Airwatch od VMware

© 2014 VMware Inc. All rights reserved. Airwatch od VMware


Vojtěch Morávek, Senior Systems Engineer, VMware Virtualization Forum 2014, Prague, 22.10.2014 Jestliže SlideShare nezobrazí prezentaci korektně, můžete si ji stáhnout ve formátu .ppsx nebo .pdf (kliknutím na tlačitko v dolní liště snímků).

Transcript of Airwatch od VMware

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© 2014 VMware Inc. All rights reserved.

Airwatch od VMware

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Tablets, Smartphones

Desktop Laptop Tablet Phone Machine

Mission: Secure Virtual Workspace for Work at Speed of Life

End-User Computing Vision


PCs, Laptops

Thin Clients Desktop

and Workspace Services

Enterprise Mobility

Management and Security

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Mobile Desktop

Identity Social Data

VMware is Uniquely Positioned to Deliver on this Vision


End-User Computing

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About AirWatch

•  Leaders in mobile security, mobile device, application and content management across multiple platforms

•  Strong leadership team, headquartered in Atlanta, ex-Manhattan Associates execs, built with no outside capital

•  Provides mobility solutions to 12,000+ global customers

•  Largest Enterprise Mobile Management & Security provider with 1,800+ employees, largest R&D team in category

Mission: Simplify Enterprise MobilityTM

12,000 customers

150 countries

17 languages

1,800 employees

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Solution Overview

What Blackberry Enterprise Server did for Blackberry devices, AirWatch does for today’s iOS, Android, Windows and other platforms

Framework: Security, Multi-tenancy, Scalability, Privacy, Access-Control, Self-Service, Telecom Expense

Enterprise Mobility Management Platform

Mobile Device


Mobile Application Management

Mobile Content Management

Mobile Email Management


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Develop a Comprehensive Mobility Strategy


Manage the Device

Apps Content Email Browsing

Manage the Workspace


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Develop a Comprehensive Mobility Strategy


Every Mobile Device Every Mobile Operating System

Every Mobile Deployment

Phones & Tablets


Rugged Peripherals Corporate Multiuser BYOD Line of


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Evaluate Multiple Security Approaches

MDM Manage the Device

Containerization Manage a Workspace


Example: BYOD

Example: Corporate-owned


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Think Global


Choose  from  17  language  packs  

Allow  users  to  select  language  from  ac5ve  list  for  enrollment,  applica5ons,  self-­‐service  portal  and  Secure  Content  LockerTM  

Edit  specific  terms  and  transla5ons  

Administrator sets language packs across organization

Default Term Custom Term

         Language automatically reflects

users’ locale on device or workstation computer

 Specific  terms  can  be  customized  in  any  


Polish  Danish  Dutch  

Portuguese  Japanese  Korean  

Simplified    Chinese  

Tradi5onal    Chinese  

Languages Supported English  

Spanish  French  German  Italian  Arabic  Czech  Turkish  Russian  

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Management Enable Device Choice •  Support all operating systems and latest device models •  Enable employees to choose the most productive device Enroll Devices Easily •  Enroll personal devices into AirWatch •  Select “Employee Owned” device ownership Manage Personal Devices •  Configure policies and settings based on device ownership •  Secure access to enterprise resources, apps and documents Protect Employee Privacy •  Configure what info is collected based on device ownership •  Isolate and protect both corporate and personal information Mitigate Business Risks •  Enforce custom Terms of Use agreements for employee devices •  Specify the info being collected and actions IT is allowed to take Enable Self-service Management •  Simplify enrollment, configuration and support capabilities •  Locate, lock and perform an enterprise or full device wipe


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Mobile Device Management Key  Features  •  Extend  IT  security  policies  to  mobile  deployments  

•  Enable  access  to  enterprise  services  and  resources  

•  Configure  device  seMngs  and  policies  through  profiles  

•  Assign  profiles  based  on  device,  ownership  or  group  

•  Quaran5ne  devices  and  manage  by  excep5on  

•  Automate  IT  processes  and  workflows    

•  Provide  helpdesk  and  self-­‐service  to  corporate  users  

•  View  and  report  all  mobile  assets  and  policies  

•  Create  Terms  of  Use  based  on  device  ownership  type  

•  Manage  rugged  devices  and  printers/peripherals    


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Mobile Security Key  Features  •  Enable  mul5factor  user  authen5ca5on  •  Enforce  consistent  security  policies  •  Encrypt  sensi5ve  corporate  data  •  Manage  user  access  to  corporate  resources    •  Support  internal  PKI  and  third-­‐party  cer5ficates  •  Establish  network  access  controls    •  Separate  corporate  and  personal  data  with  AirWatch  Workspace  to  keep  corporate  informa5on  secure  

•  Enforce  compliance  rules  and  escala5ng  ac5ons  •  Separate  corporate  and  personal  data  with  containeriza5on  

•  Remotely  wipe  enterprise  data  from  device  and  apps  


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Mobile Application Management Key  Features  •  Manage  enterprise,  public  and  purchased  apps  

•  Integrate  with  App  Store,  Google  Play,  Amazon  

•  Create  a  custom  Enterprise  App  Catalog    

•  Deploy  apps  based  on  user,  device  role  or  smart  group  

•  Enforce  compliance  with  app  blacklists/whitelists  

•  Build  advanced  enterprise  apps  using  SDK  

•  Add  security  to  exis5ng  applica5ons  with  App  Wrapping  

•  Track  app  inventory,  versions  and  compliance  

•  Enable  single  sign-­‐on  for  enterprise  applica5ons  

•  Run  reputa5on  scanning  for  internal  and  public  apps  


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App Reputation Scanning


•  Scan apps directly in the admin console

•  Categorize app risks by area •  Privacy •  Risky behavior •  Design and programming

•  View results by risk levels •  High, medium and low

•  Take action to blacklist unsafe apps

Reputation Integration Partners

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Mobile Content Management Key  Features  •  Share  corporate  documents  via  Secure  Content  Locker™  (SCL)  •  Enable  two-­‐way  sync  from  desktop  to  device  via  AirWatch  SyncTM  •  Create  a  corporate  container  for  documents  •  Integrate  with  cloud  or  on-­‐premise  content  repositories  •  Enforce  mul5factor  user  authen5ca5on  •  Manage  user  access  rights  and  file  privileges  •  Delegate  admin  control  across  internal    groups    •  Track  document  versions,  updates  and  usage  •  Integrate  user  generated  content  from  the  Self-­‐Service  Portal  •  Allow  collabora5on  through  personal  folders  in  SCL  •  Enable  app-­‐to-­‐app  collabora5on  with  single  sign-­‐on  •  Enable  edi5ng  and  annota5on  of  documents  


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Mobile Email Management Key  Features  •  Integrate  with  enterprise  email  infrastructures  •  Enable  a  na5ve  user  experience  with  AirWatch  Inbox  •  Automate  configura5on  of  seMngs  and  creden5als  •  Define  email  compliance  policies  and  ac5ons  •  Block  email  access  based  on  make,  model  or  OS  •  Install,  remove  and  manage  email  cer5ficates  •  Encrypt  email  aYachments  for  data  loss  preven5on  •  Prevent  copy/paste  of  data  to  3rd  party  apps  •  Wipe  aYachment  content  from  compromised  devices  •  Monitor  corporate  email  ac5vity  24  /  7  /  365    


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Proxy Model Microsoft Direct Integration Google Direct Integration

•  Install AirWatch Secure Email

Gateway (proxy) on premise through a self-configurable setup utility

•  Scalable, highly available and redundant architecture

•  Integrate with email infrastructure using Windows PowerShell APIs

•  Secure cloud integration via

AirWatch Cloud Connector (ACC)

•  Integrate with email infrastructure using Google APIs

•  Only managed devices receive

Google App credentials through automatic provisioning of an AirWatch profile

Email Integration



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Mobile Browsing Management Key  Features  •  Enable  browsing  through  AirWatch  Browser™    •  Configure  custom  whitelists  and  blacklists  •  Connect  to  corporate  intranet  without  device-­‐level  VPN  •  Block  na5ve  browsers  and  public  browser  apps  •  Authen5cate  users  with  corporate  creden5als  •  Create  and  require  custom  Terms  of  Use  acceptance  •  Disable  the  ability  to  copy  or  print  •  Define  cookie  acceptance  and  clear  cookies  upon  exit  •  Enable  tabbed  browsing  and  pre-­‐defined  bookmarks  


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Laptop Management Key  Features  •  Support  Mac  OS  and  Windows  PC  laptops  •  Enroll  laptops  through  the  AirWatch  Agent  or  URL  •  Authen5cate  users  with  corporate  creden5als  •  Deploy  preconfigured  profiles  and  products  •  Enable  scalable  distribu5on  with  imaging  capabili5es  •  Sync,  share  and  manage  personal  content    •  View  a  complete  inventory  of  all  connected  devices  •  Send  commands  to  request  informa5on  and  perform  ac5ons  


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Multiuser Management


Key  Features  •  Configure  a  single  managed  device  to  be  used  by  mul5ple  users  

•  Assign  profiles  automa5cally  based  on  user  permissions  

•  Allow  for  seamless  check-­‐in,  check-­‐out  process  in  AirWatch  Agent  

•  Require  users  to  accept  a  Terms  of  Use  (TOU)  agreement  

•  Authen5cate  users  during  login  with  corporate  creden5als  

•  Enable  single  sign-­‐on  for  access  to  other  AirWatch  apps  aber  login  

•  Manage  devices  even  when  device  is  not  checked  out  

•  Auto-­‐configure  single-­‐app  mode  when  no  user  is  logged  in  

•  Configure  a  5me  interval  for  automa5c  log  out  

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AirWatch Workspace


Personal  Apps  

Email  Container      Content  Container  

App  Catalog  Intranet  Browser  

AirWatch  Workspace  

Consistent user experience with branding, single sign-on & customizable settings

Secure  connec5vity  to  enterprise  systems  

Containerize  enterprise  data  within  AirWatch  Workspace  

Managed  only  at  applica5on  layer  (MAM)  –  MDM  op5onal  

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Content Repository Integration


•  Synchronize  network  shares,  file  servers  and  file  systems  with  Secure  Content  LockerTM  

•  Distribute  and  synchronize  files  from  enterprise  or  cloud  servers  to  a  device  

•  U5lize  exis5ng  corporate  creden5als  for  user  access  

•  Provide  author,  keywords,  date  created,  date  modified,  version,  notes,  created  by,  etc.  in  document  informa5on  

•  Use  Access  Control  Lists  (ACL)  for  user  permissions  •  Secure  distribu5on  from  SharePoint  without  VPN  

(using  MAG  and  Cloud  Connector)    

•  Apply  default  seMngs  for  security  and  deployment  

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API Integration


Business  Processes  Enrollment  


Device  details  Device  profiles  Applica5ons  

User/device  groups  

Enterprise  Systems  System  management  

Opera5ons  management  

Service  management  Proprietary  systems  

AirWatch  Integra=on  Allow  external    

programs  to  invoke  core    product  func5onality  

Integrate  with  exis5ng    IT  infrastructure  and  third-­‐

party  applica5ons  


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Pricing and Packaging


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AirWatch Products & Suites Overview


Secure  Content  Locker  Collaborate  

$48  One  Year  Subscrip5on  Includes  Standard  Hos5ng  

 $50  Perpetual  +  SnS  


ORANGE    MANAGEMENT    SUITE  $60  One  Year  Subscrip5on  Includes  Standard  Hos5ng  $70  Perpetual  +  SnS    

Mobile  Device  


Workspace   App  Catalog   Inbox**  

BLUE    MANAGEMENT    SUITE  $75  One  Year  Subscrip5on  Includes  Standard  Hos5ng  $90  Perpetual  +  SnS    


Mobile  Device  


Workspace   App  Catalog   App  Wrapping  

App  Reputa5on  Scanning  

Secure  Content  Locker  View  

Inbox**   Browser  

GREEN    MANAGEMENT    SUITE  $48  One  Year  Subscrip5on  Includes  Standard  Hos5ng  $50  Perpetual  +  SnS  

Mobile  Device  


App  Catalog  Workspace  

YELLOW  MANAGEMENT    SUITE  $110  One  Year  Subscrip5on  Includes  Standard  Hos5ng  $130  Perpetual  +  SnS    


Mobile  Device  


Workspace   App  Catalog  


App  Wrapping  

App  Reputa5on  Scanning  

Secure  Content  Locker  View  

Inbox**   Browser  Secure  Content  Locker  
