ideals of a ring R. Then

(1) I ⊆ rad (I).(2) If I ⊆ rad (J), then rad (I) ⊆ rad (J).(3) rad (IJ) = rad (I ∩ J) = rad (I) ∩ rad (J).(4) rad (I) = R ⇐⇒ I = R.

Proof. Straightforward. �

The first two properties show that rad (−) is a closure operator on the posetof ideals of R. (This uses the result of Proposition 1.7.) So intersection of radicalIs this topological?ideals is again a radical ideal. A more precise statement is made in property (3).

The definition of a radical ideal can be restated as follows. An ideal I is calledradical if rad (I) = I. An example is the nilradical. Alternatively, a radical ideal isprecisely a closed set of the closure operator rad (−).Proposition 1.13. Suppose Q1, . . .Qn are primary ideals all having the sameradical. Call this prime ideal P . Then the intersection Q1 ∩ · · · ∩Qn is a primaryideal and its radical is also P .

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Proof. Let Q = Q1 ∩ · · · ∩Qn. Observe that

rad (Q1 ∩ · · · ∩Qn) = rad (Q1) ∩ · · · ∩ rad (Qn) = P.

This shows that rad (Q) = P .We show that Q is primary. Let xy ∈ Q but y 6∈ Q. Then there is a i such that

xy ∈ Qi but y 6∈ Qi. Since Qi is primary, some power of x belongs to Qi. Sincerad (Qi) = P , it follows that x ∈ P . Since rad (Q) = P , it follows that some powerof x belongs to Q as required. �

1.1.5. Problems.

(1) Give an example of a ring whose nilradical is not prime.(2) Does a prime ideal or a maximal ideal necessarily contain all the zero

divisors of the ring?(3) Show that there cannot be any ring homomorphisms of the form C→ R,

C→ R[x], or C[x]→ R[x].(4) Let f : R → S be a ring homomorphism. Show that if P is a prime

(primary) ideal of S, then f−1(P ) is a prime (primary) ideal of R. Incontrast, show that f−1(M) may not be a maximal ideal of R even if Mis a maximal ideal of S.

Suppose P is a prime ideal. We show that f−1(P ) is also prime.Let xy ∈ f−1(P ). Then f(xy) = f(x)f(y) ∈ P . So either f(x) ∈ P orf(y) ∈ P . This implies that either y ∈ f−1(P ) or y ∈ f−1(P ) as required.The assertion about primary ideals can be proved in a similar manner.

The inclusion map Z → Q is a ring homomorphism. The ideal (0)is maximal in Q but it is not maximal in Z. Thus inverse image of amaximal ideal may not be maximal.

(5) Recall that IJ is the ideal consisting of all sums of products xy, withx ∈ I and y ∈ J . Observe that IJ ⊆ I ∩ J . Show by example that theideal IJ may be included properly in I ∩ J .

Take R = Z, I = 2Z, and J = 4Z. Then IJ = 8Z is properlycontained in I ∩ J = 4Z.

Recall that I + J is the ideal whose elements are sums of elements ofI and elements of J . (This construction can be extended to any family ofideals.) Show that if I + J = R, then IJ = I ∩ J .

Let x ∈ I ∩J . Since I +J = R, there exist u ∈ I and v ∈ J such thatu + v = 1. So xu + xv = x. Both xu and xv belong to IJ , and hence sodoes x. So I ∩ J ⊆ IJ as required.

(6) Let R be a ring. Consider the closure operator on the Boolean poset2R of Example B.3. (Note that 2R is a complete lattice.) It followsfrom Proposition B.8 that the poset of ideals of R under inclusion is acomplete lattice Describe arbitrary meets and arbitrary joins in this posetand compare them with those in 2R.

The meet remains the same, that is I∧J = I∩J , but the join changesas I ∨ J = I + J = c(I ∪ J). The case of arbitrary meets and joins issimilar.

(7) Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Show that the quotient ring R/I is reducediff I is a radical ideal.

The basic observation is: (a+ I)n = an + I for any a ∈ R.

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(8) Let x be a nilpotent element of a ring R. Show that 1 + x is a unit of R.Deduce that the sum of a nilpotent element and a unit is a unit.

If x is nilpotent, then 1+x is invertible with inverse 1−x+x2−x3+. . .(this is a finite sum).

Suppose x is nilpotent and u is a unit. Write u + x = u(1 + u−1x).Since x is nilpotent, so is u−1x. Hence 1 + u−1x is a unit and so is u+ x.

(9) Let R be a ring and let R[x] be the ring of polynomials in an indeterminatex with coefficients in R. Let f = a0 + a1x+ · · ·+ anx

n ∈ R[x].(a) Suppose R is an integral domain. Then so is R[x]. Further f is a

unit in R[x] iff a0 is a unit in R and a1 = · · · = an = 0.Easy.

(b) Show that f is a unit in R[x] iff a0 is a unit in R and a1, . . . , an arenilpotent.Backward implication: Since a1, . . . , an are nilpotent in R, so isa1x+ · · ·+ anx

n in R[x]. By previous exercise, f is a unit in R[x].Forward implication: The fact that a0 is a unit is clear. For anyprime ideal P of R, applying the result of part (a) to the image of fin R/P (which is an integral domain), we deduce that ai ∈ P for alli ≥ 1. Since the ai’s belong to all prime ideals, they are nilpotent.

(c) Show that f is nilpotent iff a0, a1, . . . , an are nilpotent.Backward implication: Follows by using that sum of nilpotent ele-ments is nilpotent.Forward implication: Suppose f is nilpotent. Then 1 + xf is a unit.Now apply part (b).

(d) Show that f is a zero-divisor iff there exists a 6= 0 in R such thataf = 0.Backward implication: Clear.Forward implication: Let g be a non-zero polynomial of least degreesuch that fg = 0. Then ang is a polynomial of smaller degree thang and anfg = 0. So ang = 0. This sets up a chain reaction implyingan−1g = 0, and so on, till a0g = 0. We now conclude that g hasdegree zero, since the constant term of g kills f .

(e) f is said to be primitive if (a0, . . . , an) = R. Show that if f, g ∈ R[x],then fg is primitive iff f and g are primitive.Forward implication: The ideal generated by coefficients of f (or g)contains the ideal generated by coefficients of fg.Backward implication: Suppose fg is not primitive. Then there isa prime ideal P which contains all coefficients of fg. Let f and gdenote the images of f and g in R/P . Then fg = 0. But R/P [x] isan integral domain. So either f = 0 or g = 0, implying that eitherall coefficients of f or all coefficients of g belong to P . This is acontradiction.

(10) Let R be a ring which is nonzero. Show that the set of prime ideals of Rhas a minimum element wrt inclusion.

Suppose P1 ⊇ P2 ⊇ . . . is a descending chain of prime ideals. Weclaim that P :=

i Pi is a prime ideal. The existence of a minimumelement then follows from Zorn’s lemma. Suppose xy ∈ P and x 6∈ P .Then there is some index i such tha x 6∈ Pn for n ≥ i. Since the Pi’s are

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prime, it follows that y ∈ Pn for n ≥ i, and hence y ∈ Pn for all n. Thusy ∈ P as required.

(11) Show that (x2 + 1) is a radical ideal in the ring R[x].The polynomial x2 + 1 is irreducible and hence (x2 + 1) is a prime,

and in particular, a radical ideal in R[x].(12) Describe all radical ideals, prime ideals and maximal ideals in the ring

C[x]. How about R[x] and Z[x]?C[x] – maximal ideals: (x − a) for a ∈ C; prime ideals: (0), and the

maximal ideals; radical ideals: ((x−a1) . . . (x−ak)) where ai’s are distinctpoints in C.

R[x] – maximal ideals: ideals generated by irreducible polynomials;prime ideals: (0), and the maximal ideals; radical ideals: ideals generatedby product of distinct irreducible polynomials.

Z[x] – maximal ideals: (p, f), p a prime and f a monic integral poly-nomial irreducible modulo p; prime ideals: (0), principal prime ideals (f),where f is either a prime p, or a Q-irreducible polynomial written so thatits coefficients do have gcd 1, and the maximal ideals.

1.2. Noetherian rings

Noetherian rings are an important class of rings with good finiteness properties.Their relevance to algebraic geometry comes from the fact that one of the basic ringsin algebraic geometry, namely C[x1, . . . , xn], is Noetherian.

A good reference for this section is [4, Chapter 6 and 7].

Definition 1.14. A ring R is said to be Noetherian if it satisfies the followingequivalent conditions.

(1) Every ideal of R is finitely generated.(2) Every ascending chain of ideals in R is stationary.(3) Every nonempty set of ideals in R has a maximal element.

Proof. (2) =⇒ (3). If (3) is false, then there is a nonempty set of ideals inR with no maximal element, and we can construct inductively a non-terminatingstrictly increasing sequence in the chosen set. (Note that Zorn’s lemma is notrequired.)

(3) =⇒ (2). Suppose we are given an ascending chain of ideals. By (3), it hasa maximal element. Then the chain stabilizes from that point onwards.

To show (1) ⇐⇒ (2), see [4, Propositions 6.2]. �

Example 1.15. The ring of integers Z is a Noetherian ring: (n) ⊆ (m) ⇐⇒ mdivides n. We point out that Z does contain descending chains of ideals which arenot stationary.

Every field is Noetherian, since a field has only two ideals.

Lemma 1.16. In a Noetherian ring, every ideal is a finite intersection of irreducibleideals.

Proof. Suppose not; then the set of ideals for which the result is false is notempty. Using property (3), it has a maximal element I wrt inclusion. Since I isnot irreducible, it can be written as J ∩K in a nontrivial way. Since J and K arestrictly bigger than I, they are both finite intersections of irreducible ideals, andtherefore so is I. This is a contradiction. �

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Lemma 1.17. In a Noetherian ring, every irreducible ideal is primary.

Proof. In view of Proposition 1.5, by passing to the quotient ring, it is enoughto show that is the zero ideal is irreducible, then it is primary. This can be provedin an elementary manner using the ascending chain condition [4, Lemma 7.12]. �

Theorem 1.18 (Lasker-Noether theorem). Let R be a Noetherian ring. Then

• Every ideal of R can be written as a finite intersection of primary ideals.Further the radicals of these primary ideals are distinct.

• Every radical ideal of R is uniquely expressible as a finite intersection ofprime ideals Pi with Pi 6⊂ Pj for j 6= i.

Proof. The first claim follows from Lemmas 1.16 and 1.17, and the secondfrom Proposition 1.13.

For the last claim, apply rad (−) to the decomposition. In view of Proposi-tion 1.10, one can deduce that any radical ideal of R can be written as a finite inter-section of prime ideals. The uniqueness assertion follows from Proposition 1.3. �

It follows that in the poset of prime ideals of a Noetherian ring R which containa given radical ideal of R, there are finitely many minimum elements.

Theorem 1.19 (Hilbert basis theorem). If R is Noetherian, then the polyno-mial ring R[x] is Noetherian. It follows by induction that if R is Noetherian, thenthe polynomial ring R[x1, . . . , xn] is Noetherian.

Proof. See [4, Theorem 7.5]. �

Corollary 1.20. The ring C[x1, . . . , xn] is Noetherian. So

• all ideals of C[x1, . . . , xn] are finitely generated.• any radical ideal of C[x1, . . . , xn] is uniquely expressible as a finite inter-

section of prime ideals Pi with Pi 6⊂ Pj for j 6= i.

1.2.1. Problems.

(1) If R is Noetherian, then so is R/I for any ideal I of R. Conclude that anyfinitely generated C-algebra is Noetherian.

Let I1 ⊆ I2 ⊆ . . . be an ascending chain of ideals in R/I. Thentaking inverse images yields an ascending chain of ideals in R. Since R isNoetherian, this chain stabilizes. This implies that the original chain alsostabilizes as required.

For the second part, note that any finitely generated C-algebra is aquotient of a polynomial algebra which we know is Noetherian.

(2) Give an example of a ring which is not Noetherian.The ring of polynomials in infinitely many variables, and the ring of

continuous functions from R to R are not Noetherian.(3) Describe explicitly the content of the Lasker-Noether theorem for the ring

C[x].All ideals in C[x] are principal. Further, by the fundamental theorem

of algebra, the polynomial generating a particular ideal factorizes intolinear factors. Its primary decomposition is as follows.

((x− a1)b1 . . . (x− an)bn) = ((x− a1)b1) ∩ · · · ∩ ((x− an)bn)The ai’s here are distinct. If the ideal is radical, then b1 = · · · = bn = 1,and the ideals in the decomposition above are all prime.

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1.3. Noetherian spaces

In this section, we discuss the geometric analogue of Noetherian rings. Theseare known as Noetherian spaces. (We will see later that the spectrum of a Noe-therian ring is a Noetherian space.)

1.3.1. Irreducible topological spaces. We define a topological notion that issimilar to the notion of connectedness.

A topological space X is called irreducible if it cannot be written as a union oftwo proper nonempty closed sets. The empty set is not considered to be irreducible.A maximal irreducible subspace ofX is called an irreducible component. A subspaceY ⊆ X is called irreducible if it is irreducible as a topological space (with theinduced topology).

Proposition 1.21. Let X be a topological space and Y ⊆ X be a subspace. Then

(1) If X is irreducible, then X is connected.(2) X is irreducible iff Any two nonempty open sets in X intersect iff Any

nonempty open set is dense in X.(3) If Y is irreducible, then the closure of Y in X is also irreducible.(4) Let f : X → Z be a continuous map. Then X irreducible implies f(X)


In view of part (3), an irreducible component of X is always a closed set in X.

Proof. The first two claims are straightforward. In view of these, Y is irre-ducible iff the intersection of two open subsets of X each meeting Y , also meets Y ;and similarly for Y . But an open set meets Y iff it meets Y .

If U , X are open sets in Z which meet f(X), we have to show that U ∩ Xmeets f(X) as well. But f−1(U), f−1(X) are nonempty open sets in X, so theyhave a nonempty intersection (X being irreducible), whose image under f lies inU ∩X ∩ f(X). �

Union of two intersecting curves in An is connected, but not irreducible.

1.3.2. Noetherian spaces. A topological space is Noetherian if it satisfies anyof the following equivalent conditions.

• The descending chain condition on closed sets: Given a descending chainof closed sets

V1 ⊇ V2 ⊇ · · · ⊇ Vi ⊇ . . . ,there is a n such that Vi = Vn for all i ≥ n.

• The minimality condition on closed sets: each nonempty collection ofclosed sets has a minimal element.

• The ascending chain condition on open sets: Given a ascending chain ofopen sets

U1 ⊆ U2 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Ui ⊆ . . . ,there is a n such that Ui = Un for all i ≥ n.

• The maximality condition on open sets: each nonempty collection of opensets has a maximal element.

Proposition 1.22. Let X be a Noetherian space. Then X has only finitely manyirreducible components X1, . . . , Xm and X =

j Xj.

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Proof. Consider the collection A of all finite unions of closed irreducible sub-sets of X (for example ∅ ∈ A). Suppose X itself does not belong to A. Use theNoetherian property to find a closed subset Y of X which is minimal among theclosed subsets (such as X) not belonging to A. Evidently Y is neither empty norirreducible; so Y = Y1 ∪ Y2, both Y1 and Y2 being proper closed subsets of Y . Theminimality of Y forces both Y1 and Y2 to belong to A. But then Y also belongs toA, which is a contradiction.

Write X =⋃

j Xj , where the Xj are irreducible closed subsets. If Y is any

maximal irreducible closed subset of X, then since Y =⋃

j(Y ∩Xj), we must haveY ∩Xi = Y for some i. Thus Y = Xi by maximality. �

Proposition 1.23. Let X be a Noetherian space. Then every subspace of X isNoetherian, and X is quasi-compact.

Proof. Use the ascending chain condition on open sets and the definition ofquasi-compactness: every cover has a finite subcover. �

Remark 1.24. Since Noetherian spaces need not be Hausdorff, it is customary touse the term quasi-compact instead of compact. If the space is not Hausdorff, onecannot use sequential convergence arguments.

1.3.3. Problems.

(1) Let X be a Noetherian space, Y a subspace having irreducible componentsY1, . . .Ym. Show that the closures Y j are the irreducible components of

Y .(2) Show that the following conditions on a topological spaceX are equivalent.

(a) X is Noetherian.(b) Every subspace of X is quasi-compact.(c) Every open subspace of X is quasi-compact.

(a) =⇒ (b). Follows from Proposition 1.23.(b) =⇒ (c). Clear.(c) =⇒ (a). Let U1 ⊆ U2 ⊆ . . . be an ascending chain of open

sets in X. Consider the open set V :=⋃

i Ui in X. By hypothesis, itis quasi-compact; so this open cover must have a finite subcover. Thus,there is a n for which V =

⋃ni=1 Ui. Hence X satisfies the ascending chain

condition on open sets and is Noetherian.

1.4. Localization

In this section, we discuss the concept of localization in a ring. The notion ofa multiplicative set plays the key role. For more details, see [4, Chapter 3].

1.4.1. Field of fractions of an integral domain. The field of rational numbersQ is constructed from the ring of integers Z by forming fractions m/n with n 6= 0,and declaring two fractions m/n and m′/n′ to be equivalent whenever mn′ = nm′.This procedure generalizes to any integral domain and produces its field of fractionsas follows.

Let R be an integral domain. Let D be the set of all nonzero elements of R.Define an equivalence relation on R×D:

(a, s) ∼ (b, t) ⇐⇒ at = bs.

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This is clearly reflexive and symmetric. To check transitivity: Suppose (a, s) ∼ (b, t)and (b, t) ∼ (c, u). Then at = bs and bu = ct. Hence atu = bsu = bsu = cts.Cancelling t, we have au = cs, or (a, s) ∼ (c, u) as required.

Let RD

denote the set of equivalence classes. It is customary to denote theequivalence class of (a, s) by a

s. Define operations




at+ bs









Check that these operations are well-defined. This turns RD

into a field (with theinverse of a

sbeing s

a). It is called the field of fractions of R wrt D.

1.4.2. Ring of fractions. The above procedure generalizes further to any ring.Let R be a ring. A multiplicative subset of R is a subset D of R such that 1 ∈ Dand whenever s and t belong to D, so does their product. Define an equivalencerelation on R×D:

(a, s) ∼ (b, t) ⇐⇒ (at− bs)u = 0 for some u ∈ D.This is clearly reflexive and symmetric. Transitivity can be checked as in the integraldomain case.

Let RD

denote the set of equivalence classes. Addition and multiplication op-

erations as in the integral domain case turn RD

into a ring (and not a field). It iscalled the ring of fractions of R wrt D.

Remark 1.25. If the multiplicative set contains 0, then RD will be the zero ring.It has no prime ideals.

There is a ring homomorphism

(1.1) ϕ : R→ R

Dx 7→ x


It is not injective in general. It has the following properties:

• If s ∈ D, then ϕ(s) is a unit in RD.

• If ϕ(a) = 0, then as = 0 for some s ∈ D.• Every element of R

Dis of the form ϕ(a)ϕ(s)−1 for some a ∈ R and some

s ∈ D.

Proposition 1.26. Let ψ : R → S be a ring homomorphism such that ψ(s) is aunit in S for all s ∈ D. Then there exists a unique ring homomorphism ψ′ : R

D→ S

such that ψ = ψ′ϕ.

Proof. Straightforward. �

1.4.3. Localization at a prime ideal. Let I be any ideal in R. Then

I is a prime ideal ⇐⇒ R \ I is a multiplicative set.

For a prime ideal P in R, D = R \ P is a multiplicative set. In this situation, itis customary to write RP instead of R

D. The process of passing from R to RP is

called localization at the prime ideal P .If R is an integral domain, then (0) is a prime ideal and D = R \ {0} is a

multiplicative set. In this case, observe that R(0) is same as the field of fractions ofR, and further, R → RP → R(0).

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Example 1.27. Consider the ring of integers Z. Then Z(0) is the set of rationalnumbers Q. Let p be a prime number. Then Z(p) is the set of all rational numberswhose denominators are not divisible by p.

Proposition 1.28. RP is a local ring: The unique maximal ideal in RP is theextension of P under (1.1).

Proof. The elements a/s with a ∈ P and s 6∈ P form an ideal in RP . Call itM . If b/t does not belong to M , then b 6∈ P ; hence b/t is a unit in RP . It followsthat if I is any ideal in RP and I 6⊆ M , then I contains a unit and hence I = R.Thus M is the only maximal ideal in RP . �

1.4.4. Extended and contracted ideals. Recall that any ring homomorphismyields a Galois connection between their posets of ideals. Let us understand theextended and contracted ideals (the closed sets of the associated closure operators)for the homomorphism (1.1).

Observe that the extension of an ideal I of R is given by




s∈ R

D| a ∈ I



Proposition 1.29. Consider the ring homomorphism (1.1). Then:

(1) Every ideal of RD

is an extended ideal.(2) For any ideal I of R, the following are equivalent.

• I is a contracted ideal.• I = {x ∈ R | xs ∈ I for some s ∈ D}.• No element of D is a zero-divisor in R/I.

Proof. This is a straightforward exercise. �

Proposition 1.30. Let D be a multiplicative set of a ring R. Then the primeideals of R

Dare in correspondence with the prime ideals of R which do not meet D.

Proof. We show that this correspondence is obtained by restricting the bijec-tion between contracted and extended ideals.

Every prime ideal in RD

is an extended ideal by Proposition 1.29, part (1). Thecontraction of a prime ideal is a prime ideal (for any ring homomorphism). And inour case, it is a prime ideal which does not meet D.

Every prime ideal of R which does not meet D is a contracted ideal by Propo-sition 1.29, part (2). So we need to show that if P is a prime ideal in R which doesnot meet D, then P

Dis a prime ideal in R

D. Accordingly, let P be such a prime ideal

and suppose(x






u∈ P

Dwhere z ∈ P and s, t, u ∈ D. Then v(xyu − zst) = 0 for some v ∈ D. Thusxyuv ∈ P but uv 6∈ P by hypothesis. So either x ∈ P or y ∈ P as required. �

As a consequence:

Proposition 1.31. If P is a prime ideal of R, then the prime ideals of the localring RP are in correspondence with the prime ideals of R contained in P .

Proposition 1.32. If R is an integral domain, then R is equal to the intersection(inside its quotient field) of its localizations at all maximal ideals.

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Proof. Let K denote the quotient field of R. Suppose h ∈ RM for all maximalideals M . Then consider the ideal

I = {r ∈ R | rh ∈ R}.

(I consists of all ring elements which can clear out the denominator of some frac-tional representation of h.) It is enough to show that I = R. Suppose not. Thenthere is a maximal ideal M ′ which contains I. Since h ∈ RM ′ , it can be expressedin the form a/b where b does not belong to M ′. But observe that b ∈ I, which is acontradiction. �

1.4.5. Problems.

(1) Let R be a ring. Suppose that for each prime ideal P , the local ring RP

has no nonzero nilpotent elements. Show that R has no nonzero nilpotentelements.

Suppose not. Let x be a nonzero nilpotent element in R. Considerthe annihilator ideal of x: {r ∈ R | rx = 0}. This is a proper ideal, hencecontained in some maximal ideal, say M . By construction, x

1 6= 0 is a

nonzero nilpotent in RM. This is a contradiction.

If each RP is an integral domain, is R necessarily an integral domain?No. Let R = k× k with coordinate-wise addition and multiplication.

Since (1, 0)(0, 1) = (0, 0), R is not an integral domain. R has exactly twoprime ideals, namely, k×{0} and {0}× k. The localization at both theseprime ideals is isomorphic to k, which is a field, and in particular, anintegral domain.

(2) For any multiplicative set D not containing 0, show that there is a primeideal which does not meet D. A more general result is proved below.

Let Σ be the set of ideals contained in R \ D. Σ is nonempty sinceit contains the zero ideal. By Zorn’s lemma, we deduce that Σ containsmaximal elements. Let P be a maximal element. We claim that P is aprime ideal. Suppose x, y 6∈ P . Then p+ ax, q + by ∈ S for some p, q ∈ Pand a.b ∈ R. Hence their product which is of the form r+ abxy ∈ S, withr ∈ P . So xy 6∈ P . Thus P is a prime ideal as claimed.

(3) Let R be a ring which is not zero, and let Σ be the set of all multiplicativesubsets D of R such that 0 6∈ D. Show that Σ has maximal elements, andthat D ∈ Σ is maximal iff R \D is a minimal prime ideal of R.

Since R is not the zero ring, the multiplicative set D = {1} belongsto Σ. So Σ is nonempty. If Di is an increasing chain of elements of Σ,then the union ∪iDi also belongs to Σ. Why? So by Zorn’s lemma, Σ hasmaximal elements.

Now suppose D is a maximal element. Then for any a ∈ R, we havea 6∈ D iff there exists s ∈ D and a positive integer n such that ans = 0.(If not, then we can add all elements of the form ans to D and obtaina bigger element of Σ.) We first claim that R \ D is an ideal. Supposea, b ∈ R \ D, then ams = 0 and bnt = 0 for some s, t ∈ D and positiveintegers m,n. This implies (a+ b)m+nst = 0, and hence a+ b ∈ R \D. Itis also clear that a ∈ R\D implies ra ∈ R\D. Thus R\D is an ideal, andhence a prime ideal. Further, it has to be minimal (since D is a maximalelement). Alternatively, we may also deduce this from exercise (2).

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Conversely, suppose P is a minimal prime ideal, and D is the com-plement of P . Then D is a maximal element. If not, then applying theabove part, would give a prime ideal strictly contained inside P .

(4) A multiplicative subset D of a ring R is called saturated if x, y ∈ D impliesx ∈ D and y ∈ D. Show that D is saturated iff R \D is a union of primeideals.

Forward implication. Suppose D is saturated. If 0 ∈ D, then D = R,and R\D is an empty union. So suppose 0 6∈ D. Let Σ be the set of idealscontained in R \D. In exercise (2), we showed that Σ contains maximalelements and they are all prime ideals. We claim that R\D is the union ofall the prime ideals in Σ. Let r ∈ R\D. Since D is saturated, (r) ⊆ R\D.Hence (r) is contained in a maximal element which is a prime ideal.

Backward implication. Suppose xy ∈ D and x 6∈ D. Then x ∈ P forsome prime ideal P . Therefore xy ∈ P which is a contradiction.

(5) Show that the set of zero-divisors in a ring is a union of prime ideals.Observe that the set of zero-divisors in a ring is a saturated multi-

plicative subset. Now apply previous exercise.(6) Show that if R is Noetherian and D is any multiplicative subset, then R


is also Noetherian.See [4, page 80].

1.5. The category of local rings

A ring is local if it has a unique maximal ideal. Let S and R be local rings,with maximal ideals N and M . A ring homomorphism α : S → R is said to belocal if α(N) ⊆M , or equivalently, α−1(M) = N . This defines the category of localrings.

Definition 1.33. Suppose S is a local ring with unique maximal ideal M . Thenthe quotient S/M is a field and is called the residue field of S.

Let S and R be local rings, with maximal ideals N and M , and residue fieldsL and K. A local ring homomorphism α : S → R induces a field homomorphism

α : L → K.

Thus, a local ring homomorphism allows us to compare the residue fields of the twolocal rings.

Example 1.34. Let α : S → R be any ring homomorphism. Let P be any primeideal in R and α−1(P ) = Q be the corresponding prime ideal in S. This yields aninduced local ring homomorphism α : SQ → RP , and hence a field extension amongthe residue fields. We note that the residue field of RP , denoted κ(P ) coincideswith the field of fractions of the integral domain R/P : This can be deduced fromthe following diagram.

R //




R/P � � // κ(P ).

(see Remark at the end of [4, page 42]).Since Z is an initial object in Ring, for any ring R, there is a unique ring

homomorphism α : Z → R. Let P be any prime ideal in R. Then α−1(P ) is a

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prime ideal of Z. It follows that the residue field of RP is a field extension of eitherQ or of Z/pZ for some prime p.

The following are simple but useful results to keep in mind.

• f ∈ R is zero in all localizations RP at a prime ideal P iff f = 0.• f ∈ R is zero in all residue fields κ(P ) iff f is nilpotent.• R is a reduced ring iff RP is a reduced ring for all prime ideals P .

1.6. The category of reduced rings

Let redRing denote the category of reduced rings: objects are reduced rings andmorphisms are ring homomorphisms. Define a functor

(1.2) R : Ring→ redRing R 7→ R/N,

where N is the nilradical of R: Note that a ring homomorphism R → S inducesa ring homomorphism R(R) → R(S) since nilpotent elements have to map tonilpotent elements.

We note that there is a natural map R → R(R). If R → S is a ring homo-morphism and S is reduced, then there is a unique ring homomorphism R(R)→ Ssuch that the diagram


���� !!DDD



R(R) //___ S

commutes. Equivalently, there is a natural bijection

(1.3) Ring(R,S)→ redRing(R(R), S).This says that the functor R is the left adjoint to the inclusion functor redRing →Ring.

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Affine varieties

2.1. The category of affine varieties

There is an axiomatic approach to doing geometry as developed by ancientgreek geometers such as Euclid. The past few centuries has seen another approachto doing geometry which proposes that geometric objects can be studied usingalgebraic equations. This approach has turned out to be very powerful and hasmade seemingly complicated geometric objects accessible.

The objects that interest us in this course are those that can be defined usingpolynomial equations. There are many familiar examples such as the circle and theparabola. Objects of this type are called affine varieties. They are the most basicobjects of algebraic geometry. We begin with the basic definitions in this section.

The problem of solving polynomial equations has led to many important de-velopments in mathematics: The equation x2 + 1 = 0 led to the discovery of thecomplex numbers. It was then discovered that any polynomial with complex co-efficients can be completely factored. This is called the fundamental theorem ofalgebra. Thus the importance of the field or ring over which the equation is beingsolved was realized.

2.1.1. Affine varieties.

Definition 2.1. An affine variety is the common zero set of a finite set {f1, . . . , fm}of polynomials in n variables over C, that is, fj ∈ C[x1, . . . , xn]. We write

X = V(f1, . . . , fm) ⊆ Cn.

A subvariety of an affine variety X ⊆ Cn is an affine variety Y ⊆ Cn that iscontained in X.

An affine variety X is called irreducible if it cannot be decomposed as theunion of two proper subvarieties. A maximal irreducible subvariety of X is calledan irreducible component of X.

For example, X = V(x1, x2) ⊆ C3 is the complex line in C3 consisting of thex3-axis.

Example 2.2. We record some standard examples of affine varieties.

(1) The space Cn, the empty set, and one-point sets, singletons, are affinevarieties:

Cn = V(0)

∅ = V(1)

{(a1, . . . , an)} = V(x1 − a1, . . . , xn − an)The space Cn is usually called (complex) affine n-space and denoted An.The term affine as well as the notation emphasize the fact that the origin


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does not play any distinguished role. The empty set is not considered tobe an irreducible variety.

(2) An affine plane curve is the zero set of one polynomial in the complexplane C2. For example, V(y−x2), V(y2−x2−x3), V(x2y+xy2−x4−y4)are affine plane curve.

(3) The zero set of one polynomial in Cn is called a hypersurface in Cn. Forexample, the quadratic cone V(x2 + y2 − z2) is a hypersurface in C3. Anaffine plane curve is a hypersurface in C2.

(4) The zero set of one linear (degree-one) polynomial in Cn is called a hyper-plane in Cn. For example, V(ax + by − c) where a, b and c are complexscalars is a hyperplane in C2.

A linear affine variety is the zero set of a finite number of linearpolynomials in Cn. If there are k linearly independent polynomials, thenthe linear variety is a complex space of dimension n− k.

The union of two complex lines

V(xy) = V(x) ∪ V(y)

is a reducible variety. Later results imply that this is a decomposition of the varietyinto its irreducible components.

Warning. Some authors such as Hartshorne [14] and Mumford [19] use the termalgebraic set for variety, and variety for irreducible variety.

2.1.2. Morphisms of affine varieties. We would now like to describe mapsbetween affine varieties possibly lying in different ambient spaces. For this purpose,let us write an affine variety X ⊆ Cn as a pair (X,Cn).

A polynomial map Cn → Cm is a map all of whose components are given bypolynomials. For example,

C2 → C3 (x, y) 7→ (x2, xy, y2).

is a polynomial map.

Definition 2.3. A morphism (X,Cn) → (Y,Cm) of affine varieties is a map ϕ :X → Y which is the restriction of a polynomial map ϕ : Cn → Cm.

This may be visualized as a commutative diagram:


//___ Cm

X ϕ//




There may be more than one choice for the polynomial map shown as a dottedarrow labeled ϕ. (Different choices represent the same morphism as long as theyagree on X.)

Observe that a morphism (Cn,Cn)→ (Cm,Cm) of affine varieties is same as apolynomial map Cn → Cm.

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Note that it makes sense to compose morphisms of affine varieties:

Cn //___ Cm //___ Cp

X //


Y //




The essential observation here is that composite of two polynomial maps is againa polynomial map. This defines the category of affine varieties. We denote it byAffVariety. (Associativity of composition and existence of identity morphisms isclear.)

Convention 2.4. Since it is cumbersome to write (X,Cn), most of the time wewill simply write X for an affine variety. It is understood that there is an ambientspace in which X sits.

Example 2.5. Any affine map An → Am is a morphism of affine varieties. Forexample,

A2 → A3 (x, y) 7→ (x+ y − 1, x+ 5, y − 2)

is an affine map, that is, all polynomials are of degree 1. The presence of theconstants makes this an affine map rather than a linear map.

An important particular case is that of projections which delete some subset ofcoordinates. For example,

A4 → A2 (x, y, z, w) 7→ (y, w)

is an affine map which is a projection.

Example 2.6. Let (X,C2) be the plane parabola defined by the vanishing of thepolynomial y − x2. In other words, X = V(y − x2). The map

A1 → X t 7→ (t, t2)

is a morphism of affine varieties (since it is the restriction of a polynomial map).In fact, it is an isomorphism in AffVariety.

The inverse map is given by the restricting the projection

A2 ⊃ X → A1 (x, y) 7→ x.

2.1.3. Product and coproduct of affine varieties. Let us discuss the initialobject, terminal object, product and coproduct in AffVariety.

• Any affine variety of the form (∅,Cn) is an initial object.• Any affine variety of the form ({x},Cn) is a terminal object.• Let (X,Cn) and (Y,Cm) be two affine varieties, with the polynomials{fi} defining X and {gj} defining Y . Their categorical product is thecartesian product (X × Y,Cn+m). This is an affine variety defined by thepolynomials {fi, gj}.

• Let (X,Cn) and (Y,Cm) be two affine varieties. Wlog, say n ≥ m. Theircategorical coproduct is (X∐Y,Cn+1): This consists of two disjoint pieces,with X included in the first m coordinates, and Y shifted using z = 1where z denotes the last coordinate. Why is this affine?

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2.1.4. Problems.

(1) Show that every affine variety in An is a closed set in the Euclidean topol-ogy on An.

Polynomial maps are continuous wrt Euclidean topology.(2) Show that every affine variety is the intersection of finitely many hyper-

surfaces.Suppose X = V(f1, . . . , fn). Then X =

i V(fi) and each V(fi) is ahypersurface.

(3) Consider the twisted cubic curve

X = V(x2 − y, x3 − z) = V(x2 − y) ∩ V(x3 − z).(Try to visualize this set over R.) Show that it consists of all points in C3

of the form (t, t2, t3), where t ∈ C. Use this to show that X is isomorphicto the affine line A1.

The maps A1 → X, t 7→ (t, t2, t3) and X → A1, (x, y, z) 7→ x areinverse isomorphisms.

(4) Show that the zero set in A2 of the function y−ex is not an affine variety.(5) Show that every automorphism of A1 (isomorphism with itself) is of the

form x 7→ ax+ b where a, b ∈ C with a 6= 0.Let f : C→ C be a polynomial map. If deg(f) > 1, then f cannot be

injective, and if deg(f) = 0, then f cannot be surjective.(6) Show that the morphism A3 → A3

x′ = x, y′ = y − x2, z′ = z + y + x3.

is an isomorphism by explicitly computing its inverse.The inverse is given by x = x′, y = y′ + (x′)2 and z = z′ − y′ −

(x′)2 − (x′)3. This should remind you how an upper triangular matrixwith diagonal entries 1 is inverted.

Prove that the set of all (iso)morphisms A3 → A3 of the form

x′ = x, y′ = y + p(x), z′ = z + q(x, y)

with p and q polynomials, form a group under composition.The fact that the inverse of such a morphism is again of the same

form should be clear from the previous calculation. The calculation

(x, y, z) 7→ (x, y + p(x), z + q(x, y))

7→ (x, y + p(x) + p′(x), z + q(x, y) + q′(x, y + p(x))).

shows that the composite of two such morphisms is again of the sameform.

(7) Show that each component of the ϕ of Definition 2.3 is well-defined up toan element of I(X).

Suppose fi and gi are the ith components of two lifts of ϕ. Thenfi(x) = gi(x) for all x ∈ X. So fi − gi ∈ I(X) as required.

(8) Let f = x2− y2 and g = x3+xy2− y3−x2y−x+ y. Find the irreduciblecomponents of the affine variety (V(f, g),C2).

We can factorize f and g: f = (x−y)(x+y) and g = (x−y)(x2+y2−1).So V(f) is two lines and V(g) is a circle and a line. Draw picture. Theline x = y is common to both. The circle x2 + y2 = 1 and the other line

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x + y = 0 intersect in two points. Calculating explicitly, we get: Theirreducible components are

V(x− y), {( 1√2,− 1√

2)}, and {(− 1√


(9) Let X be the image of the map

(*) A1 → A2 t 7→ (t2, tn).

For what integral values of n ≥ 1 is (X,C2) isomorphic to A1 as an affinevariety?

Answer: n = 1 and all even values of n.The map (*) will induce an isomorphism between A1 and X iff the

induced map on the coordinate rings is surjective. The induced mapC[x, y] → C[t] sends x to t2 and y to tn. This is surjective iff n = 1 (elset will not be in the image).

However, it is possible that X may be isomorphic to A1 but the iso-morphism is not induced by (*). If n = 2k is even, then it is clear that Xis also the image of the map

A1 → A2 s 7→ (s, sk).

So X is isomorphic to A1 in this case.For odd values of n, the coordinate ring of X is C[x, y]/(xn − y2). If

n 6= 1, then this is not a UFD (unique factorization domain), so it cannotbe isomorphic to C[t].

(10) Show that if V and W are irreducible affine varieties, then so is theircategorical product V ×W .

See Springer [24, page 10].

2.2. Affine varieties and radical ideals

The starting point of algebraic geometry is the Nullstellensatz of Hilbert whichgives a correspondence between affine varieties which we consider to be geometricobjects and radical ideals which we consider to be algebraic objects. We do notgive a proof, but we explain how it arises and discuss some consequences.

Table 2.1. Geometry and algebra.

Noetherian space Cn Noetherian ring C[x1, . . . , xn]

subset ideal

affine variety radical ideal

irreducible affine variety prime ideal

point maximal ideal

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2.2.1. A Galois connection. Let P be the poset whose elements are subsetsof Cn ordered by inclusion. Let Q be the poset whose elements are ideals ofC[x1, . . . , xn] ordered by inclusion. We define two order-reversing maps

I : P → Q and V : Q→ P

as follows.

V(I) := {x ∈ Cn | f(x) = 0 for all f ∈ I}.I(V ) := {f ∈ C[x1, . . . , xn] | f(x) = 0 for all x ∈ X}.

V(I) is called the zero-locus of I, while I(X) is called the vanishing ideal of X.Observe that

X ⊆ V(I) ⇐⇒ I ⊆ I(X).

Both sides say that f(x) = 0 whenever f ∈ I and x ∈ X. It follows from Proposi-tion B.9 that

• VI and IV are closure operators on P and Q respectively.• The closed sets of VI are in bijection with the closed sets of IV.

Proposition 2.7. The closed sets of VI are precisely affine varieties.

Proof. The closed sets of VI are precisely sets of the form V(I) for some idealI. If X is an affine variety defined by polynomials f1, . . . , fm, then X is the zeroset of the ideal I = (f1, . . . , fm) generated by them.

Conversely, any ideal I is finitely generated, say by f1, . . . , fm. (Here we usethe Noetherian property of C[x1, . . . , xn].) Then V(I) is the affine variety definedby these generators. �

Theorem 2.8 (Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz). Let I be any ideal of C[x1, . . . , xn].Then

IV(I) = rad (I).

Thus, the closed sets of IV are precisely the radical ideals of C[x1, . . . , xn].

Proof. It is easy to see that IV(I) ⊇ rad (I): Suppose f ∈ rad (()I). Thenfn ∈ I for some n > 0. Therefore, for any x ∈ V(I), fn(x) = 0 and hence f(x) = 0.This shows that f ∈ IV(I) as required.

The hard part is to prove the other inclusion. A proof can be found in mostbooks on commutative algebra, see for instance [15, page 5].

The n = 1 case can be proved using the fundamental theorem of algebra: Allideals in C[x] are principal. Suppose I = (f). Let

f(x) = (x− a1)b1 . . . (x− am)bm and g(x) = (x− a1) . . . (x− am).

Then V(I) = {a1, . . . , am} and it follows that IV(I) = rad (I) = (g). �

Corollary 2.9. There is a bijection between affine varieties in Cn and radical idealsof C[x1, . . . , xn].

This correspondence has some interesting consequences.

Proposition 2.10. Irreducible affine varieties correspond to prime ideals. Moreprecisely, an affine variety X is irreducible iff I(X) is a prime ideal.

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Proof. Write I = I(X). Suppose X is irreducible. By convention, X isnonempty, so I is a proper ideal. To show that I is prime, let fg ∈ I. Then foreach x ∈ X, either f(x) = 0 or g(x) = 0. So

X ⊆ V(f) ∪ V(g) and X = (X ∩ V(f) ∪ (X ∩ V(g)).

Since X is irreducible, it must lie wholly in one of these sets, that is, either f ∈ Ior g ∈ I, and I is prime.

The first containment will usually be strict. As a simple illustration, takeX = {a, b} where a and b are points of C2, one on the x-axis and the other on they-axis. The function xy vanishes on X; V(x) ∪ V(y) is the union of the two axeswhich is strictly bigger than X.

Conversely, suppose I is prime, but X = X1 ∪X2, where each Xi is a properaffine subvariety of X. Then we can find fi ∈ I(Xi) with fi 6∈ I. But f1f2 vanisheson X, so f1f2 ∈ I, contradicting primeness. �

Proposition 2.11. Points correspond to maximal ideals. More precisely, the point(a1, . . . , an) corresponds to the maximal ideal (x1 − a1, . . . , xn − an).

A direct elementary proof of this result is given in [3, Section 7.6].

Proof. Let a = (a1, . . . , an). Then it is easy to see that I({a}) = (x1 −a1, . . . , xn−an). This is a maximal ideal because the only variety that {a} containsis ∅.

Conversely, if M is any maximal ideal, then V(M) 6= ∅ because V(R) = ∅;V(M) cannot have more than one element, because singletons give rise to maximalideals (as we just saw). �

2.2.2. Problems.

(1) It is true that Theorem 2.8 holds over any algebraically closed field. (Re-call that C is algebraically closed by the fundamental theorem of algebra.)Show that Theorem 2.8 fails over R. Are the closed sets of IV over R

known?(x2 +1) is a radical ideal in R[x], but I(V(x2 +1)) = R[x] 6= (x2 +1).

(2) Show that a radical ideal I in C[x1, . . . , xn] is the intersection of all themaximal ideals containing I.

Let X = V(I). The maximal ideals which contain X are preciselythose that vanish on some x ∈ X. Suppose f belongs to all such maximalideals. Then f vanishes on all points of X. So f ∈ I(X) = I, as required.

(3) Show that the ideal (xy, xz) defines a reducible variety in C3 and is radicalbut not prime.

Note that V(xy, xz) = V(x)∪V(y, z) is the union of the yz-plane andthe x-axis. So it is a reducible variety. Now I(V(xy, xz)) = (x) ∩ (y, z) =(xy, xz). So (xy, xz) is a radical ideal. It is not prime because it definesa reducible variety.

(4) Find the vanishing ideal of the curve with parametric equations x = t+1,y = t3 and z = t4 + t2 for t ∈ C. Is this curve an affine variety in C3?

The vanishing ideal is (y − (x − 1)3, z − (x − 1)4 − (x − 1)2). Thegiven curve is the zero locus of this ideal. So it is an affine variety (andisomorphic to A1).

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(5) The polynomials f = x2 + y2 +1, g = x2− y+1 and h = xy− 1 generatethe unit ideal in C[x, y]. Prove this in two ways:(a) by showing that they have no common zeroes, and

We want to solve f = g = h = 0. Subtracting g from f givesy(y + 1) = 0; so y = 0 or y = −1. y = 0 and h = 0 has no solutions,while y = −1 and h = 0 forces x = −1 which does not solve f = 0.So f , g and h have no common zeroes.

(b) by writing 1 as a linear combination of f , g and h with polynomialcoefficients.f − g = y(1 + y). Hence x(f − g) = xy(1 + y) = (h+ 1)(1 + y). Thisyields

y + 1 = x(f − g)− (y + 1)h.

Multiplying by x and writing xy = h+ 1 yields

x+ 1 = x2(f − g)− (xy + x+ 1)h.

Multiplying by x − 1 and subtracting the previous equation from ityields,

g − 3 = x2 − 1− y − 1 = (x3 − x2 − x)(f − g)− (x2y − xy + x2 − y − 2)h.

Now this can be rewritten in the required form.

2.3. The Zariski topology

In this section, we put a topology on an affine variety. It is called the Zariskitopology. An affine variety with this topology is a Noetherian space reflecting thealgebraic fact that the polynomial ring is a Noetherian ring. This topology will beused later for constructing general varieties out of affine varieties.

2.3.1. The Zariski topology. In this discussion, we work with a fixed ambientspace Cn and consider affine varieties in that ambient space.

Proposition 2.12. VI is a topological operator on the poset of subsets of Cn underinclusion.

Explicitly, VI(∅) = ∅ and for any subsets A and B of Cn,

(2.1) VI(A ∪B) = VI(A) ∪ VI(B).

A reformulation of this result is given below.

Proposition 2.13. The union of two affine varieties in Cn is again an affinevariety in Cn. The intersection of an arbitrary number of affine varieties in Cn isagain an affine variety in Cn.

Proof. The first claim follows from:

(2.2) V(IJ) = V(I ∩ J) = V(I) ∪ V(J)

for any ideals I and J .(Since I ∩ J is a subset of both I and J , so V(I ∩ J) ⊇ V(I) ∪ V(J). To prove

the other direction, suppose x ∈ V(I ∩ J). So f(x) = 0 whenever x ∈ V(I ∩ J).Suppose x 6∈ V(I) and x 6∈ V(J). Then there is a g ∈ I and h ∈ J such thatg(x) 6= 0 and h(x) 6= 0. Then gh ∈ I ∩ J but gh(x) 6= 0 which is a contradiction.)

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The second claim follows from:

(2.3) V(






for any family of ideals {Iα}.(A point x belongs to either side precisely if f(x) = 0 whenever f ∈ Iα for

some α.) �

We use this result to put a topology on Cn as follows: A subset X ⊆ Cn is aclosed set in the topology if it is an affine variety in Cn. This is called the Zariskitopology on Cn. For any subset A ⊆ Cn, we say that VI(A) is the Zariski closureof A.

Remark 2.14. The second claim can also be deduced directly from the fact thatfor any closure operator, arbitrary intersections of closed sets is again closed.

The poset of subsets of Cn and the poset of ideals of C[x1, . . . , xn] are com-plete lattices. In view of the Galois connection between them, note that (2.3) is aconsequence of Theorem C.3.

Example 2.15. Let us consider the Zariski topology on the affine line A1. Everyideal in C[x] is principal, so every affine variety is the set of zeroes of a singlepolynomial. Since C is algebraically closed, every nonzero polynomial f(x) can bewritten as

f(x) = c(x− a1)b1 . . . (x− am)bm ,

for c, a1, . . . , am ∈ C. Then V(f) = {a1, . . . , am}. Thus the affine varieties in C1 arejust the finite subsets (including the empty set) and the whole space (correspondingto f = 0).

Let (X,Cn) be any affine variety. Put the subspace topology on X. This iscalled the Zariski topology on X. The closed sets are precisely those affine varietiesin Cn which are contained in X.

Proposition 2.16. Suppose ϕ : (X,Cn) → (Y,Cm) is a morphism of affine vari-eties. Then ϕ : X → Y is continuous in the Zariski topology.

Proof. Suppose X is a variety in Cm which is contained in Y . Let X be thesolution set of the polynomial equations

f1 = 0, f2 = 0, . . . , fk = 0.

Then ϕ−1(X) is the solution set of the polynomial equations

f1 ◦ ϕ = 0, f2 ◦ ϕ = 0 . . . , fk ◦ ϕ = 0

and hence is an affine variety in Cn. It follows that ϕ−1(X) = X ∩ ϕ−1(X) is anaffine variety contained in X as required. �

There is a functor

AffVariety→ Top

which assigns to an affine variety (X,Cn) the set X equipped with the Zariskitopology. Note that this statement uses the result of Proposition 2.16.

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Example 2.17. The projection onto one of the coordinates defines a morphismAn → A1 which in general fails to send closed sets to closed sets. A simple exampleis the projection

A2 → A1 (x, y) 7→ x.

This map sends the hyperbola V(xy − 1) = {(t, t−1) | t 6= 0} which is a closedsubset of A2, onto the set A1 \ {0}, which is not a closed subset of A1.

Remark 2.18. View affine space An as a topological space with the Zariski topol-ogy. Let us define a category AffVariety”: objects are pairs (X,An), where Xis a closed set in An and morphisms (X,Am) → (Y,An) are continuous mapsX → Y which are restrictions of polynomial maps Am → An. Clearly, the cate-gories AffVariety and AffVariety” are equivalent.

2.3.2. Basic open sets. Let X be an affine variety. For each polynomial f ∈C[x1, . . . , xn], consider the set

Xf := {x ∈ X | f(x) 6= 0}.This is the complement of the zero set of f . It is called the basic open set corre-sponding to f . These open subsets form a basis for the Zariski topology on An. Infact, any open set in X can be written as a union of finitely many basic open sets:Take those f ’s which generate the vanishing ideal of the complementary closed set.

Observe that all open sets in A1 are basic, but that is not the case in A2.

2.3.3. Noetherian spaces. An affine variety with its Zariski topology is a Noe-therian space: Recall that C[x1, . . . , xn] is Noetherian. The ascending chain on the(radical) ideals of this ring translates to the descending chain on the closed sets ofAn. This shows that affine space is Noetherian. Since any affine variety is a subsetof its ambient space with the induced topology, the result follows.

Thus all results that we have proved for Noetherian spaces apply to affinevarieties. For example, any affine variety is quasi-compact wrt the Zariski topology;Proposition 1.22 applied to affine varieties yields:

Proposition 2.19. Let X be an affine variety. Then X has only finitely manyirreducible components X1, . . . , Xm and X =

j Xj.

By using the algebra-geometry correspondence in Table 2.1, this result mayalso be deduced from the second part of Lasker-Noether Theorem 1.18.

The notion of irreducible for affine varieties with the Zariski topology is aninstance of the notion of irreducible for topological spaces. It follows that open setsin an irreducible affine variety are dense.

2.3.4. Problems.

(1) Let X ⊆ Cm and Y ⊆ Cn be any subsets. Show that X × Y ∼= X × Y ,where bar refers to Zariski closure.

(2) Let {Iα} be a collection of ideals. Show that







does not hold in general (even if Iα are assumed to be radical).Let a1, a2, . . . be a sequence of distinct complex numbers. Consider

the family of ideals In := (x − an) in C[x]. Note that⋂

n In = 0. So lhsabove is A1, while rhs is {a1, a2, . . . }.

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Another example: take In := (xn). Again⋂

n In = 0, but rhs is {0}.Why does this not contradict Theorem C.4? Can you modify the

above identity so that it holds?Theorem C.4 applies in this case. Part (2) says that the poset of

varieties is a complete lattice. The point is that the join on varietiesis not given by union (though that was the join in the original Booleanposet). So we should instead say




= 〈V(Iα)〉

where rhs denotes the smallest variety containing all the V(Iα).(3) Show that a map between affine varieties which is continuous for the

Zariski topologies need not be a morphism.Consider the map

V(y2 − x3)→ A1 (x, y) 7→{

y/x if x 6= 0,

0 otherwise.

Another example: Consider the map

A1 → A1, z 7→ z.

(This is specific to the ground field being C.)(4) Describe all closed sets in A2.

We describe the irreducible closed sets. This is equivalent to describ-ing the prime ideals in C[x, y]. Since this is a ring of dimension 2, theprime ideals are either of height 1 or 2. A prime ideal of height 2 ismaximal and corresponds to a point in A2. A prime ideal of height 1 isminimal, hence is principal and generated by an irreducible polynomial;it corresponds to a maximal irreducible variety in A2.

(5) Show that the Zariski topology on A2 is not the product topology onA1 × A1.

A subset is closed in the product topology iff it is a union of a finiteset of points and a finite set of lines parallel either to the x- or to they-axis. Note that these sets are also closed in the Zariski topology onA2. But the latter topology is finer. For example, V(x2 + y2 − 1) or thediagonal V(x− y) is closed in the latter but not in the former.

(6) Show that the graph of a morphism ϕ : X → Y of affine varieties is closedin the categorical product X × Y .

Let the ambient spaces of X and Y be An and Am respectively. Usingthe way the categorical product is constructed, what we are required toshow is that {(x, ϕ(x)) | x ∈ X} is an affine variety in An+m. Butthis is the zero set of the polynomials defining X and the (polynomial)components of y − ϕ(x).

2.4. The coordinate ring of an affine variety

In this section, we discuss the notion of a function on an affine variety. It turnsout that functions on a variety completely characterize that variety. This takes thecorrespondence between algebra and geometry given in Table 2.1 to a categoricallevel.

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2.4.1. Functions on an affine variety. For any set X, let Set(X,C) denotethe set of C-valued maps on X. It is a commutative C-algebra under the usualpointwise operations of addition and multiplication.

Now let (X,Cn) be any affine variety. Any polynomial in n variables defines afunction on Cn and its restriction to X defines a function X → C. These functionsform a C-subalgebra of Set(X,C), which we denote by C[X]. We call it the coordi-nate ring of X or the affine algebra associated to X. The coordinate ring of affinespace An is C[x1, . . . , xn].

Observe that two polynomials in n variables define the same function on X ifftheir difference belongs to I(X). This yields an isomorphism

C[X] ∼= C[x1, . . . , xn]/I(X).

Since I(X) is a radical ideal, it follows that C[X] is a finitely generated reducedcommutative C-algebra.

The coordinate ring of an affine variety can be used to give alternative charac-terizations of a morphism between affine varieties:

Proposition 2.20. Let (X,Cn) and (Y,Cm) be affine varieties, and let ϕ : X → Ybe any map. Then the following are equivalent.

(1) ϕ is a morphism of affine varieties.(2) ϕ has the form

ϕ(x1, . . . , xn) = (f1(x1, . . . , xn), . . . , fm(x1, . . . , xn))

where each fi ∈ C[X].(3) For every g ∈ C[Y ], the composite g ◦ ϕ ∈ C[X].

Proof. (1) ⇐⇒ (2). Consider the canonical projection C[x1, . . . , xn] →C[X]. Given ϕ of Definition 2.3, the fj ’s are the projections of the components ofϕ. Conversely, given the fj ’s, the components of ϕ are (some) lifts of the fj ’s.

(1) =⇒ (3). Suppose ϕ is a morphism of affine varieties. Let ϕ : Cn → Cm

be a polynomial extension of ϕ. Suppose g ∈ C[Y ]. Then g is the restriction of apolynomial map g on Cm. Now observe that g ◦ϕ is the restriction of g ◦ ϕ to C[X].Hence g ◦ ϕ ∈ C[X].

(3) =⇒ (1). We need to construct the polynomial extension ϕ of ϕ. We dothis componentwise. Take g to be the restriction of the ith coordinate function onCm. Then g ◦ ϕ ∈ C[X] by hypothesis. So it is the restriction of some polynomialfunction on Cn. Choose one and put it as the ith component of ϕ. �

To every morphism ϕ : X → Y is associated its comorphism

C[ϕ] : C[Y ]→ C[X] C[ϕ](f) := f ◦ ϕ.This requires some checks: The important one is that f ◦ ϕ can be expressed as apolynomial in the components of ϕ and hence belongs to C[X]. The other check isthat f ◦ ϕ is an algebra homomorphism. This is generally true and does not makeany use of the fact that we are working with polynomials. Further observe that

id∗ = id and C[ϕ ◦ ψ] = C[ψ] ◦ C[ϕ].Thus we obtain a functor

(2.4) C[−] : AffVariety→ (Algco)op X 7→ C[X], ϕ 7→ C[ϕ],

where Algco is the category of commutative C-algebras.

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Proposition 2.21. Let ϕ : X → Y be a morphism of affine varieties. Then:

• C[ϕ] : C[Y ] → C[X] is injective iff ϕ : X → Y is dominant, that is, theimage of ϕ is dense in Y .

• C[ϕ] : C[Y ] → C[X] is surjective iff ϕ : X → Y defines an isomorphismbetween X and some affine subvariety of Y .

Proof. This is straightforward. �

Example 2.22. Consider the morphism of affine varieties

A1 → A2 x 7→ (x, 1).

The induced map on the coordinate rings is

C[x, y]→ C[x] f(x, y) 7→ f(x, 1).

In other words, a polynomial in two variables is mapped to the polynomial in onevariable by setting the second variable to be 1.

Example 2.23. Consider the morphism of affine varieties

A3 → A2 (x, y, z) 7→ (x+ y2 − 1, xz).

Letting (u, v) denote the coordinates of A2, the induced map is

C[u, v]→ C[x, y, z] u 7→ x+ y2 − 1, v 7→ xz.

Since this is a morphism of algebras, specifying it on generators determines itcompletely.

Example 2.24. Let X = V(xy − 1) ∈ C2 be the hyperbola. Its coordinate ring is

C[X] = C[x, y]/(xy − 1).

The function 1/x is well-defined on V(xy−1). Does it belong to the coordinate ring?At first glance, the answer may seem to be no because 1/x is not a polynomial.However the answer is yes because 1/x = y on this variety, and y is indeed apolynomial.

Example 2.25. Let X = V(y − x2) ∈ C2 be the plane parabola of Example 2.6.Its coordinate ring is

C[X] = C[x, y]/(y − x2).(This requires checking that (y − x2) is a radical ideal.) We have seen that themaps

A1 → X t 7→ (t, t2) and X → A1 (x, y) 7→ x

are isomorphisms of affine varieties and inverse to each other.Passing to the coordinate rings, one obtains isomorphisms of algebras

C[X]→ C[t] x 7→ t, y 7→ t2 and C[t]→ C[X] t 7→ x.

They are inverses of each other. (This is a manifestation of a general principle ofcategory theory: A functor carries isomorphisms to isomorphisms.)

Example 2.26. Consider the morphism

A1 → V(y2 − x3) ∈ C2 t 7→ (t2, t3).

Check that this is a bijection: Think of t ∈ A1 as the slope of a line passing throughthe origin; this line meets the curve at two points (0, 0) and (t2, t3). For t = 0, bothpoints coincide.

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However we claim that this morphism is not an isomorphism. In other words,the set-theoretic inverse map

V(y2 − x3)→ A1 (x, y) 7→ y/x

is not a morphism of varieties. (Map the point (0, 0) to 0.) This seems reasonablebecause y/x is not a polynomial.

This can be proved by looking at the algebra side. Passing to the coordinaterings, the first morphism yields a morphism of algebras:

C[x, y]/(y2 − x3)→ C[t] x 7→ t2, y 7→ t3.

This is clearly not an isomorphism, since the element t is not in the image, provingour claim. The first one is not a UFD while the second one is. (This map is injectivehowever: The map on varieties is a bijection and hence dense in the image. Nowuse an exercise below.)

To summarize, a bijective morphism may not be an isomorphism.

Remark 2.27. Compare the conclusion of the above example with: A bijectivecontinuous map between topological spaces may not be a homeomorphism, andcontrast with: A bijective linear map between vector spaces is an isomorphism(that is, the inverse is also linear).

2.4.2. The image of the coordinate ring functor.

Proposition 2.28. The functor (2.4) is fully faithful, that is, for any affine vari-eties X and Y , the map

AffVariety(X,Y )∼=−−→ Algco(C[Y ],C[X])

is a bijection.

Proof. Let us construct the inverse map. Suppose C[Y ]→ C[X] is a C-algebrahomomorphism. Then consider the composite C-algebra homomorphism:

C[y1, . . . , ym] ։ C[y1, . . . , ym]/I(Y )→ C[x1, . . . , xn]/I(X).

Let f1, . . . , fm ∈ C[X] denote the images of y1, . . . , ym. Since the above ho-momorphism factors through I(Y ), the fi have the following property: for anypoint (a1, . . . , an) ∈ X, the point (f1(a1, . . . , an), . . . , fm(a1, . . . , an)) belongs toV(I(Y )) = Y . By Proposition 2.20, part (2), this defines a morphism of affinevarieties X → Y . �

Recall that a fully faithful functor gives rise to an equivalence between thesource category and its image in the target category. In the present case, theNullstellensatz allows us to give a good description of the image subcategory:

Theorem 2.29. The image of the functor (2.4) is the category of finitely generatedreduced commutative C-algebras.

We denote the latter category by (Algco)op.

Proof. We have already noted that for any affine variety X, C[X] is a finitelygenerated reduced commutative C-algebra. Conversely, suppose A is a C-algebraof this form. Pick a finite set of say m generators for A. This yields a surjectivehomomorphism

C[x1, . . . , xm] ։ A.

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Let I be the kernel of this map. It is a radical ideal since A is reduced. So by theNullstellensatz, A = C[X] where X = V(I). �

As a consequence:

Theorem 2.30. There is an equivalence of categories

C[−] : AffVariety→ (Algco)op.

We have in effect constructed the inverse functor

(2.5) G : (Algco)op → AffVariety.

Let us review it again. Let R be a finitely generated reduced commutative C-algebra. Pick a finite set of say m generators for R. This yields a surjectivehomomorphism

C[x1, . . . , xm] ։ R.

Let I be the kernel of this map. It is a radical ideal since R is reduced. DefineG(R) := (V(I),Cm). (This definition can be made even if R is not reduced. Thepoint of assuming R reduced is that the coordinate ring of G(R) is then isomorphicto R. This employs the Nullstellensatz.)

Now let f : R → S be a ring homomorphism. Consider the commutativedigram of C-algebras:

C[x1, . . . , xm]f



C[y1, . . . , yn]


R ∼= C[x1, . . . , xm]/If

// C[y1, . . . , yn]/J ∼= S.

Here f is some lift of f (which will not be unique in general).Define ϕ : Cn → Cm as follows:

ϕ(y1, . . . , yn) := (f(x1), . . . , f(xm)).

This is a polynomial map and it sends V(J) to V(I) yielding a commutative dia-gram.

Cm Cnϕ

oo_ _ _ _






Further different choices of f yield different ϕ but the same ϕ. Define G(f) := ϕ :G(S)→ G(R). By construction, this is a morphism of affine varieties.

Remark 2.31. In the construction of the functor G, for each ring R, we made achoice of generators. This may seem ad hoc but that is alright. A different choice(even for one ring) will lead to a different functor which will work equally well.

Example 2.32. Consider the algebra homomorphism

C[x, y, z]/(xz − y2)→ C[u, v] x 7→ u2, y 7→ uv, z 7→ v2.

This gives an induced map on affine varieties

A2 → V(xz − y2) (u, v) 7→ (u2, uv, v2).

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Is this anisomorphism?Consider the algebra homomorphism

C[x, y]/(xy − 1)→ C[u, v]/(uv + 1) x 7→ u2, y 7→ v2.

Note that there are choices on how we write this map. For example, instead ofx 7→ u2, we may write x 7→ u2 + uv + 1. The induced map on affine varieties is

V(uv + 1)→ V(xy − 1) (u, v) 7→ (u2, v2).

This may also be written as (u, v) 7→ (u2 + uv + 1, v2).Consider the algebra isomorphisms

C[x, y, z]/(z)→ C[x, y] x 7→ x, y 7→ y


C[x, y]/(x− y)→ C[t] x 7→ t, y 7→ t.

For the induced maps, in the first case, A2 embeds as a coordinate plane in A3, andin the second case, A1 embeds as the diagonal in A2.

2.4.3. The evaluation map. Proposition 2.11 says that points in affine spacecorrespond to maximal ideals in the polynomial ring. More generally, points inan affine variety correspond to maximal ideals in its coordinate ring (see exercisebelow). This leads to the following result.

Proposition 2.33. Let (X,Cn) be an affine variety. Then the evaluation map

X → Alg(C[X],C) x 7→ (f 7→ f(x))

is a bijection.

Proof. Let us first understand the case X = Cn, and C[X] = C[x1, . . . , xn].Let f : C[x1, . . . , xn]→ C be an algebra homomorphism. It is necessarily surjectivesince f(1) = 1. Then ker(f) is a maximal ideal (because the quotient is a field).So ker(f) = (x1 − a1, . . . , xn − an) for a unique point (a1, . . . , an) ∈ Cn. Then f isprecisely evaluation at this point (the condition f(1) = 1 leaves no choice for f).

For the general case, use the correspondence between points in X and maximalideals in C[X] mentioned above. �

This result holds over any field k, not necessarily algebraically closed. Theabove argument can be phrased avoiding maximal ideals, see Proposition 8.1.

Definition 2.34. We now define the category AffVariety′. An object in AffVariety′

is a pair (X,A) consisting of a set X and a C-algebra A such that

• A is a finitely generated (reduced) subalgebra of Set(X,C),• the evaluation map

X → Alg(A,C) x 7→ (f 7→ f(x))

is a bijection.

A morphism in AffVariety′ between (X,A) and (Y,B) is a map X → Y such thatthe induced algebra homomorphism Set(Y,C) → Set(X,C) restricts to an algebrahomomorphism B → A.

Theorem 2.35. The category AffVariety′ is equivalent to AffVariety and hence to


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This is left for you to ponder over (see exercise below). The category AffVariety′

is interesting in the sense that it incorporates the geometric feature of AffVariety

and the algebraic feature of Algco.

2.4.4. Problems.

(1) Show that for any affine variety X, there is a bijection between• affine subvarieties of X and radical ideals of C[X],• affine irreducible subvarieties of X and prime ideals of C[X],• points of X and maximal ideals of C[X].Let Cn be the ambient space of X. Consider the surjective ring ho-

momorphism C[x1, . . . , xn] → C[X]. Then by Proposition 1.5, there is abijection between radical (prime, maximal) ideals of C[X] and the radi-cal (prime, maximal) ideals of C[x1, . . . , xn] which contain I(X). By thecorrespondence of the Nullstellensatz, they correspond to subvarieties (ir-reducible subvarieties, points) of X.

(2) Since the functor (2.4) is a contravariant equivalence, it interchanges initialobjects and terminal objects, and products and coproducts. Explain whatthis means in explicit terms.

In Algco, C is an initial object, 0 is a terminal object, the cartesianproduct A × B with componentwise addition and multiplication is theproduct, and the tensor product A⊗CB is the coproduct. These questionsfor the category AffVariety were answered in a previous exercise. Compareand observe that the functor (2.4) interchanges initial objects and terminalobjects, and products and coproducts.

(3) Let fgAlgco denote the category of finitely generated commutative C-algebras. Define a functor

G : fgAlgco → AffVariety

along the lines of (2.5). Then show that for any affine variety X andfinitely generated commutative C-algebra A, there is a natural bijection

AffVariety(X,G(A)) ∼= fgAlgco(A,C[X]).

Let N denote the nilradical of A. Then G(A) = G(A/N). Since A/Nis reduced, we know from Theorem 2.30 that AffVariety(X,G(A)) is in

bijection with Algco(A/N,C[X]). By (1.3), the latter set is in bijectionwith fgAlgco(A,C[X]).

(4) Describe the functors involved in the equivalences in Theorem 2.35.The functor

AffVariety→ AffVariety′, X 7→ (X,C[X]).

The functor

AffVariety′ → AffVariety, (X,A) 7→ G(A).The functor

Algcoop → AffVariety′, A 7→ (X,A)

where X := maxSpec(A) is the set of maximal ideals of A. Any maximalideal M in A defines a canonical map αM : A։ A/M → C of C-algebras.The map A→ Set(X,C) is f 7→ (M 7→ αM (f)).

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2.5. The sheaf of regular functions

In the previous section, we defined the notion of a function on a variety X.The goal of this section is to understand what it means to define a function locally,that is, on a Zariski-open set of X. More precisely, we define a sheaf of functionson X. It is called the structure sheaf of X. If X is irreducible, then the ring ofglobal sections of this sheaf is precisely the coordinate ring C[X]; the stalk at apoint is the coordinate ring localized at the maximal ideal corresponding to thatpoint; the generic stalk is the field of fractions of the coordinate ring. This furtherstrengthens the interplay between algebra and geometry.

We know that an affine variety is determined by its coordinate ring. It thenfollows that the structure sheaf is determined by its ring of global sections; so thelocal data is not giving any new information. Nevertheless, the above interplayshows that the sheaf viewpoint is still useful. Moreover, when we go to projectiveor more general varieties, the global sections no longer tell the full story, so thesheaf viewpoint becomes even more crucial.

2.5.1. The sheaf of regular functions.

Definition 2.36. Let U be any open set of an affine variety X. A function f :U → C is regular at a point p ∈ U if in some neighbourhood V of p, it is expressibleas a quotient g/h, where g, h ∈ C[X] and h(p) 6= 0. We say that f is regular on Uif it is regular at every point of U .

The usage “f expressible as g/h in V ” means that for each x ∈ V , f(x) =g(x)/h(x).

In the above definition, one may equally well say g, h ∈ C[x1, . . . , xn]; this canbe useful when dealing with more than one variety sitting in the same ambientspace.

Example 2.37. Consider the basic open set U = A1 \{0} of A1. Observe that 1/xis a regular function on U . In fact, the ring of regular functions on U is preciselythe ring of Laurent polynomials in x. Can you see why this is true?

Example 2.38. The slope function

A2 \ V(x)→ C (x, y) 7→ y

xis regular. This function may be interpreted as a central projection:

A2 \ V(x)→ V(x− 1)∼=−−→ C

Suppose q is a point not lying on the y-axis. Then map q to the intersection of theline passing through the origin and q with the line x = 1.

Proposition 2.39. Any regular function on an open set U , viewed as a map U →A1 is continuous wrt the Zariski topologies.

Proof. Let f be a regular function on U . For α ∈ C, we want to show thatZ := {x ∈ U | f(x) = α} is a closed set in U . Since f is regular, there is a finiteopen cover {Ui} of U such that f = gi/hi on Ui. The set Z ∩ Ui consists of allx ∈ Ui for which gi(x)−αhi(x) = 0. So Z ∩Ui is a closed set in Ui. It follows thatZ is a closed set in U as required. �

We will see later that a regular function is same as a morphism to A1 and sincemorphisms are continuous, the result follows.

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Proposition 2.40. Let f and g be two regular functions on an open set U of anaffine variety X. Then the subset where f and g agree is a closed set of U .

Proof. Since f and g are regular functions, so is f−g. By Proposition 2.39, itis continuous in the Zariski topology. The subset where f and g agree is (f−g)−1(0),which is a closed set of U , as required. �

We will see later that A1 is a variety. The result follows.Let X be an affine variety. For each open set U in X, define OX(U) to be the

C-algebra of regular functions on U . This is a sheaf on X: Suppose we are givenregular functions fi on open sets Ui which agree on the overlaps. This then definesa unique function f on

Ui, and f is regular because of the local nature of regularfunctions.

The sheaf OX is called the structure sheaf of X. It is a sheaf of C-algebrasover X.

Proposition 2.41. Let f and g be two regular functions on an open set U of anirreducible affine variety X. Suppose f and g agree on a nonempty open set of U .Then they agree everywhere on U .

Proof. This follows from Proposition 2.40 and the fact that nonempty opensets are dense in this case. �

Proposition 2.42. Let f be a regular function on an open set U of an irreducibleaffine variety X. Then there is a largest open set in X to which f extends as aregular function and this extension is unique.

We call this largest open set the natural domain of f .

Proof. Consider all pairs (V, g) where g is a regular function on an open setV such that f = g on U ∩ V . Suppose (V, g) and (V ′, g′) are two such pairs. Theng = g′ on V ∩ V ′: Use f = g = g′ on U ∩ V ∩ V ′ and Proposition 2.41.

The largest open set, say W , is obtained by taking union of all the V ’s and theextension of f toW is obtained by patching the functions given on each piece usingthe gluing property of a sheaf. The uniqueness of the extension is also clear. �

2.5.2. Global sections of the structure sheaf. It turns out that the ring ofregular functions on the full variety is same as the coordinate ring of the variety.

Proposition 2.43. Let X be an irreducible affine variety. Then the canonical mapC[X]→ OX(X) is a C-algebra isomorphism.

A different proof of this result is given in Proposition 2.47 below.

Proof. It is clear that the canonical map above is injective. To show that itis surjective, let g be a regular function on X. Since X is quasi-compact, there isa finite cover {Ui} of X by nonempty open sets such that on each Ui, g can beexpressed in the form hi/ki, with ki not vanishing on Ui. Since {Ui} covers X, theki’s cannot simultaneously vanish at any point of X. Thus by the Nullstellensatzapplied to X, the ideal generated by the ki’s is the full ring C[X]. Thus there existpolynomials ℓi ∈ C[X] such that

1 =




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(The 1 here is the unit in C[X], that is, the constant function on X with value 1.)We claim that

g =




and this will complete the proof.To see this, first note that hi/ki = hj/kj on the dense open set Ui ∩ Uj ; so

hikj = hjki ∈ C[X]. (Here we used that X is irreducible.) Thus on each Uj ,

g =








Since this holds for each j, the claim follows.

Alternatively, consider the intersection U1 ∩ · · · ∩Um. This is a dense open setin X and g =

∑mi=1 ℓihi holds on this open set. Since by Proposition 2.39 regular

functions are continuous, it follows that this identity holds on all of X. �

The above result holds even when the variety is not irreducible. A careful proofis given by Springer [24, page 8]. Harris [13, page 61] also claims a proof in thegeneral case; but it is same as the proof given above with details lacking; so it doesnot appear to be complete.

Proposition 2.44. Let X and Y be affine varieties, and let ϕ : X → Y be acontinuous map. Then the following are equivalent.

(1) ϕ is a morphism of affine varieties.(2) For all f ∈ OY (Y ), we have f ◦ ϕ ∈ OX(X).(3) For all open V ⊆ Y and f ∈ OY (V ), we have f ◦ ϕ ∈ OX(ϕ−1(V )).

Proof. (1) ⇐⇒ (2). This is the content of Propositions 2.20 and 2.43. (Weproved the latter only in the irreducible case.)

(3) =⇒ (2). Clear.(1) =⇒ (3). Let f ∈ OY (V ). Then there is an open cover {Vi} of V

such that on each Vi, f = gi/hi with hi not vanishing on any point of Vi. Itfollows that {Ui := ϕ−1(Vi)} is an open cover of U := ϕ−1(V ) and on each Ui,f ◦ ϕ = gi ◦ ϕ/hi ◦ ϕ, with hi ◦ ϕ not vanishing on any point of Ui. Thus f ◦ ϕ isregular on U as required. �

2.5.3. Regular functions on an affine subvariety.

Proposition 2.45. Suppose X is an affine subvariety of Y . Let U be an open setin X and let g be any function on U . Then g is a regular function on U iff for eachx ∈ U , there is an neighbourhood V in Y and a regular function f on V such thatg is the restriction of f to U ∩ V .

Draw picture.

Proof. Forward implication. For any point x ∈ U , there are polynomials hand k on the ambient space such that g(x) = h(x)/k(x). Since polynomials arecontinuous wrt the Zariski toplogy, there is a open set containing x in the ambientspace where k does not vanish. Take V to be the intersection of this open set withY , and f := h/k.

Backward implication. The inclusion X → Y is a morphism of affine varieties.Now use part (3) of Proposition 2.44, and the local nature of regular functions. �

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Note that we are not saying that there is a regular function in some someneighbourhood of U whose restriction to U is g.

2.5.4. The modern affine category. We are now ready to give the modernperspective on affine varieties by defining the category ModernAffVariety. An objectis a pair (X,OX), where X is an affine variety and OX is its structure sheaf.A morphism (X,OX) → (Y,OY ) is a continuous map X → Y (wrt the Zariskitopologies on X and Y ) such that for every open set V ⊆ Y , and for every functionf ∈ OY (V ), the function f ◦ ϕ ∈ OX(ϕ−1(V )).

Observe that there is a functor

AffVariety→ ModernAffVariety, X 7→ (X,OX)

which defines an equivalence of categories; the functor in the other direction is theforgetful functor. This follows from Propostion 2.44.

We also point out that there is a functor

ModernAffVariety→ Sheaf.

Compare this discussion with Example D.7.

Remark 2.46. One may refer to objects of ModernAffVariety as modern affinevarieties. But we will instead call them only affine varieties. The context shouldmake it clear which objects we are refering to.

2.5.5. Stalks of the structure sheaf. The stalk at a point x ∈ X is denotedby (OX)x. It is the ring of germs of regular functions on X near x. Explicitly:An element is a pair (U, f) where U in an open set in X containing x, and f is aregular function on U , and where we identify two such pairs (U, f) and (V, f ′) iff = f ′ on some open set contained in U ∩ V which contains x.

If X is irreducible, then the above equivalence relation can be rephrased: (U, f)and (U ′, f ′) are equivalent if f = f ′ on U ∩U ′. This follows from Proposition 2.41.

Now assume that X is irreducible. The generic stalk of the structure sheaf ofX is denoted by (OX)gen. Explicitly: An element is a pair (U, f) where U in anonempty open set and f is a regular function on U , and where we identify twosuch pairs (U, f) and (U ′, f ′) if f = f ′ on some nonempty open set contained inU ∩ U ′, or equivalently, if f = f ′ on U ∩ U ′.

In view of Proposition 2.42, the generic stalk can also be defined as follows. anelement of a generic stalk is a pair (U, f) where U is the natural domain of f : thelargest open set to which f extends.

These descriptions of a stalk and generic stalk work in greater generality; seeAppendix D. Check out this natural domain stuff in general. We point out thatthere we were working with sheaves of sets, whereas here we are working withsheaves of C-algebras. So we need to check in addition that (OX)x and (OX)genare canonically C-algebras. In fact, observe that (OX)gen is a field. Further notethat there are inclusions:

(2.6) OX(X) ⊆ (OX)x ⊆ (OX)gen.

2.5.6. The coordinate ring and its localizations. Let X be an irreducibleaffine variety. Associated to it, we have the coordinate ring C[X]. It is an integraldomain since X is irreducible. Let C(X) denote its field of fractions. It is thelocalization of C[X] at the prime ideal (0). An element of C[X] is a fraction f/g

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where f, g ∈ C[X], and two fractions f/g and f ′/g′ are identified if fg′ = f ′g aselements of C[X], that is, if f(x)g′(x) = f ′(x)g(x) for all x ∈ C[X].

Let C[X]P denote the localization of C[X] at the prime ideal P . It is the subsetof C(X) consisting of those fractions f/g where f, g ∈ C[X], and g 6∈ P . The lattercondition is equivalent to saying that g does not vanish at all points of V(P ) (thoughit may vanish at some points of V(P )). If M is a maximal ideal, then V(M) =: {x}is a singleton, and C[X]M consists of those fractions whose denominator does notvanish at x. Note that

(2.7) C[X] ⊆ C[X]P ⊆ C(X).

Our goal is to show that (2.7) is the algebraic description of (2.6). The startingpoint is the observation that there is a map

(2.8) C(X)→ (OX)gen, f/g 7→ (Xg, f/g).

Recall that Xg is the open set of X consisting of points where g does not vanish;so f/g defines a regular function on Xg. We need to check that this map is well-defined: Suppose f/g and f ′/g′ are equivalent fractions. Then fg′ = f ′g. So wesee that f/g viewed as a function on Xg and f ′/g′ viewed as a function on Xg′

agree on Xg ∩Xg′ , so they represent the same element in the generic stalk.

Proposition 2.47. The map (2.8) is an isomorphism of C-algebras. Further itrestricts to isomorphisms

C[X]∼=−−→ OX(X)


C[X]M∼=−−→ (OX)x

where M is a maximal ideal of C[X] and {x} = V(M).

This result is also contained in [14, Theorem 3.2, page 17].

Proof. The surjectivity of (2.8) is clear. To show that it is injective: Leth, h′ ∈ C(X) map to the same element in the generic stalk. Then there is an openset U , and f, g, f ′, g′ ∈ C[X] such that h = f/g and h′ = f ′/g′, and g and g′

do not vanish on any point of U , and f(x)/g(x) = f ′(x)/g′(x) for x ∈ U . Thenf(x)g′(x) = g(x)f ′(x) for x ∈ U and hence for all x ∈ X. This shows that fg′ = gf ′

are the same element of C[X], which implies h = h′ as required.Under the bijection (2.8), it is fairly clear that C[X]M corresponds to (OX)x:

The former consists of those h in the fraction field whose domain contains x.It is clear that the map C[X] → OX(X) is injective. Let A be the subset of

C(X) which corresponds to OX(X) under the map (2.8). Then

C[X] ⊆ A ⊆ C[X]M

for all maximal ideals M . Using Proposition 1.32, it follows that C[X] = A asrequired. �

Remark 2.48. Let h ∈ C(X). Then define the natural domain of h, denoteddom(h) as follows. x ∈ dom(h) if h can be expressed as f/g with f, g ∈ C[X] andg(x) 6= 0. It is the same as the natural domain of the corresponding element of thegeneric stalk. In other words, dom(h) is the largest open set of X on which h canbe interpreted as a regular function.

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Now let f ∈ C[X], and let C[X](1/f) denote the ring of fractions of C[X] atthe multiplicative set {fn}n≥0. Then

C[X] ⊆ C[X](1/f) ⊆ C(X).

In this situation, note that for a, b ∈ C[X],

a/fm = b/fn in C[X](1/f) ⇐⇒ afn = bfm in C[X].

Recall that Xf is the basic open set of X consisting of points where f does notvanish. Note that

OX(X) ⊆ OX(Xf ) ⊆ (OX)gen.

Proposition 2.49. Let X be an irreducible affine variety. Then the canonicalmap C[X](1/f)→ OX(Xf ) is a C-algebra isomorphism. It is the restriction of themap (2.8).

Proof. Let us first show that the canonical map is injective. Let a/fm andb/fn have the same image in OX(Xf ). Then a(x)fn(x) = b(x)fm(x) for x ∈ Xf .Since Xf is dense in X, we have a(x)fn(x) = b(x)fm(x) for x ∈ X. Hence afn =bfm in C[X], and so a/fm = b/fn in C[X](1/f).

To show that the canonical map is surjective, let g be a regular function on Xf .Since Xf is quasi-compact, there is a finite open cover {Ui} of Xf such that oneach Ui, g can be expressed in the form hi/ki, with ki not vanishing on Ui. Since{Ui} covers Xf , the ki’s cannot simultaneously vanish at any point of Xf . So

V(. . . , ki, . . . ) ⊆ V(f) and hence f ∈ rad (. . . , ki, . . . ).

Thus there exist polynomials ℓi ∈ C[X] such that

fp =




for some p. Arguing as in the proof of Proposition 2.43, it follows that

gfp =




Thus g belongs to C[X](1/f) as required. �

2.5.7. Problems.

(1) Let X be an affine variety and let f ∈ C[X]. Show that if f does notvanish at any point of X, then f is a unit in C[X].

(2) Let p1, . . . , pn be n distinct points in C. What is the ring of regularfunctions on A1 \ {p1, . . . , pn}?

C[x](1/f) where f(x) = (x− p1) . . . (x− pn).(3) Give an example of a regular function on an open set U which cannot be

expressed as g/h with h nowhere zero on U .See Mumford, page 21. The point is that the ring of regular functions

may not be a UFD.(4) Is Proposition 2.49 true if the affine variety is not irreducible? See sols by


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Projective varieties

See exercises on page 11 of Hartshorne.

3.1. Projective varieties

Varieties are geometric objects constructed by patching together affine varieties.(A useful analogy is that of manifolds which are constructed by patching togetheropen sets in Euclidean spaces.) In this section, we look at projective varieties. Theyare the most important nontrivial class of varieties.

3.1.1. Projective space. A good elementary introduction to projective spacescan be found in the book by Courant and Robbins [6]. If you want to see anaxiomatic treatment of projective geometry in the spirit of Euclid, then you maylook at the book of Coxeter on the real projective plane [7].

Definition 3.1. Complex projective n-space, denoted Pn is the set of equivalenceclasses of Cn+1 \ {(0, . . . , 0)} for the equivalence relation:

(x0, x1, . . . , xn) ∼ (y0, y1, . . . , yn)

iff there is a nonzero complex number λ such that yi = λxi for all i.

The notation

[x0 : x1 : · · · : xn] ∈ Pn

is commonly used to represent the equivalence class of the point (x0, x1, . . . , xn).They are called homogeneous coordinates. Let

Uj = {[x0 : x1 : · · · : xn] ∈ Pn | xj = 1}.Note that there is a canonical bijection:

(3.1) Uj → An, [x0 : x1 : · · · : xn] 7→ (x0xj, . . . ,



xj, . . . ,



The latter are called the affine coordinates of Uj . Observe that

(3.2) Pn =



Uj .

However there is a lot of overlap between these affine patches.The points of Pn that do not lie on Uj are precisely those for which xj = 0.

Note that there is a canonical bijection between this set and Pn−1. Thus one maythink of projective n-space as made of affine n-space and projective (n− 1)-space.This may be written informally as

Pn = An ⊔ Pn−1.


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There is one such decomposition for each 0 ≤ j ≤ n. More generally, one canreplace the hyperplane xj = 1 by any affine hyperplane not passing through theorigin to get such a decomposition. The points of projective space that are not onthe affine hyperplane are called the points at infinity wrt that hyperplane. Theylie on the parallel hyperplane passing through the origin.

Example 3.2. Consider the complex projective line P1. Following standard con-vention, let us use the coordinates [z : w] instead of [x0 : x1].

P1 = {[1 : z]} ⊔ {[0 : 1]} = {[z : 1]} ⊔ {[1 : 0]} = C ⊔ {∞}.This is the Riemann sphere: the complex plane C plus the point at infinity. It canbe written as a union

P1 = {[1 : w]} ∪ {[z : 1]}.Think of the patch {[z : 1]} as the complex plane C with z being the complexvariable. The other patch {[1 : w]} is C minus the origin plus the point at infinity.(It is another copy of the complex plane.) They intersection of the two patches isC minus the origin.

Remark 3.3. Since Pn is a quotient of Cn+1 \ {(0, . . . , 0)}, it has a natural Eu-clidean topology: two points are close if the corresponding lines have a small anglebetween them. In this topology, the sets Uj are open, and (3.1) is a homeomor-phism, with An given the Euclidean topology.

Definition 3.4. Let X be any nonempty subset of Pn. The affine cone over X isthe subset of An+1 consisting of the origin and all points whose equivalence class isin X. If X is empty, then so is the affine cone.

3.1.2. Projective varieties. We say that a polynomial f ∈ C[x0, . . . , xn] vanishesat a point x ∈ Pn if f vanishes on the entire equivalence class of x. In this situation,we write f(x) = 0.

A polynomial in C[x0, . . . , xn] is called homogeneous if all its terms have thesame degree. Note that if F is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d, then

F (λx0, . . . , λxn) = λdF (x0, . . . , xn).

Thus if a point belongs to the zero set of a homogeneous polynomial, then its entireequivalence class belongs to the zero set. Thus a homogeneous polynomial vanishesat a point x ∈ Pn if it vanishes on some (and hence all) representatives of x.

Observation 3.5. If f(x) = 0 for some x ∈ Pn, then all homogeneous parts of falso vanish at x, and hence, f does not have any constant term.

Proof. Use the fundamental theorem of algebra: A polynomial of degree nhas at most n roots. �

Definition 3.6. A projective variety is the common zero set of a finite set {f1, . . . , fm}of homogeneous polynomiais, with each fj ∈ C[x0, . . . , xn]. We write

X = V′(f1, . . . , fm) ⊆ Pn.

We use the notation V′ to distinguish it from V. We will continue to usethe latter for the zero locus in An+1. The relation between V and V′ is given inObservation 3.15 below.

Example 3.7. Let us discuss some standard examples of projective varieties.

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(1) The space Pn and ∅ are projective varieties.(2) A plane projective curve is the zero set of one homogeneous polynomial

in 3 variables. It is a projective variety in P2. Examples include conics(degree 2 polynomial) and elliptic curves (degree 2 polynomial). TheMath Department homepage shows a picture of an elliptic curve. Anyline intersects such a curve in three points reflecting the fact that it isdefined by a polynomial of degree 3.

(3) The zero set of one homogeneous polynomial is called a hypersurface. Aplane projective curve is a hypersurface in P2.

(4) A linear projective variety is the zero set of a finite number of linear poly-nomials (all involving the same number of variables). Note that a suitablelinear transformation will map any linear projective variety bijectively toa (smaller) projective space.

Remark 3.8. One would now like to define morphisms between projective varieties.However, this is not as straightforward as one would like. So we will postpone thisdiscussion to after we discuss the Zariski topology on projective varieties.

3.1.3. Projective linear transformations. Any linear map ϕ : Cn+1 → Cm+1

induces a map Pn → Pm. A map on projective spaces which comes from a linearmap is called a projective linear transformation. Note that ϕ and λϕ induce thesame map on projective spaces for any λ 6= 0. Thus the group of invertible projectivelinear transformations Pn → Pn is

PGL(n+ 1,C) = GL(n+ 1,C)/C∗.

Definition 3.9. Two projective varieties in Pn are called projectively equivalent ifthere is an invertible projective linear transformation on Pn which maps one varietybijectively onto the other.

Let us discuss the n = 1 case in more detail. A projective linear transformationP1 → P1 is

[z : w] 7→ [az + bw : cz + dw]

for complex numbers a, b, c, d. It is invertible precisely whenever ad− bc 6= 0. Thisis also called a Mobius transformation.

Proposition 3.10. Given three distinct points [z1 : w1], [z2 : w2] and [z3 : w3] inP1, there is a unique Mobius transformation which sends them to [1 : 1], [1 : 0] and[0 : 1] in that order:

(3.3) [z : w] 7→ [(z1w2 − z2w1)(z3w − zw3) : (z1w3 − z3w1)(z2w − zw2)].

Proof. Observe that (3.3) maps the three points as required. Since the pointsare distinct, the determinant of the coefficients

(z1w2 − z2w1)(z1w3 − z3w1)(z2w3 − z3w2) 6= 0.

So (3.3) is invertible and a Mobius transformation. The fact that it is unique canbe deduced from the easy fact: The only Mobius transformation which fixes [1 : 1],[1 : 0] and [0 : 1] is the identity transformation. �

Definition 3.11. Let ([z1, w1], [z2, w2], [z3, w3], [z4, w4]) be a 4-tuple consisting ofdistinct points in P1. Their cross-ratio is defined to be

[(z1w2 − z2w1)(z3w4 − z4w3) : (z1w3 − z3w1)(z2w4 − z4w2)].

Note that this is the image of [z4 : w4] under (3.3).

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Proposition 3.12. Any two ordered subsets of 4 distinct points in P1 are projec-tively equivalent iff their cross-ratios are the same.

Proof. This follows from Proposition 3.10. �

Remark 3.13. Note that if the points lie in the complex plane, then so doestheir cross-ratio. In this situation, one may say that the cross-ratio of a 4-tuple(z1, z2, z3, z4) of distinct complex numbers is

(z1 − z2)(z3 − z4)(z1 − z3)(z2 − z4)


In the same vein, the map (3.3) is written

z 7→ (z1 − z2)(z3 − z)(z1 − z3)(z2 − z)


The understanding here is that if the denominator becomes zero, then we interpretthe answer as ∞. Thus this is the map which sends z1, z2, and z3 to 1, ∞, and 0in that order.

3.1.4. Problems.

(1) Show that the affine cone over a projective variety is an affine variety.(2) Show that any finite subset of Pn is a projective variety.(3) Show that P1 in the Euclidean topology is homeomorphic to S2, the two

dimensional sphere.(4) Show that Pn is compact in the Euclidean topology. More generally, show

that every projective variety in Pn is compact with the induced Euclideantopology.

(5) Show that any two ordered subsets of n+2 points in general position in Pn

are projectively equivalent, that is, one can map the first ordered subset tothe second by an invertible projective linear transformation. (The n = 1case was done in Proposition 3.10.)

3.2. Projective varieties and homogeneous radical ideals

Recall the correspondence between affine varieties and radical ideals. In thissection, we establish a similar correspondence for projective varieties. The key ideais to replace ideals by homogeneous ideals.

3.2.1. Homogeneous ideals. An ideal of C[x0, . . . , xn] is called homogeneous ifit contains the homogeneous parts of all its elements. For example, if x+2z−y2+xzbelongs to the ideal then so do x+ 2z and −y2 + xz.

Note that

• any homogeneous ideal is generated by finitely many homogeneous poly-nomials: use the Noetherian property of the polynomial algebra.

• any homogeneous ideal which is not the full algebra is contained in thehomogeneous ideal (x0, . . . , xn).

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3.2.2. A Galois connection. We can repeat the analysis of Section 2.2.1. Let Pbe the poset whose elements are subsets of Pn ordered by inclusion. Let Q be theposet whose elements are homogeneous ideals of C[x0, . . . , xn] ordered by inclusion.We define two order-reversing maps

I′ : P → Q and V′ : Q→ P

as follows.

V′(I) := {x ∈ Pn | f(x) = 0 for all f ∈ I}.I′(X) := {f ∈ C[x0, . . . , xn] | f(x) = 0 for all x ∈ X}.

Observation 3.5 implies that I′(X) is a homogeneous ideal.Note that

X ⊆ V′(I) ⇐⇒ I ⊆ I′(X).

It follows from Proposition B.9 that

• V′I′ and I′V′ are closure operators on P and Q respectively.• The closed sets of V′I′ are in bijection with the closed sets of I′V′.

Observe that V′(I) consists of those points in Pn where all homogeneous polyno-mials in I vanish, or equivalently, where some finite set of homogeneous generatorsof I vanish. Thus:

Proposition 3.14. The closed sets of V′I′ are precisely projective varieties.

Observation 3.15. Suppose V′(I) 6= ∅. Then V(I) ⊆ An+1 is the affine cone overV′(I) ⊆ Pn. Further IV(I) = I′V′(I).

Theorem 3.16 (Projective Nullstellensatz). Let I be any homogeneous idealof R = C[x0, . . . , xn]. Then

I′V′(I) =


rad (I) if V′(I) 6= ∅,R if V′(I) = ∅.

Thus, the closed sets of I′V′ are precisely the homogeneous radical ideals of C[x1, . . . , xn]excluding (x0, . . . , xn).

Proof. The assertion when V′(I) = ∅ is clear. When V′(I) 6= ∅, use Observa-tion 3.15 and the usual Nullstellensatz (Theorem 2.8). �

Corollary 3.17. There is a bijection between projective varieties in Pn and ho-mogeneous radical ideals of C[x0, . . . , xn] excluding (x0, . . . , xn). (The empty setcorresponds to the full algebra.)

3.3. The category of projective varieties

Note that so far we have said nothing about morphisms between projectivevarieties. The reason is that morphisms between projective varieties are defined“locally” on affine patches. In this section, we will first define the Zariski topologyon projective varieties and then use it to define the category of projective varieties.

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3.3.1. The Zariski topology.

Proposition 3.18. The union of two projective varieties in Pn is again a projectivevariety in Pn. The intersection of an arbitrary number of projective varieties in Pn

is again a projective variety in Pn.

Proof. The identities (2.2) and (2.3) hold in the present setting. The lattermay also be deduced by noting that the poset of subsets of Pn and the poset ofhomogeneous ideals of C[x0, . . . , xn] are complete lattices. �

We use this result to put a topology on Pn as follows: A subset X ⊆ Pn isa closed set in the topology if it is a projective variety in Pn. This is called theZariski topology on Pn. More generally, let X be a projective variety in Pn. Putthe subspace topology on it. This is the Zariski topology on X. The closed sets areprecisely those projective varieties in Pn which are contained in X.

3.3.2. Homogenization and dehomogenization. To any polynomial f(t1, . . . , tn),we associate a homogeneous polynomial

(Hjf)(x0, . . . , xn) := xdeg(f)j f

(x0xj, . . . ,



xj, . . . ,




where deg(f) is the largest degree of any monomial occurring in f . We call Hjfthe homogenization of f . Conversely, given a homogeneous polynomial g, one canset xj = 1 and rename the remaining x variables by the t variables to obtain apolynomial Djg in the ti’s. We call Djg the dehomogenization of f . Note thatDjHj(f) = f while HjDj(g) equals g up to a power of xj .

For example, for n = 2,

H1(5 + 2t1 + t21t2) = 5x31 + 2x0x21 + x20x2


41 + 2x0x

41 + x20x1x2) = 5 + 2t1 + t21t2.

Proposition 3.19. The bijection (3.1) is a homeomorphism between Uj (with theinduced topology from Pn) and An (with the Zariski topology).

Proof. Let t1, . . . , tn be the coordinates for An and x0, . . . , xn be the coordi-nates for An+1 used to define Pn. Then for any polynomials fi in the t variablesand homogeneous polynomials gi in the x variables. Then

V′(Hjf1, . . . , Hjfk) ∩ Uj ↔ V(f1, . . . , fk)

andV′(g1, . . . , gk) ∩ Uj ↔ V(Djg1, . . . , Djgk).

under the bijection (3.1). So closed sets in one correspond to closed sets in theother. �

3.3.3. The category of projective varieties. We now define the category ofprojective varieties, denoted ProjVariety:

An object is a pair (X,Pn) where Pn is projective space with the Zariski topol-ogy and X is a closed set in it. (Compare with Remark 2.18.)

A morphism (X,Pn)→ (Y,Pm) is a map ϕ : X → Y such that: For each pointp ∈ X, there is an open set U ⊆ X such that the restriction of ϕ to the open set Uis given by

U → Pm q 7→ [f0(q) : · · · : fm(q)]

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for some homogeneous polynomials f0, . . . , fm ∈ C[x0, . . . , xn] each of the samedegree. Implicit in the definition is the fact that the fi do not simultaneouslyvanish at any point of U .

Example 3.20. The map

P1 → P2 [s : t] 7→ [s2 : st : t2].

is a morphism of projective varieties: s2, st and t2 have the same degree, and theonly point at which all of them vanish is s = t = 0. It is globally defined in thesense that we have only one chart. Note that the image of this map belongs to thecurve C = V′(xz − y2). This yields a morphism P1 → C of projective varieties.

Now consider the map

C → P1 [x : y : z] 7→{

[x : y] if x 6= 0,

[y : z] if z 6= 0.

This is well-defined because on the overlap [x : y] = [zx : zy] = [y2 : zy] = [y : z].Note that x 6= 0 and z 6= 0 are open sets in C and they cover C. The map restrictedto either of them is given by polynomials, so it is a morphism of projective varieties.This illustrates the local nature of morphisms between projective varieties.

Observe that P1 → C and C → P1 are inverse isomorphisms; so the conic C isisomorphic to P1 in the category ProjVariety.

3.3.4. Problems.

(1) Show that a morphism of projective varieties is continuous wrt the Zariskitopology. Use this to deduce that a composite of morphisms is again amorphism.

(2) Describe the initial object, terminal object, product and coproduct inProjVariety.

(3) Describe the Zariski topology on P1.cofinite topology

(4) Show that any automorphism of P1 is a Mobius transformation. Moreprecisely, the group of automorphisms of P1 is isomorphic to the group ofinvertible projective linear transformations PGL(2,C).

Humphreys, page 48.(5) Find an example of two plane projective curves that are isomorphic but

not projectively equivalent.(6) Prove or disprove: The image of a morphism of affine varieties ϕ : X → Y

is an affine subvariety of Y .False. Hyperbola projecting into a line.What happens in the case when ϕ is a morphism of projective vari-

eties?True. We may assume that Y = Pn. The graph of ϕ, say G, is a

closed subset in the categorical product X × Pn. The map X × Pn → Xwhich projects onto the first coordinate is a closed map. (Projective spaceis called complete because of this property.) These two facts need to beproved: see [13, page 38], or [19, pages 54, 55].

(7) Consider the morphism of projective varieties:

ϕ : P1 → P2 [s : t] 7→ [s3 : s2t : t3].

Show that the image of ϕ is a projective variety X ⊆ P2.

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We claim X = V′(y3 − x2z). This will show that X is a projectivevariety. Let C = V′(y3 − x2z). Clearly X ⊆ C. Suppose [x : y : z] ∈ C.Then either x 6= 0 or z 6= 0. Thus

C = (C ∩ Ux=1) ∪ (C ∩ Uz=1).

The first piece can be identified with V(y3−z) which can be parametrizedby y = t, z = t3, while the second piece can be identified with V(y3 − x2)which can be parametrized by x+ s3, y = s2. This shows that X = C asclaimed.

Check that ϕ is injective.Suppose ϕ([s1 : t1]) = ϕ([s2 : t2]). Thus (s31, s

21t1, t

31) = λ(s32, s

22t2, t


for some nonzero λ. It is clear that s1 = 0 iff s2 = 0, and t1 = 0 ifft2 = 0. Injectivity is clear in any of these cases. So suppose si and ti areall nonzero. Let x1 := s1/t1 and x2 := s2/t2. Then x31 = x32 and x21 = x22which implies x1 = x2 as required.

Describe the inverse map X → P1 explicitly.[x : y : z] 7→ [x : y] if x 6= 0. There is only one more point in X,

namely [0 : 0 : 1] and this maps to [0 : 1].Is this inverse map a morphism of projective varieties?No. Suppose there is a neighborhood U of [0 : 0 : 1], where the map

can be written as [x : y : z] 7→ [p(x, y, z) : q(x, y, z)], where p and q arehomogeneous polynomials say of degree k. In particular, p(0, 0, 1) = 0and q(0, 0, 1) = 1. Further,

tp(s3, s2t, t3) = sq(s3, s2t, t3)

must hold on the image of U which is an open set in P1. Any open set inP1 is dense, so the above holds for all s and t. The rhs has a term of theform st3k which can never occur on the lhs. This is a contradiction.

3.4. Rational normal curves

In this section, we discuss an important family of projective varieties calledrational normal curves. Examples include conics and twisted cubic curves. We alsobriefly discuss a further generalization which then includes the Veronese surface asan example.

3.4.1. Conics. An important class of plane projective curves are conics. A conicis the zero locus of a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2 in 3 variables. It is saidto be nondegenerate if the polynomial is irreducible.

Example 3.21. The curves V′(xz − y2) and V′(z2 − x2 − y2) are nondegenerateconics. Let us look at the conic X = V′(xz − y2) in more detail. Now considerthe corresponding affine variety V(xz − y2). (Visualize this variety in R3 and theterminology “conics” will become clear.) Cutting it by the hyperplane y = 1 yieldsthe hyperbola V(xz − 1). It misses two points of X, namely [1 : 0 : 0] and [0 :) : 1].Cutting it by the hyperplane z = 1 yields the parabola V(x − y2). It misses onepoint of X, namely [1 : 0 : 0]. Cutting it by other appropriate hyperplanes yieldthe circle and the ellipse. They do not miss any point of X.

A linear change of coordinates takes V′(xz − y2) to V′(z2 − x2 − y2). (Checkthis.) So all the features discussed above can be seen for the latter variety also. Forexample, cutting it by the plane z = 1 yields the circle V(1− x2 − y2). Cutting it

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Figure 3.1. The conic passing through five points.

by y = 1 yields the hyperbola V(z2 − x2 − 1). Its asymptotes are the two missingpoints of infinity and lie on the plane y = 0. Similarly note that there are planespassing through the origin which are tangent to V(z2−x2−y2). Any plane parallelto one of these planes intersects the conic in a parabola, and its missing point atinfinity is precisely the tangent plane we started with.

Here is an interesting classical result about conics.

Theorem 3.22. Given any five points in P2, there exists a conic passing throughthem. This conic is unique unless four of the points are collinear, and nondegenerateunless three of the points are collinear.

Instead of saying “no three points are collinear”, one may also say “the fivepoints are in general position.”

Proof. The space of all conics is parametrized by P5:

ax2 + by2 + cz2 + dxy + exz + fyz ←→ [a : b : c : d : e : f ].

Let [x0 : y0 : z0] be a point in P2. The subspace of all conics which pass throughthis point is a hyperplane in P5.

Any five hyperplanes in general position in P5 intersect in exactly one point. Ifthey are not in general position, then the intersection will be of a higher dimension.In any case, the intersection is nonempty; so there is at least one conic passingthrough five given points in P2. The rest of the proof is left as an exercise. �

The same parameter space construction can be made for elliptic curves andmore generally for hypersurfaces.

Proof. We sketch an alternative proof which is more constructive. It is illus-trated in Figure 3.1. Let P , Q, R, S and T be the five given points. Let L be the

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line passing through R and S, and let M be the line passing through R and T . LetO be the point of intersection of the line passing through P and T , and the linepassing through Q and S.

Now let N be any line passing through O. It intersect L in a point and M isanother point. Draw the line passing through P and the first point, and the linepassing through Q and the second point. Call the point of intersection of these twolines A. The claim is that as one varies the line N passing through O, the resultingpoint O moves on a conic. This is the required conic passing through P , Q, R, Sand T . �

Proof. We provide a third proof. Suppose we are given five points in P2 suchthat no three of them are collinear. We may assume without loss of generality thatthe five points are

[1 : 0 : 0], [0 : 1 : 0], [0 : 0 : 1], [x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1]

such that the xi’s and yj ’s are all nonzero, and such that the points [x1 : x0], [y1 :y0], and [z1 : z0] are distinct in P1. (We may further assume [x0, y0, z0] = [1 : 1 : 1],since any four points in general position in P2 are projectively equivalent. Howeverthis does not cause any significant simplification; so we avoid using it.)

Now consider the map P1 → P2

[s : t] 7→ [(x0s− x1t)(y0s− y1t) : (x0s− x1t)(z0s− z1t) : (y0s− y1t)(z0s− z1t)]The image of this map is a nondegenerate conic, say C: If [x0, y0, z0] = [1 : 1 : 0]and [x1, y1, z1] = [0 : 1 : 1], then this map coincides with the one considered inExample 3.20. The image in that case was the nondegenerate conic V(xz − y2); sothe image will be a nondegenerate conic in the present case as well.

Under this map, the five points [x1 : x0], [y1 : y0], [z1 : z0], [1 : 0] and [0 : 1]map to the five points that we have in P2. Thus C is a nondegenerate conic passingthrough them. �

3.4.2. Twisted cubic curves. This is the projective closure of the affine twistedcubic curve.

Consider the map of projective varieties

ν3 : P1 → P3 [s : t] 7→ [s3 : s2t : st2 : t3].

The image of this map is called the twisted cubic curve. Let us denote it by C.

Proposition 3.23. The twisted cubic curve is the projective variery

(3.4) C = V′(xw − yz, y2 − xz,wy − z2).where [x : y : z : w] denote the homogeneous coordinates of P3. Further ν3 is anisomorphism of P1 onto C in the category ProjVariety.

Note that C is different from anything we have encountered so far: it is not ahypersurface, linear space, or finite set of points.

Proof. For simplicity of notation, let us abbreviate V′(xw− yz, y2−xz,wy−z2) to X. Firstly, it is clear that C ⊆ X. Now let Ux=1 denote the affine patch ofP3 where the first coordinate x is nonzero, and Uw=1 denote the patch where thelast coordinate w is nonzero. Then

X = (X ∩ Ux=1) ∪ (X ∩ Uw=1).

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Note that X ∩ Ux=1 can be identified with V(y2 − z, y3 − w). This is the (affine)twisted cubic we have met earlier, and which we know can be parametrixed as(t, t2, t3). Similarly, the other patch (X∩Uw=1) can be identified with V(x−z3, y−z2) which is again the (affine) twisted cubic parametrized by (s3, s2, s). This showsthat X = C proving (3.4).

To show that the conic C is isomorphic to P1, consider the morphism

C → P1 [x : y : z : w] 7→{

[x : y] if x 6= 0,

[z : w] if z 6= 0.

It is clear that this is inverse to the morphism P1 → C. �

Fix a basis (f0, f1, f2, f3) for the space of homogeneous degree 3 polynomials inthe variables s and t. For example, one may take the monomial basis (s3, s2t, st2, t3).Then the image of the map

P1 → P3 [s : t] 7→ [f0 : f1 : f2 : f3]

is a projective variety isomorphic to P1. Any such curve will also be called a twistedcubic curve. Note that it is projectively equivalent to C.

Theorem 3.24. There is a unique twisted cubic curve passing through any 6 pointsin general position in P3.

Proof. Exercise. �

3.4.3. Rational normal curves. Consider the map of projective varieties

νn : P1 → Pn [s : t] 7→ [sn : sn−1t : · · · : tn].The image of this map is called the rational normal curve of degree n. We will seebelow that it is a projective variety isomorphic to P1.

More generally, we will use the term rational normal curve of degree n to meanany curve that is obtained from this one by a linear change of coordinates in Pn.

• ν1 is the identity map.• ν2 is the map considered in Example 3.20 and its image is the conic V′(xz−y2). Thus a rational normal curve of degree 2 is same as a nondegenerateconic.

• The image of ν3 is the twisted cubic curve V′(xw − yz, y2 − xz,wy − z2).Thus a rational normal curve of degree 3 is same as a twisted cubic curve.

Proposition 3.25. The image of νn is a closed set in Pn and νn is an isomorphismof P1 onto this projective variety.

Proof. This can be proved in the same manner as the n = 3 case. We providethe outline. If C denotes the image of ν, then

C = V′(xixj − xi−1xj+1)1≤i≤j≤n−1,

where [x0 : · · · : xn] are the homogeneous coordinates of Pn. Another way toexpress this to say that C is the zero locus of points [x0 : · · · : xn] ∈ Pn such thatthe matrix


x0 x1 x2 · · xn−1

x1 x2 · · xn−1 xn


has rank 1. The projective variety C can be covered by two affine patches, and themap C → P1 can be defined on these patches by restricting to the first two and tothe last two coordinates respectively. �

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The following result generalizes Theorems 3.22 and 3.24.

Theorem 3.26. There is a unique rational normal curve passing through any n+3points in general position in Pn.

Proof. Exercise. �

3.4.4. The Veronese maps. The construction of the rational normal curve canbe further generalized. For any n and d, consider the Veronese map of degree d

νd : Pn → Pm

which maps [x0 : · · · : xn] to the point in Pm which lists all the degree d monomialsin the xi’s in some order. The number of degree-d monomials in n+ 1 variables isthe binomial coefficient




. Thus m =(



− 1.

Example 3.27. The simplest instance of the Veronese map other than the casen = 1 of rational normal curves is the map

ν2 : P2 → P5 [s : t : u] 7→ [s2 : t2 : u2 : st : su : tu].

The image of this map is a projective variety isomorphic to P2. It is called theVeronese surface.

The following is a generalization of Proposition 3.25 and proved in similarmanner.

Proposition 3.28. The image of νd is a closed set in Pm and νd is an isomorphismof Pn onto this projective variety.

Note that there is a choice involved in the definition of νd in how the monomialsare listed, and strictly speaking each choice yields a different map. This is notcrucial because any two maps are related by a permutation of the variables in Pm.It is more natural in this context to work instead of Pm with the projective spacewhose coordinates are indexed by degree-d monomials in n + 1 variables. Let usdenote them by zI for I = (i0, . . . , in) ∈ Nn+1 with i0 + · · ·+ in = d. The image ofνd is the projective variety

V′(zIzJ − zKzL)I+J=K+L

where I, J,K,L ∈ Nn+1.

3.4.5. Problems.

(1) Complete the first proof of Theorem 3.22.(2) Check that the construction in Figure 3.1 indeed yields a conic.(3) Let F and G be two irreducible homogeneous quadratic polynomials in

three variables. Show that there is a projective linear map P2 → P2 whichmaps V′(F ) isomorphically onto V′(G). Conclusion: All nondegenerateconics are projectively equivalent.

(4) Let F be an irreducible quadratic polynomial in two variables. Showthat there is a linear map A2 → A2 which maps V(F ) isomorphicallyonto either the parabola V(y − x2) or the hyperbola V(xy − 1), but theparabola and hyperbola are nonisomorphic. Conclusion: there are exactlytwo nondegenerate affine conics up to affine isomorphism.

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(5) How many conics do you expect to pass through 4 given points and tangentto one given line? Through 3 given points and tangent to 2 given lines?Through 2 given points and tangent to 3 given lines? Through 1 givenpoint and tangent to 4 given lines? Through 5 given lines?

(6) Show that V′(f) ∩ V′(g), where f and g are any two of the three polyno-mials in (3.4), is the twisted cubic curve union a line.

(7) Show that V′(xz−y2, xw2−2yzw+z3) is the twisted cubic curve of (3.4).blueReid page 91.

(8) Show that any finite set of points on a twisted cubic curve are in generalposition, that is, any four of them span P3.

(9) Show that any n+1 distinct points of a rational normal curve of degree nare linearly independent. In particular, no three points of a nondegenerateconic are collinear.

(10) Prove Theorems 3.24 and 3.26 by generalizing one of the proofs of Theo-rem 3.22.

(11) Describe the image of the lines in P2 on the Veronese surface (under themap ν2).

(12) Show that the set of all nondegenerate conics form a Zariski-open set ofthe parameter space P5 of all conics. Further show that the set of doublelines forms a Zariski-closed set of P5 isomorphic to the Veronese surface.

(13) Prove or disprove: Given four points in general position in P2, there existtwo nondegenerate conics which intersect in precisely these four points.

Let p1, p2, p3 and p4 be four points in general position in P2; so nothree of them are collinear. Choose a point p in general position wrt thesepoints. This is possible because P2 cannot be covered by finitely manypoints. Let C be the unique nondegenerate conic which passes throughthe 5 points p1, p2, p3, p4 and p. Also, no three points on C can becollinear since it is nondegenerate.

Now choose another point q which does not lie on C and is in generalposition wrt all these points. Let C ′ be the unique nondegenerate conicwhich passes through p1, p2, p3, p4 and q. Then C and C ′ are distinct andthey intersect precisely in the given four points because of the uniqueness.

(14) Show that the intersection of the quadric surfaces V′(x2−yw) and V′(xy−zw) is the union of a twisted cubic curve and a line. Thus, the intersectionof two irreducible (projective) varieties need not be irreducible.

(15) Show that any two curves in P2 have a nonempty intersection.(16) Let Hi and Hj be the hyperplanes in Pn defined by xi = 0 and xj = 0

for i 6= j. Show that any regular function on Pn \ (Hi ∩Hj) is constant.(17) Show that Pn \H is an affine open set in Pn where H is any hypersurface. Have a section on

products (segremaps), Veronesemaps, Grassmannand flag varieties.

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4.1. Prevarieties

In this section, we introduce the basic category of classical algebraic geometry.This is the category of prevarieties, which we will denote by Prevariety. It includesthe categories of affine as well as projective varieties as full subcategories.

4.1.1. Prevarieties.

Definition 4.1. A prevariety X is a Noetherian topological space, equipped witha sheaf OX of complex-valued functions, such that X is the union of finitely manysubsets Ui each isomorphic to an affine variety.

The precise meaning of isomorphic is as follows. For each i, there is an affinevariety Yi (with its structure sheaf OYi

), and a homeomorphism Ui → Yi whichinduces isomorphisms of C-algebras OYi

(V )→ OUi(U) for corresponding open sets

U and V . Here OUiis the restriction of the sheaf OX to the open set Ui.

We clarify that OX is a sheaf of C-algebras. In particular, the constant func-tions belong to OX(U) for any open set U . An element of OX(U) is called a regularfunction on U .

Definition 4.2. A morphism ϕ : X → Y of prevarieties is a continuous map suchthat for every open set V ⊆ Y , and for every function f ∈ OY (V ), the functionf ◦ϕ ∈ OX(ϕ−1(V )). In short: a morphism pulls back regular functions to regularfunctions.

This defines the category Prevariety of prevarieties.

Remark 4.3. In Definition 4.1,

• one may drop the requirement of “finitely many”: Since the underlyingtopological space of a prevariety is Noetherian, it is quasi-compact.

• require that each Ui is isomorphic to an open set of an affine variety, withits restricted sheaf. This does not yield anything new: every open set iscovered by basic open sets and every basic open set is isomorphic to anaffine variety as shown in Example 4.7 below.

Definition 4.4. An open set U of prevariety X is called an affine open set if Uwith the restricted sheaf is isomorphic to an affine variety.

Definition 4.5. A prevariety is called irreducible if it is irreducible as a topologicalspace.

Since the underlying topological space of a prevariety is Noetherian, everyprevariety is the union of finitely many irreducible components. We mention thatin the irreducible case, we have access to the generic stalk, whose description isexactly as given for affine varieties.


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4.1.2. Affine varieties. It is clear that each affine variety with its structure sheafis a prevariety, and morphisms of affine varieties are morphisms of prevarieties.Thus there is a functor

AffVariety→ Prevariety.

We now show that any basic open set in an affine variety is a prevariety (this istrue of any open set as we will see later) and more surprisingly, it is isomorphic toan affine variety sitting in an ambient space which is one dimension higher.

Example 4.6. Consider the open set U = A1 \ {0} in A1. We claim that U isisomorphic as a prevariety to the affine variety Y = V(xy−1) in A2. Here U is giventhe restricted structure sheaf from A1 and Y is given its structure sheaf. Explicitly,the maps

U → Y t 7→ (t, 1/t) and Y → U (x, y) 7→ x

are inverse isomorphisms in Prevariety: It is clear that the maps are inverse to eachother. In addition, one needs to check that they are both continuous wrt the Zariskitopology, and further the sets of regular functions over corresponding open sets areisomorphic. This is straightforward.

Example 4.7. The previous example generalizes as follows. Let

X = V(f1, . . . , fk)

where f1, . . . , fk ∈ C[x1, . . . , xn] be any affine variety. LetXf = {x ∈ X | f(x) 6= 0}be the basic open in X corresponding to f ∈ C[X]. Now consider the affine variety

Y = V(f1, . . . , fk, 1− xn+1f) ⊆ Cn+1.

We claim that Xf is isomorphic as a prevariety to Y . The former is given therestricted sheaf from OX , and the latter is given its structure sheaf. Explicitly, themaps

Xf → Y (x1, . . . , xn) 7→ (x1, . . . , xn, 1/f).


Y → Xf (x1, . . . , xn, xn+1) 7→ (x1, . . . , xn)

are inverse isomorphisms in Prevariety. This is straightforward to check.To summarize, any basic open set of an affine variety is an affine open set.

4.1.3. Subprevarieties. Let X be any prevariety and let A be any subset of X.Give A the induced topology. For any open set U of A, define OA(U) to be the setof functions satisfying the condition: for each x ∈ U , there is an open set V in Xand a g ∈ OX(V ) such that f is the restriction of g to U ∩ V . This yields a sheaf(A,OA).

Here are some useful remarks regarding this construction.

(1) The inclusion map A → X induces a morphism of sheaves (A,OA) →(X,OX): For any open set V in X and g ∈ OX(V ), the restriction of gto A ∩ V belongs to OA(A ∩ V ).

(2) It is functorial wrt inclusion: If B ⊆ A ⊆ X, then the sheaf OB inducedfrom OX is same as the sheaf on B induced from OA. [This is implicitlyused in many arguments.]

(3) Given f ∈ OA(U), it may not be possible to find a g ∈ OX(V ), withU ⊆ V and f = g on U . Any concrete example?

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(4) If A is a singleton, then OA(A) = C. This is different from the stalk of OX

at the point A. So this construction seems to be different from pullbackof sheaves, the left adjoint of the pushforward.

(5) Since X is Noetherian, so is A. But (A,OA) may not be a prevarietybecause it may fail to be locally affine.

(6) If A is an open set in X, then OA is the restriction of OX to A.(7) If X is an affine variety and Y is a closed set in X, then OA agrees with

the structure sheaf of A. This follows from Proposition 2.45.

Definition 4.8. A subset of a topological space is called locally closed if it is theintersection of a closed set and an open set. In particular, open and closed sets arelocally closed.

A locally closed subset of a prevariety with its induced sheaf is called a subpre-variety.

Proposition 4.9. The above construction turns any locally closed set of a preva-riety into a prevariety. The inclusion map is a morphism of prevarieties.

Proof. Let X be a prevariety, and let A be a locally closed set in X. We needto show that A is a union of open affine sets. This can be done by analyzing twospecial cases.

Suppose A is an open set in X. Then by (6) above, OA is the restriction of OX

to A. Further A is the union of open affine sets: Since X is a prevariety, it is theunion of open affine sets. By the discussion in Example 4.7, any open set in suchan affine set is also the union of open affine sets.

Suppose A is a closed set in X. We show that A has a cover by affine opensets. Let x ∈ A. Let V be an affine open set in X containing x. Then A ∩ V is aclosed set in V , so it is an affine subvariety of V . By (7) above, the sheaf on A∩ Vinduced by V is same as the structure sheaf of the variety A ∩ V . Thus A ∩ V isan affine open set of A containing x. Since x is arbitrary, we get the desired cover.

By combining the two cases above, the result follows. �

Proposition 4.10. Let X and Y be prevarieties and let Z be a subprevariety ofY . Let f : X → Z be any function, and let g : X → Y be the composite of f withthe inclusion map. Then f is a morphism of prevarieties iff g is a morphism ofprevarieties.

Proof. The forward implication is clear. The backward implication requiresa little thought which is left as an exercise. �

4.1.4. Morphisms between prevarieties. There are many ways to recognizewhen a map between prevarieties is a morphism. We discuss some of them below.

Proposition 4.11. Let X and Y be prevarieties and let ϕ : X → Y be any map.Suppose that {Ui} is an open cover of X. Then ϕ is a morphism of prevarieties iffthe restriction of ϕ to each Ui is a morphism of prevarieties.

Proof. The forward implication is clear. We show the backward implication:Let f be a regular function on an open set V in Y . Then ϕ−1(V ) =

i ϕ−1(V )∩Ui,

and by assumption, the restriction of f ◦ϕ to each open set ϕ−1(V )∩Ui is regular.The sheaf axiom then implies that f ◦ ϕ is regular on ϕ−1(V ) as required. �

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Proposition 4.12. Let X be a prevariety, and let f : X → C be any function.Then f is regular iff f : X → A1 is a morphism of prevarieties. In other words,there is a bijection

OX(X)∼=−−→ Prevariety(X,A1).

Proof. The backward implication is clear. We show the forward implication:As a first step, suppose X is an affine variety. In this case, a regular functionf is same as an element of C[X] which is a polynomial, so clearly f : X → A1

is a morphism of prevarieties. For the general case, write X as a union of openaffine sets Ui. Since f is regular, its restriction to each Ui is regular. Applying theprevious result, each Ui → A1 is a morphism of prevarieties. Proposition 4.11 nowyields that f : X → A1 is a morphism of prevarieties. �

Corollary 4.13. Let f and g be regular functions on a prevariety Y . Then thesubset where f and g agree (that is, they have the same value) is a closed set in Y .

Proof. Since f and g are regular, so is f − g: regular functions form a C-algebra. Proposition 4.12 shows that f − g can be viewed as a morphism to A1; inparticular, it is continuous. So (f − g)−1(0) is a closed set of Y as required. �

Proposition 4.14. Let X be a prevariety, Y be an affine variety whose ambientspace is Cm, and let ϕ : X → Y be any function. Then ϕ is a morphism ofprevarieties iff ϕ has the form

ϕ(x) = (f1(x), . . . , fm(x))

where each fi is a regular function on X.

Proof. The forward implication follows from Proposition 4.12 by using pro-jections on each coordinate. For the backward implication, cover X by affine opensets Ui and use Propositions 2.20 and 4.11. �

The above result shows that morphisms of prevarieties are easier to handle ifthe target is an affine variety. The reason is that an affine variety gives us accessto coordinates; so we can subtract morphisms.

Corollary 4.15. Let X be a prevariety, Y be an affine variety. Suppose ϕ,ψ :X → Y are morphisms of prevarieties. Then the subset where ϕ and ψ agree is aclosed set in X.

Proof. This follows from Proposition 4.14 and Corollary 4.13. �

Proposition 4.16. Let X and Y be prevarieties and let ϕ : X → Y be any map.Then ϕ is a morphism of prevarieties iff There is a cover of Y by affine open setsVi and a cover of X by open sets Ui such that ϕ(Ui) ⊆ Vi and ϕ : Ui → Vi is amorphism ofprevarieties.

Proof. Forward implication. By definition, Y has a cover by affine open setsVi. Put Ui := ϕ−1(Vi). Since ϕ is a morphism, the second condition is satisfied.

Backward implication. Since ϕ : Ui → Vi is a morphism of prevarieties, so isthe composite ϕ : Ui → Vi → Y . Now apply Proposition 4.11. �

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4.1.5. Projective varieties. Let us look at the situation of projective varieties.We begin with the projective space Pn. Recall from (3.1) and (3.2) and Proposi-tion 3.19 that Pn can be written as a union of open sets Uj , each homeomorphic toAn wrt the Zariski topologies. Call these homeomorphisms ϕj : Uj → An. We usethese maps to define a sheaf of functions O on Pn:

Let V be any open set in Pn. Suppose V is contained in some Uj . Then afunction on V is regular if it is of the form f ◦ ϕj , where f is a regular functionon ϕj(V ). Define O(V ) to be the set of regular functions on V . The importantobservation is that this set is well-defined. In other words, if V ⊆ Ui ∩ Uj , thenusing either of the two affine patches yields the same set of functions on V . For thegeneral case, we say f ∈ O(V ) if its restriction to V ∩Uj belongs to O(V ∩Uj) foreach j.

This turns Pn into a prevariety. Following the standard notation, we will writeOPn for its sheaf of functions.

Example 4.17. To understand the above construction better, consider the case ofP1. Let us denote its homogeneous coordinates by [z : w]. Then

U1 = {[1 : w] | w ∈ C} and U2 = {[z : 1] | z ∈ C}are the two affine patches. Suppose V is an open set of P1 which is contained inU1 ∩U2, If f is a regular function on V , then it may be viewed as a function of thew-coordinate only, or of the z-coordinate only. And one can pass from one situationto the other by the transformation w = 1/z.

Any projective variety is a closed set in its ambient projective space. So itbecomes a prevariety by Proposition 4.9.

The next observation is that there is a fully faithful functor

ProjVariety→ Prevariety.

In more explicit terms: A morphism of projective varieties ϕ : X → Y is also amorphism ϕ : (X,Ox) → (Y,OY ) of the corresponding prevarieties. Conversely,any morphism between the prevarieties corresponding to projective varieties is amorphism of the projective varieties. This requires some argument.

4.1.6. Quasi-affine and quasi-projective varieties. Most varieties that oneencounters in practice are locally closed subsets of affine or projective space. Theseare called quasi-affine and quasi-projective varieties. By Proposition 4.9, these areprevarieties.

Definition 4.18. A quasi-affine variety is an open set in an affine variety. Equiv-alently, it is a locally closed set in affine space.

Similarly, a quasi-projective variety is an open set in a projective variety. Equiv-alently, it is a locally closed set in projective space.

It may be appropriate to denote a quasi-affine variety as a triple (X,X ′,Cn),where (X ′,Cn) is an affine variety and X in an open set in X ′. However, wewill usually denote it only by the open set X with the ambient affine variety beingunderstood. If we need to specify the ambient space, we will write X ⊆ X ′. Similarcomments apply to a quasi-projective variety.

A morphism between quasi-affine (quasi-projective) varieties is defined to bea morphism between the corresponding prevarieties. This defines the category ofquasi-affine (quasi-projective) varieties. We denote it by QAffVariety (QProjVariety).

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It is a full subcategory of Prevariety and contains the category of affine (projective)varieties.

Let X be a quasi-affine variety whose ambient affine variety X ′ is irreducible.Then recall that a regular function on X is represented by a unique element ofC(X ′). Hence, in this case, a morphism X → Y of quasi-affine varieties is a mapϕ : X → Y of the form

ϕ(x1, . . . , xn) = (f1(x1, . . . , xn), . . . , fm(x1, . . . , xn))

where each fi ∈ C(X ′).

Example 4.19. The set of all n × n matrices can be identified with the set Cn2

whose coordinates are indexed by {xij}1≤i,j≤n. The subset SL(n,C) of matrices

of determinant 1 is an affine variety in Cn2

. It is a hypersurface defined by thepolynomial det(xij)− 1.

The subset GL(n,C) of invertible matrices is a basic open set in An2

corre-sponding to the function det(xij). It is not an affine variety but it is a quasi-affinevariety which is isomorphic to an affine variety in the category QAffVariety. Thisfollows from the discussion in Example 4.7.

Warning. Some authors use the term affine variety to mean any object in Prevarietywhich is isomorphic to an affine variety. Any basic open set of an affine variety suchas GL(n,C) is then an affine variety in this sense.

4.1.7. Problems.

(1) Show that affine open sets form a base for the topology of a prevariety.(2) Let ϕ : X → A1 be a morphism of prevarieties, with X irreducible. Then

ϕ is not dominant (that is, image is not dense) iff ϕ is a constant map.(3) For morphisms ϕ,ψ : Y → X of prevarieties, show that the subset Z

where ϕ and ψ agree is a locally closed set of Y .Let V be any affine open set of X. In particular, it is a variety. Put

U := ϕ−1(V ) ∩ ψ−1(V ). Then the subset of U where ϕ and ψ agree isZ ∩U . This is a closed set in U , and hence a locally closed set in Y . Notsure how to complete.

(4) LetX be an affine variety and suppose U = X\V(f, g), where f, g ∈ C[X].Show that U may not be an affine open set in X.

(5) Suppose ϕ : X → Y is a morphism of prevarieties which restricts to a mapA→ B where A (resp. B) is a locally closed set in X (resp. Y ). Then isthe restricted map a morphism?

(6) Describe the initial object, terminal object, coproduct and product in thecategory of prevarieties.

(7) What are the irreducible components of X×Y in terms of those of X andY ? Say both X and Y are affine.

(8) Show that Pn with its Zariski topology is irreducible. Show that the onlyregular functions on Pn are constant functions. What is the generic stalkof the structure sheaf of Pn?

This is an example of why one needs to consider sheaves: global sec-tions are insufficient to nail the geometric object.

(9) Consider the punctured planeX = A2\{(0, 0)}. It is a quasi-affine variety.• Show that the ring of regular functions on X is the polynomial ringC[x, y].

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• Show that X is not isomorphic as a variety to any affine variety. Findan open affine cover of X.

(10) Any point in a variety is a closed set in that variety. True?

4.2. Varieties

We have seen that the Zariski topology on affine varieties is not Hausdorff.However note that the diagonal in X × X is a closed set in the Zariski topologysince it can be defined as the zero set of a set of polynomials. For example, thediagonal in A1×A1 is same as V(x−y). This is reminiscent of the Hausdorff axiom.Let us discuss this in more detail.

Proposition 4.20. The following conditions on a topological space X are equiva-lent.

(1) X is Hausdorff.(2) The diagonal {(x, x) | x ∈ X} is a closed set in X × X, the latter given

the product topology.(3) For any topological space Y and continuous maps ϕ,ψ : Y → X, the set

{y ∈ Y | ϕ(y) = ψ(y)}is a closed set of Y .

Proof. (1) ⇐⇒ (2). Standard exercise.(3) =⇒ (2). Take Y = X ×X and ϕ,ψ to be projections on the two coordi-

nates. The diagonal is precisely the set where the two projections agree.(2) =⇒ (3). Suppose the diagonal is a closed set. A pair of continuous maps

ϕ,ψ : Y → X is equivalent to one continuous map (ϕ,ψ) : Y → X ×X. The givensubset of Y is the inverse image of the diagonal (which is a closed set) under (ϕ,ψ)(which is a continuous map); so it is closed. �

The categorical product exists in Prevariety, see for example [15, Section 2.4].Let us take this for granted. We will write X × Y for the product of X and Y .Here are some useful remarks.

• As sets, X × Y is the cartesian product of X and Y , but the topology isnot the product topology.

• For affine and projective varieties, this construction agrees with the prod-ucts in AffVariety and ProjVariety. More precisely, the functors AffVariety→Prevariety and ProjVariety→ Prevariety preserve products.

The following result can be proved exactly as we proved the implications (2)⇐⇒ (3) in Proposition 4.20.

Proposition 4.21. The following conditions on a prevariety X are equivalent.

(1) The diagonal {(x, x) | x ∈ X} is a closed set in X × X, the latter beingthe categorical product.

(2) For any prevariety Y and morphisms ϕ,ψ : Y → X of prevarieties, theset

{y ∈ Y | ϕ(y) = ψ(y)}is a closed set of Y .

We will refer to either of the above two equivalent conditions as the Hausdorffaxiom.

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Definition 4.22. A prevariety X is a variety if it satisfies the Hausdorff axiom. Amorphism X → Y of varieties is a morphism of the underlying prevarieties. Thisdefines the category Variety of varieties.

It follows from Proposition 4.10 that any subprevariety is a variety. We will callit is subvariety. It is same as a locally closed subset of a variety with the inducedsheaf.

Example 4.23. It follows from Corollary 4.15 that any affine variety X satisfiesthe Hausdorff axiom, so it is a variety. This yields a functor

AffVariety→ Variety,

It is clear that this functor is fully faithful.

Example 4.24. Let X be the line with a doubled origin: take two copies of A1,say U1 and U2 with coordinates x1 and x2, patched by the map x1 = x2 on theopen sets x1 6= 0 and x2 6= 0. Then X is a prevariety (with the cofinite topology).Consider the diagram




∼= i2


U1� _


U2� � // X.


{y ∈ A1 | i1(y) = i2(y)} = A1 \ {0}is not closed in A1, hence X is not a variety.

If instead of patching by the map x1 = x2, one patches by x1 = 1x2, then one

does obtain a variety. It is P1, the Riemann sphere.

Lemma 4.25. Let X be a prevariety, and assume that each pair x, y ∈ X lie issome affine open subset of X. Then X is a variety.

Proof. Let ϕ,ψ : Y → X be morphisms of prevarieties, and let Z be the seton which they agree. We want to show that Z is a closed set in Y . Suppose z0 ∈ Z.Let x0 = ϕ(z0) and y0 = ψ(z0). Let V be an affine open subset of X containingx0 and y0. Put U = ϕ−1(V )∩ψ−1(V ). It contains z0. Now consider the restrictedmorphisms ϕ,ψ : U → V . The set on which they agree is U ∩ Z. Since V is affine,it is a variety. So U ∩ Z is a closed set in U . So U \ (U ∩ Z) in an open set in U ,and hence an open set in Y . Further by construction, it is disjoint from Z. So itcannot contain z0. So z0 ∈ Z as required. �

Example 4.26. Any projective variety satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 4.25; soit is a variety. This yields a fully faithful functor

ProjVariety→ Variety.

Example 4.27. A subprevariety of a variety is again a variety. This is thereforecalled a subvariety.

Lemma 4.28. Let Y be a variety, and let X be any prevariety. If ϕ : X → Y isa morphism, then the graph {(x, ϕ(x)) | x ∈ X} is a closed set in X × Y and it isisomorphic as a prevariety to X.

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Proof. Consider the two morphisms X × Y → Y which send (x, y) to y andto ϕ(x) respectively. Then the subset where the two morphisms agree is preciselythe graph, say Z, of ϕ; so it is a closed set in X × Y since Y is a variety. ThusZ is a subprevariety of X × Y . Proposition 4.10 says that the map X → Z whichsends x to (x, ϕ(x)) is a morphism of prevarieties. It is, in fact, an isomorphism:The inverse is given by the composite morphism Z → X × Y ։ X. �

Lemma 4.29. Let Y be a variety, and let X be any prevariety. If ϕ,ψ : X → Yare morphisms which agree on a dense subset of X, then ϕ = ψ.

Proof. Since Y is a variety, the set on which ϕ and ψ agree is closed set inX. If this set is dense, then it must be all of X. �

4.3. Smooth manifolds

This is a brief interlude on manifolds. Its purpose is to bring out the similaritybetween the way manifolds and varieties are defined. The term “affine manifold”used below is not standard, and it is only used here to make the analogy with affinevarieties.

A smooth affine manifold is an open set U in Rn, with the Euclidean topologyon the latter. A morphism of smooth affine manifolds U → V is a smooth map.This defines the category of affine manifolds.

Alternatively, a smooth affine manifold is an open set U in Rn equipped with itssheaf of smooth functions FU . A morphism of smooth affine manifolds (U,FU )→(V,FV ) is a continuous map U → V such that for any f ∈ FV (V ), the functionf ◦ ϕ ∈ FU (U).

Definition 4.30. A smooth manifold is a Hausdorff topological space where eachpoint has an open neighbourhood which is isomorphic as a sheaf to some smoothaffine manifold.

You may have seen a definition of a smooth manifold given in terms of charts.As an exercise, you may check that that the two definitions are equivalent. Havingsaid this, one may add that there is also an alternative definition of varieties interms of charts. Can you say what it is? use quasi-affine varieties as models.

Riemann surfaces can be dealt in the same way. Is there any notion of a Banachmanifold modeled on Banach spaces?

4.3.1. Problems.

(1) Let U and V be open sets in Euclidean space. Show that ϕ : U → V isdifferentiable iff For any differentiable function f : V → R, the compositef ◦ ϕ : U → R is differentiable.

4.4. Rational maps

In this section, we define the notion of a rational map. This gives rise to acategory VarietyRational. We will show that VarietyRational is equivalent to fgField,the category of finitely generated field extensions of C. This is reminiscent of the

equivalence between AffVariety and Algco.In this section, all varieties are assumed to be irreducible. Recall that in this

situation, any nonempty open set is dense. This fact will be used repeatedly.

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4.4.1. The category of dominant rational maps.

Definition 4.31. Let X and Y be irreducible varieties. A rational map from Xto Y , denoted

ϕ : X 99K Y,

is an equivalence class of pairs (U,ϕU ) where U is a dense nonempty open set inX and ϕU : U → Y is a morphism of varieties, with two pairs (U,ϕU ) and (V, ϕV )being equivalent if ϕU and ϕV agree on U ∩ V .

The rational map ϕ is dominant if the image of the morphism ϕU : U → Y isdense in Y for some choice of U .

We make a few remarks.

• A rational map is not a map in the usual sense. The broken arrow isused to remind ourselves of this feature. There is a largest open set whichrepresents ϕ: Take union of all open sets that represent ϕ. This is thedomain of ϕ beyond which it cannot be extended. Thus equivalently, arational map is a map from a dense open set of X to Y , which cannot beextended further.

Make this same comment for elts of generic stalks.• If the image of ϕ is dense in Y , then so is the image of its restriction to

any nonempty open set U ′ ⊆ U . Thus a rational map ϕ is dominant ifthe image of the morphism ϕU : U → Y is dense in Y for all open sets Uin its domain.

• One may not be able to compose rational maps: Consider

A1 → A1 x 7→ 1, and A199K A1 t 7→ 1

t− 1.

The image of the first map does not intersect the domain of the secondmap: The second map is defined on {t 6= 1} and it clearly cannot beextended to all of A1.

However one can compose dominant rational maps as explained below.

Suppose (U,ϕ) : X 99K Y and (V, ψ) : Y 99K Z are two dominant rationalmaps. Then define their composite by

(ϕ−1(V ), ψ ◦ ϕ) : X 99K Z.

Note that ϕ−1(V ) is nonempty since (U,ϕ) is dominant, and hence is a dense openset in X as required.

This defines the category of irreducible varieties and dominant rational maps.We denote it by VarietyRational. An isomorphism in this category is called a bi-rational map. Two irreducible varieties are called birationally equivalent if theyare isomorphic in this category. Birational equivalence is of course weaker thanisomorphism in Variety but stronger than other invariants such as dimension. So itis helpful in the classification of varieties.

Example 4.32. Let X be an irreducible variety. Then it follows from Proposi-tion 4.12 that there is a bijection between elements of (OX)gen, the generic stalk onX and rational maps from X to A1. More generally, f1, . . . , fm ∈ (OX)gen definesa rational map

ϕ : X 99K Am p 7→ (f1(p), . . . , fm(p)).

Let dom(fi) denote the domain of fi: it is the largest open set on which fi isdefined. Then dom(ϕ) =

⋂mi=1 dom(fi).

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Example 4.33. In projective space, projecting from a point p onto a hyperplaneH is a rational map. It is defined everywhere except at p. In other words, itsdomain is the complement of p. Without loss of generality, let us choose

p = [0 : · · · : 0 : 1] ∈ Pn and H = {[x0 : · · · : xn−1 : 0]} ⊆ Pn.

Identifying H with Pn−1 in the canonical manner, the projection is given by

Pn99K Pn−1 [x0 : · · · : xn−1 : xn] 7→ [x0 : · · · : xn−1].

Generalizing this further, we may consider

Pn99K Pj [x0 : · · · : xn] 7→ [x0 : · · · : xj ].

This is the projection from a (n− j− 1)-dimensional plane onto its complementaryj-dimensional plane.

4.4.2. The category of finitely generated field extension of C. Suppose thatA is an integral domain as well as a finitely generated C-algebra. Then there is thefield of fractions of A. Any field arising in this manner is called a finitely generatedfield extension of C. Let fgField be the category whose objects are such fields, andwhose morphisms are field homomorphisms. Recall that any field homomorphism,say F → K, is necessarily injective. This allows us to think of K as a field extensionof F .

4.4.3. Equivalence between irreducible affine varieties and their genericstalks. Recall that associated to each irreducible variety X is its generic stalk(OX)gen. It is canonically equal to the generic stalk of any dense open set in X, andhence to the generic stalk of an affine variety. It follows that (OX)gen is a finitelygenerated field extension of C. Further given a dominant rational map ϕ : X 99K Y ,there is an induced field homormorphism (OY )gen → (OX)gen: Suppose (V, f)represents an element in the generic stalk of Y , and (U,ϕU ) represents ϕ, then(U ∩ ϕ−1

U (V ), f ◦ ϕU ) represents an element in the generic stalk of X. This yieldsa contravariant functor

(4.1) VarietyRational→ fgField X 7→ (OX)gen.

Let us now construct a functor

(4.2) G : fgField→ VarietyRational.

Suppose K is an object in fgField. Let R be a finitely generated C-algebra whosefield of fractions is K. Write R as C[x1, . . . , xn]/I where I is a prime ideal. Wewill write x1, . . . , xn for the generators of R. Put G(K) := V(I). Now supposeθ : K → L is a field homomorphism (and hence necessarily injective. Define arational map

G(L) 99K G(K) y 7→ (θ(x1)(y), . . . , θ(xn)(y))

as in Example 4.32. One can deduce using Proposition 2.21 that this map is dom-inant.

Theorem 4.34. The functors (4.1) and (4.2) define a contravariant equivalencebetween the categories VarietyRational and fgField.

Details in Hartshorne.

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4.4.4. Problems.

(1) Find a rational parametrization for the circle. [Hint: sin(t) and cos(t) arerational functions of tan(t/2).]

(2) Must every dominant morphism P1 → P1 be an isomorphism?(3) Show that the image of a rational normal curve C ⊆ Pn under projection

from a point p ∈ C is a rational normal curve in Pn−1.(4) Show that A1 and V(xy − 1) ⊆ A2 are birationally equivalent but not

isomorphic as affine varieties.(5) Show that P2 and the categorical product P1 × P1 are birationally equiv-

alent but not isomorphic as projective varieties.(6) Show that the graph of a morphism ϕ : X → Y of projective varieties is

closed in the categorical product X × Y .(7) Find the equation defining the graph of the rational map

A299K A1 (x, y) 7→ y


as an affine variety in A3.(8) Prove or disprove: Let A and B be two finitely generated commutative

C-algebras which are integral domains. Suppose the field of fractions ofA and B are isomorphic. Then A and B are isomorphic as C-algebras.

False. Let X be an irreducible variety. Take two affine open sets inX. Then their coordinate rings have isomorphic function fields, which isthe generic stalk of X, but they themselves need not be isomorphic. Asa concrete example, take X := A1 and U := A1 \ {0}. Their coordinaterings are C[t] and C[x, y]/(xy − 1). The two cannot be isomorphic sincethe latter has more units.

Another example: Take X := A1 and Y := V(y2 − x3) and let Aand B their coordinate rings. Let K be the field of fractions of B. Thenx/y, y/x ∈ K and they are transcendental over C. Hence




x2= x and




y2= y.

So the map C(t)→ K which sends t to y/x is surjective and hence a fieldisomorphism. Thus A and B have isomorphic field of fractions but theyare not isomorphic.

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Affine schemes

5.1. Spectrum of a ring

In this section, we discuss the maximal spectrum and the prime spectrum.These are topological spaces associated to any ring. The notion of a prime spectrumgets us closer to the notion of an affine scheme.

5.1.1. Maximal spectrum. We now generalize the discussion in Section 2.2.1 byreplacing C[x1, . . . , xn] by any ring R. The question is: what should now play therole of affine n-space? Proposition 2.11 suggests a solution: use the set of maximalideals of R. Let us see what one gets by proceeding along these lines.

Let R be a ring and let Q be the poset of ideals of R ordered by inclusion. LetmaxSpec(R) denote the set of maximal ideals of R (called the maximal spectrumof R), and let P be its Boolean poset.

We define two order-reversing maps:

I : P → Q and V : Q→ P.

V(I) := {M |M is a maximal ideal containing I}.I(X) :=

M :M∈X


Observe that

X ⊆ V(I) ⇐⇒ I ⊆ I(X).

Both sides say: Every maximal ideal occurring in X contains I. Thus the closureoperators V and I form a Galois connection. It follows from Proposition B.9 that

• VI and IV are closure operators on P and Q respectively.• The closed sets of VI are in bijection with the closed sets of IV.

Further, equations (2.2) and (2.3) hold. This implies that the closed sets ofVI define a topology on maxSpec(R), or equivalently, VI is a topological closureoperator. We call this the Zariski topology on maxSpec(R).

To summarize, to each ringR, we have associated a topological space maxSpec(R).Now suppose R → S is a ring homomorphism. Is it true that there is an inducedcontinuous map maxSpec(S)→ maxSpec(R)? The answer is given in the discussionbelow on the prime spectrum.

Remark 5.1. If R is a finitely generated reduced C-algebra, then the closed sets ofIV will precisely be the radical ideals of R. This is the Nullstellensatz. It is naturalto ask what happens for an arbitrary ring. What is the class of ideals one obtainsby arbitrary intersections of maximal ideals? Intersection of all the ideals is theJacobson radical of the ring. So an ideal will be an intersection of some maximal


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ideals if it is the inverse image of the Jacobson radical of R/I under R ։ R/I forsome ideal I. I do not know of a more direct description.

5.1.2. Prime spectrum. Let R be a ring. Let Spec(R) denote the set of primeideals of R. The above discussion is also valid if one replaces maxSpec(R) bySpec(R) and maximal by prime:

V(I) := {P | P is a prime ideal containing I}.I(X) :=

P :P∈X


This yields a Zariski topology on Spec(R): a subset of prime ideals of R is a closedset if it is of the form V(I) for some ideal I. Note that the closure of a point {P}is V(P ), the set of all prime ideals which contain P .

Proposition 5.2. The closed sets of IV are precisely the radical ideals of R. Moreprecisely,

IV(I) = rad (()I).

Proof. An ideal is radical iff it is the intersection of all the prime idealscontaining it (Proposition 1.9). �

Remark 5.3. Suppose R is a finitely generated reduced C-algebra. Then there isa bijection between the closed sets in maxSpec(R) (the affine subvarieties) and theclosed sets in Spec(R) via their bijection with the radical ideals of R. This ideawill be formalized later when we relate varieties and schemes.

Proposition 5.4. Suppose I is an ideal in R. Then

V(I) is an irreducible space ⇐⇒ rad (I) is a prime ideal.

You may also see [19, page 67].

Proof. First note that V(I) = V(rad (I)). So we may assume that I is aradical ideal.

Backward implication: Suppose I is a prime ideal. Then I is an element ofV(I). Hence any closed set which contains I as an element contains all elements ofV(I). This shows that V(I) is irreducible.

Forward implication: Suppose I is not a prime ideal. Then there exist f andg such that fg ∈ I but neither f nor g belongs to I. Consider the ideals (I, f) and(I, g). We claim that

V(I) = V((I, f)) ∪ V((I, g)).

(If a prime ideal P contains I, then it contains fg, and hence it contains either f org, and hence it contains either ((I, f)) or ((I, g)).) Further V((I, f)) and V((I, g))are proper subsets of V(I) because I is a radical ideal. This shows that V(I) is notirreducible. �

Thus all closed irreducible subspaces of Spec(R) are of the form V(P ), whereP is a prime ideal of R. As a consequence:

Corollary 5.5. Let R be any ring. The irreducible components of Spec(R) are theclosed sets V(P ), where P is a minimal prime ideal of R.

Corollary 5.6. Let R be any ring. Then the following are equivalent.

• Spec(R) is irreducible.

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• R has a unique minimal prime ideal.• the nilradical of R is a prime ideal.

If Spec(R) is irreducible, then Spec(R) = V(P ) for some prime ideal P , andthis is the unique minimal prime ideal of R.

Definition 5.7. Suppose Z is an irreducible closed subset of Spec(R). Then apoint P ∈ Z is a generic point of Z if Z = V(P ) is the closure of {P}.

The following is a restatement of the above results in the language of genericpoints.

Proposition 5.8. If P ∈ Spec(R), then the closure of {P} is irreducible and P isa generic point of this set. Conversely, every irreducible closed set Z of Spec(R)equals V(P ) for some prime ideal P of R, and P is its unique generic point.

5.1.3. Basic open sets in the prime spectrum. Let R be a ring and X =Spec(R). Let f ∈ R. Note that V(f) consists of precisely those prime ideals whichcontain f . Let Xf := Spec(R) \ V(f) consist of those prime ideals which do notcontain f . They are called the basic open sets of Spec(R), since they form as abasis for the Zariski topology:

Proposition 5.9. The sets Xf as f varies over R form a basis for the topology ofSpec(R).

Proof. We need to show that any open set in Spec(R) can be written as aunion of basic open sets. For any ideal I of R,

V(I) =⋂



Now take complements. �

Proposition 5.10. (1) Xf = ∅ iff f is nilpotent.(2) Xf = X iff f is a unit.(3) Xf ∩Xg = Xfg.(4) Xg ⊆ Xf iff rad ((g)) ⊆ rad ((f)) iff Some power of g is a multiple of f .(5) Xf = Xg iff rad ((f)) = rad ((g)).

It is instructive to see what these statement say for R = Z.

Proof. For (1). Both conditions are equivalent to: Every prime ideal containsf .

For (2). Both conditions are equivalent to: No prime ideal contains f , orequivalently, no maximal ideal contains f .

For (3). Note that for any prime ideal P , fg ∈ P ⇐⇒ Either f ∈ P or g ∈ P .This shows that V((f)) ∪ V((g)) = V((fg)). Now take complements.

For (4). This follows from two facts. First: The radical of any ideal I is theintersection of all prime ideals containing I. Second: For any prime ideal P ,

f ∈ P ⇐⇒ rad ((f)) ⊆ P.(This is because prime ideals are radical and rad (−) is a closure operator.)

For (5). This follows from (4). �

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Observe that

(5.1) X =⋃


Xfi ⇐⇒ {fi} generate the unit ideal R.

Both statements say that there is no prime ideal which contains all the fj ’s. Moregenerally,

(5.2) Xf =⋃


Xfi ⇐⇒ rad ((f)) = rad ((fi)i).

Both statements say that: a prime ideal contains f iff it contains all the fj ’s.

Proposition 5.11. For a ring R, Spec(R) is quasi-compact.

Proof. Suppose we are given an open cover of Spec(R). We may assumewithout loss of generality that the covering is by basic open sets Xfj with j rangingover some index set J . Then (5.1) implies that there is a relation of the form

1 =∑


gifi, gi ∈ R

where I is some finite subset of J . Then the fi’s as i varies over I generate theunit ideal R and the Xfi ’s provide a finite subcover of Spec(R). �

More generally:

Proposition 5.12. For a ring R, any basic open set in Spec(R) is quasi-compact.

Proof. Let Xf be a basic open set. Suppose without loss of generality asbefore that Xf is covered by basic open sets Xfi with i ranging over some indexset I. Then (5.2) implies that there is a relation of the form

fk =∑


gjfj gj ∈ R

for some k and for some finite subset J of I. Then

rad ((f)) = rad ((fj)j∈J )

and the Xfj ’s provide a finite subcover of Xf .Alternatively, this result can be deduced from Proposition 5.11 using the fact

that Xf is homeomorphic to Spec(Rf ) (as discussed in Proposition 5.16 below). �

Proposition 5.13. Let U be an open set of Spec(R). Then U is quasi-compact iffU is a finite union of basic open sets.

Proof. Since basic open sets are quasi-compact, any finite union of basic opensets is also quasi-compact. Conversely, suppose U is an open set of Spec(R) whichis quasi-compact. Since basic open sets form a base for the topology, write U asa union of basic open sets. Since U is quasi-compact, this has a finite subcover,showing that U is a finite union of basic open sets. �

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5.1.4. The prime spectrum as a functor. Suppose ϕ : R → S is a ring ho-momorphism. Then there is an induced map Spec(ϕ) : Spec(S) → Spec(R) whichsends a prime ideal P of S to the prime ideal ϕ−1(P ) in R.

Proposition 5.14. Let X = Spec(R) and Y = Spec(S). Let ϕ : R → S be a ringhomomorphism. If f ∈ R, then Spec(ϕ)−1(Xf ) = Yϕ(f).

Proof. Spec(ϕ)−1(Xf ) consists of all prime ideals P in S such that ϕ−1(P )does not contain f , or equivalently, such that P does not contain ϕ(f). �

This shows that Spec(ϕ) is continuous. This yields a contravariant functor

Spec : Ring→ Top.

This statement requires us to check that

Spec(id) = id and Spec(ψϕ) = Spec(ϕ) Spec(ψ).

This is straightforward.

Remark 5.15. One cannot get such a functor from the maximum spectrum be-cause the inverse image of a maximal ideal may not be maximal.

Proposition 5.16. Let Y := Spec(Rf ) and X := Spec(R). The spaces Y andXf are canonically homeomorphic; the basic open sets in Y correspond to the basicopen sets in X which are contained in Xf .

Proof. The ring homomorphism ϕ : R→ Rf induces a continuous map

Spec(ϕ) : Spec(Rf )→ Spec(R).

We know from Proposition 1.30 that this map takes the primes of Rf to the primesof R which do not contain f . In other words, there is a continuous bijection

(5.3) Spec(ϕ) : Y → Xf .

In fact, this is a homeomorphism, and moreover the image (forward or inverse) ofa basic open set is again a basic open set: A prime P in X does not contain fg iffthe extension of P in Y does not contain g/1 (or fg/1). �

Proposition 5.17. If ϕ : R → S is surjective, then Spec(ϕ) is a homeomorphismof Spec(S) onto the closed subset V(ker(ϕ)) of Spec(R).

Alternatively, if I is an ideal in R, then the canonical projection R ։ R/Iinduces a homeomorphism of Spec(R/I) onto the closed subset V(I) of Spec(R).

Proof. It follows from Proposition 1.5 that there is a bijection

Spec(ϕ) : Spec(S)→ V(ker(ϕ)).

If one puts the inclusion order on prime ideals, then it is clear that this map is aposet isomorphism. Since the closed sets in the topology of the prime spectrumare upper sets in the poset of prime ideals, it follows that the above map is ahomeomorphism. �

Proposition 5.18. If ϕ : R → S is injective, then Spec(ϕ)(Spec(S)) is densein Spec(R). More precisely, Spec(ϕ)(Spec(S)) is dense in Spec(R) iff ker(ϕ) iscontained in the nilradical of R.

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Proof. Let Y = Spec(ϕ)(Spec(S)). Recall that the nilradical consists of allnilpotent elements. Observe that:

Y is dense in Spec(R) iff Y meets every nonempty basic open set iff Y meetsXf whenever f is not nilpotent.

Forward implication. Suppose f is not nilpotent. Then Y meets Xf . Thus,there is a prime Q of S such that the prime ϕ−1(Q) does not contain f . So Q doesnot contain ϕ(f). This implies that ϕ(f) 6= 0.

Backward implication. Suppose f is not nilpotent. Then ϕ(f) is also notnilpotent. (Suppose ϕ(f)n = 0. Then fn ker(ϕ). So fn and hence f is nilpotent.)So there is a prime Q of S which does not contain ϕ(f). Hence the prime ϕ−1(Q) ∈Y does not contain f . Thus Y meets Xf as required. �

5.1.5. Boolean rings. A ring R is Boolean if x2 = x for all x ∈ R.Proposition 5.19. Let R be a Boolean ring. Then

(1) 2x = 0 for all x ∈ R.(2) Every prime ideal P is maximal, and R/P is a field with two elements.(3) Every finitely generated ideal in R is principal.

Proof. Exercise. �

Let L be a Boolean lattice. Define addition and multiplication in L by

a+ b := (a ∧ b) ∨ (a ∧ b) and ab = a ∧ b.This turns L into a Boolean ring. Conversely, starting from a Boolean ring R,define a partial order on R: a ≤ b if a = ab. This turns R into a Boolean lattice.

These constructions are inverse to each other. So there is a correspondencebetween isomorphism classes of Boolean rings and Boolean lattices.

Proposition 5.20. Let R be a Boolean ring and let X = Spec(R). Then

(1) For each f ∈ R, the set Xf is both open and closed in X.(2) Given f1, . . . , fn ∈ R, there exists f ∈ R such that Xf1 ∪ · · · ∪Xfn = Xf .(3) The sets Xf are the only subsets of X which are both open and closed.

Proof. Exercise. �

As a consequence:

Theorem 5.21. Every Boolean lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of open-and-closed subsets of some compact Hausdorff topological space.

This is known as Stone’s theorem.

5.1.6. Problems.

(1) What are the irreducible components of a Hausdorff space?A subset of a Hausdorff space is irreducible iff it is a singleton. So

each point is a component by itself: Suppose a subset Y has two distinctpoints, say x and y. There are open neighborhoods Ux and Uy which donot meet. Their complements in Y are nonempty proper closed sets in Yand their union is Y . So Y is not irreducible.

(2) Let R be a ring. Show that the following are equivalent.(a) Every prime ideal in R is maximal.(b) Spec(R) is a T1-space, that is, points are closed.

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(c) Spec(R) is Hausdorff.(a) ⇐⇒ (b). Use the observation: A point P of Spec(R) is closed iff

P is a maximal ideal.(c) =⇒ (b). A Hausdorff space is always T1.(b) =⇒ (c). This requires some argument. Incomplete.If these conditions are satisfied, then show that Spec(R) is quasi-

compact and totally disconnected, that is, the only connected subsets aresingletons.

Spec(R) is quasi-compact for any ring R. For totally disconnected,we need to show that every point is also an open set. Incomplete.

(3) Let ϕ : R → S be a ring homomorphism, and Spec(ϕ) : Spec(S) →Spec(R) be the induced map. Show that:(a) Every prime ideal of R is a contracted ideal iff Spec(ϕ) is surjective.

Forward implication. Let P be a prime ideal of R. Since P is con-tracted, P = ϕ−1(I) for some ideal I of S. Let D := ϕ(R \P ). ThenD is a multiplicative subset of S which does not meet I. By an earlierexercise, there will exist a prime ideal Q of S containing I which doesnot meet S. Then clearly, ϕ−1(Q) = P . Thus Spec(ϕ) is surjective.Backward implication. Suppose Spec(ϕ) is surjective. Then everyprime ideal P of R is of the form ϕ−1(Q) for some prime ideal Q ofS, and hence contracted.

(b) If every prime ideal of S is an extended ideal, then Spec(ϕ) is injec-tive.Suppose Q1 and Q2 are prime ideals of S which are extended andsuch that ϕ−1(Q1) = ϕ−1(Q2) =: P . Then the extension of P mustequal Q1 as well as Q2. Thus Q1 = Q2.

Is the converse of (b) true?No. Consider the ring homomorphism

ϕ : C[x]→ C[x], x 7→ x2.

Then Spec(ϕ) = id, and in particular injective. But none of the primeideals except (0) are extended.

(4) Let R be a ring and P be a prime ideal of R. The map R→ RP inducesa map Spec(RP ) → Spec(R). Show that the image of this map is theintersection of all the open neighborhoods of P in Spec(R).

Observe that: The image of this map is the set of all prime idealscontained in P . Let A denote the intersection of all the open neighbor-hoods of P in Spec(R). Suppose Q is a prime ideal contained in P . Thenthe closure of Q contains P , so Q belongs to every open neighborhoodof P . So Q ∈ A. Now suppose Q is a prime ideal not contained in P .Then P belongs to the complement of the closure of Q (which is an openneighborhood of P ). So Q 6∈ A.

(5) If R is a Noetherian ring, then Spec(R) is a Noetherian space.Suppose X1 ⊇ X2 ⊇ . . . is a descending chain of closed sets in

Spec(R). Let Ij be the ideal obtained by intersecting all the primes inXj . Thus I1 ⊆ I2 ⊆ . . . is an ascending chain of ideals in R. Since Ris Noetherian, this chain stabilizes. Since Xj = V(Ij), it follows that thechain of closed sets also stabilizes.

Is the converse true?

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No. Take R = C[x1, x2, . . . ]/(x21, x

22, . . . ). This ring has only one

prime ideal, namely (x1, x2, . . . ) (which is also the nilradical of R). SoSpec(R) is Noetherian. But R is not Noetherian because the nilradical isnot finitely generated.

(6) Let R be a ring such that Spec(R) is a Noetherian space. Show that theset of prime ideals of R satisfies the ascending chain condition.

Let P1 ⊆ P2 ⊆ . . . be an ascending chain of prime ideals in R. ThenV(P1) ⊆ V(P2) ⊆ . . . is a descending chain of closed sets in Spec(R).Since Spec(R) is Noetherian, this chain stablizes. Since I(V(P )) = P forany prime, the original chain also stabilizes. [This argument shows thatthe result is also true for radical ideals.]

Is the converse true?Let R be a Boolean ring. Then every prime ideal in R is maximal.

Hence R satisfies the ascending chain condition on prime ideals. HoweverSpec(R) may not be Noetherian. For example, let R =


i=1 Z2, and letIj be the product of the first j copies of Z2. Then I1 ⊆ I2 ⊆ . . . is anascending chain of ideals in R which does not stabilize.

(7) Let R =∏n

i=1Ri be the direct product of the rings Ri. Show that Spec(R)is the disjoint union of open (and closed) subsets Xi where Xi is canoni-cally homeomorphic with Spec(Ri).

Any prime ideal in R is of the form∏n

i=1Ai, where for one i, Ai isa prime ideal in Ri and for all other i, Ai = Ri. Let Xj be the set ofthose prime ideal where Ai = Ri for all i 6= j. Then each Xj is a closedsubset: take the ideal for which Ai = 0. Since the Xj ’s are disjoint, thisdecomposes the space as a disjoint union of closed sets.

Let R be any ring. Show that the following are equivalent.(a) R ∼= R1 ×R2 where neither of the rings R1, R2 is the zero ring.(b) R contains an idempotent which is not 0 or 1.(c) X = Spec(R) is disconnected.

(a) ⇐⇒ (b). Supppse R ∼= R1×R2, and neither R1 nor R2 is ). Then(1, 0) and (0, 1) are idempotents in R which are not 0 or 1. Conversely,suppose e is an idempotent which is not 0 or 1. Then so is 1 − e, andR ∼= eR× (1− e)R.

(a) =⇒ (c). Done above.(c) =⇒ (b). Suppose Spec(R) is disconnected. Then there exist

proper ideals I ′ and J ′ such that V(I ′) and V(J ′) decompose Spec(R).This implies that I ′ + J ′ = R and I ′J ′ is contained in the nilradical of R.So there exist e′ and f ′ such that e′ + f ′ = 1 and (e′f ′)n = 0 for somen > 0. Put I be the ideal generated by (e′)n and J be the ideal generatedby (f ′)n. Then clearly IJ = 0. Also I + J = 1. (This can be seen byexpanding (e′ + f ′)2n = 1.) So there exist e ∈ I and f ∈ J such thate+ f = 1 and ef = 0. So both e and f are idempotents which are not 0or 1.

In particular, the spectrum of a local ring is always connected (since0 and 1 are the only idempotents in it).

(8) Let A be any set with the discrete topology. When is A equal to Spec(R)for some ring R.

(9) For what rings R is maxSpec(R) dense in Spec(R)?

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Yes, if R is fg C-algebra. See Mumford Lemma 2, page 90.(10) Give an example of a ring with infinitely many minimal primes.

Take an infinite direct product.

5.2. The category of affine schemes

In this section we begin by defining an affine scheme. The main step is toconstruct a sheaf of rings on the prime spectrum of a ring. A sheaf of rings is alsocalled a ringed space but we do not use that terminology.

Next we define morphisms between affine schemes, the key being the notion of alocal ring homomorphism. This yields the category of affine schemes. We then showthat this category is contravariantly equivalent to the category of rings. This shouldbe viewed as an extension of the contravariant equivalence between the categoriesof affine varieties and finitely generated reduced commutative C-algebras.

You may also want to look at [14, Propositions 2.2 and 2.3].

5.2.1. The structure sheaf of a ring. For any f ∈ R, let Rf denote the ring offractions of R wrt the multiplicative set {fn}n≥0.

Suppose f, g ∈ R such that Xg ⊆ Xf . Then by Proposition 5.10, part (4),gk = rf for some r ∈ R and some power k. Define

ρfg : Rf → Rg


fn7→ xrn


One can check that this is a well-defined ring homomorphism (independent of theparticular choice of r and k). A special case worth pointing out is:

Rf → Rfg


fn7→ xgn


One may check that

(5.4) ρff = id and ρfh = ρghρfg,

for any f, g, h ∈ R such that Xh ⊆ Xg ⊆ Xf .

We first construct a B-presheaf of rings on X := Spec(R). Let B be the set ofall basic open sets in X. By general principles, it suffices to construct a B-sheaf onX. This is done as follows.

For each basic open set U , pick a f ∈ R such that U = Xf . For U = X, thecanonical choice is 1 (though any unit will work), and for U = ∅, the canonicalchoice is 0 (though any nilpotent will work). Put

OX(Xf ) := Rf .

Note that OX(X) = R, and OX(∅) = 0. In view of (5.4), this yields a B-presheafon X.

Remark 5.22. The identities (5.4) show that the particular choice of f for a basicopen set is not crucial: If Xf = Xg, then the maps ρfg and ρgf are inverses ofeach other and hence Rf and Rg are canonically isomorphic as rings. To avoidnotational inconvenience, it is customary to treat this isomorphism as an identity.

Remark 5.23. The B-presheaves associated to a ring R and to its ring of fractionsRf are closely related. The map (5.3) induces an isomorphism of B-presheaves,that is, the B-presheaf on Y is isomorphic to the restriction of the B-presheaf onX to Xf .

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Proposition 5.24. Suppose {fi} generates the unit ideal R. Then the set {fki

i }also generates the unit ideal R, for any choice of powers ki.

Proof. The set {fi} generates the unit ideal R iff No prime contains all thefi’s. Now note that a prime contains f iff it contains fn for some n. The resultfollows. �

Proposition 5.25. Suppose {fi} is a finite set which generates the unit ideal R,or equivalently, suppose {Xfi} is a finite cover of X := Spec(R). Then:

(1) If g, h ∈ R become equal in each Rfi , then g = h.(2) If for each i, there is a gi ∈ Rfi such that for each pair (i, j), the images

of gi and gj in Rfifj are equal, then there is an element g ∈ R whoseimage in Rfi is gi for all i.

What do these statements say for R = Z? To appreciate the proof, we shouldlook at a ring which is not an integral domain.

Proof. For (1). Suppose g, h ∈ R become equal in Rfi . Then fki

i (g − h) = 0

for some power ki. Note that Xfi = Xfkii

. So the fki

i ’s generate the unit ideal. It

follows that g − h = 0.For (2). Since there are only finitely many fi’s, there exists a N large enough

and xi ∈ R such that gi is represented by xi/fNi and

xifNj = xjf


for all i and j. Since the fNi generate the unit ideal, we may write

1 =∑



with ri ∈ R. We claim that

g :=∑



is the required element. This follows from the following steps. For each j,

fNj g =∑


rifNj xi =


rifNi xj = xj .

So the image of g in Rfj is gj as required. �

A generalization of this result is stated below.

Proposition 5.26. Suppose rad ((fi)i) = rad ((f)) for some fi, f ∈ R. In otherwords, the radical ideal generated by the fi’s (there could be infinitely many of them)equals the radical of f . Equivalently: Let X := Spec(R) and suppose that Xf has acovering {Xfi} for some choice of fi’s. (There could be infinitely many of them.)Then:

(1) If g, h ∈ Rf become equal in each Rfi , then g = h.(2) If for each i, there is a gi ∈ Rfi such that for each pair (i, j), the images

of gi and gj in Rfifj are equal, then there is an element g ∈ Rf whoseimage in Rfi is gi for all i.

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Proof. The case when the cover is finite and f = 1, Rf = R and Xf = Xis Proposition 5.25. The general case with the cover still finite follows by applyingRemark 5.23 to the first case.

Now suppose the cover is infinite. Part (1) presents no problem. So let us lookat part (2). By Proposition 5.12, Xf is quasi-compact. So pick a finite subcover{Xfj} and apply the finite case to get a g ∈ R whose image in Rfj is gj . Let Xfi

be any basic open set in the given cover. Then {Xfi ∩Xfj}, as j varies, is a finitecover of Xfi . Let g

′i be the image of g in Rfi . The images of g′i and gi are equal in

Rfifj for all j. So by part (1) of the finite case, g′i = gi. �

This result shows thatOX is a B-sheaf onX. By general principles, this extendsuniquely to a sheaf on X. This is called the structure sheaf of X, or the sheaf ofregular functions on X.

Proposition 5.27. Let R be a ring and let X := Spec(R), and let f ∈ R. Then(Xf ,OX |Xf

) is isomorphic to Spec(Rf ) as sheaves of rings.

Definition 5.28. An affine scheme is a sheaf of rings (X,OX) associated to somering R as explained above.

Note that R can be recovered from the affine scheme as its ring of globalfunctions.

Proposition 5.29. Let X be the affine scheme associated to a ring R. Then thestalk of its structure sheaf at a point P is the localization of R at the prime P :

OX,P = RP .

In particular, each stalk is a local ring.

Proof. To compute the stalk, we can take colimit over all basic open sets Xf

which contain P . Note that for any f which does not belong to P (or equivalently,for which Xf contains P ), there is a ring homomorphism Rf → RP , and thesehomomorphisms commute with the restriction maps ρfg. This shows that RP is acone over the Rf ’s. Its universality follows from the following two observations.

• Every element of RP is the image of some Rf → RP .• If x ∈ Rf and y ∈ Rg become equal in RP , then h(x− y) = 0 for some h

not in P , and so x and y become equal in Rfgh.

5.2.2. Morphisms between affine schemes. Let X := Spec(R). The stalkOX,P = RP at any point P is a local ring. Let κ(P ) denote its residue field. Thus,we have a field associated to each point of an affine scheme.

Suppose U is an open set in X, Then there are ring homomorphisms

OX(U)→ OX,P → κ(P ).

An element g ∈ OX(U) can be viewed as a “function” on U , its value at P , denotedg(P ) being the image of g in κ(P ). This is not a function in the usual sensebecause the residue field changes as the point changes. We say that g vanishes atP if g(P ) = 0, or equivalently, if the image of g lies in the unique maximal ideal ofthe stalk at P . Suppose U := Xf is a basic open set. Then g vanishes at P ∈ Xf

iff whenever one writes g = x/fn then x ∈ P .

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Definition 5.30. A morphism X → Y between affine schemes is a pair (ϕ,ϕ#)where ϕ : X → Y is a continuous map on the underlying topological spaces,

ϕ# : OY → ϕ∗OX

is a morphism of sheaves on Y , and whenever ϕ(P ) = Q, the induced map


is a local ring homomorphism. This defines the category of affine schemes whichwe denote by AffScheme.

We refer to the condition on the stalks as the local condition. It may berephrased in more geometric terms as follows.

Given an open set V in Y , a section g ∈ OY (V ), a point Q ∈ V , and a pointP ∈ ϕ−1(V ) such that ϕ(P ) = Q,

• g vanishes at the point Q iff ϕ#(g) vanishes at the point P .

Note that this condition holds if it holds for each basic open set V .If the local condition holds, then one can even say that the values g(Q) and

ϕ#(g)(P ) are equal, since one residue field is an extension of the other. However,without the local condition, one cannot make any such statement.

5.2.3. Equivalence with the category of rings. Suppose α : S → R is a ringhomomorphism. Set Y := Spec(S), X := Spec(R) and ϕ := Spec(α). Then wehave seen that ϕ : X → Y is a continuous map, and ϕ−1(Yf ) = Xα(f). Note thatα induces a ring homomorphism

Sf → Rα(f).

This follows from Proposition 1.26. This defines a morphism ϕ# : OX → ϕ∗OY

of B-sheaves and hence of sheaves. The discussion in Example 1.34 shows thatthe local condition holds. Hence (ϕ,ϕ#) is a morphism of affine schemes. [Thelocal condition may also be verified as follows: Suppose ϕ(P ) = Q, or equivalently,α−1(P ) = Q. Let Q ∈ Yf and P ∈ Xα(f). Suppose g ∈ Sf . Write g = x/fn and

ϕ#(g) = α(x)/α(f)n. Clearly x ∈ Q iff α(x) ∈ P .]This yields a contravariant functor

(5.5) Spec : Ring→ AffScheme

In the other direction, suppose (ϕ,ϕ#) is a morphism of affine schemes X → Y .Put R := OX(X) and S := OY (Y ). Then ϕ# induces a ring homomorphismα : S → R. This yields a contravariant functor

(5.6) G : AffScheme→ Ring

which we may call the functor of global sections.

Theorem 5.31. The functors (5.5) and (5.6) define a contravariant equivalencebetween the category of rings and the category of affine schemes.

Proof. Applying Spec followed by G to a ring homomorphism clearly givesthe same ring homomorphism back.

Now let us start with a morphism of affine schemes ϕ : X → Y . ApplyingG yields a ring homomorphism α : S → R, where R = OX(X) and S = OY (Y ).Any morphism of sheaves induces a ring homomorphism between correspondingstalks. This means that whenever ϕ(P ) = Q, there is a map OY,Q → OX,P . In

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5.3. EXAMPLES 79

other words, α induces a ring homomorphism SQ → RP , or equivalently α mapsthe complement of Q into the complement of P . Now the local condition says thatα maps Q into P . Combining we get α−1(P ) = Q. This shows that applying Specto α would recover ϕ. �

5.2.4. Affine varieties. Suppose R is a finitely generated reduced commutativeC-algebra. Then the entire process can be repeated with maxSpec instead of Spec.This allows a new approach to affine varieties. An affine variety is a sheaf of C-algebras obtained as maxSpec(R). This construction makes no reference to anyambient space because we do not choose generators for R. Instead we directlyconstruct the space of the affine variety as the set of maximal ideals of R.

Question 5.32. For what class of rings does the maxSpec construction work?What about Z? There is no obvious reason to believe that finitely generated reducedcommutative C-algebras is the optimal class.

Something special that happens in this construction is that the residue field atany point is the base field C. This allows us to think of sections over an open setU as C-valued functions on U . And these points of view are equivalent, meaningthat one can uniquely recover the section by knowing this C-valued function.

It is natural to ask: if R is as above, then does one get anything more byconsidering the prime spectrum of R instead of its maximal spectrum. The answeris no. Details are given in a later section.

5.2.5. Problems.

(1) Describe the initial object, terminal object, product and coproduct in thecategory Ring. Do the same for the category AffScheme. Check that yourresults are consistent with Theorem 5.31.

For Ring, initial object is Z, terminal object is the zero ring, product iscartesian product R×S, coproduct is tensor product R⊗S. For AffScheme,initial object is the empty set, terminal object is Spec(Z), coproduct is“disjoint union” of affine schemes.

(2) Problems 18 to 30 in [4, Chapter 3] contain useful information about affineschemes.

5.3. Examples

Example 5.33. Let R := k be any field. Then X = Spec(R) consists of one point.The only sheaf data is the ring of global sections which is k. This is affine spaceA0.

If R = kn, then Spec(R) consists of n points with the discrete topology. Thering of sections over an open set U is ki, where i is the number of elements in U .In particular, the stalk at each point is k.

Example 5.34. Let us consider the ring Z. It is an initial object in the categoryof rings. Note that

maxSpec(Z) = {(2), (3), (5), (7), . . . }.All points (singletons) are closed. More generally, the closed sets in maxSpec(Z)are finite subsets and the entire space.

The prime spectrum has an additional point:

Spec(Z) = {(0), (2), (3), (5), (7), . . . }.

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The point (0) is not closed. In fact, note that its closure is the entire space; so it isdense. So we say that (0) is a generic point of Spec(Z). The closed sets in Spec(Z)are finite subsets not containing (0) and the entire space.

Every open set in X := Spec(Z) is basic and can be written as Xf wheref = p1 . . . pn is a product of distinct primes. The ring associated to Xf is Rf . Itconsists of all rationals whose denominators are powers of f . This is same as theset of rationals whose denominators are divisible by f .

The residue field at the prime (p) is Z/pZ, the field with p elements, and theresidue field at the prime (0) is Q. Now take for example, the regular function12 ∈ Z. Then its value at (5) is 2 ∈ Z/5Z. In other words, to find the value of aninteger at the prime (p), we reduce it mod p.

Many examples admit a similar analysis to the one given above for Z. A possiblegeneral framework is: In any Dedekind domain, a prime ideal is either maximal or(0). So the prime spectrum is the set of closed points plus a generic point. Theclosed sets of this topology are finite subsets of maximal ideals (this includes theempty set) and the entire space.

We briefly sketch another example of this kind.

Example 5.35. For the ring C[x], the maximal spectrum

maxSpec(C[x]) = {(x− α) | α ∈ C}.The closed sets are all finite subsets and the entire space. Thus maxSpec(C[x]) isisomorphic to A1 (something we already know).

The prime spectrum

Spec(C[x]) = {(x− α) | α ∈ C} ∪ {(0)}.The point (0) is a generic point. The closed sets are all finite subsets not containing(0) and the entire space.

Example 5.36. Let p be a prime number and let R := Z(p), the localization of Zat the prime ideal (p). Observe that R is a local ring: (p)R is the unique maximalideal. It consists of fractions whose denominators are not divisible by p. Thereis only one other prime ideal in R, namely (0). So X = Spec(R) consists of twopoints. The open sets are

∅ ⊂ U := {(0)} ⊂ {(0), (p)} = X.

All of them are basic open sets, since U = Xp. The sheaf OX is as follows:OX(∅) = 0 (the zero ring), OX(X) = R and OX(U) = Q, the field of rationals.The restriction map from the first to the second is the canonical inclusion.

The same analysis works for any discrete valuation ring. For example, takeR := k[x](x).

Example 5.37. For the ring R = C[x, y], the maximal spectrum is isomorphic toA2. The additional prime ideals in R are those generated by irreducible polynomialsf(x, y) and (0). So one can imagine the prime spectrum as the affine plane to whichone adds a generic point (corresponding to (0)), and for each irreducible curve, oneadds a point generic in that curve but not sticking out of it.

Example 5.38. Consider the ring R = C[x]/(x2). As a set, this can expressed as

{a+ bx | a, b ∈ C}.

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5.3. EXAMPLES 81

Addition is as usual; multiplication is as for usual polynomials with the under-standing that the resulting x2-term is ignored. It follows that as a C-algebra, R is2-dimensional.

The maximal as well as the prime spectrum of R is a singleton consisting ofthe nilradical P := (x). The residue field at P is C. The value of a+ bx ∈ R at Pis a. Thus elements of R contain more information than their values in the residuefield. In particular, x has value 0 at P , yet it is not zero.

Example 5.39. Consider the ring R = C[x, y]/(x2). As a set, this can expressedas

{a(y) + b(y)x | a(y), b(y) ∈ C[y]}.Addition and multiplication works as in the previous example. From this descrip-tion, one may deduce that (x) is the nilradical of R. It consists of precisely thoseelements for which there is no a(y)-term.

To understand the spectrum of R, one may work with this explicit description,or use the surjective homomorphism

ϕ : C[x, y]/(x2) ։ C[y], x 7→ 0, y 7→ y.

The kernel of this map is precisely the nilradical (x). Applying Proposition 1.5, wededuce that

maxSpec(C[x, y]/(x2)) = {ϕ−1(M) |M maximal in C[y]}.And further this is homeomorphic to maxSpec(C[y]) ∼= A1, the affine line. Similarly,

Spec(C[x, y]/(x2)) = {ϕ−1(P ) | P prime in C[y]}.is homeomorphic to Spec(C[y]).

Example 5.40. Let S = Z(2) and R = Q. Let X = Spec(R) and Y = Spec(S).Then X is a singleton and Y is a doubleton. Define ϕ : X → Y to be the Zariskicontinuous map which sends the ideal (0) of R to the maximal ideal (2) of S. Defineϕ# : OY → ϕ∗(OX) as follows. OY (Y ) → OX(X) is the inclusion map S → R,and for all other open sets U in Y , the map on the sections is zero. One may checkthat (ϕ,ϕ#) is a morphism of sheaves but it does not satisfy the local condition.

Note that the morphism induced from the inclusion S → R would send (0) to(0).

5.3.1. Problems.

(1) Describe Spec(Z/(3)), Spec(Z/(6)), Spec(R), Spec(R[x]), Spec(Z[x]).The prime ideals of R[x] and Z[x] have been described in an earlier

exercise.(2) Fix a complex number t ∈ C. Describe the prime spectrum of

R =C[x, y]

(x(x− t)) .

How does it vary with t? What happens at t approaches 0?Suppose t 6= 0. Then (x) and (x − t) are ideals of C[x, y] with the

property that (x) + (x− t) = 1 and (x) ∩ (x− t) = (0). So

R∼=−−→ C[x, y]

(x)× C[x, y]

(x− t)∼=−−→ C[y]× C[y].

So Spec(R) is the disjoint union of two copies of Spec(C[y]).

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Now suppose t = 0. Then Spec(R) is only one copy of Spec(C[y]) asexplained in the example.

(3) Describe the points, the sheaf of functions, the stalks, the residue fields,of each of the following affine schemes.(a) Spec k[x], where k is a field,(b) X1 = SpecC[x]/(x2),(c) X2 = SpecC[x]/(x2 − x),(d) X3 = SpecC[x]/(x3 − x2),(e) SpecR[x]/(x2 + 1).For part (a): If k is the field with p elements, how many points are therewith a given residue field? How does the topological space of SpecR[x]compare to the sets R and C?

The schemes X1 = SpecC[x]/(x2), X2 = SpecC[x]/(x2 − x) andX3 = SpecC[x]/(x3 − x2) may all be viewed as closed subschemes ofSpecC[x]. Show thatX1 andX2 are closed subschemes ofX3, but no otherinclusions hold, even though the underlying sets of X2 and X3 coincideand the underlying set of X1 is contained in the underlying set of X2.

(b), (c) and (d) are schemes over C. Describe their automorphismgroups in the category of schemes over C. Do the same for (a) and (e) inthe category of schemes over k and R.

5.4. Fiber product of affine schemes

5.4.1. Coproducts in the category of rings. Consider the category Ring. Theinitial object is Z. The coproduct of S and T is S⊗T . [Take the tensor product of Sand T as abelian groups, and define the multiplication by (s⊗ t)(s′⊗ t′) = ss′⊗ tt′.]There is a nice framework to understand this result, see Corollary E.18 and thepreceding discussion.

Now fix a ring R, and consider the category of commutative R-algebras. Sup-pose S and T are commutative R-algebras. Then their coproduct is S ⊗R T . Werecover the previous case by setting R = Z.

• For any commutative R-algebra S, we have R⊗R S = S ⊗R R = S.• If S and T are commutative R-algebras and I is an ideal in S, then

(S/I)⊗R T = (S ⊗R T )/(I ⊗ 1)(S ⊗R T ).

If particular, (R/I)⊗R S = S/IS.

The following is an important characterization of commutative R-algebras.

Proposition 5.41. Let R be a ring. A commutative R-algebra is a ring S equippedwith a ring homomorphism R→ S. In particular, a commutative Z-algebra is sameas a ring.

A morphism of commutative R-algebras is a ring homomorphism S → T whichcommutes with the given homomorphisms from R.

Many authors take this as a definition, see [9, pg 323] or [4, page 30]. I believethis is also true if we drop commutative. Of course, we are then dealing witharbitrary rings.

Proof. Exercise. �

A reformulation is given below.

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Proposition 5.42. The category of commutative R-algebras is equivalent to R ↓Ring, the slice category of Ring under R.

It is clear that a coproduct in the slice category R ↓ Ring is the same as apushout in Ring. Hence, by the above equivalence, the pushout in Ring is given bythe tensor product. Let us spell this out.

For any ring homomorphisms R → S and R → T , there is a commutativediagram


R //




T // S ⊗R T

such that S ⊗R T is universal wrt such diagrams.

5.4.2. Products in the category of affine schemes.

Definition 5.43. Let X be a fixed affine scheme. An affine scheme over X is anaffine scheme Y together with a morphism Y → X.

Let Y and Z be affine schemes over X. A X-morphism between Y and Z is amorphism Y → Z of affine schemes which commutes with the morphisms to X.

This defines AffScheme(X), the category of affine schemes over X. Observethat

AffScheme(X) ∼= AffScheme ↓ X,the slice category over X.

If X = Spec(R), we also write AffScheme(R) instead and refer to this as thecategory of affine schemes over R.

Theorem 5.44. The category of affine schemes over R is contravariantly equivalentto the category of commutative R-algebras.

AffScheme(R) ∼= (AlgcoR )op

Setting R = Z recovers Theorem 5.31.

Proof. If two categories are equivalent, then so are their corresponding slicecategories. So we deduce from Theorem 5.31 that AffScheme ↓ X and R ↓ Ring arecontravariantly equivalent, with X = Spec(R). Now apply Proposition 5.42. �

The pushout diagram (5.7) translates to the pullback diagram:

Spec(S ⊗R T ) //




Spec(T ) // Spec(R).

We rewrite it as follows.


Y ×X Z //




Z // X.

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Here X, Y and Z are affine schemes, and Y ×X Z is the pullback. It is usuallycalled the fiber product of Y and Z over X. This is the product in the category ofaffine schemes over X.

5.5. The functor of points

We apply the ideas related to the Yoneda embedding (Appendix F) to thecategory of affine schemes.

5.5.1. The functor of points. Consider the Yoneda embedding

(5.9) AffScheme→ SetAffSchemeop , X 7→ hX


hX(Y ) := AffScheme(Y,X).

This is called the set of Y -valued points of X. Thus a Y -valued point of X is simplya morphism Y → X of affine schemes.

If Y = Spec(R), then it is customary to write hX(R) and call it the set ofR-valued points of X.

One may also fix an affine scheme X and consider the Yoneda embedding forthe slice category AffScheme(X) of affine schemes over X. A Y -valued point of Zwould be a commutative diagram

Y //





The Yoneda embedding

AffScheme→ SetRing

is fully faithful and preserves products (Lemma F.2). The first statement impliesthat a affine scheme is determined by its R-points, as R varies over all rings. Thesecond statement implies that the set of Y -valued points of the fiber productX1×X2

is the cartesian product of the sets of Y -valued points of X1 and X2. In contrast,the underlying set of a fiber product X1×X2 is in general not the cartesian productof the underlying sets of X1 and X2.

This and similar features make it convenient to think of a affine scheme interms of its R-points. Analogous to thinking of a random variable in terms of itsdistribution.

Definition 5.45. A functor Ring→ Set is representable if it is of the form hX forsome affine scheme X.

There are criteria to determine when a functor of this kind is representable.

5.5.2. Solving equations. Suppose f1, . . . , fk are polynomials in n variables withcoefficients in some ring R. What geometric object should one associate to thisdata?

The naive answer is: The affine variety consisting of solutions of the equationsfi = 0. Do we lose information in this passage from equations to the affine variety?

• No, if R is an algebraically closed field such as C, and the ideal (f1, . . . , fk)is a radical ideal. (By the Nullstellensatz, the vanishing ideal of the affinevariety is precisely this radical ideal.)

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• Yes, in general. You can imagine an extreme situation in which the equa-tions have no solution.

A possibly correct answer is: The affine scheme X = Spec(S) where

(5.10) S = R[x1, . . . , xn]/(f1, . . . , fk).

How does the affine scheme X relate to the solutions of the equations fi = 0?Observe that a tuple (a1, . . . , an) of elements ai ∈ R solves these equations iff themap S → R which sends xi to ai is a R-algebra homomorphism. In other words,the solutions correspond to the R-valued points of X.

More generally, instead of solving the equations over R we may solve them overany other R-algebra T . Such a solution corresponds to a R-algebra homomorphismS → T . In other words, the solutions over T correspond to the T -valued points ofX.

In conjunction with the Yoneda embedding, we can now improve our naiveanswer.

• In general, there is loss of information if we only consider the affine varietyover R which is the set of solutions over R. However, there is no loss ofinformation if we consider solutions over every R-algebra (R being one ofthem).

Theorem 5.46. Let F : AlgcoR → Set be any functor. If the elements of F(A) arethe solutions over A of some family of equations (defined over R), then there is aR-algebra S such that F is isomorphic to hS, where hS(T ) = AlgcoR (S, T ).

The algebra S is defined by (5.10). Also note that in this result, we do notneed to assume that the number of variables or the number of equations is finite.

Example 5.47. Consider

S = Z[xij ]/(det(xij)− 1)

Then the set of R-points of X = Spec(S) is SL(n,R), the special linear group withentries in the ring R. Note that the set of R-points of X has the structure of agroup for each R, and these group structures are compatible: A ring homomorphismR → R′ induces a group homomorphism SL(n,R) → SL(n,R′). In other words,hX defines a functor Ring → Group. Due to this feature, one says that X is anaffine group scheme. This can also be said more directly: An affine group schemeis a group object in the category of affine schemes. Nevertheless, it is convenientto think of X as a functor of points.

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6.1. Preschemes

Definition 6.1. A prescheme X is a topological space, equipped with a sheaf OX

of rings, such that X is the union of finitely many subsets Ui each isomorphic toan affine scheme.

The precise meaning of isomorphic is as follows. For each i, there is an affinescheme Yi (with its structure sheaf OYi

), and an isomorphism (Ui,OUi)→ (Yi,OYi

)of sheaves. Here OUi

is the restriction of the sheaf OX to the open set Ui.

We do not require a prescheme to be Noetherian since even an affine schememay not be Noetherian.

A morphism between preschemes is defined exactly as in Definition 5.30: Thestalk at any point of a prescheme is a local ring, so the local condition makes sense.This defines the category of preschemes denoted Prescheme.

Definition 6.2. Let Z be a fixed prescheme. A prescheme over Z is a preschemeX together with a morphism X → Z.

Let X and Y be preschemes over Z. A Z-morphism between X and Y is amorphism X → Y of preschemes which commutes with the morphisms to Z.

This defines the category of preschemes over Z which we denote by Prescheme(Z).

If R is a ring, then we also write Prescheme(R) for the category of preschemesover Spec(R). The same notation will be used for affine schemes. So AffScheme(R)is the category of affine schemes over Spec(R). This is contravariantly equivalent tothe category whose object is a ring S equipped with a ring homomorphism R→ S.In particular, note that AffScheme(C) is contravariantly equivalent to the categoryof commutative C-algebras.

6.1.1. Open preschemes. Any open set U in a preschemeX is again a prescheme:The sheaf on U is the restriction of the sheaf on X. To see that this is a prescheme,cover X by affine open sets. Intersecting these with U gives an open cover forU . Each open set in this cover is an open set in an affine scheme. So it can becovered by basic open sets and a basic open set is isomorphic to an affine schemeby Proposition 5.27.

6.1.2. The gluing construction. Let X1 and X2 be sheaves, and let U1 ⊆ X1

and U2 ⊆ X2 be open subsets, and let ϕ : U1 → U2 be an isomorphism of sheaves.(The sheaves have been suppressed in the notation, and only the underlying topo-logical spaces are being written.) Then define a sheaf X obtained by gluing X1 andX2 along U1 and U2 via the isomorphism ϕ: The topological space is the quotientof the disjoint union of X1 and X2 by the relation x1 ∼ ϕ(x1) for each xi ∈ U1


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equipped with the quotient topology. The sheaf structure is defined in the obviousmanner.

Alternatively, one may consider three sheaves U , X1 and X2, with continuousmaps i1 : U → X1 and i2 : U → X1 such that ij(U) is open in Xj and the sheaveson Uj and ij(U) (obtained by restricting the sheaf on Xj) are isomorphic. Thenthere is a sheaf X along with morphisms Xj → X such that the diagram

U� � //

� _




X2//___ X

commutes, and X is universal wrt this property. In more precise terms, X is apushout (a special kind of colimit).

The discussion above goes through if we replace “sheaf” by “prescheme”, theessential point being that if X1 and X2 are locally affine, then so is X.Simplest examples

are the Riemannsphere and the linewith doubled origin.

As a special case, one may take U1 = U2 to be the empty set. In that case, wesay that the prescheme X is the disjoint union of the preschemes X1 and X2 (sinceit is the disjoint union of the underlying topological spaces). Categorically, X isthe coproduct of X1 and X2.

The discussion above can be extended to an arbitrary number of preschemesXi. Try to think of the case when you have three preschemes to glue. Details ofthe general case are outlined in [14, Exercises 1.22 and 2.12].

Remark 6.3. It seems clear that Top is cocomplete, that is, all colimits exists:Take the disjoint union of all the topological spaces involved and then pass to aquotient space. The situation with Sheaf is expectedly more complicated. But onecan ask: what is the most general kind of colimit that exists?

6.1.3. Reduced schemes. Recall from (1.2) and (1.3): To any ring R, one canassociate the reduced ring R(R) := R/N , where N is the nilradical of R. Thisconstruction is functorial in R, and the resulting functor

R : Ring→ redRing R 7→ R/N

is the left adjoint to the inclusion functor redRing→ Ring.

Definition 6.4. A sheaf of rings (X,OX) is reduced if for every open set U ⊆ X,the ring OX(U) of sections is reduced. We say a scheme is reduced if its sheaf ofrings is reduced.

Let X be a sheaf of rings. Define R(X) to the reduced sheaf of rings which hasthe same underlying topological space as X and the sections are given by

OR(X)(U) := R(OX(U)).

Given a morphismX → Y of sheaves, there is an induced morphismR(X)→ R(Y ).Thus we have a functor

R : SheafRing → SheafredRing,

the latter being the category of reduced sheaves.We note that there is a natural map R(X) → X defined by the canonical

projection OX(U) → R(OX(U)). If X → Y is a morphism of sheaves and X is

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reduced, then there is a unique morphism X → R(Y ) such that the diagram


R(Y )


Xoo_ _ _


commutes. Equivalently, there is a natural bijection

SheafRing(X,Y )→ SheafredRing(X,R(Y )).

This says that the functorR is the right adjoint to the inclusion functor SheafredRing →SheafRing.

Proposition 6.5. Let (X,OX) be a sheaf of rings. Then (X,OX) is reduced iff allstalks OX,x are reduced.

In particular, if R is reduced, then so is Spec(R).

Proof. Suppose (X,OX) is reduced. Suppose fn = 0 for some f ∈ OX,x.Then this equation holds in some neighborhood U of x. Since OX(U) is reduced,f = 0 in U and hence in OX,x. So all stalks are reduced.

Conversely, suppose f is nilpotent in OX(U). Then it is nilpotent and hence 0in all stalks OX,x with x ∈ U . Since a section is determined by its images in thestalks, f = 0 as required. �

Proposition 6.6. For any ring R,

R(Spec(R)) = Spec(R(R)) = Spec(R/N)

where N is the nilradical of R. More precisely, the following diagram of functors

RingR //







// SheafredRing

commutes. (The vertical functors are contravariant.)

Proof. The underlying topological space of Spec(R) and Spec(R/N) are home-omorphic. The ring homomorphism R ։ R/N induces a morphism of sheavesSpec(R/N)→ Spec(R). It is an isomorphism on the underlying topological spaces,which we identify and call X. Further, Spec(R/N) is reduced, so we obtain amorphism of sheaves Spec(R(R)) → R(Spec(R)) on X. One can check that thisinduces a isomorphism on the stalks at every point of X (that is, at every primeideal of R), hence it is an isomorphism of sheaves by Proposition D.8. �

This shows that the functorR takes an affine scheme to a reduced affine scheme,from which we deduce that it takes a prescheme to a reduced prescheme. So wehave a functor

R : Prescheme→ redPrescheme,

and is the left adjoint to the inclusion functor.

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6.1.4. Closed subpreschemes. Let Y be a closed set in a topological space X. IfOX is a sheaf (of rings) on X, then it does not induce a sheaf on Y in any obviousmanner. This makes the notion of a closed subprescheme more complicated todefine. To understand it, let us start with the affine case.

Let X := Spec(R) be an affine scheme, and let I be any ideal in R. ThenY := V(I) is a closed set in X, and it is canonically homeomorphic to Spec(R/I).This homeomorphism can be used to turn Y into an affine scheme.

A closed subprescheme of an affine scheme X is a sheaf on a closed set of Ywhich is isomorphic to Spec(R/I) for some ideal I of R with Y = V(I).

Remark 6.7. In general, there will be many closed subprescheme structures onthe same closed set: The vanishing set of two ideals is the same iff they have thesame radical.

What is not clear is whether two such distinct ideals will always yield distinctclosed subpreschemes.

Example 6.8. Let R = Z. Let In = (pn) for some fixed prime p. Let Yn bethe closed subscheme of X = Spec(Z) associated to In. Topologically, all the Ynare identical. They consist of only one point, namely (p). But they are distinctas schemes. Y1 is reduced while the rest are nonreduced. We call Yn, the nthinfinitesimal neighborhood of (p) in X.

How does one define a closed subprescheme of an arbitrary prescheme? Apossible approach is to take the quotient of the sheaf on X by “a sheaf of ideals”.However this sheaf of ideals cannot be arbitrary since after taking the quotient onemust obtain a sheaf that looks locally like Spec(R/I). Such a sheaf is called aquasi-coherent sheaf of ideals. A precise definition is given later.

Definition 6.9. A closed subprescheme of X is a prescheme (Y,OY ) where

• Y is a closed subset of X,• the inclusion map i : Y → X is a morphism of preschemes, and• the kernel of i# : OX → i∗(OY ) is a quasi-coherent sheaf of ideals in X.

An alternative definition which avoids sheaves of ideals altogether and is morein the spirit of what we did for varieties is given below.

Definition 6.10. A closed subprescheme of X is a prescheme (Y,OY ) where

• Y is a closed subset of X,• the inclusion map i : Y → X is a morphism of preschemes, and• the map i# : OX → i∗(OY ) is surjective on stalks.

Remark 6.11. The surjectivity condition on stalks is weaker than requiring thatOX(U) → OY (U ∩ Y ) is surjective for all U . It says that any “function” in thesheaf on Y can be locally extended to a “function” in the sheaf on X.

For the equivalence of the two definitions, see [19, page 106]. or [14, Corollary5.10].

6.1.5. Problems.

(1) Show that the functor Spec : Ring → Prescheme is adjoint to the globalsections functor Prescheme→ Ring. More precisely, for any ring R and aprescheme X, there is a natural bijection

Prescheme(X, Spec(R))→ Ring(R,OX(X)).

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Since the functors are contravariant, we cannot use the terms left or rightadjoint.

Deduce that Spec(Z) is a terminal object in the category of preschemes.(2) If X is a topological space and Z an irreducible closed subset of X, a

generic point for Z is a point x whose closure is Z. If X is a prescheme,show that every nonempty irreducible closed subset has a unique genericpoint.

We know this is true if X is affine. Now take an affine cover of X andpick an affine open set U which meets Z. Call the intersection Y . ThenZ is necessarily the closure of Y . Hence the (unique) generic point of Yin U is also a generic point for Z. There are no other generic points for Zin Y , and since Z \ U is a closed set, there cannot be any generic pointsfor Z outside of Y either.

6.2. Varieties and schemes

In this section, we show how an affine variety can be viewed as an affine scheme,and more generally how a prevariety can be viewed as a prescheme.

6.2.1. A functor on topological spaces. Define a functor

t : Top→ Top

as follows. Let X be a topological space, and let t(X) be the set of nonemptyirreducible closed subsets of X. Note that if Y is a closed set in X, then there is acanonical inclusion t(Y ) → t(X): The image of this map consists of those nonemptyirreducible closed subsets of X which are contained in Y . It is convenient to identifythis image with t(Y ). The closed sets of t(X) are defined to be subsets of the formt(Y ) for Y a closed subset of X. Observe that

t(Y1 ∪ Y2) = t(Y1) ∪ t(Y2) and t(∩Yi) = ∩t(Yi).(If an irreducible closed subset is contained in Y1 ∪ Y2, then it is either containedin Y1 or in Y2.) So finite union and arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed asrequired. If f : X1 → X2 is a continuous map, then define t(f) : t(X1)→ t(X2) bysending an irreducible closed subset to the closure of its image. This shows that tis a functor.

There is a bijection between the open (closed) sets of X and the open (closed)sets of t(X) as follows. To a closed set Y in X, we associate the closed set t(Y ) int(X). If t(Y1) = t(Y2), then Y1 = Y2 consists of precisely those points in X whoseclosures are elements of t(Y1) = t(Y2).

It is instructive to understand how the bijection works on open sets. If U is anopen set in X, then there is an inclusion map t(U) → t(X) which sends a nonemptyirreducible closed set Y of U to Y . All irreducible closed sets of X which meet Uhave to be of this form. Thus the image of t(U) consists precisely of irreducibleclosed sets of X which meet U , which is an open set of t(X). It is convenient toidentify this image with t(U). This is the open set of t(X) associated to U .

Remark 6.12. This is a very interesting phenomenon: X and t(X) are two topo-logical spaces which may not be homeomorphic but whose posets of open (closed)sets are isomorphic.

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The above bijection can be better understood as follows. Define a continuousmap α : X → t(X) which sends an element of X to its closure. Given any open(closed) set V of t(X), the corresponding open (closed) set of X is α−1(V ). Forany continuous map f : X1 → X2, the diagram

X1α //






X2 α// t(X2)

commutes. This says that α is a natural transformation between the identity functorand the above functor.

This leads to a functor

(6.1) t : Sheaf → Sheaf (X,OX) 7→ (t(X), α∗(OX)).

What is going on is very simple. The open sets in X and t(X) are in bijection. Soa sheaf on X induces a sheaf on t(X): the ring of sections of an open set of t(X) issame as the ring of sections of the corresponding open set of X.

6.2.2. From varieties to schemes. There is a fully faithful functor from thecategory of finitely generated reduced commutative C-algebras to the category ofcommutative C-algebras. Equivalently, there is a functor from the category of affinevarieties over C to the category of affine schemes over C.

Proposition 6.13. The following is a commutative diagram of functors.

AffVariety(C) //





// Sheaf

The vertical functors send an affine variety (scheme) to the underlying topologicalspace with its structure sheaf.

Proof. Suppose R is a finitely generated reduced commutative C-algebra.Then the affine variety associated to R is maxSpec(R) and the affine scheme as-sociated to R is Spec(R) (each with its structure sheaf). First observe that astopological spaces

t(maxSpec(R)) = Spec(R).

This is because the irreducible closed subsets of maxSpec(R) correspond to theprime ideals of R.

A maximal ideal is a closed point in Spec(R), so

α : maxSpec(R)→ Spec(R)

is just the inclusion map. We now only need to check that the structure sheafof Spec(R) is obtained by pushing forward the structure sheaf of maxSpec(R).It is enough to check this for basic open sets in Spec(R). Let f ∈ R. Thenα−1(Spec(R)f ) = maxSpec(R)f . So the basic open set associated to f in themaximal and prime spectrum correspond. The sections over this basic open set isRf in both cases, so we are done. �

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Remark 6.14. In the context of varieties, we had shown OX(Xf ) = Rf only whenX is irreducible. But I believe it holds in general. In any case, we are using it in theproof above. We did resolve OX(X) = R in general, and perhaps OX(Xf ) = Rf

can be deduced from that.

Remark 6.15. An affine scheme Spec(R) may fail to be an affine variety for threereasons. The ring R may not be

• a C-algebra. Example: Z, Z[x].• reduced. Example: C[x]/(x2).• finitely generated. Example: C[[x]], C[x](x).

The above result says that the functor (6.1) sends an affine variety to an affinescheme. We now claim further that it sends a prevariety to a prescheme (over C)).Let X be prevariety. Let {Ui} be a cover of X by affine open sets. Then {t(Ui)}is an open cover of t(X) (as explained above). Since Ui with the induced sheaf isaffine, the above result implies that t(Ui) with the pushforward sheaf is an affinescheme. Thus t(X) is covered by affine schemes as required. To summarize:

Proposition 6.16. There is a commutative diagram of functors.

Prevariety(C) //





// Sheaf

Definition 6.17. A prescheme X over R is of finite type over R if for any affineopen set U , the ring of sections OX(U) is a finitely generated R-algebra.

Proposition 6.18. Let X be a prescheme over R. If there exists a finite opencovering {Ui} of X such that OX(Ui) is a finitely generated R-algebra, then X isof finite type over R.

Theorem 6.19. The category of prevarieties is equivalent to the category of reduced(Noetherian) preschemes of finite type over C.

We have constructed a functor from the first category to the second. One needsto show that it is an equivalence; see Mumford [19, page 88] for a proof. The reasonfor writing Noetherian above is because prevarieties were defined to be Noetherian.

6.2.3. Problems.

(1) Is t(maxSpec(Z)) = Spec(Z) as topological spaces? Identify the class ofrings R for which t(maxSpec(R)) = Spec(R) as topological spaces?

R is such that every radical ideal is an intersection of maximal ideals.(2) What is t(Spec(R))? What is the functor t2 obtained by composing t with

itself? It is the same sheaf. t2 = t, so it is a monad?(3) Under what conditions is the map α : X → t(X) injective? surjective?


6.3. Fiber product in the category of preschemes

In this section, we discuss the fiber product in the category of preschemes. Weuse its existence to define the fiber of a morphism, affine spaces and projectivespaces.

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6.3.1. Fiber product of preschemes. We have seen that products and pullbacksexist in the category of affine schemes. Explicitly, if X, Y and Z are affine schemeswith morphisms Y → X and Z → X, then there is a affine scheme Y ×XZ universalwrt the diagram (5.8). This is called the fiber product of Y and Z over X.

It turns out that the fiber product exists in the category or preschemes. Thestandard way to show this is: Take affine open covers X, Y and Z such that themorphisms Y → X and Z → X take an affine open set inside an affine open set.Take the fiber product of these affine sets, and then patch them together using thegluing construction. The details are straightforward but tedious; see [14, Theorem3.3].

6.3.2. Fiber of a morphism. Let X be a prescheme. Pick any x ∈ X. There isa canonical morphism

Z := Spec(κ(x))→ X

which sends the unique point in Z to x, and on stalks is the quotient map OX,x ։

κ(x). (If x is a closed point, then this map would be an isomorphisma and Z wouldbe a closed subscheme of X.)

Definition 6.20. Let ϕ : Y → X be a morphism of preschemes. Then the fiber ofϕ over x ∈ X is defined to be the fiber product Y ×X Spec(κ(x)).

Proposition 6.21. The fiber Yx is a prescheme over Spec(κ(x)), and its underlyingtopological space is homeomorphic to the subset ϕ−1(y) of X.

Proof. We may assume that X and Y are affine, since the general case canbe deduced from this one by a gluing argument. Accordingly:

Let S be an R-algebra (with unit map ϕ : R→ S), and let P be a prime idealin R. There is a ring homomorphism

S → S ⊗R κ(P ) =: T, s 7→ s⊗ 1.

Since κ(P ) is a field, an ideal in T is necessarily of the form J ⊗ 1 for some ideal Jof S. Note that:

• PS ⊗ 1 = 0 since P acts by 0 on κ(P ).• If ϕ−1(J) strictly contains P , then J ⊗ 1 = T .

One can deduce that the prime ideals in T correspond to prime ideals in S whoseinverse image under ϕ is P . Further Spec(T ) and the subset of Spec(S) consistingof these primes (with the induced topology) are homeomorphic. �

Example 6.22. Let X = Spec(R) be an affine scheme. Consider the canonicalmorphism X → Spec(Z). Then X can be written as a disjoint union of the fibersX(p), one for each prime p, and the fiber X(0). These fibers are affine schemescorresponding to the rings

R⊗Z Z/(p) and R⊗Z Q.

This observation can be useful to figure out the prime ideals in R. For example,take R = Z[x]. Then the rings in question are

Z/(p)[x] = Z[x]⊗Z Z/(p) and Q[x] = Z[x]⊗Z Q.

The prime ideals in these rings are principal ideals generated by irreducible poly-nomials. By taking inverse images, one obtains all the prime ideals in Z[x].

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Example 6.23. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. LetR = k[x] and S = k[x, y]/(x− y2) ∼= k[y]. Let X = Spec(R) and let Y = Spec(S)).Let ϕ : Y → X be the morphism induced by the algebra homomorphism R → Swhich sends x to x = y2. (Geometrically, it sends the closed point (s2, s) to s.Draw a picture.)

Let t ∈ X be a closed point. So t = (x − a) for some a ∈ k. To compute thefiber over t in Y :

k⊗R k[y] = k[y]/(y2 − a).(x ∈ R acts by a on k and by y2 on S.)

• If a 6= 0, then the fiber product is isomorphic to k × k. Thus the fiberYt consists of two points (y − √a) and (y +

√a), where

√a denotes an

element of k whose square is a. Both points have stalk k.• If a = 0, that is t = (x), then the fiber Yt is a nonreduced one-point

prescheme with stalk k[y]/y2.

There is only one non-closed point in X. This is the generic point (0). Its residuefield is k(x). To compute the fiber over (0) in Y :

k(x)⊗R k[y].

(x ∈ R acts by x on k(x) and by y2 on S.) This ring has only one prime ideal,namely the zero ideal. So the spectrum consists of one point. The stalk is the ringitself. The residue field is its field of fractions. It is the splitting field of y2−x overk(x), and in particular a degree 2 extension of k(x).

6.3.3. Base change. Suppose we are given a ring T . If T is a R-algebra, thenwe think of R as a base ring for T . Now let S be another R-algebra. Then we saythat S ⊗R T is obtained from T by making a base extension R → S. A commoncase is when R is a field and S is some field extension of R. For example, considerthe ring R[x]. Note that C⊗R R[x] = C[x]. Extending scalars from R to C changesR[x] to C[x].

The same terminology is applied to affine schemes and to preschemes in general.For example, Spec(R[x]) is an affine scheme over R. And Spec(C[x]) is the affinescheme obtained by the base extension Spec(C)→ Spec(R).

6.3.4. Affine space. Let AnZ := Spec(Z[x1, . . . , xn]). This is called the affine

space over Spec(Z). Now let X be any prescheme. Define

AnX := An

Z ×Spec(Z) X.

(Recall that Spec(Z) is the terminal object in the category of preschemes. So anyprescheme is canonically a scheme over Z.) This is called the affine space over X.It is a prescheme over X.

If X = Spec(R) is affine, then AnX = Spec(R[x1, . . . , xn]). In this situation, the

notation AnR is also used. This is a prescheme over R. If R = C, then we recover

our earlier affine space (but keep in mind that we are now thinking of it as an affinescheme rather than an affine variety, though the two are equivalent notions in thiscontext).

Suppose k′ is a field extension of k. Then base extension transforms Ank to An

k′ .There is a morphism from the latter to the former.

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6.3.5. Projective space. Let X1 = Spec(R[z]) and X2 = Spec(R[w]) be twocopies of the affine line A1

R. Consider the open sets U1 = Spec(R[z](z)) and U2 =Spec(R[w](w)). The ring isomorphism

R[z](z) → R[w](w) z 7→ 1/w

induces an isomorphism U2 → U1 or preschemes. We get a prescheme by gluing X1

and X2 by this map. The resulting scheme is denote P1R. It is called the projective

line over R.Starting with n+1 copies of affine space, and gluing them appropriately yields

PnR. Details which are straightforward can be found in [19, page 82]. One may

check thatPnR = Pn

Z × Spec(R).

This leads a natural question. How do we define projective schemes over R?One can take an approach similar to the one for projective varieties. Start witha graded R-algebra and use homogeneous prime ideals in it. For details, see [11,Chapter 3].

6.3.6. Problems.

(1) Compute Z/(m)⊗ Z/(n), C⊗R C.(2) Show that for any ring R,

R[x1, . . . , xn]⊗R R[y1, . . . , ym] = R[x1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , ym].

(3) View R and R[y] as R[x]-algebras via the ring homomorphisms

R[x]→ R, x 7→ 0 R[x]→ R[y], x 7→ y2.

Show thatR[y]⊗R[x] R = R[y]/(y2).

(4) Find the images in A2Q of the following points of A2


(a) (x−√2, y −


(b) (x−√2, y −


The image is (x −√2, y −

√3) ∩ Q[x, y]. Note that (x2 − 2, y2 − 3)

belongs to this image. But Q[x, y]/(x2 − 2, y2 − 3) ∼= Q(√2,√3) is

a field. Therefore (x2 − 2, y2 − 3) is a maximal ideal of Q[x, y], andhence equal to the image.

(c) (√2x−


Clearing out radicals by a two-step process yields 4x4 + 9y4 + 1 −12x2y2 − 4x2 − 6y2. There are three different ways to clear outradicals, but they always give the same answer.

(d) (√2x−

√3y − 1)

(e) (x− ζ, y − ζ−1) where ζ is a pth root of unity, with p prime.Note that (xp − 1, xy − 1) belongs to the image. But Q[x, y]/(xp −1, xy−1) ∼= Q[x, 1/x]/(xp−1) ∼= Q(ζ) is a field, and hence the imageis (xp − 1, xy − 1). The ideal (xp − 1, yp − 1) is strictly contained inthis ideal.

(5) A k-scheme X is absolutely irreducible if the fiber product X ×Spec k

Spec k is irreducible. Classify the following closed subschemes of Q[x, y]as reducible, irreducible but not absolutely irreducible, or absolutely irre-ducible.(a) x2 − y2

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(b) x2 + y2

(c) x2 + y2 − 1(d) (x+ y, xy − 2)(e) (x2 − 2y2, x3 + 3y3)

(6) Let X and Y be affine schemes. Show that the underlying point set of theproduct X × Y is not the underlying point sets of X and Y in general.This can happen even for affine schemes over an algebraically closed field.

(7) Show that a prescheme is irreducible iff it has a unique generic point (thatis, a dense point). Is the stalk at a generic point always a field?

No. It is a local ring whose maximal ideal is the nilradical.

6.4. Quasi-coherent sheaves

In this section, we give a brief introduction to quasi-coherent sheaves. Roughlyspeaking, a quasi-coherent sheaf of a prescheme X is a sheaf of abelian groups suchthat the sections of any open set U is a OX(U)-module.

6.4.1. The category of ring-modules. Let RingMod denote the category ofring-modules: An object is a pair (R,M), where R is a ring and M is a R-module.A morphism (R,M) → (S,N) consists of a ring homomorphism ϕ : R → S anda homomorphism f : M → N of abelian groups which is a map of R-modules(viewing N as a R-module via ϕ:

f(rm) = ϕ(r)f(m)

for all r ∈ R and m ∈M .

Remark 6.24. One can consider the category of monoid-modules in any monoidalcategory. Consider the monoidal category of abelian groups, with monoidal struc-ture being the tensor product. Then a monoid-module in this category is preciselya ring-module. More precisely, RingMod is the category of monoid-modules in themonoidal category of abelian groups.

6.4.2. The prime spectrum of a ring-module. Consider the category of sheavesof ring-modules. We denote it by SheafRingMod. It consists of a topological space X;further, for every open set U in X, there is specified a ring-module (R,M); for everycontainment V ⊆ U of open sets, there is a restriction map of the correspondingring-modules, such that the usual sheaf axioms are satisfied.

Suppose we have a sheaf of ring-modules. Then it contains a sheaf of rings, (de-note it by (X,OX) as usual), and a sheaf of abelian groups, (denote it by F). Andthese two sheaves are compatible in the manner indicated above. It is customaryto call F an OX -module.

The functor (5.5) can be extended to a functor

RingMod→ SheafRingMod

as follows. Let (R,M) be a ring-module. To it we need to associate a sheaf of ring-modules. Take the topological space X to be Spec(R). For any basic open set Xf ,associate the ring-module (Rf ,Mf ). This defines a B-sheaf which then uniquelyextends to a sheaf. It is clear that the sheaf of rings (X,OX) is just Spec(R), whilethe sheaf of abelian groups F , is constructed by localizations of the given moduleM . It is customary to denote F by M .

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Let R be any ring and let X = Spec(R). Then the above discussion also yieldsa functor

ModR → ModOX, M 7→ M.

from the category of R-modules to the category of OX -modules. This functor isexact. For more information, see [14, Proposition 5.2].

6.4.3. Quasi-coherent sheaves. Let (X,OX) be a prescheme. A sheaf of OX -modules F is quasi-coherent if X can be covered by affine open sets Ui

∼= Spec(Ai),

such that for each i, there is a Ai-module Mi with F|Ui∼= Mi.

A quasi-coherent sheaf of ideals on X is a quasi-coherent sheaf of OX -modulessuch that the section over any open set U is an ideal in OX(U).

Here are some standard examples.

• On any preschemeX, the structure sheafOX is quasi-coherent as a moduleover itself.

• Let I be any ideal of R. Then

0→ I → R→ R/I → 0

is an exact sequence of R-modules. It induces an exact sequence of quasi-coherent OX -modules where X = Spec(R): I is a quasi-coherent sheaf

of ideals on X, R is OX viewed as a module over itself, R/I can beinterpreted as follows. Let Y = Spec(R/I) be the closed subprescheme ofX associated to I. Then i∗(OY ) is a sheaf of rings on X where i : Y → X,

and hence an OX -module which is precisely R/I.

For all practical purposes, one can manipulate quasi-coherent sheaves as if therewere modules.

Theorem 6.25. Let R be any ring and let X = Spec(R). Then there is an equiv-alence between the category of R-modules and the category of quasi-coherent OX-modules.

This should extend to a (contravariant) equivalence between the category ofring-modules and the category of “affine schemes of ring-modules”.

6.5. The functor of points

We apply the ideas related to the Yoneda embedding (Appendix F) to thecategory of preschemes. More details can be found in [11, Chapter VI].

Consider the Yoneda embedding

Prescheme→ SetPreschemeop

The set hX(Y ) is called the set of Y -valued points of X. Thus a Y -valued point ofX is simply a morphism Y → X of preschemes.

If Y = Spec(R), then it is customary to write hX(R) and call it the set ofR-valued points of X.

One may also consider the Yoneda embedding for the category Prescheme(Z)of preschemes over a fixed prescheme Z. A Y -valued point of X would be a com-mutative diagram

Y //





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6.6. SCHEMES 99

The underlying set of a fiber product X1 ×X2 is in general not the cartesianproduct of the underlying sets of X1 and X2. But the set of Y -valued points ofX1×X2 is the cartesian product of the sets of Y -valued points of X1 and X2. Thisfollows from Lemma F.2.

It turns out that the restricted functor

Prescheme→ SetRing

is also fully faithful. In other words, a prescheme is determined by its R-points, asR varies over all rings. A functor Ring→ Set is representable if it is of the form hXfor some prescheme X. There are criteria to determine when a functor of this kindis representable.

It is often convenient to think of a prescheme in terms of its R-points. Similarto thinking of a random variable in terms of its distribution.

Example 6.26. Suppose k is a field. A prescheme X over k is a prescheme inwhich the ring of sections over any open set is a k-algebra. Suppose k′ is any fieldand X is any prescheme. A morphism Spec(k′) → X is a same as a point x ∈ Xequipped with a field extension κ(x)→ k′. Now consider a commutative diagram

Spec(k′) //





This is a k′-valued point of a prescheme X over k where k′ is a field extension of k.This amounts to specifying a point x ∈ X whose residue field lies between k andk′. If k = k′, then the residue field at x is k. Such a point is called a k-rationalpoint of X. It is a k-valued point of a prescheme X over k.

If k = C and the prescheme X comes from a prevariety, then the k-rationalpoints of X are precisely the closed points of X.

6.6. Schemes

To be written. Write about theconnection of closedpreschemes withprimarydecomposition.

Read somewhere that an irreducible (affine) subvariety Y of an irreducible affinevariety X is a closed subscheme. This means that any regular function on an openset V in Y is obtained by restricting a regular function on an open set U in X withU ∩ Y = V . (Hart page 69)

What is the generic stalk for an irreducible prescheme? It is same as the stalkof its generic point.

separated morphism –¿ schemesproper –¿ complete varieties.Birational equivalence of schemes (there must be such a notion) is equivalent

to residue fields are the same?Interesting pictures of schemes and their morphisms in Shafarevich and DF.A radical ideal may not be the intersection of all the maximal ideals containing

it. Example? It will be if the radical ideal is the vanishing ideal of a variety.

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Groups and Hopf algebras

The basic theory of monoidal categories is explained in Appendix E. In thischapter, we discuss two examples of this theory which are of immediate relevanceto us.

7.1. Sets

A basic example of a symmetric monoidal category is (Set,×), the category ofsets under cartesian product. For the unit object, we choose the one-element set{∅}. The braiding is given by switching the factors.

A monoid in (Set,×) is a monoid (as defined in any elementary algebra class).What about comonoids? Observe that every set A is a comonoid in a unique way:The coproduct is the diagonal map

A→ A×A, x 7→ (x, x).

The counit is the unique map A → {∅}. Further note that this coproduct iscocommutative. One can check that with this canonical coproduct, every monoidis a bimonoid in a unique way. Thus a bimonoid in (Set,×) is same as a monoid.

What about a Hopf monoid? Check that a Hopf monoid in (Set,×) is same asa group! More precisely,

Hopf(Set,×) ∼= Group.

Since the cartesian product is the categorical product in Set, the monoidalcategory (Set,×) is cartesian. The above observations are instances of generalitieson cartesian monoidal categories given in Section E.6: A Hopf monoid is such acategory is the same as a group object, and a group object in (Set,×) is a group(in the usual sense).

Hopf(Set,×) ∼= Group(Set,×) ∼= Group.

7.2. Modules and vector spaces

Fix a commutative ring R. Let ModR denote the category of (left) R-modules.Suppose M and N are two R-modules. Then one can define their tensor productM ⊗R N . This is again a R-module. This construction is explained in most bookson algebra, see for instance [4, page 24]. A key observation is the following.

Proposition 7.1. The tensor product turns ModR into a symmetric monoidalcategory.


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There are natural isomorphisms:

(M ⊗R N)⊗R P∼=−−→M ⊗R (N ⊗R P ).

M ⊗R R∼=−−→M

∼=−−→ R⊗R M.

M ⊗R N∼=−−→ N ⊗R M.

The first is the associativity constraint, the second is the unit constraint, in par-ticualr, the unit object is R, and the third is the symmetry given by switching thetensor factors.

A (co, bi, Hopf) monoid in (ModR,⊗) is a (co, bi, Hopf) algebra over R. Thisis the example most commonly treated in the literature. Unlike sets, there is nogeneral simplification here. So to define, say a Hopf algebra over R, one has torepeat the definition of a Hopf monoid with ⊗ replacing • and R replacing I. Youwill find this explicitly written in numerous textbooks on Hopf algebras [1, 17, 25].

Some general contexts in which Hopf algebras arise are given below.

• Group algebra of an arbitrary group. This is cocommutative.• Coordinate ring of an affine algebraic group. This is commutative.• Universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. This is cocommutative.

The diamond of categories given in Figure E.1 specializes as follows:






{{{{ HH



















Figure 7.1. The monoid and comonoid constructions on modules.

Thus AlgR is the category of R-algebras, AlgcoR is the category of commutativeR-algebras, and so on. Each of them is a monoidal category with the inducedtensor product. In particular, statements such as “tensor product of two R-algebrasis again a R-algebra” are consequences of iterations of the monoid and comonoidconstructions.

Two specializations of R are worth highlighting.

• R is a field. Let us denote it by k. A R-module is the same as a vectorspace over k. So instead of ModR we write Veck. It is also customary tosimply write Vec with k being understood. The terminology and notationsfor the remaining objects are same as before. For example, a monoid in(Vec,⊗) is a k-algebra, and so on.

• R = Z. Recall that a Z-module is the same as an abelian group, a Z-algebra is same as an arbitrary ring (not necessarily commutative), and a

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commutative Z-algebra is same as a ring. So Figure 7.1 takes the form


���� ==



���� <<


���� <<




���� ==





Here Ab denotes the category of abelian groups, Ring denotes the categoryof arbitrary rings, and Ring denotes the category of commutative rings.There are no standard terms for the blank entries. If we want to refer tothem, then we use the term Z-coalgebra, Z-bialgebra, and so on.

7.3. Group-like elements of a Hopf algebra

7.3.1. The group of group-like elements. Let H be a Hopf algebra over acommutative ring k. A group-like element of H is an invertible element for which∆(x) = x⊗x, ǫ(x) = 1 and s(x) = x−1. Observe that the product of two group-likesis a group-like:

∆(xy) = ∆(x)∆(y) = (x⊗ x)(y ⊗ y) = xy ⊗ xy.Probably: If k is a field, then a group-like element is an element x 6= 0 for which∆(x) = x⊗ x.Proposition 7.2. Under the above operation, the set of all group-like elementsforms a group, the identity element is the unit of H and the inverse of x is s(x).

Proof. This requires a couple of checks.

• ∆(1) = 1⊗ 1.• If ∆(x) = x ⊗ x, then ∆(s(x)) = s(x) ⊗ s(x): Use that s is an anti-

morphism of coalgebras [17, Theorem III.3.4] or [2, Proposition 1.22].

Let G(H) denote the group of group-like elements of H. Suppose ϕ : H → H ′

is a morphism of Hopf algebras. If x is a group-like in H, then ϕ(x) is a group-likein H ′:

∆(ϕ(x)) = (ϕ⊗ ϕ)(∆(x)) = (ϕ⊗ ϕ)(x⊗ x) = ϕ(x)⊗ ϕ(x).This induces a group homomorphism G(H) → G(H ′). This shows that there is afunctor:

(7.1) G : HopfAlgk → Group, H 7→ G(H).

Note that if the Hopf algebra H is commutative, then the group G(H) is abelian.Thus there is an induced functor

(7.2) G : HopfAlgcok → Ab, H 7→ G(H),

where Ab is the category of abelian groups.

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Lemma 7.3. If H is a Hopf algebra over a field k, then the set of group-likeelements in H is linearly independent.

Proof. Suppose g and {gi} are group-like elements, and g =∑

i λigi. We mayassume that the gi are linearly independent. Applying the counit map, we deducethat 1 =

i λi. Further,∑


λi gi ⊗ gi = g ⊗ g =∑


λiλj gi ⊗ gj .

Comparing coefficients yields

λiλj =


λi if i = j,

0 otherwise.

Since each λi is idempotent and k is a field, either λi = 0 or λi = 1. Further, sincetheir sum is 1, exactly one of them equals 1 and the rest are 0. So g equals one ofthe gi. �

7.3.2. The linearization functor. Let k be a commutative ring. Consider thelinearization functor

k(−) : (Set,×, {∗}) −→ (Modk,⊗, k),which sends a set to the free k-module with basis the given set. This functor ismonoidal:

k(A×B) ∼= k(A)⊗ k(B) and k({∅}) ∼= k.

Below we discuss implications of this statement given by Proposition E.13.

• Every set A carries a unique comonoid structure in (Set,×, {∗}). Thecoproduct ∆ : A→ A× A is ∆(x) = (x, x) and the counit ǫ : A→ {∗} isǫ(x) = ∗.

It follows that kA is a coalgebra in which all elements of A are group-like, that is, ∆(x) = x ⊗ x and ǫ(x) = 1 for x ∈ A. This is known as thecoalgebra of a set.

• If the set A is a monoid (in the usual sense), then it is canonically abimonoid in (Set,×, {∗}), and hence kA is a bialgebra.

• A monoid A is a Hopf monoid iff A is a group. (The antipode sends anelement to its inverse.) Hence for any group A, the group algebra kA is aHopf algebra. Its antipode is the linearization of the map of x 7→ x−1.

Example 7.4. Let H = k[x, x−1] denote the k-algebra of Laurent polynomials inthe variable x. Then the coproduct

∆ : H → H ⊗H, xn 7→ xn ⊗ xn,and the counit

ǫ : H → k, xn 7→ 1,

turn H into a Hopf algebra. The antipode is given by

s : H → H, xn 7→ x−n.

Let A = (Z,+) be the group of integers under addition. Then observe that

H∼=−−→ k(Z), x 7→ 1, x−1 7→ −1.

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Example 7.5. Let H = k[x]/(xn − 1) be the k-algebra of polynomials in thevariable x modulo the equation xn − 1. Thus H is an n-dimensional algebra withbasis 1, x, . . . , xn−1. The coproduct

∆ : H → H ⊗H, xk 7→ xk ⊗ xk,and the counit

ǫ : H → k, xk 7→ 1,

turn H into a Hopf algebra. The antipode is given by

s : H → H, xk 7→ xn−k.

Let A = (Zn,+) be the group of integers modulo n under addition. Then observethat

H∼=−−→ k(Zn), x 7→ 1.

7.3.3. An adjunction between groups and Hopf algebras. For any set S,let kS denote the free module with basis S. We know that if S is a group, then kScarries the structure of a Hopf algebra in which every element of S is group-like.Thus, there is a functor

(7.3) Group→ HopfAlgk, S 7→ kS.

This functor goes into the full subcategory of cocommutative Hopf algebras.If the group S is abelian, then the Hopf algebra kS is commutative. Thus,

there is an induced functor

(7.4) Ab→ HopfAlgcok , S 7→ kS

where Ab denotes the category of abelian groups.

Proposition 7.6. The functors (7.3) and (7.1) are adjoints of each other. Explic-itly, for any group S and Hopf algebra H, there is a natural isomorphism

(7.5) Group(S,G(H))∼=−−→ HopfAlgk(kS,H).

Proof. The essential check is: Any group homomorphism ϕ : S → G(H)extends uniquely to a morphism ϕ : kS → H of Hopf algebras.

There is no choice but to extend ϕ linearly to ϕ. Since ϕ is a monoid ho-momorphism, ϕ is an algebra homomorphism. To check that it is a coalgebrahomomorphism: Let gi ∈ S.


λigi)) = ∆(∑

λiϕ(gi)) =∑

λi∆(ϕ(gi)) =∑

λiϕ(gi)⊗ ϕ(gi).The last step uses that ϕ(gi) is group-like in H.

(ϕ⊗ ϕ)∆(∑

λigi) = (ϕ⊗ ϕ)(∑

λigi ⊗ gi) =∑

λiϕ(gi)⊗ ϕ(gi).�

Corollary 7.7. For any Hopf algebra H,

(7.6) HopfAlgk(kZ, H) ∼= G(H)

Proof. Put S := Z in (7.5). Since Z is the infinite cyclic group, a grouphomomorphism from Z to say a group S′ corresponds to an element of S′ (namely,the image of the generator 1 ∈ Z). �

Proposition 7.8. Suppose k is a field. Then:

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• For any group S, we have G(kS) = S.• The functor (7.3) is fully faithful.

Proof. By definition, all elements of S are group-like in the Hopf algebra kS.Since these form a basis of kS, there cannot be any more group-like elements byLemma 7.3. Hence G(kS) = S.

The second part is a formal consequence of the first part: [18, Theorem IV.3.1]says that for any adjunction (F ,G), if GF = id, then G is fully faithful. Let usexplicitly see how this works. We need to show that for any groups S and S′, themap

Group(S, S′)→ HopfAlgk(kS, kS′)

is a bijection. This follows by putting H := kS′ in (7.5), and using the firstpart. Unwinding this argument, the inverse map is constructed as follows. Supposeϕ : kS → kS′ is a morphism of Hopf algebras. So it preserves group-likes. By thefirst part, this induces a map S → S′. Since ϕ is a morphism of algebras, this mapis a group homomorphism. This is the required inverse map. �

Proposition 7.9. The functors (7.4) and (7.2) are adjoints of each other. Explic-itly, for any abelian group S and commutative Hopf algebra H, there is a naturalisomorphism

Ab(S,G(H))∼=−−→ HopfAlgcok (kS,H).

Proof. Since Ab is a full subcategory of Group, and HopfAlgcok is a full sub-category of HopfAlgk, this adjunction is a consequence of Proposition 7.6. �

Proposition 7.10. Suppose k is a field. Then:

• For any abelian group S, we have G(kS) = S.• The functor (7.4) is fully faithful.

Proof. This follows from Proposition 7.8. �

Lemma 7.11. Let S be an abelian group. Then: S is finitely generated as anabelian group iff kS is finitely generated as a commutative algebra.

Also true in the nonabelian setting.

Proof. Forward implication. Suppose U is a finite generating set for S. ThenU along with all inverses is a finite generating set for kS. For instance, as an abeliangroup Z is generated by 1, while as a commutative algebra kZ is generated by 1and −1.

Backward implication. Take a finite set of generators of kS and write them inthe canonical basis S. Let U be the finite subset of S consisting of elements whichappear in these expressions. Let S′ be the subgroup of S generated by U . ThenkS′ is a subalgebra of kS, and since it contains a generating set, kS′ = kS. Thisimplies S′ = S, and hence S is finitely generated. �

7.4. Problems

(1) Do the operations of union and intersection define monoidal structures onSet?

(2) An ideal I of an algebra A is characterized by the property that thequotient A/I is an algebra. The dual notion is that of a coideal of acoalgebra. Make this explicit.

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7.4. PROBLEMS 107

(3) Let k be a ring with nontrivial idempotents. Show that group-like elementsin a Hopf algebra over k need not be linearly independent.

(4) A primitive element of H is an element x for which ∆(x) = 1⊗ x+ x⊗ 1.The set of all primitive elements of H is a subspace of H.

Show that a morphism of Hopf algebras preserves primitive elements.What is the left adjoint to the functor of primitive elements? What

would be the analogue of (7.6)?

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Affine algebraic groups

In this chapter, we introduce the basic language of affine algebraic groups. Fixa field k. We do not assume that k is algebraically closed or of characteristic 0.

Review standard notions from group theory such as subgroups, normal sub-groups, direct and semidirect products, center of a group, nilpotent groups, solvablegroups, etc.

8.1. Affine varieties

Let k be any field. An affine variety over k is a pair (X, kn) where X is the setof solutions of a system of equations in n variables. A morphism (X, kn)→ (Y, km)is a map X → Y obtained by restricting a polynomial map kn → km. This definesthe category of affine varieties over k which we denote by AffVariety(k).

8.1.1. Products in affine varieties. The category AffVariety(k) is a cartesianmonoidal category (meaning that it has finite products). Let us recall this con-struction.

• Any affine variety of the form ({x}, kn) is a terminal object. Fix one ofthem and call it J . This is the product over the empty set.

• The product of (X, kn) and (Y, km) is given by (X × Y, kn+m). First ofall, this is an affine variety: If the polynomials {fi} define X and {gj}define Y , then {fi, gj} define X × Y . The canonical maps X × Y → Xand X × Y → Y are the projections on the two coordinates.

Existence of the product over the empty set and over the two-element set is sameas existence of finite products.

8.1.2. The coordinate ring of an affine variety. The Galois connection be-tween V and I in Section 2.2.1 works over any field k. Affine varieties over k arecharacterized by the property X = V(I(X)). In general, it seems that there is nogood characterization of the ideals with the property I = I(V(I)). If k is alge-braically closed, then these are precisely the radical ideals by the Nullstellensatz.The categorical implications of these facts are discussed next.

Recall that to every affine variety X ⊆ kn, one can associate its coordinate ring

k[X] := k[x1, . . . , xn]/I(X).

If X → Y is a morphism of varieties, then there is an induced k-algebra homomor-phism k[Y ]→ k[X]. This yields a functor

(8.1) k[−] : AffVariety→ (Algco)op.

The rhs is the opposite of the category of commutative k-algebras.


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Proposition 8.1. There is a correspondence between X and the set of all k-algebrahomomorphisms k[X]→ k.

Proof. Given x ∈ X, the homomorphism k[X]→ k is obtained by evaluatingat x. Conversely, suppose ϕ : k[X]→ k is a homomorphism. Then ϕ is evaluationat a point which is in V(I(X)). But X = V(I(X)). �

Proposition 8.2. The functor (8.1) is fully faithful, that is, for any affine varietiesX and Y , the map

AffVariety(X,Y )∼=−−→ Algco(k[Y ], k[X])

is a bijection.

The inverse map can be understood as follows. Suppose f : k[Y ] → k[X] is ak-algebra homomorphism. Then it induces a map

Alg(k[X], k)→ Alg(k[Y ], k), α 7→ alphaf,

which by the correspondence of Proposition 8.1 yields a map X → Y .

Recall that a fully faithful functor gives rise to an equivalence. It remains todescribe the image of (8.1).

Theorem 8.3. Suppose k is an algebraically closed field. A commutative k-algebraA is of the form k[X] iff A is finitely generated and reduced.

Proof. This is a restatement of Theorem 2.29 (which is valid for any alge-braically closed field). �

Thus if k is algebraically closed, there is a satisfactory answer. But in thegeneral case, it seems that there is no good description of the image. The best onecan say is the following.

Proposition 8.4. A commutative k-algebra A is of the form k[X] iff A is finitelygenerated and no nonzero element of A goes to zero under all k-algebra homomor-phisms A→ k (and so in particular A is reduced).

Proof. Forward implication is clear. Backward implication: Since A is finitelygenerated, A ∼= k[x1, . . . , xn]/I for some n and some ideal I. Let X ⊆ kn be thezero set of I. Note that any homomorphism A→ k is evaluation at a point of X. Soby the second hypothesis, the vanishing ideal of X must be I. Thus k[X] ∼= A. �

Proposition 8.5. Suppose A 6= 0 is a finitely generated commutative k-algebra,and there is no k-algebra homomorphism A→ k. Then A is not of the form k[X].

Proof. This is a special case of Proposition 8.4, every nonzero element of Asatisfies the homomorphism condition vacuously. Let us spell this out.

Suppose A is of the form k[X]. Then elements of X correspond to homo-morphisms A → k. So by hypothesis, X = ∅, which implies A ∼= 0. This is acontradiction. �

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8.1.3. The k-points of a commutative k-algebra. Recall that the set of k-points of a commutative k-algebra A is the set of all k-algebra homomorphismsA→ k. We look at situations in which A is and is not determined by its k-points.

Definition 8.6. Let A be a finitely generated k-algebra. We say that A is deter-mined by its k-points if A is of the form k[X] for some affine variety X. Equiva-lently, A is determined by its k-points if for A = k[x1, . . . , xn]/I, the ideal I hasthe property I = I(V(I)).

Some simple negative examples are given below.

• Consider the R-algebra A = R[x, y]/(x2 + y2 + 1). Then there are noR-algebra homomorphisms A → R. So A cannot be the coordinate ringof any affine variety over R.

• Consider the C-algebra A = C[x]/(x2). Then there is exactly one C-algebra homomorphisms A→ C, namely 1 7→ 1 and x 7→ 0. But x 6= 0 inA. So A cannot be the coordinate ring of any affine variety over C. Alsonote that A is not reduced and x is a nonzero nilpotent element.

• Let A = k[x]/(xn − 1). Suppose k = R. Then X := V(xn − 1) is either{1} or {1,−1} depending on whether n is odd or even. In the former case,R[X] = R, while in the latter case R[X] = R[x]/(x2 − 1). Thus we seethat A is not determined by its R-points.

In contrast, if k := C, then A is determined by its C-points.

Now we give some positive examples.

Lemma 8.7. Suppose k is an infinite field. Then a nontrivial polynomial ink[x1, . . . , xn] cannot vanish on all points of kn.

Proof. Let f be a nontrivial polynomial. We proceed by induction on n. Sup-pose n = 1. Then f can have only finitely many zeroes, since each zero correspondsto a linear factor of f . But k is assumed to be infinite. So f cannot vanish at allpoints of k. This is the induction base.

For n > 1, write f as a polynomial in xn, with coefficients in k[x1, . . . , xn−1].By the induction hypothesis, there is a point (a1, . . . , an−1) ∈ kn−1 such thatf(a1, . . . , an−1, xn) is a nontrivial polynomial in the variable xn. Now by the n = 1case, there is a an such that f(a1, . . . , an−1, an) 6= 0. So f cannot vanish on allpoints of kn. This completes the induction step. �

Lemma 8.8. Suppose k is an infinite field. Let h be a nontrivial polynomial inx1, . . . , xn. Then no nontrivial polynomial in these variables can vanish on the basicopen set Xh := {x ∈ kn | h(x) 6= 0}.

Proof. Suppose f is a nontrivial polynomial in x1, . . . , xn which vanishes onXh. Then fh is a nontrivial polynomial which vanishes on kn. This is a contradic-tion to Proposition 8.7. �

Theorem 8.9. Suppose k is an infinite field. The following k-algebras are deter-mined by their k-points.

(1) k[x].(2) k[x1, . . . , xn].(3) k[x, y]/(xy − 1).(4) k[(xij), y]/(y det(xij)− 1), with 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n.

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Proof. (2) reduces to Lemma 8.7, and (1) is its n = 1 case.For (3), put A := k[x, y]/(xy−1). Note that k-algebra homomorphisms A→ k

correspond to nonzero elements of k. Now let f be a nonzero element of A. Writef as a polynomial in x multiplied by a power of y. Then by the n = 1 case ofLemma 8.8, this polynomial in x cannot vanish on all x 6= 0, which amounts tosaying that f cannot vanish on all A→ k.

For (4), we argue as in (3). �

8.1.4. Problems.

(1) Let k be a finite field. Show that every subset of kn is an affine variety,and any set map between such subsets is a morphism of affine varieties.

(2) Suppose k is the finite field with q elements, and A is the affine line overk. Show that I(A) = (xq − x) ⊆ k[x], and hence k[A] = k[x]/(xq − x).

(3) Show that Proposition 2.10 works over any field k.The Galois connection works the same way as before, and the proof

of Proposition 2.10 goes through. The fact that the closed sets on oneside are radical ideals for k := C is not relevant.

(4) Show that A := k[(xij)]/(det(xij)− 1), with 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n is determined byits k-points.

Put B := k[x, y]/(xy− 1) and C := k[(wij), z]/(z det(wij)− 1). Thenthere is an isomorphism of k-algebras

A⊗B ∼=−−→ C, 1⊗ x 7→ det(wij), 1⊗ y 7→ z, xij ⊗ 1 7→{

zwij if j = 1,

wij otherwise.

(This arises from the fact that any invertible matrix P can be writtenuniquely as a pair whose first coordinate is a matrix Q with determinant 1and second coordinate d is a nonzero scalar: d = det(P ) and Q is obtainedby multiplying say the first column of P with d−1.) In particular, A andB are subalgebras of C. By Theorem 8.9, C is determined by its k-points,and hence so are A and B.

8.2. Affine algebraic groups

Recall that to any cartesian monoidal category, one can associate the categoryof its group objects (Definition E.14). Let us specialize this to affine varieties.

Definition 8.10. An affine algebraic group, aag for short, is a group object inthe category of affine varieties. A morphism between affine algebraic groups is amorphism between group objects. We denote AAG denote the category of affinealgebraic groups.

Observe that the forgetful functor AffVariety → Set preserves products, andhence by Proposition E.16 induces a functor on the category of group objects.

AAG = Group(AffVariety)→ Group = Group(Set).

In particular, the underlying set of an aag is a group, and the underlying map ofa morphism of aags is a group homomorphism. This leads to the following explicitdescription of AAG.

Proposition 8.11. An aag is an affine variety G which is also a group such that

G×G→ G (g, h) 7→ gh, and G→ G g 7→ g−1

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are morphisms of affine varieties.A morphism between aags is a morphism G → H of affine varieties which is

also a group homomorphism.

(Presumably, if the multiplication is a morphism, then the inverse is automat-ically a morphism.)

Proof. Suppose G is a group object in AffVariety. So G is an affine variety, andby the forgetful functor, G is also a group (in the usual sense). The group operationsmust clearly be morphisms of affine varieties. The required commutative diagramsfor G are now automatically satisfied since two morphism in AffVariety are equal ifftheir underlying maps in Set are equal. This proves the first part.

A morphism between aags is a morphism G → H of group objects. So thisis a morphism of affine varieties, and by the forgetful functor, G → H is a grouphomomorphism. The following diagrams must commute

G×G //


H ×H


G // H

G // H



in AffVariety. Using the same comment as above, this is automatic since the dia-grams commute in Set. �

Remark 8.12. In general, the topology on G×G is not the product topology, andG is not a topological group. (Any topological group is automatically Hausdorff.)

Let us now consider the coordinate ring of an aag. An important property ofthe functor (8.1) is that it preserves products: For any affine varieties X and Y ,there is a natural isomorphism

(8.2) k[X × Y ] ∼= k[X]⊗ k[Y ].

(Recall that the tensor product is the categorical coproduct in the category ofcommutative algebras, and hence the categorical product in the opposite category.)

Recall from (E.15) that a cogroup object in the category of commutative alge-bras is same as a commutative Hopf algebra. More precisely,

Cogroup(Algco) ∼= HopfAlgco

where the latter is the category of commutative Hopf algebras over k. Passing tothe opposite categories,

Group((Algco)op) ∼= (HopfAlgco)op.

Since the functor (8.1) preserves products, by Proposition E.16 it induces a functoron the category of group objects:

(8.3) k[−] : AAG→ (HopfAlgco)op.

Thus, for any affine algebraic group G, its coordinate ring k[G] is a commutativeHopf algebra, and a morphism of G→ H of aags induces a morphism k[H]→ k[G]of commutative Hopf algebras.

Explicitly, the coproduct of k[G] is given by the composite map

k[G]→ k[G×G] ∼=−−→ k[G]⊗ k[G].

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The first map is obtained by applying (8.1) to the multiplication G × G → G,while the second map is obtained from (8.2). The antipode of k[G] is obtained byapplying (8.1) to the inverse map G→ G.

8.3. Examples

In this section, we discuss many examples of aags. In most of then, we firstspecify an ideal I ⊆ k[x1, . . . , xn] and then define the aag as V(I). We then saythat the coordinate ring of the aag is A := k[x1, . . . , xn]/I. This passage requiresknowing that A is determined by its k-points. In our examples, this is made possibleby Theorem 8.9. For that purpose, throughout this section, we assume that k is aninfinite field.

Example 8.13. Any singleton {∗} with its unique group structure is an aag. Itscoordinate ring is k. It is a commutative and cocommutative Hopf algebra. Theproduct and coproduct are given by the canonical identifications:

k⊗ k∼=−−→ k, and k

∼=−−→ k⊗ k.

The unit, counit and antipode are all the identity map k→ k.This is an instance of a general principle: The unit object in any monoidal

category is a Hopf monoid and in particular, a (co, bi)monoid. Further, if themonoidal category is (co)cartesian, then the unit object is the (initial) terminalobject, and it is a (co)group object.

Example 8.14. Consider the affine variety Ga := k. It is an aag with the (abelian)group structure being addition:

Ga ×Ga → Ga, (b, b′) 7→ b+ b′.

Its coordinate ring is k[x]. (This simple fact requires k to be infinite.) It is acommutative and cocommutative Hopf algebra. The coproduct is given by

∆ : k[x]→ k[x]⊗ k[x], xn 7→n∑






xi ⊗ xn−1.

To check that we dualized correctly:







xi ⊗ xn−1, (b, b′)〉 =n∑






bi(b′)n−i = (b+ b′)n = 〈xn, b+ b′〉.

(This is the binomial theorem!) In particular, ∆(x) = 1 ⊗ x + x ⊗ 1. Thus x is aprimitive element of k[x].

The counit is given by

ǫ : k[x]→ k, 1 7→ 1, xn 7→ 0 for n ≥ 1.

The antipode is given by

s : k[x]→ k[x], xn 7→ (−1)nxn.It is instructive to check explicitly that k[x] with product, coproduct and antipodeas defined satisfies all the axioms of a Hopf algebra. For instance, the emergenceof the binomial coefficients in the coproduct can be seen from

∆(xn) = ∆(x) . . .∆(x) = (1⊗ x+ x⊗ 1)n.

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8.3. EXAMPLES 115

Example 8.15. Consider the affine variety kn. It is an aag with the (abelian)group structure being addition:

kn × kn → kn, ((bi), (b′i)) 7→ (bi + b′i).

The cases n = 0, 1 specialize to the previous two examples. The coordinate ringk[x1, . . . , xn] is a commutative and cocommutative Hopf algebra. The coproduct isgiven by

∆ : k[x1, . . . , xn]→ k[x1, . . . , xn]⊗ k[x1, . . . , xn], xi 7→ 1⊗ xi + xi ⊗ 1.

In other words, all the generators are primitive. Since k[x1, . . . , xn] is a free com-mutative algebra, and ∆ is a morphism of algebras, knowing ∆ on the generatorsdetermines it uniquely. For instance,

∆(x1x2) = 1⊗ x1x2 + x1 ⊗ x2 + x2 ⊗ x1 + x1x2 ⊗ 1.

The counit is given by

ǫ : k[x1, . . . , xn]→ k, 1 7→ 1, xi 7→ 0.

The antipode is given by

s : k[x1, . . . , xn]→ k[x1, . . . , xn], xi 7→ −xi.You should write down the formula on any monomial.

Example 8.16. Consider the affine variety Gm := V(xy − 1). It is an aag undermultiplication:

Gm ×Gm → Gm, ((a, b), (a′, b′)) 7→ (aa′, bb′).

Since this map is defined by polynomials, it is a morphism of affine varieties. Thisturns Gm into an abelian group: the identity element is (1, 1), and the inverse mapis

Gm → Gm, (a, b) 7→ (b, a).

This is also a morphism of affine varieties. So Gm is an aag.The coordinate ring k[Gm] = k[x, y]/(xy − 1) is a commutative Hopf algebra.

The (cocommutative) coproduct is given by

∆ : k[Gm]→ k[Gm]⊗ k[Gm], x 7→ x⊗ x, y 7→ y ⊗ y.To see that we dualized correctly:

〈x⊗ x, ((a, b), (a′, b′))〉 = aa′ = 〈x, (aa′, bb′)〉.Thus x and y are group-like elements of k[Gm]. The counit is given by

ǫ : k[Gm]→ k, x 7→ 1, y 7→ 1.

The antipode is given by

s : k[Gm]→ k[Gm], x 7→ y, y 7→ x.

It is instructive to directly check that k[Gm] satisfies all the axioms of a Hopfalgebra. This Hopf algebra is often denoted k[x, x−1], see Example 7.4. It isobtained by linearizing the group of integers under addition.

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Example 8.17. Consider the affine space kn2+1 in which the first n2 coordinates

are indexed by {xij}, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, and the last coordinate is indexed by y.Define

GLn := V(y det(xij)− 1).

Note that elements (points) of GLn correspond to a matrix (aij) whose determinantis not 0 (or equivalently, to invertible linear endomorphisms of kn). (The lastcoordinate b is the inverse of the determinant.)

Note that GL1 = Gm. The present discussion can be viewed as a generalizationof that example. Also it makes sense to put GL0 = {∗}, since there is the identitylinear endomorphisms of the 0 space. This will yield the first example.

GLn is an aag under matrix multiplication:

GLn ×GLn → GLn, ((aij , b), (a′ij , b

′)) 7→ (∑


aika′kj , bb


Since this map is defined by polynomials, it is a morphism of affine varieties. Thepoint (I, 1), where I the identity matrix of size n, is the identity element for thismultiplication. Recall that for an invertible matrix A, the entries of A−1 are ex-pressible as polynomials in the aij ’s and the inverse of det(A). This is known asCramer’s rule. Further, det(A−1) = det(A)−1. So the inverse GLn → GLn is alsoa morphism of affine varieties. Thus GLn is an aag. This is known as the generallinear group.

The coordinate ring k[GLn] = k[(xij), y]/(y det(xij)−1) is a commutative Hopfalgebra. The coproduct is given by

∆ : k[GLn]→ k[GLn]⊗ k[GLn], xij 7→n∑


xik ⊗ xkj , y 7→ y ⊗ y.

(You should check that this is the correct dualization.) This is not cocommutativereflecting the fact that matrix multiplication is not commutative.

The counit is given by

ǫ : k[GLn]→ k, y 7→ 1, xii 7→ 1, xij 7→ 0 for i 6= j.

The antipode is given by

s : k[GLn]→ k[GLn], xij 7→ (−1)i+jy det(−), y 7→ det(xij),

where − stands for the matrix (xij) with the ith column and the jth row deleted.Observe that

GLn → Gm, ((aij), b) 7→ (det(aij), b)

is a morphism of aags.

Example 8.18. Consider the affine space kn2

in which the coordinates are indexedby {xij}, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Define

SLn := V(det(xij)− 1).

This is known as the special linear group. It is an aag under matrix multiplica-tion. This can be checked directly or can also be deduced by noting that SLn isisomorphic to a closed subgroup of GLn under the map

SLn → GLn, (aij) 7→ ((aij), 1).

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8.4. SUBGROUPS 117

Thus we have a diagram of morphisms of aags

SLn → GLn ։ Gm,

with SLn being the kernel of the second map.

Example 8.19. Observe that a closed subgroup of an aag is again an aag. Thisgives us further examples. For instance, the following are all closed subgroups ofGLn.

• the group Dn of all invertible diagonal matrices of size n.• the group Tn of all invertible upper triangular matrices of size n.• the group Un of all invertible upper triangular matrices of size n with all

diagonal entries 1.

The coordinate ring k[Dn] is a commutative Hopf algebra with a basis of group-likeelements indexed by n-tuples of integers. More precisely, k[Dn] ∼= kZn.

8.4. Subgroups

We begin with a basic observation.

Lemma 8.20. Suppose G is an aag. For any g ∈ G, the following are isomorphismsof affine varieties.

λg : G→ G x 7→ gx, ρg : G→ G x 7→ xg, κg : G→ G x 7→ gxg−1.

In particular, they are homeomorphisms of the underlying topology of G.

Proof. They can all be expressed as composites of morphisms involving theproduct and inverse of G. So they are morphisms. Furthermore, note that λg−1 isthe inverse to λg, etc; so they are isomorphisms. �


• For any continuous map ϕ : X → Y between topological spaces and anysubset U of X, we have ϕ(U) ⊆ ϕ(U).

• For any homeomorphism ϕ : X → X and any subset U of X, we haveϕ(U) = ϕ(U).

We will now apply this to the homeomorphisms of Lemma 8.20.

Lemma 8.21. Suppose G is an aag, and H is a subgroup of G. Then

(1) The (Zariski) closure H is a subgroup of G. In particular: If H is (Zariski)closed, then H is an aag.

(2) If K ⊆ H is a subgroup with K normal in H, then K is normal in H.(3) If A, B and C are subsets with [A,B] ⊆ C, then [A,B] ⊆ C. Further, if

C is a subgroup, then (A,B) ⊆ C.(4) If H is abelian, nilpotent or solvable, then so is H.(5) If there exists a U ≤ H such that U is open and dense in H, then H =

U · U = H, where U · U = {u1u2 | u1, u2 ∈ U}.

Here [A,B] = {aba−1b−1 | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} and (A,B) is the subgroup generatedby [A,B].

This result is also given in [26, Section 4.3].

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Proof. (1). For any x ∈ H, xH = xH = H. Thus for any y ∈ H, Hy ⊆ H.

Hence Hy = Hy ⊆ H. Therefore HH = H. Also H−1

= H−1 = H.(2). For any x ∈ H, xKx−1 ⊆ K ⊆ K, so xKx−1 = xKx−1 ⊆ K. Now for a

fixed y ∈ K, the map

G→ G, x 7→ xyx−1

takes H into K, and hence takes H into K.(3). Similar to (2).(4). Suppose H is abelian. Then [H,H] = {e} whose closure is itself. So

[H,H] = {e} which says that H is abelian. Now suppose H is nilpotent. Then thelower central series

H ⊇ (H,H) ⊇ (H, (H,H)) ⊇ (H, (H, (H,H))) ⊇ . . .terminates at {e}. Then the lower central series of H also terminates at {e}: atypical term is contained in the closure of the corresponding term for H. So H isnilpotent. The argument for solvable is similar.

(5). For any x ∈ H, the open set xU−1 must meet the dense open set U , sox ∈ U · U , as required. �

Lemma 8.22. Let G be an aag. Then the irreducible and connected componentsof G coincide, and there are finitely many of them.

Let G0 denote the connected component containing the unit e. Then G0 is aclosed, normal subgroup of finite index in G, and the cosets of G0 in G are theconnected components of G.

Proof. Any aag is a Noetherian space. So by Proposition 1.22, we can decom-pose G uniquely into finitely many irreducible components: G =

⋃mj=1Xm. Pick

x ∈ X1 such that x is not in any of the remaining Xi’s. Let z be any element ofG. The homeomorphism y 7→ zx−1y takes x to z. So z must belong to exactly oneirreducible component. This shows that the irreducible components are disjointand they equal the connected components.

SinceG0 is a connected component, it is closed. For any x ∈ G0, by Lemma 8.20,xG0 and x−1G0 are connected components and they both meet G0, hence xG0 =x−1G0 = G0. This shows G0 is closed under taking products and inverses, andhence it is a subgroup of G. Further, for any y ∈ G, by Lemma 8.20, yG0y−1 isa connected component and it meets G0, hence yG0y−1 = G0. This shows thatG0 is a normal subgroup. Again by Lemma 8.20, each coset yG0 is a connectedcomponent, and since the cosets exhaust G, every connected component has thisform. Since there are finitely many of them, we deduce that G0 has finite index inG. �

In general, irreducible implies connected but not vice-versa. But for an aag,the two notions coincide. An aag G is called connected if G = G0.

8.5. Modules over an affine algebraic group

Recall that a (left) module of a group object A in a cartesian category C is a(left) module of the underlying monoid. This defines the category ModA(C).

An aag is a group object in AffVariety. So for any aag G, we have the categoryModG(AffVariety). An explicit description G-modules and morphisms between G-modules is given below.

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Proposition 8.23. Suppose G is an aag. Then a (left) module over G is an affinevariety X such that the group G acts (on the left) on the underlying set of X andthe map

G×X → X

is a morphism of affine varieties.A morphism between (left) modules X and Y over G is a morphism X → Y of

affine varieties which is also a map of (left) G-sets.

Proof. Similar to the proof of Proposition 8.11. �

In this situation, we say that the aag G acts (on the left) on the affine varietyX.

Example 8.24. Any aag G acts on itself (on the left) by left translation:

G×G→ G, (g, h) 7→ gh.

Similarly, G acts on itself (on the left) by right translation: (g, h) 7→ hg−1, and byconjugation: (g, h) 7→ ghg−1.

Let G be an aag and k[G] be the commutative Hopf algebra of functions onG. Recall from (8.2) that the functor k[−] is monoidal. Hence there is an inducedcontravariant functor

ModG(AffVariety)→ Comodk[G](Algco).

The latter is the category of (left) comodules of the Hopf algebra k[G]. In particular,if G acts (on the left) on X, then k[G] coacts (on the left) on k[X]:

k[X]→ k[G]⊗ k[X].

The preceding discussion is valid if left is replaced by right. When dealingwith group objects, the categories of left modules and right modules are equivalent,hence whether one wants to work with left or right is a matter of convention.

Example 8.25. Put V := kn. There is a canonical (right) action of GLn on V :

(8.4) V ×GLn → V, ((vi), (aij)) 7→ (∑



This induces a (right) coaction of k[GLn] on k[V ].

(8.5) k[V ]→ k[V ]⊗ k[GLn], xi 7→∑


xj ⊗ xji.

This is a morphism of k-algebras, hence specifying it on the generators xi suffices.More generally, any closed subgroupG ofGLn acts on V , and the corresponding

Hopf algebra k[G] coacts on k[V ].

Theorem 8.26. Suppose k is an infinite field. Let G be a subgroup of GLn (overk). Then the elements of G can be simultaneously diagonalized iff the Hopf algebrak[G] has a basis of group-like elements.

Proof. Forward implication. By conjugating (which is an isomorphism), wemay assume that G is a subgroup of Dn. Since Dn is a closed subgroup of GLn,it follows that G is also a subgroup of Dn. So k[G] is a quotient Hopf algebra ofk[Dn]. Since the latter is spanned by group-likes, so is any quotient of it.

Backward implication. Let {bi} be the basis of group-likes of k[G]. Since G isa subgroup of GLn, there is an induced action of G on V , and an induced coaction

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of k[G] on k[V ]. Observe from (8.5) that the coaction preserves the linear part ofk[V ] spanned by the xi, so in fact, there is a map

ρ : V ∗ → V ∗ ⊗ k[GLn]→ V ∗ ⊗ k[G].

For f ∈ V ∗, write ρ(f) =∑

i fi ⊗ bi. We deduce from here that ρ(fi) = fi ⊗ biand f =

i fi. By repeating this procedure, we can construct a basis of V ∗, sayh1, . . . , hn such that for each hi, the coaction has the form ρ(hi) = hi ⊗ bki


being some group-like element of k[G].Now let v1, . . . , vn be the basis of V dual to h1, . . . , hn. Then for any g ∈ G,

g · vi = bki(g)vi. Thus, in this basis, all elements of G are diagonal matrices. �

8.6. Linearity of affine algebraic groups

Definition 8.27. An affine algebraic group or aag is called a linear algebraic group,lag for short, if it is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of GLn(k) for some n.

We want to show that any aag is isomorphic to a lag. Let us try to understandwhat this amounts to.

For any g ∈ G, consider the isomorphism λg : G → G of affine varieties. Thisinduces an isomorphism λ∗g : k[G]→ k[G]. This yields a group homomorphism

G→ GLk[G].

The problem is that k[G] is infinite-dimensional. So the task is to find a finite-dimensional G-invariant subspace of k[G].

Recall that for any variety X, elements (points) of X correspond to k-algebrahomomorphisms f : k[G] → k. Let G be an aag. The identity element of Gcorresponds to the counit ǫ : k[G] → k. The product in G corresponds to theconvolution product on Algco(k[G], k).

Now view g : k[G]→ k. Then λ∗g coincides with the composite:

k[G]→ k[G]⊗ k[G]id⊗g−−−→ k[G]⊗ k

∼=−−→ k[G].

This is because composing the above composite map with f : k[G]→ k is preciselythe convolution product f∗g. So equivalently, the task is to find a finite-dimensionalsubcomodule of k[G] (viewed as a comodule over itself).

Lemma 8.28. Let k be a field. Suppose V is a comodule of a coalgebra A over k.Let S be a finite subset of V . Then there exists a finite-dimensional subcomoduleof V containing S.

Proof. Let ρ : V → V ⊗ A denote the comodule map. Since a sum of subco-modules is again a subcomodule, we may assume that S = {v} is a singleton set.Pick a basis {ai} of A and write ρ(v) =

i vi ⊗ ai, where all but finitely manyvi are zero. Write ∆(ai) =

j,k rijkaj ⊗ ak. Then, applying the coassociativity

diagram of ρ to v, we get∑


ρ(vi)⊗ ai =∑


vi ⊗ rijkaj ⊗ ak.

Comparing the coefficients of ak, we obtain ρ(vk) =∑

i,j vi ⊗ rijkaj . Hence thefinite-dimensional subspace spanned by v and the vi is a subcomodule of V . �

Theorem 8.29. Suppose H is a commutative Hopf algebra and V is a vector spaceof dimension n ≥ 0. Then the following are equivalent.

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(1) A morphism k[x11, . . . , xnn, 1/det]→ H of Hopf algebras.(2) A right H-comodule structure on V .

Proof. If n = 0, then there is a unique morphism k → H of Hopf algebras,and there is a unique H-comodule structure on V = 0 (the comodule map must bethe zero map).

The general case is as follows. Let {v1, . . . , vn} be a basis for V . The Hopfalgebra morphism

(8.6) k[x11, . . . , xnn, 1/det] ։ H, xij 7→ aij

corresponds to the comodule structure

(8.7) ρ(vj) =∑


vi ⊗ aij .

It needs to be checked that this correspondence works. This can be done directly, ordeduced from Proposition G.1 and Theorem G.2 (where these ideas are developedin a more abstract setting). �

Theorem 8.30. Let H be a finitely generated Hopf algebra over a field k. Thenthere exists a surjective morphism of Hopf algebras of the form

k[x11, . . . , xnn, 1/det] ։ H

for some n.

Proof. View H as a comodule over itself. By Lemma 8.28, there exists afinite-dimensional subcomodule V of H which contains the algebra generators ofH. Let {v1, . . . , vn} be a basis for V and write ρ(vj) =

i vi ⊗ aij where ρ is therestriction of ∆ to V . Then by the preceding discussion,

k[x11, . . . , xnn, 1/det] ։ H, xij 7→ aij

is a morphism of Hopf algebras. It remains to show that this map is surjective.The counitality condition on ∆ implies vj =

i ǫ(vi)aij . So the image of the abovemap contains vj , and hence is all of A. �

Corollary 8.31. Any aag is isomorphic to a lag (the base field k is assumed to beinfinite).

Proof. Let G be an aag. Then k[G] is a finitely generated commutativeHopf algebra. By Theorem 8.30, there is a surjective morphism of Hopf algebrask[GLn] ։ k[G] for some n, or equivalently, G is isomorphic to a closed subgroupof GLn. �

The proof given above is constructive. The algorithm to construct a faithfulrepresentation of an aag G is summarized below.

• Let H = k[G]. Pick a finite set S of algebra generators for H. Also picka basis {ai} of H.

• For each s ∈ S, write ∆(s) =∑

i si ⊗ ai for unique si. Let V be thefinite-dimensional subspace of H spanned by all the s and nonzero si. Weare guaranteed that V is a right subcomodule of H.

• Pick a basis {v1, . . . , vn} of V and define the matrix (aij) using (8.7).• The map

G→ GLn, α 7→ (aij(α))1≤i,j≤n.

is the required injective morphism of aags.

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Example 8.32. Take G := Ga. Then H = k[x]. Choose S = {x} and the basisof H to be 1, x, x2, . . . . Write ∆(x) = 1 ⊗ x + x ⊗ 1. So V is the subspace of Hspanned by {1, x}. This is also a basis, so take v1 = 1 and v2 = x. Writing thecoproduct in this basis,

ρ(1) = 1⊗ 1 + x⊗ 0,

ρ(x) = 1⊗ x+ x⊗ 1.

So the matrix aij is 2× 2 with entries 1, 0, x, 1. This yields the closed embedding

G→ GL2, α 7→(

1 0α 1



Example 8.33. Take G := Gm. Then H = k[x, x−1]. Choose S = {x, x−1}and the basis of H to be . . . , , x−2, x−1, 1, x, x2, . . . . Write ∆(x) = x ⊗ x and∆(x−1) = x−1 ⊗ x−1. So V is the subspace of H spanned by {x, x−1}. This is alsoa basis, so take v1 = x and v2 = x−1. Writing the coproduct in this basis,

ρ(x) = x⊗ x+ x−1 ⊗ 0,

ρ(x−1) = x⊗ 0 + x−1 ⊗ x−1.

So the matrix aij is 2×2 with entries x, 0, 0, x−1. This yields the closed embedding

G→ GL2, α 7→(

α 00 α−1



8.7. Problems

(1) Describe the initial object, terminal object, product and coproduct inAAG.

Initial and terminal object are the singleton {∗}. The product iscartesian product.

Same for HopfAlgco.Initial and terminal object are k. The coproduct is tensor product.Doublecheck these

claims. (2) Write down an explicit formula for the coproduct of k[x1, . . . , xn].(3) Show that U2

∼= Ga. Show that there is an aag structure on the affinevariety k3 such that U3

∼= k3 as aags.The map

Ga∼= U2, b 7−→


1 b0 1


is an isomorphism of aags.Consider the bijection

k3 → U3, (a, b, c) 7−→

1 a c0 1 b0 0 1


This can be used to define a group structure on k3:

(a, b, c)(a′, b′, c′) = (a+ a′, b+ b′, c+ c′ + ab′).

The unit object is (0, 0, 0). The inverse map is

(a, b, c)−1 = (−a,−b,−c+ ab).

The product and inverse are given by polynomials. So this defines an aagstructure on k3 which is isomorphic to U3.

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8.7. PROBLEMS 123

(4) Show that the automorphisms of Ga = k are the multiplications bynonzero elements of k.

We have seen that the automorphisms of the affine variety k are linearmaps x 7→ bx+ c, with b 6= 0. An automorphism of Ga must preserve theidentity element which is 0, hence it must be of the form x 7→ bx withb 6= 0.

What are the automorphisms of Gm?Suppose k is infinite. Then Gm has exactly two automorphisms

b 7→ b, and b 7→ b−1.

To see this, recall that k[Gm] is the group algebra of (Z,+), and Z hasonly two group automorphisms 1 7→ 1 and 1 7→ −1.

Suppose k is finite. Then the automorphisms of Gm are the same asthe automorphisms of its underlying group, which is the multiplicativegroup k∗. This is a cyclic group of order |k| − 1 [3, Theorem 6.4, part(c)]. Let Zn denote the cyclic group of integers modulo n under addition.Then the group of automorphisms of Zn is the set of integers coprime ton under multiplication. If n is prime, then this group has p−1 elements.

(5) Prove that Ga and Gm are not isomorphic aags.By the previous exercise, the automorphism groups of Ga and Gm are

not isomorphic, hence they cannot be isomorphic aags.(6) Consider the affine variety X = k. It is not an aag under multiplication

(because 0 is not invertible). But check that it is a monoid in AffVariety.What structure does k[X] carry? Describe it explicitly.

A monoid in AffVariety is an affine varietyX which is also a monoid (inthe usual sense) such that the monoid product X×X → X is a morphismof affine varieties. In the present case,

X ×X → X, (x, y) 7→ xy

is a polynomial map, hence a morphism of affine varieties. So X is amonoid in AffVariety.

The coordinate ring H = k[x] is a commutative bialgebra (a comonoidin the category of commutative algebras). The coproduct is

∆ : H → H ⊗H, xn 7→ xn ⊗ xn, n ≥ 0

and the counit is

ǫ : H → k, xn 7→ 1 n ≥ 0.

This bialgebra is the linearization of the monoid of nonnegative integersunder addition. It is not a Hopf algebra, the antipode does not exist.

(7) Let k := C. Consider the affine variety µn := V(xn − 1). Check that thisis an aag under multiplication induced from k. Describe the Hopf algebrastructure on k[µn]. Show that it is of the form kG for some group G.Identify G.

The affine variety µn consists of the nth roots of unity. If x andy are nth roots of unity, then so is xy. So µn is a closed subgroup ofGm. The Hopf algebra k[µn] is k[x]/(xn − 1) with x group-like. It isthe group algebra of the cyclic group of order n, denoted Zn. The group

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homomorphism Z→ Zn, induces the morphism

k[x, x−1]→ k[x]/(xn − 1), x 7→ x, x−1 7→ xn−1.

This coincides with the morphism induced by µn → Gm.What happens if k = R?If n is odd, then µn = {1}, and k[µn] is k which is the group algebra of

the trivial group. If n is even, then µn = {1,−1}, and k[µn] is k[x]/(x2−1)

which is the group algebra of the group with two elements.(8) Suppose k is algebraically closed. Prove that Tn, Dn and Un are all

connected. Verify that Tn is the semidirect product of Dn and Un.(9) A monomial matrix of size n is a matrix of size n which has precisely one

nonzero entry in each row and each column. Let Nn denote the set ofmonomial matrices of size n. Show that Nn is a closed subgroup of GLn

(hence an aag) with N0n = Dn. In particular, Nn is not connected.

It is straightforward to verify that Nn is a subgroup of GLn, that is,the product of two monomial matrices is again a monomial matrix. Itis clear that Dn is a closed subgroup of Nn and each coset of Dn in Nn

is also closed. The number of cosets is n!. Since Nn is a finite union ofclosed sets, it is also closed, and hence an aag. Since Dn is connected, itfollows that N0

n = Dn.(10) Let G be a connected aag. Show that any finite normal subgroup H lies

in the center of G.(11) Show by example that the image of a morphism G→ H of aags may not

be a closed subgroup of H.(12) Show by example that the subgroup of an aag generated by two non-

irreducible closed subsets need not be closed.(13) Let A be a finite dimensional k-algebra. Prove that the group of auto-

morphisms of A is a closed subgroup of GLA.Pick a k-basis {v1, . . . , vn} for A. Write vivj =

k rkijvk. The rkij

are the structure constants of the algebra A. Let ϕ : V → V be anyk-linear invertible map. Write ϕ(vi) =

j aijvj . For ϕ to be an algebra

homomorphism, it must satisfy ϕ(vivj) = ϕ(vi)ϕ(vj) for all i, j. Thisamount to a bunch of polynomial equations in the aij whose coefficientsinvolve the structure constants rkij . Thus, the group of automorphisms ofA is a closed subgroup of GLA.

(14) Show that the group of upper triangular matrices is solvable.Standard group theory.

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Affine group schemes

In this chapter, k stands for a commutative ring.

9.1. Affine group schemes

Recall that the category of affine schemes AffScheme is cartesian. (The productin this category is described indirectly via the coproduct in the contravariantlyequivalent category of rings.) This allows us to make the following definition.

Definition 9.1. An affine group scheme is a group object in the category of affineschemes AffScheme. A morphism between affine group schemes is a morphismbetween group objects.

We let AGS denote the category of affine group schemes.

Since we could not explicitly describe the product for affine schemes, making thedefinition of an affine group scheme any more explicit is out of question. Contrastthis with the situation for affine algebraic groups.

More generally, let AGS(k) denote the category of affine group schemes over k.This is the category of group objects in AffScheme(k). The product in this categoryis the fiber product over k. We obtain the previous case by setting k := Z.

Theorem 9.2. The category of affine group schemes over k is contravariantlyequivalent to the category of commutative Hopf algebras over k.

AGS(k) ∼= (HopfAlgcok )op.

Proof. Recall from Theorem 5.44 that the category of affine schemes over k iscontravariantly equivalent to the category of commutative k-algebras. This implies:

Group(AffScheme(k)) ∼= Cogroup(Algcok )op.

Recall that the category of cogroup objects in Algcok is precisely the category ofcommutative Hopf algebras over k. The result follows. �

9.2. The functor of points

Recall that the functor (5.9) is an instance of the Yoneda embedding. So itpreserves products and induces a functor

(9.1) AGS→ GroupAGSop

or equivalently, AGS→ GroupRing.

Further, by Proposition F.6, this functor is also fully faithful.More generally, there is a fully faithful functor

(9.2) AGS(k)→ GroupAlgcok , X 7→ hX ,

or equivalently, in view of Theorem 9.2,

(9.3) HopfAlgcok → GroupAlgcok , H 7→ hH .


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Explicitly, suppose H is a commutative Hopf algebras over k, and X = Spec(H) isthe corresponding affine group scheme. Then

hX = hH : Algcok → Group, hX(A) = hH(A) = Algcok (H,A).

In other words, for each commutative k-algebra A, we are looking at the set of allk-algebra homomorphisms from H to A. This is a group under convolution, seeCorollary E.20. This is called the group of A-valued points of X or of H. Explicitly,if f, g : H → A, then their convolution product is

f ∗ g : H∆−→ H ⊗H f⊗g−−−→ A⊗A µ−→ A.

Thus X being an affine group scheme as opposed to simply an affine scheme hasthe effect that the set of A-valued points of X is a group as opposed to simply aset.

Definition 9.3. A functor Ring → Group is representable if it is of the form hXfor some affine group scheme X.

More generally, a functor Algcok → Group is representable if it is of the form hXfor some affine group scheme X over k, or equivalently, if it is of the form hH forsome commutative Hopf algebra H over k.

Let AGS′(k) denote the category of representable functors Algcok → Group.Since (9.2) is fully faithful,

(9.4) AGS(k)→ AGS′(k), X 7→ hX

is an equivalence of categories.In view of the equivalence (9.4), instead of saying “representable functors”, we

will reuse the term “affine group schemes” for the objects of AGS′(k) as well. Thiscan be potentially confusing, but the context should make it clear as to which ofthe two categories AGS(k) or AGS′(k) we are talking about.

Proposition 9.4. Suppose F : Algcok → Group is a functor such that the functorG : Algcok → Set obtained from F by composing with the forgetful functor is an affinescheme. Then F is an affine group scheme.

More precisely, suppose there is a commutative k-algebra H such that G(A) =Algcok (H,A). Then H carries the structure of a commutative Hopf algebra such thatthe group structure on F(A) = Algcok (H,A) is convolution.

Proof. This is an instance of Proposition F.5. �

Explicitly, the coproduct, the counit and the antipode are constructed as fol-lows.

(9.5) Algcok (H ⊗H,A) ∼=−−→ Algcok (H,A)× Algcok (H,A)→ Algcok (H,A).

The first map is the categorical coproduct property of H ⊗H. The second map isthe group product. Now put A := H ⊗H and let the coproduct ∆ : H → H ⊗Hbe the image of the identity under the above composite map.

The counit H → k is the unit element of the group Algcok (H, k). The antipodeH → H is the inverse of the identity H → H in the group Algcok (H,H).

The above result in conjunction with Theorem 5.46 yields:

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9.3. EXAMPLES 127

Theorem 9.5. Suppose F : Algcok → Group is a functor such that the elements ofF(A) are the solutions over A of some family of equations (defined over k). ThenF is an affine group scheme, that is, there is a commutative Hopf algebra S over k

such that F is isomorphic to hS, where hS(T ) = Algcok (S, T ).

Definition 9.6. An affine (group) scheme is called algebraic if the corresponding(Hopf) algebra is finitely generated as an algebra.

This happens for example if the affine group scheme is defined by equationsinvolving finitely many, say n, variables.

Proposition 9.7. Suppose F is as in Theorem 9.5 and the equations involve nvariables. Then F(A) is a subset of An, and the product and inverse maps

F(A)×F(A)→ F(A) and F(A)→ F(A)are induced from polynomial maps An ×An → An and An → An.

Proof. Apply Theorem 9.5. Since the equations involve finitely many vari-ables, the Hopf algebra S is finitely generated. Express the coproduct and antipodeof S using polynomials in these generators. (Because of the relations, these expres-sions are not unique in general.) The result follows. �

Definition 9.8. Suppose G and G′ are affine group schemes. A morphism G →G′ is called a closed embedding if the correpsonding map on (Hopf) algebras issurjective.

9.3. Examples

We now give many examples of affine group schemes. In each one of them, thefunctor

Algcok → Group

will be defined by equations. So by Theorem 9.5, it will be an affine group scheme.In the discussion below, A denotes a commutative k-algebra.

• Ga(A) = A, where the group structure on A is addition. This is a functorbecause any k-algebra homomorphism is linear and preserves addition.

• Gm(A) is the group of invertible elements ofA. Here we ignore the additivestructure of A. The product of A turns the underlying set of A into amonoid. Gm(A) is the group of units of this monoid. This is a functorbecause any k-algebra homomorphism is a morphism of the underlyingmonoids and hence preserves units.

• GLn(A) is the group of all invertible n × n matrices with entries in A.Check that an algebra homomorphism A → B induces a group homo-mophism GLn(A)→ GLn(B). Hence GLn is a functor.

• SLn(A) is the group of all n×n matrices with entries in A with determi-nant 1.

• µn(A) = {x ∈ A | xn = 1} is the group of nth roots of unity.

As remarked above, all these functors are represented by a Hopf algebra. Thecoproduct, counit and antipode can all be explicitly determined. For instance, forGL2, the representating algebra is

H := k[x11, x12, x21, x22, 1/det].

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The coproduct is constructed from (9.5). Explicitly,(

∆(x11) ∆(x12)∆(x21) ∆(x22)




x11 ⊗ 1 x12 ⊗ 1x21 ⊗ 1 x22 ⊗ 1


1⊗ x11 1⊗ x121⊗ x21 1⊗ x22



The rhs is matrix multiplication in the algebra H ⊗H. Thus

∆(xij) =



xik ⊗ xkj .

We leave it to you to check that in all the above examples except the last, theHopf algebras are as defined in Section 8.3. There we were assuming k to be aninfinite field, but the definitions make sense for any k. In the present context, k isany commutative ring. The point about assuming k to be an infinite field is thatthe Hopf algebra over k is then determined by its k points. For the last example,the relevant Hopf algebra is discussed in Example 7.5.

The following are examples of morphisms.

• det : Gln → Gm.• SLn → GLn.

Theorem 9.9. Let k be any field. Every algebraic affine group scheme over k isisomorphic to a closed subgroup of some GLn.

Proof. This is equivalent to Theorem 8.30. �

9.4. Character group

Let G be an affine group scheme. A character of G is a morphism G → Gm.The set of characters of G, denoted AffScheme′(G,Gm), is a group under pointwisemultiplication.

Proposition 9.10. Let G be an affine group scheme, and H the correspondingHopf algebra. Then there is a group isomorphism

AffScheme′(G,Gm)→ G(H),

where G(H) denotes the set of group-like elements of H.

Proof. Recall that the Hopf algebra of Gm is k[x, x−1] = kZ. So, there arebijections

AffScheme′(G,Gm) ←→ HopfAlgco(kZ, H) ←→ G(H).

The second bijection uses (7.6). The fact that the product in G(H) corresponds topointwise multiplication is a straightforward check. �

9.5. Diagonalizable affine group schemes

An affine group scheme is called diagonalizable if the corresponding Hopf alge-bra is of the form kS for some group S. Let DiagAGS′(k) denote the full subcategoryof AGS′(k) whose objects are diagonalizable affine group schemes.

Theorem 9.11. Let k be a field. Then there is a contravariant equivalence betweenthe category of diagonalizable affine group schemes DiagAGS′(k) and the categoryof abelian groups Ab.

Under this equivalence, the subcategory of algebraic diagonalizable affine groupschemes is equivalence to the subcategory of finitely generated abelian groups.

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9.6. PROBLEMS 129

Proof. The first part follows from Proposition 7.10. The second part followsfrom Lemma 7.11. �

9.6. Problems

(1) Let G be an affine group scheme, and H the corresponding Hopf algebra.Show that morphisms of the form G → Ga correspond to primitive ele-ments of H, and the group structure on AffScheme′(G,Ga) is pointwiseaddition.

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Category theory

Review basic notions from category theory:

• category, functor, natural transformation,• opposite category, contravariant functor,• notion of isomorphism between objects in a category, any functor preserves


Wikipedia has a good discussion. For a more comprehensive treatment, see thebook by Mac Lane [18].

For objects V and W of a category C, we let C(V,W ) denote the class ofmorphisms from V to W . A functor F : C→ D induces a map

C(V,W )→ D(F(V ),F(W )).

We say that F is

• full if this map is surjective,• faithful if this map is injective, and• fully faithful if this map is bijective.

A full subcategory of C is a subcategory of C such that the inclusion functor isfull. In other words, whenever objects A and B of C belong to the subcategory, allmorphisms in C between A and B also belong to the subcategory.

Let Cop denote the opposite category of C; these categories have the sameobjects, and

Cop(A,B) := C(B,A).

For categories C and C′, let C×C′ denote their cartesian product: objects are pairs(A,A′) where A is an object in C and A′ is an object in C′, and morphisms are pairs(f, f ′) : (A,A′) → (B,B′), where f : A → B is a morphism in C and f ′ : A′ → B′

is a morphism in C′.A category is discrete if the only morphisms in the category are identities. In

particular, there are no morphisms between distinct objects.A category is indiscrete if there is a unique morphism between any two objects.

It follows that every morphism in an indiscrete category is an isomorphism.

Remark A.1. One may think of a category as a graph in which arrows can becomposed whenever the target of the first arrow is the source of the second arrow.Initial object is like a source, terminal object is like a sink. A discrete category isa graph whose only arrows are identity loops. To pass from C to Cop, one reversesall the arrows.

Standard examples of categories to keep in mind.

• Set of sets• Vec of vector spaces


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• Group of groups• Top of topological spaces• Ring of (commutative) rings (with identity).• Algco of commutative algebras over C.

• Algco of finitely generated reduced commutative algebras over C.• The one-arrow category has one object and one morphism.• A one-object category has one object. Its structure is completely specified

by the composition of loops on that object. Thus, a one-object categoryis same as a monoid.

We will briefly review some of the notions listed below. The material is takenfrom [2, Appendix A].

• equivalence of categories,• limit: terminal object, product, pullback, inverse limit,• colimit: initial object, coproduct, pushout, direct limit,• adjoint functors.

A.1. Products and coproducts

The notions reviewed here can also be found in [18, Sections III.3–5 and VIII.2].

Definition A.2. Let A and B be objects of a category C. An object A×B alongwith arrows

AπA←−− A×B πB−−→ B

is said to be a product of A and B, if it satisfies the following property: given arrows

Af←− C g−→ B,

there exists a unique arrow (f, g) : C → A×B for which















// B

commutes. If the product exists, it is unique up to isomorphism.

The product of an arbitrary family of objects is defined similarly. The productof an empty family is a terminal object : an object J with a unique arrow from anyother object in the category.

Definition A.3. Dually, a coproduct of two objects A and B is an object A ∐ Bwith arrows

AιA−→ A∐B ιB←− B

such that given any arrows

Af−→ C

g←− B,

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there is a unique arrow




: A∐B → C for which









// C







An initial object I has a unique arrow to any other object in the category.

A.2. Adjunctions

Various equivalent formulations of the notion of adjunction are discussed inMac Lane’s book [18, Section IV.1, Theorem 2]. We briefly discuss two of these.

Definition A.4. Let F : C→ D and G : D→ C be a pair of functors. We say thatF is a left adjoint to G or that G is a right adjoint to F if there exists a naturalisomorphism

D(F(−),−) ∼=−−→ C(


of functors Cop × D→ Set.

In other words, the functors are adjoint if there exists a bijection

(A.1) D(F(A), X)∼=−−→ C



which is natural in A and X.

Proposition A.5. Let F : C → D and G : D → C be functors. Then F is leftadjoint to G (or G is a right adjoint to F) iff there exist natural transformationsη : id⇒ GF and ξ : FG ⇒ id such that the following diagrams commute.

F(A) F(ηA)//














The tuple (F ,G, η, ξ) is called an adjunction. The transformations η and ξ arethe unit and counit of the adjunction respectively.

Proof. Starting with (A.1), one sets X = F(A) and defines ηA as the mor-phism corresponding to the identity. Setting A = G(X) one obtains ξX . Conversely,given η and ξ, one defines (A.1) by sending f : F(A)→ X to the composite

(A.3) AηA−−→ GF(A) G(f)−−−→ G(X).

The inverse correspondence sends g : A→ G(X) to the composite

�(A.4) F(A) F(g)−−−→ FG(X)ξX−−→ X.

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Example A.6. Consider the linearization functor k(−) : Set→ Vec: For any set A,k(A) is the vector space with basis A. This functor satisfies the following universalproperty. Any map from a set A to a vector space V extends uniquely to a linearmap k(A) → V . This says that k(−) is the left adjoint to the forgetful functorVec→ Set:

Consider the functorS : Set→ Algco

which assigns to a set {x1, . . . , xn}, the polynomial algebra C[x1, . . . , xn]. Thisfunctor satisfies the following universal property. Any map from a set A to analgebra V extends uniquely to an algebra homomorphism from S(A) to V . Thissays that the functor S is the left adjoint to the forgetful functor

Algco → Set.

A.3. Equivalences

Definition A.7. An equivalence of categories C and D is a tuple (F ,G, η, ξ), whereF : C→ D and G : D→ C

are functors, andη : id⇒ GF and ξ : FG ⇒ id

and natural isomorphisms.An adjoint equivalence is an adjunction that is also an equivalence.

If (F ,G, η, ξ) is an adjoint equivalence, then so is (G,F , ξ−1, η−1). Not everyequivalence is an adjoint equivalence. However, given an equivalence (F ,G, η, ξ),there is always an adjoint equivalence of the form (F ,G, η′, ξ′). In fact, one mayalways choose η′ = η or ξ′ = ξ (but not both at the same time); see the commentsfollowing the proof of [5, Proposition 3.4.3].

A.4. Colimits of functors

We review the concept of colimit. More information can be found in the booksby Borceux [5, Chapter 2] or Mac Lane [18, Chapters III and V].

Definition A.8. Let F : D→ C be a functor. Consider an object V in C equippedwith morphisms τY : F(Y )→ V , one for each object Y in D, and such that for eachmorphism f : Y → Z in D the following diagram commutes.


F(Y )







Such a structure is called a cone from the base F to the vertex V .

Definition A.9. The colimit of a functor F : D→ C is an object of C, denoted

colimF or colimXF(X),

together with morphisms ιY : F(Y ) → colimF for each object Y in D, satisfyingthe following properties.

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• The maps ιY form a cone from the base F to the vertex colimF . In otherwords,

ιZF(f) = ιY

for each morphism f : Y → Z in D.• For any cone from F to a vertex V in C, there is a unique morphism

colimF → V , such that for each object Y in D the following diagramcommutes, where τY is the structure map of the cone to V .

F(Y )ιY //





The colimit may not exist, but if it does, then it is unique up to isomorphism.

The cone with vertex colimF is called the limiting cone or universal cone (fromF).

Let G : E→ D be another functor and FG : E→ C the composite. Suppose thecolimit of G exists and let ιY : G(Y )→ colimG be a universal cone. Then

FG(ιY ) : FG(Y )→ F (colimG)is a cone from FG to F (colimG). Therefore, there is a canonical map

colimFG → F (colimG) .When this map is an isomorphism, or equivalently when the above cone is universal,we say that F preserves the colimit of G, and we have

colimFG ∼= F (colimG) .Proposition A.10. A functor which is part of an equivalence, preserves colimits.

Proof. See [18, Theorem V.3.1,Section IX.2]. �

Theorem A.11. A right adjoint preserves all existing limits, and dually a leftadjoint preserves all existing colimits.

In particular, a right adjoint preserves terminal objects and products, and duallya left adjoint preserves initial objects and coproducts.

Proof. See [18, Theorems V.5.1]. �

A.5. Problems

(1) Describe the initial object, terminal object, product and coproduct in the

categories Set, Vec, Group, Top, Ring, Algco and Algco.Set : Initial object is the empty set, terminal object is any singleton

set, product is cartesian product, and coproduct is disjoint union.Vec: Initial and terminal objects are both the zero space. Product is

direct product and coproduct is direct sum. If the (co)product is over afinite set, the two notions coincide.

Top : Initial object is the empty set, terminal object is any singletonset, product is cartesian product with product topology, and coproduct isdisjoint union (a subset is open if its intersection with each piece is open).

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Group: Initial and terminal objects are both singletons, the productis cartesian product, and the coproduct is the free product (Note theterminology clash.)

Algco: Suppose k is a commutative ring. For k = Z, Algco = Ring. Sorings are subsumed by this example. Initial object is k, terminal objectis the zero algebra {0}, product is direct product (cartesian product withcomponentwise addition and multiplication), coproduct is tensor product.

(2) Check explicitly that in Example A.6, the forgetful functors preserve prod-ucts, while k(−) and S preserves coproducts. (We know this should bethe case from Theorem A.11.)

The product in Vec or Algco is cartesian product at the level of sets.So the forgetful functors to Set preserve products. Suppose V and W arevector spaces with basis S and T respectively. Then V ⊕ W has basisS ∐ T . This says that k(−) preserves coproducts. Similarly, the tensorproduct of the polynomial algebra on S with the polynomial algebra on Tis the polynomial algebra on S∐T . This says that S preserves coproducts.

(3) Consider the functor

S : Vec→ Algco

which assigns to a vector space V its symmetric algebra S(V ). The functorS is the left adjoint to the forgetful functor

Algco → Vec.

Check that the forgetful functor preserves products, while S preservescoproducts. How does this adjunction relate to those in Example A.6?

The fact that S preserves coproducts is the familiar statement S(V ⊕W ) ∼= S(V ) ⊗ S(W ). Adjunctions can be composed. The composite ofthe adjunctions

Setk(−)−−−→ Vec, and Vec

S−→ Algco

yields the adjunction between Set and Algco.(4) Check that the forgetful functor

Group→ Set

preserves products. Describe the left adjoint to this functor and checkthat it preserves coproducts.

The underlying set of the product of two groups G and H is theircartesian product. So the forgetful functor preserves products. The leftadjoint assigns to a set S, the free group F(S) generated by S. If S andT are two sets, then the free product of F(S) and F(T ) is isomorphic toF(S ∐ T ). Thus F preserves coproducts.

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Closure operators

Closure operators on posets arise in many different fields of mathematics, andin particular, in ring theory and algebraic geometry. In this section, we reviewtheir definition and basic properties to the extent required. Apparently introducedby Birkhoff in the first edition of this book on Lattice theory, so says Gratzer. Adetailed treatment of closure operators can be found in [8, Chapter 7]. Other goodsources are [12, 21].

B.1. Closure operators

Let 2I denote the poset of subsets of a finite set I.

Definition B.1. Let P be any poset (not necessarily finite). A closure operatoron P is a map

c : P → P

such that for every x, y ∈ P , we have:

• x ≤ c(x);• if x ≤ c(y), then c(x) ≤ c(y).

An element z ∈ P is closed if c(z) = z, or equivalently if z = c(x) for some x ∈ P .Let Pc denote the set of closed sets in P .

Example B.2. Let G be any group. Consider the operator

c : 2G → 2G

defined as follows: c(A) is the subgroup of G generated by the subset A ⊆ G. Inother words, c(A) is the smallest subgroup of G which contains A.

This is a closure operator. The closed sets are precisely those subsets of Gwhich are subgroups of G.

Example B.3. Let R be any ring (commutative with identity). Consider theoperator

c : 2R → 2R

defined as follows: c(A) is the ideal of R generated by the subset A ⊆ R. In otherwords, c(A) is the smallest ideal of R which contains A.

This is a closure operator. The closed sets are precisely those subsets of Rwhich are ideals of R.

Example B.4. Let V := Rn. Consider the operator

c : 2V → 2V

defined as follows: c(A) is the convex hull of A.This is a closure operator. The closed sets are precisely the convex subsets of

V .


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B.2. Topological closure operators

A closure operator t : 2I → 2I is topological if

• t(∅) = ∅;• t(A ∪B) = t(A) ∪ t(B).

Example B.5. Let T be any topological space. Consider the operator

c : 2T → 2T

defined as follows: c(A) = A is the closure of the set A in T . In other words, c(A)is the smallest closed set of T which contains A.

This is a topological closure operator. The closed sets of this operator areprecisely the closed sets of T .

Remark B.6. Matroids, antimatroids, convex geometries are closure operatorswith more structure (just like topological closure operators). In particular, anymatroid, antimatroid or convex geometry is an example of a closure operator.

B.3. Joins and meets

Let P be a poset. For any subset S of P , we write∨

S for the join (least upperbound) of elements in S, whenever it exists. Similarly, we write

S for the meet(greatest lower bound) of elements in S, whenever it exists.

Definition B.7. A lattice is a poset in which∨

S and∧

S exist for all finite subsetsS. A complete lattice is a poset in which

S and∧

S exist for all subsets S.

If the poset is finite, then there is no distinction between the two notions. TheBoolean poset 2I for any set I is an example of a complete lattice.

Proposition B.8. Let c be a closure operator on a poset P . Assume further thatP is a complete lattice. Then Pc is a complete lattice, under the order inheritedfrom P , such that for every subset S of Pc,


S =∧


S and∨


S = c(




This is a part of [8, Proposition 7.2]. It shows that an arbitrary meet in Pof closed sets is a closed set, but an arbitrary join in P of closed sets may not beclosed set; so to get the join in Pc, one has to take the closure of the join in P .

Proof. Let x ∈ S. Since x is a closed set, c(∧

P S)

≤ x. Thus c(∧

P S)


P S, from which it follows that∧

P S is a closed set. This shows that arbitrarymeets exist in Pc and agree with the meets in P .

If some closed set is greater than all elements of S, then it is greater than∨


and hence also greater than c(∨

P S)

. This shows that the latter is the join of S inPc. �

B.4. Galois connection

Let P and Q be posets and let f : P → Q and g : Q → P be order-reversingmaps. One says that f and g form a Galois connection if

(B.1) x ≤ g(y) ⇐⇒ y ≤ f(x)for all x ∈ P and y ∈ Q.

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Proposition B.9. Suppose f and g form a Galois connection. Then

(1) gf and fg are closure operators on P and Q respectively,(2) f and g restrict to inverse bijections between the closed sets of gf and the

closed sets of fg,(3) f = fgf and g = gfg,(4) the image of f equals the image of fg which is same as the set of closed

sets of fg, and similarly, the image of g equals the image of gf which issame as the set of closed sets of gf .

Proof. (1). We show gf is a closure operator on P : Putting y = f(x) in (B.1)gives x ≤ gf(x). This is the first property of a closure operator. To verify thesecond property, suppose x ≤ gf(z). Putting y = f(z) in (B.1) gives f(z) ≤ f(x).Applying g and noting it is order-reversing yields gf(x) ≤ gf(z).

(2). Follows from (1).(3). We show f(x) = fgf(x). Since gf is a closure operator, x ≤ gf(x).

Applying f and noting it is order-reversing yields fgf(x) ≤ f(x). Since fg isa closure operator, f(x) ≤ fg(f(x)). Combining the two conclusions proves theresult.

(4). Follows from (3). �

Remark B.10. Instead of (B.1), one may also consider the condition:

g(y) ≤ x ⇐⇒ f(x) ≤ y.This does not lead to anything new since one may pass from this situation to theprevious one by reversing the partial orders on P and Q.

If one reverses the partial orders on only one of P or Q, then both f and gbecome order-preserving and condition (B.1) changes to

x ≤ g(y) ⇐⇒ f(x) ≤ y,or

g(y) ≤ x ⇐⇒ y ≤ f(x).The categorical significance of these identities will be made clear in the next section.

B.5. Problems

(1) For a closure operator c, show that• c



= c(x);• if x ≤ y, then c(x) ≤ c(y).

(2) Let V be a vector space. Construct a closure operator on 2V followingthe strategy of Example B.2. You may think of similar examples for otheralgebraic structures.

(3) Show that arbitrary intersection of closed sets is again a closed set for anyclosure operator on 2I . This is part of the claim made in Proposition B.8.It agrees with our familiar experience that intersection of ideals is an ideal,intersection of subgroups is a subgroup, and so on.

(4) Show that topological closures with ground set I and topologies on I areequivalent notions: given a topological closure t, its closed sets are theclosed sets of a topology on the set I; conversely, any topology on I arisesin this manner from a unique topological closure operator.

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C.1. Posets as categories

A poset P can be viewed as a category which we denote by P: Objects of P arethe elements of P . Morphisms are as follows. If x ≤ y in P , then there is a uniquemorphism from x to y in P, else there is no morphism from x to y.

The reflexivity in P yields the identity morphisms in P, transitivity in P allowsmorphisms to be composed in P.

In a poset P ,

• the smallest element, if any, is an initial object in P,• the largest element, if any, a terminal object in P,• the meet of x and y, if it exists, is the product of x and y in P,• the join of x and y, if it exists, is the coproduct of x and y in P.

The assertions about the meet and join work for any collection of elements ofP (not just two or finite).

Let P op denote the opposite poset to P : elements are the same as those ofP but the order is reversed. Then the category associated to P op is precisely theopposite category Pop.

C.2. Order-preserving maps as functors

An order-preserving map F : P → Q between posets is same as a functorF : P → Q between the corresponding categories. Note that an order-reversingmap yields a contravariant functor.

Proposition C.1. Let P and Q be posets and let F : P → Q and G : Q → P beorder-preserving maps. Then the functor F : P→ Q is the left adjoint of G : Q→ P(or equivalently, G is the right adjoint of F ) iff

(C.1) F (x) ≤ y ⇐⇒ x ≤ G(y)for all x ∈ P and y ∈ Q.

Definition C.2. Let P and Q be posets and let F : P → Q and G : Q → P beorder-preserving maps. We say that (F,G) is a adjunction if (C.1) holds. In thissituation, we let Pc = Image(G) and Qc = Image(F ). We view them as subposetsof P and Q respectively.

We say that an order-preserving map F : P → Q preserves existing joins ifwhenever the join

S exists in P , then the join∨

F (S) exists in Q and f(∨

S) =∨

F (S). Preservation of existing meets is defined dually.

Theorem C.3. Suppose (F,G) is an adjunction. Then F preserves all existingjoins and G preserves all existing meets.


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Proof. This follows from Theorem A.11: In the example at hand, joins arecoproducts and meets are products. �

Theorem C.4. Suppose (F,G) is an adjunction, where in addition, P and Q arecomplete lattices. Then

(1) F preserves arbitrary joins and G preserves arbitrary meets.(2) Pc and Qc are complete lattices. Further, they are isomorphic as complete

lattices (with the inverse isomorphisms provided by the restrictions of Fand G).

Proof. (1) follows from Theorem C.3, the only additional point being thatsince P and Q are complete lattices, all joins and meets will exist.

The first part of (2) follows from Proposition B.8. For the second part of (2):First note that (F,G) restricts to an adjunction between Pc and Qc. In this case,F and G are inverse poset isomorphisms as well. Now apply (1). �

C.3. Problems

(1) Prove Theorem C.3 directly. In doing this, you will in principle see all theingredients that go into the proof of Theorem A.11.

(2) Let G : (c, d)→ (a, b) be an increasing right continuous function such that


G(y) = a and limy→d−

G(y) = b.

Then there is a unique increasing function F : (a, b)→ (c, d) such that

F (x) ≤ y ⇐⇒ x ≤ G(y).Further, F is left continuous and


F (x) = c and limx→b−

F (x) = d.

(This result is useful in measure theory and probability theory.)

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In this section, we introduce the basic notation for sheaves. For more details,see [14, Section II.1] or [11, Section I.1.3].

D.1. Sheaves

Let X be a topological space. The category of open sets in X, denoted byOpenX , is defined as follows: Objects are open sets in X and there is a uniquemorphism U → V whenever U ⊆ V . (Alternatively, open sets in X form a posetunder inclusion, and OpenX is precisely the category associated to this poset.)

Definition D.1. A presheaf on X is a functor

F : OpenopX → Set.

A morphism ϕ : F → G of presheaves is a natural transformation between thefunctors. Let Presheaf(X) denote the category of presheaves on X.

We make this definition more explicit. A presheaf on X consists of the followingdata:

• for each open set U , there is a set F(U), and• for each V ⊆ U , there is a map ρU,V : F(U)→ F(V ),

such that

• ρU,U : F(U)→ F(U) is the identity map, and• if W ⊆ V ⊆ U , then ρU,W = ρV,W ρU,V .

A morphism ϕ : F → G of presheaves consists of a map ϕ(U) : F(U) → G(U)for each open set U , such that whenever V ⊆ U , the diagram








F(V )ϕ(V )

// G(V )

commutes.The set F(U) is called the sections of F over the set U , the set F(X) is called

the global sections of F , and the map ρU,V is called the restriction of U to V .

Definition D.2. A presheaf F on a topological space X is a sheaf if it satisfiesthe following gluing condition:

• If {Vj} is an open cover of an open set U ⊆ X, and if there are elementssj ∈ F(Vj) for each j satisfying

ρVi,Vi∩Vj(si) = ρVj ,Vi∩Vj



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for each i, j, then there is a unique element s ∈ F(U) such that

ρU,Vj(s) = sj

for all j.

A morphism of sheaves is a morphism of the underlying presheaves. Let Sheaf(X)denote the category of sheaves on X.

Example D.3. The following are some familiar examples of sheaves.

• Continuous real-valued functions on a topological space.• Smooth real-valued functions on a smooth manifold.• Holomorphic functions on a Riemann surface.

Let F be the sheaf of differentiable functions on R, and let G be the sheaf ofcontinuous functions on R. Since every differentiable function is also continuous,there is a morphism of sheaves F → G.

The sheaf axiom implies that F(∅) is a singleton (see EH).

Remark D.4. The category Set in the definition of a (pre)sheaf can be replacedby any category C. In this manner, one defines a (pre)sheaf of rings, a (pre)sheafof abelian groups, a (pre)sheaf of C-algebras, etc.

D.2. Stalks

For x ∈ X, let OpenX,x denote the subcategory of OpenX consisting of opensets containing x. Let F be a presheaf (sheaf) on X. Consider the restriction of F :

OpenopX,x → Set.

This functor has a colimit. It is called the stalk of F at the point x, and is denotedby Fx. An explicit construction is as follows. An element of Fx is a pair (U, s),where U is a neighbourhood of x and s ∈ F(U). Two such pairs (U, s) and (V, t)define the same element of Fx iff there is a neighbourhoodW of x withW ⊆ U ∩V ,such that

ρU,W (s) = ρV,W (t).

One says that elements of Fx are germs of sections of F at the point x.By general principles, a morphism ϕ : F → G of presheaves (sheaves) on X

induces a morphism ϕx : Fx → Gx on the stalks, for any point x ∈ X.

D.3. The generic stalk

Let X be an irreducible topological space, that is, any two nonempty open setsin X intersect. Let OpenX,gen denote the subcategory of OpenX consisting of allnonempty open sets. Let F be a presheaf (sheaf) on X. Consider the restriction ofF :

OpenopX,gen → Set.

This functor has a colimit. It is called the generic stalk of F , and is denoted byFgen. An explicit construction is as follows. An element of Fgen is a pair (U, s),where U is a nonempty open set and s ∈ F(U). Two such pairs (U, s) and (V, t)define the same element of Fgen iff there is a nonempty open set W contained inU ∩ V , such that

ρU,W (s) = ρV,W (t).

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(Check that this is an equivalence relation. This uses the fact that X is irreducible.)By general principles, a morphism ϕ : F → G of presheaves (sheaves) on X induces Draw picturea morphism ϕgen : Fgen → Ggen on the generic stalks.

Remark D.5. I believe that the colimit exists even if the space is not irreducible.For its construction, we will have to take transitive closure of the relation definedabove.

D.4. The category of all sheaves

So far, we have talked about sheaves on a single topological space. Now weconstruct a category which involves sheaves where the topological space is allowedto vary.

Definition D.6. Let f : X → Y be a continuous map of topological spaces. Forany sheaf F on X, we define the direct image sheaf f∗F on Y by

(f∗F)(V ) := F(f−1(V ))

for any open set V in Y . This defines a functor

f∗ : Sheaf(X)→ Sheaf(Y ).

We can now define the category Sheaf: An object is a pair (X,F), where X isa topological space and F is a sheaf on X. A morphism (X,F) → (Y,G) is a pair(f, f#) of a continuous map f : X → Y and a map of sheaves f# : G → f∗F on Y .

Example D.7. Let Manifold be the category of smooth manifolds: objects aresmooth manifolds and morphisms are smooth maps. There is a functor

Manifold→ Sheaf

constructed as follows. It sends a manifold M to the pair (M,OM ): the firstcomponent is the underlying topological space of M and the second component isthe sheaf of smooth functions of M . Further, given a smooth map f : M → N ofmanifolds, there is an induced map

f# : ON → f∗OM g 7→ g ◦ f.Add material onB-sheaves.

Proposition D.8. Let ϕ : F → G be a morphism of sheaves (of rings). Then ϕ isan isomorphism iff the induced map on the stalk ϕP : FP → GP is an isomorphismfor all P ∈ X.

Proof. See [14, Proposition 1.1]. �

D.5. Problems

(1) Let X be the two-element set {0, 1}, and make X into a topological spaceby taking each of the four subsets to be open. A presheaf on X is thusa collection of four sets with certain maps between them satisfying someconditions. Describe these conditions. What additional conditions wouldyou need to make this into a sheaf?

Do the same in the case when the topology on X has as open sets ∅,{0} and {0, 1}.

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(2) Show that there is a presheaf which is not a sheaf because the existencepart of the gluing condition fails. Similarly, show that there is a presheafwhich is not a sheaf because the uniqueness part of the gluing conditionfails.

(3) Show that the colimit of any presheaf exists.(4) Show that the forgetful functor Sheaf(X) → Presheaf(X) has a left ad-

joint. This says that there is a canonical way to sheafify a presheaf.See Hartshorne [14, page 64].

(5) Show that the functor f∗ : Presheaf(X)→ Presheaf(Y ) has a left adjoint.It is usually denoted by f−1. Explicitly, given a presheaf G on Y , thepresheaf f−1G is defined as follows. Its value on an open set U in X isthe colimit of G over all open sets in Y containing f(U).

An important point is that f−1G may not be a sheaf even if G is. Soto obtain the left adjoint of f∗ : Sheaf(X)→ Sheaf(Y ), one combines thisresult with the previous exercise.

See Hartshorne [14, pages 65 and 68].

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Monoidal categories

This material is mostly taken from [2, Chapter 1] (available on my homepage)where you can find more details as well as plenty of historical references.

E.1. Braided monoidal categories

E.1.1. Monoidal categories.

Definition E.1. A monoidal category (C, •) is a category C with a functor

• : C× C→ C,

together with a natural isomorphism

αA,B,C : (A •B) • C ∼=−−→ A • (B • C)

which satisfies the pentagon axiom:


(A •B) • (C •D)



((A •B) • C) •D







;;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwA •


B • (C •D))


A • (B • C))


// A •(

(B • C) •D)




Further, C has a distinguished object I with natural isomorphisms

λA : A→ I •A, and ρA : A→ A • I,

which satisfy the triangle axiom:


(A • I) •B αA,I,B// A • (I •B)

A •B.ρA•idB




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It follows that

(E.3) λI = ρI ,

and the following diagrams commute.

(I •A) •B αI,A,B// I • (A •B)

A •BλA•idB



(A •B) • I αA,B,I// A • (B • I)

A •BρA•B




We refer to A •B as the tensor product of A and B and to I as the unit objectof C. The natural isomorphism α above is called the associativity constraint and λand ρ are called the unit constraints.

We often omit α from the notation and identify the objects (A • B) • C andA•(B•C). The identification is denoted A•B•C and referred to as the unbracketedtensor product of A, B and C. We often omit the subindexes A, B, C from α, λand ρ if they can be told from the context.

If (C, •) is monoidal, then so is (Cop, •). The transpose of (C, •) is the monoidalcategory (C, •) where

A •B := B •A.If C and C′ are monoidal categories, then so is C× C′ with tensor product

(A,A′) • (B,B′) := (A •B,A′ •B′).

E.1.2. Braided monoidal categories.

Definition E.2. A braided monoidal category is a monoidal category (C, •) togetherwith a natural isomorphism

βA,B : A •B → B •A,which satisfies the axioms

B •A • CidB•βA,C


A •B • C




// B • C •A

A • C •BβA,C•idB


A •B • C




// C •A •B.


The natural isomorphism β is called a braiding. We often omit the subindexes Aand B from β if they can be told from the context.

A monoidal category is symmetric if it is equipped with a braiding β whichsatisfies β2 = id. In this case β is called a symmetry.

It follows from the axioms that the following diagrams commute.


A •B • CidA•βB,C




A • C •BβA,C•idB

// C •A •B



B •A • CidB•βA,C

// B • C •AβB,C•idA

// C •B •A

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A • IβA,I

// I •A





I •AβI,A

// A • I





It follows from (E.3) and (E.7) that

(E.8) βI,I = idI•I .

If β is a braiding for (C, •), then so is its inverse β−1 defined by

(β−1)A,B := (βB,A)−1 : A •B → B •A.

The monoidal category (Cop, •) is braided, with the opposite braiding defined by

(βop)A,B := βB,A,

as is the category (C, •), with the transpose braiding

(βt)A,B := βB,A.

If C and C′ are braided monoidal categories with braidings β and β′, then so isC× C′ with braiding

(A,A′) • (B,B′) //________ (B,B′) • (A,A′)

(A •B,A′ •B′)(βA,B ,β′

A′,B′ )

// (B •A,B′ •A′).

E.2. Hopf monoids

A monoidal category allows one to define monoids and comonoids; if the cat-egory is braided, then one can also define bimonoids and Hopf monoids as well asdifferent types of monoids. These objects along with their notations are summarizedin Table E.1.

Table E.1. Categories of “monoids” in monoidal categories.

Category Description Category Description

Mon(C) Monoids Bimonco(C) Com. bimonoids

Comon(C) Comonoids coBimon(C) Cocom. bimonoids

Bimon(C) Bimonoids coBimonco(C) Com. & cocom. bimonoids

Hopf(C) Hopf monoids Hopfco(C) Com. Hopf monoids

Monco(C) Com. monoids coHopf(C) Cocom. Hopf monoidscoComon(C) Cocom. comonoids coHopfco(C) Com. & cocom. Hopf monoids

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E.2.1. Monoids and comonoids.

Definition E.3. A monoid in a monoidal category (C, •) is a triple (A,µ, ι) where

µ : A •A→ A and ι : I → A

(the product and the unit) satisfy the associativity and unit axioms, which statethat the following diagrams commute.

A •A •Aid•µ




A •A



A •A µ// A

I •A ι•id // A •A



A • Iid•ιoo








A morphism (A,µ, ι) → (A′, µ′, ι′) of monoids is a map A → A′ which commuteswith µ and µ′, and ι and ι′.

Similarly a comonoid in a monoidal category (C, •) is a triple (C,∆, ǫ) where

∆: C → C • C and ǫ : C → I

(the coproduct and the counit) satisfy the coassociativity and counit axioms. Theseare obtained from the monoid axioms by replacing µ by ∆ and ι by ǫ, and reversingthe arrows with those labels. A morphism (C,∆, ǫ) → (C ′,∆′, ǫ′) of comonoids isa map C → C ′ which commutes with ∆ and ∆′, and ǫ and ǫ′.

We denote the categories of monoids and of comonoids in (C, •) by Mon(C) andComon(C) respectively. The notions of monoid and comonoid are dual in the sensethat Mon(C) is equivalent to Comon(Cop)op.

E.2.2. Bimonoids.

Definition E.4. A bimonoid in a braided monoidal category (C, •, β) is a quintuple(H,µ, ι,∆, ǫ) where (H,µ, ι) is a monoid, (H,∆, ǫ) is a comonoid, and the twostructures are compatible in the sense that the following four diagrams commute.

H •H •H •Hid•β•id

// H •H •H •H



H •H µ//




// H •H


H •H ǫ•ǫ //



I • I



H ǫ// I




ι // H


I • I ι•ι// H •H









A morphism of bimonoids is a morphism of the underlying monoids and comonoids.

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In a braided monoidal category (C, •, β), if (A1, µ1) and (A2, µ2) are monoids,then so is A1 •A2, with structure maps

(E.12)A1 •A2 •A1 •A2

id•β•id// A1 •A1 •A2 •A2

µ1•µ2 // A1 •A2

IλI=ρI // I • I ι1•ι2 // A1 •A2.

Dually, if (C1,∆1) and (C2,∆2) are comonoids, then so is C1 • C2.In this manner, Mon(C) and Comon(C) are monoidal categories. One can then

give the following alternative description for bimonoids.

Proposition E.5. A bimonoid is an object H in a braided monoidal category withmaps

µ : H •H → H ∆: H → H •Hι : I → H ǫ : H → I

such that (H,µ, ι) is a monoid, (H,∆, ǫ) is a comonoid, and µ and ι are morphismsof comonoids, or equivalently, ∆ and ǫ are morphisms of monoids.

We denote the category of bimonoids in (C, •, β) by Bimon(C).

E.2.3. Convolution monoids. Let (C, •) be a monoidal category.

Definition E.6. For C a comonoid and A a monoid in C, define the convolutionmonoid as the set C(C,A) of all maps in C from C to A with the following product.

For f, g ∈ C(C,A), we let the product f ∗ g be the composite morphism

C∆ // C • C

f•g// A •A

µ// A.

This is an associative product called convolution. The map ιǫ : C → A serves as theunit for this product and is called the convolution unit. The set C(C,A) is thus anordinary monoid, that is, a monoid in the monoidal category (Set,×) of sets withcartesian product.

If C is a linear monoidal category, then C(C,A) has the structure of an (asso-ciative) algebra. This is called the convolution algebra.

Proposition E.7. Let C and C ′ be comonoids and A and A′ be monoids in C. Let

j : C ′ → C and k : A→ A′

be a morphism of comonoids and a morphism of monoids, respectively. Then themaps

C(C,A)→ C(C ′, A), f 7→ fj


C(C,A)→ C(C,A′), f 7→ kf

are morphisms of convolution monoids.

The proof is straightforward.

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E.2.4. Hopf monoids. Let (C, •, β) be a braided monoidal category. For a bi-monoid H in C, consider the convolution monoid End(H) := C(H,H).

Definition E.8. A Hopf monoid in C is a bimonoid H for which the identity mapid: H → H is invertible in the convolution monoid End(H). Explicitly, there mustexist a map s : H → H such that

H •H id•s // H •H



H ǫ//


I ι// H

H •H s •id // H •H



H ǫ//


I ι// H


commute. The map s is the antipode of H.

The antipode of a bimonoid H may exist or not, but if it does, then it is unique(and H is a Hopf monoid).

Proposition E.9. Let H and H ′ be Hopf monoids. A morphism of bimonoidsH → H ′ necessarily commutes with the antipodes and the convolution units.

Proof. We prove the first claim. Let k : H → H ′ be a morphism of bimonoids.According to Proposition E.7, we have morphisms of convolution monoids

C(H ′, H ′)→ C(H,H ′), f 7→ fk


C(H,H)→ C(H,H ′), f 7→ kf.

It follows that both s′ k and k s are the inverse of k in C(H,H ′), so they mustcoincide. �

A morphism of Hopf monoids H → H ′ is defined to be a morphism of theunderlying bimonoids. In view of Proposition E.9, such morphisms preserve theextra structure present in a Hopf monoid.

We denote the category of Hopf monoids in (C, •, β) by Hopf(C).

E.2.5. Commutative monoids. In addition to playing a role in the definitionof bimonoids, the braiding in a braided monoidal category is related to anotheraspect: the possibility of defining different types of monoids. Presently, we discussthe well-known example of commutative monoids.

Definition E.10. A commutative monoid (resp. cocommutative comonoid) in abraided monoidal category (C, •, β) is a monoid A (resp. comonoid C) such thatthe left-hand (resp. right-hand) diagram below commutes.

A •Aβ





A •A





C • Cβ

// C • C




A morphism of commutative monoids (resp. cocommutative comonoids) is a mor-phism of the underlying monoids (resp. comonoids).

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We denote the category of commutative monoids and cocommutative comonoidsin (C, •, β) by Monco(C) and coComon(C) respectively. The definition implies thatthey are full subcategories of Mon(C) and Comon(C) respectively.

We say that a bimonoid or Hopf monoid is (co)commutative if its underlying(co)monoid is (co)commutative. Following the above notation, this defines cate-gories Bimonco(C), coBimon(C) and coBimonco(C) and three more with bimonoidsreplaced by Hopf monoids as shown in Table E.1.

E.3. Trivial examples

• The smallest symmetric monoidal category is the one-arrow category (I, •).It has one object and one morphism with the tensor product and braidingdefined in the obvious manner.

• In any monoidal category, the unit object I is a monoid and a comonoid,with the product and coproduct being

I∼=−−→ I • I and I • I ∼=−−→ I

and the unit and counit being the identity morphism I → I. Further, ifthe monoidal category is braided, then I is a bimonoid and a Hopf monoid(with the antipode being the identity morphism).

E.4. The diamond of categories

In this section, we study the iterations of the monoid and comonoid construc-tions. The result is summarized in the diamond shown in Figure E.1. From anyvertex, there are two paths going down, the one to the left is the monoid construc-tion, while the one to the right is the comonoid construction.

















Figure E.1. Iterations of the monoid and comonoid constructions.

The apex of the diamond is any category C. If C is monoidal, then we canconstruct the first layer of the diamond. If C is braided monoidal, then we canconstruct the middle layer of the diamond. If C is symmetric monoidal, then wecan construct the remaining two layers as well.

Stage 1. Suppose (C, •) is a monoidal category. Then we can construct two cate-gories from it, namely, Mon(C) and Comon(C).

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Stage 2. Now suppose in addition that (C, •) is braided. Then, as mentioned inSection E.2.2, the categories Mon(C) and Comon(C) are themselves monoidal. Sowe can apply the monoid and comonoid constructions on either of them. The resultof this iteration is given below.

Proposition E.11. Suppose C is a braided monoidal category. Then

Mon(Comon(C)) ∼= Bimon(C) ∼= Comon(Mon(C)),

Mon(Mon(C)) ∼= Monco(C),

Comon(Comon(C)) ∼= coComon(C).

The category of monoids in Comon(C) is equivalent to the category of comonoidsin Mon(C), and both these categories are equivalent to the category of bimonoidsin C. This follows from Proposition E.5.

But what is the category of monoids in Mon(C)? An object in this category isan object in C equipped with two “compatible” monoidal structures. One can showby the Eckmann–Hilton argument that the compatibility forces the two monoidalstructures to coincide and further they are commutative. From this one can deducethat the category of monoids inMon(C) is equivalent to the category of commutativemonoids in C.

Similarly, the category of comonoids in Comon(C) is equivalent to the categoryof cocommutative comonoids in C.

The classical Eckmann–Hilton argument is given below.

Eckmann–Hilton. Consider a set with two binary operations + and × and twoelements 0 and 1. Consider the axioms

(x+ y)× (z + t) = (x× z) + (y × t),x+ 0 = x = 0 + x,

x× 1 = x = 1× x.

By setting x = t = 1 and y = z = 0, we deduce 1 = 0. Then, by setting y = z = 0,we get that the operations ∗ and + coincide. Next, by setting x = t = 0, we getthat + is commutative. Further manipulations give that + is associative.

However, the categories Monco(C), Bimon(C) and coComon(C) may fail to bemonoidal. (Related: The monoidal categories Mon(C) and Comon(C) may fail tobe braided.)

Stage 3. Now suppose in addition that the braiding β is a symmetry. In this case,if A and B are monoids, then βA,B : A • B → B • A is a morphism of monoidswith respect to the monoid structure (E.12). It follows that Mon(C) is a symmetricmonoidal category. Dually, Comon(C) is a symmetric monoidal category. Iteratingthese results and applying Proposition E.11, we deduce that Bimon(C), Monco(C),and coComon(C) are symmetric monoidal categories as well. In particular, thetensor product of two bimonoids is again a bimonoid, and the tensor product oftwo (co)commutative (co)monoids is again (co)commutative.

So the monoid and comonoid constructions can be iterated indefinitely.

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Proposition E.12. Suppose C is a symmetric monoidal category. Then

Mon(Monco(C)) ∼= Monco(C),

Comon(coComon(C)) ∼= coComon(C),

Mon(Bimon(C)) ∼= Bimonco(C) ∼= Comon(Monco(C)),

Mon(coComon(C)) ∼= coBimon(C) ∼= Comon(Bimon(C)),

Mon(coBimon(C)) ∼= coBimonco(C) ∼= Comon(Bimonco(C)).

It is clear that no new categories are obtained beyond those of (co)commutative(co, bi)monoids.

We now extend the above considerations to Hopf monoids. Let (C, •, β) be abraided monoidal category. In general, Hopf(C) fails to be a monoidal category.However, if β is a symmetry, then the tensor product A •B of two Hopf monoids Aand B is another Hopf monoid. The bimonoid structure is as in Section E.2.2 andthe antipode is sA • sB . It follows that if C is a symmetric monoidal category, thenso is Hopf(C).

E.5. Monoidal functors

Suppose (C, •) and (D, •) are braided monoidal category. A functor F : C→ Dis monoidal if for any objects A and B in C, there are natural isomorphisms

F(A) • F(B)∼=−−→ F(A •B) and I

∼=−−→ F(I).Proposition E.13. Suppose F : C → D is a monoidal functor between braidedmonoidal categories. Then F induces functors

Mon(C)→ Mon(D), Comon(C)→ Comon(D),

Bimon(C)→ Bimon(D), Hopf(C)→ Hopf(D).

Proof. Suppose A is a monoid in C. Then define the multiplication and unitof F(A) by

F(A) • F(A) ∼=−−→ F(A •A)→ F(A) and J∼=−−→ F(J)→ F(A).

Check that: this turns F(A) into a monoid; if A → B is a morphism of monoids,then the induced map F(A)→ F(B) is also a morphism of monoids. This inducesthe functor Mon(C)→ Mon(D).

By the same argument, one gets an induced functor on comonoids. For theinduced functor on bimonoids and Hopf monoids, one needs to check further: If Ais a bimonoid, then so is F(A). In addition, if A has an antipode s, then F(A) alsohas an antipode and it is given by F(s). �

E.6. Cartesian monoidal categories

E.6.1. (Co)cartesian monoidal categories. Let C be a category with finiteproducts. Then (C,×, J) is a symmetric monoidal category: A × B is a chosenproduct of A and B and J is a chosen terminal object in C. The associativity, unitconstraints, and the braiding are defined via the universal property for products.We say in this case that the monoidal category C is cartesian.

Explicitly, a monoid in (C,×, J) is a triple (A,µ, ι) where

µ : A×A→ A and ι : J → A

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(the product and the unit) satisfy the associativity and unit axioms, which statethat the following diagrams commute.

A×A×A id×µ//






A×A µ// A

J ×A ι×id// A×A



A× Jid×ιoo






What about comonoids? It is easy to see that every object C of C has a uniquecomonoid structure with respect to ×. Indeed, the counit ǫC : C → J is the uniquemap to the terminal object J , and the coproduct ∆C : C → C ×C is the diagonal :

∆C = (idC , idC).

Moreover, (C,∆, ǫ) is cocommutative.This yields equivalences of categories

coComon(C,×) ∼= Comon(C,×) ∼= C,coBimon(C,×) ∼= Bimon(C,×) ∼= Mon(C,×),

coBimonco(C,×) ∼= Bimonco(C,×) ∼= Monco(C,×).

Thus, in this situation, the diamond of Figure E.1 collapses on to one of its sides,so there are only three categories to consider instead of nine as shown below.


















Dually, any category with finite coproducts is symmetric monoidal, with themonoidal structure given by a choice of coproduct A ∐ B and the unit given by achosen initial object I. Such monoidal categories (C,∐, I) are called cocartesian.Every object in a cocartesian monoidal category is a monoid in a unique way. Sothis does not give anything new. The useful notion here is that of comonoids.

There are equivalences of categories

Monco(C,∐) ∼= Mon(C,∐) ∼= C,

Bimonco(C,∐) ∼= Bimon(C,∐) ∼= Comon(C,∐),coBimonco(C,∐) ∼= coBimon(C,∐) ∼= coComon(C,∐).

The diamond of Figure E.1 collapses on to one of its sides.

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E.6.2. (Co)group objects and Hopf monoids.

Definition E.14. A group object in a cartesian monoidal category (C,×, J) is amonoid (A,µ, ι) together with a morphism ζ : A → A such that the followingdiagrams commute.

A∆A //



A×A id×ζ// A×A



J ι// A

A∆A //



A×A ζ×id// A×A



J ι// A

We refer to ζ as the inverse morphism.A morphism between group objects A → B is a morphism between their un-

derlying monoids.

For any category C with finite products, we use the notation Group(C) to denotethe category of group objects in C.

Dually, a cogroup in a cocartesian monoidal category is a comonoid C equippedwith a morphism ζ : C → C such that diagrams dual to the ones above commute(reverse all arrows). We use the notation Cogroup(C) to denote the category ofcogroup objects in C.

Observe that

(E.14)Hopf(C,×) = coHopf(C,×) = Group(C,×),Hopf(C,∐) = Hopfco(C,∐) = Cogroup(C,∐).

Note that Group(C) is a full subcategory of Mon(C). This is an instance of thefact that Hopf(C) is a full subcategory of Bimon(C):

Given a monoid A in C, the inverse morphism ζ, if it exists, is unique. This isbecause ζ is the inverse of id in the convolution monoid C(A,A). So in the passagefrom Mon(C) to Group(C), we are picking those monoids which are group objects.

Example E.15. Here are some examples of cartesian monoidal categories and thestandard names that are employed for the corresponding group objects.

Cartesian monoidal category Category of group objects

Sets groups

Topological spaces topological groups

Manifolds Lie groups

Affine varieties algebraic groups

Schemes group schemes

Affine schemes affine group schemes

As is evident, the motivation for the terminology “groups objects” comes from theexample of sets: The category of group objects in Set is equivalent to the categoryof groups, that is,

Group(Set) = Group.

Proposition E.16. Suppose C and D are categories with finite products, and F :C→ D is a functor which preserves products, then F induces functors

Mon(C)→ Mon(D) and Group(C)→ Group(D).

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Proof. If F preserves products, then F is a monoidal functor wrt thesemonoidal structures. So the result follows by applying Proposition E.13. Alter-natively, one can proceed more directly as below.

Suppose A is a monoid in C. Then define the multiplication and unit of F(A)by

F(A)×F(A) ∼=−−→ F(A×A)→ F(A) and J∼=−−→ F(J)→ F(A).

Check that: this turns F(A) into a monoid; if A → B is a morphism of monoids,then the induced map F(A)→ F(B) is also a morphism of monoids; and if A is agroup object, then so is F(A). �

For example, the forgetful functor Top→ Set preserves products. This impliesin particular that the underlying set of a topological group is a group.

E.6.3. Cartesian category arising from a symmetric monoidal category.Let (C, •, I) be a symmetric monoidal category. Consider the category of commu-tative monoids Monco(C). If A and B are commutative monoids, then so is A •B.We claim that this is the categorical coproduct of Monco(C).

Proposition E.17. For any symmetric monoidal category (C, •), the categoricalcoproduct of Monco(C) is •.

The canonical maps are

A∼=−−→ A • I id•µ−−−→ A •B and B

∼=−−→ I •B µ•id−−−→ A •B.

If C is a commutative monoid and f : A → C and g : B → C are morphisms ofcommutative monoids, then there is a unique morphism A • B → C given by thecomposite

A •B f•g−−→ C • C µ−→ C

which commutes with the canonical maps.

Corollary E.18. Recall that AlgcoR denotes the category of commutative R-algebras,where R is a commutative ring. The categorical coproduct in AlgcoR is the tensorproduct.

In particular, the categorical product in Ring is the tensor product.

Proof. Apply the result to (ModR,⊗). �

Now we can consider comonoids and cogroup objects in this cocartesian monoidalcategory. These are familiar notions:

(E.15) Bimonco(C) ∼= Comon(Monco(C)) and Hopfco(C) ∼= Cogroup(Monco(C)).

We are familiar with the first fact. The second fact says that a commutative Hopfmonoid is same as a cogroup in the category of commutative monoids. The extraingredient in one case is the antipode and in the other case is the inverse morphism.It can be deduced by applying (E.14) to Monco(C).


(E.16) coBimon(C) ∼= Mon(coComon(C)) and coHopf(C) ∼= Group(coComon(C)).

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E.6.4. Example of a convolution monoid which is a group.

Proposition E.19. Suppose (C, •) is a cocartesian monoidal category. Let A be acogroup object and B be any object in C. Then the convolution monoid C(A,B) isa group.

Dually: Suppose C is a cartesian monoidal category. Let A be any object andB be a group object in C. Then the convolution monoid C(A,B) is a group.

Proof. It suffices to prove the first part. The second part can then be deducedby passing to the opposite category.

Let ζ : A → A denote the inverse morphism of A. Suppose f : A → B is anymorphism in C. Then fζ is the inverse of f in the convolution monoid. One halfof this claim is checked below; the other half can be deduced by symmetry.

A∆ //



A •Af•fζ




B •B



A •Af•f









// B.

Since C is a cocartesian monoidal category, the unit object I is same as the initialobject in C, each object in C is a monoid in a unique manner. We have writtenµ for the product and ι for the unit map. Thus the square and the lower trianglecommute. The pentagon commutes because A is a cogroup object. The uppertriangle commutes because of functoriality of •. �

Corollary E.20. Let H be a commutative Hopf monoid and let B be a commutativemonoid. Then the set of monoid morphisms H → B under convolution is a group.

Proof. Apply Proposition E.19 to the category of commutative monoids anduse (E.15). �

E.7. Modules and comodules

Definition E.21. Let (A,µ, ι) be a monoid in (C, •). A left A-module is a pair(M,χ) where

χ : A •M →M

satisfies the usual associativity and unit axioms. A right A-module is defined simi-larly in terms of a structure map M •A→M .

A morphism (M,χ) → (M ′, χ′) of left A-modules is a map M → M ′ whichcommutes with χ and χ′. We denote the category of left A-modules in (C, •) byModA(C).

Assume now that (C, •, β) is a braided monoidal category. Let Ai be a monoidin (C, •), i = 1, 2, and consider the monoid A1 •A2 defined in (E.12). If (Mi, χi) isa left Ai-module, then M1 •M2 is a left A1 •A2-module with structure map

A1 •A2 •M1 •M2id•β•id

// A1 •M1 •A2 •M2χ1•χ2 // M1 •M2.

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It follows that if H is a bimonoid, and (M1, χ1) and (M2, χ2) are left H-modules,then so is M1 •M2, with structure map

H •M1 •M2∆•id•id // H •H •M1 •M2

id•β•id// H •M1 •H •M2

χ1•χ2 // M1 •M2.

In addition, the unit object I is a left H-module with structure map

H • Iρ−1H // H

ǫ // I.

In this manner, the category ModH(C) is monoidal. A monoid in ModH(C) is calledan H-module-monoid. A comonoid in ModH(C) is called an H-module-comonoid.

Let C be a comonoid. Dualizing the above definitions, we obtain the no-tions of left C-comodule, right C-comodule, and C-D-bicomodule, where D is an-other comonoid. Let ComodC(C) be the category of left C-comodules. comodule-

monoidcomodule-comonoidIf H is a bimonoid, ComodH(C) is monoidal, and onehas the notions of H-comodule-monoid and H-comodule-comonoid.

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The Yoneda embedding

Any category with small hom-sets can be canonically embedded in a functorcategory. This is known as the Yoneda embedding. Further, it preserves products.

F.1. Functor categories

For any categories C and D, let DC denote the category of functors from C toD: Objects are functors from C to D and morphisms are natural transformations.Such a category is called a functor category.

• If C is the one-arrow category, then DC = D.• If C is the discrete category indexed by the natural numbers (starting at

0), then VecC is the category of graded vector spaces.

If the categorical product exists in D, then it also exists in DC, and can becomputed pointwise. Suppose F and G are functors from C to D, then define thefunctor F × G by

(F × G)(A) := F(A)× G(A)where on the right we take the categorical product in D. It is straightforward tocheck that F × G is the categorical product of F and G.

More generally if some kind of limit exists in D, then the same kind of limitalso exists in DC. This is also true for colimits.

Proposition F.1. Suppose D is a cartesian monoidal category. Then: A functorF : C → D is a monoid (group object) in (DC,×) iff for each object A in C, F(A)is a monoid (group object) in (D,×) and for each morphism f in C, F(f) is amorphism of monoids (group objects) in (D,×). Thus, there are equivalences ofcategories

Mon(DC,×) ∼= Mon(D,×)C and Group(DC,×) ∼= Group(D,×)C.Proof. Straightforward. �

F.2. Slice categories

Let D be a category and X an object of D. The slice category over X, denotedD ↓ X, is defined as follows. The objects are the morphisms

h : Y → X

of D with target X. A morphism from h : Y → X to h′ : Y ′ → X is a morphismf : Y → Y ′ in D such that

Y h




Y ′ h′



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commutes. Composition and identities are inherited from D.The slice category of objects under X denoted X ↓ D is defined similarly by

using morphisms with source X.Note that the product in D ↓ X amounts to a pullback from X. Dually, the

coproduct in X ↓ D amounts to a pushout from X.

F.3. The Yoneda lemma

Recall that for any categories C and D, DC denotes the category of functorsfrom C to D.

Let C be any category (with small hom-sets). Define a functor

(F.1) C→ SetCop

X 7→ hX

where hX(Y ) = C(Y,X), the set of morphisms from Y to X.

• For any morphism Y → Y ′ in C, there is a map C(Y ′, X)→ C(Y,X) whichsends Y ′ → X to the composite Y → Y ′ → X. So hX is a contravariantfunctor from C to Set.

• For any morphism X → X ′ in C, there is a natural transformation fromhX to hX′ : There is a map hX(Y )→ hX′(Y ) which sends Y → X to thecomposite Y → X → X ′. This map is natual is Y . This means that forany morphism Y → Y ′, the following diagram commutes.

hX(Y ′) //


hX′(Y ′)


hX(Y ) // hX′(Y )

C(Y ′, X) //


C(Y ′, X ′)


C(Y,X) // C(Y,X ′)

Both composites send Y ′ → X to Y → Y ′ → X → X ′.

It seems that this construction is equivalent to the functor

C× Cop → Set, (X,Y ) 7→ C(Y,X).

Equivalently, one may also consider the functor

Cop → SetC X 7→ hX

where hX(Y ) = C(X,Y ), the set of morphisms from X to Y .

Lemma F.2. The functor C → SetCop

is fully faithful. Further if the categoricalproduct exists in C, then this functor preserves products.

The categorical product exists in SetCop

since it is a functor category and theproduct exists in Set.

Proof. To show that the functor is fully faithful, we need to show that forany objects X and X ′, the map

(F.2) C(X,X ′)→ SetCop

(hX , hX′)

is a bijection. We do this by constructing the inverse map. Suppose we are given anatural transformation from hX to hX′ . Then consider the map hX(X)→ hX′(X).The image of the identity X → X yields a morphism X → X ′. Naturality showsthat the natural transformation associated to this morphism is precisely the onethat we started with.

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Further for any objects X and X ′, there is a natural isomorphism

hX × hX′∼= hX×X′ .

This can be seen from the following calculation.

(hX × hX′)(Y ) ∼= hX(Y )× hX′(Y ) ∼= C(Y,X)× C(Y,X ′)

∼= C(Y,X ×X ′) ∼= hX×X′(Y ).

All isomorphisms are natural in X, X ′ and Y . �

This is known as the Yoneda lemma. It embeds a category into a larger functorcategory. Often it is easier to work with the functor category from which resultsabout the original category can be deduced.

Remark F.3. The categorical coproduct always exists in SetCop

. (Define it point-wise using the coproduct in Set.) The coproduct may also exist in C, but theYoneda embedding will not preserve coproducts in general.

Proposition F.4. A functor F : D→ Set is a (monoid) group in SetD iff for eachobject A in D, F(A) is a (monoid) group and for each morphism f in D, F(f) isa (monoid) group homomorphism. Thus

Mon(SetD) ∼= MonoidD Group(SetD) ∼= GroupD.

Proof. Apply Proposition F.1. �

Proposition F.5. If C is a cartesian monoidal category, then an object A is a

group (monoid) in C iff hA is a group (monoid) in the functor category SetCop


Proof. Suppose A is a monoid in C. Then Proposition E.16 applied to theYoneda embedding implies that hA is a monoid in the functor category. Explicitly,for each object Y , C(Y,A) is a monoid: The product is the composite map

C(Y,A)× C(Y,A)∼=−−→ C(Y,A×A)→ C(Y,A).

The first map is the universal property of the product, the second map is the monoidstructure of A. The unit element is the image of the map

C(Y, J)→ C(Y,A).

Recall that J is the terminal object, so C(Y, J) is a singleton.Conversely, suppose hA is a monoid in the functor category. Then there are


C(Y,A×A) ∼=−−→ C(Y,A)× C(Y,A)→ C(Y,A) and C(Y, J)→ C(Y,A).

natural in Y . Set Y = A× A in the first and Y = J in the second. The images ofthe identity map yield morphisms A× A→ A and J → A. Check that these turnA into a monoid.

Further, check that the two constructions described above are inverse to eachother. �

Proposition F.6. Suppose C is a cartesian monoidal category. Then the Yonedaembedding (F.1) induces fully faithful functors:

(F.3) Mon(C)→ MonoidCop

and Group(C)→ GroupCop


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Proof. Suppose X and X ′ are monoids in C. Then hX are hX′ are monoidsin the functor category. We need to check that the bijection (F.2) restricts to abijection between the subsets of monoid homomorphisms. This is straightforward.

Same for group objects. �

In particular, for a group object B in a cartesian monoidal category, the set ofmorphisms A→ B has the structure of a group. Dually, for a cogroup object A in acocartesian monoidal category, the set of morphisms A→ B has the structure of agroup. The group multiplication is both cases is convolution, see Proposition E.19.

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Functors from commutative monoids to groups

Let (C, •) be a symmetric monoidal category. In this section, we discuss twoways to construct a functor from the category of commutative monoids Monco(C, •)to the category of groups Group.

Suppose A is a commutative monoid A. The two ways to associate a group toA are briefly described below.

• The group of A-points of a commutative Hopf monoid H in (C, •).• The group of invertible right A-module endomorphisms of V • A for an

object V of C.

Both constructions are natural in A. There is a simple relationship betweenthe two. There is a natural transformation from the first to the second precisely ifV is a right H-comodule.

G.1. The functor of points of a commutative Hopf monoid

Let (C, •) be a symmetric monoidal category. Then there is a canonical em-bedding

(G.1) G : Hopfco(C)op → GroupMonco(C)

of the category of commutative Hopf monoids in C to the category of functorsfrom commutative monoids in C to groups. This is obtained as follows. Recallfrom (E.15) that Monco(C) with • is a cocartesian monoidal category, and its cate-gory of cogroup objects is Hopfco(C). Define the functor G to be the specializationof the Yoneda embedding (F.3) to Monco(C)op.

Let us make this functor explicit. For any commutative Hopf monoid H, thereis a functor

G(H) : Monco(C)→ Group, A 7→ Monco(H,A).

Thus, this functor sends a commutative monoid A to the set of all morphisms of(commutative) monoids from H to A. Any such morphism H → A is called aA-point of H, and Monco(H,A) is the set of A-points of H. This set has a groupstructure given by convolution: For f, g : H → A, their convolution product f ∗ gis given by

H∆ // H •H

f•g// A •A

µ// A.

One can directly check that if f and g are morphisms of monoids, then so is f ∗ g.The composite map ιǫ : H → I → A serves as the unit for this product. Eachf : H → A has an inverse given by the composite f s : H → H → A.


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G.2. The functor of matrices

Let (C, •) be a symmetric monoidal category. To every object V in C, weassociate a functor

FV : Monco(C)→ Monoid.

Let us first understand how this functor is defined on objects. For any commutativemonoid A in C, let FV (A) be the set of all right A-module maps V •A→ V •A, orequivalently, the set of all morphisms V → V •A. (This is because V •A is the freeright A-module on V .) The set FV (A) is a monoid under composition: Suppose ρand ρ′ are morphisms of the form V → V • A. Then note that their composite isgiven by

Aρ−→ V •A ρ′•id−−−→ V •A •A id•µ−−−→ V •A.

The identity element is the composite

V → V • I id•ι−−→ V •A.

If A = I, then FV (A) is the monoid of endomorphisms of V .Now let us understand how FV is defined on morphisms. Suppose f : A → B

is a morphism of (commutative) monoids in C. The map FV (f) : FV (A)→ FV (B)is defined by:

(Vρ−→ V •A) 7−→ (V

ρ−→ V •A id•f−−−→ V •B).

We need to check that FV (f) is a monoid homomorphism. Since f respects units,we have FV (id) = id. To check that it respects composition:


FV (f)(ρ)




D V •Aρ′•id




V •A •Aid•µ




V •A



V •Bρ′•id


FV (f)(ρ′)•id




V •B •Bid•µ

// V •B

Going across and down, we get FV (f)(ρ′ρ), and going down and across, we get

FV (f)(ρ′)FV (f)(ρ). The triangles commute by definition. The square commutes

since both directions yield the morphism ρ′ • f . The pentagon commutes sincef : A→ B is a morphism of monoids.

It is clear that for f : A→ B and g : B → C,

FV (g)FV (f) = FV (gf).

This completes the construction of the functor FV .We always have the functor

Monoid→ Group

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which sends a monoid (in Set) to its group of units. (A unit is an element of themonoid which has a left and right inverse.) Define







// Group.

We say that a functor of the form Monco(C)→ Group is representable if it is of theform G(H) for a commutative Hopf monoid H in C.

Proposition G.1. Suppose (C, •) = (Vec,⊗) and let V be a vector space of dimen-sion n. Then GV is representable, with the commutative Hopf algebra being

k[x11, . . . , xnn, 1/det]

for n ≥ 1 and k for n = 0.

Proof. The n = 0 case is clear. For n ≥ 1, let H be the above Hopf algebra.Recall that the A-points of H are invertible n× n matrices with entries in A. Thisis precisely the group of A-linear endomorphisms of An = V ⊗A. �

Theorem G.2. Suppose H is a commutative Hopf monoid in C, and V is an objectin C. Then the following are equivalent.

(1) A morphism G(H)→ GV in GroupMonco(C) (that is, a natural transforma-tion from G(H) to GV ).

(2) A right H-comodule structure on V .

Proof. Suppose we are given a morphism G(H) → GV . In particular: Forany commutative monoid A and a morphism H → A of monoids, we are given amorphism V → V •A. Now take A := H and the identity morphism H → H. Thisyields a morphism V → V •H. It is straightforward to check that this turns V intoa right H-comodule.

Conversely, suppose we are given a right H-comodule structure on V . Then

(Hf−→ A) 7−→ (V → V •H id•f−−−→ V •A).

defines the required morphism G(H)→ GV . It is straightforward to check that thisis a morphism, and that the two constructions are inverse to each other. �

G.3. Problems

(1) Let (C, •) = (Set,×), and let V be any set. Show that the functor GV isnot representable.

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Each question carries 5 marks. Justify all your answers completely. You mayuse any results from the notes. Cite them if you use them.

(1) Give an example of a ring R and a multiplicative subset D such that

(a, s) ∼ (b, t) ⇐⇒ at = bs.

is not an equivalence relation on R×D.Take R = Z6 and D = {1, 2, 4, 5}. Then (3, 1) ∼ (0, 2) and (0, 2) ∼

(0, 5) but (3, 1) 6∼ (0, 5). More simply, we may take D = R. This makesthings easier. For example, (2, 1) ∼ (4, 2) and (4, 2) ∼ (3, 3) but (2, 1) 6∼(3, 3).

Take R = Z20 and D = {1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16}. Then (7, 2) ∼ (4, 4) and(4, 4) ∼ (1, 1) but (7, 2) 6∼ (1, 1).

Can you give an example of R which is not of the form Zn?Give an example of a ring R and distinct multiplicative subsets D and

E such that RD∼= R


Take R to be any nonzero ring, say Z. Pick distinct D and E suchthat both contain 0. Then both localizations produce the zero ring.

Take R to be any field with more than 2 elements. Pick distinct Dand E such that neither contain 0. Then both localizations are isomorphicto R.

Can you think of any better examples?(2) Consider the multiplicative set D = {1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16} for the ring R = Z20

of integers modulo 20. Describe the map


D)→ SpecR

induced by the homomorphism R→ RD.

Spec(R) has two primes ideals, namely (2) and (5). It is not anintegral domain, so (0) is not a prime ideal. In contrast, Spec(R

D) is an

integral domain and (0) is its only prime ideal. So, in fact, it is a field(with 5 elements). The induced map sends (0) to (5): Note that 5

1 = 0 inRD

since it is annihilated by 4 ∈ D.(3) Let X = SpecR for some ring R, and let U be an open subset of X. Sup-

pose that U contains x1, . . . , xn. Show that there exists f ∈ R satisfying

{x1, . . . , xn} ⊆ Xf ⊆ U.169

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170 H. EXAMS

If n = 1, then the claim is clear since U can be covered by basic opensets. This amounts to picking an f ∈ U which is not in x1. The generalcase is along the same lines and explained below.

Let I be an ideal such that U = V(I). Let us write P1, . . . , Pn insteadof x1, . . . , xn. By hypothesis, none of the prime ideals Pi contain I. ByProposition 1.4, the union ∪ni=1Pi cannot contain I. Choose f ∈ R suchthat f is in I but is not in the union. Then f has the required property.

(4) Let R := C[x, y](x,y), the localization of C[x, y] at the maximal ideal (x, y).(a) Is the ring R finitely generated as a C-algebra?

No. Suppose f1 = p1/q1, . . . fn = pn/qn generate R as a C-algebra.Choose f = p/q so that q is an irreducible polynomial which doesnot appear as a factor in any of the qi’s. Then f cannot be generatedby the fi’s.

(b) Is the ring R Noetherian?Yes. C[x, y] is Noetherian, and R is its ring of fractions for somemultiplicative set. So R is also Noetherian.

(c) Is Spec(R) irreducible as a topological space?Yes. R is an integral domain. So (0) is a prime ideal, and hence theunique minimal prime ideal of R.

(5) Describe the irreducible components of V(I) ⊆ C3 for each of the followingideals I of C[x, y, z].(a) (y2 − x4, x2 − 2x3 − x2y + 2xy + y2 − y)

y2 − x4 = (y − x2)(y + x2) = 0.x2 − 2x3 − x2y + 2xy + y2 − y = (y − x2)(2x+ y − 1) = 0.• So y = x2 solves both equations.• The equations y = −x2 and 2x + y − 1 = 0 have only onesolution, namely, {(1,−1)}.

So y = x2 and {(1,−1)} are the two irreducible components.(b) (xy + yz + xz, xyz)

xyz = 0 implies x = 0 or y = 0 or z = 0. Suppose z = 0. Thenxy+yz+xz = 0 implies xy = 0 which further implies x = 0 or y = 0.By symmetry, we deduce that x = y = 0, x = z = 0, and y = z = 0(that is, the x-, y- and z-axes) are the irreducible components.

(c) ((x− z)(x− y)(x− 2z), x2 − y2z)(x− z)(x− y)(x− 2z) = 0 implies x = z or x = y or x = 2z.• Suppose x = z. Then x2 − y2z = 0 implies x = 0 or x = y2.• Suppose x = y. Then x2 − y2z = 0 implies x = 0 or z = 1.• Suppose x = 2z. Then x2 − y2z = 0 implies z = 0 or 4z = y2.

So there are five irreducible components, namely, x = z = 0, x = z =y2, x = y = 0, x = y and z = 1, 2x = 4z = y2.

(6) Give an example of an irreducible polynomial f ∈ R[x, y] whose zero setV(f) in R2 is nonempty and not irreducible as an affine variety over R.

Take f = y2−x(x−1)(x−2). The affine variety V(f) is an example ofan elliptic curve. y2 = x(x−1)(x−2) has one solution each for x = 0, 1, 2,two solutions for each 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and two solutions for each x ≥ 2. Notethat there are no solutions for 1 ≤ x ≤ 2. So V(f) is not connected andhence not irreducible.

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(7) If ϕ = (f1, . . . , fn) : An → An is an isomorphism of affine varieties, then

show that the determinant of the Jacobian matrix


. . . ∂f1∂xn



. . . ∂fn∂xn

is a nonzero constant polynomial.Consider the category whose objects are (kn, x0), where x0 ∈ kn and

n = 0, 1, . . . , and morphisms are polynomial maps which preserve thebasepoints. One can define a functor from this category to the categoryof vector spaces over k: The object (kn, x0) goes to the vector space kn,the morphism ϕ : (kn, x0) → (km, y0) goes to the linear map J(ϕ)|x0

:kn → km, namely, the Jacobian of ϕ evaluated at x0. The fact that thisdefines a functor is the content of the chain rule.

Suppose ϕ is an isomorphism. Denote the inverse morphism by ψ =(g1, . . . , gn). Then by functoriality, the Jacobian matrices ( ∂fi

∂xj) and ( ∂gi


are inverses of each other (with y = ϕ(x)), so their determinants areinverses of each other, but these are polynomials in x1, . . . , xn, so theymust both be constants.

The converse “A morphism whose Jacobian matrix is a constant is anisomorphism” is an open problem known as the Jacobian conjecture.

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