Alchemist Hour: Cognitive News

AlchemyAPI – Cognitive News

Transcript of Alchemist Hour: Cognitive News

AlchemyAPI – Cognitive News

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Our Expert: Pawan Lakshmanan


• Pawan is focused on developing intelligent data storage & analytics solutions to help our customers gain valuable insights into unstructured data

AlchemyData News Overview


• A curated dataset of NLP enriched news and blogs

• Go beyond simple keyword search to look at sentiment, entities, events, and trends

• Updated with over 300k articles every day

Sample Query


For an article that mentions "IBM" or "Apple" we want to find all of the named entities in the article body, and their types.


Sample Response


{ "result": { "docs": [ { "id": "Mjc5NDExNDQyfDE0Mjg4ODMyMDA", "source": { "enriched": { "url": { "entities": [ { "text": "IBM", "type": "Company" }, { "text": "Apple", "type": "Company" }, { "text": "Watson Health Cloud", "type": "Facility" }, { "text": "IBM Watson Health", "type": "Company" } ], "title": "Apple partners with IBM Watson Health Cloud to bring secure cloud, data analytics to HealthKit and ResearchKit"

Sample Query


Find the 20 most recent articles (titles and URLs) mentioning "Alzheimer's" in the title.


Sample Response


{ "status": "OK", "totalTransactions": "60", "result": { "docs": [ { "id": "MTk5MTQzNjA2MXwxNDI5MTI3MjQ2", "source": { "enriched": { "url": { "title": "Study Suggests Link Between Alzheimer's And Immune System - Newsy Story", "url": "" } } }, "timestamp": 1429127246 } ], "status": "OK" }}

Count and TimeSlice Queries


Get count of articles over the past 30 days:

Get a time series count of articles over the past 7 days divided into 12-hour bins:



Title contains "baseball" AND "soccer":

Title does not contain "baseball":

Match all articles where document sentiment is positive and score is >= 0.5:




Nested / Adjacent Fields


Ex. A: "I moved from Denton, TX to Paris, France."Ex. B: "Paris walked fifteen miles to Denton, TX."

Query 1)q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity=|text=paris,type=city|

Query 2)q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text=paris&q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.type=city

Query 1) is saying: I want at least one entity with the text 'Paris' and the type 'City'. Query 2) is saying: I want at least one entity in the title to have the text 'Paris' and at least one entity to be a city, but not necessarily the same entity.

Available Fields

• Over 400 fields available for querying and display

• Full list can be found here


Are you ready to get started?


• Get a key • Check out the news documentation and

query builder for more examples• Ask me questions!



• Look out for a follow up email with a copy of these slides, a recording of the webinar, Q&A recap, and additional resources

• View and share this presentation on SlideShare

• Follow us for more webinars

• The series continues bi-weekly on Wednesdays @ 12pm ET / 9am PT

• August 19 - AlchemyAPI for Finance


What’s next?

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Thank you for attending!
