A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110....

, r' THE _1. 5 . C OL UMBI AN I . __ A.J- ".- _ . "':c# . # - VOL. 2. T L[ F COl U i\l BI '\ llIi, l. 1 10 . 111 , d ,J lli, i. 1I 01, ,,1 110. political r "1 The Ilalll)' 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in e xtr-nt, without rO" k II: I L at e fr om (hiua. Furl her from l lexlco, J " " . 1 f.. rmer arc .. ther subordiucre to lllO,e - " A. f" .1ifrum """ . ' , 10 0011, stand- 1I0ri"alr ,1 I,." tho world. II)" tl .e , llip .. \' 0,,1 W. " isl""," "I, i,'10 II" , . 'n IlOllllr e,1 )' e.t : rda)' the death of IIr the educator. Spli.n, - the lIght the lueuriant .j. . Th e lUI, and III Illy opiniulI) 1101 the f1 'et-lIlly arl ived at :': 111 Fmnc isro, we l.ave (; :,IIt"I:l1 'I'oruel, th e I\Jt'x ic; 1I1 .:'.linister of Pl.: I LII II[.O r n : I(Y e .\ Tl"IUu r 11 \ Let lU furth . r b kl' :I f'l' p nl'r31 view IJt'1 .1 he Drn \'a,1 or tilli . ... nft , scrvue, pacific 1t"lSt req uisit e is tha t till' country r 11..' \\' ." Ilulll Huu:;kvuC; t l,J the :.!ulh of Au - \\'ur and :\turinc, am i a fast frieud of S..nta M at . K.. Smith. ., l f;l"'l ') ·Jn, '"0 fn t'II,)I\' to (he nlll,,'S 31111 Ih:- .faOtlld P O"'':' ' l!I ,'aril·ll, l,lt";IFint!, beautituf, :\11 11 3, TIJ t' body rt"maint'd in !tate for two Wk ll are ('all!",) till.' uPllI'r »f :-oc i,·ty , Geni], ",hC'1I Ih"! I; world without v an.l rl.e m:lj t'5Iic Rn,1 ubln ue l"C t"ot'r)' ; and I T la.: H 'l,r llion has O l't"II 1' 3(,ill alii) VI) IIIJ 131h Sep t. th e obsequiee 'rer ...- 1n,':trlllbly In ,' tI ,· n n e t' . and It .;: wl.at use tlh')' lll :tok " of thd r pcshiou U wflrltl within " walk on <;:' 1} IU\'i nf"' h" hantl.. Ih<ll the clunai - should have chan:.;r"'I' Tl Oll :,: h toward th e 11 0 1111 , A nurnlx r uf tl.ll )k place. The whole g:lrrisoll in the city aoJ &Ih a :.. la"..... O m- of rhe 1110 ::,, ( l!I trikiu"o in -Iem.l togt'th rr, heat, am] ro1rl't , anti to insure plt'i1 !'ant ,'ar L,t)". I:, man , II lJJ. t I1(', h :n I' L...: t.' 11 Iought, au.I tht' 11I sulgt'nls of civil and militar)' au tl":o rit it·! , For (m_ ,tlr , when wo nl hJ n,ail. Of ' alen at eo f f ' ( t I I ' 1 Deoffi ce, $j ,tIO; (or .i I rnontbe (.':aturee which charJctt"ri"t' th or. i <l tht' ne- U"!I 0 summ -r ove r , It·a ll... lilt' 3.mo",t l 110 . xn n u , apJl·ar .. 10 uOrfi \.' II I appt'at h) have been the \ Id vli iu C\ t"r,) t'1I· the tJiplnmalic corps, an.I an immense liuc N P'f W i lt " f' di-eonrinued anle •• It Ihf' , , P 'Iforce 10 resume th» P ' II I aud p, Ll"lI c ca paCttlC' :4 (Ii ... ( \\'11 .1 b.: call.. 'u rut o g:lr:, t'IUt'lil I II) laud. of formpd the ( Iltlr;: t , whi ch pro . epti: a pllbli.h('u , unlit All 'aHu rage•• rr s lrc t of ttt.d. U1 the pun, lII l of take up Illy fOfllll'r .sub}'ct j ust at Iht! COlli · f>s f'rCi, 'H .! on I f(' ,III OOIII -1 B AT I X AX tlY ('t"fth".1 (0 tht" \'illa of in thu paid . i f1Ir Q nJ , which Ot' CO Illt" tn Ilwln tilt' ch wf lib.. mt'u('C' mellt of :t or b 'r (lnCl- 00 n In til.... thl' Pt'L. llIg G.lzdt e rt"cl'lv::UUllt"ct horn lhe church of wldeh the Will "'U\'l :It:J'I.. . , j ,.("tl of t'Xialcnct". II 'Jw largt" a n Ulllbl'r I hVl!t' !1 Ih.I' go"d r·;ll! .'r n•• : 111 11 his "hil ,J. chunrwl which well 10a,I '11 capi(;d alnJ uatt"d la)l 1II01ltll, timl ll b:Jltle Th us hll\'Cdit'd wilhin a few o( C Elc h ODu q Uaf e , (\wr lu hnr. ,1.' ....) th ' ,,:f'In.'''· lIlako the a ''}ui. itioll of WJ:ALTil tuu 3IJ ic I io plJlC frll'lId nntl II '1 6 1Jl .or 1\Ir. II. ; bOlh 01 with of nllllt,,.Crlptlon'l ; 1ht' LO:lt t.,t' dl foui)11l lIt'1"'l'I'n the rt'douLt..u (wo of SJnti1 AnDa'. Cabinc t- Ala. u.n., , :.. 00 ; fur 1 1. 1' f II hI.: , tT: t d . I"t thr cl:l t'bratcd T l'rri torJ of \\'H)hin"tvlI rOllfUl t. ·,) to in tilt' lJ,'autiful an,1 ru I' 'l' alt 3:! jUl't mri\'dl f.urn l\bu t'laooria Bud IOln anll TUrrlt"l : h'lth men of fine abili lie. , • It liberal I»> ,):Uf u 11m 0 3 1 E' lr t' ,Jr !O, t'votl ng 0 I flver,\' afO Cf'u id, 0 manlic b"y of To!''1 u:\y in (II . InsUlgt'lltll. a ft'w nort h of :"lnn. who m could ill kt th i. tim t . The aum u u I DUI hH11 In I "I . " bolh f ' I tJ boJ h' h i · . ' ., ... ""'ed _lbe m" ciD olbf'rwiMlbfy will be CUD. cnr rgy 0 1 . 1I1 !1( :m y, '" Ie Dr f' I'Ada [).-" f lJ, my dear (,Icnd , I fr ... 1 cYt: on boartf Wa , 1 1II 1J) t'dlalt·ly 0 1l ,!hl kill" , ill which lht' fu.rrna wprt" thorou" hly l' hpr(! orf' in th o who (»oR .., (orbi..JJru,:nJ rh.tse,l according I,.. too oftt O cd in Ihe caS; t'r and exciting glatJ that Ihi l!l f:1\ 'orahlc ha" :n ri\l·u. nntl e,'cl r heart "n lr3nCl'll at the cl' h('oleo nod dli nn uti the fit'ld, with uf fill Iht:ir placrl . . I pursuit ! 1I0 \\' 3gain, rrgilru I' Lt:AS' whcu, forct",l c? lI1 p:u ati\'t'ly fhUIi :'"0 Illu c h )ig ht On ocra sioo, l.' rnsA ine and l'amp e'llIip:lg\·. Th i.s Ut'D, Ignaci,J y \· illaOlil, Sr . Buuu , Th e to re· l'nE as the ollly otJ jr ct wurthy of tht.' ir pursUi t:" "'t' ('a ll tile mort' ruut' .-\Ilaullc III a p'U:'t'I1f." I:r ,,!It'rc a 1II0,.. t 1 1II VvriJIlt ackllowl 'II(;lIIrul at the autJ ( ; t' I) . Alcurtot, spo1.: ..n vI "h••ub' Crll,lIon. f"" J br ,Lo!uml,.. n . 1 ' , , 0\ ' t> ''. I to our HH:nt:l1 rt-C .'t>:4 11 01l !ii, nrht (Ill ' t l"t>r c great nwnl,cr a; 01 all we l,rt':'l'll ll illlt'. as it (,tHll'll'd with fur tht" post made \'JC311 t by the J l'alh uf LAFAl't:TT& B Al.t II, S h·l1acoolII i I h nllou, I III! for u ,ak ti e noLle 3C t!'lIlJl tlOn of plr;l :" lIIg :mtl lluportant t'lIlcrnJ a nVt'r boat at the mouth of the no· auth>.:'n1ic intrlli' l,.'lI t,C that th ", Tornrl. r. A, CLAn Ke , Co wlitz Landillg ; opporluuitic:-: , both for M·lf·cuh l\'ation :ttuJ t You hav(' ..nsOIlH·thing Illore of a tra\'· hie lI utison at an.) procl'.-dru I rr.onth s invt 'd l.d and touk (t ra so the 11t h or \\ ' ILEr Sa lf'r,n, 50cinl impcovclU rnt. ",llieu wt'alt h, rauk, than m)'st'lf, 311 ,1 . ha\'e IIHlJC 5 11U - h) Al,lIany , I I1'w .. . .::. aill, as 0 11 til" r "n::; · Foo, a cil)' one hundrcu. luilt"s DOllh . Scpt ClIl lJrr w.. J, L. \\ alt'r H"y, \\ , T. I nnd leilure bestow upon Ihem, Jt·cls of 3ud dUllalr malter! 01 ear C' · fO Cl,or r OCC ::I SI OII , the lJt'aulllul: gr3nll, !llltl wl'sl ur 1"311" ing. gr \'at relfl t , the "ic(orj' g a ill ':u by Santa Au- 1I 0 :c , I\ I.tJilud, 0 .; ! r vrry yt'lr mor c :Lil t.! !It"Hh h (lrt- ju. lui ron"l.d(,r.lIlOn a fT.'c,t th e \'I rl{' d fCcnt rJ ?(. lI u'):f I )n s hallks i:l gaol.! that lhc Cllinf" sE' aro lIa o\'cr Iho at Talllpic8, CII.lS , C. 1 [R RY, Alkl ; I' . , ' I and of m:lllkmd, Will r Oll fin 'or nt rd as a s (hnrm (in Ihe hparh (ully_ ('lj,u al tn copc wilh lIlt: " fierce UO. of artill ery WCtt" tirctJ from until A, A, Dr-s sT , ;, .. • Idlceu Dnd unll l nt length thc)' jm c " itb a 5hort ,·it'w tbe ul a,lI 011 unt:' bu; il.r cng-n g..,, 1 in I mauds " of tht: oorlh, alld is borne out 11)' nigh t- -nll the 1J .: 11!1 of th e ch.urchee Wl"rtt A:"DRt W ' Iclona, \ anC OUfCr It I Lillul lo (ue pnrp05f's of, Ihnl J Ou ha\'c hen't o ! , calling 10 nfl g.hhor or frl C' nd lo bt'hold p18sag'.!s of tltl!ir IlistorJ during rung At Ho'clock. In tho morn- LI. oJ ; I hre , am) II1 capaLl1" of real t"IIJn)'mellt ; a .,lr . cer l:ullly , 01)' tll'ar fir. thl) enchtlnll ng Amnng Ihe conflict betw(,en 1IIlI lheir fonner \' i C'" ing, all the troop!l of the harrison lut mbl",d G EO, II , Go VOY, O. T. u ti . .. Ind ;a. pelll J out h b..ing follow.d hy The.o .uI1« 11, and inde"d W. III ' Y .a )" . 1· W .I a very ohl WOlllan who ,I,eclared it wa. : tors, and pre.. nl " pp..e..o... It ollly ... at lb. l'i eJad nlld were rO"iewo <! br Sallla \V.w" S, CAI.oWF. I"r" Ihll ltbomugh ; a dillcoo'e nleu :m d unh3pp'"old ago! How are wOllh)' of or worth all t.he of gd ll?n Iht:re only I q uircs 11.:".lous co,t. 1p ,-,r alillu all the POl! t of Auna, who was sur roun,lt'u b)' hi:! 1\ inilttt"rs J' WE5 C, STfto:' W, ea thll mett ; . J _ and ; for, III propor· to look at It! up m tlat ,"ortex t ht nah \'t' lorct" , hack..,1 II)' Iht: :md a urilli,tu' itutT, In a tput l't('clf'd ror Ih ,NltT C. \ V I L!'lOS , . P.ort TuwnscoJ ; many moro,aro .Lavcs 10 , r r r." RASCl-!i J to lion as we U in to 311d iute rmrdd le o,f men 3riJ couragt' a guod caU:ft' IIIU l!I t iUFP.irc. tl) 1110 pUCPOfle-o an oratio n Wli uclivt rcd by Sr . S. S. F ORD , Seno: kct"p up ""tllch, 11I t'Y rl 60rt to C\'ery IIlt·un :1: 11 we rulfil.t he grand 10- l'ILlo to any olh("r or gain J ay. L ,t them Lt: lIut unanIlIlOU F:, Nl1 1 'arlo, whi cb wu enthusia.tically S. S. SAl' :oi 01;; R!'J. L l'WI'. , pu:lencd sublerfugt> , thus u p. of our In'lIJg -t ? Le. Our . 1Jt'l t If len and not wcaktn tht' prclSt ige of thl'ir plaud cd. Santa. .Anua then receivl'iJ eac h S. D. /l owE, P:uu . Cov. , 1\ IlIdb)' . pint! th. found.l ion, of Ih. t Irulhfulnc.. of ra,o .d br)'on, l lhe IIIC r: ,n, nnuat" alld l,rlli. w,lI ofu ,me. mchn .d 10 10k. 1 10 . b), iu'. rnal di ".nsion., anll. fu. ofl be I'I'lel'3n. ,, 10 0 hall a..iol. d at th. 11. 1· lJl.o d · h ' I I' h . I ' erenlion. We find 100, 'ha t l1I.n a lw a)". poll r .",.1, 'II true po" I'on m Ihe greal lur. wi:1 . oon dawn u\,on th e Kin•. Ilc of TII I1I I';co, and upon th. w II R. l Ac lLao '" Jackson's c Wit 10U .t Wile nClt Icr ,\l rtuc nor wanh CO.lUilte man 10 rt"cipror ate tht. ' :4y' 1t.' 01of un.h' ertal bd ng', agai.n \Tf' dum. 0 gratuity in propor:ion 10 their rank. L1W is 10 tntJ·. happlIless ('an eXld ; or cluIJ3rk In fa bh pn· 01 ' Iic\'t'r nClivt' alilt infinilt'l,:.' t;lanrl among: t he . couut rle" of h is abo prl'tty certain th:ll1bt lrnprr ial. \Vbilo tho re\·iew waStuking place, Santa , Irrprb t"J :l.nJ ab,iUrd . pl·culalion. 100 often rxp:t. llth og mind, E 'fI'1I n Nt'wt on, and a tilP gluhe. Variety of 8cene, In t"3rth anti iSI. ha\'c mt't with iU11't'dimr ntl 10 Anna to tbe Iroops a proc1:lmatiou dacation. -No, 2. iu\'olt ing aht" !Iubelanlial 10!1 of honFsty' Fra nklin, own in 1\ mt"asure in· !Iky , :lllends our tlail] rambling'! " o't' r up· th e north of Ihvan",·IIO; for at Ihe time a in which aftt:r ipraking the glorioUi II 1 'h II h I II " deM-d for 100l. ,,,f Iheir 1110. 1 I,'i lliant d i.· land. 1;1. " . Bn,l d "n." SOlUelilll. ' Ih. ..ce,,1 Irip Wa. l a'k.n up lhe Yang I. e, a ael,i. ". m.nl. of Ih••old,. .. 01 Ihe n.pub. \Vh. t illh e contiilion or great mils or CUI e o ler ant are W 10, covn if"s,to the "cry chiltlrrn aroul1 t lll h'm "cl cllr, cloutJl.. IIk)' '' - tht- unOrna· force of 'wo Ihousand originally di .. lie in early days-Ih dr l.}(n·Qtiun and cllthu· m nkind, pven in oiliest countriel J- c1t" ul y thp prn pcl to Le kept in blowing buLbl('! rlOti r;li:c' illg lHf'o tt"t.I ' ", 'C of g t"o· r il chetl from lin- north to block ilUO Ch il," .i 3!m, he t'xclaims : - , r.b Engl alld ror ex . mpl . . An alt. rnali on In v.. w a. Ih. goal of tI, ,,,, . ITo rla, and of k't•• !. You alludc 10 Illy havin.; "el'n Ily . tr ew,·d "' Ih . ver forml, '. ans , 10.. been ord. red away from Ihe .. Uul lo,d. )', ,,·h .n roMorlnne hOI tri, .d " :p.....riou. and d. morali. ing Ihe rclalion belween mea" l .n t! end. , d. vot••om' lh,ng Dlo r. "f. Ira vel.. than )"ou" elf . hght ,Irapery of Ihu .kl..., " ,,"n',ng camp at Tan.too, b"fo r. th,'y h.vo UI, "hon victo,y has .bown h."elf bOlllle I ' only BO mach lim. aad Ihou,;ht 10 tlo. ob- bUlllly '. utu.I I '.Yell ha,'e. he'l ' .xtcn· .n,lIe"" ,h .p•• ,. nd chlrged "tlh obI. 10 IlIBk. leut in! p....ion on Ihal to our rank., whe n a fo.. ign en.m1 h.. pri,"lion; their prnep.rity it.. f or· t. ining of . 1 will enabl e Ih. m 10 fol' O" 'C; ••h k. ) ou, 11<'?g '? Ih. nU Ihe glo" oll,' Iou .. o. hght and .hall.", C!I)·. Ind "" agalO rna",b lOg no' lhward., in profaned our soil. wh . n 110. gloriou• •un of t.o lillie domorali. ing th an, and paving " . I loa•• p... )'ears ,u Gr"al Ill'llall' nse o" d ..It!ng ' lin! , w. aid of Ih. grand arlllY Ibnt, as the P.k ,ng Tampico .p p" red . cli,,,cd! I c. n rc· tlla w., for, Ih. per i"" . of di> trr.. . Ac- fil d llll.,-IO tb. punUlt of pl... . and 1100 ne'gboollllg countn e. , and bav,. I",mo noble .. ... .. rolhng hd.. ro lleetong Oa. ell o', f,,'orile terUlis, " i..... mhlillg 10 th. conhnuoul ... o( rordingl" w. fin,l lh•• r t izan . tb err . 21 On' urc a. II for bod,ly . nd m. lIla! reo . nel! fr" m other .o urc••• m,". hook•• I,·t. tn bute from a Ihouaand ,Iream. Ihal come like cloud. 10 . nnihilale lh. ro" br n 0_ c' Vl I dllcord, wh .. h h. ve a1mcm !",ralYlCd timl rully ' lIlplo)". d and rec. i, ing bigh wa. la.. lion ; and 10 'ppenra nces, .. be.om.. "0 .nd 'per iod'c. I ,. Ih. or from f.r-from every ,ridge. •011 hill .nd wb il.t Ihe Inlurg. III', 101 .• lIy rpgardl•• • of 11 10. o,fo uro tr .nglh pow. Ib. ir lOC ial P()lilion ; . n,1 who em ,10 \fh .I !lIIfo rmal,on I PO ""I ' ' 011 " "C. )'1 111 .. ISh lIowery. vale-f rom rerllit .. a• •nd bound, tb. pre•• nee of lI,e ImpCfl. l trool" , p rocr"d er, . 1 ak. I:lor,)' to Joun.h .., ooldl e". ror Po but oquand<riog Ib.i r carninS" opon . , . I 10 h.or f,om ,". Ih. SUIIIof my Ihollghtl 011 10"" w,ld, ' . ud c1oud.capl' ,I . nolY)· moun- uie,I)' wilh Ihe . treogth. ning 01 their rorli. ha" ng fought 10 . hu"d rcd and for tenlutl inJ ulg..nct"s or yu ioul kinds i ant! of :mu lei If) thr Ih J til.., J' Cl u.h 3. vCI1If 'lItio lit'll, I will laios, ,lbt n, .' hrongh Bome and and no more notice is than having moriJ,Ihan onco , oor Uanatnral con l"'lufn "" ofl uch .b ort. , igh t of tl, ,,, alld Iry 10 g '. c' tl o )'o u ' " as rcw wo..dl lIS 1' 0" •• ,tl lueltl Wa\'. 110, ,, , III If lbe rorc. ' were qui.ll y pla)'illi my tO,turn hll bacl< wh .le you from N illlJlrud.nco, at aoolhrr, and pr obably f.c ul"... And \Vh;, t,. the eallsc or 1/11' . iLI. . mOJ :11, and pow", unlol It proudl)' th rowo I gam. of che" ,- - [Norlh China lI erald. 1 11 m h" th g• • nd h.. for he who I.mfnla ble . la te or it i. Ihe f. l. e I. Ihe gr••le.t eom· Ihe whol. cOII ,tent. inlo oce"n·. owelling Lo· ( 'ArT t'nE OF Tbe Ga••tl. know. how !o fll1m III, cannot bto DQ\far dillanl lim. ;utt.rl, wilh oul " ."ur· 'I II ' II t II ' I I II '1 'th or f furl une Ind dfr . etive , ItflO of .lIucnlion th,'l ho. lort of man, a cOII III,)' , 'Oil , l.t• • , II Ion .. W OII , ,. , anu )'ou r 1'.' of ,h. tilb Jul y. rontnin. IIJe impor l.nl in. Ie ,' J .or e "i •0 . on i Ind G yed from a nI, by tho . .y . U•• lth fuln.... 2,,01 , I'ro,llIcl" .II " <, :1,,1. hence 1' 1' . w.·", I I" I lIelll pl 10 enumcr. le I II' fit .I IS of FUll . an (I t 3" an,1 c. llllllnly havo , ...)'Cd 10 rob hlllilialing !Uccor "c. i••d rrolDtho.e mort h,lb .rto p reYa,l . d alllong th . b'ghe' and Facil ili el for COlllmunic"li"n wilh o,h'r Ih• •n,Il. .. " ,,"ul ielof ou r c hol on 111101 a. d C 'I·n' • 117 d ' g g, ' :. - .ou of I'onr re"ol. lioll ; "ut con' olo yonr- d h 1 I middl. cI ..... ; fal. e, lin c J il do counlri.. 11,10 \'aried 1 )1 , ... "el but in tb. inf .ney of cuhivI I. d being, ,'gl' 1' 0 "0 111 , ,'1' oJ g, I' k"g. )- liT "'""E"', " 'itb Ih. Ihal It,. d.lr.e- bt UDal o or more pru ent I an I trma" "'1 . . ' '. " ,, eo " , oJ , lau ) lUI t"8 rOID C ' lUg, IP tI Ie And why is lhi. ? Their ar liz.. "I n. JUf 18 much thllt 11 Irav,.. ti ther ilaU lIont, or al· !'o uJ., lImll l Ct' ur ry. II II ut>r Ll , no prophehc 10 ' Ct! tll3t fOre t"C'Or 53 }'1 Ihat on readinG the report, he of 11.1 0. a;'rn)' \V,u p. 1l(. · I" t'r JR ,. tan I. loget hff n.ulectl · an,Jdd ec'iv. brean. .. ill u.-I llln"" 'n 1II , "k n,,1 .1 larg" ,uaJ b, rork· 10llg, Ih. Ih.. mullltu,I•• of olh .. I., .. Pv fill 'd \\"lh p.in ful ,ndignation II nuvcr .bn,. d w,'h ,t lh e fortlloo of .kiJlfui aud indu .lriou. a, any in Ihe \forld, avowed O}. ';CI' e;.n ifa c",om li: hed wOllld on. d a, comI" i"',1 und .r Ibe . aWf faYol'e,1 I" 'HI. " ill I ••k our clilllf , the robcl., an.r having b'raken Th e'y .e.ck 10 laroi. b 01 MUl can ad Ih ,i r C ll.hlllt fl I re . 11 Ibe nation. ort l.. P .' h. ad. . .H,I Ihat ev..y uook of 1, ..1. 1,,11, or ... 1 .; , to T . u cow look ..e..ioo of Iho I in , 01, 10. .. III o,d er 10 Iheor own .hame Plnh, Del lh. y rl il to rc.p Ihe full b,n • • aecur. l .h.t d. vd opm..nl or th. IIIlell« 1 2. CL.. .. Tp. .-Th.t wl,lch il mo.t b,n •• of fo.. I, gruve, or "ll in, 10 cui· I ; .. atrai 10 1 u' . nd Ibeir cowa ld'c •. . P ro videnc e h.. si ' en k of , b_ aJ " n:a o """ b,eau • th.ir <:d ucs- w,lboul " h' cb hn mnn b. lllg1 .r. th. m., e and pl,' ..anl i.. III I' u.. ..I ubri. lor.• hand, and le.m wilh hi. and beoul)". F . P g' Tb . ac ,illg 'tu.k';"o uo two gre.t oud p,nfitnblc 1. lSUnl:-COIll' f I · TI . .' I S J ung yan . , , '" pa 'I "rBr 18:l:J and 18·18 wh.n wa, tiocl hoi Leen 10 .ha m. lully noo "l. el-d, or cr. atu,.. 0 oxt ern , 'e OUI air. 2nd, A con.lderuble degree of c '. \In.. , . I nd 1 10. U1agi.: ..t. 11 \\'ang.y u. n.k,·ilh , had , r. ,e J' G d I I H 'd I' ed f bo . I' n. b 'Id I . 3 ' N 'h I b 1 h .. gned Ih. t,caty of ua oo upo ,. go, pt rTert :d, Ihal Ihfy I re unable 10 r.. ucallon 0 J' conll . .. C", Y In I e ex· IU' t ·rOlHly . .r'l' eX I. Tilt GOLD COUT.- If Iher. exu.1J any. engogew' 8n 'hw'f' .t l IC e"d on I h • e"en b I" d you will cOlllpreh .nd Ihlt a propl. 10 It r th ' '1' I I' e, c i•• of un' hink ing momory and fo,t ... co '•• el Itr 'n ryn . .., Or '" ,urn, " )'. 41,. wher . oul. , 'd ., t l,. I'- untl.. , '•• of rom' nt, 'c fa. 'ng of Ih. 2 1 0 "ay,out ll e I e oort Ib fl t '/1 '1 Sold· ... ' IOmo ,alii any 0 . If propen.. ,<I ; o .c on th I b'l ft L' II ' ' ri d Chang•• enougb to in.ure ple" "" 1 '·ariely. . ' uv . .. gil. of that cil)". T he re"d., ho" over, e f powc. u, mU' f t"h' ,.h I. ue'red a' COll etrl for Ihdr COU lllon bf n. lil ; 10 pro- II I 0 .. JOt! ..ery ling ,or gra n . I II f h ' I .. I " 'e, a laud which il Bt onco "a bo,uly .nd d' t I "d f wi' I b 0 you ore >on. 0 0.0 w 0 conq " h:ch h.. r.ceivet! the ..nelio n o( enslo m .nl O t <I . a" "u r uOovcd a n,y. tery," il il prubably the Gold Cuaot of ", p" r. te III 0 "'0 an ., on. a lie" y Panu co, olher. Ihar ... of their glory -.lI, , ide for Ih. probabilili•• or lb. rutur. ; 10 . . . . 1\ ,,"," GTOll. t. nw. II n" ... lfd . Afr ic• • .A .ky or uncloud. d bright n. ..- a a . m. n road, advanced Ihe ea"t g. I" by friends of ll,e brave m. n, "ho at our gr.at pre5t b, . fe n the , ,,.,,,"t learDn. of up<' ",nd coo••ollon, and or Wllh .d ' " I. Wb ... on all the (I CO o( ,h. II wid. , luxuriaut· F'lo,a. yi. lding in Ihe g. nl. n lh. mron . rnl..ed th. c'ly . nd ,••1 d. enool,led Ih, ir eou ntry . You .... ill6nd rirneei or 10 lind enJoymcnt I nd hlppin. .. hk. an d' parlu ru froUl colablo.bed pra clI cra , wid. world " can .. . 6nd. more bealthfu l 1110.1 tc,upling fruils, and ruing in Ihe for. ,I on 6r.; wh,l . , Ih. Ih mel were ..c. ud IOS example. worlhy of imit alion-a bea· G Ibou intfn. elu ll wbich while So for fralll a IT"rdiog cOlltinllal opport uni. cOllnlry I nd climate - wh . r. men e. n cot i. lo lb. grandest forIII' or vrg . 'able Iif. Ih. two bkantl '°h l .. bd h• mad. n F1muI 1 1.n h e. con of honor ror those wbo Ion .od let , 'h . I I I ( h IC reely die b t by • ci I nil .. I ' ,' I f I I O UB alta c ou t • norl gate. ,calte ..' I0 II I' I l'h b• re COT th'I •• ak eu io Ihe mind a It'nse of the lru o tiel lor I 0 pracllC& I t"Vt"opmr nt 0 l p ..:I. , U C (r , 10 or -ul r( t 0 110 most gt"Orgeou. p ul1Iagc- troo I 8sscmblt'1i tbt'rt", and thus maul' ! 1t"lr coun ry. e Arm" a . . dl'llin, ormin and Ihu... n . lo corr .ct tb. logical rl culh' il I. nd, mor. direetly to V1ol,nl lOtemperan c.' wlt·r· d by Inimals and in.ec l. 01 .louo.1 ihfinite vari. · I I' I. f h ' '1'10. E, • cred ,t. ,Irrngl ll••urro nnd ed "'lIh l\a.lt enng " , . . . I. nd brook., an,1 .t relm., worlh)' of bemg I),- give to lb. exI. rnnl appearanee of Ihi. ". m.. ,•• mnll. .. 0 t • c,ty. . n hopos' and Ihe mn.l !,I.", anl to IDe, ", Ihat , B'.et o( th. routiae of oooup · dnd en and blunt ,t. .. .. .. pec,.II )' . e. n 10 I eomp ared wilh th . w.l er. of lif. ! .nd fin. eoasl . n .. traordinary cbar m and gai. ty. p.rnr ordCl' Governor an,1 Tr.. .. I,cr.a f:.. JOu will nol kn ow any h.1r woy UOOI, Ire at Ih. lime time the cheapell or tho mod. of In ching langll .g e • •Iill prov•• , n.d by hoaUh. i"' pirin/: . ira Ilw. ", pure Th . oulward Iparkle, Ibe voloptlloll' " nle II rtr or th. b. d.g,a, l,,? fro m "et" e. n d. llh aDd YiClory, and lbal yOIl p l ..... r... alld ,hul oul th. de.i r. (or Ihoa. 1. 01. Tho . ducalion of bi.. l1 i. confo...dl, .nd refrelbing hke Iho brcath of E,I. n !- of ...y I nd r.IAu de njoylll.nl , Ihoogh com· ',. nk , bUI retamed 10 ollie•• '\I!h °b r "ilI be, wh.n I sh.lI pi lci wy ..lr al 1 0111 •., Wh 1 II 6d ' Id d . "n to u•• ev..y exertion to ..galO t ed 'd I fi bIb b ' lot &Dimel iudulgenCf" , to which 8U leelinga of won" anct to con,i.t whollJ in the ere I II Wf n I more ml In Ie- mon in Iheir in IlI lro Jlicl I count uclII, 1 hea ami llc }t'repsl com a 8, t e rig - "'" ulli .. tion of .xlern" . cco mpli.h men l' ,.n o n. vor run ning inlo pain. beromo inlen. ili.. d in Afric•• (rom the lumi p C p. ,_ W e,1 glory of indeprndent. and pui... nl Mex. mf, or indeprn d. nc•• of pru dencc, and c . . ' ful . xe... of e,l h. r heal or cold, n,v.r ocl . nou. mi. t. which hang OI 'er Ih. 011 "10, Th. Er ORT.£n . ArT' OF e ico. 1IIy fd .'n d.! L "e Ind .p.ndence I ernul! dam ..lic dut y ar. 10 on. n ..er iG """•nd in the of th. re. long' of il. mool limo,oul inh.bilanl. by Ih••Iory of the lind i. , 110 Ilngollrl)" in har. have cred,"le .t h • arllly ?f Live the "\fill)' ,,, In ',Iio. tb. n, will a n,ora euli- hlrn. d eod. vanity and 10". of dilplay ; .0 Ihal evory ".I.m ent.1 " .t " of loud and 6.rce thun. mony with ill oul" ard . ''''' cL.. It. di. m.1 Ihe In,urSflltl wa' 10 th. \'Icllllly of P.k ,n All orlh. r. vi.w Ih. AI.m.d. and th. , . ,I . I ' d I' I ' I r" when tho 1 ..1 ,coni. I .ft · and our nexl 10, ' ,• ., 'h 'I' Gf'l.... remo•• Ihe barri f" of tbe rr. e inl. r. uaeful or oollJ aequ" . m. nl. , "I ,er .of poll · (. rlOg', an ' g'l mngo, a n' l.mlleIl UOu. fo... 1s offer th ems.l v. , a' I ppropri. le '11 ' II b b'I'1 . ' l' as.o·N u. v o rt·lounu .u If,I m" lary mll- . "1 I d I" " . d t I' II ', d I COliIII. 1" , ,n a 1"0 a , 'y 110 ne". , I' I k I r ' I th _ .... of t' d th r ul t pr !ivo knDwledg. or of lll.n .. 1 habil. i, ull er - U.I ., . •• rum anu •• rUe ,on . Icen•• rortho,• •upcr. Iolo ousr il' . an cr U. f" d ' lt d "I'" SIr, w IICI w .. ep Uj lor In 0 • OI.U - , nl 'o.n8, I n UI ' ,m, a . 0- , . ronnd ' W h er e Ih.1I .... find Ih. n.ce.... cu.tom. in wbieh the nali•• •• r. kno...n 10 0 1 1.0 lIel\' ,.• n \\'" '" U 011 , eaplUre.- In Ihe . ,'.ni n, • gran reprelealation look d•• hoo, and lIIer".e th. mlt ."al w. alth Iy n.ghc led. . Ihorou;:h rerorlll of the I ry of dryn... and moi,turc more ind ul!;e. itaelf a land of il i• •100 [North ClIIU' lI .rald, Aug, 20. . . plare . t Ihu N. tiona l Th . 4Ire . All 0( OIIr n ce ; in rain ..ill hum i n ing. nuily oJ olom of educat'on C3n alone . tr. c\ uBII)' ' 0- 6nely proportioned ! W ilhoul B . uffici. nt th u frln;:. of a di. lriet whieb il ' h• •Iave e" P, nATI:' ,- .\ number of public, and Rlany of the p rivate buildinga clevile n... methodA of . ronowil ing Iobor, I,uove Ih•• ,'i1. bPre out . None but dogr•• ?f dron!;ht in oUlllm. r and autumn, tal. of tho vil..ol of our rac. . A hog.lbor. b. on lah'ly on Iho Webl in Ih. cil' .. ere br.iIIil all)' illuminal. d, ond Ihn. dimini '" Ihe hn vy buttl.n of loil eompetrnt and con' Cl<nt,o ul eduoalOrl " ill Ih. fr UlI . of Ih. earth c' nnol ". p,op.rl y lI.. re i. a lurid harmony of ton•• and col.... L:o..l, .0 Ibal 1 10. J'mk tr od. had n.e." ly Mone An TIl LEIlY _ A dreree o( tbe . I L_ bl a' I' II . . I m. to ..d and harv. ,t. ,1 . nd withoul I olllli· hI I I d 10 . I Leen Ito pped belween SIOg apo« and Ch,na. " , d' . . Ibal oppr. ..e. 10 lar ge:a powon of man· ""' . e 10 curct 1 111 a ·,mporlanl I' f ' .' .I .• . on I a co.. at onc. Illora an py"co . \ ., i ' 11' II w 10 f'l h. harbor of 1I0ng go, ,, nment o,d",. Ihe cr,"Ioon of·a ""ron d h I f I I 00 , c,. nl 'luan ,ry n ram m w'n er .nu Th. whilo eolla!;r. of 110. EUMp.nn ... i. , u lU "a "e ·1 f 'II f ' d I I I li.d ; and in vain 1100 "ill the peopl. bo 'n I. va ue 0 t ,ele a rs Rlay be . I IolOIh• •prinK"and IIr earTII ean not r. ceive th. ir d.'nt•• wh ich 'ppear rrOlDIhe Ie• •' if ."oul knng on thc :JIb of AOgUlt, in Iho firty 0 orll ,,)' 0 a til e rl 13rac r' comrc::d' odlllilled to In cyer exl .oding. 10... of po_ll.d by ,til. magnilu d. of the e ,·il. wh icb I r,c.. nniel . opply, nor th. ta ,lh bring forlh 10 b•• wallowed up in Ihe luxuriant yrg. ll . Bbi p . ccon!l'ani .d ,")' tb. frig. of a "att ..y on, oot on ano ller Dloun . 1i1i ..1 pJ ... r, and Ihu. b. mati. t h. man. - Ih. y 11' 111 ha•• 10 •• IO.d,.. -"'i '" increa.e. tion, ore but l h. typ'. of a human IIor.v. ogo Sparlan, bnl;o Hap'd and Lily, Iteawer Til E VERA ClI, VZ . . . I' ' C I 0 I' L ' ' Styx nnd 0 lill iu ••o go ,e" IO,. nt for Ihe c"n. trucllon " f. '&lI,oad frnm Vera ee; , £RN ARD oRm " ". lere!,'a. , Th e th. I ,I. ' l! . .' A H ER(UNe. _ Til l! SJcrsm C'n lo Union hare heC'o no 1IJ1' l'l500 nr l\Vo amollCl' U!l. Gi . abounrlin lIaturr ! Il ow fl. 'w the haul ... . ha\an g uu lroy, u I Jun ..., an. rr· u)' ue 0 ,'onlf" o. :I IICCllmp.o"d by Ihnl willeh IS noee_ ry 10 bl' I II t 'll ' .t " " 1 ' I' I '-I f II I '1 ,0 " d i g II I I , 6 Ir" I"," , e. oels wh' ch 1 10 . p"ale. II.. road . Ire.d y hu.11 " ,II be CODV. yed to pu I 't":5 Ie 0 oWing IIIt'rt" IIIg I(JCI' "lit : g:\n Ie au t"1 0 :I long 3uoun - lOW numero 15 Ie O I1 . )S. , n 'fh ·· f I ' . m.n how 10 .mploy th• dnnl . g.. .. Mr. " ife ane inf. nl, r••ide on t1 profu5l0n, gr. in n r. er il known 10 fail, ' maIO porll ou 0 l, e Ihe I!igh<s\ bid,!.., . 11 It. thfnce 10 as to &\'oitl lhcir abn.rl, a hulk above, and in 1It' 3r proximit)· to 'he Ia vertb nt carpet o\' crll" prt'adlou r pr:'l iricOll , O"""-IEn M A:"l.-1 1I the l\1u""llllJ at Iplrau C' al 8pt't " as p' 111 eonrormlly With the cunlwu;t, "'hie lad 10deri"e rrom tI'om " h.l e .. r Ih.y C ln I olreel f. rry. Th e Olher do,. Ih. ba". e• . I aOiI t:i v., fond for I:ra.i ng mnltitnd•• , Dulo lin. 'he..r i. n ok_l. tnn of 01\1' CIao k, a 1I,'okl (If ee.. mOlla b r Ihe "I d,n g 1&to b. 01 . ,1. 10 Ihal .ITecl. BId, are OIlIllri bule 10 the el. ..lioa and true h. ppi- c.ped a 111010.111 from Ihe pre••nco of il. ' throllghollt th. -nlir. . .. . The appl', lIalil e or Ihe "it)' "fCork, "h om Ih. y ""11 ,,.,1i! !!eb,l ) D) h;V·b I'" ,'s • r •• eh . d for a . •• . motber, . 011 cr.w hng 10 Ih. brink of Ih. '.lI d poar, and peach, allol e,'ery olber o. .. ft .d mall, on' lbe I;r.. le. 1 clI" ' 1 I he COllrl u•.lh'" 0 I e eouqllermg . lD Two of Ihf b.lOd,lo. Jo,e Albmo .antl Ma• .. of oar .p,cl<l -naDl ely•. the um nr ."1v... . I·. deck, piling, d 'lito Ih. river, The Icie' of not a ho"ical "' ''. 0.11'•• .. . carea•• . a I peror Ir. much . 11.r tb. ,!ylo of 1I,Ie teo Gonta "". wbo ollaek"d Ihe dlhgenc. or of slIch an . duc.lloo , ao, be109 mal.,nal el r caughl lh••0un.1 " f th e 'pla.h ' not only h"n " forlh anol". ar . blln,I."l ly Iman, enh r.'y o" ' fo ccl ," blS hfe.tll" e, 1 1\'111" 1Mallehoo \») n"IY· Th . ,. dal .d III Toluca on the IUtb of Aogull, have b.en 1Iostd on soun d and moral h.bi b o hlll d•• and wilhout pau "ng ror a mom. llt lo calru: I do 00 nl ,im. from lb. fiM aproul: Tho.. , Ih• .•econd ) •• r of Ih. "' gn Ihe n.w 10 d•• th n war .- "lope and guidl lh. .. ..onin g f. cull i• •• 101. upo n chanc••, M.. . Co" per ru' hrd 10' ong or Ihe embr)" It,. d, .o milch '0, thai a I kn. ,Y h,m before 11111 ,urp " ng alterahon, I ' h . '0 Th." Lt><l ":' " ere ,10 r,ma m . u. p. ndcd for llid ' .. Ih Ih II' 0" v Ih. "1101 from wInch Ihc child wa. I" "ri pi. ; ••• .1 . if planted when a h.bc i, born • • h.1I 1 affirm Ihat he hod been a man or 1 h. co" ta," m?e IOformah n 10 tb. h'gh road 10Toluca, Pa.... ' gl 1m , II cootro 109 I' er 0 er Illrd, .nd I. aped o, erboard . flcr it. When b"a r ml lur e and m' gnificent fruit by the ..at 'Ir. nl;lh all,1 II. fclt Ihe 110. 01 the ,lOlur g . o" . , dOli Wa. promi. ..I IO wh iehev .r WOUld. r o· th, 'ower parts .of our nature, Ihe Ih, encc . he from the phm",e 10 the 'Ulfacf' of IIline Ihe child grow,", able 10 OIalttic31c Ihe I Ii nl I)'mptom or ttlll surprlSlng l'hange .o rnl' 1 1 lit" new fo.. Ii tht> "call he n3m"'s oCtile other robben , Gon- of which redu . u m.n '0 nfarl y 10 Ibe level Ihe wal.., Ill'r b. h. " a. ':.eclIl;(ly rla . ped m loam. , Til. 6,h e. of Ihe rive.. and . ... 0" 1 l im. afl_r h. h. ,] lain ull nighl in Ih. fi. ldl of on. oook uJ 1" '·ecl'l•• v. r)' Ik ,h• •al... . poke, allli on hi, d. claration. IOv. ral Gftl'te beaatl.. ht"r arm' . "Ihe Yt"!'sel bcinl'f' o ut un arm'a Imnump rablt>, bt yond mra 5Urt' and in,.x. afl rr I debauch, liII, by slow df'gr" t" , ,,\'ery It ral ,as,compared wnh olh.cr /Jo l o Dew nrrf'.l . Wt!' re mau e. " V'tb Il h" d Ih 'II I I. ngth ..mon'd . ho I. id of it and I hau,l ibl,·,- lh. for ..lo abounol " . el of l l'Otl t:rew inlo a hony . ul" lanc e • exe,'pling ' Th . 1I,1,le • • ,,1books of Cunfue!u'l a.. le I- I I ntler. from J iealt""f c announC. lb. 10- I 0 '1 IS IOcrease 1I'.a I WI on y " " , " " , I' k' , .1 ' , I' ., I II al t OJ 1\Joro streSi II lit unnn '\ b . ' . , clambt'rlllg' up II. Side, \'I' aJ D l"1'a m 5afp l) on Imml" n!lC ' I Z I} and Y3 Iuf', -th e IlIll!J "ilil II! l' 10, {' .left nou IDtt"SIIT1 t'I, 11. JClII1 II !tt l· n Ct)U t' 1:' t't" ., b" tal ucstruotloDof tlip • rcnch colony at t It Ifr .. 10gral'fy the bas .. t of p.... on.; 10' d. ck " Ith h.r in ..l"nabl. hcfo.. ro.l a"d mi nrr a" of di ,·,'r. kill,l. -0 1111 ' h. tl. ,1 III lucb n Ihat no Iigame"l haol 'l h. ' e. chilli ' of ',h. Old I .. tam. nl t an Iplace by 0 fu. iou. hur'; cl n. "h 'eh 1 ..I.d treued leisure will be 10spt'nl as 10 denlor- lLose who Wfre 8pC"Cta torl had to rl,} . with ant! to !lI lIp- ; 11 \" coult! uol li t:J dt1\t'n I upon 01 he k bl' 10 Ib \Ihree'hours 0\erlhrrw all th; hou,sf" uf thu I , . .. ' , ' 1 ' 1 III ' 0 ' ,. III I 'I II ' I Ih I \ 01011" IhJ r"II' IO'" 0' pu " f' Y . '0 .• II I ,. I lie . tolleal! of r<'fillin.• ' and incrcued po' cover Jroru tut"lr aln tltem l'nt aol! It'ud aSllIlst I p,y an mca eu II J ea lUount of madunery rI W IOU aneo, 18 f'f "f"f e 1 J I"J D I ' I (J ' b I colOnialS and ut'1\ tro)'t'u a ' Ie or- liticil power will me; ei .fford Q, widpc nnee. llt 'ruum like thill, is l\ orl hy of II !IlId luanufaeturl"s, jOllllJlI, forlll("li inlo tn tire bunf" ·; tho fnbt'ls IS 3 trulll'i all l.ll1 0 rt nt, of'r ain ( til , all.·r the wind, wh lr.h opber Ih d' 1 1 h II d Hmn. n II,otb.'r. 1.. 1 Il.e .. roroluf il b.1 :1. A. to ila f. "i l'l ie, for r "lIImllnir • • hIS 1(I_t ,I. Ul r , a,,01 h" st .... ,;;th f., I. , Gul . llfT, cauaed ," i"" nd.IIl '" Ihat IW"I,t ,,11'. 11 Ihe c ': 0 uman 0 y 3n IU :lJtr tile Jllel" 1 1:1 !'1 power , tinn Wll,h ot her r Ollnl ri.< lI; , hilt !Ittlc rl'qll:rf'J Icd hun ,Oule tilllt" I lOr who )j\'rs ouly 10 bt"oefit h!ln.'l alrt'aliy reduced 1b" . Th.laoo." Ihen , of lhe fcono. , to "ll t?D '" lomr a;a "le adll u,'elu,'ul. , ' 110 L. saI l. Vur lIoLI. Soulld, willi . 111. 111 : J7 - f all l.." al C a" . lJllol - ' look out ." / .gi. e. Ih.' .,.o.l J a I" n.,til when h. d,c. , 1" 01,1. 10 th e grealc. t J "'ll . ....

Transcript of A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110....

Page 1: A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110. political r"1 The Ilalll)' Sea-'OII-~O. 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in extr-nt, without rO"k


THE_ 1 . 5 .

COL UMBI AN•I.~~'- ' __ .' ~ - ' A.J- ".- _ . "':c# . # -

VOL. 2.

T L[ F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi, l. 110 . 111 , d ,J lli, i. 1I 01, ,,1 110. political r"1 The Ilalll)' Sea-'OII-~O. 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in e xtr-nt, without rO" k II: I Late fr om (hiua. Furlher fro m l lexlco ,• J " " . • 1 • f..rmer arc a lto~ ..ther subordiucre to l llO, e - " A. f" .1i frum """ . ' , 100011, stand- 1I0ri"alr ,1 I,." tho world. II)" tl.e , llip .. \' 0,,1 W. " isl"" ," "I, i,'10 II" , .'nIlOllllr e,1 )' e.t : rda)' the death of

II r the educa tor . S pli.n, - the ~ r f't' ll lIght ~rolU the lueuriant rl :t i ~ II!' .j. . The lUI, a nd I II Illy o pi niulI) 1101 t he f1'et-lIl ly arl ived at :':111 Fmncisro, we l.a ve (; :,IIt"I:l1 'I'oruel, th e I\Jt'x ic;1I1 .:'.linister o fPl.: I LII II[.O r n : I(Y e .\ Tl"IUu r )J uR S I ~ f ; , 11 \ Let lU furth . r b kl' :I f'l'

pnl'r31 vie w IJt'1 .1 he Drn \'a,1 or ti lli ....nft , scrvue, pacific 1t"lSt tl lll l~ req uisit e is tha t till' countr y r11..' \\' ." Il ulll Huu:;kvuC; t l,J the :.!ulh of Au - \ \ 'ur and :\turinc, am i a fast frieud of S..nta

M at. K.. Smith. ., l f;l"'l ') ·Jn, '"0 fn t'II,)I\' to (he nlll, ,'S 3 1111 Ih :- .faOtlld P O"'':' ' l!I ,'aril·ll , l,lt";IFint!, beaut ituf , g l l~t . :\11 11 3, TIJ t' body rt"maint'd in !t ate for twoWk ll are ('all!",) t ill.' uPllI'r d.J. "~~ »f :-oc i,·ty , Geni], ",hC'1I Ih"!I; world w ithout v an.l rl.e ~ r.tnd , m:lj t'5Iic Rn,1 ubln ue l"C t"ot'r)' ; and I T la.: H 'l ,r llion has Ol't"II lIlak i ll~ 1'3(,ill tl;t~'''' , alii) VI) IIIJ 131h Sep t. th e obsequiee

'rer...- 1 n , ':t r l ll b l y In ,' tI ,·n n e t' . a nd It.;:wl.at use tlh')' lll :tok " of thd r pcshiou U wflrltl within " walk on <;:'1} IU\'inf"' h" hantl.. Ih<ll the clunai - should have chan:.;r"'I'Tl Oll:,: h I'r I IG r ~li.i toward th e 11 01111 , A n urnlx r uf tl.ll)k place. T he wh ole g:lrrisoll in the cityaoJ &Ih a :.. la"..... Om- of rhe 1110 ::,, ( l!I t rikiu"o in -Iem.l togt'th rr, t1 1 ~ heat, am] ro1rl't , anti to insure plt'i1 !'ant ,'ar L,t)". I :, t' I~' man , II lJJ.t I1(', h:n I' L...: t.' 11 Iought , au.I tht' 11Isulgt'nls of ~ 1 t' I i co, t h ~ civil and militar)' au tl":o rit it·! ,

For (m_ ,tlr , when wo nl hJ n,ail. O f ' alen at eo f f ' ( t I I ' 1Deoffice, $j ,tIO; (or . i I rnontbe 1~ ,U rl. ( .':aturee which charJctt"ri"t' thor. i<l tht' ne- U " !I 0 summ -r l ll' j n~ over , It·a ll... lilt' 3.mo",tl

110 . xn n u ~t' , apJl·ar .... 10 H~ uOrfi \.' II I app t'at h ) have been the \ Id vli iu C\ t"r,) t'1I· the tJiplnmal ic corps , an.I an immense liucN P'f W i lt "f' di-eonrinued anle•• It Ihf' , , P ' Iforce 10 r es ume th» nt"g l ~,ctt'd P ' II I aud p,Ll"lI c ca paCttlC' :4 (Ii... ( \\'11.1 b.: call..'u rut o g:lr:, t'IUt'lil I II) laud. of c;' rrh~ _l1 formpd the (Iltlr;: t , whi ch pro .

epti: a ~;' the pllbli.h('u , unlit All 'aHu rage•• rr s lrc t of ttt.d. U1 the :'I L .~ o l h lO;'; p u n ,lII l of t ake up Illy fOfllll'r .sub}'ct j ust a t Iht! COlli · f>s f'rCi,'H.! on il ri ~ in~ OCC3 ~ l un g , I f(',III OOIII - 1 B AT I ~ t~ ~.t:A n X AXK I.~O '-,\re I ~a ro tlY ('t"fth".1 (0 tht" \' illa of Gu:ttIJloup~, in thupaid. i f1IrQ nJ , which Ot'COIllt" tn Ilwln tilt' ch wf lib.. mt'u('C'mellt of :t ~ ('f l t"~ or CO I1\' t' I~ ,lt i o n:; k~ · b 'r (lnCl- t rl\v t: lt ll ,~ 0 0 n ~!t'amhoa t In til.... thl' P t'L. llIg G.lzdte rt"cl' lv::U Ullt"ct horn lhe church of wldeh the ~J i u i l tc f Will i nlert~d .

"'U\'l :It:J'I..rs~ , . , j ,.("tl of t'Xialcnct". II 'Jw largt" a nUlllbl'r IhVl!t' !1 Ih.I' go"d r·;ll!..'r n •• :11111 his "hil,J. l-;! I~ Ii :-h chunrwl which ~. :t ~ well 10a,I '11 capi(;d alnJ uatt"d la)l 1II01ltll , timl ll b:Jltle Th us hll\'Cdit'd wilhin a few w~cks o( CElchODu q Uaf e , ( \wr lu hnr. ,1.' h·....) th ' ,,:f'In.'''· lIlak o the a ' '}ui. it ioll of WJ:ALTil tu u 3IJic I io plJlC frll'lId nntl II '161Jl.or 1\Ir. I I. ; bOlh 0 1 wit h Il aul'n~ t' r !'l of nllllt,,.Crlptlon'l ; 1ht' LO:lt h a ~ t.,t'd l foui)11l lIt'1" 'l'I'n the rt'douLt..u o ~h ~ r, (wo of SJnti1 AnDa'. Cabinc t-Ala.

u.n., , :..00 ; fur ~ .try adJ I , : on·l ln.~' l l(l n , 11. 1' f II hI.: , tT: t d . I"t thr cl:l t'bratcd T l'rri torJ of \\' H)hin"tvlI rOllfUl t.·,) to in ti lt' h i~l lly lJ,'au tiful an,1 ru I' 'l' alt 3:! jUl't m ri\'d l f.u rn l\but'laooria Bud IOln anll TUrrlt"l : h'lth men of fine abili lie. ,• It liberal Jb'JU ('lrI0~ I»> ,):Uf Y·

u'1 'lr~l.rl ,r ·I:' O " ll 11m 0 3 1 E' lr t ' ,Jr !O , t'votl ng 0 I flver,\' afOCf'u id , 0 manl ic b"y of To!''1u:\y in D(,von~hirt" (II . InsUlgt'lltll. a ft'w 1Il 1 1 ~~~ nort h of :"lnn. who m ~tt'xic :l could ill ~art' kt th i. tim t .

The aum u u I DUI hH11 In I "I . " bolh f ' I tJ boJ h' h i · . ' ., ...""'ed_lbe m" ciD olbf'rwiMlbfy will be CUD. cnr rgy 0 1.1I1 !1( :m y , '" Ie Dr f' I'Ada [ ) .-" f lJ, my dear (,Icnd , I fr ...1 \~ Vf"ry cYt: on boartf Wa, 11II 1J) t'dlalt·ly 0 1l,!hl kill" , ill which lht' fu.rrna wprt" thorou" hly l'hpr (! orf' n() l1 ~ in th o ~'publ i c who (»oR

• .., tl~r (orbi..JJ ru, : nJ rh . tse,l accordingI,.. too oftt O J "lIt ro~ cd in Ihe caS;t'r and excit ing glatJ that Ihi l!l f:1\'orahlc ~t" 3:'ton ha" :n ri\l ·u . nntl e, 'clr heart "n lr3nCl'll at the cl ' I" lIl i ll ~ ' h('ol eo nod dli nn uti the fit'ld, with l o=~ uf fill Iht:ir placrl .A r: E "T~. . I pursuit ! 1I0 \\' m:ut~' , 3gai n, rrgilru I' Lt:AS' whcu, forct",l c?lI1 p:u ati\'t'ly fhUIi :'"0 Illu c h )ig ht ~ On a n( lf l ~ r ocrasioo, a fh' ~ l.' rnsAine Ih .:ir.b , l g l-;llg~ and l'amp e' llIip:lg\·. Th i.s i ~ U t'D, Ignaci,J ~J lJr a y \ · illaOlil, Sr . Buuu,

Th e (oll o:- i !,~ JIrlll~~Jl,rn a f,~ .ulh ~ rl l~,~ to re· l ' n E as the ollly otJjrct wurthy of tht.' ir R t~ cor p() ~ t"a l pursUi t:" "'t' ('a ll Ilt' \'~ l l e tile mort' t h ~ ruut' .-\Ilaull c III a p'U:'t'I1 f." I:r ~tll Pl ,,!I t' rc a 1II0,..t 11IIVvriJ Ilt ac kllowl 'II(;lIIrul at the ~a\'a r ro , autJ ( ; t' I) . Alcurtot, a r~ spo1.: ..n vI" h• •ub' Crll,lIon. f"" J br ,Lo!uml,.. n . 1 ' , , 0\ ' t> ' ' . I • 3 ttt' n,lI~ ~1 to our HH:nt:l1 rt-C.'t>:4 11 01l!ii, nrht (Ill' t l"t>rc w t"r~ great nwnl,cr a; 01 all :ag t'~ , w e l,r t':'l'llll illlt'. t.·u lll i ll~ as it d o ~'s (,tHll'll'd with fur tht" post made \'JC311 t by the J l'alh uf

LAFAl' t:TT& B A l. t II, S h·l1acoolII i Ih nllou , I III! for u , ak ~ I\ C u ~ ti e noLle 3Ct!'lIlJl tlOn of plr ;l:" lIIg :mtl lluporta nt Ir u l h ~ . t'lIlc rnJ a nVt'r boat at the mouth of the no· auth>.:'n1ic intrlli' l,.'lI t,C that th ", I II ~ nr" \ ' n l s Tornrl.r. A, CLAnKe, Cowlitz Landillg ; opporluuitic:-: , both for M·lf·cuh l\'ati on :ttuJ t You hav(' b ~ ..n sOIlH·thing Ill ore of a tra\ '· hie lI utison a t ~e\V \~o ; k , an.) procl'.-dru I~ome rr.onth s 6it,~,~ invt'd l.d and tou k r'u nl'f'~ (t ra s o (;l:L [RnA TIO~ ,-On the 11t h or\\ ' ILEr CIIAC·).IA ~ , Sa lf'r,n, Ort' ~On i • 50cinl impcovclUrnt. ",llieu wt'alt h , rauk, ~' l t: r than m)' st'lf, 311 ,1. ha\'e IIHlJC lt l ~ 511U - on \f;l r ~l h) Al,lIany , I I1'w .....::.aill, as 0 11 til" r "n::; · Foo, a cil)' one hundrcu. luil t"s DOllh . ScptClIl lJr r w..::s c t'l L'h ral ~J io t he t:a pi l a l w i l hJ , L. BROW~, ,~hoa l \\ alt'r H"y , \\ , T. Innd leilure bes tow upon Ihem, gro"'i n~ ! Jt·cls of ~()ull l '? 3ud dU lla l r malter! 01 ea rC' · fOCl,or r OCC::I SI OII , the lJt'aul llul: gr3nll, !llltl wl'sl ur 1"311" ing. gr \'at relfl t , the " ic(orj' g a ill ':u by Santa Au­1I 0 :c , RO I I E~ T ( 1I 0 }lr~s . I \ I. tJilud, 0 .; !r vrry yt'lr mor c :Lil t.! mor~ !It"Hh h (lrt-ju. lui r on"l.d(,r.lIlOn 3 ~ th l'~' afT.'c,t th e cu"~f{J" \'I rl{'d fCcnt rJ ?(. t1~t' lI u'):fI)n s hallks op~ · 1 Th i ~ i:l gaol.! l'ar nt> ~t that lhc Cllinf" sE' aro lIa o\'cr Iho Spa ll i a llt~ at Talllpic8, S3 l vo~CII.lS , C. 1 [R RY, Alk l ; I ' . , ' I and u $~/ltl,ltu of m:lllkmd, Will r Oll fin 'or ntrd as a lJI ~ gl clan s ( hnrm (in Ihe hparh (ully_ ('lj,ual tn copc wilh lIlt: " fierce UO. of artill ery WCtt" tirctJ from ~U ll ri tlO untilA, A, D r-s sT , Sl':\.t.ll ~ ;, .. • Idlceu Dnd ron\'(, II~ lona l, unll l nt length thc)' jm c " itb a 5hort ,·it'w ~f tbe cnn.c l u ~ i uu :; ul a,lI 011 bo~rtl , ~ n' ry unt:' bu; il.r cng-ng..,,1 in Imauds " of tht: oorlh, alld is borne out 11)' nigh t- -nll the 1J.:11!1 of th e ch.urchee Wl"rttA:"DRt W ~l u I R . ' Iclon a , \ anCOUfCr It I ~f"COWC u~ l e r1)' Lillul lo (ue t r u ~ . pnrp05f's of, Ihnl J Ou ha\'c m3d~ r l' l a~ I \'t.. hen't o ! , calling 10 h, ~ nfl g.hhor or frlC' nd lo bt'hold I lD l n~ p18sag'.!s of tltl!ir Ilis torJ during th~ rung t ogt· l h ~ r . At H o'clock. In tho morn-

LI. oJ ; Ihre , am) II1capaLl1" of real t"IIJn)' mellt ; a •.,lr . Il.- :\I o~t cer l:ullly , 01)' tll' ar f ir. th l) enchtlnll ng ~ Igh t ! A mnng Ihe rf'~t ' conflict betw(,en t h '': ~JI 1IIlI lheir fonn er \' i C'" ing, all the t roop!l of the harr ison lut mbl",dG EO, II , Go VOY, Laray~lI ". O. T. u ti . .. Ind ;a . pelll J out h b..ing follow.d hy T he. o . uI1« 11, and inde"d W. III' Y .a )" . 1· W. I a very ohl WOlllan who ,I,eclar ed it wa. : tors, and pre..nl " pp..e..o... I t ollly ... at lb. l'i eJad nlld were rO"iewo<! br Sallla\V.w" S, CAI.oWF. I"r" Ihll ltbomugh ; a dillcoo'e nleu :md unh3pp '"old ago! How ~o~t ~ II o,l ~ t'n , are wOll h)' of D1,or~ or 1 ~5 :" worth all t.he Ir l ~u l l i e of gd ll?n Iht: re only Iq uircs t~ 11.:".lous co,t.1p,-,ralillu a ll the POl! t of Auna, who was sur roun,lt'u b)' hi:! 1\ inilttt"rsJ'WE5 C, STfto:'W, eathll mett ; . J _ Hl\' (' ~ lI snhon and re~e.lfch ; for , III propor· to look at It! S~3110wetl up m tlat ,"ortex tht nah \'t' lorct" , hack..,1 II)' Iht: ent h u ~1 3:i1ll :md a urill i,tu' itutT, In a tput l't ('clf'd rorIh ,NltT C. \ V I L!'lOS , . P.ort T uwnscoJ ; many moro , aro .Lavcs 10 , r r r." RASCl-!i J to l ion as we U ~t" l" k in to 311d iute rmrdd le w~ th o,f ~"in , men 3riJ som {' I~lIIelS rcutlc r~tl in ~en . an~ couragt' a guod caU:ft' IIIUl!I t iUFP.irc. tl) 1110 pUCPOfle-o an oratio n Wli uclivt rcd by Sr .S. S. F ORD , Seno: CLI~kcc1eai,. kct"p up ""tllch, 11I t'Y rl 60rt to C\'ery IIlt·un :1: 11 ~now lf'd g: l!, " ~Qo we rulfil.t he grand 10- l'ILlo to any olh("r r" t' I ! n~ or ("()o~uJrtallon , gain th~ J ay. L ,t them Lt: lIut unanIlIlOUF:, Nl1 1'arlo, whi cb wu enthusia.t ically .~S. S. SAl' :oi 01;; R!'J. Gt'h,a ll ~ , Ll'WI'. ~o , , pu:lencd InJl1 i ~hon t:.t sublerfugt> , thus u p. t c ~ f1 on of our In'lIJg-t? Le. 1I1l 1nt'~.u raLIJ b~t Our .1Jt'l t n a l ~ l!'e" If len ;)nt r.u~m t'l t'tJ , and not wcakt n tht' prclSt ige of thl'ir C lu~e plaudcd. Santa. .Anua then receivl'iJ eac hS. D. /l owE, P : uu . Cov. , 1\ IlIdb)' . pint! th . found.lion, of Ih. t Irulhfulnc.. of ra,o.d br )'on, l lhe IIICr: ,n, nnua t" alld l,rlli. w,lI ofu ,me. ~ mchn .d 10 l u ~n , 10k. 110 . b), iu'. rnal di".nsion. , anll. ~I " rion, fu. ofl be I'I'lel'3n. ,, 100 hall a..iol. d at th . 11. 1·

lJl.o d · h ' I I ' h . I ' erenlion . We find 100, 'ha t l1I.n alwa)". poll r .",.1, t~ 'I I t rue po"I' on m Ihe gre al lur. wi:1 . oon dawn u\,on th e ~I icd l . K in• . Ilc of T III1I I';co, and be,l owl~1 upon th. w IIJOII~ R . l Ac lLao '" J ackson's Pr3 ir~p , c IIr~ctt r Wit 10U.t Wile nClt Icr ,\l rtuc nor wanh hi~ CO.lUilte man 10 rt"cipror ate tht.' :4y' 1t.'01of un.h'ertal bd ng', H ~re agai.n \Tf' dum. 0 gratuity in propor:ion 10 their rank.

L1Wis 10 tntJ·. happlIless ('an eXld ; or cluIJ3rk In fabh pn· work i n~s 01 'Ii:§ c \' t' r nClivt' alilt infinilt'l,:.' t;lanrl r rE'.rllllDf"~ I ' among: the . couut rle" of h is abo prl' tt y certain th :ll1 bt l rnprr ial. \Vbilo tho re \·iew waS tuking place, Santa, Ir rprb t"J :l.nJ ab,iUrd . pl·culalion. 100 often r xp:t. llth og mind, E 'f I '1I n Nt'wt on, and a tilP gluhe. Varie ty of 8cene, In t"3rth anti iSI. ha\'c mt't with 5 t'r i ou ~ iU11't'dimr ntl 10 Anna :1dJr~ut-d to tbe Iroops a proc1:lmatiou

dacation.-No, 2 . iu\'olt ing aht" !Iubelanlial 10!1 of honFsty' Fra nklin, own I h t"m~eh' e:i in 1\ mt"asur e in· !Iky, :lllends our tlail] rambling'! " o't' r up· th e north of Ih van",·IIO; for at Ihe time a in which aftt:r i pra king ~f the glor ioUiII 1 'h II h I II " deM-d for 100l. ,,, f Iheir 1110.1 I,'i lliant di.· land. 1;1. " . Bn,l d "n." SOlUelilll. ' Ih. ..ce,,1 Ir ip Wa. la'k.n up lhe Yang I. e, a ael,i. ". m.nl. of Ih••old,. .. 01 Ihe n.pub.

\Vh. t illhe contiilion or th ~ great mils or o~ ~ ''' , CUI e o ler ant ~ are l o~e W 10, covn if"s, to the "cry chiltlrrn aroul1 tlllh'm "cl cllr, blu~ , cloutJl..~'1 IIk)'''- tht- unOrn a· force of ' wo Ihousand ' roop~ or igi nally di.. lie in early days-Ihdr l.}(n·Qtiun and cllthu·m nkind, pven in t h~ oiliest coun triel J- ~t't'I~:; c1t"uly thp prn pcl ~hJ f"cts to Le kept e~gabl"\1 in blowing ~o:'t p buLbl('! rlOti r;li:c'illg lHf'o tt"t.I nppfl!c~ ' ",'C of h t'3\:~n-lh~n gt"o· r il chetl from lin- north to block ilUO Ch il," .i 3!m, he t'xclaims : - ,r.b Englalld ror ex. mpl . . An alt. rnali on In v..w a. Ih. goal of tI,,,,, . ITo rla, and of k't•• !. You alludc 10 Illy havin.; "el'n Ily . tr ew,·d "'Ih . ver ch ang ll ' ~ forml, ~h. ' . ans , 10.. been ord. red away fro m Ihe .. Uul lo,d. )' , ,,·h .n roMorlnne hOI tri,.d":p.....riou. pro,~ri ty and d.moral i. ing Ihe rclal ion belwee n mea" l .nt! end. , d.vot••om' lh,ng Dlor. "f. Iravel.. than )"ou" elf. hght Iou n~ , ,Ira pery of Ihu . kl... , " ,, " n',ng camp at T an. too, b"for. th,'y h.vo b~en UI, "hon victo, y has . bown h."elf bOlllle

I ' only BO ma ch lim. aad Ihou,;ht 10 tlo. ob- bUlllly '.utu.I I'.Yell ha,,'e. 1I 0~ he'l ' .xtcn· .n,lIe"" m,~nlrY ,h .p• • ,. nd chlrged "tlh obI. 10 IlIBk. I h~ leut in!p....ion on Ihal to ou r ran k. , whe n a fo..ign en.m1 h..pri,"lion; their prnep.rity it.. f ~lOg or· t. ining of rich~1 . 1 will enabl e Ih. m 10 fol ' O" 'C; b~lId• • hk. ) ou , 11<'?g '? Ih. SI ~t ',a , nU Ihe glo"oll,' Iou.. o. hgh t and . hall.", C!I)·. I nd "" agalO rna",b lOg no' lhward., in profaned our soil. wh . n 110. gloriou• •un oft.o lillie I .~ domorali . ing than, and paving " . I loa• • p...~, 1 001~' )'ea rs ,uGr "al Il l'llall' nse o" d ..It!ng ' lin! , lIe~. w. b"h~ld aid of Ih. grand arlllY Ibnt, as the P.k,ng Tampico .pp" red . cli, ,,cd! I c. n b~1 rc·tlla w., for, Ih. per i"". of di>trr.. . Ac- fil Illl ~, e" d llll.,-IO tb. punUlt of pl... . and 1100 ne'gbooll llg countn e. , and bav,. I",mo noble .. ... .. rolh ng hd.. ro lleetong Oa. ell o', f,,'orile ter Ul is, " i..... mhlillg '~I'!"b~ r 10 deplo~e th. conh nuoul ~cr... o(rordingl" w. fin,l lh••rtizan . tb err . 21 On' urc a. II nec'Sla. ~' for bod,ly . nd m. lIla! reo ~h . nel! fr" m other .o urc• •• m,". hook•• I,·t. tn bute from a Ihouaand , Iream. Ihal come like cloud. 10 . nnihilale lh. ro" br n 0_ c' Vl I dllcord, wh ..h h. ve a1mcm !",ralYlCdtiml rully ' lIlplo)". d and rec. i , ing bigh wa . la..lion ; and 10 'ppenra nces, .. be.om.. ~ " 0 .nd 'per iod'c. I,. Ih. ","~ i"d. r or \f ~" 1 from f.r-from every ,ridge. • 011 hill .nd wbil.t Ihe Inlurg. III', 101.• lIy rpgardl•• • of 1110. frt~ i l fui oources o,fo uro tr.nglh a~d pow.

Ib.ir lOC ial P()l ilion ; . n,1 who em ,10 \fh .I !lIIfo rmal,on I PO""I ' ' 011" "C. )'1 111 .. ISh lIowery. vale-from rerll it p~..a• • nd bound, tb. pre•• nee of lI,e ImpCfl. l trool" , procr"d er , . 1 ak. I:lor,)' to Joun. h .., ooldle". rorPo but oquand<riog Ib.i r carninS" opon . , . I ~ 10 h.or f,om ,". Ih. SUIIIof my Ihollghtl 011 10"" w, ld, ' . ud c1oud.capl' ,I . nolY)· moun - uie,I)' wilh Ihe . treogth. ning 01 their rorli . ha" ng fought 10 . hu"d rcd balll ~I. and fortenlutl inJ ulg..nct"s or yu ioul kinds i ant! rem~ l o,. of Opptlrt ~lI lI ly :mu lei ~r~ , If) thr Ih J IlIhj ~ct s . til .., J'Cl u.h 3. vCI1If'lItio lit'll, I will la ios, ,lbt n, .' hrongh Bome l on~ and fruit f~1 ~c alion~, and no more notice is l ok~n , than having moriJ,Ihan onco ~omJld l l'd , oor ene~Uanatnral conl"'lufn "" ofluch .b ort. , igh t cult' .~ hO Il of tl,,,, m~lal alld III l ell rcl u~1 Iry 10 g'.c ' tlo )'o u ' " as rcw wo..dl lIS 1'0" •• I~, ,tl lueltl Wa\'. m~B?d.nllg 110,,,, III If lbe o l' po.i n ~ rorc. ' were qui.lly pla)' illi my tO,tu rn hll bacl< wh .le you~Ied fromN illlJlrud.nco, at aoolhrr, and pr obably f.c ul"... And \Vh;,t,. th e eallsc or 1/11' . iLI. . mOJ :11, and pow", unlol It proudl)' th rowo I gam. of che" ,- - [Norlh China lI erald. 111m h" th g• • nd h.. c~nnon,. for he who

I.mfnlable . la te or I hin~o' ? it i. Ihe f. l. e I. COU ~ T R\'.-For Ihe gr• • le.t eom· Ihe whol. cOII,te nt. inlo oce" n·. owelling Lo· ( 'ArT t'nE OF F~NG\'A ~G ,-T be Ga•• tl . know. ho w !o fll1m III, ~ull ea cannot btoDQ\far dillanl lim. ;utt.rl, wilh oul " ."ur· 'I I I ' II t I I ' I • I I I '1 'th or f furl uneInd dfr. et ive , ItflO of .lIucnlion th,' l ho. lort of man , a cOIIIII, )' , 'Oil , J~" "I : l . t• •~)m , , II Ion.. WOII , ,. , anu )'ou r 1'.' of ,h. tilb Jul y. rontnin. IIJe imporl.nl in. Ie ,' ~e.pon3lu J .or e " i • 0 .on i Ind G yed from .t~,,'a:ion anI, by th o . .y . U•• lth fuln.... 2,,01 , I' ro,llIcl" .II " <, :1,,1. henc e 1' 1'. w.·", I I" I lIelllpl 10 enumcr.le I II' fit . I IS of F Ull . an (I t 3" J r ~ u,"cc an,1 c.llllllnly havo , ... )'Cd 10 robhlllil ialing !Uccor "c. i• • d rrolDtho. e mort h,lb .rto preYa,l . d alllong th . b'gh e' and Facil ili el for COlllmunic"li"n wilh o,h'r Ih• • n,Il. .. " ,,"ul ielof ou r chol on 111101 a. d

C ,g~~c. ~'I 'I·n' • 117 d ' g ~O g, ' :. ~J' - . ou of I'onr re" ol. lioll ; " ut con' olo yonr-

d h 1 I middl. cI..... ; fal. e, lin cJ il PI'O~""." tO do counlri.. 11,10 \ ' aried 1)1,... i n~ b. "'l i ~, ,, "el but in tb. inf.ney of cuhi vII.d being , ,'gl' 1' 0"0111

, ,'1' oJ g , I' k" g. )- liT" ' " " E " ' , ~c1l'es " 'itb Ih. knolVl ,~ lg. Ihal It,. d.lr.e-btUDal o or more pr u ent I an I trm a" "'1 . . ' ' . " , , eo" , oJ , lau ) lUI t"8 rOID C ' lUg, IP lU ~ • ~ tI IeAnd why is lhi. ? Th eir ar liz.."I n. JUf 18 much thllt 11 Irav,.. ti ther ilaU lIon t, or al· gra~ l l. m~Jrlllo " ~,I !'o uJ.,lImll l Ct' ur ry. II II ut>r Ll , no propheh c l o~., 10 ' Ct! t ll3t fOre t"C'O r 53 }'1 Ihat on readinG th e report, he t nr~ of 11.10. a ;'rn)' \V,u p. 1l(.· I"t'r JR ,. tan I.

logethff n.ulectl · an,J dd ec' iv. brean... ill u.-I llln"" 'n 1II, "k n,,1 . 1 larg" ,uaJ b, ror k· 10llg, Ih. Ih ..onglll~ mullltu ,I•• of olh.. I.,.. Pv fill 'd \\" lh p.inful ,ndignat ion II nuvcr . bn,.d w,' h ,t lhe fort lloo of w.~.-.kiJlfui aud indu.lriou. a, any in Ihe \forld, avowed O}. ';CI' e; . n ifac",om li: hed wOllld on. d a, brin~ comI"i"',1 und.r Ibe . aWf faYol'e,1 I" 'HI. " ill I••k our "~IIIIY clilllf , ~.~~11 I~al the robcl. , an.r having b'raken Th e'y . e.ck 10 laroi. b t h.l.u r~l . 01 MUlcanad Ih ,i r Cll.hlllt fl I re . 11 Ibe nation. ortl.. ~, P .' h. ad. . .H,I Ihat ev..y uook of 1,..1. 1,,11, or ...1. ; , to T . u cow look ..e..ioo of Iho I in , 01,10. .. III o,d er 10 cov~r Iheor own . hamePlnh, Del lh. y rl il to rc.p Ihe full b,n • • n~t aecur. l.h.t d. vd opm.. nl or th. IIIlell« 1 2 . CL....Tp..-T h.t wl,lch il mo.t b,n •• of fo.. I, gru ve, or "l l in, w~ 1I ~ i rld 10 cui · ~~w a. I ; .. ~nd 1IIr.'~h.d atrai 10 1 u ' o~ . nd Ibeir cowa ld'c•. . P rovidenc e h.. si ' enk of ,b_ aJ " n:a

o""" b, eau • t h. ir <:ducs- w,lboul " h' cb hn mnn b. lllg1 .r. th. m.,e Ii ~; al and pl ,' ..anl i.. I II I' u.. ..Iubri. lo r.·.• hand, and le.m wilh hi . an d beoul)" . F . P g ' Tb . ac ,illg prr ~ 'ct 'tu.k';"o uo two gre.t oud p,nfitnblc 1. lSUnl:-COIll'

f I· TI . . ' I S J ung yan . • , , '" pa 'I " rBr 18:l:J and 18·18 wh.n wa,

tiocl hoi Leen 10 . ham.lully noo"l.el-d, or cr. atu,.. 0 oxt ern , c"cum.ta n.~! , ' e OUI air. 2nd, A con.l der uble degree of c ' . \In.. , . I nd 110. U1agi. :..t. 11 \\'ang.y u. n .k,·ilh , had , r. ,e J ' G d I I H 'd I'ed • f bo . I ' n . b ' Id I . 3 ' N ' h I b 1 h .. gned Ih. t, caty of ua ooupo , . go,

Ilth. ~ pt rTert :d, Ihal Ihf y I re unable 10 r.. ucallon 0 J' conll . .. C" , Y In I e ex· IU' n ~li a~, t ·rOlHly . . r'l' , .'~ , g"' 1 eXI . Tilt GOLD COUT.- If Iher. exu.1J any. ~n engogew' 8n 'hw'f' .tl' · I C e " don I

h• e"enb I"d you will cOlllpreh.nd Ihlt a propl. 10

It • r th ' '1' I I ' e, c i•• of un' hink ing momory and fo,t ... co'•• el Itr ' n ryn . .., Or ' " ,urn, " )'. 41 ,. wher . oul. ,'d ., t l,. I'- untl..,'• • of rom' nt,'c fa. 'ng of Ih. 2 1 0 " ay,outll e I e oort I b f l t ' /1 ' 1 Sold· ... ' IOmo,alii any 0 . If propen.. ,<I ; o .c on th I b'l f t L ' II ' ' ri d Ch ang•• enougb to in. ure ple" "" 1 '·ar iely . • . ' uv . .. gi l. of that cil)". T he re"d., ho" over, e

fpowc. u, mU'

ft"h' , . h I. ue'red a'

COlletrl for Ihdr COUllllon bf n.lil ; 10 pro- • II I 0 ..JOt! ..ery ling ,or gra n . I II f h ' I .. I "'e, a laud which il Bt onco " a bo,uly .nd d ' t I "d f wi ' I b 0 you ore >on. 0 0. 0 w 0 conq •" h:ch h.. r.ceivet! the ..nelio n o( enslom . n l O t <I . P'r1 'C~ a" "u r uOovcd a n,y.tery," il il prubably th e Gold Cuaot of ",p"r.te III 0 "'0 an ., on. a lie" y Panu co, olher. Ihar ... of their glory -.lI,

, ide for Ih. probabilil i•• or lb. rutur. ; 10 . . . . 1\ ,,","GTOll. t. nw. IIn"...lfd . Afr ic• • .A .ky or uncloud. d bright n. ..- a a . m. n road, advanced o~ Ihe ea"t g. I" by friends of ll,e brave m. n, "ho at our gr.atpre5t b, . fe n th e , ,,.,,,"t learDn. of up<' ",nd coo• • ollon, and or regn~ong Wllh .d ' " I . Wb ... on all the (I CO o( ,h. II wid. , luxuriaut· F'lo, a. y i. lding in Ihe g.n l. n lh. ~hich mron . ~ h.y r nl..ed th . c' ly . nd ,••1 d. enool,led Ih, ir eountry. You ....ill6ndrirneei or 10 lind enJoymcnt I nd hlppin. .. hk . an d' parlu ru froUl colablo.bed pra clIcra , wid. world " can .. . 6nd. more bealthfu l 1110.1 tc,u pling fruils, and ruing in Ihe for. ,I on 6r.; wh,l . , Ih. Ih mel were ..c. ud IOS Ih~.e example. worlhy of imit alion-a bea·G Ibou intfn.elu ll pu r.uiu~ wbich while So for fralll a IT" rdiog cOlltinllal opport uni. cOllnl ry I nd cli mate - wh . r. men e. n cot i.lo lb. grandest for III' or vrg . ' able Iif. Ih. two bkantl ' °hl ..bd

h•mad. n F1muI11.nhe. con of honor ror those wbo Ion .od let

, 'h . I I I ( h IC ree ly die b t by • ci I nil .. I ' ,' I f I I OUB alta c ou t • norl gate. , ca lte ..' I 0 II I ' I l 'h b • reCOTth'I ••akeu io Ihe mind a It'nse of the lru o tiel lor I 0 pracllC& I t"Vt"opmr nt 0 l p ..:I. , U C ( r , 10 t'nc~ , or -ul r( t 0 110 most gt"Orgeou. p ul1Iagc- troo I 8sscmblt'1i tbt'r t", and thus maul' w~ !1t"lr coun ry. e Arm" a . . •dl'llin, ormin and Ihu... n . lo corr .ct tb. logical rl culh ' il I. nd, mor. di reetly to V1ol,nl lOtemp eranc.' wl t· r · d by .pn ~gl, Inimals and in.ec l. 01 .louo. 1 ihfini te vari. · I I' I . f h ' '1'10. E, • cred ,t. ,Irrngl ll••urro nnd ed "'lIh l\a.ltenng

" , . . . I . nd brook., an,1 .t relm., worlh)' of bemg I),- give to lb. exI. rnnl appeara nee of Ihi. ".m.. , • • mnl l. .. 0 t • c, ty. . n hopos ' and Ih e mn. l !,I.",anl to IDe, ", Ihat,B'.et o( th. rout iae of mechan i~1 oooup · dnden and blu nt ,t . .. .. . . pec,.II )' . e. n 10 Ieomp ared wilh th . w.l er. of lif. ! .nd fi n. eoasl . n ..tr aordinary cbar m and gai. ty . p.rnr ordCl' III .~ t~e Governor an,1 Tr... . I,cr.af:.. J Ou will nol kn ow any h.1r woyUOOI, Ire at Ih. lime t ime the cheapell or tho mod. of Inching langll.ge• • Iill prov• • , n.d by hoaUh. i"'pirin/: . ira Ilw.", pure Th. oulward Iparkle, Ibe voloptlloll' " nl e IIrtr or th. 1" ~ VIOC~ b. ~Ib d.g,a, l,,? from "et" e.n d. l lh aDd YiClory, and lba l yOIl

pl.....r... alld , hul oul th. de.i r. (or Ihoa. 1. 01. T ho . ducalion of bi ..l1 i. confo... dl, .nd refrel bing hke Iho brcath of E,I. n !- of ...y I nd r.IAu d enjoylll.nl , Ihoogh com· ',. nk, bUI retamed 10 I b ~or ollie•• ' \I!h °br• "ilI be, wh.n I sh.lI pilci wy..lr al 10111

•., Wh 1 II 6 d ' Id d . "n to u•• ev..y exertion to ..galO t ed 'd I fi bIb b ' lot&Dimel iudulgenCf" , to which 8U leelinga of won" anct IP"ID ~ to con, i.t whollJ in th e ere I II Wf n I more ml In Ie- mon in Iheir d f'~ rce in IlI lro Jlicl I countuclII, 1 hea ami l lc }t'repsl com a 8, t e rig -"'" ulli .. tion of .xlern" . ccompli.hmenl' ,.no .lmOlph~.'e, n. vor run ning inlo pain. beromo inlen. ili..d in Afric• • (rom th e lumi p .~. . C p . , _ W e, 1 glory of indeprn dent. and pui...nl Mex.

mf, or indeprn d. nc• • of pru dencc, and c . . ' ful . xe... of e, lh.r heal or cold, n,v.r ocl . nou. mi. t. whi ch hang OI'er Ih. 011 "10, T h. Er ORT.£n . ArT' n~ OF 1It1~ . e ico. 1IIy fd .'n d.! L"e Ind.p.ndence Iernul! dam..lic dut y ar. 10 on. n ..er iG"""• • nd in the 'Xlggera l ' "~ of th. re.long' of rin~ il. mool limo, oul inh.bilanl. by Ih••Iory of th e li nd i. , 110 Ilngollrl)" in har. have cred,"le ,n fo' ~l:.hon t~~l .th• arllly ?f Live th e "\fill)' ,,,In ',Iio. tb . n, will a n,ora euli- hlrn. d eod . van ity and 10" . of dil play ; . 0 Ihal evory ".I.m ent.1 " .t " of loud and 6.rce thun. mony with ill oul" ard . '''''cL.. It. di. m.1 Ihe In, urSf lltl wa' 10 th. \'Icllllly of P.k ,n All orlh. r. vi.w Ih. AI.m.d. and th.

• , . , I . I ' d I' I ' I r " when tho 1..1 ,c oni. I.ft · and our nexl 10, • ' ,• ., ' h 'I 'Gf'l.... remo•• Ihe barri f" of tbe rr.e inl. r. uaeful or oollJ aequ" . m. nl. , "I ,er .of poll · (.rlOg', an 'g'lmngo, an' l.mlleIl UOu. fo... 1s offer th ems.l v. , a' I ppropri . le '11 ' II b b'I'1 . ' l' as.o·N u. vo rt·lounu.u If ,I m" lary mll-. "1 I d I" " . d t I' II ' , d I COliIII. 1", ,n a 1" 0 a , 'y urt n~ 110 ne". , I ' I k I r ' I th ' ~' t_ .... of t' d th r ul t pr ! ivo knDwledg. or of lll.n..1habil. i , ull er - U.I . , . •• Ill ~ rum anu •• rUe ,on . Ic en•• rortho,• •upcr. Iolo ousril'. an cr U. f" d ' lt d "I'" SIr, w IICI w.. ep Uj lor In 0 • OI.U -

, nl 'o.n8, I n UI ' ,m , a . 0- • , . ronnd ' Where Ih.1I .... find Ih. n.ce... . cu.. tom. in wb ieh the nali••••r. kno...n 10 0 11.0 lIel\' ,.• n \\'" '"U 011 , eaplUre.- In Ihe . ,'.nin, • gran repre l ealation lookd•• hoo, and lIIer". e th . mlt."al w. alth Iy n.ghcled. . Ihorou;:h reror lll of the I ry '~' '''1lI of dry n... and moi, turc more ind ul!;e. it aelf a land of oU l ra~., il i• •100 [ North ClIIU' lI .rald, Aug, 20 . . . plar e . t Ihu N.tiona l Th . 4Ire. All th~0( OIIr n ce ; in ra in ..ill hum i n ing. nuily oJ olom of educat' on C3n alone . tr. c\ uBII)' ' 0- 6nely proport ioned ! W ilhoul B . uffici. nt th u frln ;:. of a di. lr iet whieb il ' h• • Iave e" P, nATI:' ,-.\ ~ rra l number of pn.~"1 public, and Rlany of the p rivate buildingaclevile n... methodA of . ronowil ing Iobor, I ,uove Ih••,'i1.bPre poin~d out . None but dogr• • ? f dron!;ht in oUlllm. r and autumn, tal. of tho vil..ol of our rac. . A hog.lbor. h~v. b. on comm'\l~d lah'ly on Iho Webl in Ih. cil' .. ere br.iIIil all)' illuminal. d,ond Ihn. dimini'" Ihe hn vy buttl.n of loil eompetrnt and con'Cl<nt,o ul eduoalOrl " ill Ih. frUlI . of Ih. earth c'nnol ". p,op.rly lI.. re i. a lu rid harm ony of ton•• and col.... L:o..l, . 0 Ibal 110. J 'mk trod. had n.e." ly Mone An TIl LEIlY _ A dreree o( tbe. IL_ bl a' I ' II . . I m.to..d and harv.,t . ,1 . nd withoul I olllli· h I I I d 10 . I Leen Ito pped belween SIOgapo« a nd Ch,na. " , d ' . .Ibal oppr. ..e. 10 lar ge:a powon of man· ""' . e 10 cur ct 1 111 a · ,mporlanl ol~ ,cl " I' f ' .' . I .• . on I a co.. at onc. Illora an p y"co . \ ., i ' 11' II w 10f'lh. harbor of 1I0ng go, ,,nment o, d",. Ihe c r,"Ioon of·a ""ron• d h I f I I 00 , c ,. nl 'luan ,ry n ram m w'n er .nu 'prlD~. Th. whilo eolla!;r. of 110. EUMp.nn ... i. , ulU"a "e ·1f 'II f ' d I I I

li.d ; and in vain 1100 "ill the peopl. bo ' n I . va ue 0 t ,el e a rs Rlay be . IIolOa· Ih• •prinK"and IIr earTII ean not r.ceive t h. ir d.'nt •• wh ich 'ppear rrOlDIhe Ie• • ' if ."oul knng on thc :JIb of AOgUlt, in Iho firty ~un 0 orll ,,)' 0 a tile rl 13racr' comrc::d'odlllilled to I n cyer exl.oding . 10... of po_ l l. d by ,til. magn ilud. of the e ,·il. wh icb I r,c..nniel . opply, nor th . ta ,lh bring forlh 10 b••wallowed up in Ih e luxuriant yrg. ll . Bbip .1\' inch~.I . ~ , . ccon!l'ani .d ,")' tb. frig. of a "att ..y on, oot on anoller Dloun . •1i1i..1 pJ...r, and Ihu. b. mati. th. man.- Ih.y 11' 111 ha•• 10 •• IO.d,.. -"'i '" increa.e. tion, ore but lh. typ' . of a human IIor.v. ogo S parlan, bn l;o Hap 'd and Lily, Iteaw er Til E VERA ClI,VZ RAI LR ~AD.-Prop"sala

. . . I' ' C I 0 I' L ' ' Styx nnd 0 lill iu Porlu~• •o go,e" IO,. nt for Ihe c"n.trucllon " f. '&lI,oad frnm Veraee; ~1:1:;;rl :;: e~:"n~:r~:k~-p'l:c:n l:~ I:~ , £RN ARD oRm " ". iOl; 'ap:e~;~ r.;Otpl;:~,:~n::~ntl~~:J O~'~; ~~~~,~v~:~h~ndc::;tt'1n":~~t:I::tW~\~~ P~I~~ lere!,'a. , Th e ,q~" llro,! re l!'~t; e.d o~ th. ~i lh, I~n:~ 1\l" ~0 ,I. ~vi~as h~ve bT~' ~.poller~ r:~• ' • l! . .' A H ER(U N e . _ Til l! SJcrsm C'n lo Union hare heC'o no 1IJ1' l'l500 nr l\Vo amollCl' U!l. Gi . abounrlin lIaturr ! Il ow fl.' w the haul .... ha\an g uu lroy, u I p l ratlc~, Jun ..., an. rr · u)' ue l nl ~l l' r 0 , ' onl f " o. :I

IICCllmp.o"d by Ihnl willeh IS noee_ ry 10 bl' I II t'll ' . t " " 1 ' I' I '-I f II I '1 , 0 " d i g II I I , I ca ,,·~ 6 Ir" I"," , e. oels wh' ch 110 . p"ale. II.. road . Ire.d y hu.11 " ,II be CODV. yed topu I 't":5 Ie 0 oWing III t' rt" IIIg I(JCI' "lit : g:\n Ie \'P~e au t"1 0 :I (f"~cr I P long 3uoun - lOW num ero 15 Ie OI1 . )S . , n 'fh ·· f I ' .h~h m.n how 10 .mploy th• •dnnl. g.. .. Mr. Coo~r , " ife ane inf. nl, r••ide on t1 profu5l0n, gr. in nr.er il known 10 fail, ' h~, 1 ~apl "rrd . • maIO porll ou 0 l,e Ihe I!igh<s\ bid,!.., ,~ ,tI , . 11 It. ap~urt.n~n.thfnce rl"lull i tl~, 10 as to &\'oitl lhci r abn.rl , a hulk above, and in 1It'3r proximit)· to ' he Ia vertb nt carpet o\'crll" prt'adlou r pr:'l iricOll , A ~ O """-IEn MA:"l.-11I the l\1u""llllJ at Iplrau C'al 8pt't " as u()~ ~I~covt' rt~'h p ' ~t" ,3 . 111 eonrormlly With the cunlwu;t , "'hielad 10deri"e rrom tI'om " h.le..r Ih.y Cln I olreel f. rry. Th e Olhe r do,. Ih. ba". e• . IaOiI t:i v., fond for I:ra.i ng mnltitnd•• , Dulolin. ' he..r i. n ok_l. tnn of 01\1' CIao k, a 1I,' okl (If ee..mOllla br Ihe "Ia~ d,ng

1&to b. 01. ,1. 10 Ihal . ITecl. BId, are ~oOIlIllribule 10 the el. ..l ioa and tr ue h. ppi- c.ped a 111010.111 from Ihe pre•• nco of il. ' throllghollt th. - nlir. ~ . ... Th e appl ' , lIalil e or Ihe "i t)' "fCork, "hom Ih. y ""11 ,,.,1i! !! eb,l ) D) 1I."~r h;V·b .~n I'" ,' s •~;-: r••eh . d for a monl~ . .• • • . motber , . 011 cr.w hng 10 Ih. brink of Ih. '.lId poar, and peach, allol e,'ery olber . 1" ' l lh~ , o. .. ft.d mall, on' .~f lbe I;r..le. 1 clI" ' 1 I he COllrl u•.lh'" 0 I e eouqllermg . lD Two of Ihf b.lOd,lo. J o, e Albmo .antl Ma•.. of oar . p, cl<l-naDlely •. the um nr." 1 v.... I·. dec k, piling, d ' lito Ih. river , T he Icie' of frn i ~ not rrflu " i ll ~ a h o" ical "'''. 0.11'•• o~ 1I . I" r~ . l~ .. .Ih~ ca rea•• .o~ a I peror Ir. ve~y much . 11. r tb. , !y lo of 1I,Ie teo Gonta "". wbo ollaek"d Ihe dlhgenc. or~on of slIch an . duc.lloo , ao, be109 mal.,nal el r caug hl lh••0un.1 " f the 'pla.h ' not only h"n" forlh anol ". ar . blln,I."lly Iman, enh r.'y o" ' fo ccl ," blS hfe. t ll" e, 11\'111" 1Mallehoo \») n"IY· Th . ~k ,. dal.d III T oluca on the IUtb of A ogull, have b.en1Iostd on soun d and moral h.bi b ohlll d• • and wilhout pau"ng ror a mom. llt lo calr u: I ~ut do 00 nl .~rly ,im. from lb. fiM aprou l: i~llhat ~ondil i on ",' , e ~,, 1 )'.ar~ , T ho.. ~'h~ , Ih• .•econd ) ••r of Ih. "'gn ~f Ihe n.w eon,! em " o~ 10 d•• th b~ n ~ouncil ~f war .­"lope and guid l l h. ....onin g f. cull i• •• 101. upon ch anc•• , M... Co" per ru' hrd 10 ' ong or Ihe embr)" It,. d, .o milch '0, thai a Ikn. ,Y h,m before 11111 , urp " ng alterah on, Ifam~ly. ' h . '0 Th." Lt><l":' " ere ,10 r,mam . u. p. ndcd forl lid '.. Ih Ih II' 0" v Ih. "1101 from wInch Ihc child wa. I" "ri pi. ; ••• .1 . if plan ted when a h.bc i, born • •h.1I

1affirm Ihat he hod been a J ou n~ man or 1 h. p. pe~I , co" ta," m?e IOformah n ri~hlda~'1 10 tb. h' gh road 10Toluca, Pa....

' gl 1m , II cootro 109 I' er 0 er Illrd, .nd I. aped o, erboard . flcr it. W hen b"a r ml lur e and m'gnificent fruit by the ~..at ' Ir.nl;lh all,1 as" i ~y. II. fclt Ihe a~ ,o ll t 110. ' ~hg lOu, ~ooko 01 the ,lOlurg. o" . , dOli Wa. promi. ..I IO whiehev .r WOUld. r o·th, 'ower par ts .of ou r nature, Ih e Ih,encc . he aro~l" from t he phm",e10 the 'Ulfacf' of I Iline Ih e child grow,", able 10 OIalttic31c IheIIinl I)' mptom or ttlll surprlSlng l' hange .o rnl' 1 1 lit" new fo..l n p ~ro r Ii tht> os~t" n .!\~l u a ll t l~o r "call he n3m"'s oCtile ot her robben , Gon­of which redu . u m.n '0 nfarl y 10 Ibe level Ihe wal.., Ill'r b. h. " a. ':.eclIl;(ly rla . ped m l oam. , Til . 6,h e. of Ihe rive.. and . ... 0"1lim. afl_r h. h. ,] lain ull nighl in Ih. fi. ldl of on. oook uJ 1" '·ecl'l•• wllI~h . " v. r)' Ik,h• •al... . poke, allli on hi, d. clara tion. IOv. ralGftl'te beaatl.. ht"r arm' . "I he Yt"!'sel bcinl'f' o ut un ar m'a Imnump rablt>, bt yond mra 5Urt' and in,.x. afl rr I debauch, liII, by slow df'gr" t" , ,,\'ery I t ral ,as,compared wnh olh.cr C h~n "lu /Jo

lo I~ Dew nrrf'.l . Wt!' re mau e.

" V'tb Ilh" d I h ' II I I. ngth ..mon 'd . ho I. id I~o lol. of it and I hau,l ibl,·,- lh. for..lo abounol~ilh " . el of l l'Otl t:rew inlo a hony . ul" lance• exe,'pling ' Th . 1I,1,le • •,,1books of Cunfue!u'l a..le I - I I ntler. from J iealt "" f c announC. lb . 10-• I 0 '1 IS IOcrease 1I'.a I WI on y " " , " " , I' k' , .1 ' , I ' . , I II al t OJ 1\Joro streSi II lit unnn ~ . . '\ b. ' . , clambt'r lllg' up II. Side, \'I' aJ Dl"1'a m 5afp l) on Imml" n!lC ' IZ I} and Y3 Iuf',-the IlIll!J "ilil II! l' 10, {'.left nou IDtt"SIIT1 t'I, 11. JClII1 II !tt l· n Ct)U t' 1:' t't" • . , b" tal ucstr uotloD of tlip • rcnc h colony at t I t

Ifr .. 10 gral' fy the bas..t of p....on.; 10' d.ck " Ith h. r in..l" nabl. tr~aH"e hcfo.. ro.l a"d minrra" of di ,·,' r. kill,l. -01111 ' h. t l. ,1 III lucb n mall ll ~ r Ihat no Iigame" l haol 'l h. ' e. chilli ' of ',h. Old I ..tam. nl t an Iplace by 0 fu. iou. hur';cl n. "h 'eh 1..I.dtreued leisure will be 10 spt'nl as 10 denlor- lLose who Wf re 8pC"Cta torl had t ll ll~ to rl,} . 8 l r l.'3 m~ with p","f" r~ ant! ('a pa c , t i ('~ to !lIlIp- It ~ prop~r op~ra lltl ll ; 11 \" coult! uol li t:J dt1\t'n I upon i.! I O~t' 01 th l ',~.c" , he k bl' 10 I b \ Ihree 'hours 0\ erlhrr w all th; hou,sf" uf th uI, . .. ' , ' 1 ' 1 I I I ' 0 ', . III I ' I II ' I Ih I \ 01011" IhJ r"II' IO'" 0' pu " f' Y . '0 . • II I ,.I lie . toll eal! of r<'fi llin.• ' an d incrcued po' cover Jroru tut"lr aln tltem l'nt aol! It'ud aSllIlst I p,y an mca eu II J e a lUount of madunery r I :, ~ W IOU aq l ~ aneo, 18 f'f "f"f e 1 J I"J D I ' I (J ' b IcolOnialS and ut'1\ tro)'t'u a ' Ie c ro~, or -

liticil power will me;ei .fford Q, widpc nnee. llt' ruu m like thill, is l\orl hy of II !IlId luanufaeturl"s, jOllllJlI, a n ~ 1 for lll("li inlo on ~ tn tire bunf" ·; th o fnbt'ls IS 3 trulll'i all l.ll1 0 t'IW' l~ . )· rt nt, of'rain (til , all.·r the wind, wh lr.hopber ~ Ih d ' 1 1h ~ II d Hmn. n II,otb .' r. 1.. 1 Il.e ..r oroluf il b.1 :1. A. to ila f. "i l'l ie, for r "lIImllnir• • hIS 1 0 11~Ue 1(I_t ,I. Ulr , a,,01 h" st.... ,;;th f., I. , Gul . llfT, cauaed ," i""nd.IIl '" Ihat IW"I,t ,,11'. 11 Ihebliod~;.r c I~P ' : 0 uman 0 y 3n IU :lJtr Wh~rf \' f' r tile ~u l JlJ o Jllel" 11:1 !'1 power , tinn Wll,h ot her r Ollnl ri.<lI; , hilt !Ittlc rl'qll :rf'J Icd hun , Oule tilllt"~~~~~:"'f~ plrl t l. I lOr II ~ who )j\'rs ouly 10 bt"oefit h!ln.'l crop~ alrt'aliy gat h ('r~d ,. a~f) reduced 1b" .

T h.laoo." Ihen , of lhe f cono. , to "ll t ?D '" lomr a;a "le adll u,'elu,'ul. , ' 110 L. saI l. Vur lIoLI. Soulld, wi lli . 111.111 : J7 - f all l.." al C a" . lJllol - ' look out . " / .gi. e. Ih.' .,.o.l J a I" n.,til when h. d, c. , 1" 01,1. 10 th e grealc. t J"'ll . ....

Page 2: A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110. political r"1 The Ilalll)' Sea-'OII-~O. 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in extr-nt, without rO"k



Dwd on \\·eJn~"t.IJY mMn inl. ,",OY. [SIb 11;;3at Ihe re.i dt nce of8 . U. RUJJf'II,Cblmben·p~, it'. of eon'lI mr 1i"n , Mn. I-:LIZ.\ JAN.; IIICKS",ife or U. t:. Hid, •• Esq., let'd 2[ , ra ,.." .".'J rct'u nl drp u tr J tbi . lir• •nn • 1'>01'. -e",r, iQ.

ON', ,,·bicb . be bore " ilh Cbr illti.n l li titUtk,*whrn csll ed upon to pay tbed, he we alllDUltPC1.he rt'aigned be'!I~' I. bt'r (ale witb a 1i•• 11 k•of r (4! rnl l happiof'N br 10Dd Ihe Ir ..e. Sbe ...a fIIt" rnber of Ihe Cbri., iln Church, and I,.,".fond husband and chi Id toarthn wi'b. larae tit­cit' or frltnlla to mourn her lou. M,a . IIk.......~il;Jaled 10 ,hi. C(lunlty in 18:,0. in (ompaA1 willihtr hu.blod. from lth..oo,i, .h4l11.... -equiNrt 1Me. leem of . lI .ho knew bno- Com.

Or_I01T.. nJ MiNOUri papr n pie "- copy-

.. I t i. o .)! IIh..,\, 1' • • r, "' \lo ,....1' 0 j11 J.:e IIf lII . tl ..,. 1•.\' dll' ir "i ll ·. ..

TII .E CO J, U :\1 B I .\ ;\ .1 Edltor 's T a b le . I Lat er from I:~rol,r. . I \ 1:"1 )' hll l'nt ttl Stt.lm ~hip~. \ . '1',,,, ("1.11 '1";" F ',' .I.T. T h. Sail Fra u-, ,~.J ·I;'r a race \On Ihe ',o<k rcceur lv biJdo. _ . _. • • I l ' n,I 'r II.. ""i.•I,1or rnnr olliOIl- - wei, h . I ' UU) :<. I. IIrr. IJ. . In this a~e of ,Iaring , une xpected .11.1 c teco lI eralJ 01 the :Wlh 1111.•a ~· : ,. Yes• oil Stockton I""" The no' , &ot If w.

Olympia, Washin g ton T erritory. I . II I av 1"0 ' I I 1. 1111 n ou D B" Ih ' 1: 0' 1<'. , We are ill th e r"ceipl of "" p""01' ad vancvme nt , belieI ill the value terd . y 110 Ic. , than four firs1 cia.. dipper lo:;""h,,• • 11.1 ran the 10Ilg.b"of lhe I".n, ,, ~ , ,e~. " " " iouu. ' " lie.. , l. i,,:rpuul da.... 10 the ; ,1, of Se pk lllh"r ill' of discov eri es and inven tion, ,1ct 1II1I, i.d . , hip, arrived at th i. port I'W ill the .\ llaD. ic ' wh en Ihe jocky hado~ the ooh id \r,'tl,and th e h,;I,I<' I, ono pound an.1 a 'Iuaall>r:- elusive, ten .bp Iate r Ih;H' l>ro', iou. " \ ' , 111'1,1 "rr ly 1.0 at I.,,~e. jn,l"in~ b)' til" va,I I-lhe COIII.,I, J ohn H,'rt.r' III • \I ·hil,· S.... I· rnn over a lad)' and kn ocked her ,Ie "'It" , IIr tahle " ~ ,oa ll' not 1I111,k.' an o". II,·,J " i ,' ~' " '1h,',1 w,'r:' h ro".~ " 1 by , I,,: l ': S. • r". )· uf analo~ie, a1111 " l'r , i"II,'e; , of which I"IV and Allan,a. :rh,')' are a ll filli.h ,·,1 SI,e taken lip iusensil.le, but .Io~~o.;;.Ih!. ' III ."' . Uur "nt''1 ,'' ' III ~ Irie",1 Capt. ' "111 , ' r .,n er .\rCI ,I'. wtlld, all 11 ..01 "' :\ eW we au- con,,," .ly pUI in I""s -siou. 'Jhe m delo of nO\. 1ardll" ',·llIr., an .I il ISsome- '·o ' cd, after the 1.' I', e of some limp ~I'h '

l';lllnrdnl'. l(o"".. b,,,· I!I. I .. :.a. I '. 11. 11 , 1.1: , " ill pl".I' " aClI'pl all .•I"lIid. ! Yu,k on the )I-th So· I'I. I .~ " ,IIl11 '." '1" ,, ' 11.1,' p' ,"ge of Ihc .\ ,Iallut whal w' pri 'lII~ Ihal l":rnho~:d have be- n f. llow dropprd I,i; cap. put. -PUrl ' IO ~:alit gr.t rtude frulII II~;'11 t ... an I ~ p l('ti l tS tllul 'l.'lu EA"ITI nx Q c ~ .. r iox. Ib) stea m III hft l't 'U d J )' ~ , hi.l "J 1It'r-n.1loJ .rt'll Iso ~real. ~ tldT renee l.1I the t une cacl,' h:IS IJ?r~e :'11111 escaped, thus closing the Ctr elDOo

!nullJtr tllal)tfr

or "afAr-tieso I Our 1II111 1lllatwII 01' the t..u n-m I J 'J . ,~tion sn ll ruorc wonderful I'J ti le reduct ion 01 the mil leo J hat CJ f the C ontt.'~l \V,IS l Ot'!- o( III t'd of th p. ,b y.". I. h.;l\c aln.a,.s J , ruhu . l~ I{ U II tv such (' (llt' rgrll - i j us t' ,I1!t1C :IS ever, In Bro'l:l" 1 th•• public tune [,y l1t'...rprs to tweln' al,eI tin:dly to IIll"J ohn Bl'rt.r•.m, 1) I-of ti le I\ llanta. );l:" , -==::=="",;=========;.

'"hrms" " r~ h ('C VUlllIg a II l t:15 sestet> :11 .. n I I r \\ -h

. I ' ' II [I "'. l •• ,. n. 13" '.1 . I.,,~. ,rop ,.11 I... '1 '1"'" to I" "e J,· ei .l ~ d tl131 th• •"b; ,ct ,. ' " l1e d.,; ; .a"d • f,a eti un. Uutthis rcdu c· all' 0 t~I ' . IIIlc SlIalluw. 119. T h. dif. ,' Puget Souud Shippl'ng R""""IIm"lIc .I 1l!::~ , 10ou r ' luit'1 ,Ule n a~e ·. tilt' I ' I I I ' I .. I I' VYVO"J ' J l: ;Unl, ou (' milt: 1.0111 I hl ~ Vlaec (In l h ~ tl.t' I nil. r s ,ttk(l, cr \\ III 1,0 :-t'lIh.•J \\ Ith out IllOIl IS to\ I '0111 Y ,ut lilt' l lr t CUlsof of con- It'rt nCe III llIll' Ut" ~\l'l'n I It" 101mer :J.nu the - - -- - - -- - --m. il. ooly <'VIU' /lOW . 11.1 Ih, n. like tI,. ea. t ,ide uf Ihe h, v, ,., \\ h:.I , Iho. : nOI\' he. n,,"e ado, .nd htt le i. now ,.,,1 on the .ulo "au" d ': lIlIIlIul,on of llle pellod r, ' I" ired. , I ,t ler - II d 1)5-" Ihe U10re , " , pri. i ,, ~. 1 r~RT D.' r oRT TOW,"';;--l lsil! of tholl'" ilIJ3gin ar)' lillie" J t"a r~t tllt'au- ('Hr Uli arl' a (,air ~;11Il ,It:. dt',ot• •\ 1. P Mb, the 0l,illhln j:j t·xpre:nI.·J anti t h t'fl,fo l~ \\ c arl' It ...' IlIlIlooh surpu$t'uto I~hen Ih.... lIIot ltol :~f th~ two \ rJsd~ :ire con- l ----- - - o' --- - - -1i. 1-; Ih. w..lber , tlrat ',ith ful par.l~raph." ... . I . . . I~ h ,toth. L lllpcrur 01 Hu. , i,I II' ill ra.. · 110 ub. I.ar." IlllIl on.• ,~ f Ihr , lIIo~t , ""neIlLof liYi"g 1511Irr ed - th. \\ hlle S,\OlIow ~elOg of • I • • .Ac RrH.D..furo;, hio' r,ir nd of .he fn lr rnily . Ji lOri.1 Our la\'l, .5 al,u ,",1 I~ ,. I ttt L .ptalll , r et" ", 10 II,,' ,"o,I'h"uo" , ,".,1. loy Ihe rn g"'oe", \\ ,11 '2111 .\ orn;, 01 Philadelphia m.'leh Ih .r"er hu,l,l Ihan tl,e COllt". I• • nd 0" .• •5-:-1111' \\ .l fiDr·

I" ",bI..,:; ~ da, ./...

h b« D • I ( k' J 0 ' \ G RA:\T, of t h ~ l l'pr l'r )3dll h F I <l 1I0 I 1',H t l' i ll Ih ' r l d l ll ' l not'" But Illu opin - ha:'l commt nct"d l'OI~truC till " :\ , tealU \ t"~rl' \\I' hal one of the IlP

a l r f t , trime'sl, :uHl Lf'!- t San b.hCI~f).u n pre" ,. ). 0 • ' 111 10 ,, " t e" " r~'- A.," " far . r.n ' " , n.,Oll h.lI". I j"" i, '''0' 11,;,1 whi~h pr;"oil. alllllll" Ih. 10 Lr read)' to ""i l .omell~<re aLoIII nc~; ' proportioned ,·", ,,Is whi ch has e" er " i. iled ~ ; 6y-1I.'k t:mm. l>oJo... Gat<e. II "',. r...

hody, lining ~J,;.iI'Pt:tllfxlut tlilo ngb all tI.e ' _ '_ _ _ _ _ I Hu.,~ i .," :i t t'ct'nll\' iu riw t'd at I)ari, . Afew Ft'bruar)' , ami wllieh will, in the opinion uf I thi . porto ~allt i ~a l m pn pron.)un ct h('r j ~ ·Sch or:;;~:~.,f' "·o"ler Ii Ii bO

i"lermcdi. t• • t"ll.'" f,oUl 00' , ~ I ' owe 10 II.• . T t:C" " :l.e STI:A 'IU" AT .\ , ,1."1: ' " ~ _T ...o d•.",. '~ i ll )' ro ~' " i,ow lar Ih-y lie corrret. I~C inwn1 ur, L. able 10 J'Crf"nu a "?y~gu ~o . moJ . ! a ~errtct on.. 0 11 the ? tber hornl. • ... ~t;.m . .. mgnu ....otbt>" pla) fulJy Jumbtul'. l ag l"hef nn hour IS rc. " ooAT; I'W\\N lI' ~_ \\ . lo>!n from buIll .. ce, lall' Il,nl " "Ill)' 01 thr m reee," I::urope, hal,ttuall)' alld securely. wtthlll . 'x l h. (onlt . t ,. " lit. so ~11 3 r r as " ltLer of t h~ " : nb- Fch\)ODf'fe,no~u re l' I S rof " soft b. lmy IU"'hille:: \\'i,h Iwo of ..ill tI.. S.n F, . ne;, eo II rr ald th.1 t" o drr aJru l Ih~ a"llI.n~ ,'s of ' he ,·y. cllnlio" or Ihe Ilan . ,lay'. b..ille. po. .. .:sing ,·.riolls other • .1. oU,er Ih ree , and yet .Le has m. d. Ihe best d ,eo. ' o.. .. r. •• -

gloom .Dd cLill iov hIa5t~. I,ulit ic5 :lo f t at ~ acc iJe nl!t IIBI'IICllt.d 011 the IH h ult: un Iht ulu"n P ro\' I ! I C f"~ wilh Jlorisiou. Tht'Y arc ~:H~~ ag: l:s OH' r oon.llII:u y .~ , ...ault'r8: 'J:lli5 t ~ '·'I· e °lf a'b')"0 ~hc IS, lIowt:n ' r, a cr3


'k - - --- - - ------:, . •. - : - -----o 0 • rJ , 0 •• • • • ' . nOtfoullt as J,'uor:allt as we aU arc of Ih~ Ie- \ l' s~d 18 now b Ulldlll g at (..Jf~cn Poml, New B,l l rr, 13!l t"f"1I thofoughly \rlt'fl t afld pl:1 \8 r oUT 01 !"r.ATT I.t:o

.Iand 'I~II ,. a,,"I IO& the a r ~ I ".1 of Ihe I;0Y- S~" J o.~uan lI\·er . I he .Ie"rner Am"'le.n e..el illlonlio.;'. of lhe C,. ,. but th .,y p..oba. York, .nd i. 01'Lhe f~ lIu"i ng dimclI; jullr: - - , .e ~o ll d fidJle . ' 0 1I0ne. T he di.,parity 1n I-·-----~ I~';;:;;-----~~nl~r i .1 ' ~ Dot worth wIllie to sa)' Iha~ J . b . gl• • 10Ulld dO'~", Wa~ blown up "~ a ~IJ: repre.rll l. Ihe 0l'iuia'.1 .01' th e fo ....1 ula' .I..ngl h. o~ dre k. I '7J fccl; dr pth ~ f . hold, I~IIIL of lime .. IIlIu.btl.. .. ~n'l og an a g, . at 1'0•. ~, ' h -n.,k 'lr ont... R.n d 15II. C. Eo \\ Ii.LU,.. arc about to mov. ml o pl.ce c. lle,I 'he I hree :--Iolloh. au-I DIne JUrlty of II..." r.How elltzcn.. ! h.y nol :.I I r«t , ~'A lIlel<l 01 p.ddl. -wh.c1., 3ti fe. 1 ; Im, ", ure 10 .the I're

uhar , hao. cler of Ihe l' ln flln . ;••". • d. y. r...

lhei, new bloce nllJ h... loesid•.• jll.1 r•• U1.n killed .ud mi""ill~ b .sid".s ; c" eral be. ullly .10 nol heli"'e Ih. t the pri llcipaliti ... lo. , m .mlllsh.!", 37 lert ; ,Ir. ft of water. 7 1w. atb " "h .c~ tho respocli 'e " "r1. rn-. oJ f 1'1 f ' . . ' . . . ... • , . "ill loc sp.·. dily e".cu. trd loullh.·y w.io· f"el; d.,plocem.nl.7" OIl""ipo.lW,·r, I'.!00 counl ...d. ·lh.y.1I ,, ·('Orl lighl . balllillg

celt • rt :n 01 0 pro\lIIOnJ; or thai 109 badly InJurfod. I he Stockton, bound tai n tlJ3t th~ occupation ii' an acl of con. horse ; accoll llnodilliulIlj, bO p:us t' n~crs ._ l or he;u.l winds and calm~ . T he ,rhilrDCTT >I' ~ &. IlR' ~ U olTer at 'greal b.rg.io,, ' ul' , rxplod·"l ju.t . 1.01'. New York. ,t half ' lue, ' . nnd 35s<ll lha l it willloc , "b milled lo The buil,I... guar.utee Ihat , he will make S:,,·.lIow Wa. eompdledlo be.t Ihe wbol"l ho DeW stock of gootl. ceeei'ed per I.,t .r' pa. ,:; o'c1ack in Iho eYeuing. LlowiDg oul loyTu ,ke)' , . ud Ly Ih. rcot of E urope.- the Yop~e b<lw.cn :'\e" York . 11.1 I::uo• d' blance froll~ llo,t~n 10 Cap. IIurn• • nJriul. ; or lhal CIIt YS lie. ETIICIt>G& Luild Ihe crown ohe. t of I"r Loil.. aDd the con. Thi•.• however , i. 101'I.ly p, i" at. opiuion, la~ld w , ~h l". , ix.d . y. in Ihe willt er "a.u~ . ~"" \'~ da ,. ~ 10 m?k,n.g the rUII -:- a periodItousr a on the new allil impro,red 'rat.lllan' ucclion pipe on th r ;lflrr r nll T he f'xplo - and Ii uot. the languagt: of UUI~ian dll lWID- \\ Ul. :\ on u , Cln l and l\l ~ chan i cal I::n:;i- III which, " lt h f,Uf WIUJ~, tohe !lug'" hatE', . :. oey. n.er, and Joh o W . Gr iffilh•• :,\....1 Archi. m. d. Ih. " hoI. "o)'O)le " ,Ih '''e. She was(wb 'c~ m..o" "'. ouypos., Ibat ral. c.n' l :100 "ent up through Ihc 10'10 cahlD. tear- T ile 1.0OtIon 1';.. " cow itl. .. that Ibi. lret . ,rr the eon.lructora and 1,.I ClIIC<·I.- G da)" o~ the 1I0rn. 2'.! 10 th e Equ.lar• • ndcome m) ; or tllal .( ' tAltLET' IVLell I,.. 'n:; Ihe after 1"'11 aw.y . A firem. n 'I.. '1" ' l lion which bas hpt E urope in . u'p.nse :r h. y e1aim thc fulluwing ad valll.geb in Ih. ir :.!310 I~II port. T he Conl e. ~ ...It. 31 d.)'.oprotd aD.~moJao ioo haus. for tra vel- kill.d ; Capl. Sharp Ilighil y . c.lded and (or.o I.u.ny mOIl~I", .allJ a l'p;ared to be.p- IInpra yrm.llt , . . 10 Ihe I::.I~· lo r 011 Ihe ol~le r . ,de, and 2S. to• nt, '" tbe "Pomt" recenLly vaealed Ly Dr. tbrown oyerLoard, but u "ed; 1\lr. Pq lon, 1>r~clII Dg. I..unn. hon," . 1111 a mailer of ~. A perf~el ... n ~ ' I)· 'g. ,oll fjreo r w.ter. th. 1I0rn , n... :IJ: Ihe, d,tTer.llce ~y \\h ,chJ OIINIO" ; or th.L C. T l'lt NeR "ill rep.ir of Slockton anti 1\Ir. Wm. V. Pea, or ~~rlou , dauhL .od ullalo.led , pl' reh. o,!oo. • . Less flok of Itf. and greate r comfurl .h e L••t Ihe \\ Inle S w.llow. S llc ",• • 7

'. . '" ' . e, I he nole of coofa ence, WIth Ihc .lleral,oOl to p.....ogers. d.y. off the Ilarn, \\ here . h. encoanter"d"alchea .nd J."elrJ, ou .ho~ 1 oDhee. rea.- ~II"IOO S.n JO!r, botb b:ldl)' , c. lded; abo '''Iuired loy th e Uivan, "hich .... farw.rd- I:h. Loilers w;U b. i,l. eed wilhio " .11. st!o ng W~llc'ly g~l... 17 to th~ l:quaoor .odOOOIIbl. I.rms. aod "arraol hll work 10 bc b1X otben . eald,"'. cd L~ St. I'tleu burg for th o . e..plance of of I/on, with iron locams OYer IhI .,10• •- :l" to, Ilu• .""rt . The b. st 11 1110 m.de loyCOO

d; or lhal P. );;"A' tI , atSI.ilacoom oity. Ihe Empero, " ichola., wilh Ihe cOllor.e. Air:ch.m~.ra. of . uffie;"oL IUltI. ining cs- the ~oOI .,t was Le: I\'~e ll 20 .leg. Dnd 90

Iotmed 0 copar lntrabip wilh olh .ra, . nd Jti)'" TI,e I.legral'h i. at Irn gth eompt. - ment of Ihe four greal powers of Europc, pa,Clty. w,lI .xU'od Ih. wholo Irn glb of the .leg . So nlb, ~o the I .. ~. ~,:, wh ere . he J\'e~-CIlf.ra to folka tIowu Ib.t w. y•• 'Ia r . 0.1 I, d belwee n San Fr~oc i .co. San Jo s. ,.Stoclr· 1la.1I001 b.... :,et.d upoo by the C..r.- Ihlp, T he ., udd. n Ihack.of hcad . nJ b••1II a.g. d for bC\Orol da) . 1, " mil.. . On tl llli "!======",,,;"';'=;""'==~=

I did t 0/ r ge . ton. Sacram. olo and M.r)·I\·ill., .0.1an in- \\ helher h. WIll .CO' pl Ihem or not i. eu- . ..., to wh, cb . 11 .1,,1" of Ih. prelenl con- ..1. of n ,e & lu,tor• •ome d.ys . h• .I,d nolap .0 _ m. nt '~UOrl, Groccll es, lerc h.nge of eomnlim.nl . look nl.ce Le. lir.Iy a matLerof opiuiao-.ndth. ; eas"". Illuet ion a,e li.LI. are ob"ialrd Ly Ih l'l' m"ke 100.. th.u 39 lIIi1e.. ' ·h. John B.r·oIry-goods, hordw.re . 0.1 cutlery' ; Ol' th' r ,. ,. for hi. acc.pt. nco III rej. ctioo arc abou' impro"eme nt. , " hiic Ih. g. nlle uodul.ling tralll encoulIl.red equally if foot more .d. CORRCe rED"e~" L" fOIL TilE coLcMa, u riIh. "'earner FAlilT. C.pt. IV. GO"e, plY' Iwceo those plac•• 00 Ih. night of Ihe 2 ·11b equ.lly loal. "" . d. llut, adtiJ Ihe 1'iw" "on mOlion• •I,,·a)'l m. intaill. d , will tend to pre- ~e.rle '! ealher . II rr b.-t d. y' . ,un WILl J . & C. E. Wrr .I.U >I••,.,parly bel".." Ol)'mpi., S~i1.coom. AI. ulL. Tile line i. io admi,. l>Ie ald er . A. tbat ~cilioo. wl~,,·.r il be.,est.,h. wbole rent sea·.icb.... aod al the •• metime . bO nllle., .nd ""me d.y• •he l eore.,ly -Olywpia~"0'. !!I.ls.:l3..li. aDd Se.llle. All theae . n &<!..,ti ed . a" "ioIer>ce of lbe suece.. of lhe eol..p,i,~. ' I' ·. lIou. Ihe f.le of T urkry • • nJ p<»oibly kcep the deck. dry, ucepl from "pr.y.-- re.ched U mil... For s"'eral d. ,.. he rW. muslloolr u rometbin . 1...0.1 there iLi• •I.ted th.t Ihe line Let.....o San Fra o. ~he )'eRce of L urope: " Uolil thi •. d,'ci. ioo The full power of .the . og'n . \\ill be re- ~ \'Crag. ~•• ~lw.en:lO aod 50 .mil.., ow· Th. imps".bill".f road., 00 Inja.i_ t. 1M• .p. ~ 1 '. . . .I S J .. reodcred. ev.ry lhlag mu.1 r' walD in IU•• s. rved fur comLalllOg h.ay)· g.I... whil. ~og 10 he.d wmtia .nd t:l~...,. 1 he Plt·. pol Winle, _!<pri.: bu. i.... Dro ll ps'" ./0_~ tbe rub I ~ bat all.lIlt bo . \\. m'ghl c•.c o ao an 0... wb ich h.d be. n io ope. penle i .0.1 Ibo I.adiog m.mLera of Ihe U,il • •hips of th e p....nt coo. tru ction . ro cam ' , Ihe I.coud tll P of Ih. Cootel t to thi>pori. . 00 Cl li/orni. , bei•• u. known 10 the ""' ..io<IuIp 0 fUl'UI.• hot .. IL.t Ligbly prom i. lOtion for two weeks, plid • ve'y hand"""", Us h C.a~io. ~ h.ve. co" Irary to CU.tOlO. been pell.d to. • I a cke~ th.ir . teaw .. Ih. g.l. in. Ou b.~, l:ut . be w.<le th. p.... ge in 9 d. ys thl. TerTiI. " coD'i••ou. 10th. S."""..., d ...... body ofpubhe ch.r.elers scollered here p.r c.olog. on the co. l . Th e n.w. of the remallllOg 10 London, 10Le prep"ed for y e se. III s.yellly. Throe lIew illll',a And I • .hoa", ~ .ntlllto relurn vO)'lJ;e "·a bled to .oppl, th.ir ••••• at .U -and Ib.re among "thc re.t of m.nkiod ".0.1 hurning of Iho St. F,.oci. Holel w.. knowo e~ergency. Th••rlick in the 1'.mts COli . mcul. PII .b1e more sleaw 10 Le appli ed Ih••~eomI'I!,hc" ID 78 d•.v' .m! 6 /rour. to 'On' 01,h. , ..r.·.n~ du.in. II" .001< put .....ill eOlUt.. 'ycle I lalli ell L. l.ood'; med. iOS.o Jose beforo Ihe engio •• re.ched th e 1.10• . Ih. follo.lVing 1impolt.nt . t, l. n" "1 har~~r the g"l. blow. . "ew. ) ork. ~? th. "oylgo hO~'\I1Ird. NrY'. fair .nd .t<edyd.m.... /or ,oods.

'1 P • Y Y, • .bow,ug a l.aDlng, od tbe pari of the French 1 br.c facts do ooL ' pl'ear more .ta,IIing .~. e an~ht up ".th the Norlh crn Light off W. hI" r•••"'n••• 10.Otl ; It ...

oller.. would.Le.aom.body.but.l .c.o I'••Ie.; grouod . It will b. an 'ra in 'C aliforui. GOVClOlII.DI.lownrtia the Russian sid. of thaD Iho, e .nnouneing ill 1 ~3 1.i Ly the lime 1.1'. 1L0rn, aud .ft" • co..l..t of 3 d. y•• VO" ·. bu' in con.id..inC,h. g 1 P""P'd' or~I.' ,try mucb felr Ih.1 SOlO" ., our hi.to ry WbeD lbe pu!>lio of Sao Fr ancisco th e J ,lIicully. 11 lII.y, Lo"ner.""1 Le lru r : W",. Noeri.., wheu hLs >mp,ovon",nL, io Ihe !'....dlh.1 ,·c.""'I .od .Ien h~r out of . ight. bu. in in Ol)·mpi•• wo ob.." ••ilh ,"-.irrd.y__DWO.b..i..... Ioyi", folk. would con re&<! in tbe morlling p.pers tLe.aceur- "W~ ha"e rc..ou to 1>tl iev. tb.1 tho Fr elleh ~ oe~llIot i,' c ,·,•.:ine ena\,I. J him 10 .s«ud ao Th. 1'.... r nl I~ tbe n"rd Irrr of I.he Jo ho lb. pr e. olh...y porcb..... or Iamba-. 1M"t.ke il to heart PI aDd • clllrce of P rIO • reoc•• of Ih. night bdo,e in Marysvill••od C.lolUcL h•• • Iready .igni6.d to Ih. Sult .o IOchocd 1'1011' of one foot ri.e ill fourt••n Ilo, t.ram If} Ihu pori . lie' br,"tlf,,1 pro- Ilo<:k .I .. hich h•• becn .c:cumul.liag.1 our ..an be laid I • d T b e h n .:wudo. th.~ Ihe ulter ior .t.ps he "'.y adopt cno· fe.t, which , at Ihe tilDe Wlll con.iJ..ed purtl on. hoYe I",rotofure be.n r.peat,·dl)· 10'00 '" tim. POOl••nd ror .bl.b _.1.... -

I Y . a 0"'- oor. 0 e sure I .oy Irwy 10 tb...hieo of hi••1Ii,,,,, 111 I 'f,., ta . contlOry 10 COlli ilion ..,,,';'••nd .gain.t the th o s~bjoct of praise, a••he hal been ful:yare 0 DUll&llee. the a~atemenl of wh, cb e-W.learo tha1lbe sbip A" . o" , C.pt. "'en al INs o,, 'U pe,il ." Upoo Ih. whole. I•.ws of grl\'i ly , I.o<,t wh ich ne"ert hcloS5 Wa. d,·""nbed . II cr fillt .voY.ll" \Y" m.d e in iDw. i,ing iDour h.r""r• .\n acti.. "pori ...

"0,,1.1 be .ully beoe6 c,.I; bul th.y . r. Wilson, bound for s"n Fr.oeiaco ...ilh a Ih. neWI i, of the moil vague and un,.ti•••.eeoml,li, h. d 10 the Mu rpr; ; e a.,1 ..rl. fac. 107.1.)'1. hcr ' oeond '" 10-l• • " .1 lit>,. pre'- ",.n d lor lumber, .. ill be ruuDd ol ....IO'se· to11 k bl 6 . 11 cI. ..e. of our ci tizen••

"amall pn....... we do IOOl taJo 10 IMtnl cargooflllu.re limber andpilea, weotuhor f.c~ry eh. raclc r, .nd lea" • • the I• • tter tl?n of II~e whole .eielllific world. Th e ~t III 4-a , em.r. ~. e. n~ .«..g'.-lbera. A "oidiog Illi. d.n tllen we will iu t below PorL Towo~1Id dUlin-- Ii", .....'. preCllciy .. , ,'port ,-tI l>y fllllOCr ad.icCi. h'gh .1411.1101: of J ob.. \\'. Gr illi!hl , ... n.- Afhl

e.oya,!"" 0( Ibe \\ ~.e S.a.low atMi lb. Orer.li••1> pr lb. 14..18 e.r-."·I"I'.lfll1·

I ,I' • L ' J".1 -0 0 '" G n \'al f'ODlttl»C t Of wbo has wad.r to ao ) O,0,luI t aut.a, Just .ccompll~, are tbe 6ft-I Ml1uon," ' f 2:'.3U" "bite eru.h.w

10COlO wu. alhc... w,l~ Lhe ,.mark tbal.1I of tbe 61h illtl. Tb~ Ie IOCI "ill pMV. a TI E Q ' , R~i T EIT..,.. T. blo iml'ro " ,'m" ~L< in Ihip.building . • nd II ~ thoy h." mod.. Such.o orrinl in nDe Pork./r .... & all .. CoII'.., PO' lb. ••• e .upeokr. in low" aie bllSily e,,"'ag.d lalal 10... " -d'l.r..,;~~.E ~d· 'hI o':£'''t'I:~TIs '-1 de QlI'h.....nl repulalion of l\Ir :'iorr i• •• • '1Ie·el,. n·,c'.1 ,loy i. ' no ord iuary eYeul, and i. in it, elf M_ POlk.pr bbl. "71~'".. 11>0176· II ' bu'ld ' .I -.. ... ..._Me er VIO' 0 r,' an ,.n<.. ,'. ' 1 • • suffici. nl 10 cony y II ' J'k ,~, CIn,· • 5l OlD' . Cbil. I II• pu .mg up I lOgo. an on ey.ry .ide . , . . ll""'" 10her ,e.id.nc••t H.lmo.. l, Scol b oo.. .nu ~IV ' .?gin.er, " 0"1.1 org" u p.r1ect .uc. . • .•01l1C 110:; I ~ .n , Iue. • Doeo• • I,r Ib %~ ........ ' "1are ..,dence. of Ih••uhotanlial improv.. 1I7 \\ ••ubmlt the follOWIng !ulLer,from Tbe I::ngli.h p

31",rafill p.gel wilh II . ee•• an ti le" p, e. eut lIaderl.king. o~ tlo. commercial unporlallce of Sun f rao· lI.m.o. • :;0 Rift. Carolio•• • 10__.• f I bl I rd f 'e... '1" h' I' II ' I ' ' 11 . e.. . o" >Could. ..,.. S:. !"i.~ Apo'.., • Ie

m.ol ..- rapid S,ollltb of lbe .mbryo city 000 0 our m~ny 1000ra e .~d intellig.nl co 0 ~he 9~lc.n" Y;,,1 I? th e E.• bi.bilion ' e m. e.."'ery 0 '~. • up .W I e""".. 1 • ... Imon. . ls l " h.:b... • Ir-OL'CJll"'" readera .t a .lISt.DC., as .0 e"d.oc. of the I . t Dubllll . I he moat nohe ... Lle ",eide.. of ooe .,.. !k,ng. hea lll ,og'o~ w,lh Iwo hob· R I:L'GIOl'S F eSTIVAL A>I<l' G TIlE ("II'· Codfi.h, I~' Soap, .... ~. 1101 6

r<gord eoteelaioed for our j>urna! or IL Iwere !h.1 the Q,:",.n w• • much pl,·...d wilh ul.r L.",ler., all .of th e moat. ,ml"o.<:d co~. NUI:.-A S...'ranciseo ro!lOr of Ihe 11th Ms.k ...I, 0 00. tlllrch,· 171!ItOllllTEIt VEGEno LES.-TI'l. m_te, " It! I' b ' . ' e l lhe \ .okoo .e wang m.chioe Prince Allwrt .Ir.ucl.ton, Lal wlrholJl .oytlu"l; new In Ib,·" uh . 1a)'I: "Yeslerd. y " 01 a g,..,,1 day 1I00'er. 75 C••dr.., _N, t~


.. pioced 00 our table by C.pt L. go co '0 e' I u ""ter p...cl....,s 10".rd.1

witb Colt·. lO ..ol".r. , .11.1 H:. Ruyal !' rin - l'rlOe,p~.., Th. ~"er of th o engioe. io . monR Iho Chioamen of S. o Froocisco. ht L.rd. 30 - Ad.lDID. "" Ib 1OCou.w<s, .ra dcooning of a moro ed . o . ~ew.~.pcr pubhshel'l. of ~be eh. raeLe r aDd I ces wilh Ibe . puim""" 0( hololoy·ha.... uJ pr.o~rhon 10 th e 5I.e .nd dr~n of wal er , a p,rt icular peri",I , Lwic. in • • ch re ar Ih.y ~i::,·p. . 100 Ibs2;a~~ T:b~~j..r I ~: ~~t

'''''CuiIOno of a large ""rllon of l~ imm" p"l.lopa. , • w,l be .eery gr.,t. obouI 6n hl"".u r e• t, Ti>it .the.ir bllly in" "rouDd, .nd nc'r""r"1 .. do... .. 10011 ~.r.r.I... • ••..a notice than our.Umits " auld admit oC w. LM th lof Ib at . b b " f ~ 'v ...grantl?f t~. prescoLy..r, of tbe condition T UElI .. nvcBT.- rh ... u Lopera lions were C ley.. • .0 ••rn ol I e eer la.n "I.. OU T the grav e. of th elt d ,..1 Cor.. loI.al.h11>b1 11llJ P.""". • S'I

• ilia .eek. Iwin,... Ih.y _ • •-.boI.Dli.I of aff.u . ,n Iowa, .0.1 of th o mOven'e a " J"OC,-eding r:>pidlJ in , II part . of Great Hril . ..,.rd ttD~. In "" ? ,dllluy 1 .uclo poculisr 10 Ibcir nligi"". 'I'be s. cOlCm~ ~.I'. fin.. por lb. 5 )lol._•• p'" pI 1O"itIenco ol~ e'rallirrti.s or lb. soil of .ud doings of .E ngioc. rs io ",fesence 10 the l.in . od 1r.1aoJ. lVr>ther, on Ibe wLoI. powor canno! be aprhett, t would Irnr ni•••re .• ddr .... d to t h.ir God Jos. a..d P:.... c':'.-;":"'b.l :'~ ~:~r. ~, 751~tIhi. couot,y. Firs

l,"e bue 1"0 Inro ip., proj,cl of Ihe age-Ilw "reat AtbAtic aod 6n e. ' Ih. hull 10.l"ec.. . In '.he pc••enl c."" ." .. uOlilue as Ille people tbem. eh·e.. Al 0 w • 11

"b I hal L 1'... i6o IbiLway ." '1'1 " bow..cr , >l II ~e pn<:hc.Lle by Ih'I'" n rI ~ fib . I II' mon.. ~ ,. 0 Iloud,. .• I~Wc. or ooe u arC

eas. f. UlbeL __ro. · . ,. Chpper . 1,,1' So" ereigo of Iho Se.. culi.r ioLern. 1 .Iruclure U w.1I a. b ' th. • ca yo. """nlOg lIear y a l ie ~<el" M M 3 011 Whi. ky... I llDat:D

_ ••~ 35 _ 23 poualsr- t;YO- lilT . I'L CU' ~". Jewa. I n,lrd fr.oOl t.h. 1\1"..y. Tue . day lith, fa, no."t'. of Ihe m- '.1 " but a. Ib ..· mod'. o' me.n. of con" p ne. in th e city, includin.. J::u " ('Ir do. 100 Hin. S_--r-- A Au Iral a tb I .. , I J uu • ,·ar.• i'>ges ...\ bo...... were .ng. ged by Ih~ T~1I0• • per lb. · I~ PUllW;n••" ~)y. Irea talcorlation how maDy nf such 1':" ugu.t. 26 , 1853 . I b .~ .c-~oO~~o ·tcatgo ,.•stU t"1 n~ ..~s••tr.ngtheoing Ih••hip is a ne" ioocolion, Cblo.wcn, fur 1100 1*..... "I' coo.e)·ing t.1D'''~ ..I. V·".1. 2 01) UI,nk-t·. ror p,. 70900it would take, on an . verag', to eo. er . n 0 nrc ",0fT01lor TIlE COLOMSU:f : '- " rr lUg. ,.... , " "" '. Ihe palenL for whicb has nol yet bccn i•• tilem 10 Ih. Y~,La Hueha C.m.lrrv. Sev. """" 0<1. .. ~ 50 8h...·g•• •• pr 1~ 111


..re. llIIllhc r....1L "iU allOW a moet .oor- Your illteresling journal h.. b••n few. ll" pda",eng.... C.l't . lIellry Wa rn.! COlli· au.d , '10 refr.in frolll .t,ling any purlicu- eral of the .Ireels were or • • lly ;ul;" eo. ·' ~i·pen:in'j .. I t ;.o Or"I1.... PO ' ,~ . sll, w.rdedlo III. regul.r1y for . ev..,,1 mOlllh•. Imao • leI, and larg e Let. 0' 0 pendillG on l.r...ith rrgardlo il. As lar II. we C'n 1.0 I . h . ,b I u 1110 ••a • ('..- b. 18 tli.ko"l:lhi'Ia, 100,"kI. We have also.," &II .eeom- IIlscth 't f f ' ler passago ' ..A.. L_._ • II •. 1 Y I'e 'qu••lllall., W 0 u., ..d 10 ao,l fro. 1'1.11•• PO'h". to 00 AI". ITS. ~r . come:, ?'.• nYor .-0111 . ollle killd .. . . . ~o ........ever. iL II w. "".pl.d to it. gre.lly to th o .mu•• m.nt of Ih. bop, ter - Win. W .... per b. 700 11...1.. ..... ,. 00faoimonl Ie>'" I....il'". som. !:'JOd solid f"eud '" , our Ylc,o.ly.01' whother il ' is . eot N'Dely·,h... ollllfr&nl .Iupe len I.tocr· ~lId. ror of Ih. women, .nd .nlerlainm.nL of Ihe . Sawed""nbe ••iI. f20 p•• )\; cedar•• 30 perAL.Iriab poI8taes ••ighiog from one to four 10 me as a regular sub. cribe r, ex pect~ ng roc pooIlul Augu.t, o.rr)·ing :lO,340 p. ... o· A. will be aeon br Ihe igure. w.. have Polic... A C~inam.n on bo,seback c..... !;hIa" I",. $4.~:' p•• Ill. : Pil 5 10 6 ..a" .....i<!undi each, and Ih.y are ' a fai r arerage to IOrw.rdlb. p.y to ynu. Ilaod. as i ",al. ge,!. Of theile, .boul 16.00 0 " cr. for Ibe gi..o aLo... the 8aor of tho ...... i. uo,,· Le' l ' fl ' 'u ' fOOl, .qu.r."...... 1::.1 Ia pe' 1001;1laoIl.

tor of doubl with m.. If t.he latler. (,Ie. . . UDlted Slat, .e.. In BeV'o _ . Dl.hs e. ndj.... 'o&lIy 8at •• 11.1 ita drafl .of w.ter exee. .I,·ngly 10 I •• ° !l. ~t 0 " ' 0.... w'. • aod .. gell· 1 2.;.~ te DI. per liEh'.

11." S:5aSao PO' ll&;.....p/< of ao eotir. crop Also, largo line I ko A -.. ,... crally . ub.., rVleallo Ih.1 of h.. ho.... Th .. Os,•• ~t %5 f'" b...h.l .

• d ' ..t me . o•• for rny ,lIl e .. 10 pay for my ugu.t. !B<>3. lhe'e "' as • dmlrnul_ of .m.lI. At Ihe •• me lIme Ibe bow i, unu · con, equ.nce " .., Ihalthe hor.... . ill . o• • ral -=============:=:==..rooe-ooc &II two pounda woighl eacb. p~r.rt~' ,f ""\t .dvanee• • ~ I. a.t iu realOn. 70~od·mr~r'"I" as compalld wilh t1~. aanw .....uy aha,p. In f.CI.lha model i. Ihe .... io:.la nte •• Tiolaled • certa in ordinanc. OOA'd • • , N .t.pe. Con;,.. iu"orking-~"C• • a ••m.. , howe"eI , .t sh~u ld b. Ih. I't" a ..t year . 1!,. ,fal1tn« off ~.ng ca · M1~.1 an.. of,. grea! oIeal of !'nl eli : ol ex - the . t'lule book, and th o riders were I.k. n ffilnlstrator sollee.cabl•• are Ille fruits of hi. IIIlOmu'.labor- fo~rner, .od I could koow lho f" . od. I e..... II/ely OQ Ihe Au lrohao route. pert.ne•••• well .. of labe riou••nd coroful L.' b .ta nl 1.1 I . b h "",or~ t e HlCorder, and re~. uireJ 10 I"'y • onCE is h.oaI>y l i•• n \bat loll... 01 ..r-aDd. th. proc.eds of h'lI crop, 'or LI,'" ;' ••r. ')- 110011 . ov.s my I .n. k, on bi", in Th e London nl1l"h.. L.-n 'orb ',d ' cn to motheUl.t ic.l c.lculalions••0.1 il i, belie... rt 6 b t ., I ." J g' t of fa h d """' '' u c' . • ,n ne e ore procce"mg t') t 10 "1'- . m,Die'ro.ion b boo. ~rao ,..t ro Ito __ ount to Ibe noaL littl e lum of ':;000' .. p~ U5l00 r .uc a kin aod goner. ~ i rcul&le in any p.rl of Ihe Sp.....h do.... Ibal it. line. &ad '?nua at.e .uch ~ to pro . polOled pl.... Aboul' thousand of thi' l d........d on lh 1. ell""on II...... Jr. ....1'40 lbeve. al' II h' • ou. ' ~l. . ,on. . dllCe Ihe lea.1 possible .....tance 'n p. ..iog li ngul. r p...ple aascmLle,1 al th. Cem.trry·. ''''Nd. b, lh. Pr~Cou .. or T~u roco;o -..,..

w,. • a mo, .Ill a I 's. Eyery B.I~re Ibl! r...e...... yo.. yoo win have On.d..th from A.iati" chol... . Ihrou~ th. w.ter. Her •• Ih'D , ". h.y. Witll th.m Ih.)' carrictl . . ..r.1 ea 11o .I , W; T•• bo," ,,!: d... 1110 ~~Ib d. , of N!..ID....

mer I~ tb.. Terrilor1 .,.... if lw "ill, ;:t "'I~ ~.ny. h..dy emigronl from onr <'ti . t Liverpool The . ict im ..,.;.S~~. grouo fOl' tho rslilu. l. Ib.1 an ... r.ge o~ ,ro,ilioo,••uch .. h~, ",holo '.n~ ·i~ I ~~~ orZ ~..r:~°.d"ob;;;:-D~I;:'::':::::;::'Ila.. equally.. paoduetin aod pr06table r .te" 0 I' Scro...,cd Ihe pl. in Ihi. se.'tOn, mao cmi"ranl ~bo hrou"hl the d' fr cr · .pe.d of tweoly m.....n hour wili be at- pltc•• , raw aDd coolr.t-tI. V."OU. oth<l kllld. m.ot . ilbi. 0"" 01' from ,h. dl" ai •• id leU"';..",. .. lbe oDe ia IJUCS,,-"- all that is reo \"; a .g,..l nUflI~.r left .. l..t . pring for Hamburg ' f.~rs ,..re .~trltain:~e"j"" t ~m I. io.d in . Iorm as w.1i .s e.lm : n.f m..t, fowl" 6. •h, fru it,. of en ry de.c,ip• • nd",1 p....... iool.. . . ~,to Hid nlat. or' roq.e-."oired. alillo iodullry . nd perac.,~••• of~~~!II~nT~..~ . to ,y . ln.ny of "hOl~ talk..1 di.e ... . h~uld .preatt amoog Iho' c,eo' , I·eI I. .Sbarpolelll '-' bc>w, pclftctionofeun,.... t I r I , I ... , mot. mta.J.. .....- .~ walOg lip t, .,,, aLode ..." Olymp.a .•nd bo. r, B I. YI" and " ght d,.lt and biooy.llcy ' aD. ~ gre• . '·.lI ~I)· 0 e ,Oll-ClOW, .n,. eve· ., • •• p.,m. ci A. BAllNE3.-aDd Ihe m....., the reword, the rav. i. mAny of th.m. let mo ",' y 10 ynl~ .re ",,'Ut 'n:; 10,,"", . y.• r.ter :>ceo.."t. Ihroe 2 Fn orlllou. power of en;i". rr . Ihlllg. In f., o. c.lculaleJ 10 I(r, ' ,fy . O""",i•. N... . 16, 1/l.·.3. • :11urt.illly large '''''U£h. in aUcooscieuce.le> .. ~hoiee 'pi,.ito." . "" h men .nd f"lII ~i...s ' w c'".. lie repo:t,.... The' daily eOl\lUlul't;"n .;{ c~.I.iII ~e (;llIlI. OIan'& p.bl.. 00 tho groulld. Ihese - ' -kmpt n.rtioe Ie>. .."'" it . _ Iwill do cr".hllo ....r commooily. .. . ~ ~'NC'C. . • about 3() lOllS, ••.1 Ihe stock for a nil> e ,·ianJ.. well plr>ced upon 1\ I.rg. p1.tlforlll. / C•• TO,. 110"" :, n UT. 01' I' ca t:TSor"~,l

. Of \he IImco .nd " ' son. here ).ou arr Co.• n,T' O' or BU,I , ..., .- I h. Il\BDU~• • houl 300 . nu frei Lt is to Le tak./ Tf. aroll nd wh ich Ih<> ee remo"i ". \V ,' re p~ , furm. (J/,v",)';a • .Yo"mber 12. 1853. lTHI".u-To our public .piri ted ":lerM 00 tIollbtt.... kr l't fn.lly :>,hi...,I. Suffieo it to tuur~ r. .u~ exporters continue 10 do 1\ g'lO<i . ,.... 1 i. o~med th~ William Norris '. SI:• • d. P iec.. of p. per. wilh Chiue•• ioserip. I ,H I I1',r r RI'C'n:» "y oil. " c.......... .

Tancouler'. I.laod, ~(r. A, o Rcw ~I u ," 183)'."".re now an lire cnr.yment of he-alt h ~ ' I"nel~ ••.b~~ t I I ,~_ Itorek crper. ore n••,I)· ,,;U be rc.ady for launchino Lv IL- 1.1 De t i~II' . wcre v1. crd ar""'Dd lhe plalf"rm, anti / . 0' (;u"em. ·· '" i• •••,;, . ,. ' b. claim. II>_ • ,.I I I C J' ... e 1 " 5 .,.,11" I.." old :u.l n ~ '1 .." ,"" • set on lire and ill Ih. slOoke which •• ceo-.1- e~_ _ • ol all ,....••" . ' n '110 ...ploy .... • 'cn ""w SIIhIcriLert. iii. camwuoi. • I p . n y. rope ..... nev"r LeIte, io .0d ·lnalie .t,·II"",I.'" :r n lie, ...00

11b '~1 Clt~. comber. SIte " ill c.rry 00 I• • but " ill d ' L " .I b II I"" iJ~ t.".....,..n ' .....1• • ~I .. ~"'""' I... ColIc""r .....our country JnUet"c.1 1 ma ~ I t ... a.u.c :i t e Ig . price h J ib . e , . I' preaumt y lero, ,g-,to 'f'P0lt fb, r..ult 10 lbe Trt"NGI'1 ~rtmlft"

..lioo c.me h> M.J b1 Ih. 1U0due.. 0( • • y . a • y t of - vioio,;", Th . . h ' • .rron~e "I Jury ·lIl3.>1s to rig ill c""" ce."C.O of Ih. food w" cOD\'O)"·d. II. Ihe All ~reon.lhorofo... h..I•• ·1.im7.-p'-" ·~

Co . t our counlr1 w~ nc\'t'r 10 no morC prOtt:pcr- 0 r - . C JI' O III t • price of raw of PetrPlly. 'I r- ... lA ...

apt. Ttl .....COOPER , 0( Iho f"Torot. liltl. ou. COlloi ilioo th the I're, cnl l iale. s ~l k b.d beoo lIl~ch fell lor tbe Olaow.cl" apll ila of llie depa.Iya. By Ihe clllpf .....0 Go. . ......rn. "r.;.h ..... c..,,,.... od b, IlOlac~ AIIC.. 'r",ev'R f.i . od ~I 1', L I . A corp. of En~i pa. ,.d tbroooh our rcrs .t Lyoo s. N mu. alii) SL £lien.; but fa- insci. iolls inlo lb. meat We, e lA ..I~. o. M_ .. Collector••ill pie. .. p.-nl t""".Too im,.....o .....doom• .,. \Y. h.,.. now ' ..J1a~. a few d.)'8 a:;o. y 'ng Ali De for fO ~I~n.a~ely for I ~. lbe I. rgo ~rdcra re. Tb o Turtar mouarcb. of Chi"" .p~ thOlll:h lw "'tve carving for the spiet.. Du- tho Cu~o.. HOUN 10"I,mpi•.w1'boot "'Ia ..roan••'Ot'E l ubacriLen on t~~ ••land alld l ~ ~11r,:",d from 1II1rlin;:ton, ~n the N1i", is- cto" k,eu ",011)1. th. Un~ed ~el' e...oloo Ihe,u pe.r 10 b. • loog. li...J n cr. FrOOl tbe ring Ihe .erolD~""" . acb Chin. m. n . p- :::~J:::;:':{';:::~' .ndo"". lbo, ray ." 1IO . . . • "PI" lI.rr. 10 the mau, h of II e 1'1.11,'. - .ep ,corop" . tl"" emp o;ycd , Y. ly.1 y.ar lI.i44. Ih. e,"o_neem.nl of t\;eir pro.~hedthe frlhve bo.rd,and wcntthrougb I. N. F.SF.Y.

Y you,. e III"e I~opc 10"'" I,m. 10en1011 , T he "" lit mO' e wtli loc 10 olarl up tb. PI.Uc m•.nufae.'ure bas L••n .eth ·e In llie above 1111• • 10 11'50, DI'ly le v.n E mpero.. haYe cert..n loco... profound l)' Lo.. io!:, aod.po ~.II Coll..... o/ e--I.llt• ...we pop<>lat_ 0" ou, . uhti" i""ioo . enroot. foe 1""''''1 "'0", .,1 a- ~' " "" 'or o'" .- e,he, thi Syear. I Ih II I p' Clnlly pr'J ing lltal Ihe wralb or Ihe;,r- .., nu ........" _ . a upoo • Irnn• • two of wh om reigDed G .I . I I. lVOTICE'li:at. ,. So lhing . on. n.."A\l&TU ....S.-ALooo time Iherp w.,- . I' o. m,~ ,t e " .Nl ed frOlJ\ th..... l\I~.n . J.' '.

,, _ D _ b < " 5I" t)· ye... eac ',an.. ~oue le;.lh.o eigllOeen. wh,l e th I ,. I : L .I. . . . .... peclful!Jr )'on, ., . ul 1~"nIY 'l!CytD d<Jys'allow.nc. of rovis: ' • poc~ '''. ""pcr auO,.. , ..erou' TRr; e"l'. ' lrlC" hip h.rrtoro,...i. tinr ia ,110

~ ['3rt, of ,mml~~nl8C.aehed St..h. .\. ~AU")I: '" lOll' u. Ib" gr. nari•• of Pari. . lIy l!t••e- Th.. i. a ~o...gev ily:ONII",I.d 1>1' .ny of tho 'TI. consumed ill .d,ll. rellt '('01. over Ih. n.m. a••1., ,1••, ,h. I'u, rt Iloond Tradi..coom C'ly a f.w dl)'S bill"" , havi'JG com. _ ._ _ . co.uola lliere b.~ been b ig" arrival s of f:n. royal. f,,!"lir. of EJarope. _I ;" liOmowh. 1 grA\·o-)' . rd : buro'"r; Jo. Blick. we" pl~.d ICo.. i. Ihi. d., di•••I.<'<! by "",'uII •.-DL ,\II~~h Ih. DeW ,o ute. Owillg to the lalc- j We woul" Illfonn our eorre"1'0n~ot glu h . ~Itt A..., ' ...... Breadslu&;, at Hane Ilart hug 00 tbe.. r..f>lulioo.,y day. . .11 ,ound, III e. ery poa,i ble pl.cr• • nJ Chi· da im. du, . aDJ . 11. d...~.d. " Ii...et ..id Co.~


. nd p h d .• ' - - - -- - - ... e 6re-cr a,'k .... " ,·r. di. ch.rged Iby Ihe r. ode«J '" Wm. (,. !:Imllh. ,a ooly s__ ollhr ...soo. Ibey \Yere ....~~I ill tb. Ih, t the fl"t "olume w".....il.d II> his ad . f lie.. a con"'luen r Y d.clin. d two s.:h o.,.. ,r A I. ... ,. C. pt . Cooper. ..,iled thoullad Who Ib . j"..t 'u eeu," ,bn alToi.. 01 Ibn C p-n,.

'-" • f d I ' • raou pIC Larro!. r \.. . \. L O L • n ~ Cr•• moD'C. w" e Il W Ce" u&nO"'... II r'U": out 0 tlto ....uul.in.. ' en &l t ,e ""taneo or 1\ "rrFIELD " ",,,. N' or Icloll. . . . 01' ,,,,"l1ay lasl. wilh • comp!<l.rl Ihoy rolllCt>cd h.lLe r . krller to \\: C· Se.. . •_.... .., I" I ,. _, I ' I n ouo, III - I'h, E m-,o r I , - __.1 ,,- I ,. lilt"_ "" seV'" y. r urtunately . ...u. I"£Y ' ·.....b ... t II> pl. ... who p. i,1 for Ihe I .,•• D' r;' I ,.. r was to cargo 0 uUlud "uu .-gl••• awl fI, e pa•• tie cily, e.rdully, howe, cr . lorill;(ill~ wilh " L' O· •

• -, P ' I 1c. . II'PIIO '" ' >vII"",no on tL. Sth i I I I , ~ -, h' h I I .. 0 "ELL.laoe~ ..ol aut ',,,01 For I Skil.coom r~acb :d ' ''' ne. .)·m~nt ,or t ,e , ec"I,oI volume wr A Fr coeh ' .'j- .' os . "ngers . Ilr'o II. ,UUU UPOD W ,eh Ih.y II I ~ al l" S; ed • O·....... . . e "P ct 10 \l'e , lie 1'..0111 ° r It d Ih ' p' p . r ma ,c,oll.l y ob·.r... · - - - - ---- the , pirit. of Ihe ,k a,l. Th . I.,i, i, of aJ.. go U hi A: . II .. L£,~ &0 'Unr to rr.:\"cnt aclu.U'i1~\"atu:'n .. I I. , 01' II..... .,.. U len, ~ \H I- •• Boul n~nl' h3~ il . ''-(,3Ith of _./'IO'lor iol" r·.· '1"" "' " -- I Y ,,,,n.otn"1.. ... \IV r. " .t\ ()A \ I ~ &.. e n , ha \'c our Ih :lItlu (or 1\3 0 n·ulurff .r Id 1101, ' lIowr..u' r. r ut! '" ilh thr~o I .'. L. 00'"'C,., ,

C t'~~1 . 'Jt ~ h ~ t .. ';l1 iw,," filll..I I1.\' ~ " I I ' Il It n 1tt'[ ,uL a h..I IlU"f. cct'rm~DIl"' , ut lo'~ a1 tll, l.l}IDCIUl' ll l'uter· r oll TU1",ucn,l. ~o... -', n .H . ~ ,\ u

Page 3: A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110. political r"1 The Ilalll)' Sea-'OII-~O. 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in extr-nt, without rO"k


Ne w S tore I

1U:i T optnl"J in OlympIa (or t b., I'a rpoa rtf .UI'pIJin Ib fl pt'op le 0\\' ..h ~n~anT.rrh O'1')· . hh TAnf.E l'9.t ; If .\I/lS, 11 I: m "fI::A 11::<. tfI'A N D>l.111"11 1: .\ (;". Cl: I'll o .\lllli< , &c. A ro.bo••h.('f"U on h l llJ. T u rn in l dOIlG with nca'D~u

and ~i'J'I ICb , 1'1

- o~ Tffl; t' A~ 1I STtiT t N:-


GIIOCf:R..:." VIlY GOOO9, L1Q 110 M.Clt;AllS, II "I:OWA R ~;, &e.,

01.nll'l.l . IVAi<III:>1lrON T1;RIlITOR Y.OI)'III,i •. Ju,,,,' I , ',d . 391f

w. I I. \\ "ALL:\C]o;.'""-" .i:'::.J.3.!. ~\-r...J ':.t 2. -.1 "JJ .;~}::J J

:"'01 ' i l ll ' '' ' lln, \\' , . l lill'!l t,n Tr-r r it -u-v,:-;•."'·ml,,'r . ·, 1"' ; :1. 1)1(J •


'1' 111': P GE'l' II L L <:0 .,At Fort Gam ble, HOOd's Ou al, W. T.,

A;\n ~.\ :; "RA 'lil 'l't 'O , t AL .t

\I: F. n -rw ('n ·rlln =:.:at I'~'I t •• rnbJ",•• ~r,." -n

. . I . . ~ . ... ~ lilt: 11lal , iug l,- f , 'I'f In i tl• •m ,1 w, lI ttK1Il I,t). t \ 1'.) I ~ (j . 1" 11'''''',1 t ·, m 111ull l l uh' l u.ut'f' f of " 'try ,In <,; t i .. .

'1' 11 1: LII ·- r lll ,.. t " I II a: Io " ,I 1.1111) • •11.. ""l,ir h "":' , .lIld u. l lIl:! "t.llle,' all ol l.: ,: It.\ t J loO.nd,. b01 .\ , 111 ,1,1.' 1" ~l H\ 1:\1 ' (; . 1.,' 1 ··, ··· , · "1 1,1 . " ,.\I.&ll ("r J II DI 'I I "I OU rU IIU n , l lnl -

"' :.!'" "' , , ~ .I r ( · 01l11'.. .... 1If' 'II _!oIf'lu J ll n I lIl n l ' II r,..~ ..1 . II~ "'.Ifl J. •1.. . I,., t . ,'(',If,JJllt. ' ~l1 h lilt' K,n ..,n ll" 'III ..ur . ," " I r h"H It'' III",• • " ·1 m~ 6 ' : ln " r1 '"1'~ i 'I'" ",'i....1110. h ~ 1 .... 11t' ·I,..,rJ w ,, 11 lIL" ,.. .. frulII Il l" :-''' 0 ;" . ' f'u iI" It ,,,1" 11.11f1'i·1. IU 111f'1r... 11"011 '" r•. r'. •' O)l'l r , ., ., I ; " lll' l li l . o l l i , " , OIl J '" 1111111 tlu \ I h ' , •.It ' '' I '. II" . I h l' Ii ' '' l uf II 11Ill' 0 1 1'.""" I .. t l) r' ln 1.11" , en P urtI I,i ' ,III,m. 11I .C l utJ oIII 1 ~ " jlh 111'!I iI " .. f 1.~ 1 1 :,111- 1 ' ,1:, ," 1,' ,11I,j:- III 1" 11111' 1' (, " , \ i J, 1',011 T " \\lh rno:l.~" ' .... J . w- (: 01 )1)1: 1.1,. ~ l ll Ch "" II 1I

1r1u.lr IIll' !' ,t Huli:l; ,tfu.oh"i.''' I 1'Il,u,I,,', :':1, ',,; n Ill'. ~ ,Iu,u • .I. , U. Hrown , L!nosu,,. . an J Johu

I , 11' 1(1,., J he-i r "h" I"" tm, HO~I t.lu Will run1" 111 .· :' llfl,h'ldl l ..I;II Il" .

"'ur f,, ·j..:,"!. 1"" "':1':1' o r otb,. , ftu"Jn,., , a rl'l, t l)J P . la :I.J.":H,.\Ct'f1t. I'orl U .lln "'~ •

or A . J . pu 1'1-:, ( ·" hf"w i. ~ Irl ,(· t \\' hur,:-:.111 F , lIltl·i..co, l:.llifl'," ia.

, .....,,(. I i . 1M',:), :':t f

" A l"ixed l"act."

\1. 1. P.;BSO~8 UltJd 'tN 10 1111" unl1l't si =:u".l

.J.~ . " " rt" jlH" h'J t o call a t J " h n ttOII'" I' mnlJ' IUh"'lt h IIlit I ..,.tt ',· wil! l 'Jr , (0',.. . I:. \\ 'n~J.

,, 11 o i. Illy only and "" Ir llI u thll riuoti :10:; . ' '' 1.J .\ \l1 :K II. JtJ/I:"'j() ~.

!\o\'t' lIIbt'r 1::, ' :,3 . IUlf- - ------- --

!1·1 t"l .J I so.35 20.65 00.51) OJ.

AT TIIt : I·ro , ·hlo .. " ' o re of J . & c.t:. Wi ll i . m~ . r (, ("f' i ~ l-d Ihi.. Iby I '~ ' I,:"k

-t\.I ,ah \ \' lf ft'n; ' . I.:lr::e !'UN, ly or ehoic.' (:' 0­m itt 4: ('. to Ih~ IIf")' ~ U I I(' ,.m llu.h l~· nf \\'111('11 ,the rulc,ibfrs wouM u ll the , Ut nl ion of tIll:public:

elnr n lCOD, the 'Itr y hr llt ;PlllinCI' lmoLt"J . b lUli lInJ :-'hou l.lt' t. ;COlON Urt r. l'1('u . 'uI IlU'" Purk i

r iot alK!coar..e Rlw:k!jIlt iF lo u r- wan . nlrd :COJ.·mrll.nJ lJQckwhf'11 .' Iour j

(;odwn Uullef, J.uf 1_l rd ;SoJa ('nd,t'" ami 1' ,101 IJru J ithiN "flul. Car olin r: ic(' iIfl lM,.., Mol• ••,.. . ti, ru():Ginl;t"f 1''''''' ' \''' ' .".. orl('J Jl l' r!l. :C. }t nnt ]" l'l",r , r icklt-. and C.(~ r .;

l"t u t l 'owdt" f1 . :-;prrlll IIi!. ~o.r ;

='I't,m.~11f anJ T allow CanJ ll'.:lklull , I..Ji,." MilOt·, ;W"tr,plnel lIa' ''. tn ,ll lkrl li .CloIM. Ili ll~. l Ol l d utllt'lI P ill a ;AI" Iud ht'h'u . lI ut _. =', iIJl, ,\:....\ ....

J. &. C. •;. lI ·lI.I.I ,IMS.OIJlftpi•• Nm . 12, 18::'3 . Im lO

~~~lbit 'af.~~~~;r--~ ~ ~

OfLewis COlltllJ' , " 'ush ing ton 'I\' rr itory , forlb. JC:lrtnd i n~ the fir, l d.y of J ill)", A . D.1s:.3.

rr ll E: 1I 11,n linn uf II,,. cill1r ll' fl f th , 1I counf,., i ..L ' 10(1' ,. :1) JlfI 't·I.' .l I" 11,1' 1 ' 11I ' 1\\ 1 1I~ 'act o f

l'onr 1rIl1ll : "1 (" oH'1I ~f .,~ I I ::J. l i !}", :" SEt:'. 17..vud lt ~, it hut hcr ('nJ (' !t' I ~ ,

~~:.:~~ tkr::~ i~:,h:f~'lll:lt','lri~:~~1 ~;al~: ~~':,I~~;r1~01"" ho.lu ll cilnru l !lI uch ... IJ.", . kn ,)" illt: 1'1111 1,'h '! dr"" 'I" ,' . o r \,1 .0 !'oh llll I · u rcl l n ~ (' ( rlllll r>ur htoWtrr hit . nT1'. (It hi, ull lf.,rlll rldh;r:~. n, :!' :'r.u l tht rl'of, 0.11 ,1 ('\ t' , ! u:l lf' " r o f r.hil' o r \t".~t" I . 1• ho .hall enter on 1"' lu ,1 such pll i l , or 'l' • • 11 0.'"Ml.rl hi' Cft'W, " no" i n ~ flint to h eve t!.·...-n cd ,tor olbtt",i ooc fll r )' """3)' such ,"(lMiN, or "h.1I n-.(UI<t to Jrh \ C' r hi m III' to III(" o rde r, of Ii i. com ­., .nJLnZ oflicl"' , IIIh,,1I upon 't~ llI l eonv icticn . Ill"htJ et th., d" ,t'r,·t ion of t hf"! cour t . in 0.11,. sum" I ('lC,r,llll:; Three hundred tloll .H" l o r l'I' irut fltOllf'\1 ((I' I ll Y u-nu 1It11 I'XCI tid ill ': nn r )"f'U."

All t\!ff'Thl ,r. _a_in"'l th i" lII el of Con~ II· "'.'t \\ illk pt"()ll8('ut,J 10 Ih,. utmnl't li:;nf fl ( the 1'1\\'.

A~.,. . ft l or T hirt y tlollJn wil l be I'Kid to a ny~ or (If'f.on. wh o tth1lll.pru t'!It'Ol) nn': J t'h ,t' r. , J...rh·, f,om lht! U" ilr J ~ lat f' ~ lI,m ,. . il t .n\". illl.rY IIIUiv lI 1'f'lnn:;inj,! I I,) thl' C ,II Il ',) ·~ t "l l (' ! . - .

B, orde r of ~Ioj"r C. If. I. AII' \I' U .

W. A. KI.A I:<;/I T1 :II .2erJ l. it'Ul ·lI h ' n (:lotn ' ,

I-o..t .\ .Ij ui. nt.•'ori 8 1t'ibeoom \ \". T . ~oY , 11, 18 13 . : 10011

Page 4: A.J- .- . ':c# . # - VOL. 2. L[F C O l U i\l B I '\ ~ llIi,l. 110 . 111 ,d ,Jlli, i. 1I 01, ,,1110. political r"1 The Ilalll)' Sea-'OII-~O. 2. nf 500 1lIi1es in extr-nt, without rO"k

Wh.lthougb lricnd. hue I,fl 1101 . ide,Wh.t Ibougb ' OWI ill ..ad ",r'tnc<"',

Aui! OIeb lOa'. ol lOrro,, '. tideFreob memori.to b efflced'

Yet lhot ....e m.y .1"" bring,FJOW 10m. deep unfalho",'d Olin. ,

'J~ur.. allh, feel 10 fling,\Vbich bad never el.e t.en thine,

louro y. nol, Ihough friend.bip Ii..Withering .. ben Ih. 'on dcd ine.;

W. e, not ~ogh .trection 8i..,Like .bird 10 brigLlor allTlCl i

Cheriah which.., remainWb. n lif,'a path ob.1I sadd••1 b. i

GralelUl ( ioe Ib,10" again,Cling 10Ibose wbo cling to Iheo.

f ortua. '. frowOJ, all unconlrolledFature daYI mlY Ihroud in nigbl i

Yellhe dar~"1 bour, .e're told,Comu before the mornL,!!~.

Doubting bearl, be Ilill, be .till ,CowardJ, {ureboding. b. nce!

Tnut in every (ood or ill ,Thy {ulure to OmoipoltQCP.