AJ Memorial Book

Contact Us Address: 2401 Woodbourne Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205 Phone: 502.458.5359 Email: [email protected] Website: www.adathjeshurun.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/adathjeshurun CONGREGATION ADATH JESHURUN 5781 Memorial Book 2020 – 2021 Robert B. Slosberg, Rabbi David A. Lipp, Hazzan Laura H. Metzger, Rabbi Sheni

Transcript of AJ Memorial Book

Page 1: AJ Memorial Book

Contact Us

Address: 2401 Woodbourne Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205

Phone: 502.458.5359

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.adathjeshurun.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/adathjeshurun


5781 Memorial Book

2020 – 2021

Robert B. Slosberg, Rabbi David A. Lipp, Hazzan

Laura H. Metzger, Rabbi Sheni

Page 2: AJ Memorial Book



Nancy Balf Elizabeth Kastan

Thelma Chase Lilian Kittower

Estelle Cohen Susan Kling

Sylvia Coman Larry Kozlove

Riva Drutz Laverne “Mimi” Ontell

Albert Goldin Charles Rosenberg

Irvin L. Goldstein Betty Younger



Ruby Amburgey Philip J. Levy Robert Brower, Jr. Gerald Marx Irwin C. Feldman Marianne Morguelan Ira Felsen Ronnie Rich Josephine Goldman Selma Rothstein Judith Holmes Dianne Schramko Marvin Katz Leslie Segal Annette Kellem Alice Baron Smith Sylvia Kerpel Shirley K. Stein Bill Klein Cindy Suddleson Jennifer Koss Chuck Topcik Stanley Kreinik Gila Zilber Mario Kronenberg



Rabbi Simcha Kling 1965-1988

(Rabbi Emeritus 1988-1991) Rabbi H. Rubenovitz 1908-1910

Rabbi Jacob Gittleman 1917-1965

(Rabbi Emeritus 1965-1971) Dr. Simon F. Salinger 1888-1892

& 1898-1907

Rabbi Abraham Nowak 1913-1917 Cantor Morris Pernick 1945-1971

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Simon Ades

Robert Berman

Stanley J. Bordorf

Hyman Frockt

Bernard Goldstein

Sol Goldstein

Albert Gordon

Irvin Kahn

Murrel Klein

Julius Kozlove

Hyman Morguelan

Harold R. Morrison

Farrell Salzman

Stuart Schulman

Raymond Schwartz

Leon Shaikun

Fred Switow

Michael Switow

Max Waldman

Sidney Winer

Sol Winer

Alvin Younger




Yetta Abroms

Bernice Ament

Margery Belker

Dora Berger

Betty Bernstein

Miriam Blue

Thelma Chase

Tillie Cohen

Gerry Eichenholz

Julia Fine

Pauline Frehling

Sylvia Gittleman

Carol Goldberg

Helen Goldstein

Irene Gould

Phyllis Grossman

Hannah Hausman

Rosalee Herman

Mollie Hyman

Rebecca Linker

Ruth Mattson

Minnie Miller

Marianne Morguelan

Stella Parris

Bettie Ravitch

Mary Robenson

Sonia Saag

Nettie Schwartz

Annie Seidenman

Minnie Shapero

Clarabel Shapinsky

Dora Simons

Rose Slote

Annie Switow

Judy Tarbis

Yetta Waldman

Page 4: AJ Memorial Book


Fedor Benjamin

Sidney Brownstein

Michael Caller

Ernest Palm

Oscar L. Sessmer

Robert C. Stern

Stanley Sweitzer

Daniel Wilson


Gerald Ades

Kay Ades

Ruth Ades

Selina Altman

Bernice Ament

Milton Ament

Herman Atlas

Shirley Bailen

Rita Baldwin

Sidney Baldwin

Norman B. Banks

Goldie Baron

Irvin Baron

Lois Baron

Min Baron

Anna Bass

Joe Bass

Sara Bass

Lucielle Bederman

Edith Behr

Irvin Belker

Margery Belker

Rose Belker

Esther Benjamin

Melvin Benovitz

Sophie Benovitz

Stanley Benovitz

Chava Bensinger

Sandra Berman

Elliott Beskin

Alex Bierman

Bonnie Bizer

Dorothy Bleicher

Edith Bloch

Gete Block

Manuel Block

George Blue

Philip Bordy

Sylvia Bordy

Alan Bornstein

Donald Bornstein

Marilyn Bornstein

Sarah M. Bornstein

Lillian Borowitz

Morris Borowitz

Richard Branson

Harry A. Burke

Bess Caller

Leo Charn

Mitchell Charney

Aaron Chase

Louise Chase

Sidney Chase

Thelma Chase

Dolly Chitlik

Jacob Chitlik

Dr. Alvin M. Churney

Edith Churney

Marvin L. Churney

Suzanne Claugus

Gussie Cohen

Margaret Cohen

Mayme Cohen

Sam Cohen

Joyce Cook

Rae R. Craven

Benn Davis

Bertha Davis

Joseph Davis

Lawrence Davis

Lois Davis

Ruth Davis

Edward M. Dayan

Margaret Dayan

Lillian Debrovy

Sol Debrovy

Louis Dicter

Herman Dicter

Ben Drutz

Edna Drutz

Riva Drutz

Betty D. Edelstein

Gerry Eichenholz

Leon Eichenholz

Else Eichorn

Selma Epstein

Charles Erskine

Jean Erskine

Adella Fine

Emanuel Fine

Lewis Fine

Marcus Fine

Ruth Fine

Helen Schulman Fischer

Hannah Cohen Fleck

Libby Friedman

Lillian Friedman

Mutzie Friedman

Stephen Frockt

Linda Fuchs

Ursel Eichengreen Fuchs

Annette Gale

Joseph Gale

Dora Garber

Irwin Garber

Lamar Garon

Milton Garon

Hy Givotoff

Beulah Gladstein

Lee Gladstein

Rosa Gladstein

Dan Glattstein

Phyllis Glazer

Harold Gold

S. Charles Gold

Bess Goldberg

Page 5: AJ Memorial Book

Carol Goldberg

Fred Goldberg

Helene Goldberg

Hyman Goldberg

Julian Goldberg

Marion Goldberg

Mayer Goldberg

Sarah Goldberg

Albert Goldin

Beatrice Goldstein

Bernard Goldstein

Beth Goldstein

Dorothy Goldstein

Helen Goldstein

Irvin Goldstein

Irvin Goldstein

Isadore Goldstein

Joel Goldstein

Lynn Goldstein

M. Jay Goldstein

Morris Goldwyn

Stella Gordon

Irene Green

Harold Hyman


J. Norton Greenberg

Rayna Greenberg

Phyllis Grossman

Stuart Grossman

Wilhelm Grunberger

Helen Handmaker

Milton Handmaker

Nathan Handmaker

Stuart Handmaker

Joy Haskell

Ethel Hellerman

Carl K. Helman

Helen S. Helman

Louis Herman

Rosalee S. Herman

Alfred Hirsch

Helen Hyman

Joyce Hyman

Dorothy Igra

Marian Igra

Arthur H. Isaacs

Florence Isaacs

Arthur Jacobs

Lillian Jacobs

Marcia Jacobs

Sam Jacobs

Nellie Josias

Jennie Kahn

Jackie Kanovitz

Anakrana Kaplan

Joseph Kaplan

Marie Kaplan

Edwin Kaplin

Bubbles Karl

Irvin Karl

Jerome Kasdan

Kopel Morris Kasdan

Ruth Kasdan

Sarah Packman Kasdan

Murrel Kastan

Susie Katz

Bert Klein

Elaine Klein

George Klein

Harold Klein

Juliet Klein

Molly Klein

Murrel Klein

Rita Klein

Tobie Marks Klein

Irving B. Klempner

Jack Klempner

Robert Kling

Bernard Klotz

Jay Koby

Mina Koby

Abe Kohn

Helen B. Kohn

Jean Rose Kozlove

Julius Kozlove

Milton Kozlove

Katie Krebs

Sara Landau

Jodi Lapin

Charles Lazarus

Lillian R. Lazarus

Albert Leibson

Charles Leibson

Julius Leibson

Claire Lenkoff

Arthur Lerman

Justine Lerner

Frances Levine

Jay Levine

Louis Levine

Emma Levitan

Arnold Levitz

Esther Levitz

Dorothy Levy

Ethel Kozlove Levy

Julius C. Levy

Pauline Levy

Raymond Levy

Rebecca Levy

Benno Liebermann

Abe Linker

Adele Linker

Alvin Linker

Fayette Linker

Julie Linker

Lillian Linker

Irving Lipetz

Carmen Lipschutz

Zeldon Lipski

Saul Loeb

Anna Lorenz

Joseph Lowenthal

Carl Lutnick

Carole Lutnick

Bernard Marcus

Doris Margulis

Jean Margulis

Judy Margulis

Lester Margulis

Ben P. Marks

Bessie Marx

Lucy C. Marx

Arthur Masler

Estelle Masler

Jean Mendelson

Sarah F. Mickelson

Bess Miller

Florence Morguelan

Morris Morguelan

Adelaide Shultz Morrison

Harold R. Morrison

Lois Natkin

David Nelson

Ruth O'Koon

Yandell O'Koon

Julie Olson

LaVerne Ontell

Armand Ostroff

Hannah Passamaneck

Sidney Passamaneck

Page 6: AJ Memorial Book

Milton B. Pearlman

Mitchell Pearlman

Rosa Pearlman

Zelda Pearlman

Harriett ‘Mutzie” Perellis

Maurice Perellis

Jacob Podgursky

Benjamin Pookman

Jessie Pookman

Edward Post

Suzy Post

Alfred Pressburger

Boris C. Pressma

Aaron Rabb

Seymour Radin

Blema Rich

Rebecca Rosen

Sol Rosen

David Rosenberg

Ellen Rosenberg

Jack Rosenberg

Jeanette Rosenberg

Lillian Rosenbloom

Abraham Rosenstein

Cecelia Rosenstein

Ruth Rosenstein

John Rothschild

Renee Rothschild

Joseph Rouben

Bernard Rubenstein

Samuel Rubenstein

Dorothy Ruby

Henry I. Saag

Lela Switow Saag

Sonia Saag

Sheldon Schiller

Elizabeth Schulman

Selma Schulman

Elsa Schuster

Irving Schuster

Joseph Schuster

Jack Schwartz

Morris Schwartz

Raymond Schwartz

Leon Seidman

Mark Sexter

Cleo Shaikun

Leon Shaikun

Molly Shaikun

Carolyn Shapin

Nathaniel Shapin

Anne Shapira

Dave Shapira

George Shapira

Rae Shapira

George Shpilberg

Herbert Silon

William Silverman

Evelyn Simon

Selma Jean Simon

William J. Simon

Vivian Slosberg

Alan T. Slyn

George Slyn

Irving Small

Murrel Small

Shirley Small

Stanley Smith

Lillian Snyder

Ethel Solow

Ethel Soslowitz

Charney Sotsky

Marvin Sotsky

Shirley K. Sotsky

Anna Ruth Spiegel

Blanche Spiegel

Mildred Staffen

Jacob Stein

Joan Stein

Miriam Steinberg

Morris Steinberg

Blanche Stern

Leonard B. Stern

Samuel A. Stern

Sylvia Stoler

Sylvia Strasberg

Jeanette Streicher

Norma Strull

Alvin Sweitzer

James Sweitzer

Florence Switow

Irvin Switow

Minnie Taichert

Anna Tanenhaus

Ray Tanenhaus

Elinor Tasch

Libbie Bass Taub

Micah Trail

Adolf van der Walde

Sara van der Walde

Kenneth Vine

Harriet Waldman

Irvin Waldman

Leslie Waldman

Yetta Waldman

Rebecca Wall

Esther Waterman

Charles Weisberg

Marian Weisberg

Ian Weiss

Ailene Winer

Joyce Wolff

Nancy Wolff

Sarah Wolkow

Charles Woodman

Betty D. Zegart

Irvin Zegart

Rosetta Handmaker


David Zeidman

Florence Zeidman

May the memory of our beloved congregants and their commitment to Congregation Adath Jeshurun

endure as a blessing.

Page 7: AJ Memorial Book


These names are inscribed on the memorial tablets located in the George & Miriam Blue Memorial Alcove:


Jules Abrams

Thelma Abrams

Morris A. Abramson

Ruth N. Abramson

Shelly Abramson

Barney Abroms

Yetta Abroms

Phyllis A. Adams

Bettie Shapinsky Ades

Gerald “Gerry” Ades

Ida Grossman Ades

Israel B. Ades

Jacob Ades

Leon Ades

Leon M. Ades

Maurice B. Ades

Moses W. Ades

Murrel Ades

Ruth Blusinsky Ades

Sarah Belle Ades

Saul Ades

Simon Ades

Wolf Adler

Ernest Altman

James Altman

Naomi Gehr Altman

Rose Altman

Selina Altman

Bernice R. Ament

Dr. Milton Ament

Charlotte F. Andes

Samuel I. Andes

Esther Passick Anhouse

Fred E. Anhouse

Louis Anhouse

Arthur A. Ashkenaz

Deanie Atlas

Etta Rosenberg Atlas

Louis Atlas

Samuel Atlas

Samuel Atlas, Jr.

Margarita Cohen Atun

Alfred Axner

Goldie Axner


Leona Ortner Bachrach

Max Bachrach

Abraham David Baer

Anna Baer

Avrom Joseph Baer

Blema Baer

Ida Gladstein Baer

Isadore Baer

Louis J. Baer

Mary Simons Baer

Yechiel Meir Baer

David Bailen

Jacob Bailen

Mollie Bailen

Mary Baker

Sam H. Baker

Celia Ainbinder Balf

Edith Balf

George S. Balf

Nancy Balf

Theodore Balf

Birdie Mae Banks

Esther Sophia Banks

Maurice Banks

Norman Bernard Banks

Lillie Jean Y. Barab

Alfred Barash

Charles Barash

Essye R. Barash

Isaac Bernard Barnett

Louis Barnett

Sheine Rose Barnett

Page 8: AJ Memorial Book

Annie Shapero Baron

C. D. Baron

Dolly Harry Baron

Faye D. Baron

Goldie B. Baron

Gruna Sarah Baron

Irvin Baron

Jennie Baron

Leo Simon Baron

Lois K. Baron

Louis “Fish” Baron

Min Baron

Miriam L. Baron

Nathan J. Baron

Noah Baron

Norman T. Baron

Rose Baron

Samuel Baron

Samuel S. Baron

Shirlee Y. Baron

Simcha Baron

Sol S. Baron

Stanley A. Baron

Sylvia Baron

Margot Barr

Alfred Baruch

Gertrude Baruch

Emanuel Baskin

Nellie Baskin

Abe Bass

Abraham L. Bass

Allen Bass

Anna Bass

Ben Bass

Coleman Bass

Elliott Joseph Bass

Fannie Bass

Gertrude M. Bass

Joe Bass

Louis Bass

Rose Bass

Sara E. Bass

Beatrice Bassler

Mary Ida Baum

Morris Bauman

Rachel Bauman

Revital Channah Becker

Sol Becker

Lucille Bederman

Sidney Bederman

Isaac Behar

Sara Behar

Alfred Behr

Bernhard Behr

Edith Behr

Frieda K. Behr

Ida Behr

Louis Behr

Simone Behr

Aaron Belker

Annie Belker

Barnet Belker

Irvin Belker

Joseph Belker

Margery Weinberg Belker

Rebecca Belker

Rose L. Belker

Esther Troy Benjamin

Henry Benjamin

Julia Benjamin

Leopold Benjamin

Max Benjamin

Siegmund D. Benjamin

Hertzle H. Benovitz

Melvin E. Benovitz

Pearl Benovitz

Sophie Benovitz

Stanley Benovitz

Chava Bensinger

Fred Bensinger

Judith R. Bensinger

Isaac Benson

Rachel Benson

Katie W. Berkman

Morris L. Berkman

Clara Adele Berkowitz

Rueben Berkowitz

Celia S. Berlin

Isador E. Berlin

Philip L. Berlin

Sarah I. Berlin

Ben Berman

Bernard S. Berman

Bessie E. Berman

Page 9: AJ Memorial Book

Freda Berman

Isabel Berman

Lawrence Berman

Louis Berman

Marilyn M. Berman

Robert J. Berman

Ruth N. Berman

Sandra Kreeger Berman

Wolf Berman

Anna Bernstein

Betty Seligman Bernstein

Jack Bernstein

Elliott Beskin

Herta Smith Beskin

Billy M. Beton

Eleanor G. Beton

Mildred Beyer

Alex Bierman

Rebecca B. Bierman

Clara B. Binder

Jerome S. Binder

Samuel Binder

Emily Leibson Binus

William Blanksteen

Ethel R. Bleaden

Joshua B. Bleaden

Isaac Blieden

Jacob Blieden

Minnie Blieden

Nachman Blieden

Norman Blieden

Sarah Reva Blieden

Abraham N. Bloch

Edith Goetz Bloch

Gete Bloch

J. Leon Bloch

Manuel Bloch

Anna Bloom

Flora Bloom

Philip Bloom

Rose S. Bloom

Simon Bloom

George Blue

Miriam R. Blue

David Blusinsky

Sarah Blusinsky

Elsa Bodenheimer

Henry Bodenheimer

Martha Nelly Bodenheimer

Benjamin S. Bohn

Sarah Bohn

Simon Bohn

Ida Gladstein Bonheim

Phyllis L. Bordorf

Stanley J. Bordorf

Ida Bordoffsky

Samuel Bordoffsky

Philip E. Bordy

Sylvia Bordy

Alan M. Bornstein

Ale Bornstein

Donald S. Bornstein

Fannie S. Bornstein

Marilyn G. Bornstein

Maurice Bornstein

Sarah M. Bornstein

Abraham Borowitz

Freda Borowitz

Morris Borowitz

Bernice R. Branson

Hyman M. Branson

Augusta Bravman

Heyman Bravman

Beatrice Lentzer Brenner

Abe Brill

Myer Brill

Sadie Brill

Samuel Brill

Yetta Brill

Alfred Lee Briskman

Charles Briskman

Jerome M. Briskman

Michael H. Brody

Rebecca Brody

Steve Brody

Dr. Maurice Bronner

David Bronstein

Elsie Bronstein

Karen Denise Brooks Saul Brown

Abe Brownstein

Charles Brownstein

Louis Brownstein

Ray Brownstein

Page 10: AJ Memorial Book

Sidney S. Brownstein

Lois Woodman Burge

Harry A. Burke


Michael J. Calderon

Dr. Irwin R. Callen

Rochelle Schaffer Orloff Calvin

Suzanne Linker Cantor

Freda Chapnitsky

Erich Charn

Leo Charn

Paula Charn

Aaron Chase

Louise M. Chase

Sidney Chase

Ruth Y. Chesloff

Sol Chesloff

Charlotte Chitlik

David Chitlik

Dolores “Dolly” Chitlik

Jacob Chitlik

Linda Kay Chitlik

Katie Fliegel Chivian

Dr. Alvin M. Churney

Edith B. Churney

Marvin L. Churney

Sam Churney

Tillie Greenberg Churney

Suzanne Weisz Claugus

Anna Cohen

Barbara Tevis Cohen

Ben E. Cohen

Ben Edward Cohen

Rabbi Benjamin Cohen

Benjamin P. Cohen

Bernard Cohen

Bertha Cohen

Celia Shapero Cohen

Dan Cohen

Dave Cohen

David Cohen

David Cohen

Dora Winer Cohen

Elizabeth K. Cohen

Gertrude Cohen

Gussie Cohen

Harry Cohen

Harry H. Cohen

Harry N. Cohen

Harry Sidney Cohen

Herman Cohen

Ida S. Cohen

Irvin H. Cohen

Isaac Cohen

Isaac Cohen

Isaac Louis Cohen

Jason Parris Cohen

Jeanetta S. Cohen

Jennie Cohen

Jennie Cohen

Jennie Cohen

Jennie Dora Cohen

Joseph K. Cohen

Lena R. Cohen

Louis Cohen

Max Cohen

Mayme G. Cohen

Meyer Cohen

Miles Cohen

Minnie Cohen

Miriam Cohen

Dr. Morris L. Cohen

Mose W. Cohen

Philip E. Cohen

Ray Cohen

Regina Cohen

Rose Cohen

Rose Cohen

Rose Cohen

Ruth Meyers Cohen

Sam Cohen

Sarah Seligman Cohen

Saul M. Cohen

Simon Cohen

Stuart W. Cohen

Tillie H. Cohen

Tillie Shapero Cohen

Celia F. Coleman

William Coleman

Eugene J. Comer

Morris Comer

Pauline Comer

F. Joyce Cook

Milton J. Cook

Page 11: AJ Memorial Book

Rosalie S. Cooper

Rudey Cooper

Katie Cooperman

Milton Cooperman

Isadore Costin

Jennie Costin

Mollie I. Costin

Samuel Costin

Gus Cytron

Minnie Cytron


Deborah Small Davidson

Abraham M. Davis

Benn B. Davis

Bertha Costin Davis

Clara E. Davis

Fannie Davis

Dr. Joseph Davis

Louis J. Davis

Mary Stone Davis

Sam Davis

Saul Davis

Edward M. Dayan

Margaret Evans Dayan

Hyman E. DeBrovy

Rena DeBrovy

Anna Decker

Marius Decker

Jane Alma Wiggers Denton

Stewart Benjamin Denton

Annie Dicter

Lena Baer Dicter

Meyer Dicter

Esther Dock

Sam Dock

Ben Drutz

David Drutz

Edna Friedman Drutz

Rubin A. Drutz


Dave Edelman

Harry Edelman

Rosie Edelstein

Nina Efman

Erna Ehrlich

Sig Ehrlich

Frances Eichengreen

Louis Eichengreen

Max Eichengreen

Ethel B. Emmerglick

Anne Kasdan Epstein

Fanny Epstein

Hannah Esther Epstein

Isidor Epstein

John Epstein

Lillie Epstein

Selma Epstein

Zachary Epstein

Eva Ernst

Sender Ernst

Charles W. Erskine

Jean Erskine

Daniel Esakov

Shirley Esakov

Beckie Eskowitz

Bluma Eskowitz

Claire Eskowitz

Frances Eskowitz

Joseph Eskowitz

Bertha Evans

Eli B. Evans

Jacob S. Evans

Marie Blieden Evans

Norman N. Evans


Gertrude Faber

Anne S. Fader

Ben Falender

Bessie Falender

Harold Faller

Marianne Faller

Robert H. Faller

Anna Farber

Ben Farber

Harry Farber

Louis Farber

Samuel Farber

Ruth Morrison Farkas

Jeanette Jacobs Fazzari

Evelyn J. Feingold

Henry Feingold

Fannie Feitelson

Phillip Feitelson

Mollie Bloom Felton

Page 12: AJ Memorial Book

Florence Fields

Adella Levy Fine

Alexander Fine

Dennis Fine

Emanuel Fine

Jacob Fine

Julia Fine

Dr. Lewis Fine

Marcus Fine

Marion J. Fine

Miriam Gordon Fine

Nathaniel Fine

Abraham Fink

Celia Fink

The Finkelstein Family

Helen S. Fischer

Andrea Haskell Fitzwater

Bernice Davidson Flamm

Stanley Flamm

Hannah Cohen Fleck

Sam Fleck

Linda Flegenheimer

Johanna L. Fleischaker

Morris Fliegel

Rebecca Fliegel

Simon Fliegel

Ralph Flumbaum

Benjamin S. N. Fonaroff

Frank I. Fonaroff

Ruth N. Fonaroff

Harry Forman

Joseph Forman

Rose Forman

Sarah Forman

Louis Joseph Forstenzer

Rebecca Forstenzer

Arnold M. Fox

Bryan Lee Fox

Gladys H. Fox

Adolph Frank

Carolyn Wile Frankel

Raymond F. Frankel

Adolf Frankenthal

Ella Stern Frankenthal

Siegfried W. Frankenthal

Sarah Freedman

Ettie Fromma Frehling

Joseph Frehling

Fannie Frey

Joseph Frey

Ann G. Friedman

Barry David Friedman

Coleman Friedman

Edward Friedman

George Friedman

Jack Friedman

Jacob Friedman

Lena Friedman

Libby Levy Friedman

Lillian B. Friedman

Manuel Friedman

Martin L. Friedman

Philip Friedman

Rose Friedman

Selma Friedman

Alvin “Buddy” Frockt

Bennet Frockt

Gussie Frockt

Hyman Frockt

Louis E. Frockt

Robert Jack Frockt

Rose Lives Frockt

Rose Wells Frockt

Stephen Simon Frockt

Ursel Eichengreen Fuchs

Alice Barnett Furer


Dora Galanter

Frieda Galanter

Harry Galanter

Jacob Galanter

Annette Vine Gale

Joseph Louis Gale

Irwin Garber

Frieda Garon

Jacob Garon

Milton Garon

Norton L. Garon

Sylvia Garon

Steven Mark Geer

Erin Bissinger Geller

Ida Rose Geller

Louis Geller

Jacob “Red” Gershune

Page 13: AJ Memorial Book

Marye Z. Gershune

Adella M. Gilman

Neil H. Gilman

Sol Gilman

Ernest I. Gimple

Rosetta F. Gimple

Irvin Ginsburg

Leila Ginsburg

Rabbi Jacob Gittleman

Sylvia Gittleman

Bernice Givotoff

Hy Givotoff

Jacob Glaboff

Pauline Glaboff

Abraham Gladstein

Beulah Ortner Gladstein

Edna Gladstein

Jacob Gladstein

Lee Gladstein

Liba Gladstein

Meyer Gladstein

Sarah Glasser

Roni D. Glattstein

Anna Glazer

Isaac Glazer

Louis Glazer

Phyllis Glazer

Sarah Glazer

Jack Godhelff

Harry Jerome Gold

Abe Goldberg

Abe G. Goldberg

Bess Shapiro Goldberg

Betty Y. Goldberg

Carol Goldberg

Celia Goldberg

Daniel B. Goldberg

Ethel Churney Goldberg

Fannye K. Goldberg

Faye Z. Goldberg

Gertrude Goldberg

Helene Goldberg

Herman Midge Goldberg

Hyman Leon Goldberg

Ida Goldberg

Janet Ann Goldberg

Joe Goldberg

Joseph Emanuel Goldberg

Joseph G. Goldberg

Julian S. Goldberg

Lazzer Goldberg

Lee L. Goldberg

Max Mendel Goldberg

Max P. Goldberg

Mayer Goldberg

Rosalyn Solinger Goldberg

Sam Goldberg

Samuel Goldberg

Samuel M. Goldberg

Sarah Bessie Goldberg

Sarah Reva Goldberg

Matt J. Golden

Morris Golden

Leah Goldin

Sidney Goldin

Marvin Goldman

Sidney Goldman

Joan Morrison Goldner

Martin Jay Goldsmith

Beatrice M. Goldstein

Bernard S. Goldstein

Beth Goldstein

Dorothy Goldstein

Edith Goldstein

Eva L. Goldstein

Fannie Moseson Goldstein

Harry J. Goldstein

Helen N. Goldstein

Henry Goldstein

Irvin Goldstein

Isadore Goldstein

Jack Goldstein

Jane Siegel Goldstein

Joel Goldstein

Leo Goldstein

Max Goldstein

Minnie Goldstein

Rebecca Goldstein

Rose S. Goldstein

Sam Goldstein

Samuel Goldstein

Sarah B. Goldstein

Simon Goldstein

Sol Goldstein

Page 14: AJ Memorial Book

Jean Goldwyn

Morris L. Goldwyn

Warren Goldwyn

Benjamin Goodman

Mamie Goodman

Albert Gordon

Ben Gordon

Bessie G. Gordon

Dorothy Schuman Gordon

Dorothy Teresa Gordon

Esther Gordon

Fay F. Gordon

Frank Louis Gordon

Harry Gordon

Herman Gordon

Irvin Gordon

Irving Gordon

Jake Gordon

Lela B. Gordon

Mae Gordon

Marvin Gordon

Mary S. Gordon

Morris Gordon

Ronda A. Gordon

Simon Gordon

Stella Gordon

Chaim Leib Gornstein

Ethel Gornstein

Falek Gornstein

Joseph Gornstein

Lillian Gornstein

Louis Gottlieb

Ruth Karp Gottlieb

Bee Tuvil Grassiano

Richard Green

Adele H. Greenberg

Barbara Greenberg

David B. Greenberg

Harold H. Greenberg

J. Norton Greenberg

Jacob Greenberg

Oscar Greenberg

Rayna Greenberg

Rena Greenberg

Rose Greenberg

Ella Barnett Greenwald

Philip Greenwald

Sam H. Greisman

Doris K. Griffin

John M. Griffin

Hugh Lawrence Grossberg

Ada Sara Grossman

Annie J. Grossman

Daniel Grossman

Ethel Seligman Grossman

Louis C. Grossman

Maurice R. Grossman

May R. Grossman

Phyllis R. Grossman

Sadye Grossman

Sidney Grossman

Stuart M. Grossman

Rose Grunberger

Wilhelm Grunberger

Donald Guss


Milton Hammer

Abe B. Handmaker

Agnes Handmaker

Bernard Handmaker

Blanche Faye Handmaker

Helen Handmaker

Helen Y. Handmaker

Herman G. Handmaker

Jennie Handmaker

Julius Handmaker

Lena Handmaker

Nathan A. Handmaker

Robert S. Handmaker

Ruth L. Handmaker

Samuel J. Handmaker

Sidney D. Handmaker

Stuart A. Handmaker

Agnes Harris

Lena Harrison

Morris Harrison

Arthur Haskell

Joy Hammer Haskell

Esther Brownstein Haskell

Joseph Haskell

Raymond Haskell

Rebecca Haskell

Simon Haskell

Karen Leifer Hefner

Page 15: AJ Memorial Book

Ben Heines

Celia Heines

Carl K. Helman

Helen Segal Helman

Louis Helman

Harry H. Herman

Howard E. Herman

Lena Herman

Louis Aaron Herman

Ronald Allen Herman

Rosalee S. Herman

Jacob Hertzman

Rachael Hertzman

Lorraine Simon Hinerfeld

Alfred Hirsch

Betty Hirsch

Emil Hirsch

Ruth H. Hirsch

Esther Hollander

Solomon Hollander

Marvin Honig

Rose Kahn Honig

Sidney Honig

Anna Horowitz

Frank S. Horowitz

Bernard J. Howard

Henry P. Howard

Mary B. Howard

Bertha S. Hyman

Jacob Hyman

Joyce L. Hyman

Mollie Hyman

Philip Hyman

Sam J. Hyman

Sherrill Hyman

Sylvan J. Hyman

Sylvia Y. Hyman

Tillie Hyman

Daniel Hymson

Fannie D. Hymson

Herman Hymson

Jane Lois Cohen Hymson

Joseph J. Hymson

Samuel L. Hymson

Sidney Hymson


Arthur H. Isaacs

Avrom M. Isaacs

Florence K. Isaacs

Louis Isaacs

Sarah L. Isaacs

Anna Sarah Isler

Charles Isler

Louis Isler


Arthur Jacobs

Lillian Levin Jacobs

Ben P. Jacobson

Jacob Jacobson

Jennie Jacobson

Joseph M. Jacobson

Louis Jacobson

Reva Jacobson

Tuley Sessmer Jacobson

Abraham I. Jacobstein

Abraham M. Jacobstein

Bertha Jacobstein

Ethel Jacobstein

Julius L. Jacobstein

Lillian Jacobstein

Milton Jacobstein

Philip A. Jacobstein

Robert Jacobstein

Rose E. Jacobstein

Sam Jacobstein

Eli H. Jaffe

Fanny Jaffe

Harry Jaffe

Abram Jakubowicz

Jay Jamner

George Otto Juhl

Selma Juhl


Davis Kahn

Emanuel H. Kahn

Irvin Kahn

Jennie Kahn

Jennie P. Kahn

Martha Kahn

Pearl Kahn

Walter Kahn

Sol Kamien

Eva Kandel

Jacqueline Rothschild Kanovitz

Page 16: AJ Memorial Book

Anna Kaplan

Joseph J. Kaplan

Julius Kaplan

Minnie E. Kaplan

Rebecca Kaplan

Sam Kaplan

Samuel J. Kaplan

Edwin B. Kaplin

Florence Kaplin

Nathan Kaplin

Irvin J. Karl

Alvin Kasdan

Anna Kasdan

Asher Lee Kasdan

Chana Liba Kasdan

David Kasdan

James “Jimmy” Kasdan

Jerome H. Kasdan

Joseph Chaim Kasdan

Joseph Chayim Kasdan

Kopel Morris Kasdan

Louis Kasdan

Ruth H. Kasdan

Sheine Kasdan

Slova Kasdan

Sylvia Kasdan

Bertha K. Kastan

Dorothy Kastan

Murrel Kastan

Nathan Kastan

Diane Gordon Katz

Ida Jeanette Katz

Isadore Katz

Jennie Shrager Katz

Reva Jean Sheinberg Katz

Susie F. Katz

David Loeb Katzman

Mary Katzman

Robert Kaufman

Sarah G. Kaufman

Edwin Kerman

Florence Kerman

Sylvia Rothschild Kerpel

Bessie Rebecca Kessel

William H. Kessel

Yale Kessel

Fanny Frehling Khourt

Julius Leon Khourt

Minnie Khourt

Nathan King

Pauline King

Ted Kirschenbaum

Arthur Kittower

B. Molly Klein

Ben Klein

Bertha Marcus Klein

Chivia Klein

David Nathan Klein

Edwin S. Klein

Frank Leon Klein

George S. Klein

Hannah P. Klein

Harold Frank Klein

Ida Klein

James Klein

Lippman Klein

Margaret Klein

Max Klein

Meyer Joseph Klein

Milton Klein

Mollie L. Klein

Murrel D. Klein

Nathan Klein

Norman J. Klein

Rita G. Klein

Rose S. Klein

Samuel Klein

Sarah Epstein Klein

Tobie Marks Klein

Cari Kleinman

Augusta Klempner

Emil Klempner

George R. Klempner

Jack Klempner

Janis Barash Klempner

Mollie Klempner

Morris Klempner

Steven Ross Klempner

Max Kletter

Edward Kline

Marian S. Kline

Mollie F. Kline

Rabbi Simcha Kling

Abraham Klotz

Page 17: AJ Memorial Book

Bernard Klotz

Dorothy Vera Klotz

Edith Ray Kaplan Klotz

Esther Zelda Klotz

Benjamin Koby

Jay S. Koby

Mina Koby

Abe M. Kohn

Helen B. Kohn

Jerome C. Koloms

Robert Komarow

Steven Komarow

Sylvia Komarow

Alex Koppelman

Edith Koppelman

Estelle Koppelman

Goldie Baron Koppelman

Myer Koppelman

Ann S. Kort

George Kort

Louis R. Kort

Maury I. Kort

Rella Kort

Rosa L. Kort

Jean Rose Kozlove

Julius Kozlove

Lillie Kozlove

Milton Z. Kozlove

Paul Louis Kozlove

Colin Kraines

Aaron Leb Kramm

Sarah Kramm

Esther Krebs

Jennie Krebs

Katie Krebs

Raphael I. Krebs

Samuel Krebs

Lena Krenitz

Shirley M. Krinsky

Ben Kroopkin

Bessie Kroopkin

Frances Kroutil

Joey Kroutil

Joseph Kroutil

Esther Kurland

Max Kushner

Sadie Kushner

Alexander Marshall Kutz

Dorothy Rosenfield Kutz


Anne Landau

Fred Morris Landau

Freda Shapiro Landau

Helen Landau

Herman Landau

Ida Landau

Leah S. Landau

Minnie Landau

O. H. Landau

Rebecca Landau

Sara Landau

Jodi Lynn Lapin

Robert LaSalle

Esther Lauterbach

Charles Lazarus

Lillian R. Lazarus

Barbara Faller Leavitt

Albert Leibson

Dorothy Reibert Leibson

Judge Julius Leibson

Oscar Leibson

Pearl Isler Leibson

Aaron Joseph Lenkoff

Jennie Lenkoff

Nathan Lerman

Nathan I. Lerman

Robert I. Lerman

Harvey Jay Lerner

Henry Lerner

Rose Lerner

Sara Miller Lerner

Lillian Levens

Edwin K. Levi

Fanny Thal Levi

Dora Levine

Karen Amick Levine

Louis Levine

Emma Levitan

Esther Solovey Levitan

Isadore Levitan

Leon M. Levitan

Tessye Levitan

Tony Levitan

Bertha B. Levitch

Page 18: AJ Memorial Book

Phil B. Levitch

Rose Kaplan Levitz

Samuel J. Levitz

Abraham Levy

Bert Levy

Dorothy Levy

Ethel Kozlove Levy

Fanny Levy

Gilbert Levy

Harry Levy

Helen Ruth Levy

Hy Levy

Jacob K. Levy

Lena Levy

Morris B. Levy

Nathan D. Levy

Pauline A. Levy

Rebecca G. Levy

Victor Levy

Leonard Herbert Lewis

Albert Lichtenstein

Johanna Liebermann

Mordechai W. Liebermann

Birdie Schiff Liebling

Hannah Liebschutz

Helen H. Liebschutz

Ida Liebschutz

Isaac Liebschutz

Nehemiah Liebschutz

Sarah Liebschutz

Abe Linker

Adele Linker

Allan Linker

Alvin Linker

Barnet Linker

Ben Linker

Fayette Linker

Harry Linker

Julie E. Linker

Kahlman Linker

Lillian Linker

Mary Linker

Rachel Leah Linker

Rebecca Solovey Linker

S. Harry Linker

Sadie K. Linker

Wolf Linker

Anne M. Lippman

Michael Alvin Lippman

Carmen B. Lipschutz

Sidney Lipschutz

Anne G. Lipski

Elaine S. Lipski

Max Lipski

Rachel Lipski

Zeldon Lipski

Zelig Lipski

Bertha Lipsky

Morris Lipsky

Saul M. Loeb

Charles Lorber

Etta Miehl Lorber

Emil Lowry

Carl Ivan Lutnick

Carole Lutnick

Jack Lutnick

Sharlot Lutnick

Birdie Lynch

Jack Meyer Lynch

Lillian Morguelan Lynch

Rose Shainberg Lynch


Pearl Morrison Maloff

Moshe Mann

Belle Marcus

Bernard A. Marcus

Paul Marcus

Doris K. Margulis

Harry H. Margulis

Mrs. Harry Margulis

Lester Margulis

Mary Margulis

Sam Margulis

Harry Mark

Justin Gregory Mark

Myra Mark

Ben P. Marks

Edythe Marks

Esther Marks

Hannah Marks Harry Marks

Herbert J. Marks

Lester Marks

Matilda Marks

Page 19: AJ Memorial Book

Mose D. Marks

Pearl Lerner Marks

Bertha Marx

Bessie Speckter Marx

Ernie Marx

Esther Speckter Marx

Leon Marx

Lore Marx

Lucy Marx

Manfred Marx

Abe Mash

Nettie Mash

Arthur Masler

Estelle Shatz Masler

Harold Massie

Ruth Ades Mayer

Joseph Medaisky

Mamie Medaisky

Icek Meerson

Ronald Henry Meier

Sara Leibson Mellman

Ilse Meyer

Meinhard Meyer

Barbara Tevis Meyers

Benjamin Meyers

Doris Meyers

Gerald Meyers

Lee Meyers

Sarah Meyers

Theodore B. Meyers

Yetta Meyers

Thelma S. Michelson

Louis Mickelson

Sara F. Mickelson

Abraham J. Miller

Bess Rosenstein Miller

Harold A. Miller

Haskell Miller

Herman Miller

Irving Miller

Lela Miller

Minnie Miller

Sam Miller

Sophie K. Miller

Bernard Monfried

Rose Monfried

Matilda Monness

Herbert H. Monsky

Jeffrey N. Monsky

Julius Monsky

Mildred K. Monsky

Morris Monsky

Rose M. Monsky

Selma Fae Monsky

Tena Monsky

Jennie Rose Moot

Simon Moot

Alyce F. Morguelan

Bessie Morguelan

Florence R. Morguelan

Hyman Y. Morguelan

Jacob Morguelan

Morris Morguelan

Rebecca Morguelan

Samuel Morguelan

Samuel “Zimmie” Morguelan

Adelaide Shultz Morrison

Andrew Z. Morrison

Anne L. Morrison

Bertha Morrison

Harold Morrison

Julius H. Morrison

Philip Morrison

Sara Yoffe Morrison

Alvin Moseson

Betty Moseson

Betty Davis Moseson

Israel Moseson

Louis J. Moseson

Bessie Moss

Israel Muss

Jake Muth


Israel T. Naamani

Isidore B. Nelson

R. Lewis Nelson

Rebecca Nelson

Samuel Nelson

Abe Niren

Goldie Niren

Hannah Blieden Nius

Joseph Norman

Louis J. Novitsky

Rosa F. Novitsky

Page 20: AJ Memorial Book


Bertha Baron O’Koon

Ruth O’Koon

Yandell O’Koon

Jessica S. Olson

Julie B. Olson

Walter L. Olson, Sr.

LaVerne “Mimi” Ontell

Milton “Jerry” Ontell

Ferdinand Oppenheimer

Arnold Orloff

Steve Orr

Emil H. Ortner

Fannie Ortner

Pearl M. Ortner

Ben Osland

Irene Gloria Osland

Armand Ostroff


Marcus Packman

Anna Packman

Hannah Passamaneck

Sidney Passamaneck

Ida Pataki

Ida Pearlman

Ivan Pearlman

Maury M. Pearlman

Milton B. Pearlman

Mitchell Pearlman

Rosa B. Pearlman

Zelda Pearlman

David Theodore Perellis

Maurice A. Perellis

Mollie Pookman Perellis

Frimi Speevack Perelmuter

Sam Perelmuter

Harry Platoff

Rosa Platoff

Yetta Platoff

Jacob Podgursky

Annalee Shrager Pollock

William L. Pollock

Lauren Ruth Pomerance

Benjamin Pookman

Jessie Pookman

Miriam L. Pookman

Deborah Schuster Poole

Angela Pope

Joseph A. Pope

Ben-Zion Post

Rachel Post

Boris C. Pressma

Conrad Pressma

Esther Pressma

Stuart I. Pressma

Fay Prohovnik

Morris Prohovnik


Aaron Rabb

Anna Rabb

Dorothy Shapoff Raab

Dr. Julius Raab

Harry S. Rabb

Mary M. Rabb

Saul I. Rabb

Alexander Ramm

Rosa Ramm

Harry William Reiner

Mary Lesser Reiner

Goldie Resnik

Dr. Tobias Resnik

Alex Ressnier

Lena Ressnier

Blema Brazin Rich

Maurice Richlin

Ryna Richlin

Rosalind Brazen Richter

Sidney Bernard Richter

Cecil Ringel

Lena Ringel

Mary B. Robenson

Milton N. Robenson

Albert Robinson

Barbara “Bobbye” Robinson

John Robinson

Lena Robinson

Martha Robinson

Rose Mash Robinson

Pauline R. Rosenbaum

Victor B. Rosenbaum

Abe Rosenberg

Ann Cohen Rosenberg

Annie Rosenberg

Arnold Rosenberg

Page 21: AJ Memorial Book

Arnold J. Rosenberg

Bernard Rosenberg

Clara Rosenberg

Ellen S. Rosenberg

Harry Rosenberg

Jack Rosenberg

Jeanette Rosenberg

Jennie Rosenberg

Jerry D. Rosenberg

Joseph Rosenberg

Lena Rosenberg

Martin Rosenberg

Michael Rosenberg

Philip Rosenberg

Reuben Rosenberg

Sarah Rosenberg

Sarah Pearl Rosenberg

Sharon Rosenberg

Tillie K. Rosenberg

Abraham Rosenblatt

Bessie Rosenblatt

Jacob Rosenblatt

Jennie Rosenblatt

Samuel Rosenblatt

Benjamin Rosenbloum

Israel Rosenbloum

Lillian Rosenbloum

Gitta Rosenfeld

Siegfried Rosenfeld

Abe Rosenstein

Adora Rosenstein

Cecelia Rosenstein

Edward Rosenstein

Gilbert Rosenstein

Isador Rosenstein

Jacob Rosenstein

Ruth Rosenstein

Tillie Rosenstein

Ida L. Rosenthal

Esther Rosmarin

Max Rosmarin

Fritz Armand Rothschild

Isaac Rothschild

Jennie Goldstein Rothschild

John Jacob Rothschild

Jula Rothschild

Renee Ruth Rothschild

Samuel (Sally) Rothschild

Sarah (Selma) Rothschild

Jack Rothstein

Sara Fine Rothstein

Benjamin Rouben

Joseph I. Rouben

Rebecca Kahn Rouben

Harriette Rubenstein

Irma Jean Rubenstein

Jennie K. Rubin

Joseph Rubin

Ralph Rubin

Jacob Ruby

Sylvia S. Ruby

Kate R. Rudman

Louis A. Rudman


David Saag

Henry I. Saag

Lela Switow Saag

Sonia Baron Saag

Solomon Sacks

Temmie Sacks

Goldie Sadoff

Nathan Sadoff

David Sagerman

Edward Sagerman

Herschel Sagerman

Shirley Sagerman

Harry Salzman

Morris Salzman

Allan “Sonny” Samuel

Arie Samuel

Meyer “Mike” Samuel

Sol Samuel

Anna Samuels

Gerry W. Samuels

Abraham Sandler

Hannah Rachel Sandler

Abe Sandow

Bertha Sandow

Geneva Sandow

Isaac Sandow

Lillian Sandow

Jennie Cohen Sapinsley

Louis Sapinsley

Sophie Schaechter

Page 22: AJ Memorial Book

Elias Schecter

Esther Schecter

Philip Schecter

Rosa Schecter

Anna L. Schermer

Harry Schermer

Ira D. Schiff

Joseph Schiff

Andrew Jonathan Schiller

Ida Rosenstein Schiller

Sheldon B. Schiller

Edith Schlossberg

Isadore Jacob Schlossberg

Ida Rebecca Schlosser

Jacob Schlosser

Lawrence Schlosser

Ada Florence Schneider

Arnold Schneider

Bernard M. Schneider

Carl Schneider

Esther G. Schneider

Fannie Schneider

Jake Schneider

Joseph Schneider

Macy Schneider

Max A. Schneider

Minnie Fine Schneider

Ruby Moseson Schneider

Sadie Schneider

Simon Schneider

Harry Schuchman

Irving Schuchman

Sarah Schuchman

Dorothy K. Schulman

Elizabeth Schulman

Frank Schulman

Goldie Schulman

Howard K. Schulman

Ida Schulman

Katie F. Schulman

Mose W. Schulman

Selma Schulman

Sol Schulman

Stuart M. Schulman

Ben Schuman

Tillie Schuman

Edna Schuster

Eleanor Schuster

Joseph Schuster

Rabbi William B. Schwab

Betty Barnett Schwartz

Edith Schwartz

Ezra D. Schwartz

Jack Schwartz

Jeanette Schwartz

Morris Schwartz

Nathan Schwartz

Nathan H. Schwartz

Nettie Y. Schwartz

Raymond Schwartz

Rose Schwartz

Ruth L. Schwartz

Sol P. Schwartz

Theresa Schwartz

Alma Seidenman

Ann Davis Seidenman

Annie Seidenman

David S. Seidenman

Hannah R. Seidenman

Harry Seidenman

Jacob Israel Seidenman

Sarah Leah Seidenman

Selig M. Seidenman

Simon Seidenman

Ann Seidman

Leon Seidman

Morris I. Seidman

Jacob Zelig Seligman

Max Isaac Seligman

Rachel P. Seligman

Julius Seltz

Oscar L. Sessmer

Dr. Samuel P. Sessmer

Zelda Sessmer

Mark Sylvan Sexter

Abe Shaikun

Cleo T. Shaikun

Irvin Shaikun

Leon J. Shaikun

Minnie Shaikun

Molly Shaikun

Anna Shapero

Ben H. Shapero

Eli Shapero

Page 23: AJ Memorial Book

Jacob Louis Shapero

Joseph J. Shapero

Meyer Joseph Shapero

Minnie Goldberg Shapero

Minnie W. Shapero

Mollie Shapero

Aaron Shapinsky

Abraham Shapinsky

Allan Shapinsky

Claribel W. Shapinsky

Sarah Shapinsky

Sarah A. Shapinsky

Anne E. Shapira

Annie B. Shapira

David Shapira

Ed Shapira

Gary Shapira

George Shapira

Max Shapira

Mose Shapira

Rae H. Shapira

Ruth Seidenman Shapira

Anna Shapiro

Robert A. Shapiro

Bernard Shatz

Libby Shatz

Louis Shatz

Sadie Roth Shatz

Alex Sherman

Dora K. Sherman

Gertrude Shrager

Sam Shrager

Philip Shultz

Tillie Shuman

Celia M. Shuster

Eleanor Shuster

Israel Shuster

Lawrence E. Shuster

Herbert Silon

Morris Silon

Narda G. Silon

Tillie S. Silon

Benjamin H. Silverman

Bertha Sher Silverman

Joseph Silverman

Mary Silverman

Phyllis B. Silverman

Abe M. Silverstein

David H. Silverstein

Lottie Silverstein

Bessie Simon

Eva J. Simon

Evelyn W. Simon

Hyman Simon

Jacob Alex Simon

Jennie K. Simon

Selma Jean Simon

William J. Simon

Alexander Simons

Chaim-Harry H. Simons

Esther Simons

Jacob H. Simons

Libbie S. Klein Simons

Morris Simons

Zlatta Simons

Louis Singerman

Sadye Klotz Sleph

Chester B. Slosberg

Lillian Slosberg

Vivian S. Slosberg

Alan T. Slyn

Betty R. Slyn

George R. Slyn

Irving K. Small

Murrel Small

Shirley Williams Small

Alice Smith

Nathan Jack Smith

Oscar Smith

Rachel Smith

Sam Smith

Dr. Stanley Smith

David Snow

Ben Snyder

Jessie Snyder

Lillian R. Snyder

Marian R. Snyder

Monty M. Snyder

Ronald Ross Snyder

Samuel Snyder

Sarah Rose Solinger

Steven B. Solinger

Theodore A. Solinger

Adelaine S. Solovey

Page 24: AJ Memorial Book

Samuel Solovey

Hyman Solzman

Irving D. Solzman

Ruth Solzman

Sadie Solzman

Charles E. Somogyi

Emery Somogyi

Lilly V. Somogyi

Ethel Soslowitz

Samuel Soslowitz

Charney K. Sotsky

Irvin Sotsky

Marvin Sotsky

James Ross Sotsky

Shirley Klein Sotsky

Joshua Sparber

Henry Speckter

Bernhardine Speier

Sol Speier

Anna Ruth Spiegel

Charles Spiegel

Mary Spiegel

Benjamin Sragg

Marion Sragg

Joseph Sragowitz

Julius Sragowitz

Rebecca Sragowitz

Edith Stavitsky

Esther Stavitsky

Simon Stavitsky

Deborah Steckel

Hillel Steckel

Fannie Stein

Isidore Stein

Jacob Stein

Joan Stein

Miriam Steinberg

Morris Steinberg

Anna Stern

Annie Stern

Blanche B. Stern

Charlotte Stern

Leonard E. Stern

Max Stern

Robert Cyril Stern

Ruth W. Stern

Samuel A. Stern

Theodore Stern

Wilbur Adrian Steuer

David Stillman

Sadye W. Stillman

Alan A. Stoler

Carol Lynn Stoler

Clara Stoler

Florence Shersky Stoler

Max A. Stoler

Sam G. Stoler

Sylvia L. Stoler

William H. Stoler

Jake Strasberg

Lawrence Strasberg

Lois Strasberg

Sylvia Kozlove Strasberg

Yetta Strasberg

Augusta Shapinsky Strull

Charles Strull

Charles H. Strull

Harold P. Strull

Joseph Strull

Rose B. Strull

Sara B. Strull

Sidney Eugene Strull

Ida Stry

Jack Stry

Rose E. Suddleson

Sam Suddleson

Alvin Sweitzer

James Sweitzer

Joshua A. Sweitzer

Judith Sweitzer

Rebecca Sweitzer

Stanley Sweitzer

Annie Switow

Edward Switow

Florence Klein Switow

Fred T. Switow

Harriet Switow

Harry R. Switow

Irvin (Sonny) Switow

Isaac Switow

Israel Switow

Joan Switow

Michael Switow

Miriam B. Switow

Page 25: AJ Memorial Book

Samuel J. Switow


Lillie Taichert

Nathan Taichert

Ben Tandeta

Pesza Tandeta

Morris Tandeta

Anna Tanenhaus

Faye K. Tanenhaus

Isaac Tanenhaus

Dr. Joseph Tanenhaus

Raymond S. Tanenhaus

Anna Tarbis

Gertrude Tarbis

Harry Tarbis

Joseph M. Tarbis

Judith Gottlieb Tarbis

Raymond Tarbis

Rose Jaffe Tarbis

E. Gerald Tasch

Elinor Cherin Tasch

Alex Taub

Leah Taub

Libbie Bass Taub

Emma Taustine

Joseph Taustine

Max Taustine

David Toborowsky

Julie Toborowsky

Larry Toborowsky

Samuel Trager

Freda Tuvil

Jacob Tuvil


Hannah Ullman

Dina Urdang

Samuel Urdang


Jill Klein van Straaten

Adolf van der Walde

Sara van der Walde

Aaron Vine

Blema Vine

Jennie Vine

Kenneth Vine


Alan J. Waldman

Edith Waldman

Ethyl Winer Waldman

Harriet Waldman

Herman Waldman

Irvin Waldman

Leslie Waldman

Max Waldman

Pearle Waldman

Ruth Waldman

Yetta Levitan Waldman

Dave Wasbutsky

Fannie Wasbutsky

Arnold Wasser

Miriam Wasser

Anna B. Wasserman

Morris Wasserman

Esther Waterman

Louis Waterman

Abraham Weber

Edward Weber

Hannah G. Weber

Rachel Weber

Simon Weber

Evelyn Wein

Harold Wein

Bessie S. Weinberg

Dora Weinberg

Hannah F. Weinberg

Herschel Weinberg

Miriam Blieden Weinberg

N. I. Weinberg

Paul Weinberg

Philip Weinberg

Sam Weinberg

Sam D. Weinberg

Tobie Weinberg

Beverly Weisberg

Charles L. Weisberg

Marian Weisberg

Mildred Weisberg

Samuel Weisberg

Louis Weiser

Aaron Weiss

Belle Weiss

Kahlman Weiss

Lester Charles Weiss

Margaret Somogyi Weiss

Page 26: AJ Memorial Book

Rose Weiss

Ben B. Weitz

Fannie B. Weitz

Isaac Weitz

Pauline Weitz

Leslie Wells

Anna Werblowsky

Meyer Widerschein

Brent Snyder Willage

Jacqueline Snyder Willage

Marvin E. Willage

Dora B. Williams

Julius V. Williams

Daniel Wilson

Sadie S. Wilson

Victor Wilson

Abraham Winer

Esther Winer

Marian F. Winer

Rachel Winer

Samuel Winer

Sol B. Winer

Dorothy Winkelstein

Marvin Winkelstein

Lena Wolff

Max Wolff

Philip Wolfson

I. Leo Wolkow

Charles Woodman

Nettie G. Woodman


Joseph M. Yagger

Richard J. Yamin

Abe Yoffe

Bernice Yoffe

Esther Yoffe

Philip Yoffe

Ronald Yoffe

Fannie G. Younger

Helen Libbe Younger

Jacob Younger

Leon Younger

Leopold Younger

Robert Alan Younger

Sally K. Younger


Fannie Lerman Zacharia

Philip Zacharia

Ben Zegart

Betty D. Zegart

Bruce Zegart

Esther Strull Zegart

Gloria Zegart

Harry Zegart

Irvin Zegart

Leon Zegart

Rose Zegart

Rosetta Handmaker Zegart

David Zeidman

Florence Zeidman

Hannah Zeidman

Samuel Zeidman

Irving Zeitman

Sheba Zeitman

Gladys Zemon

Harry Zemon

Helene Renee Zemon

Mary Tuvil Zigel

Marie Zuckerman

Max Zuckerman

We Remember Them with Reverence and Love

Adath Jeshurun is appreciative of all our families who supported the printing of the 5781

Memorial Book.

We are grateful to our generous donors, who are indicated by an asterisk* on the

upcoming pages.

We are especially grateful to our generous sponsors, who are indicated by a double-

asterisk** on the upcoming pages.

~~Please excuse any inadvertent printing or editing errors ~~

Page 27: AJ Memorial Book

Edna & Martin Friedman Fannie & Ben Pushin

Julius K. Friedman Susie Katz

Rubin Drutz Josh Sweitzer

Minnie & Julius Khourt Karyn & Eric Harkins

Charney & Irving Sotsky

By Carol Friedman Abrams*

Hannah Adler Strauss Ben Wendrow

Sol Adler Dorothy Wendrow

By Edward, Beth*, Sara, David, Gwen, Benjamin & Elias Adler

Esther & Edward J. Winkler

Bernice & Milton Ament

Maurice T. Feinberg

By Sue, Mark*, Rachel, Aaron, Allison, Lilah & Maya Ament

Ursel Eichengreen Fuchs

Louis Eichengreen

Shirley & David Bailen

Edith & Alfred Behr

Frances & Max Eichengreen

Molly & Jacob Bailen

Birdie & Wolf Diamond Claus & Simone Behr

Evelyn & Billy Simon

Leon Fuchs

Betty Carney

Michael Griffin

By Sandy & Jim Bailen; Michael, Caren, Brody & Zoe Bailen; Neal, Lisa, Blair & Whitney; Erica Bailen & Sean and Gray Griffin

Maury Pearlman

Dora Greenberg

Betty Baker

Allan Baker

Margie Baker

Sally Younger

By Barry, Shevvy** & Melissa Baker

George S. & Nancy Sue Balf

George R. & Betty R. Slyn

Alan T. Slyn

Theodore & Celia Balf Dr. Tobias Resnik

Goldie Resnik

Joseph & Rose Loeser

Max & Pearl Miehl

Stanley & Joyce Loeser

Dr. Morris & Marian Miehl

By Frances & Stephen Balf; Cindy Balf; Becca Balf & Matt Hartmeier Margot & Lawrence Barr

Judith & Fred Bensinger

Chava Bensinger

By Jeffrey N. Barr

Page 28: AJ Memorial Book

Joseph & Margery Weinberg Belker

Herbert & Matilda M. Marks

Aaron & Rebecca Belker

Hannah Feldbaum Weinberg

N.I. & Bessie Weinberg

Mose & Pearl Marks

Paul & Fannie Marcus

Nat Bailen

Martin Bailen

Herschel & Tobie Marks Weinberg

Sam D. Weinberg

Morton S. Weinberg

Ida Cusher

Murrel D. & Tobie Marks Klein

Lynn Weinberg

Heidi Weinberg Jacobson

Neil Weinberg

Marysue Weinberg

By Terry & Arnold Belker Melvin E. Benovitz

Hertzle H. Benovitz

Sophie Evans Benovitz Faye Kushner Tanenhaus Raymond S. Tanenhaus Sadie Cohen Kushner

Max Kushner

Eli B. Evans

Dianne Schramko

Marie B. Evans

Lassar Benovitz

Bessie Benovitz

Ivor & Sylvia Tanenhaus

Paula & Phil Rappaport

Annette & Ellyn Abrams

Lamar Garon

Jay Levine

By Shellie Benovitz**; Mona, Frank, Bennett, Eli & Carly Schramko; Susie, Gary, Sarah & Ross Botwinick; Todd, Shannon, Jayson & Melanie Benovitz

Judith & Fred Bensinger

Margot & Lawrence Barr

Karl & Bertha Bensinger

Isak & Sofie Schloessinger

Anselm Baer

Emma Baer Kaethe Rosenheimer

Chava Bensinger

By Carl Bensinger*

Chava Posnanski Bensinger

Salomon & Eugenia Bensinger

Pinchas Poznanski

Bracha Yehudit Poznanski

Sara & Abraham Poznanski

Jakob & Regina Bensinger

Asher Lerner Chava Lerner

Pesia Yablanowich

Israel Yablanowich

Sara Yablanowich

Ella Poznanski

Rachel Poznanski

Velvel Poznanski

Andres J. & Idel Bensinger Simon

Barbara G. Simon

Jules & Denise Kaufmann

Kurt Wertheimer

Dr. John Enrique Simon

Jacques Kaufmann

Lilliana Szwimer

Lester Feibelman

By Hans Bensinger* & Family

Page 29: AJ Memorial Book

Rahel & Gad Borovoy

Berta & Gregory Borodyansky

Yakov Borovoy

Michael Tarnopolsky

Arkady Slutsky

Valentina Gurevich

By Dmitry & Emma Berdichevsky* & Family; Arkadiy Gurevich

Jeanette & Albert Berger Eleanor & Nathan Nemirow

By Sharon & Stephen Berger** Sandra K. Berman

Jeanette & Dennis Berman

Celia & Isadore Kreeger

By Harris Berman* Dr. Seymour Bessen

By Ellana & Matthew Bessen*

Annette & David A. Sagerman

Lorraine Simon Hinerfeld

Selma Jean Simon

Edward Sagerman

Eva J. & Jacob A. Simon

Josh Sparber

Ellen & Herman Sparber

Hannah Simon

Anna & Samuel Kaplan

Frances Friedman

Emma & Charles Simon Anna & Wilbur Bittner

Robert Doran

Samuel C. Hinerfeld

Julie Jacobs

Herschel & Shirley Sagerman Krichman

Sarah Glasser & Charles Hinerfeld

By Bob & Jaye Bittner**; Lane, Jolyn, Jordana & Doran Sparber; Jarred, Jacob & Nathan Sparber Rosalee & Louis Herman

Katie F. & Frank Schulman

Lena & Harry Herman

Helen S. Fischer

Stephen Fischer

Rebecca Schulman

Louis Schulman

Barney Herman

Stuart & Mickey Schulman

Selma Schulman

By Nancy Blodgett; Kim Franklin; Jennifer Halverson and Family

Page 30: AJ Memorial Book

Phyllis Adams

Miriam & George Blue

Sarah & David Blusinsky

Lena & John Robinson

Lee Adams

Josephine Adams

Arnold & Margaret Robinson

Joe Stern

Helen Stern

Leonard Klein

Francis Klein

Bette & Sidney Taren

Jake Farber

Louis & Lorraine Haynes

Jerry Sims

By Bruce Blue** & Louise Auslander; Justin, Bonnie & Gabriel Blue; Alexis Ledford; Spencer, Micah, Sebastian, Carmela & Ivy Blue; Madelyn Blue & Chad Blue

Miriam & George Blue Sarah & David Blusinsky Francis Klein

Dina & Irving Kurlansky

Margaret & Arnold Robinson

Lena & John Robinson Bette & Sidney Taren

Helen Stern

Nelda Scull

By David & Connie Blue; Todd, Karen, Grace, Isaac, & Bella Blue Ethel & Robert Henry Solow

Yolanda & Robert Boggs

Rebecca & Abraham Shapiro

Nathan & Lizzie Personick Solow

Pearl & Isadore Glaubiger Julia & Isadore Adelson

William Adelson

Mary & Louis Weiss

Irwin Shebovsky

Amelia & Joseph Satin

Isabella & Nathan Goldstein

Kenneth Goldstein

Seymour Solow

Sadie & Max Shebovsky

Antonio Pereda

Carlos Pereda

Ermalinda Pereda

Florence Goldman

Carmen & Augustin Elizondo

Daniel Glaubiger

By Danny & Judy Boggs*; Rebecca Boggs & Michael Wenthe, Shira, Samuel & Talia Boggs Wenthe; David Boggs, Ran Xu & Xiang Boggs; Jonathan & Victoria Boggs

Donald Bornstein

Pearl & David Benovitz

Fannie & Ale Bornstein

Helen & William Benovitz

Beloved Grandparents

Ethel Hellerman

Norton Greenberg

Stanley Benovitz

Sylvia & Neal Callif

Stan & Joan Rubin

Linda Fuchs

Dearly remembered by Elaine Bornstein & Family

Page 31: AJ Memorial Book

Fannie & Ale Bornstein

Pearl & David Benovitz

Pauline & Phillip Rubin

Hazel & Samuel Privalsky

Cynthia & Boyd Dadds

Stanley Benovitz

Helen & William Benovitz

Norton Greenberg

Donald Bornstein

Joan & Stanley Rubin

Linda Fuchs

B. Molly & George Klein

By Lisa & James Bornstein* & Family

Sarah M. & Maurice Bornstein

Frimi & Sam Perelmuter

Marilyn & Alan Bornstein

Barbara & William S. Alper

By Marsha & H. Edwin Bornstein & Family Richard Branson

Bernice & Hyman Branson

Ethel & Joe Branson

Adrienne Branson

Barbara Branson

Philip Branson

Mickey & Sam Sevin

Mary & Joseph Silverman

Phyllis Silverman

Molly Haro

Effie Wolpert

Harry Jackson

Ross Gelb

Leah Sachs

Frances Bender

By Beth Branson* Sylvia & Milton Garon

Minnie & Moe Brodsky

Jackie Brodsky

Gizella Bergman

Andrew Schiller

Sheldon Schiller

Mark Sexter

Mitchell Charney

Margie Baker

Armand Ostroff

By Mona & Jay Brodsky*; Lisa & Mitch Eisen; Julie & Mitch Nusbaum; Kevin & Sarah Bergman; Paige Brodsky; Randy & Julie Brodsky Irwin R. Callen, MD Rose P. Callen

Jacob M. Manis Lillian R. Manis

By Jeffrey, Susan**, David, Laura, Judah & Noa Callen; Amy, Dan, Avi & Eden Maidenberg Betty Frances Hanover Carney

Morris & Sadye S. Hanover

Jack Ronald & Adele Hanover

Will & Celia Epstein Carney

Robert Carney

May Dell T. Carney

Elizabeth Solomon Klein

By David M. Carney**, Children & Grandchildren

Page 32: AJ Memorial Book

Mitchell Charney

Jack Charney

Curtis Ehrlich

Hannah & Richard Robens

Anna & Joseph Charney

Erna & Sig Ehrlich

Julie Linker

Jody Fried

Minnie & Joseph Lerner

Sylvia & Milton Garon Drew Corson

Ida & Ira LeVine

Adolph Schreck

Eli Fried

Marc Yussman

Anne Marie Gibson

Joshua Sweitzer

Beatrice Tolle

By Barbara Charney*; Jason, Leslie, Emma & Piper Charney; Carrie, Mike, Harley & Palmer Gibson; Kim, Simone, Sebastiano & Stella Bianconcini Dr. Alvin M. Churney

Rose & Sam Suddleson

Tillie & Sam Churney

Tillie & Meier Zatell

Dora & Nathan Suddleson

Rena & Jacob Greenberg

Sarah & Michael Churney

Ethel Churney Goldberg

Edith & Marvin Churney

Marshall & Cindy Suddleson

By Mrs. Eileen S. Churney*; Donald Churney; Neal, Cindy, Allison, & Shelby Churney

Rose & Bernard Cohen

Goldie & Alfred Axner

Faye Rubin

Sande Allison

Julie Linker Adelaide & Morris Evans

Larry Brantley

Miguel Correas

“Papa Joe” Seligman

Susie Katz

Sonia & Nate Ross

Dr. Burton Cohen

Harold & Bonnie Cohen

Farrell Salzman By Karen & Bruce Cohen & Family

Rudey & Rosalie Cooper

Maxine J. Cooper

Fay & Morris Prohovnik

Anna & Dave Schwartz

Ray & Herman Glanzman

Bella & Meyer Cooper

Sarah & Abraham Prohovnik Doris & Joel Richmond

Ron Allen

By Helane & David Cooper & Family

Allen & Kathleen Davidoff

Richard Goldstein

Brana & Leon Goldberg

JoEllyn Davidoff

Edith & Philip Goldstein

Linda Dworetzky

Herschel & Elizabeth Statman

Helen & Shumai Hazan

By Neil Davidoff, Felissa Goldstein* & Richard Davidoff

Page 33: AJ Memorial Book

Bertha C. & Benn B. Davis

Jane Wiggers Denton

Stewart B. Denton

Thomas Stewart Denton

Jennie & Samuel Costin

Lena & Alex Ressnier

Fannie & Ben Evans

Ann & Hyman Weinstein

Carol Weinstein

Lillian R. & Morris Z. Davis

Kay & Max Costin

Lela & Frank Costin

Julius Kahn

Kathryn & Louis P. Tokar, Sr.

Louis J. Tokar, Jr.

Shelley W. Rose

Miriam & Jimmy Davis

Pacy P. Davis

Phyllis & Morton Kahn

Georgia B. Belk

Bob Speisman

Francis & Albert Wiggers

Elizabeth Gozia

Eileen Redman

Thomas Wiggers

Margie Little

Sarah Broussard

Murray & Esther Rippe

Charles Friedman

Pamela VicknairBy Susan & Lee Davis; Jessica, Scott, Israel & Mia Davis; Sarah, Andy, Audrey, Margot, & Lucy Redman

John Eichenberger

Thelma & Jules Abrams

Marvin Gordon Louise & Sidney Schutz

Samuel Schutz

Rhoda Schutz Riesel

Sara Silverstein

Celia & Jesse Sternberg

Lynne Sternberg

Susan Sternberg

By Susan Eichenberger & Stanley Sternberg**; Allison & Ken Beecher; Melissa & Adam Rosen Sara & Isaac Behar

Shirley & Daniel A. Esakov

Sarah & Meyer Green

Ida A. Esakov

Eugenia & Elias Bejar

Dora & Roberto Behar

By Dora & Bill Esakov* Sylvia & Sam G. Stoler

Carol Stoler

Barry Friedman

Edward Dayan

Myles & Elaine Goldberg Davidson Norman N. Evans & Margaret B. Dayan

Elaine Kaplin

Dan & Sondra Renco

Bert Levy

Stanley Harrison

By Gerry & Steve Evans; Nancy, Amy & Josh Frieder; Howie, Barbie, Ethan, & Danielle Evans; Jeffrey, Kristen, Camden, & Max Evans

Page 34: AJ Memorial Book

Marianne & Harold Faller

Robert Hale Faller

Hugh Lawrence Grossberg

Benjamin & Marion Sragg

Sylvia & Robert Komarow

Steven Komarow

Joseph Sragowitz

Mamie & Joseph Mediasky

Rebecca & Julius Sragowitz

Stanley Sragg

Eli Jerry Sragg

Barbara Faller Leavitt

Benjamin & Lillian Rushefsky

Ralph & Ruth Meade

By Rhoda & Bernie Faller*

Marion J. & Nathaniel L. Fine

Katie & Morris Berkman

Jacob & Julia Stoll Fine

Clara & Ferdinand Jacobs

Alex Simon

Charney & Ben Simon

Harry H. Simon

Henrietta J. & Robert A. Simon

Robert Scher

Dr. Malcom H. & Janice C. Fine

Edith & Marvin Churney

Phyllis & Stanley Scher

By Phyllis, Jim*, Brad, Jamie, Laine, Seth, Mason & Zachary Fine; Julia, Scott, Shelby, & Henry Schaeman Cora & Dewey Amburgey Grace & Clarence Flora

Ruby & Frank Amburgey Dorothy & Shirley Flora

By Cybil Flora*

Tillie & Morris Ehrlich

Sadie & Nathan Florman

David Karp

Richard Anthony Goldman

Susan Toback

By Phyllis & Larry Florman & Family

Paula & Harry Reinfeld Fay & Sol Fox

By Ruth & Marty Fox; Adam, Kelly, Madison & Peyton Fox; Anna, Jonathan, & Jordan Fox

Louise Grossman Miller

Frede & Anna H. Terkelsen

Harris Goldman Franklin

Wesley P. Adams

Samuel E. & Deborah Grossman Franklin Paul & Inge Hald Jensen

By Barbara H. Franklin

Arthur H. Friedman

Marjorie L. & Melvin Nadler

By Alan & Debbie Friedman**; Laura Witkov & Family; Allyson & Michael Friedman & Family

Page 35: AJ Memorial Book

Barry D. Friedman

Sylvia Stoler

Carol Lynn Stoler

Sam Stoler

J. C. Levy

Betty S. Pittman

Curtis D. Pittman

Bert Levy

By Craig J. Friedman* Stephen Simon Frockt

By His Family*

Stephen Simon Frockt

Aaron & Belle Cooper Weiss

David Glenn Weiss

Robert J. Frockt

Johanna Fleischaker

Robert Greer

Lester Charles Weiss

Janet Clark Frockt

By Madolyn Weiss Frockt* & Family Alvin (Buddy) Frockt

Hyman & Rose Frockt

Leroy & Dorothy Joseph

Bernie Tasman

By Martha Frockt & Family

Linda B. Fuchs

Ida May Fuchs

S. Fred Fuchs

William Benovitz

Helen Benovitz

Myron Podgursky

Solamon Podgursky

By David Fuchs

Michael Galatz

Jeanette Weiss Schwarz

Leah & Israel Galatz

Henry F. & Pearl Galatz

Ilse Meyer

Ernie Marx

Benjamin Weiss & Anna Weiss Pollack

Walter “Wally” & Lillian Feldman

Helen Goldstein

Arthur & Zelda Galatz

Peter Gluck

Beverly Glickman Orth

Dr. Albert Goldin

By Dorothy Galatz & Tom Keefe, David Keefe, Michael, Miki, & Kairi Violet Pearl Keefe

Annette & Joseph Gale

Jennie & Aaron Vine

Blema Vine

Esther & Boris Galitzky

Helen & Kenneth Vine

Sara & Sam Gale

Raye & Nat Cowan

Sarah & Louis Wayne

Bob & Dorothy Forman

Mary & Herbert Siegal

Saul & Frances Gale

Betty & Eugene Vine

Herb & Peggy Vine

Irving & Blanche Lipetz

Marcia Lipetz

Armand Vine

By Bruce Gale

Page 36: AJ Memorial Book

Steven Geer

Sylvia & Jake Ruby

Rose & Max Geer

Bert Blieden

Phillip Geer

By Shirley & Bert Geer

Steven Mark Geer

Lillian & Charles Lazarus

By Claire, Madelyn, Spencer, & Julia Geer

Louis & Rose Geller

Sam & Hannah Fleck

Susan Sabath

Mary Ann & Ted Popowsky

Toba & Sam Geller

Simon & Rosa Cohen

Phillip & Theressa Fleck

Jack & Leah Fursetzer

Sol & Esther Oleisky

Erin Bissinger Geller

Max & Ruth Geller

Dora G. Snider

Doree & Stuart Cooper

Ellie Bissinger

Kenneth Hirsch

Jerry & Elizabeth Weinberg

Mike Geller

David Feigin

Jerry Geller

David Fursetzer

Charles Bissinger

By Annette & Harry Geller** & Family

Sylvia & Harry Gilbert

Sara Simonowitz

Henry H. Osofsky

Melvin Gilbert

By Amy, Lance, Becca, Jason, & Alanna Gilbert Sol J. & Adella M. Gilman

Louis & Nettie Gilman

Rose Leff

Brett Gilman

Emil & Lillian Metzel

Samuel A. & Blanche B. Stern

Max & Annie Stern

Samuel & Rose Baron

Norman Baron

Miriam L. Baron

Ethel Emmerglick

Stuart A. Handmaker

Theodore Stern

Bertha Samuel

Esther Bleaden

Julie Singer

Neil H. Gilman

By Sheldon & Nancy Gilman** & Family

Genie & Norman Glazer

Alexander Bertram

Brownie & Abe Glazer

Celia & Bockie Lessler

Marjorie & Harry Klein

Ann & Abe Abrams

Jean Levine

Robyn Abrams Minnie Temkin

Georgie Randall

Millie Abrams

Nat & Margaret Glazer

By Drs. Jeffrey Glazer & Karen Abrams**, Nicholas, Mallory, & Andrea

Page 37: AJ Memorial Book

Faye Z. & Herman Midge Goldberg

Helen & Norman Blieden Hannah Blieden Nius

Miriam Blieden Weinberg

Harvey Jay Lerner

Joan & Jack Stein

By Barbara & Eddie Goldberg* & Family Dr. Jacob Stein

Joan Kroutil Stein

Joseph Kroutil

Frances J. Kroutil

George Kroutil

Fannie Stein

Bonnie Stein

Isidore Stein

Steven Stein

Joey Kroutil

Selma Stein

Ginger Mayer

Marilyn Mayer Howard Mayer Bill Havlena David Schuster Anita Friedlander

Harold Stein

Sol Odze

Myra Kroutil

Margaret Havlena

Jerry Mellman

By Brian, Deborah, Abigail, Ethan, Marnina, & Noah Goldberg; Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stein; Stephen, Robert, & Bekah, Jonathan Stein

Myron J. Goldberg

Rhoda & Ira Albom

Freddie Rothstein

Pearl & Martin Wilner

Ruth & Murray Goldberg

Selma & Sidney Rothstein

Eric J. Friesen

By Lisa, Matt, Rachel, & Molly Goldberg

Samuel “Mully” & Betty Y. Goldberg

Sam & Gertrude Y. Goldberg

Bryan Lee Fox

Jennifer Koss

By Maxine & Murrel H. Goldberg; Laura & Scott Goldberg; Elyse Nathanson

Goodman Goldberg

Ethel Churney Goldberg

Melvyn J. Goldberg

Sam & Tillie G. Churney

Hyman & Martha T. Joffe

Clara J. Twyman

By Rachel, Murrell* & Jonathan Goldberg

Thelma & Gilbert Kanter Edith & Irving Goldberg

By Stan & Carol Goldberg Rosalyn & Max P. Goldberg

Ida G. & Abraham D. Baer

Hannah Marks

Rosa Gladstein

Jake Gladstein

Edna Gladstein

Sallie Solinger

Jane & Philip Solinger

Max E. Goldberg

By Stuart & Linda Goldberg* & Family

Page 38: AJ Memorial Book

Dr. Albert Goldin

Sarah Belle & Moses Ades

Eleanor & Ned Goldin

Leah & Harry Goldin

Judith Goldin Davidorf

Seymour Goldin

Katie Hammond Simon

Shirley Goodman

Dr. Ralph Goldin

By Anita Goldin* Irvin L. Goldstein

Louise & Lacer Baker

Dorothy & Henry Goldstein

Evelyn & Harold Wein

Jettie & Alec Cohen

Ben Drutz

Ben Zillman

Max Baker

Lee Goldstein

Minnie & Sol Goldstein

Marvin Goldman

Jack Godhelff

Beth K. Goldstein

Alfred Marlin

David & Arlene Leeds

Ann Klein

By Daisy Goldstein

Beatrice & Irvin Goldstein

Rebecca & Sam Goldstein

Gerry & Walter Koch

Leona & Louis Halle

Ann & Harry Goldstein

By Jane Goldstein

Florence & Mace Hymson

Sylvia & Joseph Goldstein

Fannie Moseson Goldstein &

Louis Moseson

Rose S. & Isadore Goldstein By Nicole & David Goldstein**

Edward & Helene Bellity

Irvin L. Goldstein

Alvin Greenfield

Beth K. Goldstein

Lawrence E. Lynch

Betty & Alfred Kurtzweig

Dorothy & Henry Goldstein

Louise & Lacer Baker

Evelyn & Harold Wein

By Steven S. Goldstein & Sheila G. Lynch*

Julian S. & Margaret Schneider

Leah & Lawrence I. Goodman

Linda R. Schneider

Evelyn Goodman

By Sue, Steve & Jason Goodman; Jenny, Todd, Emory & Brooks Howard

Page 39: AJ Memorial Book

Miriam G. & Dennis R. Fine

Ronda A. Gordon

Libby & Manuel Friedman

Esther & Irvin Gordon

Dorothy S. Gordon

Rose & Philip Friedman

Lena & Abraham Levy

Nathan D. Levy

Pauline Levy

Lacey Bria Horwitch

Marysue Weinberg

Naomi & Boris Pressma

Stuart Pressma

Lillian & Ronald Snyder Diane P. & Sam Elice

Maurice Gordon

Tobie & Murrel D. Klein LaVerne & Milton Ontell

Edith Shirley & Albert Spivak

Etta Rae Hirsch

Bonnie & Harold Cohen

By Barbara & David Gordon, Jane & Phillip Gordon; Angela & Michael Gordon; Grandchildren & Great-Granddaughters Stella & Irving Gordon

Diane Gordon Katz

Bessie & David Cohen

Anna & Louis Grojinsky

Faye & Dave Bacal

Loren Peter Katz

Mary “Woody” & M. Carey Peter

By Bob & Bette Gordon*; Mark & Tracy; Bruce & Sugano Hidaka-Gordon; Lori, Keith & Carre Gordon-Tucker; Ilyse & Grandchildren

Murrel D. & Tobie Marks Klein

Frank L. & Ida Netowski Klein

Moses D. & Pearl Lerner Marks

Herbert J. & Til Marcus Marks

Irving & Esther Weiser Gordon

Dorothy Schuman Gordon

Robert & Sarah G. Kaufman

Charles “Gus” & Wanda Fisher

Dennis & Miriam Gordon Fine

Nat & Martin Bailen

Ronda Gordon

LaVerne Ontell

By Frankye & Harold Gordon; Arlene & Harvey Kaufman**; Marla Gordon; Karen & Doug Gordon; Patti Ford; Shari & Corey Cohen; Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren

Milton & LaVerne “Mimi” Ontell

Esther & Irvin Gordon

Jeffrey Monsky

Lydia & H. B. MacNeal

Stuart Pressma

Ilse & Meinhard Meyer

Elizabeth & Morris Ontell

Miriam & Dennis Fine

Aaron Rabb

Seigfried Frankenthal

Nettie & Nat Ontell

Leonard Rosenberg

Irwin Mund

Karola Frankenthal Epstein

Ronda A. Gordon

Paulina Eisenberg & Jose Smoler

Boris Pressma

Naomi Pressma

By Marlene & Sam Gordon; Hillary Gordon & Alex Smoler; Lyle & Tracy Gordon; Kim & Stuart Frankenthal

Page 40: AJ Memorial Book

Ann & Coleman Friedman

Suzy Friedman

Rose & Jacob Goldberg Annie & Morris Friedman

Jack Friedman

Sarah & Sidney Miller

Gertrude & Samuel Goldberg

Jimmy Miller

By Phyllis Green*; Amy Green; Kim & Jay Green Richard Branson

Hyman & Bernice Branson

Roni Glattstein

Stuart Pressma

Phyllis Silverman

Mary & Joseph Silverman

Sam Sevin

Rose Gelb Arthur Green Richard Goldner

Mickey Sevin

Irene Green

By Dr. Ralph Green and Dr. Shellie Branson*; Abby, Jordan, Alex, & Eric Green Norton Greenberg

Pearl & David Benovitz

Adele & David Greenberg

Rose Greenberg

Bessie & Lazar Benovitz

Rose & Max Goldsmith

Jenny & Abe Goldstein

Rena & Jacob Greenberg

Ralph Rubin

Irwin Fox

Lee Putney

Donald Bornstein

Carole & Carl Lutnick

Joel Lowenthal

Stanley Benovitz

Gerre Fox

By Judy Greenberg & Family

Joseph Greenberg

Marian Greenberg

Joseph Gentile

Augusta Gentile

Jo Ann Gentile

Barbara Greenberg

Sam Wolfe

Freida Wolfe

Morris Greenberg

Anna Greenberg

Jean Evelyn Herman

Gila Zilber

By Susie & Philip M. Greenberg**

Aaron & Emily “Bubbles” Greenberg

Lore & Manfred Marx

By Ruth & Ron Greenberg & Family

Page 41: AJ Memorial Book

Barbara R. Grossman

May R. Grossman

Ada Sara & Sidney Grossman

Phyllis & Stuart Grossman

Carrie Hammill

Esther & Marcus Robbins

Alex Robbins

Maurice Robbins

Bernard Robbins

Annie J. & Louis C. Grossman

Sadye & Maurice F. Grossman

Ruth & Roy Diamond

Marshall Diamond

Rebecca & Barnet Linker

Fayette & Alvin Linker

Suzanne & Milton Cantor

S. Harry & Adele Linker

Kahlman Linker

Julie Rosenthal Linker

Tony & Esther Solovey Levitan

Norman Berger

Howard Grossman

Ralph Robbins

Bea Linker

Jim Woodruff

Bob Woodruff

Robert Gilland

Margaret Morgan

Evangeline Miller Alex & Helene Penner

Charlotte Blacklow

Donald Linker

Andrew Signorelli

Lucille Levy

By Arthur Grossman* & Family

Stuart & Phyllis Grossman

Julius & Dorothy Raab

Sidney & Ada Sara Grossman

May R. Grossman

Henry C. Shapoff

Louis & Annie Grossman

Maurice & Sadye Grossman

Suzanne & Milton Cantor

Barnet & Rebecca Linker

Alvin & Fayette Linker

Tony & Esther Solovey Levitan

Helene & Alex Penner

Kahlman Linker

Ruth & Roy Diamond

S. Harry & Adele Linker

Julie Rosenthal Linker

Sheldon H. Raab

Angela & John Seeley

Ruth Linker

Donnie Linker

Howard Grossman

Christopher James Tourloupis

Sanford Raab

Bert & Elaine Klein

Bea Linker

By Larry Grossman* Donald Guss

Rose & Arthur Guss

Gloria J. Guss

Sarah & Harold Miller

Arnold Robinson

By Madilyn Guss

Stuart A. Handmaker

Eleanor H. & Billy M. Beton

Ethel Emmerglick & Sidney Handmaker

Blanche B. & Sam Stern

Leo & Selma Holtzberg

Lena Holtzberg

By Muriel Handmaker* & Family

Page 42: AJ Memorial Book

Irvin & Charney Krenitz Sotsky

Marvin M. & Shirley Klein Sotsky

James R. Sotsky

Ben & Mollie Levin Klein

Jerome W. & Joan M. Klein

By Sandy (Sotsky)*, John, Paige & Leslie Harrison; Julie B. Sotsky

Joy Hammer Haskell

Shirley & Herbert Haskell

Rebecca & David Haskell

Anna & David Cook

Esther & Oscar Hammer

Adeline Reich & Joseph Levitt

Stephen Klein

Ruth & Milton Hammer

Larry & Andrea Fitzwater

By Dr. Bruce Haskell Marcia & Lewis Gorin Ray & Janie Hight

Remembered with love By Rita and Ken Hight*

Halina Z. & Marion Edward Hodes Doris T. & B. H. Winigman

By Jonathan, Janet*, Isaac, Kim & Tahlia Hodes Hyman & Eunice Nadler David & Elenore Hubscher

By Lori, Charles, Hannah & Dana Hubscher

Ann & Ray Hummel

Benjamin & Bernice Spitz Mazin

Rose & William Hummel

Ida & Sol Silver

Sara & Louis Hummel

Deborah & Jacob Rubenstein

David Siegel

Lillian & Louis Siegel

Katie & Louis Mazin

Bernard & Harriet Rubenstein

Bernard & Sarah Rubenstein Rosenberg

Rose & Maurice Gould

Eva & Phil Spitz

Ray & Max Spitz

Irma Jean & Samuel Rubenstein

Kevin Spitz

Sidney Mazin

Jeanette Hummel

Jack & Janis Klempner

Steven Ross Klempner

Abe & Faye Hummel

By Dennis J. & Judith Hummel*; Lauren Hummel; Aaron & Emily Klempner

Sarah & Irving Schneider

Eleanor & Max Hyman

Carole & Jerry Bogoslavsky

Leonard Bogoslavsky

Ginger Fitzgerald

Charles Weisberg

Sandra & Joe Zelony

Rita & Lester Shaikun

Robin Shaikun

Dena & Ben Wirklich

Elizabeth & Gerald Weinberg

Eppie Weinberg

Rose & Abraham Bogoslavsky

Eugenia & Edward Shaikun

Lauren Ruth Pomerance

Raymond Levy

Anita & Jack Goldberg

Warren Esrey

Pia Posados Miller

By Debbie*, Meghan & Sarah Hyman

Page 43: AJ Memorial Book

Martin & Lore Hirscheimer Strauss

Daniel & Jane Cohen Hymson

Herman & Selma Frank Hirscheimer

Adolph & Hannah Neuhof

Sally Younger

Meyer & Tillie Shapero Cohen

Maurice &

Pearl Shapero Marks Glosserman

Sam & Eva Shapero Levy

Ben & Jessie Shapero Snyder

Sarah Shapero Solinger

Ben & Minnie Shapero

Aaron & Margaret Shaper

Eli & Jean Shapero

Max & Rosalyn Solinger Goldberg

Sam & Isabel Levy Helman

Lewis & Goldye Levy Opper

Marvin & Jacqueline Snyder Willage

Monty & Marian Snyder

Howard & Evelyn Snyder Herman

William & Ada Lee S. Michalove

Jack & Lucy Shapero

Ann Helman

Sam & Fannie J. Hymson

Donald & Ann Herman Roth

Sheldon “Cokie” Hymson

David “Buddy” & Bea Roth

Inge Hirscheimer Berman

Philip & Jane Solinger

Sally Solinger

Thelma Shapero Miller

Ted & Eva Solinger

Brent Willage

Mace & Florence Hymson

Sigbert & Marsha Neuhof

Lester Marks

Shirley Glosserman Marks

Philip J. Levy

By Karen Strauss & Michael Hymson

Daniel & Jane Cohen Hymson

Arthur & Florence Kreitman Isaacs

Meyer & Tillie Shapero Cohen

Samuel & Fannie Jacobs Hymson

Mace & Florence Goldstein Hymson

Marcus & Florence Hymson Fine

Sarah L. & Louis Isaacs

Avrom M. Isaacs

Hattie M. & Sam Kreitman

Arthur D. Kreitman

Fannie Lewin Joseph Hymson

Herman Hymson

Sidney Hymson

Sheldon “Cokie” Hymson

Miriam G. Lichtenstein

By Barbara & Sidney Hymson*

Eli H. & Annalee Kahn Jaffe

Irvin & Jennie Pookman Kahn

Harry & Fannie Monfried Jaffe

Nathan & Jeanette Jaffe Schwartz

Norman Kahn

George & Annie Seligman Kort

Corinne Jaffe Gumer

Ray Tarbis

Rose Jaffe Tarbis

Saul Loeb

Maury & Rella Cohen Kort

Helen Morrow Kort

Raymond Laib

Melville Cohen

Ruth Goldman Cohen

Steven Cohen

Harry S. & Gertrude Posner Cohen

Stan Grey

Betty Seligman Bernstein

Arthur & Pauline Kort Mickler

Marvin Frank Harmon

By Irvin & Mindy Kort Jaffe

Page 44: AJ Memorial Book

Dr. Leonard & Noretta Rosenthal Charles & Thelma Joels

By Diane & Irv Joels

Betty Lee Ashbury Jones David Allen Jones

By Carol Jones and Isaac & Benham Levitch

Jacqueline R. Kanovitz

Jennie & Isaac Rothschild

Frema & Isadore Kanovitz

By Bob Kanovitz**; Elana Levitz; Jacob Levitz; Mike Kanovitz; Anya & Simon Kanovitz

Eva & Ben Kaplin

Sylvia & Jake Ruby

Sadie & Hyman Salzman

Ruth & Irving Salzman

Reva Lee & Irvin K. Strauss

Dorothy & David Ruby

Barbara Boiarsky

Steven Geer

Bert Blieden

Phil & Rosita Kaplin

Sarah Ruby

Merle Kaplin

By Selma & Larry Kaplin* & Children

Eddie Kaplin

Alan J. Waldman

Pearle & Herman Waldman

Florence & Nathan Kaplin

Ailene & Sidney Winer

Maurice “Maish” &

Harriett “Mutzie” Perellis

Jennie & Sam Krebs

Katie Krebs

Rose & Lewis Waxman

Meghan Steinberg

Rachel & Abraham Waldman

Hannah & Sidney Passamaneck

In Loving Memory by Sharon Kaplin*, Children, & Grandchildren

Jeanette & Nathan Schwartz

Fannie & Harry Jaffe

Rose & Raymond Tarbis

Annalee & Eli Jaffe

Corinne Gumer

By Cheryl & David Karp* Ruth H. & Jerome H. Kasdan

Anne Kasdan Epstein

Sylvia F. & Asher L. Kasdan

James “Jimmy” & Reva Kasdan

Martin Z. & Peggy Kasdan

Anna & David Kasdan

Joseph Chaim & Sheine Kasdan

Frank S. & Anna Secan Horowitz

Kopel Morris & Sarah P. Kasdan

Henry P. Howard

Bernard J. Howard

Sarah Freedman

Lillian L. & Jack Epstein

Joseph & Maria Strauss Kaplan

Ilse & C. Robert Kaplan Dorothy & Edward A. Arons Joyce A. Wolff

Barbara & Harry Tomsky

Maxine & Sam Greenberg

Hannah Esther & Martin Zachery Epstein

By Meryl, Frank & Arthur Kasdan

Page 45: AJ Memorial Book

Nathan & Nettie Ontell

Estelle Katcher

Fanny Richman

Milton “Jerry” & LaVerne“ Mimi” Ontell

By Allen & Gale Katcher

Lillian & Charles Lazarus

Steven M. Geer

Clara & Joseph Rosenberg

Ida & Louis Lazarowitz

Al Rosenberg

Abe Rosenberg

Rose Borinstein

Ben Lazar

Joe Lazarowitz Clark

Sara & Jack Rothstein

Harry Rothstein

Antoinette & Norman Borinstein

Joe Borinstein

Bea Borinstein Karmel

Sarah & Robert Kaufman

Tillie & Jack Traugott

Ann & Ray Hummel

Rozlyn & Dr. Bob Green

Steven J. Rudoff

Rae Borinstein Forgash

By Sherry & Jay Kaufman; Joel Kaufman; Claire Geer, & Families

Henry & Rose Kayser Agustin & Alicia Hernandez

By John & Maria Kayser*

Sol & Mollie Barth

Pearl & Charles Stagemyer

Benjamin & Eileen Keller

Phyllis & Richie Greenberger

By The Keller Family**

Harry J. & Beatrice Gold

Rose Berger

Nathan & Dorothy Bleicher

Jeffrey Speigel

Charles & Beatrice Brenner

By Lawrence Kirschenbaum & Stephanie Speigel*

Beverly Klein

Hannah & Jacob Aronowitz

Miriam & David Aronowitz

Jennie Aronowitz

Sara Ella Silverman

Beatrice & Bernard Regenbogen

Ernest Regenbogen

Jentla & Josef Broniatowski

Sascha Broniatowski

Helene & Shmuel Kalfus

Rushka Peter

Mania Broniatowska

Lillian & Leslie Greenwald

Jac Bellis

Bobbye Bellis

Vera, Philip & Irving Klein

Jennie Aronowitz Rosenzweig

By Elias Klein

George S. Klein

B. Molly Klein

Max & Marge Klein

Morris & Sadye Kleinman

Elliott & Herta Beskin

Jeff Monsky

Donald Bornstein

Dr. Martyn & Toni Goldman

Jack Ward

Stan & Joan Rubin

By Dr. Howard D. Klein** & Family

Page 46: AJ Memorial Book

Harold Klein

Bertha & Nathan Klein

Mary & Harry Reiner

Nora Reiner

Gertrude Reiner

Isadore E. Lourie

Alvin “Butch” Klein

By Joan Klein; Barry Klein; Marcy & Marshall Siegel Max & Margaret Klein

Morris & Sadye Kleinman

B. Molly & George S. Klein

Flonell Grace

Jack Ward

By Mark & Jacqueline Klein Shirley M. Roter

Alexander Roter

Zachary Roter

Beverly A. Klein

By Laura, Jon*, & Sarah Klein; Rachel & David Chaimovitz Cari Eilene Kleinman

Yetta & David Natkin

Celia & Harry Ginsburg

Leo Charn Gertrude & Sam Cohen

Edward Zimmerman

Leila & Irvin Ginsburg

Lois Natkin

Marsha & Sam Goldstein

Molly & George Klein

Jonathan Lebendiger

Ruth Gumer Rubin

Stacy Rosenbaum

By Michael & Sharon Kleinman*

Jack M. & Janis Barash Klempner

Steven Ross Klempner

Charles & Essye Barash

Alfred & Zeleta Barash

Rose Ressnier

Frank & Maine Ressnier

Louis & Dorothy Barash

Jerome Alan Zuravsky

Bill V. & Freda Ressnier Horn

Maxwell Horn

Emil & Augusta Klempner

George Klempner

Bertha Costin Davis

Hazel Klempner

Irving Klempner

Samuel & Bessie Ressnier Zuravsky

By Susan Gail Klempner* & Richard Scott Klempner* & Family Paula & Erich Charn

Leo Charn

Jerome Kline

Reva Kline

Murray Kline

Bertha & Sam Michaelson

Bettye & Shelly Abramson

Ida Cuttler

Allen Abramson

By Ruth & Carl J. Kline & Family

Page 47: AJ Memorial Book

Benjamin Koby DeBrovey Aunts & Uncles

Mina Koby Koby Aunts & Uncles

Jay Koby

By Melvyn Koby*: Michael Koby, Benjamin Koby, & Leslie Koby

Lillian & Julius Kohn

Jeanette & Dennis Berman

Sandra Berman

Larry Shuster

By Margie & Bob Kohn**

Larry Kozlove

Jean Rose Kozlove

Milton Kozlove

Betty Schwartz

Jack Schwartz

Allen Schwartz

Lillie Kozlove

Paul Louis Kozlove

Lewis Anker

Belle Anker

By Ellen & Phil Kozlove

Dorothy R. & Albert Leibson

Jeanne & Irving Dobrin

Charlotte Reibert

Lillie Voelker

Ruth Karpf

Alan & Carol Leibson

Charles M. Leibson

Joe G. Leibson

Martin Goldstein

Rick Hutchison

Lawrence Berman

Marilyn Berman

Suzy Leibson Spickard

Bill Mapother

Catherine & Tom Mapother

Emily Binus

Dorothy & Julius Leibson

Lori Leibson

Hallie & Charles Leibson

Sara Leibson Mellman

Bessie & Sam Ellis

Irv & Phyllis Leibson Goldstein

Lauren Dobrin

By Phyllis, David* & Jennifer Leibson Justine Lerner

Louis Lerner

Samuel Lerner

Joel Weissman

Haia Bella Weissman

Ida Weissman

Shaine Weissman

Michael Weissman

Fran Weissman

Abe Weissman

Rebecca Weissman

Misha Weissman

Gutta Engel

Izak Engel

Simone Decker Behr

Murray Kovit

Rita Kovit

Mira Brudo

Zilla Guervich

Marion Gordon Brill

Milton Gordon

Steven Kane

Florence Block

Claus Behr

By Karen & Joel Lerner; Shawn, Daniel & Ashley Lerner; & Lindsey Lerner Block

Page 48: AJ Memorial Book

Jay Levine

Harriette & Bernie Rubenstein

Hanna & Sam Levine

Cari Kleinman

Norman Levine

Henrietta & Abe Handmaker

Devorah & Jacob Rubenstein

Melvin Benovitz

By Diane Levine; Shannon, Todd, Jayson & Melanie Benovitz Leon “Mickey” & Tessye Levitan

Dr. Milton & Rosa Borowitz Pearlman

Morris & Lillian Borowitz

Dr. Ivan & Eleanor Pearlman

Marian & Eddie Lerner

By Janet & Alan Levitan; Abraham, Lara, Stella, & Benjamin Levitan Bea & Irvin Goldstein

Bertha & Phil Levitch

Fanny & Sam Goldstein Harry Goldstein

By Sue & Gil Levitch & Family Bert Levy

Harvey Jay Lerner

Helen K. & Joseph J. Shapiro

Shirley S. Brilliant

Adella K. & Marcus Fine

Hy Levy

Elaine & Bill Kaplan

Fanny & Harry Levy

Carol Light

By Lillian S. Levy**

Dorothy Levy

Rebecca G. Levy

Victor Levy

Phyllis Glazer

Martin Glazer

Anna Lubofsky

Morris Lubofsky

Joseph Anthony Pope

Angela Pope

Jacob Greenberg

Rena Greenberg

Jacob Levy

Harry Levy

Philip Levy

Goldye Levy

Ben Greenberg

David Greenberg

Harold Greenberg

Sadye Greenberg

Dora Greenberg

Dr. Alvin M. Churney

Robert Greenberg Tillie Churney

Marvin Churney

J. Norton Greenberg

By Mr. & Mrs. William G. Levy*; Jim Levy Ann R. Block

Robert L. Metzger

Donald Metzger

Dr. Evelyn D. Lipp

Albert S. Lipp

By Rabbi Laura H. Metzger, Cantor David A. Lipp** & Natania Sage Lipp

Page 49: AJ Memorial Book

Carmen & Sidney Lipschutz Lillian & Abe Linker

By Karen & Charles Lipschutz*; Julie & Marcus Pactor; Stephanie & Adam Lipschutz; Aimee & Doug Akerman; Rachel & Matt Ackerson

Judy Margulis

Blanche Hershenow

Sol & Dora Hershenow

Harry & Jean Margulis

Lillian Snyder

Nancy Marx

Della Kurtz Lily & Herman Silverman

Colin Kraines

Edith & Sol Kraines

Jay Koby

Ronald Snyder

Bernard Marcus

Arthur Margulis

Lois Langer

Lois Marcus

By Martin Margulis & Children; Paul & Herlene Margulis & Children; Carol Kraines & Children Yisrael & Frances Imanuel

Leah & Yitzak Imanuel

Etta & Benjamin Cutler

Marion & Lucien Marksbury

Judy Marksbury

By Joslyn & Tom Marksbury* Lucy C. Marx

Ruth & Miles Cohen

Barbara Tevis Cohen

Cora & Leo Marx

Sara & Benjamin Meyers

Doris & Theodore Meyers

Lee Meyers

Yetta Meyers

Rose Meyers Wells Frockt

Ruth & Gerald Meyers

Ray Cohen

Mayta & Chic Cohen

Bettye & Shelly Abramson

Bertha Kastan

Deannie & Lou Atlas

Estherlee & Murrel Kastan

Jessamine Marx Fitzgibbon

Adele & Eric M. Hammel

Joyce & Stanley Loeser

Lottie & Irving Arnold

Ronald Snyder

Wesley Arbeitman

Gerald & Nanci Cohen

Allan H. Marx

Babette & Jerome Lobred

Kathy Lobred

Barbara “Barbie” Meyers

Gerald Marx

Nancy Sue Slyn Balf

Phillip Levy

Bill Klein

By Hilbert Marx & Family Ernie Marx

Dorothy & Marvin Winkelstein

Bertha & Siegmund Marx

Frieda Steinberger

Sally Silverman

Irving Meltzer

“And 6 million slaughtered for Kiddush Hashem” Julius S. Marx

By Thelma Marx & Family

Page 50: AJ Memorial Book

Nettie & Nathan Ontell

Estelle Katcher

Fannie Richman

John Masterson

By Renee, Bob & Cassidy Masterson Selma & Alvin Kommor

Sam Miller

Lela Miller

Rose Levin Miller

Millie & William B. Hasson

Celia & Maurice Kommor

Esther & Isadore Costin

Ricca Hasson

Frieda & Max Miller

Bob Hasson

Elliott Hasson

Jennie Feldbaum

Lillian Brody

Jani Rudolph

Susan Brody Dunn

Melvin Chavin

Esta Pozen

Harvey Hasson

Ben Kommor

Pia Posados Miller

Harry & Emma Kommor Young

Maurine & Zollman Kommor

Harriet Feldbaum Caine

By Sandee, Lester*, Loren, Brian & Sophie Miller Andrew Morrison

Anne Morrison

Philip Morrison

Virginia & William Roten

Sue Roten

By Jean Morrison

Wilfred Cecil Balfour “Bill” Newstadt

By Mark & Robyn Newstadt & Family Gussie & Saul M. Cohen

Ruth & Yandell O’Koon

Irvin M. Cohen

Rose & Sidney Cohen

Rella Cohen Kort

Estelle & Hersh G. Cohen

Gloria & Morris Cohen

Ethel & Jimmy Cohen

Thelma & Robert O’Koon

Corinne & Esor Dietz Rebecca Pearlstein

David & Florence Epstein Zeidman Harry S. & Gertrude Posner Cohen

Annie & Eli Cohen

Doc Cohen

Jim Long

Rose & Abe Slutsky

Susie Katz

Jack Cohen

Ralph Geldbart

Norman Gaddie

Celia & Solly Mandel

By Sarah & Charles O’Koon* & Family

Julie B. Olson

By Walter & Judy Olson

Page 51: AJ Memorial Book

Armand L. Ostroff

Anne & David Shapira

Libby & Jacob Ostroff

Annie & Max L. Shapira

Mildred & Harry Edelstein

Debra & Isadore Kaplan

Jennie & Abraham Ostroff

Andrew Schiller

Margie Kean Baker

Murray Morgeulan

Etta Rae Hirsch

By Miriam Ostroff*; Gwen, Scott, Jordan & Dana Heyman; Lori Ostroff; Craig Ostroff, Maya, Lauren & Isaac Annette & Joseph Gale

Lillian “Laya” & David Pass

Helene & Jack Goldberg

Jennie & Aaron Vine

Bertha “Dee” Friedman

Isador Friedman

Esther & Boris Galitzky

Rose & Sam Pass

Bessie & Morris Kahn

Millie & Leon Weinberg

Milton & Mutzie Friedman

Helen & Kenneth Vine Ricky Weinberg Laurie Altman Kupferman

Jack Isaacs

Bert Levy

Karmen Bush

Garry Block Rosenberg Johnson

Robert Goldberg

By Barbara & Myron Pass; David, Amy & Steven Pass; Melanie & Mark Benitez

Sally K. Younger Maury Pearlman

By Peter M. Pearlman*

Harriett L. Perellis

Maurice Perelllis

Florence & Nathan Kaplin

Mollie & Dave Perellis

By The Perellis Family

Dorothy & Leon Simon

Edwin Kaplin

Alan Waldman

Roselyn & Stanley Brill

Jacob Podgursky

Raizel & Aron Podgursky

Myron Podgursky

Sarah L. & Marco Varon

Mary Potoka

Judy Ehrlich & her parents

Salomon Podgursky

Josef Podgursky

By Emily Podgursky & Rachel P. Spiro & Family Bunny & Fred Posnansky

Lillian & Matthew Posnansky

Rose & David Robinson

Eva & Ben Kaplin

Basia & Jack Uroper

Nathan Wasserman

Reva Lee & Irvin Strauss

Barbara Rose Boiarsky

Phil “Pinky” & Rosita Kaplin

Florence Ruth Morguelan

Marilyn Rosenberg Klein

Netifay Le Jeune

Merle Kaplin

By Jackie & Mark Posnansky

Page 52: AJ Memorial Book

Dr. Sidney & Rosalind Richter

Rachel Helmrich

Harold & Renee Richter

Lionel Brazen

Lois Brazen

Otis Steffey

Dr. Stanley S. Herr

By Diane, Ken*, Ben, Zach Richter, Deborah Herr Richter & Stella Orly Richter Charles Rosenberg

Mary & David Katzman

Sara Rubenstein Rosenberg

Jerry Rosenberg

Mark Rosenberg

Irwin Katzman

Sarah Pearl & Bernard Rosenberg

Ellen S. & Arnold J. Rosenberg

By Estella, Susan, Brad, Lee, Ashley, Paul & Kathy Rosenberg

Charles Rosenberg

By Paul, Kathy*, Amanda, Sarah, & David Rosenberg

Phyllis & Melvyn L. Soodik By The Rosengarten & Soodik Families

Joseph Rouben

Pearl & Davis Kahn

Benjamin & Rebecca Kahn Rouben

Corinne Hieatt

Sidney & Rose Kahn Honig

Marvin Honig

Martin Z. & Lillian Kohn Kaplan

Louis & Jeanette Kahn-Nussbaum

Eddie Don & Roz Nussbaum

Sherrie N. Urbach

John Lawrence

Dorothy Sales Rouben

By Bobbie Rouben**, Children & Grandchildren

Meyer Sebastian Etter

Miriam & Gerald Barocas

Anne & Harvey Rubin

By Jackie, Bill, Rebecca & Katie Rubin

Meyer & Emily Samuel

Allan Samuel

Max & Anna Oppenheimer

By Mrs. Lottie Samuel & Family

Sonny Samuel

By Michael Samuel & Tammy Jamison

Allan “Sonny” Samuel

Meyer & Emily Samuel

Max & Anna Oppenheimer

By Dr. Steve & Lori Samuel and Family

Page 53: AJ Memorial Book

Dr. Sheldon Schiller

Andrew Schiller

Caroline & Morton Revzen Gertrude & Samuel C. Schiller

Dr. Manly Badner

Leonard Fenig

Dr. Mark Sexter

Armand Ostroff

By Denise Schiller* & Family Abraham “Abe” Rich

Blema Brazin Rich

Tari Schmied

Ada & Isadore Ignatow

By Diana & William Schmied; Justin, Bonnie & Gabriel Blue; Madelyn Blue Arnold Schneider

Carl & Esther Schneider

Herman & Lillian Jacobs

Simon & Sadie Schneider

Jacob & Dora Galanter

Harry & Yetta Platoff

Rosa Platoff

Stuart Pressma

Herman & Harriet Dicter

John & Elma Jones

Joseph Jones

Clara Harshaw

Ferd & Pauline Jacobs

Clara Jacobs Nathan & Rhoda Saphier

Boris & Naomi Pressma

Alan Waldman

Lee & Marianne Morguelan

Philip & Susie Jacobs

Lloyd Schuster

Alan & Elaine Fox

Eli & Phyllis Schaffer

By Roz Schneider; Shel & Meg; Suzy & Jack; Jon & Wendy

Henry & Evelyn Feingold Camille Jaffe

Max Julius & Fanny Bodek Feingold Madeline Jaffe Donner

Julian Feingold Joby Schwartz

Isaac & Bessie Vogel Jaffe

By Sheila Schwartz** & Family

Sara L. & Martin W. Texler

Bessie & Joseph Segal

Sanford L. Segal

Lois U. Davis

Irwin C. Feldman

Marvin Katz

By Marcia & Edwin Segal**

Mark Sexter

Fannie & Ben Weitz

Mary & Sam Baker

Pauline & Isaac Weitz

Ruth & William Sexter

Herschel Sexter

Jean Berman

Elizabeth & Sol Schulman Harold Baker

Irvine Baker

By Sharon Sexter & Family

Page 54: AJ Memorial Book

Ida & Benjamin Cohen

Cleo & Leon J. Shaikun

Minnie & Abe Shaikun

Pearl Shaikun

Steven Shaikun

Nancy Spolan

Leah & Alex Taub

Raymond Schwartz

Esther Levitz

Jackie Kanovitz

By Phyllis & Michael Shaikun*; Ben & Jody Shaikun; Alissa & Todd Borro; Stephanie Shaikun and Grandchildren Jeffrey Scott Roth

Gussie & Saul Cohen

Ruth & Yandell O’Koon

Lillian & Herman Shaps

Hinda & Yerme Weinstock

Denise Elaine Seligman

Susie “Aunt Bertha” Katz

Dennis Roth

Norman Gaddie

Ralph Geldbart

Harriette & Morris Jaffe

Irvin M. Cohen

Jason W. Spencer

By Shane, Howard*, Jenna & Ryan Shaps

Joseph & Rose Strahl Levine

David & Edith Sommers Sharps

John & Doris Kenah Griffin

Jay Sharps

Ivan Sharps

Lenore P. Sharps

By Susan M. Griffin & Douglas R. Sharps*; Griffin Sharps & Emma Sharps

Bernard Sherman

Rose & Leon Sherman

Sadye & Maurice F. Grossman

Bette Jane Bronner

Myron Horovitz

J. Norton Greenberg

Stanley Seligman

Henry & Elaine Frank

Joseph I. Rouben

Armand Ostroff

Sherrie Urbach

Gene Rhodes

Dr. Max Behr

By Erwin Sherman*, Terrie Sherman & Dr. Susan Sherman

Sadye & Maurice F. Grossman

Howard Grossman

Rose & Bernard Sherman

Dr. Sasa Alexsis

Jeanne & Irvin Wasserman

Sherrie Urbach

Eddie Don & Roz Nussbaum

By Judie Sherman & Vicki Reznikoff

Rhoda & Marty Miller

Betty & Nachman Berkowietz

Rita Cooper

D. Paul Meyer

Doug Friedman

Cathy & Mitch Dorson

Dale Basey

Marvin Fortman

Pamela Shaw

Judy Millstone & Ed Jackson

Paula Treder

Lovingly remembered by Terrie L. Sherman*

Page 55: AJ Memorial Book

George Shpilberg

Victor & Margarita Cohen Atun

Gabriel Atun

Rosa & Salik Shpilberg

Isaias Shpilberg

Elisa Atun Fleishman

Fanny Atun Kogan

Rosa Atun Furman

Rebeca Atun Barmak

By Sara Shpilberg*

George Shpilberg

Robert Kling

Andrea Kling

Susan Kling

By Victor, Karen, Jacob & Andrea Shpilberg

Lawrence E. Shuster

Jeanette & Dennis Berman

Celia & Israel Shuster

Sandra Berman

Eleanor Shuster

Stanley Kreinik

By Rayma Shuster & Family Milton & Joyce Cook

Leo & Goldie Baron

Marcus Cook

Annie Lee Cook

William & Rose Silverman

Bernard & Rosalie Silverman

Karen Denise Brooks

Alice Baron Smith

Ronnie Rich

By Robin & Bruce Silverman & Family Faye & Raymond Tanenhaus

Mark & Selma Simon

Melvin Benovitz

Annette Abrams

Adele & Larry Graff

Rhoda & David Osser

Sara & Moe Simon

Ivor & Sylvia Tanenhaus

Dena & Jack Wigdorowicz

Paula Rappaport

Sadie & Max Kushner

Rebecca & Michael Tanenhaus

By Mickie & Steve Simon*; Michael & Cherie Simon; Lisa Simon & Jim Doiron Vivian & Chester B. Slosberg

Annette & Jacob Kellem

Abraham Goldberg

Rose Goldberg

Gertrude & Wilfred Sohn

Katie & Louis Tobin

Anna & Louis Kellem

Ruth & Phil Levin Alexander Tobin Bessie L. & Robert M. Slosberg

By Rabbi Robert & Deborah Slosberg*; Jacob Slosberg; Jeremy Slosberg; Aliza, Stuart, David, & Ethan Weinstock Alan T. Slyn

Betty R. & George R. Slyn

Sadye W. & David H. Stillman Dr. Tobias Resnik

Goldie Resnik

Lois S. Mexic

Bill Mexic

Nancy Balf

By Rosalyn Slyn; Jeff Slyn; Suzy & Brad Davis; Bonnie Slyn & David Ball

Page 56: AJ Memorial Book

Irving K. Small

Julia & Max Benjamin

Fedor Benjamin

Theresa & Michael Small

Ella Seligman

Henrietta Zernick

Julius Zernick Martin Cohn

Tanya Berns

Ruth Linker

By Clara Small & Family; Michael, Karen, Julie, & Susan & Family

Ronald R. Snyder

Doris & Theodore Meyers

Barbara T. Meyers

Anna & Mendel Snyder

Lillian R. Snyder

Richard J. Yamin

Golde & Max Helman

Rebecca Rachel & Marcus Snyder

Dr. Douglas David

Ken Rowland

Eileen M. Renco

Sarah & Benjamin Meyers

Rosalee & Charles Lederer

Cecilia & Morris Jacobs

June & Marvin Snyder

Yetta Meyers

Betty Jane & Lee Meyers

Ruth & Gerald Meyers

Rose & Hyman Frockt

Bettye W. & Shelly Abramson

Ruth & Miles Cohen

Lucy Cohen Marx

Deannie & Louis Atlas

Gertrude & Sol Mocerf

Elaine Levy Kaplan

Rosalyn & Al Molin

Helen & Carl K. Helman

Jenny & Joseph Rubin

Edward Rosenstein

Adella Levy Fine

Alvin “Buddy” Frockt

Bert Levy

Rabbi Simcha & Edith Kling

Marvin Snyder

Asher I. Benator

Charles & Barbara Bland

Alan Sturm

Joe Wolff

Philip J. Levy

In loving memory by Carole Snyder*; Ann & Sam Benator; Bruce Snyder; Sara Yamin; Richard & Jennifer Yamin Sylvia & Charles “Chick” Caplin

Sherry Davis

Sam Snyder

Denise Seligman

Lillian Seligman

Julie Linker

Susie Katz

Coleman Friedman

Eric & Karyn Hyman Harkins

Sandra Berman

Sidney Miller

“Mimi” Ontell

By Julie Snyder, Caryn Paget, & Kim Schmitt

Sam Snyder Thomas Muhn

By Melinda & Larry Snyder & Family

Frank & Sarah Roth

Ida & Sol Roth

Dorothy & Allen Wolk

Neil Roth

By Gloria L. Soltes

Page 57: AJ Memorial Book

Sarah “Meghan” Steinberg

Sarah & Abe Salas

Rose Salas

Ben & Sally Steinberg

Rose & Morris Steinberg

Lilly Goldstein

Morton Weiss

Edwin Kaplin

Henry Harrison

Alan J. Waldman

Pearle & Herman Waldman

Florence & Nathan Kaplin

Harriett “Mutzie” Perellis

Maurice “Maish” Perellis

By Jerry Steinberg, Leslye Dicken & Children

Joshua Sweitzer

Judith & Alvin Sweitzer

Rachel & Morris Bauman

Ethel & Isadore Fialkoff

Esther & Charles Bauman

Dora & Meyer Levine

Rebecca Sweitzer

Morris Sweitzer

Stanley Sweitzer

Robert Rosenthal

Rose & Herbert Romanoff

Ann & Julius Peretz

Harold Lambert

James Sweitzer

Charlotte & Joseph Rosenthal

By Helen & Stephan Sweitzer & Family

Bernice & Milton Ament

Bertha & Morris Rabinovitch

Fanny & Joseph Cherin

Molly D. & Morris Tasch

Dr. E. Gerald & Elinor C. Tasch Cory Stauble

Michelle Adams

George Shpilberg

Sidney & Lucille Bederman

Mary Elizabeth & Edward Stauble

Doris Stauble Trimble

Donald U. Stauble

By Elaine & Bruce Tasch*; Lizzie & Daniel Cohen; Molly, Seth, Hadley & Asa Jacobs

Ben & Fannie Weitz

Sam & Mary Baker

Isaac & Pauline Weitz

Irvine Baker

Harold Baker

Elizabeth & Sol Schulman

Mark S. Sexter

By Sandra W. Tasman & Family

Betty & Irvin Zegart

Julie & David Toborowsky

Larry Toborowsky

Ida & Morris Toborowsky

Barney Sher

Ida Kaplan Sher

Yetta & Ralph Davis

Rose & Ben Zegart

Andrew Z. Morrison

By Bonnie & Murray Toborowsky**

Page 58: AJ Memorial Book

Bernard M. Trager

Bess & Samuel Trager

Morton F. Baum

Bess & Hyman Yanoff

Rose & Nathan Schwartz

Fannie & Louis Barger Nettie & Sol Schwartz

Neil Buddy Schwartz

Edward Marshall & Lois Trager

Roz & Alan Trager

By Jean Trager**; Shelley Trager Kusman; Amy & Steve Trager

Abraham Rich

Blema B. Rich

Ida Motove Yudkin

Lillian Katsch

Chauncey Katsch

Phyllis Lazarles

James Trebilcock

Margaret Trebilcock

By Hope & Richard Trebilcock*, Lance Yudkin; Ilivia, Brandon & Asher Rozelle

Myra & Bill Klein

Howard, Sara, Talia, Elana, & Yael Wagner

Miriam K. & Arnold Wasser

Miriam H. & Rubie Melon

By Larry Wasser & Laura Melon

Betty & Sol Wax

Harry Wax

Ruth & Harold Atkin

Polly & Vic Rosenbaum

By Sally & Alvin Wax*

Marian B. Weisberg

Charles L. Weisberg

Esther S. & Arthur B. Frank

Irene G. & Ben Osland

Rebecca & Alex Bierman

Mildred & Sam Weisberg

Beverly Weisberg

Clara Hyman

Bertha & Julius Hyman

Anna & Joe Bass

Sarah & Jake Morguelan

Carole & Carl Lutnick

Bill Chambers

Harry Lee Gradman

Marc Kootsher

By Barbara & Frank Weisberg*; Nicole, Brad & Cayla Weisberg; Danielle & Alex Weisberg-Morgan

Marian B. Weisberg

Charles L. Weisberg

Irene G. & Ben Osland

Esther S. & Arthur B. Frank

Rebecca & Alex Bierman

Mildred & Sam Weisberg

Lena & Max Lipkus

Rebecca & Sam Osland

Beverly Weisberg

Clara Hyman

Bertha & Julius Hyman

Sara & Jake Morguelan

Anna & Joe Bass

Anna Bloom

Anna & Morris Osland

Stuart Pressma

Drew Corson

Boris Pressma

By Elaine & Ron Weisberg*; Mollie, Michael, & Arlo Drew Weisberg; Robyn, Ben, Alex, & Ivy Slen

Page 59: AJ Memorial Book

Raymond S. Tanenhaus

Faye Kushner Tanenhaus

Edward A. & Evelyn Weiss

Max & Sadie Cohen Kushner

Lena Epstein

Michael Weiss

Melvin E. Benovitz

Sylvia & Ivor Tanenhaus

Paula & Phil Rappaport

Annette & Elwyn Abrams

Hyman Goldfarb

Rhoda & David Oser

Richard Mazer

Eugene Epstein

Linda Epstein

Anne B. & Martin Felsen

Lorraine A. Yussman

By Sandi & Mark Weiss*; Melissa, Ken, Alex, Lena & Mira Mazer; Karen, Les, & Miles Goldfarb; Lesley, Micha, Emma, Madelyn, & Elliot Zwick

Clara & Carl Oberstein

Edythe & Harold Winters

Elsa Oberstein

By Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Winters* Joyce Arons Wolff

Nancy Wolff

William Wolff

Edward Arons

Dorothy Arons

Mary Alice Scott

Jeff Ornstein

Eddie Lewis

Esther Klein

Jacob Klein

Jodi Lapin

Millie Weinberg

Ruth Wolff

Wolf Neuman

Mary Weingarten

Norman Pollock

Rita Austin

Samuel Wolff

Leah Wolff

Elaine Pollock

By Jerry Wolff; Alyssa Goldwater & The Pollock Family

Francis Wolff

Alvin Weinstein

Shirley Jacobson

Abe & Anna Brownstein

Ann Shaffer

Jack Shaffer

Yetta & David Bass

Denise & Jacques Wolff

Daniel Brownstein

Sherry Brownstein

Stephi, Jonathan**, Aaron, Emily, Isaac, & Levi Wolff; Joan Weinstein

Anne Drake & Arnold Orloff

Rochelle Schaffer Orloff Calvin

Francis Wolff Yetta & David Bass

Ruth & Samuel Orloff

Lea & Herbert Schaffer

Denise & Jacques Wolff

Marilyn & Irv Kornick

By Robin & Mark Wolff; Jacqueline, Michael & Matthew Friedman; Jordan Wolff & Samantha Sodden

Page 60: AJ Memorial Book

Stanley R. & Edna Yarmuth

Joseph & Marilyn A. Foster

Irving Yarmuth

Fannie Yarmuth

Dinah Yarmuth

Mel Yarmuth

Samuel H. Klein

Hattie B. Klein

David Klein

Irene & Frank Breckner

Ruth Yarmuth

Ora Mae Huitt

Billy Todd Foster

By Susan & William Yarmuth** Harold B. & Ida M. Yudkin Albert & Rosalyn L. Kershanbaum

By Linda & Franklin S. Yudkin; Lance Yudkin; Ilivia, Brandon & Asher Rozelle; Ben & Michelle Hahn, Nathan Hahn, Zachary Hahn, Daniel & Wendy Hahn

Ann & Isadore Merade

Rose & Louis Stoller

Rose & Ben Zegart

Celia & Abraham Fink

Sadie & Morris Gertzman

Minna & Nathan Stoller

Esther & Leon Zegart

Betty & Irv Zegart

Marye & “Red” Gershune

Harry & Rosetta (Handmaker) Zegart

Faye & Midge Goldberg

Emma & Morris Berman

Jerry Berman

Ella & Joe Fink

Harriet Kasdan Rosenberg

James Kasdan

Rabbi Simcha Kling

Carolyn Berman Grossman

By Carol & Arnold Zegart*

Samuel I. & Charlotte F. Andes

Shulamith Ziskind Friedland

Rabbi Bernard H. Ziskind

Minna Lightman Ziskind

By Martha & Jonathan Ziskind

Page 61: AJ Memorial Book

Adath Jeshurun Virtual Yizkor Service

We Remember Them: At the rising of the sun and at its going down, we remember them.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them.

At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.

At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer, we remember them.

At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn, we remember them.

At the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we

remember them.

When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them.

When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them.

When we have joy we crave to share, we remember them.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make, we remember them.

When we have achievements that are based on theirs, we remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we

remember them.

~ Rabbi Jack Riemer

Yizkor Contemplations: Our generations are bound to each other as children now remember their parents.

Love is strong as death as husbands and wives now remember their mates, as

parents now remember their children. Memory conquers death’s dominion as we

now remember our brothers and sisters, grandparents, and other relatives and

friends. The death of those we now remember left gaping holes in our lives. But

we are grateful for the gift of their lives. And we are strengthened by the

blessings which they left us, by precious memories which comfort and sustain us

as we recall them this day.

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A Personal Meditation: Eternal God, Master of mercy, give me the gift of remembering. May my

memories of the dead be tender and true, undiminished by time, not falsified by

sentimentality. Let me recall them, and love them, as they were. Give me the

gift of tears. Let me express my sense of loss, my sorrow, my pain, as well as my

gratitude and my love. Give me the gift of prayer. May I confront You with an

open heart, with trusting faith, unembarrassed and unashamed. Give me the gift

of hope. May I always believe in the beauty of life, the power of goodness, the

right to joy. May I surrender my being, and the soul of the dead, to Your eternal

compassion. Each congregant reads silently the appropriate passages among

those which follow. Personal meditations may also be added.

In Memory of a Father: May God remember the soul of my father who has gone to his eternal home. In

loving testimony to his life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important

to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and memory, is his soul bound

up in the bond of life. May I prove myself worthy of the gift of life and the many

other gifts with which he blessed me. May these moments of meditation link me

more strongly with his memory and with our entire family. May he rest eternally

in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Mother: May God remember the soul of my mother who has gone to her eternal home. In

loving testimony to her life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important

to her. Through such deeds, and through prayer and memory, is her soul bound

up in the bond of life. May I prove myself worthy of the gift of life and the many

other gifts with which she blessed me. May these moments of meditation link me

more strongly with her memory and with our entire family. May she rest eternally

in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Husband: May God remember the soul of my husband who has gone to his eternal home. In

loving testimony to his life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important

to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and memory, is his soul bound

up in the bond of life. Love is strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble.

The memory of our companionship and love leads me out of loneliness into all

that we shared which still endures. May he rest eternally in dignity and peace.


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In Memory of a Wife: May God remember the soul of my wife who has gone to her eternal home. In

loving testimony to her life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important

to her. Through such deeds and through prayer and memory is her soul bound up

in the bond of life. “Many women have done superbly, but you surpass them all.”

Love is strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble. The memory of our

companionship and love leads me out of loneliness into all that we share which

still endures. May she rest eternally in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Son: May God remember the soul of my beloved son who has gone to his eternal home.

In loving testimony to his life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important

to him. Through such deeds, and through prayer and memory, is his soul bound

up in the bond of life. I am grateful for the sweetness of his life and for what he

did accomplish. May he rest eternally in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Daughter: May God remember the soul of my beloved daughter who has gone to her eternal

home. In loving testimony to her life, I pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals

important to her. Through such deeds, and through prayer and memory, is her

soul bound up in the bond of life. I am grateful for the sweetness of her life and

for what she did accomplish. May she rest eternally in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Brother: May God remember the soul of my beloved brother who has gone on to his eternal

rest. In tribute to his memory I pledge to perform acts of charity and goodness.

May the deeds I perform and the prayers I offer help to keep his soul bound up

in the bond of life, as an enduring source of blessing. Amen.

In Memory of a Sister: May God remember the soul of my beloved sister who has gone on to her eternal

rest. In tribute to her memory I pledge to perform acts of charity and goodness.

May the deeds I perform and the prayers I offer help to keep her soul bound up

in the bond of life, as an enduring source of blessing. Amen.

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In Memory of other Relatives and Friends: May God remember the soul of ____________ and of all relatives and

friends who have gone to their eternal home. In loving testimony to their lives, I

pledge charity to help perpetuate ideals important to them. Through such deeds,

and through prayer and memory, are their souls bound up in the bond of life. May

these moments of meditation link me more strongly with their memory. May they

rest eternally in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of Martyrs: May God remember the souls of our brethren, martyrs of our people, who gave

their lives for the sanctification of His name. In their memory do I pledge charity.

May their bravery, dedication, and purity be reflected in our lives. May their souls

be bound up in the bond of life. And may they rest eternally in dignity and peace.


In Memory of Congregants: We lovingly recall the members of our congregation who no longer dwell upon

this earth. They have a special place in our hearts. We pray this day that all who

have sustained the loss of loved ones be granted comfort and strength. Exalted,

compassionate God, comfort the bereaved families of this congregation. Help all

of us to perpetuate the worthy values in the lives of those no longer with us,

whom we remember this day. May their memory endure as a blessing. And let us

say: Amen.

In Memory of the Six Million: Exalted, compassionate God, grant perfect peace in Your sheltering Presence,

among the holy and the pure, to the souls of all our brethren, men, women, and

children of the House of Israel who were slaughtered and suffocated and burned

to ashes. May their memory endure, inspiring truth and loyalty in our lives. May

their souls thus be bound up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let

us say: Amen.

In Memory of all the Dead: Exalted, compassionate God, grant perfect peace among the holy and the pure, in

Your sheltering Presence, to the souls of all our beloved who have gone to their

eternal home. May their memory endure as inspiration for deeds of charity and

goodness in our lives. May their souls thus be bound up in the bond of life. May

they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen. Page 4

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Psalm XXIII: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He gives me repose in green meadows.

He leads me beside the still waters to revive my spirit. He guides me on the right

path, for that is His nature. Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death. I

fear no harm, for You are with me. Your staff and Your rod comfort me. You

prepare a banquet for me in the presence of my foes. You anoint my head with

oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and kindness shall be my portion all the

days of my life. And I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

Mourner’s Kaddish

Yit-ga-dal v’yit-ka-dash shmei rabba

B’al-ma di-vra khir’u-tei; V’yam-likh mal-khu-tei

b’kha-yei-khon uv’yo-mei-khon Uv’kha-yei di khol beit yis-ra-el,

ba-a-ga-la u-vizman kariv, v’imru Amen.

Y’hei shmei rabba m’va-rakh l’a-lam ul’al-mei al-ma-ya.

Yit-ba-rakh v’yish-ta-bakh, v’yit-pa-ar v’yit-ro-mam,

V’yit-na-sei v’yit-ha-dar v’yit-a-le vyit-ha-lal

Shmei di kudsha, brikh hu.

L’ei-la (u’l’ei-la) min kol bir-kha-ta v’shira-ta,

Tush-be-kha-ta v’nekne-ma-ta di a-mi-ran b’al-ma V’imru Amen.

Y’hei shla-ma rabba min she-ma-ya, v’kha-yim.

Aleinu v’al kol yis-ra-el. V’imru Amen.

O’seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav hu ya-a-seh sha-lom

Aleinu v’al kol yis-ra-el. V’imru Amen.

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