Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their...

Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 2 WEEK 10 4 July 2019 481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2640 Email: [email protected] OFFICE: 02 6021 3849 Our office hours are 8:30am to 3:30pm FAX: 02 60411265 A message from the Principal Week 10 Term 2 This is our last week of Term 2, 2019. School concludes for the term tomorrow, Friday, and students return on Tuesday, 23 July. The staff will be meeng on Monday, the first day of term to further progress Posive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), to begin the school self-assessment process and to connue our implementaon of Curiosity and Powerful Learning. I hope that all students and families have the opportunity for some rest and relaxaon over the holiday break and return to school safely for Term 3. Semester one reports were sent home on Monday, along with school photos. The mid-year reports are a snapshot of where your child is at in relaon to the syllabus and the standard. The syllabuses are wrien to a Cwhich is proficiency for the age/stage. This translates to soundon the report. Students achieving an Aor B(High/Outstanding) are working well beyond their age/stage, as measured by the standards. Parents/carers are encouraged to make a mutually agreeable me to meet with the classroom teacher if they wish to discuss the report or your childs progress. The school AFL team competed in the Paul Kelly Cup compeon last Wednesday evening and were successful in making it through to the next round which was held in Wagga Wagga last Friday. Yet again, the team was successful and will now compete in Sydney at Giants Stadium in the Homebush precinct on 5 August. Well done, team. What an achievement! 2019 Premiers Spelling Bee: On Monday and Tuesday of this week the junior and senior class finalists competed to secure a place in the regional finals of the Premier s Spelling Bee at Albury Public School. Twenty-four students baled it out and successfully spelt some very tricky and complex words. It is with great excitement that we announce our Stage 2 finalists as Callum Mobbs and Freddie Tari and our Stage 3 finalists as Jonah Mobbs and Tilly Mitchener. A big thank you to all of the helpers in 5AB for seng up the hall and performing important roles such as chairperson and mekeepers to ensure the APS Final a great success. Thanks also to Mrs Border for coordinang the event. The Regional Final will be held in Term 3 between September 2-13. The exact date and locaon are yet to be announced. A skilful effort by all.

Transcript of Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their...

Page 1: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Albury Public School


TERM 2 WEEK 10 4 July 2019

481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2640 Email: [email protected]

OFFICE: 02 6021 3849

Our office hours are 8:30am to 3:30pm FAX: 02 60411265

A message from the Principal

Week 10 Term 2

This is our last week of Term 2, 2019. School concludes for the term tomorrow, Friday, and students return on Tuesday, 23 July. The staff will be meeting on Monday, the first day of term to further progress Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), to begin the school self-assessment process and to continue our implementation of Curiosity and Powerful Learning. I hope that all students and families have the opportunity for some rest and relaxation over the holiday break and return to school safely for Term 3.

Semester one reports were sent home on Monday, along with school photos. The mid-year reports are a snapshot of where your child is at in relation to the syllabus and the standard. The syllabuses are written to a “C” which is proficiency for the age/stage. This translates to “sound” on the report. Students achieving an “A” or “B” (High/Outstanding) are working well beyond their age/stage, as measured by the standards. Parents/carers are encouraged to make a mutually agreeable time to meet with the classroom teacher if they wish to discuss the report or your child’s progress.

The school AFL team competed in the Paul Kelly Cup competition last Wednesday evening and were successful in making it through to the next round which was held in Wagga Wagga last Friday. Yet again, the team was successful and will now compete in Sydney at Giants Stadium in the Homebush precinct on 5 August. Well done, team. What an achievement!

2019 Premier’s Spelling Bee: On Monday and Tuesday of this week the junior and senior class finalists competed to secure a place in the regional finals of the Premier’s Spelling Bee at Albury Public School. Twenty-four students battled it out and successfully spelt some very tricky and complex words. It is with great excitement that we announce our Stage 2 finalists as Callum Mobbs and Freddie Tari and our Stage 3 finalists as Jonah Mobbs and Tilly Mitchener. A big thank you to all of the helpers in 5AB for setting up the hall and performing important roles such as chairperson and timekeepers to ensure the APS Final a great success. Thanks also to Mrs Border for coordinating the event. The Regional Final will be held in Term 3 between September 2-13. The exact date and location are yet to be announced. A skilful effort by all.

Page 2: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Principal news cont…...

Preparations are underway for the Year 3 overnight excursion to Wymah – Great Aussie Resort. More information and an expression of interest will be sent home early next term for this exciting opportunity on Thursday 5 September and Friday 6 September. Costs will be around $200.00. A $50.00 deposit will be required to secure a place and this can be paid when notes are sent home early next term.

Education Week is Week 3 of Term 3, week beginning 5 August. This year, APS will have open day on Wednesday 7 August. There will be a number of different activities and events occurring on this day, including open classrooms and student-led conferencing and our NAIDOC celebrations. More details to follow early next term.

Nail Can Hill Primary School Challenge: On Monday, Mr Doug McCrae, President of Rotary Club Albury West, presented the school with a trophy for having the most runners who completed the Nail Can Hill Primary School Challenge and an $800 cheque for having the fastest team of four runners in the Challenge. The winning team of four were Fin Bready, Seamus Bready, Finn Clift and Travis Rodd. The four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary Club Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this event.

The school now has access to four trained Ethics teachers. Discussions will begin next term to plan for implementation of Special Education Ethics (SEE) which will happen during time currently set aside for SRE (Scripture). Further communication will be sent home next term.

Quote of the week: “Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best” Bob Talber Happy holidays. Lianne Singleton Principal

Here is a sneak peak of the APS Dance Troupe. The girls have been practising extremely hard in their own time this term and are very excited to be performing in Week 2 Term 3 at the Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod. The APS Dance Troupe will be performing on Tuesday 30 July in session 55- Primary School Troupes. Tickets are now on sale. Please follow the link for ticket sales: Miss Jessica Milham

APS Dance Troupe

Page 3: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking

Dear Parents and Carers, Students in Years 2 – 6 are offered the opportunity to take part in the 2019 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). THESE COMPETITIONS ARE OPTIONAL. The competitions take place each year in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, Singapore, Brunei and International Schools. Assessments will be conducted on specific dates which will be selected by the school. ICAS Assessments are designed to assess a student’s ability to apply classroom learning in new contexts, using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.

This year the entry fee is $14.50 for each competition. We are not taking payments at the school office – ALL PAYMENTS ARE TO BE MADE ONLINE AT the ICAS website.

Full payment for entry to each competition must be made by WEDNESDAY 14 AUGUST. No late entries will be accepted.

Please note that students in Year 2 cannot compete in the Digital Technologies or Writing competitions, they can only enter the Science, Spelling, English and Mathematics competitions.

To enter, please go to the ICAS website

Your school's unique access code is: 6c768bafba Next term a note will be sent home to explain the process more fully. PLEASE ENSURE YOU INDICATE WHICH COMPETITION YOU HAVE ENTERED YOUR CHILD INTO ON THE FORM.

ICAS Assessments

Congratulations to Darcy Ferguson, Chloe Nicholson, Lacey Harrison and Mia Sheather on your achievements yesterday at the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking competition at Thurgoona Public School. The students’ presented their speech and then had to deliver a 1 minute impromptu speech on a given topic. Congratulations on the way you conducted yourselves and for receiving the following awards:- Darcy Ferguson- Certificate of Participation, Chloe Nicholson- Certificate of Participation & Highly Commended, Lacey Harrison - Certificate of Participation & Highly Commended, Mia Sheather - Certificate of Participation & Highly Commended. Miss Jessica Milham.

Page 4: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Dates for your Diary!

Friday 5 July PSSA Winter Sports: 1:10 PM leave school

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 22 July Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 23 July

Students Return for Term 3

P&C Meeting 7:30pm in the Staff Room

August 20 &21 Musical

Gold Certificates

Congratulations! Oliver Groth

Last Friday our Boys’ Paul Kelly Cup team travelled to Wagga to take part in the regional finals of the

competition. They were competing with the zone winners from Wagga, Griffith and Deniliquin for a place

in the state finals. They started the day off with a hard-fought win over Henschke Primary School by 2

points before following that with a 28 point win against Griffith East Public School. This meant we went

into the last game knowing that a win would see us playing in the state finals at GIANTS Stadium, the

same ground that the GWS AFL team plays on. The team had a crushing win over Finley Public School by

80 points to qualify for the state finals on Monday 5 August as Southern NSW champions. Well done to

all of the boys who played exceptionally well over the past week in their matches and thank you to the

parents who travelled to Wagga to support us. Next stop—Sydney! Mr Alex Takle.

Paul Kelly Cup

Page 5: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Hume Student Banking

P&C News

PSSA Draws


Senior 1 v Lavington East 1 court 4

Senior 2 v Lavington East 2 court 5

Senior 3 v Springdale Heights 1 court 6

Junior v Glenroy 2 PS court 2

PSSA Draws

SOCCER Junior and Senior

Albury v St Annes @ Sarvass Park


Senior Blue v Lavington @ Urana Rd

Senior Gold have a bye

Juniors v St Anne’s @ Jelbart Park s

Canteen and P&C News

Fri 5 July Mon 22 July Tues 23 July Wed 24 July Thurs 25 July Friday 26 July

Cinamon Bohr

9.00 -11.30am

Pupil Free Day Janey Paton

10.00 -11.00am

Helper need Amanda Giblin

9.00 -11.00am

Kimberley Rose

9.30 -11.30am

The last week of term!!!!

Happy and safe holidays everyone

Thanks again to all our parent helpers. Please come back next term!

A special thank you to Lan, who ventured into the canteen for the first time and became my regular

helper on a Monday

Thanks also to all the hard work our canteen captains have put in this term. They are amazing and we

really appreciate them giving up their lunch times to help out.

Don’t forget to give Emma a wave and come and say Hi next term to our new staff, Billie Welsford and

Jacquie Galvin-Warner

Jude, Emma and Cate

Contact us via: Mobile phone 0422 701 463 / email [email protected]

Next meeting: 23 July at 7:00pm meet and greet for a 7:30pm start. In the APS

staffroom, Access via Smollett St gate, park on the school grounds. All welcome! email: [email protected]

Please be advised that the school banking for Term 3 will

recommence on Tuesday 6 August 2019. (Week 3)

Page 6: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

3/4 CT

My Highlights for the year


“Making it to zone cross country”. - Callum

“I’ve really enjoyed Stephanie Alexander this year because I have

learnt lots of things about cooking and gardening”. -Lara

“I loved doing Bluearth and having a space visit”. - Addie

“My highlight is going on a school camp with my friend Ruby.” -Pratisha

“My favourite thing was scoring a goal at PSSA. Yay !! -Harry

“I really enjoyed Stephanie Alexander this year because I’ve learned lots of things like how to use a knife”. -Sienna

“Doing Bluearth with Ross like playing Hunter and Great Wall of China” -Abby

“Going to camp with my BFF Ava”! - Summer M

“Going to camp with my BFF Summer and doing fun activities like rock climbing and archery”. - Ava

“Going to the athletics carnival and doing discus and running. Having fun with my

friends at PSSA soccer and scoring goals”. - Yousif

“My highlight was doing Stephanie Alexander”. -Mikey

“I really liked the big game of Hunter at Bluearth”. -Roman

“Making it to Riverina cross country”. -Blake Morgan

“Walking into the Sydney Olympic pool for State swimming”. -Lachlan

“School camp was the best. I loved making a new friend called Ava and I helped

her out when she was sad. I loved doing amazing things like art, writing and experiments”. -Maddie

“I really enjoyed NAPLAN. I really enjoyed Bluearth”.-Flick

“Going to the eisteddfod with the choir and my friends”. -Chelsea

“Going to the year 4 camp and hanging out with my friends because they were in my group for activities and they

were in my cabin”. Ruby B

“My highlight was the space exhibition. It was awesome!” -Summer C

My favourite teacher is Mr Takle because he teaches me so I can learn more words. Stephanie Alexander so I can

cook when I’m older and it is very yum”. -Riley

“Getting split into Miss Sheridan’s class and tackling in PSSA footy”. -Sasha

“My highlight was school camp”. -Banjo

“School camp was my highlight. I loved canoeing and I made a new friend, Ava”. -Ally

“My highlights are reading with Will. I really like playing with Hamish, drawing and reading

a lot of books”. -Jake

“Year 4 school camp “. -Max

“Meeting Mr Takle” - Hamish

Page 7: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Community News

Albury High School Centenary (100 years)

Next year is the Albury High School centenary (100 years), and the

celebration planning is underway for the October long weekend

2020. People will be coming back to Albury from far and wide, and we want

to invite as many people as possible. If you are a past student or teacher,

please fill out the form found on this link. Please share it with anyone with a

connection to Albury High School, and encourage them to spread it to their friends.

Thanks so much, and keep watching for more information.

Centenary Information -




Monday 15 July 11.15 till 12.15, Range

Road, Glenroy.

Limited numbers, low teacher to child ratio.

Cost: $15.

Bring: mountain bike, helmet and drink

bottle. Briony Dixon.

More details Ph: 0408856193

Page 8: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER...four boys were presented with medals to acknowledge their achievement. Thank you to the Rotary lub Albury West for their generous sponsorship of this

Next Tours