Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill...


Transcript of Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill...

Page 1: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.
Page 2: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.
Page 3: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Air is polluted. Water is polluted.

People leave litter. There are many forest fires.

People kill animals, birds and the fish.

People cut down forests.

Page 4: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.
Page 5: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 6: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 7: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 8: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 9: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 10: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.






Page 11: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Fill in the crossword puzzle and write the word in vertical.

1. The name of our planet is the …2. The organisation …wants to protect the nature.3. There are billions stars in the …4. We need … to breathe.5. People cut down …6. The ecological organisations fight against water and air …7. Both a flower and a tree is a …8. Some fishermen kill the fish with …9. The … we leave in the forests lasts for a long time.10. Don’t drop litter in the street. If somebody sees you, you have to pay a …11. We need … to drink.












Page 12: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

1 E a r t h

2 G r e e n p e a c e

3 u n i v e r s e

4 a i r

5 f o r e s t s

6 p o l l u t i o n

7 p l a n t

8 d y n a m i t e

9 l i t t e r

1 0 f i n e

1 1 w a t e r

Check your answers.

Page 13: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Choose the right answers.1. Litter is 5. There will be no air without

a) rubbish which people drop in the streets. a) animals.b) a place. b) forests.c) a measurement for water. c) rivers.

2. Recycling is 6. A glass bottle lastsa) going on a bicycle again. a) forever.b) using litter again. b) for a year.c) a computer game. c) for 50 years.

3. A fine is 7. Greenpeace isa) something nice. a) an organisation that protects theb) the money you pay if you do something bad. environment.c) a present. b) the name of the planet. c) a hotel.4. Air pollution is dangerous because a) you can’t see. 8. What must we do with litter? b) you can’t hear. a) burn c) you can’t breathe. b) recycle c) drop in the forest and streets

Page 14: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Check your answers.1. Litter is 5. There will be no air without

a) rubbish which people drop in the streets. a) animals.b) a place. b) forests.c) a measurement for water. c) rivers.

2. Recycling is 6. A glass bottle lastsa) going on a bicycle again. a) forever.b) using litter again. b) for a year.c) a computer game. c) for 50 years.

3. A fine is 7. Greenpeace isa) something nice. a) an organisation that protects theb) the money you pay if you do something bad. environment.c) a present b) the name of the planet. c) a hotel.4. Air pollution is dangerous because a) you can’t see. 8. What must we do with litter? b) you can’t hear. a) burn c) you can’t breathe. b) recycle c) drop in the forest and streets

Page 15: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Fill in the gaps with these words. There is one extra word.

factories, the Earth, litter, cars, recycle, turn on, turn off,cut down, public transport, kill, the forests

Our Promise.The people of________ will protect their planet.

We will build special _______ and ______our rubbish.Some people will not use their ______ and go by ____ .

Children will not drop _____ and help clean ______ .We will never forget to ______ electricity and water.

People will not______ the forests.They will not ______ the fish and animals.

Page 16: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Check your answers.Our Promise.

The people of the Earth will protect their planet.We will build special factories and recycle our rubbish.Some people will not use their cars and go by public transport .Children will not drop litter and help clean the forests .We will never forget to turn off electricity and water.People will not cut down the forests.They will not kill the fish and animals.

Extra word is turn on.

Page 17: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Match the verbs and the nouns.1. to protect a. public transport

2. to breathe b. after the dog

3. to pollute c. paper, tins, food, glass, plastic

4. to recycle d. light and water

5. to go by e. the environment

6. to pay f. litter

7. to kill g. the atmosphere

8. to cut down h. air

9. to clean up i. the forests sort j. a fine

11. to turn off k. animals, birds and the fish

Page 18: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Check your answers.1. to protect e. the environment

2. to breathe h. air

3. to pollute g. the atmosphere

4. to recycle f. litter

5. to go by a. public transport

6. to pay j. a fine

7. to kill k. animals, birds and the fish

8. to cut down i. the forests

9. to clean up b. after the dog sort c. paper, tins, food, glass, plastic

11. to turn off d. light and water

Page 19: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Translate into English.

1.Растения, животные, моря и океаны нуждаются в нашей помощи.

2. Окружающая среда находится в опасности.

3. Вода в этой реке загрязнена.

4. Люди дышат воздухом и пьют воду.

Page 20: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

Check your answers.

1.Animals, plants, seas and oceans need our help.

2. The environment is in danger.

3. The water in this river is polluted.

4. People breathe air and drink water.

Page 21: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.

You can have a bath or a shower But today is the time to think. Save the rivers because without them You’ll have no water to drink.

Today we are still in your forests, In the sky, in the rivers, but look

Don’t kill us! Because your children Will see us in picture books.

Refrain: ‘Cos nothing is forever And nature is getting tired. If we don’t stop and think today Tomorrow the Earth could die.

Today you are going camping With your family, friends or class

Please, help us, don’t drop any litter! ‘Cos your litter leaves longer than us!

Today you cut down your forests, But the planet needs our leaves.

Please, stop it because tomorrow You’ll have no air to breathe! Refrain: ‘Cos nothing is forever And nature is getting tired. If we don’t stop and think today Tomorrow the Earth could die.

Page 22: Air is polluted.Water is polluted. People leave litter.There are many forest fires. People kill animals, birds and the fish. People cut down forests.