ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for...

I 'I'Hl SLAa. SASH IfATIONAL (DiflUENCE UI6 Port Bhhop .. de to The p.,t ,.ur M' buo ,. .. 1' of _ul'olog. II. bat Ht ill Ulnbeth III lIuch 1985. lIatthe" Gont" ...I' then. 01 prulaUd report about the vhlt ab' Ind Brit .. had NIIanit. 110111 It-ekbun .... then. Katthev 11 dud. Bdlll 11 dud. HoU, 11 dud. lie have ".pt for the. .. wI IInp for tbe hundred. of South Mdt.oJ who IuIVI did ainea Sept •• ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl .. t •• thet IHI people IIcre. killed dUrlDg thou Iantha. At I .. H II people died 1ft POUtl cu.cody. or 1000 dtar d'UMfoll or arrut for 1111gad polltiell offence. In 1985. At lea.t 4000 people have bUll Injured 1n the put 17 IOlltha. lie don't IUppO" thou 't,or,. II'. co.plete. Too _01 people have jUlt dl .. ppun.d .. lthollt en"" 1. drena- nlncu wbleb l .. d thelr nhtivu to believe tlule the, lutt be dud. 11. kilO" tbJ,t ""' of the 1I0ullded 11111 1I0t 10 to eHatel lad hOlptt..tlt for trut.ellt for fur of lalUat unit. The, do "Ot Ippur la the offielal .tathtle•• 1I0r do the .t.Uttle. Iht tho.e IIho In trrepaublJ aat .. d tn a111d a"d .plrit b, the vtole ..u whieb hu ea,ulfed the. I..d tn whieh 10.e of tnta hav. partletp.tad. ROIl doel 0"1 eure thOle 'OUII, ..... IIho.e trat1l11l' la eOIl.eriptld ten"tee have led thea to lajoJ, after, I pleee of thl letlon! aad Ilt\llrll ..u IVe.. to lUlt 11011 dO<!l Ofle eun tho.. 'OU"I people IIho lult to 1<111 a..d bum

Transcript of ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for...

Page 1: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl





Bhhop to

The p.,t ,.ur M' buo • ,...1' of _ul'olog. II. bat Ht ill

Ulnbeth III lIuch 1985. lIatthe" Gont"...I' then. 01

prulaUd • report about the vhlt ab' Ind Brit.. had

NIIanit. 110111 It-ekbun .... then.

Katthev 11 dud. Bdlll 11 dud. HoU, 11 dud. lie have ".pt for

the. .. wI IInp for tbe hundred. of South Mdt.oJ who IuIVI did

ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. t ••

thet IHI people IIcre. killed dUrlDg thou Iantha. At I..H II

people died 1ft POUtl cu.cody. or 1000 dtar d'UMfoll or arrut

for 1111gad polltiell offence. In 1985. At lea.t 4000 people have

bUll Injured 1n the put 17 IOlltha. lie don't IUppO" thou

't,or,. II'. co.plete.

Too _01 people have jUlt dl..ppun.d .. lthollt en"" 1. drena­

nlncu wbleb l ..d thelr nhtivu to believe tlule the, lutt be

dud. 11. kilO" tbJ,t ""' of the 1I0ullded 11111 1I0t 10 to eHatel lad

hOlptt..tlt for trut.ellt for fur of lalUat unit. The, do "Ot

Ippur la the offielal .tathtle••

1I0r do the .t.Uttle. Iht tho.e IIho In trrepaublJ aat..d tn

a111d a"d .plrit b, the vtole..u whieb hu ea,ulfed the. I ..d tn

whieh 10.e of tnta hav. partletp.tad.

ROIl doel 0"1 eure thOle 'OUII, ..... IIho.e trat1l11l'

la eOIl.eriptld ten"tee have led thea to lajoJ,

after, I pleee of thl letlon!

aad Ilt\llrll..u

IVe.. to lUlt

11011 dO<!l Ofle eun tho.. 'OU"I people IIho lult to 1<111 a ..d bum

Page 2: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


and d.atroy lod for whoa ~tred t. lh, ,taff of life· tbo.. who

can burn I perlon with the dreadful neckllee and dance around the


Kov don Doe cure thou wtlo ...avel ill Infllctfll' pdo 011 thetr

fellOl' huull belns. b, tortuu and b.. tt". ncl untu,lD.1lble

vI ... tetln of ".,_ of dnoDatnttll1 pova'" and nthortty throu,h

tbe ph)'l1cl1 1...1I,.ct1oo of othen to thetr vUlt

1 cloo't know If .oy of thl' 1. turable. I •• b, oatura opelat.tle

but at the .ollent I fur that our whole country 11 bellll con.u.e<l

by • lortal dl ••••••

It dId 1I0t tah root 10 u. on 3 5eptnber 1984. It began 10llg 'go

when ..a Illed hlluo belog1 for our own enda, when ..a .topped

clrlog about othe... peopla, when VI decIded thet people ..e ...a

.><plodabll in the lnt.ruu of pove.... profit and prt ...ll"S"

Llk, othe ... e.ncar. It v•• one. curabl, bid ..a been prepared to

acclpt trlat..nt. Now It ta de~ourlng ua and feeding ttaelf on

tta owo .onitroul and oblcene ..,crllClnCI••

We III tllb cOllference Ilave apent tile ..hoh da)' tad.)' H.u.lllng to

rlport. of reprlilion and violence. We have Ile.rd of tile country­

wide u.e of vigilante. to tarrorlae black co__untttel through

.urden, beaUIlI" petrol bo.b and grenlde attack. on tha hoan

of leldlu of couunlty organll1Uon. !oraed to OppOIl aplrthdd,

and tllrough the establllhlng of a rule of fur tn townahtp.,

~111Ige. Ind rural co.auoltlel. We have helrd of the ob.tructlon

experlenced b)' tile vlcU.. of vlglllnte ..uuIU ..hen the)' try to

II)' chargel wtth the pollee 1IIIIlIt thetr IllalIant••

During reclot weeki reportl of ..httl vlltllntea Iratog th••••lvl.

Ind gntng on the Ittack Igl10lt black people have beco.. aora Ind

.ore frequeot. Tbll II happlnlllg IlOW on the West Rind. The SUlldl)'

Stir thtl week tepotted til horrtf)'lllg detail brutal attacka 00

the people of ~agl.o. In the II" Idltton tl I report of I

Prltortl Cit)' Couocl110r, Mr Ptlt Rudolph. who hll founded In

Page 3: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


orl.nt,.tlon cilled The "oveetOl for the Llbee.tton .nd Pre.erv.­

t10n of ~hlt. South Afrtc.. "t'her,hip J. open to .oyont who

·put. ...phuts On ran". Thll org.nluUon ala, to tueh 1I01l,n

.nd cblldrell to .hoot, Hght Urn and "Identify the en,ay·.

We have trJ.d to think "hat w' c.n do to f,.pon,. to the••

terrible thIng. beyond the eHort to ."P0n "holt 11 h.aPpeo1ol .nd

providing .uccour to the vleti•••

So lueh re.. ln. unpublhh.,<1 beuuu of tutdetton. on reponing

'epo••d to tttl' of th, Pollet, Prl.on. end Defenet Act. aDd the

.110.t tot. 1 el,.p_down on Inlat.-tlon ..hleh .... pItt end percel

of the Stett of t.trglncy .nd ..hleh 1. nov, v. ere told, to be

bulle loto ..e .. leghhtlon lidoS the police the powlr to I.pon

ruttlttloll•• t 11111, .t .oy tt•• end ,t Iny phee.

Not only doea the law prevent full and proper Invelttgatlve

reporting of evenn 1n erhh .1tu.Uon. but loae newlpapen have

atopped even trying to convey to thelt readerl new. nf what la

h.ppenlng. Tno often one h•• to co.b the Inalde p.gel and the

.... 11 prfnt to find .ny refer..e to 10.... cauclyaatc event whtch

hal cau.ed death .nd Injury and lufferlng to people In a black

co_unl t,.

The full conlequeoeea of the clolure of the Rand Dilly are

nOW beeo,lng evtdent. \Ie heard the ne"l of th.t dechlon by the

SAAN Board at our 1985 conference. Our fearl .nd predlctlona at

that ttae were well founded.

\Ie hive to a.. rch for new. now .nd tn uke a point nf reldtng

thOle newlplper. whtch are pubilihed for a black readerlhlp In

order to get .ny Id.1 of what h rully goIng on. \Ie hive to

.earch for n on alternatlv. radtn autlnna Ind h.rn tn

bal.nce what "e Ie. on SABe TV wIth our own knowledge of eventl.

Infnraatlnn h now ooly rudlly avatI.bit to thoae who are fully

Involved In the rellitte. of Itfe tn South Afrlel and the tragedy

h that thou who are now ..king the dedo1onl whtch wtIl .hape

Page 4: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


ou~ futu~e .re DOt Involved at .11.

"Olt people '0 thlt country ltv. In •• tat. of eh.ol, dhorder

", coOruttoll. httonal .ndy.h nUl hpontbl••od 00" "..." br...e ...111 .." ..cun to pr,dlct ..., viII ~pp.n lIext ....k,

Il••t '1Il1tb, ne.t ),ur . Then Ire _0, contndlctlon. '" 0"• oclety .od. '004 d••l of dupllclt)' In public The,.

thing. ,ake It very difficult to under,t.nd "h.t I. lI,pp'Dlo, .od we Ire hUdlo,_

But therl .re IO.e tiling. whlch we elO '" tle.rl,. What we •••

do•• 1I0t le.d u. to hop. t~t South Afrlc. 1. on tb, V'1 tow,rds

duoenc, .nd ju.tlce.

There h.. been 110 cmooge tovnd. the dh..otl1o& of ,plrthe1d.

There b,. belll.a.e r.-oul of nee berrien It ••odd 14''1,1

for thou ..ho .re ..nlthy enough to ule ot expeo.lve boteh,

thutrel .nd cln...... The... h•• bel" • oot1<,,,.bl. re.oval of rlee

dhed.tll.'Uon tn· govU11ll<!M owned and privately owned bulldtng.

In the ..jar dUe., aod III ahopa, poat offlcn, parka, aporu­

fh.lda, pllblte phcn. Theil chang.. are IIdeoll but they have

little to do with aparthatd. Thera have been algolftcant tcprove-

lint. tn lawa relating to labollr relatlona.

do not tOllch aparthe1d.

Apartlle1d 11 a deliberately planned, enldly evU .y.te, dealgoed

fnr tlla aubjactlon and e~elu.lon of tile poor and bl.ek .. jortty

In order to llirther tile tntereata and preaerve the power of the

lIealtlly and ..1nly "hlte alnortty. Thare ha. been nO ref ora to

the apartlleld atructuraa.

A,.rthetd ItuIt cannot be reforaed. The ad,lnlatratlve proce­

durn uud to anforca tt can be reforHd but aucll ebang.. II are

baing are, 1 beHe..e, deatgned to entreocll ttl .tructuru.

Tllera la ateady advance In thta proce•• a. nIV goverolng .yate••

are Introducad and a' avar gruter poven are taken by the State

to prevent and cru.1I oPP0a1t101l alld raahunce.

Page 5: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


The PopulutOD leglltratloll Act (Race ClanUlcnlon) 11 lhe

fundauncet piece of leghhtloll OD IIh1l:h .It elle 11 baud. Thlt

Act d...ndl ct..t everyone vho 11 ruideot In South Urlca Ilun ba

clanlf1ed according to thefr race. TlIac ch..1flcuIOD dlctatu

• perloo-, loctra •• lltlncI the Staci hOI,,11.1 Of clinIc 10

wbleh he _, be b<lro, "here he .. 111 gt.... up, "here ha uy go to

lehool, IIhen he ..y HVI Ind where h Il'Y be burl.d. Ver" thh

Act to be rep•• led apartheid 1I0uld ern.ble. All other llst.latlon

dullog wtth Palll••eotary govern.tent, hoa.hnd and loul I .. tllo­

rltlu, Reglo011 Service. Couodla, h••lth, education, ..elfare,

penltonl, hO"llog. Croup Ar•••• Influx concrol, the Cooltltutlon

It•• lf, IIould be reodered Inoperable.

This 11 "lIat tbe "ellt_otHol of apartheid" IUOI • toul repul

of .n enor.ou. bod, of la...nd Itl replacement "ith leghbUon

..hlch no cognl••nce of the colour of • per.on'••kin.

Are there .ny .Ign. th.t governllent h even beginning to think

.bout doing ....y "Ith r'Ce clalllflc.Uon? There are none .. llatlO­

ever. On the contr.ry the Popul.tion Act ......ended

In 1982 to provide for the flngerprlnUng of people of.ll nce

group...hen they .pply for tdeotlty docu.ent., .nd for ne" con­

trola to be i.posed on people of .11 ncea through obHg.Uon.

I.po.ed upon their employer••nd l.ndlord••

On 31, 1986 the St.te Pre.tdent .nnounced tllat a unlfor.

tdenttt, docu.eot I. to be lotroduced for .11 South Afrlc.n••

Unle•• the Popul.ttoo Act I. repe.led, that unlfor.

Identity docuaent ..Ill InclUde In the Identity nu.ber I code

..hlch deacrlbea the nee of the holder. It Illy look un1fon on

the outllde but tbit r.ce dlfhrltntlatlon .. HI reuln Ind will

continue to dlctlte I per. on'. life chancel.

Other South "'rlc.n...111 not receive thh "UntfOrll" Identity

docu.ent. Thlt' .re the T....n•• Xho•••nd Vend. people "ho.e

cltlzen.hip "•• taken a...y frOil the. "heo the hOlleland. in ..hlch

they re.ldlt took Independence. The, "Ill continue to be dlltln-

Page 6: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl

•gul,hed by tr.vel dotu.eot. protI.t.lna the. to b•• llen. In the

l.nd of thetr birth.

The pro.I •• that cltlzen.hlp II to be tlltored to tho•• of the.

who .re ~p.r..n.otly r •• ld.nt~ 10 South Afrlc. h•• yet to ba

tun.hted Into lav. \lho know. how ·per..nn.t ruld,nt" ",Ul be

d,ttned. It cert.lnly ",111 not Include the 6 .tl1100 peopl, who

're Iock.d to. Ide Trlo,k,l, CI,k,t, Bophuth.tlw.n••nd Vend••

The obllg.tlon l.po.ed aD South Afrlc.n. to .urreoder .11

teo fingerprint, when they .pply for thetr 104entlty datu••nt•• t

the 'g' of 16 t. one of th, .o.t bitterly re,ented ••pect. of the

p'" l.w.. The that thi. II to be •• tended to people of .11

race .zoup. .., re,ovI the dhcd.ln.tlou but 1t enttellchel

apartheid lod the control the S~te exert. over it. eitltea••

The Govem"lIt hal pro.hed th.t then vlU b<t freedo. of .ove­

.ant for all South Afrlcaa. by 1 Jul, thl' year. veek In

Cer.l.ton the State Pre.ldent Ipoke Ibout In urblnllatlon Itrl­

tagy vhlch vould enlure "I aore even population dlltrlbutlon".

That and all the ulk of decentultut10n do.. not lound aueh

11ke fnedoa of &lIve.ent. It neaa tc> prc>al .. a nev kind c>f

cocotrol. It neal that vhea he .ald ve have "outgrown the out­

dated cococept of Ip.rtheld" he doel nc>t "In that ve hive out­

grova Iparthlld itlelf. Ye have ju.t outgrowa the vay ve ~Ied tc>

do It and Ire finding coev Vlyl.

The nev look Ipartheid la ba.ed On the principle of "ovn Iffalra"

govem.-cot. The vhlte, coloured and lcodlan Hou.e. of Parllaaent

are nOW veIl Into their .ecc>ad yelr of exl.tence and the bitter

frulu are becc>alng evldellt. Ap.rtheid 11 belcog, extended

In the ad.lnlltretlon of litter••uch .1 he.lth Ind educltlOll.

ODe cln take the exeaple of hOlpltala vhlch u.ed to be under the

cC>lltrol of Provincial adalnlltratIOll'. The, vare legrag.ted 11­

vaYI but the trlnlrer of eontrol to the relevlnt raci.ll, defined

Hou.. of Plr1hllcot It leadlne to I ne.. ,lId aon rigid enforce­

..nt of that legregatlon. The CorOCOltiOll MOlplui lco Johannelburg

I. • eoloured "ovn Iffalr" and ha. nOV been In.trueted to refu.e

Page 7: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


.4'l,.10n to pltl.nt. of oth.r r,e. gtoup' In prep.t.tlon for It.

hnd over by the Provillc. to the Houn of Ilepr.nnUt!vu.

In the fteld of edue.tloo riel. 11, .nd ethnlcall, defloed dlp.el­

uate prolifer.U vhlle power to dectde on ,dilution polley for

,II DC th,. '04 to ,lloc.t. fln.DC, to th,. I, tlntr,tll.d to the

h.nd. of the whit. ruling .lllortt,. pert,..

Itl .II very clever, .ubtl., .nd .ophtlUc.ted but it 11 not

1••410, to the 41...ntllos of .perth.ld.

The SUt. Pt.. ld"ot-, Nltton.l SUtutal)' Council look. 11k••

Don-.tlrt.r. One ",II .p.ruhn th.t h..., nov ..,,,e Iven further

.nd uUblhh • bl.ek Perll.lllnt to which thon black people

f •• ld.ot Duc,lde the ho.el.nd. would be Invited to ••nd r.pre­

••oc.tlv... Th!. would b. the 10,le.l .xc.o.lon of -~,­

.p.rthdd gou.-nHnt -. race federatlon til ..h1ell etllnie black

group., non-.tllnlf;: black Iroup., eolound, lndhn .nd vhite

Iroup. ..ould .11 have tile tr'Pp1nl' of .uthorlt, ..htle pover

rem.ln. ln til. Il.nd. of tile vlllte fe.. tllrouill tllelr control of

tlla n.tlonal budlet .nd tile eonltltutlonll anaure

that 110 lall.lation e.n b. p,"ed vitllout tlleir eon.ent.

Tile SUte Prel1dent ln 1111 J.nuar, 31 .pueh .uld, ·C"""Hted ..

Ole .re to thele nore. aod v.luel, we vtll have to defend tile

South Afrie.n aoelat, 'I.lnlt til. force. of .n.rehy wllleh ••ek to

.ehe • eOllopol, of paver .nd, rule tllil n.Hon,

tllrouill the u.e of foree, b, an axelu.lve polltie.l elique.-

lie .Ilould knov. Hi. own Ixclu.iv. politic.l cllque h•••• ired •

lonopoly of paver .nd h.. ruled tllil natlon throuill tile u.. of

fore. for thirty ellht ,e.r••

IIr 80tll. hal • fine v.y with word.. lie co••itted ll1..elf to the

follavlnl nor...nd valu... :

* F.ltll in tile .0veralJllt, of 1101 .1 the b.lll for the protection

of tile fundaMnul rllhtl of lndlY1du.h, II WIll .. IrouP'.

Page 8: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl

• ' ..ce, f~u<lo••"d de.ocrlCJ CI"D"l ,dn ..!thout 1... Ind ..,hun .)'u". b, to coal Dr. '" ". r.qutr......u of chUhed

l".d order Iud 1...uC" ICC.'. '" ... court" "lUI IquIUt, before

". 11...

"Tbe dlplt,. Ute, Ubert)' ,tid propart, of _U """ to be

protlct"., r"...dl••• of colovr, rlcl, cr••d or rallaloo.

TIM $tate Pt•• IdIOl dtMr ..... DOt "IId"nulld the "ord, bh

.peedl "rlten pot IDto btl lovtb. or tb&t 11 Oftl of tbe lott

crlll.:.1 IUte_oU ."er ..d" b, cb" 'ruldllll of ID)' uatloa.

Me '\lIt k.."" thllt 1111 political ellq... loa, "0 dUtfO)'ed the

...... nlpl)' of h .... tb" bIIlh for th" prouctloo of th" fUllda­

.."ul tl.btl of I"dlvld...ll•.

H" ""0If1 tut hll ,o111leal ell'! .... II.. deDhd ...und ICC'" to

ch" Court•.

He 1... lt kDOW that the•• II no p••el, frl.d"l Of d••ocrl'" tn

SOIlth Iorrlu Illd 1t 11 htl polltl"'l ell'! .... thet " .. dl"led theu

U1hl.1 to the pl..pla of tble COUlltr,.

H. knows thet the dl,nll, of hi. f.llow clllz~nl II .101"t.d

......,. .." Lhat lH. hoot pcolected, Lhat propen, h DOl

prot.cted bel thel lev...d. b, wblte people 10 Soutb Afrlc. he.e

.....ocbed fr" tetlS of UIOUliade of black people tIM laDd the,

_d s"d ....d snd Ole ho_1 1hI, occupied.

HI kDoorS thet U1en 11 00 libert, 10 SOIltb Atrlc*. Thou ..ho he...

the IlluII_ thet U1e, ace fru _eel, e ..j..,. I prldIt,ed eu..-

tlOll frOll the boIId, ..hlcb til 11 dOVll. Tblt ..e-t'tloa 11

.. IUldc..... the .I""te • penoa ce to conforl ,,,d to be obe-


Poor.r I' .. Int.lned b, Mr lotha', political cllq"e tbro",h the

berul of. 1"0 (to quote ,oother lotlll). If thtl pOller htl to be

tak.o frOI thea throulh the berul of , '''0 theo "e .n dl '010'

to lin thro",b , U .. of uol ..,ln,ble tlrror. We ..111 b" dutd

Page 9: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl

,and w111 have to learn to ll'll! with feu - for our ehlldull, OIlt

IUlIdebUdrell In" o\lne1~.. Theu ,,111 not be filCh bope chllt we

"ill co_ out of tho•• terrible Ule. into In en of JUIUel lod

" •• t ••

liar "utroy. thl future .. "Ill .1 the ptlunt.

I belll"l thu tIIere h DOl ...11 bope left 10 South Aftiea at

the pr,.,ot c1_ Illd that 11•• 10 tbol' political ~Y'''llt. lod

blatk tn..unitiel who hive withdrawn 1001 are vlthdrlvln. their

tco-oplnclOf1 fcOII the .parthdd Sura.

The II1tbdnwd of eo-oplntlon Illta1l1 <:11'11 4teobedlence.

Clvtl dhobeclteoel 11 lIot to be. undutatln lililely hilt OIIl}' 10

".." ru"lct for the 16.. of lev. All .oct,Un DUel. fn ....ork

of law til \lhlch "Iopl, can kilO" ..bat it 11 to be ft... It 11 the

'"lav whlth 11 llec.... ry to uphold ,ultlel Illd duoetacy Ind puce

hI ft•• no;.ietiu.

C1Yll dhobediellci fUIt not be loured loco "bell thl I,.. un

offer redrell. It 11 I lilt rllort. In South Afriel the 1Iv don

Dot off.r r.drlll for thl "Dy sroll vlolationa of elvll libar­

ti.. I"d huun rishte ..hteh are Plrt of the lava of th1l eountr.,..

\/e IUlt elatl for OIIrlllv.. th riSht to live al frea ..n Ind

"0"'''. The su"a of the .tlt. cannot pr.v.nt UI. Th..y ca" onl.,.

luee••d if ... offer our eo-operatlon and ..e have done thlt for

too IonS.

\/., blVl hoped Igdnlt hope that thou vho rule oVlr ul ..ould

ehange, ..auld .... t UI half va.,., vould ae.e that ehe only bop. for

their own lurvivil il to .ave for.. lrd .. Ieh handl outltretched

towardl tbol' ..bol th• .,. f ••r.

It I. oow that thay viiI not. They hay. lOW" the .eedl of

thatr own de.truetlon and ..111 reap th.. bttter truit. unle.. ve

can r •• c"e ch•• tro. the r •• ult. ot own ••d blindn•••.

Page 10: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


III 1boI St.u Int Votd..... .L., (5 !'Iueh .916) thotu una Nil photo­

,rapM Ittadld to quUI lIard'ted ItOrl...

oa, .... of • stOUp o! cllUdr<l1l beu,.u , aDd 12 talk!lI, to

thelr uco"",. The)' b.... Mill thar,ed .. ttll public doiellci. Tile

plctuu .hOlled 10 cl••rty that 1001< ... 1.1 bor' bIo.....bell .....

fr_ "'Mad. V., "11011 clult loot h OIU _II a_a - bl, b.,d, oa

thlll ""lllirabh nleh, tbe dlfh.. t. protICU", folded nil', the

IIII""turan, ..... t 'lid { ..ubi, ' ......4 ,bona.

Tha ochlt ..... plloto.nph tlk'lI lal1d, tha h~tel .t ... ,,<1 IU ..

W"lv,krlll' CotUu.,. "tth tho.. dr••dhl 1l11'tOOl eonerlll .Ild ..

ta ..hich dllevorlr.ul an Ivldantly lUll 1"l'ltUd to Itlck tll..­ • ..., 001 Oft top of the other <luriDI tbe hOUri whlth u·,

not .pant. "CI.tlt"l the coal fro. thl rich •• tth to the prollt of

cbelr .-.ploy.n.

Tho.. _.11 boy..... t lIot Illd lflll not 11'_ lip to btl lind ...01

'bulild lib that.

0_ VI}' or the otber tbMa chlllil UI 101111 to be Itoppd. fbi

v., 11 lo~ UI to eb~l.

Tboul 11 1I0t _ell tiM 11ft ""t plltblpi vi ellI III ..on bltd

l"OUlh. be eo_tttd 11I0001h. do llIOUlb. to ChOOII thl "1'1 ..hlch

..111 butlll. a ...... jut Illd pI.cIIIll loeht, lo~ OU~ co_a lutII .....

!!!!. "Iulae 01 10 llI~ch 1916 bell" 1ta dltodll th... ,

-fry 1I0t to lotltlt ..bit," 1_ lilt ..eek ....r11lpll101 It..d to the tuth vlth nutl.1 ."dflow..... , ....10.1 10. frOllt 01 tao.kl. Ifld the tall....Itoppllll, a"d 10.. of till loldi.u ..ho ver. til.I""., e.lIracl01 thl plopl1 Ind thlit flo"lrl. ellltlllt I uvoluU.... l \/hlr....n the hlldl Huck OilptkllT IIher...In the torcll.. for till ..Ut.. ofthe dehT Til. ~tell III til. It~eetl ..ItII the

Page 11: ainea Sept••ber 1984. The In.tituta of Rice Relatlonl 'Itl.. for… · At I..H II people died 1ft POUtl


10 • ,hort atrina of rt.. rk.ble day. • crookedal• .,tlon v.. held and ."po••d; • dllniHed "0""lIt.blhhd her .Uture .nd ludanhlp; I dllpotrantad, ..... t.d. fttd; • pallel c."-osad luud - ,Uvith • al011"'1 of blood lu.t .nd an ,bund'D.CI ofdat..alnat1ou lod co..on olUonal ..U1."

II' could lUll do it 11k. ttllt. lie S2Jl,l4 Itop the t.rt.... vlth Our

ban Mlld_, w. could Hod that co_on ..aUo... l ,,111. If v, do 1I0t

do 10 w, at. ,0111/1 to Inur Into. Vir, 100a Ind .... ry terrlbl,

tiM of violeot contHer ..hl<;:1> "Ill 1I0t bdnl pun alld jUlttcl

for 0... " 10111 alld dl",htan, for Our IUnd'Oll' and .noddlulhtan,

or tor th,lr child rio.

Thil UM 11 VI..,. Ihort.

Sh.I ..1 Duncan

U lIuch 1986