Album Poster Analysis 1 - Deliah 'From the Roots Up'


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Page 1: Album Poster Analysis 1 - Deliah 'From the Roots Up'

Research and PlanningAncillary 2: Album Poster

Typography Design

In terms of the artists names – Delilah – a very specific and eye catching design has been used, one that is used on all media relating to the artist including the album itself, this is highly effective as it creates a recognisable image that consumers will associate her with, therefore a suitable marketing technique. The artist name however breaks conventions because the text extends downwards to form a triangle shape around the image, this gives the poster a unique look and is quite unusual to see on album posters. A white font has been used for all the text on this poster, which contrasts nicely with the black faded background. The typography used for the album information is kept consistent, which creates a house style. The simplistic font fits with the soulful, acoustic music Delilah produces, therefore meeting audience expectations.

Imagery and Colours

This album poster also follows conventions in terms of the imagery that it used. Like other album posters I have analysed a single image of the artist has been used to stand out to the reader. This particular image is especially effective as it blends into the grey background colour – which gives it quite a unique look therefore possibly breaking genre conventions. The image itself is quite striking, as she appears to be naked and has a number of tattoo’s on her, therefore possible going against the stereotypical feminine representation of women. The pose the artist is doing is also quite unusual and striking, as her fist is up in the air. The vibrant, eye catching colouring of the image, most likely done in post-production, contrasts well with the grey background, making it stand out effectively to readers.

ContentWith this album poster, genre conventions have been followed in terms of its content. Very minimal information has been given, so that it will stick in the readers mind. Obviously the artist and album name has been included, along with the fact that it is out now. In addition to this primary information, the artist’s singles from the album have been listed in order to create interest and engage readers; this is a conventional advertising feature. As well as this, information about Delilah’s twitter and Facebook has been included, so that readers can find further information . This is being increasingly popular due to the new age of social media that not exists.

Design Principles In terms of design principles, Guttenberg’s principle has been applied as the artists name has been positioned in the primary focal point, meaning it is the first thing the reader will see, which is highly effective as it is the most important piece of information. All of the Information about the album itself is local in the strong fallow area, this is effective as it follows the readers natural system of reading, meaning they do not have to look around the page for different pieces of information.