•Inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-09... · •.??SU '.Si.-.:! JOVBNAIi "'. i....

•.??SU'.Si. -.:! JOVBNAIi "'. i . iperahntirii; $5.50 per year. Office c BATES 0? JU>VEftTIBIKQ. -'" •"''''"'"^ One Square,- oneiln'Bertton.".. t 15 do do two do 1 25 ' do -,% - •• =;. : "";<«J uo j^..i,.iii:...r,{...»' do- do one week, ..... _ 9 80 do do twoweeks,... 4 00 i do ao " " "" do So onemonth, , 6 00 i > •: ,.,-M.-._ doi.-.«two.m6nth9,i-.-i.-.. >.'-•' .-..' 8'00| * do.'^.do "tnree months,"!. l .« 1.s-i•.-.'.•> 9 00, do do sinnonths, 12 00.. do do pneyear, ,..,,...18 00' " t* Qne, quartey coJuian;on'e yejkr.......... .... B5 Op I , *'~ Onelialfcolumniose^year,,^......'..'...-..'.llO'OO | * One column one year, 200 00 | •..-.,•, .,®uslne.'3SiOar.asiperyear,^w-..j...-.*..... 10 60 ; 1;. Qn^dncaispaceconstitutasa square.. Notices In reauV -, lug!matter-"w.ill:be,charged.flfteen centsallne each inser- tion*. " "o v •. • ; ' ' - •' J" -' i Marriage notices -fifty/- cents each. Death notices" free. .ObUnatje3v.Ac.rten<cents-p'erline., ' ] ; ^To,ad,ver.tlaecierit-willbe'jnserted over five, times, a Tjeetr, andsJ'b.en running:-;ojfer&.month. but font times a . treek. ,wT$te?ufs-will;W Inserted in: 1 advertisements. . . V ... .. 1 J—-i ..^1.^ 11.- ^ jtg.^JQJu. ...... . W6BK. >! "'ijVeij--dScrlptI6n' J "of Job: Wprk neatiy'and'. jjrbjnptly' , execijtea-at-ffie JOUENAEOffice. ' ' •"•'••••' g Kill' '!-',' ?. i6Knkji,"o.is. " " ,. ,•.-'.;'•!! . . , % SQ<JAWj<,.,....,...', (......;.:,,! .,..;,;>•'BroErietor^ -" 5Mfi,XIoii3e-ia.siliia{aa on, Great, St .jfamesStreet,.»nd'l» ' t5eMgestinthe cityV ''' \ gt,in,th.e cityV; ieri(sn.Moriey {akeii at p'ar. .- '%-f f ^ j ^ y s ; ii-k^.ittiS mwm i'jWS '.-.fliK-'..-. V' : &Z r *' "J -.: •„••.•-•.~3:.'H'..'C?'3 u. ,* H* ^ WEDNESDAY , I " .' ; >1i..'' MAPLE CITY MILLS, Codfloft, &fip.'«' '- -, DEALERS IK FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN & CORN MEAI ; ; ^FA share of the public patronage i3 earnestly sor licited. Order»,promptly filled and sent toany part' within the otty limits. CjyMtf,) '&E0. GODDEN & CO] Dealers lir •Uottd&s, , «&<3. 'A. BS. Siiermaii - ,-. '-. - - I"roj>rietoj iAHE3I0Tnr, OirA'tSTAUIJCACO./N. Y. i (mhl6dtf) •.'• I. 3iy - .' ' ; .. ' '"'.'".'I?.. BAgiii's r gemOanadaV)• (mhaidly)} ' - ' '• ST. SAWfiBNOE HOTEL, ,,; ' . ' ' '. Gm'ThK Xing'aii& GtrOri Street, Frescoit, Ont. j •••-•'• -'"- (formerly kept by ; Orry Harris.) ' -§.. l.S^alJs, _. - - . * t * J I?rpprietOE. >:,</.. ;S;B. MlSIOlt :. •' A-iPirgt Glass Eschange Office'and Billiard Room A{- '-"•-*' '®S<"*lTee-Onroibtis.'to Boats and Cars. ___ ... .' "1"'~ .1. ' ". ' (mhgTdly); •' .'JOHN AT.LBKDORBH, ; svys^ ^"jQ'fitt»!'5Ff^ws^in>"n "lyS^PT^Ti Vt TO%m .':. .,.-.. ASB JFAKOT HOODS DEAISRS. . . Q-oods-sold' to Merchants ana Peddlers af Naw York , . City prices., ; %o. S j?ord St.. Ogaensbnrgh,,N. Y. [aplOdly] [ OH AS. I. BJLLDWIH. ' , ' BK0KH1R, . S}i>.p2£g fiat .CSplit SSlverfeeCa ty Drafts for saieion. Ireland, ScotlaaaianiEnglandi KiU- Traj" wa Steamship Ageni; to ill points. :ol the tfnStea atate3.and.the Old-Country. - ^filOfliSt Stt, OgaenBburgh,».Y. . : Qathaime.St-., .oppositeSaiaTTlnHonBei is the place j TO S-'BT TBS' "p&gT'TUiiy-OUT" •Z5 r ' TOWWl . OarefulflfLvers:can bo hafl when deslrea. BY JOHN"- S. STEED, tSa Street, Oo'd&nsburg, West Sifte. Alwav's on liandihe choicest Cigara, Wines and Iiq4 -aors. t " "... ' '.' . .. '. Cjelgdtf) \ iROT?BS, IIHDE&NICHOI.8, ,' and dealers in I'lour, inzi FEED Am> Oai»S8BPBQ,,.H. Y. '" "H.. E: 3"AMBS, ,o.t Wadai«^4o Paper Mills, Flax-'ana. 5LAX, TOW, 'E3iAZ=j&BD, & STSAW PAPER A B0AB» :p QBE ITS BUS (3, S. T. (fe£4dtf) BA1BWIN HOUSE, Water Street, necer tie Ferry, OSDBSSBiJEGjN. T. aiawaja -" --•" - - Mauase*. e Sa'3T>e5n refittetl aaa refurnished. A choice 6u?ply of Oanada IAquors, Wmes, and the best brands of Cigars always on hand. G-ood accommodation for Horses. B&rgo Barns, Sheds, and Yards'coKaected with tha House. Charges reason- able. , . . i •. (jaKLd&wly) J y j S^ST. L-IWHESOE CfOBSI?, H. Y. <• atteaSiom>.ffiotn to Practice in; ;• (jylSdJtwly) ; J. H. 3TABil5KBD i^! 18511 Wholesale Dealer-in ici£or8 &Rectifier of WSUskle* * OgmgiSBTntSH M.. Y., [jeloatirtt] J^City and Country Property for Bale in every ai-| rectidn. See Stanley Day's Real Estate Circular, No.. 125 Broadway, N.Y. Mailed free. [jy2S-lm] ; Houst,] , f WEp£lAt>I at the DEALER IS- ^ G o i a , garer aafi Canada BIDiiJEl Jfoney exchanged on reasonaWe terms.' Commercial Billsibongit arid- Sold'; also Govermneat and Count; Bonds. •'" ^^"Office wita Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, .oc OathariBs Street, nextaoor aboTe Baldwin House; Og. densbnrgh. IS.!"._ (oc29d,awtr.;', ..-jiosorcrs. w. . ^ i l O E S a S D OIiAIM A6EKB,_S3 goiarer3"BotLnty,BacE Bay, and Pen3ica. Afivica .. , .on {he subject, free. HOSET SO LOAK OH GOOD IKPKOVED PARM3. . . , oraer o? Jord- as-5 Isabella- BtreetB, Og- Kh. ST. Y- , . [id&i ... JJAErOSAX HOTEL, v Convsr- of M>rii and Catharine Streets, OaDSNSEUEO.S. T. •lyELS k MOOEB,.: .Proprietors, Newty re'aited. anafcrnishea ana. Ke|>t ill-first oiiss style. Keitiurant In connection Tree hack to and' 'cqmtheoaraaii'l boats.,' 5asaenger3 sarriedtp.sny,part of jSe-jdlfe-,.'"... (my83a&wH). f ' OG3ESSBUEG, IS. T. JP. Sealer,. - - A , 'Late of Waterbury. HoU\ Vt<_ . Carriages.to and'from the Oars and Boats. " (my20d&wtf) J. y s', J;OTpeHer and Engraver •"• A5TDGBSESJS. BBAISP. M Watches,- 0locJca, STewelryi Silver-Ware, &a. Sole Agent for ITlorerviivmkircyo'ecb a/ncL unexcelled SE i:i€!3aiNBS NQ, SjAfiLE BLOCK,, FORD 85.; OGDENSBURG. '<fJS^AlKkihd*s-qf Watches, Clocks,'-'Jewelry and Sew- IngSMachine'3-r8t>&ei ATI worlcVaxrahted. 0. A-D: 'WiHITHBZ, JB., & CO., WhoWsale dealers inall' kinds oX *'3 t ^ r affienttonglvep-to supplying the New England Market; "•• ' • 57. !•. PSOOTOS, Agent, , (teMS&if) ' • • ' " Ogdenspnrg.'N. T. :SESMOtfR BOUSE, SSHOT ; :... i , H.T, rT^HE SUB5OEISSB. IiTOiES krSEWEtONTTCOHIS i stock of Buggy3"n'ciw on'handj which aife offered on better terms'than can'lie obtainedin any other market.— They have been constructed of the very best material anaarewarrantea-inievery particular.. Parties 'desiring to Burchase will find it to their advantage to give mean early call. . '-• - A." OALLAGHAN. p_gd_ensburgb.,Jsily Sl,O.aEj ,-- and Retail, ',' WATER ~ ", } - OGKEKSBUKG, Retail dealers and; the trade furnished with Cigars of ell brands, of iny owe. manufacture, at-lovrer ra,tes than oa^be procured at'aiiy*bt:ier' Souse in . Northern'New York, whleh;pur.chasers wilflearn by calling. AH myCi- gars are manufactured of the, very .best material which aU'smoSers'-wig admit by "toying thesa. Patronage .sp- licitea.arid ! satisfaction guaranteed. " ' ''' "' ' .--,.. •, . •.• ' • ' THOS. MoGElNNBNt dgdensburgh, March IS, 1SS3. (mhlSdeow*wly), For the. p.aro"haae. and sale'of' Mom\,'Pork,Sxitter, OlieeseyJSgga, and all hinds of X cMce-Une of'i'aniuy'Gro.ceries jlways onhatfd. - - - •• 1 --*'—-Voffoevillage, free-of City Prices. ,. , ,. \ - ••:• J.X--J. No. 14 ford. St., next door to Bell's JTew- ' ' clry store, Ogdoiislbiil-gU, N. IT. , ,, ... . - (stasaiy) Newjilirpccyy andjS,fcip Cliandlery . -\' • . :\ \ I 's ^Zoet, corner Ford & Patterson Sts., '*;;o^Bw^Tar?:/;•;• ' ; ! I am-4o.w receiving a.ohoiceBelqctionof Which Itiffer to the:pubirc-,a.tthe loweai Market Prices'. KS?—•Air.Mh"dS'6f :: Ve93el supplies'- constisntly on hand. :>>• ; ••' •• •^: fnih25dtf) ; THE OBIEHXAL Base I S SOI.E AGENT EOR-" EHIS OEIiEgRATED PTJili imce forr Ogdensburg, and is; prepared.to fill orders on tho ahortesfc no.feo. Satisfactory refesenqes given, JUso the Oriental Base; Burning Stove;, .the.- Imperial OookingStoye,and- all- klnd3} of CooHijg tahd Parlor Stores, r ••-."* " •>•• - "'•" •',- A full assbrkmentibf. Tin andSheet Ivoa. Ware, always on hand, and jobs done to order. |^"-Store, two doorB-Eaat of Seymour House, Ford Street, Ogdensbnrg^ (dtf) "Advertising is file Life- of Trade."—Vsts&ux. . ^g^Persons contemplating .-advertising, -should,, jbe' fore makinB;contract8j by no•: - - —--.—--^- - Or conBultlnR.tbelrauthorlzed-.agents,for estimates.— They n&ye-facUitieBJTor securi&g the'insertion;of .Advert iBementsIn allnewspapers atd- other,;.publications at lowflrrates tnaiwinymother honaei. Olroularnanfl laforf mationfree.' Address,.- ........ .. - \ ABBOTT Bureau for General Advertising, \ 82 AND' Si NAMSA'TJ ST., NEW YOBK CITY. ( Oi G. Pesprarroa's CAIISAYJ. Toaio BITTEHS.—^Ihe, world jtenowned Stomach Bitters. Great preventatlvef Qf'Fev.er and Ague, Dyspepslaj Dlsorderd.DigeBtloni &c.' &c. Recommend by Physicians, and used In their dally, practice. Hundreds of letters testifying to their efW elency, not published.,, but can be seen at the principal ;office.and laboratory, lS.Dey Street, where, for further particulars all communications are to he addressed. . I local Agents wanted. .Traveling Merchants' supplied: on very liberal terms. . - (jy2S-lm) ' .All Young Persons can. and shonldobtain a good education, i'or-particulars- address, J.. A.',Cooper^ Principal of the State Normal School, Edinboro, Pa. i [jy28-lm] "OrrB &JIcNaught's ImportM Spool Cotton for g Machine aaa hand use, tinsurpaased in price: alit AIEXANDEK KN0X { Sewing ana quality. £ jy28-3m] , p i AIJEXANDEK KN0X, 542 Pearl St., near Broadway, H. Y. ADVERTISEMENTS. l e w Medical Book : © "•*" ' "" KNIK'JCING MACHINE, j The Kamilly Knitter manufactured by the Bridgeport Knitting Company, is, ac^nowlsdgei by practical knlt-i ters to b e t h e best for family use in the market. G d ; A td i s e te es faiy use Agents wanted in .every county. Send for BridgeportKnitting Co., Bridgeport, Conn. i Good; clrcular.-J [jy281m]i WANTED, by a Manufacturer, Agents to sell by sam-' pie. AddresB with Btamp for, circular, GREENE & 00..1 418 Cliestnnt St., PhUadelphia. . [jy2S-lm]' f SASITEliE, - i Ladies, do not permit this to escape your notice, | Sanltelle.j or' Mcjiilii' IPeasllaae. t It secures to you permanently, a moat desirable boon,' askiaof satin-like texture, and-the if arm delicate com-l plexion of rapturous youth, its effects are immediate.? It contains no injurious substance. ThiS'is nofiction,as; a trial will prove all we claim foirlt. Trice 15cents. If your druggist does not keep-It send the amount to us; and it will >be forwarded by- Express. j A. MAUKST & CO., Proprietors, i (jel6-2m) 171 Duane Street, New York. EK ANB> AGUX CUKEB. IN TWENCT-BOUB HOURS " 1 er's Fever and, A.gue TiTl8,ljg& They are i perfectly harmless, purely, vegetable ami} harmles,.pui'ely vegetable, and have been used in private practice for SO years. ' Mr. J. Ryan, surveyor of the N. \ T. Central Park, has used these Pllisin over 800 cases; on employees and not one failure. Price $1. Forward-! ed bymail to any address.' JMrect, Dr. WM. HSHEE, 811 Bleecker Street, New Tork City. (jet9 2m I {Susoesaor to OLSiTONS & REDISG10N) Wholesale and Retail doalar in E s-t e. y'.s ' :ans With their wonderful VOX H1THANA Also their Patent JHANUAJ. SUE-BASB & "No. 2 Water Street, seit, ,to J. L. Iv.e?, ..figdens,- bnrlh,'NiY. " . (deSaajd&wlyll .JDO. KEEP Oil's; , TCBEE "WET T!ie Petrifying Roc& Raofwg* , "'. . , ... •••pzagtf0,siate Roofing, ' •'•Asbestos PJo'ofvng^ - mHE3E: MATERIALS WH.L-BE APPLIED TO'OR-' JL deiin-quantities-tpsult. Also coating, for Tin-anST Shingle, Ti'oofs. fillsup all seams and makes a tight, durable roof, even' after theShingles are nearly worn but. Now iSoiie-'timeto tepair. yourdeaky .JRoofs- r before the JPall iain8 and Cold Weather come: on; &Iaterials:for g, Aug. IS, 18G8. ANOS FROM ng & Sons, Steiiwvay & Soul), HnUet, Xtttvlm & Co., JT. "W k Tone <fc Co., TUC Bradbury Piauo, God. M. Guild &' Co. ' Dunham & Son«, Ilav^n & Bucon, Bron. , I ..,«•-. i B^"A U l ilna8 ? f Musical Mercnandice for sale at the 'lowest Boston and NewYork Prices. •'• Ogdensburgh,April 1, 1868. >• •• i.'i-'-».-i - C34w> O. H. OI.BMONS. fl t' '' i* 'VI •OSJJiseases'of impruaence>8 ArorVSr Youth, a'nd'Mai- adles of ATomen—sent free, under seal, by enclosing a itaimp to Dr. LAWRENOE, Btatlon.I).,,^.%., TOBACCO ANXICOXE. tVara!ited'toremdvealldeBife'ioi"robacco. 3;h|sgreat remedy is anexcellent appetizer. J li purlfles the blood, invigorates the system, possesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest fo.dd, makes sleep *refreihlng. and establlahes rotmst'bealth. Smokers and,.chewers (»r Sixty Tears, cured. Price, 50 cts., posf free. A treatise on the In- juiioua effects of Tobacco, with lists of reference, testi- monials, *o.,Sontfree. Agents'wahted, Address Dr. T. K. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. (aulS.Sm) M0BN8ED BY-THE : 'J •' States As.ixt3a.ovi.tyi ENGI(AND . _. . PAWNBROKER'S JOINT STOCK . ' ••{.-,V-'-'fo ' ' '-Of'unredeemed Qoods, Coneistihg of is. Shvwls, Dress Goods, Cottons, Linen Goods, Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Albums, Bibles, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Outlery, Sewing Machines, &a. , , IVbe sold<at $1 each, without regard to value, andnot to'be paid fdrnntll know what you are to'recelve. Stock Valued at $200,000. Salesroom 30 Han- over Street, Boston. The most popular, reliable, prompt and buslneas-llke concef n of the kind. The best of Boston references fur- nished on application. By patronizing this sale you hairea chance to .exchange your-'gdods, with a large" va- riety to Belect from. TERMS TO AGENTS.—We believe our terms to Agents are superior to those offered by any other house. Take particulornotlce of this : Our Agents are not required to ipay $1 for-their'presents; as In all other cohceffls. * Certificates giving a complete description of the arti- cles that will be sold for $1 each, will be sold at the fol- lowingrates: 10 for $1; 80 (with present) lor $8; 60 (with, present) S6; 100 (.with present) $10. And same rate for larger clnbs. Xookatthlschancetogeti Silk Dress, Sewing Sla- chlne, Obld Watch, or some other good article of equal value, with but very litile trouble ana no expense to the Agent. ,! | i ; For a club of Thirty we will give the person sending It the choice of Ih'e following articles: ! Print fireis Pat- tern, worsted breakfast'shawl, white linen tablecloth, em- bossed table spread, set steel bladed knivea and forks, set silver-plated forks .elegant engraved silver! plated, gold lined goblet, violin ana bow, fancy dress pattern; p»irladies.extraquallt^cloth; boots, elegant beaded silk: liairaspl, JOO-pIcture morocco photo, album, elegant Ivo- ry'handled spangled silk fan, 1 doz large sized linen tow- eU, ladie'l morocco shopping bag, alhambra quilt; fancy bailmoral skirt, ladies solid gold California diamond ring, gents plain or engravedjgoldring, (16 carets fine)'; ladies solid black walnut writing .deisk, ladies fancy black wal- nnt work bos, or a cottage clock. '• ', lor a Olub of 60,one'ofthe following articles: 'Kancyj cashmoreidress pattern,8yds: double,Jirtdth water proof! cIoalcing^Tliibeti sbawl, 4 yds^Trool.fr6cki£i^, set liice enr— tains, ladles double wool shawl, silver plated card basj' kjjlt, splendid engraved silver ; plated ice pitcher, engrav* edl silver plated tea pot^ 100 picture Turkey morocco' ptioto. album, Lancaster q.uilt, fancy j>lald wool'Ehawl^ 251yds. sheeting, alapaca dress pattern, engraved silver- plated 6 Jj'ottle revolving castor, pair gent's calf bodtB, Harris clqth pants and vest pattern, splendid balmoral ;ldrt, ,set^ of i.vory handle knives with silver-plated fcjr&a: . paur-of .all wooVblankets, rosewood frame braas| alarm; ilocl:, splendid beaded and lined silk parasol,'ladies ipiedld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yards sprint, or mar- idlles quilt. ' ' 'Jor a Olub of 100, sp'lendia engraved silver plated tea. se|, (8 pieces, sugar bowl, tea pot and creamer),', silver- plated cake basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, 25 yds. hemp carpeting, splendid violin,and bow, Eoglishfoeraga. •bawl, 45 yds sheeting,.splendid Hapaca dress pattern,, Biver hunting .case watch, splendid family Bible with ele-: gant steel engravings and family record and photograph .age, poplin dress pattern, engraved silver plated ice ditcher, splendid beaver . cloalc.pattem, sharpe'a revolvr en, fancy cassimere coat, pants and vest pattern extra quality, splendid accordeon music box, ; ope pair /ine damask table covers withl doz. dinner napkins to match. t2t^"*Presents for Larger Clubs in proportion. This Is no humbug lottery: Gift Enterpriseor Sale ot Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square sale of unredeemed G&ods. ».Our goodssr'e ' ' ' ' . NEW ANDiNOB SECOND HArlD, And ire guarantee more for the money invested than can be bought at any. wholesale store In the country. Agents will pleaa'e ta"ke notice of tnls^ Do :not .send lames, .but.numb'er'your clubs from oneupwards.' Let pour letters be short and plain as possible. Be sore and send money amounting to"$5 or"more by Registered Letter, (which can_ be sent from any'-offlce), Pi O. HoneylDrder, orJixpres3; for when- sent in this w!ay you run no risk of losing it whatever. Small sums may be sent by mail, but be sure and put them in theofc fice yourself. * We cannot be responsible for money lost unless some p;recautions,'are taken to ensure its safety. , V • . Send your' addressfinf uli, ToyCn, Oonnty". ^nd 8tat<j ir -t Alllcortificatesais'gooduntil.redeemed," -"'-'J- • • ; S. O. THOMPSON &CO., ' Send for Circular. No. 80 Hanover St., Boston, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE ! EMINENT WOMEN <S?THE AGE; An octavo volume of 030 pages, containing it newly •writtenSketches, by Mes3rs. Parian, Greely, Higginson, Elton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Hrs. B. O. Stan^ t«n, Fanny Sern, Grace Greenwood, etc. Illustrate^ with 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribune says :. "So thoroughly have the publishers dpne^their Tfork that their volume, in paper, type, binding, em grayings, above.all the excellence, of Its.sjiibgect matter, j goe3 far to remove the reproach urged against snbscrip? uonbook—'Onlymadeto sell.' " l ? or desoriptlve clrcu tors address 8. M. BETT3 Is CO., Hartford, Ct, ' T © PLEASURE TRAYELER& 1868. ;'i'lui ''* - V.U.'- •-'.'i--'.- v.- ..I.T-.•. >.- ,. t-V ' 'esc.-!! •-..si .•:...!>}... ••"•• •<;-.; . r.,f j i Excursion To Otta>ya City, via mtoatceal and Oi- ; ' t»wa Wivcr. TICKETS GOOD TJKTIIi NOyfBMBER 1, 1S08. ' .j^_ -'jf- The Route:—Ogdenaburg to Montreal via G. T. Rv. or. Royal Mall Line Steamers; Montreal to Lachlne via G. T. Ky.; Lachine to Ottawa, via'Ottawa andMonti-eal line of Steamers, up the Ottawa River, passing through Xake.S^ Ann's rap!d,9.and£aH;e of : Two. Mountains ; Ot- tawa to Ogdensburg, via Ottawa and St. Lawrence Hy. 1'aBBengeri holding tliese tickets can lay over on the 'routeanQ-re'snmetlielrtrips at pleasure, tickets being good until November 1,1868. ' Tickets.for thetound trip ffoni Ogdensburg to Ottawa and return $10.50, American, Currency, . .Excursion Tickets to Montreal, Quebec, Portland, White Mountains, Boston, Saratoga and New Tork, at equally low rates of fare, for sale at the Grand Trunk Railway Agency, Old Ogdensburg Bank Building, State Street. OHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent.' Ogdensburg, July 9, J863.., . x . , T3 ©EEAT WESTERN RAILWAY Til. Ktiigaru Falls and Stcapeusioii Sfldgo! ,'iaaEB' EXPaEss TRAINS ' J teBve Suspension Bridge, Hamilton and Toronto, dally, {Sundays eicepted,) on arriial.of Trains from the Bast for ' DETROIT, CEKOAGO, PEH B^* And ail points We3t. Trains leave Ogdensburgh, via Borne, Watertswn and OeSensburgh E'.'R., daily (Sundays excepted) at T:40 A. M:, Rome 1:25 P.M.,.Niagara Falls and Busp'nBt. 12:20 A. M., Detroit 0:80 A. BI., arriving at Chicago 9:80 P. M. Express Train leaves.Ogdensburgh 2:00X'.M., Koine 9:10, Niagara Falls ana Suspension Br. 0:50 A. M,, De- troit, 5 P.M., arriving .'at Ohlcago 6:00 A. it, mak- Ing close connections with all trains South, West and Northwest. Is j f Thiii is tlioShotteBt, Cheapest ina moul relteWo rouw to the Great Wes,t. j - ! ' , i Ask for Tioketsivla Great Westera Hallway, whlqb. can De obtained at all the ('principal Ticket Offices in ihe United States and Canada. I .' JAMKS;8IMO"SDS, . j S ' ; Agent, Ogdensburgn, K. Y. i •1. N. DERBir,! Traveling Agent, Ogd'h, N. X. j THQS. SWINTXKD,Gen. Manager, Hamilton, Ont. , JAMBS OHAEMONj'Gsneral Agent, Hamilton, O>t. Odbgh/SiKylSilSCT (jald&wtf) , SEWIMG WHENST' •I ', GET THE BEST. &> Wilson f \ ' ' • ' i J Are solo ilgenta In Ogdeneburg, for'lhe -I i "Family Favorite'' «-- "Weeia HSaclilne. The simplest and best. Least liable toget out of order and the best Hemmer,. ptitoher ^na Feller In une. . The: Agency of the Weed Machine is now at our store instead of sit .T. Allendorph's, as formerly. ' : ' • ' ALSO Grover «fe Kaiser's, Old Favorite, triea and approved for years. OalLbefore purchasing elsewhere and get-a good Ma- chine and algood bargain. • ., ' ' THOMPSON * WILSON, Uv23d&wly] No. 6 Eagle Block, Ogdensburg. > 750; MILES OP THE La: JOa- FORT EDWARD INSTITUTE.—Fall term September 3d. $60p»rterm. Superb brick buildings. Sixteen ffeachara. .Qourse for ladies or .Gentlemen.; or pholM ef studies, GommonJ-Obmniercial^Clasaical^ or ornamen- tal. l?lrst rate advantages. Address for catalogues, } T. E. SING, D. D., Fort Edward, N. Y. ' WANTED—AGBKTS—To Bell the LOST OATTSE, thu only Democratic .History oft the}. War; also, T_HE30¥S IN piiTJE.'a thrillinirfecord'of'the'-rahlrand fileofthe 0nlon Army; Headley's life of Grant; Campaign Badges and engravings of both parties, &c. E. B. TREAT & CO., 654 Broadway, N. Y. ' I EASItTT. MADE. ' '"With our Complete Stencil and Key Check Outfit.—i Email Capital required. Circulars Jree. STAFFORD? MAWFG. 00., 66 Fulton Street, New Tork. ; BOOK. AGENTS WANTED, The fastest selling book extant, MEN OF OUR TIMES; Or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegant volume,! isplendidly-illustrated with; 19^beautiful.Steel IEngrav- ling's.'and a pai?trait of the author, Mrs. HARRIET BEE0HER STOWB. .' Agents say it is the "best, and sells the quickest of any boolcthey ever sold. Now is the time to sell it. Every-! body wants it. Agents are taking 200 orders per week; ( y W e p a y extra large.commission's s^ and grant exciuslve tetritory. Send for circulars giv- ing full particulars. Address HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ot. WE HAVE OOliE ; WITH GKEAT INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS TO CO- OPERATE WITH U3 IN OUR I GREAT $1.00 * SA£E! : SHEETIN.GS^freojof cost to our-Agents. i . WATCHES f£ee;of cost to our Agents. " j SEWIN9-Machines free of cost to our Agents. i LEATHER Goods free of cost to Agents. LINEN Goods free of, ,cost to our Agents. SILKS & ShaWls free 6t cost to our Agents. BOOTS. & Shoes free of cost,to our Agents. . - , ' u)KBS3-0*)do free bf-'COBt fo'lOnr; Agents. *" "' ! . ,, , I-OS ODKOCSTQMBRSi {3ST(J'atalpgue' of goods senl; io.any adiifo«s,fr Bend'idpney by registereilletter.. AdareaiaU " ' ' ' C'VHABRIS , !"• (..I'.".. .. [• "" WME-tatm^. \ ' .- ; .' i --'•.. •Ti'i-fQ.'.. : .(),•.!•. | fit, ',i». — - i. ' ' iwW^P-atP'J? :ar.e V 6xhansted by over work'.r.of i e a d or hand andfeel the need of something invigorating,-don^t a ?! n fe' 1 "WRl'eyft?;any intoxicatingithiogi whether niider thefname.of'.bitterg^or otherwise. -i:Such Srtlcles'give just as much strength to your weary; body; and", mind u the whip gives.to tliesjaded ihors*. .and no more; ..Alco- holic stimulants arainjurlouB to-Ji()rye -Beilth,; and. are always followed by depressing reaotioni.ii ,;• i „'..? < DOpD'3 NEKVINB AITO-IfrViGdK r ATOK"- ' Is a' Tonic" ana'Gentle Stimulant which is not kttended by reaction:" ^hatlpainsTor,you"B malntaln*s. When It refreshes body and.'-mlnd'lt"Tefreshes with natural strength-,t.bat:comej:to «tay. ii'We5'are noffe commending teetotallsm iathe;lnteTe8t,of any factlonii.'Hutlong and (itendea obsecvation.teachea us.that he-who resorts to thebp1;tle,rorire»tprr«6uperatlc3a'iwlllfinai.a«i,he.:ke"epi at It.thst he it klndliaga'Qrerai.i i • bbnea.whiohiwlll.con- .sua>fljm^e!thBi^ainesfOf''perditloJl T J. ThnrT?orii r 'it. .IMEe a Tonlc^hf t will refresh and not destroy. Dodd's Nerr* lneis'for sale by all druggists. Price $1. gee bookof certificates that accompanies each bottle. (stS-2m) Are now finished and In loperatlon. Although tills road. Is built with great rapidity,.the work is thoroughly done, and. Is pronounced by the Dnited States Commissioner to. be first-class in every respect, before it Is accepted, and uefore.any bonds can be issued upon it. 1 . 1 j .- Hapidityrarid e^celle^icc of £onstrnctionJiaye been^ssi cured by a complete division of labor, and by distribut-- ing the twenty thousand menemployed along the line, for long distances, at once. It is nqw probable that the, t Wliole Line totlto Pacific will tc Com- pleted In 1809;- The Company have ample means of which the Govern- ment grants the right of way, and all necessary timber- and other materials found along the iine of its operas tions; also 12,800 asres of land to the mile, taken in al« ternate sections on each side ot its-road; also United: -States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to $48,000 per mile, according to the difficulties to be sur- mounted on the various sections to be built, for which it. 'takes'a second mortgaga.a's security, ami it is expecte'dj that no only the Interest, but the principal amountmay bo paid in services rendered by tie Company intrans-; porting troops, mails,'.&c. ! i TUB SARN1KQS OP THE UNION.PACIFIC KAIL- EOAD, from Its Way or LocalBuslnes3 only, during the : - year ending June 30th. 1868, amounted to over 1 which, after paying all expenses,' was much more than sufficient to pay the interest on its Bonds. These earn- ings are no Indication of the vast through traffic that' muBtfollowthe'bpehlngof the line-to the Pacific, but' they certainly prove that Oponsuchaproperty,.cdstlng nearly three times their amount, ' ,'i . i Op amount, Are Entirely Secure, 2ho TJnio'n PaclficBonds are for $1,000 each, and have coupons attached. They have thirty years to run, and beat sncpal Interest, piyaWe on tlie first days of fann- »ryind?July at theOompany?s Office In tBe Oily of New York, at the rate of'six per cent, in gold. The Principal Is payable in gold at maturity. The price is 102, and attbe present rate of goldj, these bpndsi.pay a liberal' Income on.lb.elr cost i A very important consideration In determining the value oftheae bonds, Is the length of time they have to run.. . ;< It 1B yell knpwp..tiiat a longbond always.commands a much, higherpric'e than a shortone. itis-safeto as-' sume.that flaring the nest thirty years, the rite of in-' teresl in tliQ United States will decline as it has dona in ]Europe,.ah.i'wehivear!jhttoexpecttnat such six per, cent, securities as these will be held at as liigli a premi- um *s tnos'e "of tHa Government,-which, in 1"86T,-were bought in at from 2D to 83 per cent, above par. The ex- poRt demand alone may produce this result, and "as the issue of aprivate.corporation, they are beyond-thereach of political action.^ , '", _. 1 ' ' ' The Company believe that these Bonds, at the present 1 rate, are the cheapest security in the market, and re- serve the right to advance the price at any time. a5~Sbiti ill b i d iOGDEN rr T ' ' v ' V. N.' BEBBTi 1 ," and in New Tork •Atthe Company's Office, .No.. 20-Nassau Street,. AKD BY ' '.-;.:; John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. BO Wall St.,'. And by the Obinpany's advertised Agents through- j '•• 'outthe United States.' ; ' ' i Itenmttmch should be made in drafts or -other fimds par im. New Yorfyand: 'the Bonds will be sent fret ofcharg.ely retime, eatress. Parties,gtiOicrtb- &n.g throughlocal qgents,will. look to them for : thtir $<tf$delivery, '• ' i .i ' .: ', A PAMPHLET AND MAP JOR 1868 has just, been published by the- Company,, giving fuller; Information than is possible in an advertisement, reiptcting the Pro- gress oftlie" Work, the Keiottices of the Country tra- yersed by the, RoadVttie-MeMifer Construction, and the Value of the Bonda, which will .be tent free on applica- tion at.the Company's offices or to any of the advertised agents'." " *-* - • ./»"•-. o JOHN.J. .CISfo<>, T*eft«ur«r«- July 21,1868. #<(jjjSd*w3m) NKWTORK. •A lit, BBKS0N3 INDBBTBl) -TO THE' i'KTE J.H*. jcii Guest, are iequeited 1 to 'Settle 1 without further de- lay. ThlsUth'eiIi"A8T'CAtI.i' Allacbou'nti notgettlefl b y t e SOtU'of September, will be put in suit. SMUiMAN FOOTS, Executor. August 21,1S63. (au22d£wlm) OGDEN8IHJBOH AND LAKE: CHAUJL ' PtAIN RAH.UOAI}. {. 1868. Cbftnge tff Xlm«r~ —TS68. y-, J StraSlBB; 4ABKAN"SBMEKt|' ", I THREE THZINSrDjClLY (Sundays Eacipled,,} On and after Monday, May 26, trains trill run aa follows: i iBt—BOSTON EXPRESS. ! Leaves Ogdensburg 5:80 A.M., (breakfast atMalone,) arrive at Houses Point at 10:85 A. M., connecting with Vermont Central R.R. Day Express, for Burlington, C«b- cord, Nashua, Lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M. i 2dr-THSOUGH MAIIt i * .; j X.eate'r OEden»bnrg at.1.00 P*M., PSUdimJSgetion at2P:M.,' Blalone 8:5C P. M., connecting'at' Mooer's Junction wlthP, * JI. R. K. for Bl&ttsburgh, Burlington and Whitehall, via Lake Ohaiapiain Steamers,- ai-rivD at House's Potat at 6.25 P. M., connecting with* Vt, OentralSlgat,B3pres8,for Burlington.aria-*m point* East and South, arriving in Boston ,»t 8:40£At M.> SprinE- fleld 6:40 A.' W.\; Troy 4:85 ACM., New l o r k 10:80 i. JI. Passengers by this train who wish to take steamers On Lake Champlain will change cars at THooer's Junction meeting SteamerB at Pittsburgh instead of House's St. as heretofore. f .8d—AOOOMMODATION^-wlth SLEEPING. OAE. j . Leave Ogdensburg at 6 P. M.' on arrival'of Grand Trunk day express train from Toronto and 'West, arriv- ing at Bouse's Point at 4:85 A; M^ connecting wlthVeri mont Central day mail for Bh'rlirigtonj White Elvjr Junction, Concord, Wtchburg, Nashua and Lowell, arr> rive In Boston at 6:80 P . M . . "- '•'*•' RETURNINGi"- ; leave New York 3:80 P. 11., Troy 9:80 P. M., sleeping car, Rutland 1:80 A. M. Burlington 4:15 A.S1.; BoM ton B:00"'P. >M., Rouse'i Point 7:16 Ai W.j arrive at Ogdensburgh at 12:40 P. M. Connecting at Slooer's Junction with trains from Plattsburgb, and Lake Champlain Steamers; at .Potidam p Won with R., W. & O. R. B. for Watertown, Some and West; also with Stages for Massena Springs ; and at Og- deneburg•fflthtralns of R.',W. *O. Rs.'Bvfar South and West; with Grand Trunk Railway for West; St. Law- rence and Ottawa Railway for Ottawa, and with Northern Transportation Co.'BXlne Steamers Jor West. Also, leave Rutland 5:80 A. M., Nerthfield 7:45 A. M., Burlington 9:50 A. M., Rouses Point 12:10 P. M., arrive at Ogdensburgat 5:40 P. M. •-if -. * t>. W. O. BROWl-7, : G«n'l Snp't.! Bnpt.'s Office, Ogdeasburgj May 2S;.1868.. , fd&w) j CENTBA1U and SUI<IiJVAS KAILBOADS. - ! . E:E' ASBANG-"E'M-&-irT-. ;• , , OomniencIngMay25,1888. . •BASIS Q01SQ SODTli AMD KiBT. ' ! MAIL TEAIN leaves Rouse's Pt at4:40 A. M., recelvos passengers from. O. &JJ. O. B. £.. leaving Ogdensbm^ at 6:00 P. M., connects at White Rlyer Junction an'ff BeV- lows 1'alls, with trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring- field, and with trains on Passdmpslc road; arrives at NewYork at 10:45 P.M. I ! DAT EXPEBSS leaves Ogdensburg at 5:80 A. Mi Souse's Point 10:45 A. M., for Boston, 4 c , arriving In Boston.vls Lowell, at 10:80 P.M. . . . ••*•.; NIGHT BXPHESS," leaves Og8ensburg at 1:00 P. M., Rous.e'B Point at, 6;85 P. M., ..arr riving at Boston at 8:40. A. Vt:, connecting at 'Bellowj Falls with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worcen 1 ter, and with Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield, So., and arriving in New York'atl2:80P;Mi TRArSSQOINaNOKTH AND WIST. | DAT EXPRESS leaves Boston, via Lowel), at 8:00 A| M.-, for. Bnrllngion, St. Albane, &c,-arriving-ai 0g'den3- burg at 5:80 A.M. ' J MAIL TEAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 7:00 A. M.J via Lawrence and Iltchburgh at 7:50-4. Mi, gprlngflilo at7:45 A. M.,, for Burlington and-St.. Albans. j Trains leaving Boston via ITitcbburg at 7:S0 A. M.; and Springfield at T:45 A. M., connect at White Elver Junction with the day express train. , ,, I .ACCOMMODATION UKAIN leaveB North8el4at7:45 A. M.,for Burlington, Rutland, St~. AlbanB, House's Pt.J Ogdensburg, 4c. » NIGHT BXPBESS leaves Bellow? FaUi: at,10:00 P. M.| receiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. R., leaving NewYorkatl2:15P. M., and from Cheshire E. R. le&vf ingBostonat 6:80 P . M . ; connecting at..White Riveij JuDction with train leaving Boston at 5:00 P. M.,"for Burlington, Rouse's Point, and Ogdensburgh, connect^ ing with steamers and Grand Trunk Trains forthe West.' Sleeping Oars are attached to Night TrainB. I Through Tickets for Chicago and the West for saleaf ;he principal stations. ,. I S-. MBHUILL, Gen'l Bupt. I St. Albans, Vt, May 25,1868. .--••- & BURSilNGTOAK. LEAVE OGDENSBUKS- | At 1.00 J?. M., Express, for Tray ana NewYork, with' sleeping cariromBt. Albans to; Troy,, arriving in Troy »t 4.40 A. M. t and New Xork at 10.00 A. M., via tha Hndi Ron River Railroad. ! 1 Atl.00 E. M"., Express for BcJ'c-a, arriving at Bur; lington, by Sail, at 9 80 P;M.,(wlth aleeplng-curfrom.Bur- lington) and arrive in Boston next mdrniHgat 8:80 o'clock; "i Or, Passengers by the 1:00 P. M. train can take ond of the Lake Champlain Steamers, »n arriving at Rouse's Point, get supper on board,.pass through, the'- niostpleas- ant part of the Lake, touch at Pittsburgh, and arrive at Burlington In time to connect, WITHOUT FAIL, with* the 10:00 P. M. JEspress '.Craln.for Boston, (with sleeping' cars} andarrivein Boston next cioriiing at S:S0 o'clocfei Passengers taking the LOOP. SI. train Siiiurdays,sre rive in New York at 8:00 P. M. Sunday. At 6P. M., (sleeping car to .Rouse's Point) arriving af 4:35 A. M., Burlington 8:00 A. M., Rutland noon, arriv- ing at Boston at 6:80 P. M. { Jor tickets or information.apply to Ticket Offloe, Og- densburgh R. R. Depot, or of Ohas. I. Baldwin, G. T. R; Ecket Office, State street, or T. N. Derby, G. W. R. Tick- et Office, State street, opposite Seymour House. - | (MET" Baggage dheefcedthrough from Ogdensburg. \ .!'. \ ' GEO. A. MERRILL,.Supt. J.J..:dE!JSCH,Gan.J.gt.,Osdensbure. Jane-1,183S. SSoks, •WASE)R l rO'WH-i.N©O(tfDBNS-! JS68. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 18S8. ! EIGHTY MILES SMORTER '• THAJI AXT OTHER BOUTB TO AI3AST Al?l>. AJJVy TORK CITTi On. and after Monday, May 11,1888, and until farther notice, Passenger Trains -will run on tbis Road as *ol- lows,(S"andaya escepted,) , . i : BXPKESS' MAIL. Leave Ogdensburg 9:15 A, II., arrives at Watertowxr 12:25, (20 minutes for dinner,) Rome 4:05 P. M., Osvregoi 4:35 P.M., connecangat, Rome vlth New.-Tork Oentrat Express Trains for all points East and West, arrivingat Utica 5:10 P. M., Syracuse 8:25 P. M., Rochester 9:10 P.i M., Albany 9:80P. M., Buffalo 12;00 P.M., Suspension! BrtflSe'12-35 A. Si., New York 6:00 A.M., D'etro'lt 10:00 A.* M., Chicago 8:30P.JM. i ••"' NEWYORK; EXPRESS. Leave Ogdensburg.at 2:00 V. M., arrive 1 at Watertowffi S:1SP.M., (20 minutes for Supper,) Oswego 8:85 P. M.,! Rome 9:20 B.M., Utica 10:16 P. M., Albany 1:40 A. M., 1 New York, 7:00 A. M.; Syracuse 12:20 A; If., Rochesteri 8:30 A.M.,. Buffalo' 6:20, M.K. SuspenslonBr 6:40 A. K.' Elegant Sleeping Oar attached to this" train at- Watertown and run through to New York without ahange. I Close connections nude at Buffalo and Suspension Br. ( for Chicago and all points West. RBTTJRNIN&. Leave New Tork at 80th Street Depot, 6:30 P.M., ar- rive at Watertown T:40 A. M., (20minutes for break- fast) Ogdensburg, 11:15 A.. JM. , . j' Sleeeping Car attached to this train, and . runs through ti Watertown. ' , ^"Through Tickets to Troy, Albany, New York,' Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Spring- fleld.Buffalb, and all principal points East- arid West, can be ob'tained at the Ticket Office at the Depot; arid* at the Tickef'Office, of the Sreat'Wfc irri' Railway, "Og- 1 densburg,T.N. DERBY, Agent 1 '.. ' Fare as low and 12 hours quicker than 'by any other ronteto New York, ? '• '"' ' ' ' ' '" '"-''•' Baggage checkedthrouga. ADDISON H. T. ERARY, asn.Tlcket Agent, 186T-8. "Wlntsr Arransomout;. 1867-8 Oswego and Syracuse lailjroad In connection with the Kew Yo'r£ Central R. R. C'paimeaoiiig Nov. 25, 1S67. Direct route BTTFFAI.O, CtEVEIiAND, XOLEBO Detroit, Cliicag-o, ' i ail Joints ' West and South __- ITainsTeaveOgaensburgtt at2P. ; M., arrive StOBwegb at9P.Mi' IieaveOJwegdatB;69P. M., arrive at Ogdens bBrghi&fl:05A.Mi ; ' ' ' Leave Oswego 9-A. M.-, Tultdn- 9:S5 A: MJ, lamsbn* 9:89 A; M.,BaldwInsviUeioa7A. M.,' arrlve'at Syracuse ' 10:85 A. M. " • • ••" = LeaveOflwegb 2P. M., Elilton 2:S4'P. M.jiialBipnB 2:59 P. M., Ualdwinsvllle'8ii7 P: M.. arr.iye'at-SyracnBe 8:55 P. M., connecting witk'Syracase", Binghampton »nd NewYork R. R. for Binghampton, Phllaclelpliia, Baltimore sind'all points South, } \<' i »- i i a i Leave Oswego 6P. M., Fulton 6:30 P . Sf., Lamsons 0:52 P.M;,BaldwInsvme,7!0TP.M., arrive afrSyracuie < • * ' ' RETURNING: ' ! ' ' , . Leave Syracuse 6:45"-A.M.; 2;85T:M.; t:20*. Mi > ' * ArriveaiOswego!8:85 A. M.; 4:35?. 6L ; 9:10*; M. I '•""*•-—•- ""-•--»- •-•- --•- -•• jj, e Company'S'Offlce TB; THBLTS,' 'sn-pfesc ._ _ __ i / i 3H?AitWA|r; : Throughto Ohluijo|inJ53honfi, being 12 hourB_gnloker tnanbyanyotfier.route, j.'»** » f ~ j'-V Trains leave" "Prescott-* Junction,* opposite Ogdeaa- rgfira«foi}owl,^lit:! *' t •-•'••' JOB THE WEBT. . .. Ohleago.DayExpress...'.,..:,','...;,.1'.3S P. M., Aoctfmm6aattoii f ...J -,...,..'. i..i.. : .4.tO V.•.•*"•" 'Kvenlng Bipre'sB'."..'.'.'!^':', V.i ,4'4'0'RSt."'"' <S0* Throu'gn' Tickets'for sale at- tfio flSheril .ttpiel Office, 01d i -0gdensburgh,B&nk.BulldlMg;'8tate^ree't;'' " 0. J. BiYD&iSi' ''"'•" :: ' ' ' Ogaensfinirgn^iT, Managing Director. 5). P. BEACH, " Generri Agent. Hew Tort Oltr. EK (NEl^.H[A]!ER18Bt«aB) KAlE^OlAIJ-.^ij.,,,,; J TrainB leave White Rlipr Junction for Opncord, Nash- ua, Groton Junction, "Worseitfcr, P&yldence, LowelL Boston, 4 c , at 1S31tXxLfl!Xitt> iiOi&iSK M., or on »r- rival of traini from OKdentborgh: and Montreal. { Leave Concord for Ogaenaburgli and Montreal at 10:80 A. M., and 8:15 RStjor<m'arrivii : Df'tSiin'B- ftomBds- ton, Worcester, &c. h' ! , cJ ' .n'i ^ i Trains over tUs8paa:» J ipn.dal)iy.la/jonnpctIon with trains over the Ogdensburgh RoadT'carrylna Pas«en- gers andSretght to-»nd'lrooi- ttte^West; r Ogdensburgli, Mtal ndManchmrNhi^te P 1 * gers a d S r e g Montreal, and l monueai, ana mancnemer* .Kasnusi^Wonseiter, ProTi- dence, Lowell, Lawrence,.,.Bostoa (! 'tPortsinouUi, "Portlana and the Eastjrad'all Intermealat^pbliita T —"ON8L0W 8TEARN8. Agentj •-•> i 11." 33STE?SSr-"JS ; -Q3KB^.; D I K E ••• -l .-'..,.>;. n:\A •• j . :-iS.-.- ,.•'';•'. trPi-i u'J % shorn Steamboat Landing, Albany, dally, (Bnnd«j'»ex- , cepteavatT o'clock P.M.. . "".. "i s | luesdayB, Thursdays and ii_ ,,.Wa«j.«j. •-= i Ti ' :: BaturaayS^A, i 0S~Purchase Tickets only, to Albany Pis«en«eM and their Baggage cai-rted^o'theBoati Free T,-,• j •Br4B'-&e-M:^-'O,-B.«ii-»rifll(rrlUei"i7UF'--2^ : ifllow toh Yd h g pe p sjde te Yard ,ana hanftv th Checks tb ; <)Ur;Agent; anSiive paying'40 c^iits'srpt for thirir baggage to the:N.'.Y..O.K.R. Baeir4«S%Io1i Oly.. ..., >> >• :,.,,-.Ij- [iij. . • ,i n S3P"HuaBO^Rlver filR Tlbkt tekf * uaBO^.Rlver fil.R. Tlbketa teken'fpip* ssage i: ! >• \ - j ' h h \ '-i-ii- f-. - ••• C ' ? '•-•'•• "--'••'• >•••' .^jLe^al, C*B v BUl,. t j^Q.tfer i ,ilfc;.I«''9^e Papers '..•^^'f^r, ', ; . ' '• ' •;,..' : n>i" ; i- _: , -'I :• ... Bc(A ' ( Arife^&^,;^ ; 1 1 - i '1 ' !• '•/' I 1868 Great Express Line tothe Weal, 1*868. -' \ '• - • ••• 4- I VIA THE i I.../-. ' ' . Cl/- I-iine of SAE.WKA. j^ilp MACKINAW,' Milwaukee, <CJ$ticago ANDALB^Af-H MICll&lN PdRTS: '"} j Three to-l'our Days Tl.rae Bayed saw anyi^ther Waterioiite. , ,-,-n . it $1*4 Sflrst , i .. 'OUUSH OHIOAS.O, MILWAPKEE,'SHEBO.lGANiandall;Eake l_li_i. , ,MicKlgan]Port«."' ."' 1 tar* Ideals. &sertbs Included onSteam^ ere .on.all first Class Tickets. ' «-' •'.'•' .- -•« j . T he foJlowingSpIendld, Low-Eressure Pas'sengeriteam< e.rs-wulformftfe.line.duringtb.e season of 18.6S;: -,«. \ 5; F# w * d e: i :'CapC'Giilie3 mw W.^M.^3. . ...... i ...... .Vltpil* VXiliIC3# -, I jg-. of Fremont * .... ICTapt'-Iffi Barret. I . 5*Pff t B°n l e*T----.--"-.-Oapt.fi::jrticholsori; . » sun ........... ( ....... CaptR. A. f j;dnes.,-i; i To connect with one of the above Steamers' Passeni gers wiu leave OgdenBburg Mondaye, Wedriesdayii and.E'xiday«,)viaGrand.Xrunk,SaUway.- ' ".' f The rates by this line are,, cheaper than by anyother- water route andfrom tlree to four flays "snorter between! Ogdensburg and Chicago or Milwaukee, with 6nly : bntf change, which made direct from the csars to tho toatj AO UTTITlinllft. tJS*YT,*rra rti* "nArklranA ^WI.^-TI#« ^^.v-Xrt. t . t ^j»x« iuiiU<ag-for'aie!r special "benefit woicD carries Passengers, Hojies, Wagons,-Tumiture, andiall dgicrlp- tionof HpuBenoiaQppda.'Extra Baggage,, 6c, connect- ing afrSarnia^bove Started, .wljitheit.iln.e of'steamer* C.X BALDWIN, Agent, Ogdensburg,'."- - That fact induces te offerldg of all. Weknow tho '•' - - •< -. t id €ELEB^AI < EI>-,-:'.-'i AURORA "VPIia a fair teBV'wili'prbte to; tliousands, as' it lias to} hundreds who are now ntlng it, afar preferable Olb-tbt anJthlng heretofore used. ,. T ,-l ? 53i"erefore, we cofaiSlly invite every one to cast.off alii prejudices and without regard to misrepreBentaWens of* lnterestedriiarties, to ' ' , • •inr . >< ' ' ' ' r " ' ^ ' JW^i. i ; ina and Japan. ; AND CABKyING fitcamBhlps on the Atl»utte;Connectln(:on Pacific with! kxm&kiW'VswsA rooLORADO 008TAEipAirL. OHTANA, Oneiof the iboveMargt l i f t •plesdld iMamihlpi wll ivepier No's4S'NortkiRl*er,4o6tof Canal Btreet, a hJt9tll6ttedttfflti (exoTOt:w,b^tt»sd^^ti8rjj;arthen on tfieprecedinf Saturdaj^for Asplnwall,, connecting^ via Panama Railway wftfi-otfe'oFthe Gompany's Steamship from PanapMor;Btn'B»ncl«%o,itc*ichliig at Acapulco. Departures of the.lit and ,24th. .connect at Panama. «jth BtessieraforiSouffiTaciMVjPoHs, "Those of 1st touch Mannanilloi'*-K"s>'- ; ' *&• «&MSs»--. Departure of 9tli:e»th;month;e6nnect3, with the new eteata llnefrpm Bujuoa to, Auiti»Jlaj ft nd New Zealand. Steamer if BefeiSK^conhetts'iiloIely at SanPrancisco irith steamertGypjjtBBtrBWOFleSviiig Oct. 1,1868, for Japan and.'GJ>Iiii^£^w5S| s 0 *f^,-?$fo%M One Hundred-^ound»-,BiwgB«e .ailoireil to each adult, Baggagei:ma«te:rs accompany^ibaggafe throii^h, and at* tend to ladlei and children witSoutfmale'protectsrs. Bag; gage received on the dwrtLHie day before sailing, from. 8teambo*t«,r«llroad«,»nai«»««ngeTB who prefer to Bend flown early*/tf i s t££T »^- PTsSStT? An experienced surge,pn,,Qn board. Medlcln* and at- tendancefce| (jyldly> ,,.,,; iz''- i?'3?.--feBABT, Agent. •.:.'.*„./. *:•• •••;- !n. %<. -ir.'i Baoks, bgS.-.I UM r-..l'.i'is! -..:•>*?/ '-T ; .. A:i«ui! !•$?' ! A&< ', [' -X-ii^il --xifiL :. •'-Z-:-ah ,y>-^-> _ qbHC J U . ^k^ JW, . ~mr% ?*-* ^ - ^^mmWW > ^ ^ . GERMAN <•.::> -{y '<. btae3^sbnf 'j;m Y/,- \Beaiijs and Oats >h foaDBiaoiii (OWO3OT ten. aos* JI. obi'sV)' *' Oeeps coaetajitlyoh hand afid for sals oheap, aUkinds o ::>'•.' ...:.••', -flonsUitSg.a.%a'rt>df ll "ourj.Pjork.- patsj C.orni!PeaSj1^.eansJ. ,s!sp. Teaij .8ngat3 ' * .' 'MolaBseSj.Syrupy,". ' .' ^" ", ' J Oatoeal, Buckwheat Hour, Corn Starch, Maliena, Wheat- en:OrltS, Opooi, Ghoeolatei laplofel, ic: Ett4<St« of 'all LS5Kr i BSg?S»fiH5W?ra|S?S^ 1 »i ; -S 61 ?*^ i®fe#*i; -Itr^nea ^Honey, Pure Spices, Mustard end Pepper. Pain Killer so'rsale*. ••\> , .• ••-, *•••••{ '•- I.- (•'.!;• ^(-:.? •': ^^Clra and tobacco, tho Tery best.brands. &s**T6a3es«in«a:- 'Soods-'aSlIvirsa'In BP^aOT&s*T6a3es ha"ylllageiEzee. .. ,'? '4R»T " ' o. A. ~\t,' Rjio i-8 Ga. i' *J ?&£;'.•< <,•'•":••• •*¥* •tp . I . T : I'.W^V-; ji:T.c '.-•,(•-->L 1 - • ;• I'k-i. y,' .-U .-...< i - - ?i-.ii-..! !3)hlg ,well'j£nowri;iCoiflpan'yjwilli during the present sea ""-"' J ' ' REQ-TrLASIj^*' BEXvviiiE-N v..i . ••«-;.:,, ;. ;-. -.-,>•; l_: -\ -.", : ' - - .,!;.:- AND .INTERMSDIATE, PORTS., , ( ii,'. •:-%\ '• j.., _ > ! j. . I ^ ' ii{. - • •> ig Ogdensburg Dapy,.for- Lake Erie Ports, on ar- •' •rival'dftheMailTrainfromtheEast'; ahd'TrtWeek'-' ly,^.JIopd.oy,,?5ednesday) " ' "Lalte Miolilgaii Ports. . " These Steamers make regular connectkrastat.Qg- "densbuirg with the OgdensburgftLake Champlain. R. R., •an'd; Vermont Oehtral Xine for Boston: and ^Ul J .points £ast. At Western Lake ports, with Railroad ana Oa^sl Binesj'for aU-pointsSoSthi'Weat-ansl' Softfiwest, making it the favorite route foEjapsengers andJreigW,'8Btlieie is but OHBTRA.HSB3PMENT between" Boston zhd Chicago. \ - —^^.w^ ^Sr*i;he;5teamer.» arfejprovia&?*ltli large Cabins ana Staterooms, elegantly furnished, for the accomniodatlon Li of Mrst'Class Passengers ahdcomfortB:ble-.Second^Gls.33 SOatflhs proviaei'wltli- Berths ana" Cook Stoves for Sas- "Benger3;»nd > FainiiieB. desiring ,t T o-;furniEE their; own* 'pro- visions, Ac. , * . ', : "'^«-!niere ; is no'chatige 'bf'Steamer between pgd'ens- :;burg and; ghitjagpi thereby making, it the cheapest gad best rbufc for Passengers niovlng with ifieir Gocd's, 8tock;,Ao:j asstKey-avoid; ferriage;. cartsge,thotel<bills, and numerous .other expanses, as .well as damage to ttieir property by rough, KantUSig; ' • / * ; ' '''"'-"•'- 1 , t^"First i Clas6 Tickets include MealsandStaterpoms. '" '^"R'ates of Paesage ana Freight'idwertJiari by any iitherroute.. .•'.;-. • •'' -. i'.- ; . ":•:•••• i.7i'V.>i >,' S^y"Baggage Checked through to destination, . j , . . JN0i,HO.eKING,;No. *figtateiStteet,3ostpni W; B; BUCKLEY, Cape Tincent.if. Y. * CHAS.ALLISON,08WegbiN..Y.-!'' : \:>,w rRBNOHi CHIEDS k GO., Cleveland. O. , , W; T. WALKER A.CO.,,Tpled6iOi £ . •, "NVJ; KODIBE,Detroit, Miohi ERING- OK '"SKNJS 1 '" *HBIR A-N» T»1T IT FREE; !If;,aUwlll;dojSO ihere will Boofi-bsia- greateV'rusc" ! tian SO cents.' •Jl i,"'. '• ••»' V « . < . .;•.!» -. .,•'•'<"•- '' ?j;\i,}i. Tlme:froin.-Bosi«d-1T:: , All expre8ies,in,charge;of=.s»fe *nd trusty ,rt Drfleri for tKe pnrcnale of gbbds Inthecitlei . coliclted and promptly attended to. Office In -'; ''': AGENTS^*ANiKD'-ibR r '']jANJ " .'*.**.'. '. 'Wbrf'h/iV'i^M~/tmA mitJtiy^iii^J' r I.XVTB OF G'BK.'~ij£irSSBS,"«;' v GKisX. : CompriBing a 6omj>le«e"*ccurate hjstory ^f •hls'eventr', fulSpd interestingesreer; with: an .'authentic narrative : of his invaluable mllitery Berjlces, adding also an im. ? a j2?L^^^^ h i?,sfesgi?5?i?:i a v a r " 'Dana'B Life of G«ner«l G r i n t i s »uife""tp:b'e the most au- thentic and best Life »f Grant publisbed." iPor partial lars,*pplytoor»dare«BGUKDON BILL *CO.,Spring- fleW, Mass., or MSK BBAINARD, Koohester, N. ¥. (ap2M*w2m) JW*,. ageui, ;o.i Ogdensburg, N. Y-. : GEOJ ,WxSMMH,,6en'l.;XIcket.Age!it,;. ••:'.:• •'• ••'•<! H. JvG.OODNO, Passenger Asent - - :; -••OmSg"cor.JF6fd'S h\ t>.-,' DAILY tmibr ••' "'• -'•"'- ye, OEdensburBat XB. M.JlBrockVUle SJi it f] ; Ai- cioudria Bay eT-'M.;-; Kingsfen 8:80 K "M.," Cnarf6tt« jJ;30,,A.{M.j arrlvlngjat .tewlston 9:804,ifc Niagara Fallsl0:80A. M. . ... . t ", , . . . ii^Tfil'siOompany %llli: ;8firlhf- : '$itf 'ieSsb'n of •pleasure "ers'for-^Basureand busIneiS "feavei;" between' Ogdens- -flnrg ) Mo'n'tre»l,^Toronto.arict'Eewlst^n...;;t:^s0'. < j!...' ""' "' leyiU'_becompose'diof"the Large,t Stauneh.and 1 COLraiBrAN Capt. J[L B. DBtes. •Connecting fat <JgdenBb,urgcwitb:'. the' 'elegaaf "-River Steaiiaers "~ OHAMPION :.";:.". =."..©apt. OarraSbeaE*'- 1 BAK8HEB ."T;".*.".... ,.."..Oapt Bailey. And Ogdengburg B.'g.;,fpj|Son8e?aBolnt and all points South, and East, forjeaingji.J>aily Xine (Sundays e^cepfc- e^tbrqug&iake^ntarip andBijer-St .ta.wr.ence,-"Jga' rlvarbf"Brf"X e^tbrqug&iake^ntarip andBijer-St .ta.wr.ence,-Jgav- ing'Ogdensburg, atTRM.j.on aTrlvarbf"Bxprefs"Xraiii ftom the|Ea8t, i ,.j6u5Ujg, i ati;Brp,clcville,AlekandHa!iBttyi Kingston and Ghaflotte, arriylngatXewisWh thefbllqw- ing morningfat9:80>;i conh'ebtiiig'at 'Kingston' with' ~'i£$3y btutMBayofauint%fJBUmdPiM p.oat up. .tne cay-oi, uuinse^ipr .iseueviiie snfMMeton,., at Charloft'eiridiEewiEfotfwith'New York 'CenfralSafroad fpr,NlagaraiJ!aUs. .and;JBuffaip, therfeby formingfa' desk connection wltn all the following routes: , ',- . AtSuspension Bridge, with «ift.--Western''Raiiw : ay'for Hamilton, .London, Detroitr-'Ohlcagp, Milwaukee and all points West an* Smith ;:,at. Bnffaio, J *lthpLSkeigSare and Michigan Sonthern, O^evelanil snd Crestlhie "RjiE fo.alUp6ints:Westana ! Soiitn;andwl&&iIfalb'ana- r Jialie' "*!' an8 all.points'fdfCEake Sr'MSanstortatisn. isFS^ei'M^^^^Sb WpRt,. " .JM;,;C West. [1 teXnear^Unedaalled strengthiaaasrpeedon XaKe Ontario," as" ^wl^eli^orBaf^&d^i^iidHB Jranaeur-oi^cenery anor,Cpmfoft,of.^»SBenser8.f.-..S ! • Throfi^asfeiM cV'tieluVcha'kTof MpoWdf lie Eaifroaa ahaSieamboat'OMcesin,Northern N"e*"Yor]t md Ne\c*nglitfiiSt«i«!l" '}J - ; SOS'ITJty»tRBV.'^ *' } KOSIT J ^ B t R B ^ Bistem Agent, «|i«i!S.bufB. andTreas s Mtei(!' !• A1BX. MILLOT,.Sec'yandTreas., s ,Montrei!; fM eHd&w8m),

Transcript of •Inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-09... · •.??SU '.Si.-.:! JOVBNAIi "'. i....

Page 1: •Inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-09... · •.??SU '.Si.-.:! JOVBNAIi "'. i. iperahntirii; $5.50 per year. Office c BATES 0? JU>VEftTIBIKQ. • -'" •"''''"'"^

•.??SU '.Si.


"'. i . iperahntirii;$5.50 per year. Office c

BATES 0 ? JU>VEftTIBIKQ. • -'" •"''''"'"^One Square,- one iln'Bertton.".. t 15do do two do 1 25

' do-,% - •• = ; . :"";<«J u o j ^ . . i , . i i i : . . . r , { . . . » '

do- do one week, . . . . . _ 9 80do do twoweeks,... 4 00 ido ao " " " "do So onemonth, , 6 00 i

> •: ,.,-M .-._ doi.-.«two.m6nth9,i-.-i.-.. >.'-•' .-..' 8 '00|* do.'^.do "tnree months,"!.l.« 1.s-i•.-.'.•> 9 00,

do do sinnonths, 12 00..do do pneyear, , . . , , . . .18 0 0 '

" t* Qne, quartey coJuian;on'e yejkr.......... . . . . B5 Op I ,*'~ Onelialfcolumniose^year,,^......'..'...-..'.llO'OO | *

One column one year, 200 00 |•..-.,•, .,®uslne.'3SiOar.asiperyear,^w-..j...-.*..... 10 60 ;1;. Qn^dncaispaceconstitutasa square.. Notices In reauV-, lug!matter-"w.ill:be,charged.flfteen centsa l lne each inser-

tion*. " "o v •. • ; • • ' ' • - •' J" • • -' iMarriage notices -fifty/- cents each. Death notices" free.

.ObUnatje3v.Ac.rten<cents-p'erline., ' ]; ^To,ad,ver.tlaecierit-willbe'jnserted over five, times, aTjeetr, andsJ'b.en running:-;ojfer&.month. but font times a

. treek. ,wT$te?ufs-will;W Inserted in:1 advertisements.. . V ... .. 1 J—-i . . ^ 1 . ^ 11.- ^ jtg.^JQJu.

. . . . . . . W6BK.>!"'ijVeij--dScrlptI6n'J"of Job: W p r k nea t iy 'and ' . j j rb jnp t ly ', execijtea-at-ffie JOUENAEOff ice . ' ' • " • ' • • • • '

g K i l l ' ' ! - ' , '?. i6Knkji,"o.is. " " ,. ,•.-'.;'•!!

. . , % SQ<JAWj<,.,....,...', (......;.:,,! .,..;,;>•'BroErietor^-" 5Mfi,XIoii3e-ia.siliia{aa on, Great, St .jfamesStreet,.»nd'l»

' t5eMgestinthe cityV ''' \gt,in,th.e cityV;ieri(sn.Moriey {akeii at p'ar. • .-


f^j^ys; ii-k .ittiS mwm

i'jWS'.-.fliK-'..-. V':&Zr*' "J-.: •„••.•-•.~3:.'H'..'C?'3


, I " .' ; > 1 i . . ' '

MAPLE CITY MILLS,Codfloft, & fip.' «' '- -,



^ F A share of the public patronage i3 earnestly sor

licited. Order»,promptly filled and sent to any part'within the otty limits. CjyMtf,) '&E0. GODDEN & CO]

Dealers lir

•Uottd&s, , «&<3.

'A. BS. Siiermaii - ,-. '-. - - I"roj>rietoj• iAHE3I0Tnr, OirA'tSTAUIJCACO./N. Y. i

( m h l 6 d t f ) •.'• I . 3iy - . ' ' ; .. '

'"'.'".'I?.. BAgiii's

rgemOanadaV)• • (mhaidly)}

' - ' '• ST. SAWfiBNOE HOTEL, ,,; ' . '' '. Gm'ThK Xing'aii& GtrOri Street, Frescoit, Ont. j•••-•'• -'"- (formerly kept by;Orry Harris.) '

-§.. l.S^alJs, _. - - . * t * J I ? rpp r i e tOE.>:,</.. ;S;B. MlSIOlt :.

•' A-iPirgt Glass Eschange Office'and Billiard Room A{-' - " • - * ' '®S<"*lTee-Onroibtis.'to Boats and Cars.

_ _ _ ... .' " 1 " ' ~ .1. ' ". ' (mhgTdly);•'' .'JOHN AT.LBKDORBH, ;s v y s ^ ^"jQ'fitt»!'5Ff^ws^in>"n "lyS^PT^Ti Vt TO %m

. ' : . . , . - . . ASB JFAKOT HOODS DEAISRS. . .

Q-oods-sold' to Merchants ana Peddlers af Naw York, . City prices., • ;

%o. S j?ord St.. Ogaensbnrgh,,N. Y. [aplOdly] [OH AS. I . B J L L D W I H .

' , ' BK0KH1R,. S}i>.p2£g fiat .CSplit SSlver fee Ca ty

Drafts for saieion. Ireland, ScotlaaaianiEnglandi KiU-Traj" w a Steamship Ageni; to ill points. :ol the tfnSteaatate3.and.the Old-Country. - •

^ f i l O f l i S t S t t , OgaenBburgh,».Y. .

: Qathaime.St-., .oppositeSaiaTTlnHonBei is the place jTO S-'BT TBS' "p&gT'TUiiy-OUT" •Z5r' TOWWl

. Oareful flfLvers: can bo hafl when deslrea.

BY JOHN"- S. STEED,tSa Street, Oo'd&nsburg, West Sifte.

Alwav's on liandihe choicest Cigara, Wines and Iiq4-aors. t" " . . . ' '.' . .. '. C jelgdtf) \

iROT?BS, IIHDE&NICHOI.8,,' and dealers in I ' l o u r ,

inzi FEED Am>Oai»S8BPBQ,,.H. Y.

'" "H.. E: 3"AMBS,,o.t Wadai«^4oPaper Mills,


5LAX, TOW, 'E3iAZ= j&BD, & STSAW PAPER A B 0 A B »:p QBE ITS BUS (3, S . T. (fe£4dtf)

BA1BWIN HOUSE,Water Street, necer tie Ferry,

OSDBSSBiJEGjN. T.aiawaja -" --•" - - Mauase*.

e Sa'3 T>e5n refittetl aaa refurnished. A choice6u?ply of Oanada IAquors, Wmes, and the best brandsof Cigars always on hand.

G-ood accommodation for Horses. B&rgo Barns, Sheds,and Yards'coKaected with tha House. Charges reason-able. , . . i •. (jaKLd&wly) J

y jS^ST. L-IWHESOE CfOBSI?, H. Y. <•atteaSiom>.ffiotn to Practice in;

;• (jylSdJtwly) ;

J. H.3TABil5KBD i^! 1 8 5 1 1

Wholesale Dealer-inici£or8 & Rec t i f i e r o f WSUskle*

* OgmgiSBTntSH M.. Y., [jeloatirtt]

J^City and Country Property for Bale in every ai-|rectidn. See Stanley Day's Real Estate Circular, No..125 Broadway, N.Y. Mailed free. [jy2S-lm] ;

Houst,], f WEp£lAt>I

at theDEALER IS-

^ G o i a , garer aafi Canada BIDiiJElJfoney exchanged on reasonaWe terms.' Commercial

Billsibongit arid- Sold'; also Govermneat and Count;Bonds. • ' "

^^"Office wita Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, .ocOathariBs Street, nextaoor aboTe Baldwin House; Og.densbnrgh. I S . ! " . _ (oc29d,awtr.;',

..-jiosorcrs. w.

. ^ i l O E S a S D OIiAIM A6EKB,_S3goiarer3"BotLnty,BacE Bay, and Pen3ica. Afivica

.. , .on {he subject, free.HOSET SO LOAK OH GOOD IKPKOVED PARM3. . .

, oraer o? Jord- as-5 Isabella- BtreetB, Og-Kh. ST. Y- , . [ i d & i

. . . JJAErOSAX HOTEL, , « v

Convsr- of M>rii and Catharine Streets,OaDSNSEUEO.S. T.

• lyELS k MOOEB,.: .Proprietors,Newty re'aited. anafcrnishea ana. Ke|>t ill-first oiiss

style. Keitiurant In connection Tree hack to and''cqmtheoaraaii'l boats.,' 5asaenger3 sarriedtp.sny,partof jSe-jdlfe-,.'"... (my83a&wH).


JP. Sealer,. - - A, 'Late of Waterbury. HoU\ Vt<_ .

Carriages.to and'from the Oars and Boats." (my20d&wtf)

J. ys', J;OTpeHer a n d E n g r a v e r

•"• A5TDGBSESJS. BBAISP. MWatches,- 0locJca, STewelryi Silver-Ware, &a. Sole

Agent for ITlorerviivmkircyo'ecb a/ncL unexcelled

SE i:i€!3aiNBSNQ, SjAfiLE BLOCK,, FORD 85.; OGDENSBURG.'<fJS^AlKkihd*s-qf Watches, Clocks,'-'Jewelry and Sew-

IngSMachine'3-r8t>&ei ATI worlcVaxrahted.

0. A -D: 'WiHITHBZ, J B . , & CO.,WhoWsale dealers in all' kinds oX

* ' 3 t^ r affienttonglvep-to supplying the New

England Market; "•• ' • 57. !•. PSOOTOS, Agent, ,(teMS&if) ' • • ' " Ogdenspnrg.'N. T.


:... i, H.T,

rT^HE SUB5OEISSB. IiTOiES krSEWEtONTTCO HISi stock of Buggy3"n'ciw on'handj which aife offered on

better terms'than can'lie obtainedin any other market.—They have been constructed of the very best materialanaarewarrantea-inievery particular.. Parties 'desiringto Burchase will find it to their advantage to give meanearly call. . ' - • - A." OALLAGHAN.

p_gd_ensburgb.,Jsily Sl,O.aEj ,--

and Retail,



Retail dealers and; the trade furnished with Cigars ofell brands, of iny owe. manufacture, at-lovrer ra,tes thanoa^be procured at'aiiy*bt:ier' Souse in . Northern'NewYork, whleh;pur.chasers wilflearn by calling. AH my Ci-gars are manufactured of the, very .best material whichaU'smoSers'-wig admit by "toying thesa. Patronage .sp-licitea.arid!satisfaction guaranteed. " ' ' ' ' "' '

. - - , . . •, . •.• • ' • ' THOS. MoGElNNBNtdgdensburgh, March IS, 1SS3. (mhlSdeow*wly),

For the. p.aro"haae. and sale'of' •Mom\,'Pork,Sxitter, OlieeseyJSgga, and all hinds of

X cMce-Une of'i'aniuy'Gro.ceries jlways onhatfd.- - - •• 1--*'—-Vof foe village, free-of

City Prices.,. , ,. \ - ••:• J.X--J.

No. 14 ford . St., nex t door to Bell 's JTew-' ' clry store, Ogdoiislbiil-gU, N. IT.

, ,, . . . .- (stasaiy)

Newjilirpccyy andjS,fcip Cliandlery

. • - \ ' • . :\ \ I

's ^Zoet, corner Ford & Patterson Sts.,' * ; ; o ^ B w ^ T a r ? : / ; • ; • ' ;

! • I am-4o.w receiving a.ohoiceBelqctionof

Which Itiffer to the:pubirc-,a.tthe loweai Market Prices'.KS?—•Air.Mh"dS'6f::Ve93el supplies'- constisntly on hand.

:>>• ; • ••' •• •^:fnih25dtf) ;



IS SOI.E AGENT EOR-" EHIS OEIiEgRATED PTJiliimce forr Ogdensburg, and is; prepared.to fill orders

on tho ahortesfc no.feo. Satisfactory refesenqes given,JUso the Oriental Base; Burning Stove;, .the.- Imperial

OookingStoye,and- all- klnd3} of CooHijg t ahd ParlorStores, r • • - . " * " •>•• - "'•" •',-

A full assbrkmentibf. Tin and Sheet Ivoa. Ware, alwayson hand, and jobs done to order.

|^"-Store, two doorB-Eaat of Seymour House, FordStreet, Ogdensbnrg^ (dtf)

"Advertising is file Life- of Trade."—Vsts&ux.. ^g^Persons contemplating .-advertising, -should,, jbe'

fore makinB;contract8j by no•: - - —--.—--^- -

Or conBultlnR.tbelrauthorlzed-.agents,for estimates.—They n&ye-facUitieBJTor securi&g the'insertion;of .AdvertiBementsIn allnewspapers atd- other,;.publications at

lowflrrates tnaiwinymother honaei. Olroularnanfl laforfmationfree.' Address,.- . . . . . . . . .. - \

ABBOTTBureau for General Advertising, \

82 AND' Si NAMSA'TJ ST., NEW YOBK CITY. (Oi G. Pesprarroa's CAIISAYJ. Toaio BITTEHS.— Ihe,

world jtenowned Stomach Bitters. Great preventatlvefQf'Fev.er and Ague, Dyspepslaj Dlsorderd.DigeBtloni &c.'&c. Recommend by Physicians, and used In their dally,practice. Hundreds of letters testifying to their efWelency, not published.,, but can be seen at the principal;office.and laboratory, lS.Dey Street, where, for furtherparticulars all communications are to he addressed. . I• local Agents wanted. .Traveling Merchants' supplied:

on very liberal terms. . - (jy2S-lm) '

.All Young Persons can. and shonldobtain agood education, i'or-particulars- address, J.. A.',Cooper^Principal of the State Normal School, Edinboro, Pa. i


"OrrB & JIcNaught's ImportM Spool Cotton forg Machine aaa hand use, tinsurpaased in price:alit AIEXANDEK KN0X {

Sewingana quality.

£ jy28-3m]


542 Pearl St., near Broadway, H. Y.


l e w Medical Book: © " • * " ' " "

KNIK'JCING M A C H I N E , jThe Kamilly Knitter manufactured by the Bridgeport

Knitting Company, is, ac^nowlsdgei by practical knlt-it e r s t o b e t h e b e s t f o r f a m i l y u s e i n t h e m a r k e t . G d ;A td i

s e t e es f a i y useAgents wanted in .every county. Send forBridgeportKnitting Co., Bridgeport, Conn.



WANTED, by a Manufacturer, Agents to sell by sam-'pie. AddresB with Btamp for, circular, GREENE & 00..1418 Cliestnnt St., PhUadelphia. • . [jy2S-lm]' f

SASITEliE, - iLadies, do not permit this to escape your notice, |

Sanltel le . j or ' Mcjiilii ' IPeasllaae. tIt secures to you permanently, a moat desirable boon,'

askiaof satin-like texture, and-the if arm delicate com-lplexion of rapturous youth, its effects are immediate.?I t contains no injurious substance. ThiS'is no fiction, as;a trial will prove all we claim foirlt. Trice 15 cents. Ifyour druggist does not keep-It send the amount to us;and it will >be forwarded by- Express. j

A. MAUKST & CO., Proprietors, i(jel6-2m) 171 Duane Street, New York.


er's Fever and, A.gue TiTl8,ljg&They arei perfectly harmless, purely, vegetable ami}

harmles,.pui'ely vegetable, and have been used in privatepractice for SO years. ' Mr. J. Ryan, surveyor of the N. \T. Central Park, has used these Pllisin over 800 cases;on employees and not one failure. Price $1. Forward-!ed by mail to any address.' JMrect, Dr. WM. HSHEE,811 Bleecker Street, New Tork City. (jet9 2m I

{Susoesaor to OLSiTONS & REDISG10N)

Wholesale and Retail doalar in

E s-t e. y'.s '


With their wonderful


Also their Patent


"No. 2 Water Street, seit, ,to J. L. Iv.e?, ..figdens,-bnrlh,'NiY. " . (deSaajd&wlyll

.JDO. K E E P Oil 's ; , TCBEE "WETT!ie Petrifying Roc& Raofwg* , "'. . ,

... •••pzagtf0,siate Roofing,• ' • •'•Asbestos PJo'ofvng^ -

mHE3E: MATERIALS WH.L-BE APPLIED TO'OR-'JL deiin-quantities-tpsult. Also coating, for Tin-anST

Shingle, Ti'oofs. l£ fills up all seams and makes a tight,durable roof, even' after the Shingles are nearly wornbut. Now iSoiie-'timeto tepair. yourdeaky .JRoofs-r beforethe JPall iain8 and Cold Weather come: on; &Iaterials:for

g, Aug. IS, 18G8.


ng & Sons,Steiiwvay & Soul),

HnUet, Xtttvlm & Co.,JT. "Wk Tone <fc Co.,

TUC Bradbu ry P i auo ,God. M. Guild & ' Co. '

D u n h a m & Son«,Ilav^n & Bucon,

Bron. ,

I . . , « • - .i B^"A U l i l n a 8 ? f Musical Mercnandice for sale at the'lowest Boston and New York Prices. • •'•

O g d e n s b u r g h , A p r i l 1 , 1 8 6 8 . >• •• i. ' i- ' -».-i -C34w> O . H . OI .BMONS.

fl t' '' i* 'VI•OS JJiseases'of impruaence>8 ArorVSr Youth, a'nd'Mai-adles of ATomen—sent free, under seal, by enclosing aitaimp to Dr. LAWRENOE, Btatlon.I).,,^.%.,

T O B A C C O A N X I C O X E .tVara!ited'toremdvealldeBife'ioi"robacco. 3;h|sgreat

remedy is an excellent appetizer. Jli purlfles the blood,invigorates the system, possesses great nourishing andstrengthening power, enables the stomach to digest theheartiest fo.dd, makes sleep *refreihlng. and establlahesrotmst'bealth. Smokers and,.chewers (»r Sixty Tears,cured. Price, 50 cts., posf free. A treatise on the In-juiioua effects of Tobacco, with lists of reference, testi-monials, *o.,Sontfree. Agents'wahted, Address Dr.T. K. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. (aulS.Sm)

M0BN8ED BY-THE : 'J •'

S t a t e s As.ixt3a.ovi.tyiENGI(AND . _. .

PAWNBROKER'S JOINT STOCK. • ' ••{.-,V-'-'fo ' '

'-Of'unredeemed Qoods, Coneistihg ofis. Shvwls, Dress Goods, Cottons, Linen Goods,Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Albums, Bibles,

Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Outlery,Sewing Machines, &a. , ,

IVbe sold<at $1 each, without regard to value, andnotto'be paid fdrnntll know what you are to'recelve.Stock Valued at $200,000. Salesroom 30 Han-

over Street, Boston.The most popular, reliable, prompt and buslneas-llke

concef n of the kind. The best of Boston references fur-nished on application. By patronizing this sale youhairea chance to .exchange your-'gdods, with a large" va-riety to Belect from.

TERMS TO AGENTS.—We believe our terms to Agentsare superior to those offered by any other house. Takeparticulornotlce of this : Our Agents are not requiredto ipay $1 for-their'presents; as In all other cohceffls. *

Certificates giving a complete description of the arti-cles that will be sold for $1 each, will be sold at the fol-lowingrates: 10 for $ 1 ; 80 (with present) lor $8; 60(with, present) S6; 100 (.with present) $10. And samerate for larger clnbs.

Xookatthlschancetogeti Silk Dress, Sewing Sla-chlne, Obld Watch, or some other good article of equalvalue, with but very litile trouble ana no expense to theAgent. ,! | i ;

For a club of Thirty we will give the person sending Itthe choice of Ih'e following articles: ! Print fireis Pat-tern, worsted breakfast'shawl, white linen tablecloth, em-bossed table spread, set steel bladed knivea and forks,set silver-plated forks .elegant engraved silver! plated,gold lined goblet, violin ana bow, fancy dress pattern;p»irladies.extraquallt^cloth; boots, elegant beaded silk:liairaspl, JOO-pIcture morocco photo, album, elegant Ivo-ry'handled spangled silk fan, 1 doz large sized linen tow-eU, ladie'l morocco shopping bag, alhambra quilt; fancybailmoral skirt, ladies solid gold California diamond ring,gents plain or engravedjgoldring, (16 carets fine)'; ladiessolid black walnut writing .deisk, ladies fancy black wal-nnt work bos, or a cottage clock. '• ',

lor a Olub of 60,one'ofthe following articles: 'Kancyjcashmoreidress pattern,8yds: double,Jirtdth water proof!cIoalcing^Tliibeti sbawl, 4 yds^Trool.fr6cki£i^, set liice enr—tains, ladles double wool shawl, silver plated card basj'kjjlt, splendid engraved silver;plated ice pitcher, engrav*edl silver plated tea pot 100 picture Turkey morocco'ptioto. album, Lancaster q.uilt, fancy j>lald wool'Ehawl^251 yds. sheeting, alapaca dress pattern, engraved silver-plated 6 Jj'ottle revolving castor, pair gent's calf bodtB,Harris clqth pants and vest pattern, splendid balmoral;ldrt, ,set of i.vory handle knives with silver-plated fcjr&a:. paur-of .all wooVblankets, rosewood frame braas| alarm;ilocl:, splendid beaded and lined silk parasol,'ladiesipiedld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yards sprint, or mar-idlles quilt. ' ''Jor a Olub of 100, sp'lendia engraved silver plated tea.

se|, (8 pieces, sugar bowl, tea pot and creamer),', silver-plated cake basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, 25 yds.hemp carpeting, splendid violin,and bow, Eoglishfoeraga.•bawl, 45 yds sheeting,.splendid Hapaca dress pattern,,Biver hunting .case watch, splendid family Bible with ele-:gant steel engravings and family record and photograph.age, poplin dress pattern, engraved silver plated iceditcher, splendid beaver . cloalc.pattem, sharpe'a revolvr

en, fancy cassimere coat, pants and vest pattern extraquality, splendid accordeon music box, ;ope pair /inedamask table covers withl doz. dinner napkins to match.

t2t^"*Presents for Larger Clubs in proportion.This Is no humbug lottery: Gift Enterpriseor Sale ot

Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square sale of unredeemedG&ods. ».Our goodssr'e ' ' ' ' .

NEW ANDiNOB SECOND HArlD,And ire guarantee more for the money invested than canbe bought at any. wholesale store In the country.

Agents will pleaa'e ta"ke notice of tnls^ Do :not .sendlames, .but.numb'er'your clubs from one upwards.' Letpour letters be short and plain as possible.

Be sore and send money amounting to"$5 or"more byRegistered Letter, (which can_ be sent from any'-offlce),Pi O. HoneylDrder, orJixpres3; for when- sent in thisw!ay you run no risk of losing it whatever. Small sumsmay be sent by mail, but be sure and put them in the ofcfice yourself. *

We cannot be responsible for money lost unless somep;recautions,'are taken to ensure its safety. , V •. Send your' addressfinf uli, ToyCn, Oonnty". nd 8tat<jir-tAlllcortificatesais'gooduntil.redeemed," -"'- 'J- • • ;

S. O. THOMPSON & CO., 'Send for Circular. No. 80 Hanover St., Boston,


An octavo volume of 030 pages, containing it newly•writtenSketches, by Mes3rs. Parian, Greely, Higginson,Elton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Hrs. B. O. Stan^t«n, Fanny Sern, Grace Greenwood, etc. Illustrate^with 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribunesays :. "So thoroughly have the publishers dpne^theirTfork that their volume, in paper, type, binding, emgrayings, above.all the excellence, of Its.sjiibgect matter, jgoe3 far to remove the reproach urged against snbscrip?uonbook—'Onlymadeto sell.' " l?or desoriptlve clrcutors address 8. M. BETT3 Is CO., Hartford, Ct, '

T ©


1868.; ' i ' l u i ' ' * - V.U.'- • •-'.'i--'.- v.-

..I.T-.•. >.- ,. t-V ' 'esc.-!!• - . . s i . • : . . . ! > } . . . ••"•• • < ; - . ;

. r.,f j i


To Otta>ya City, via mtoatceal and Oi-; ' t»wa Wivcr.


. j ^ _ - ' j f -

The Route:—Ogdenaburg to Montreal via G. T. Rv.or. Royal Mall Line Steamers; Montreal to Lachlne viaG. T. Ky.; Lachine to Ottawa, via'Ottawa andMonti-eall ine of Steamers, up the Ottawa River, passing throughXake.S^ Ann's rap!d,9.and£aH;e of :Two. Mountains ; Ot-tawa to Ogdensburg, via Ottawa and St. Lawrence Hy.

1'aBBengeri holding tliese tickets can lay over on the'routeanQ-re'snmetlielrtrips at pleasure, tickets beinggood until November 1,1868. '

Tickets.for thetound trip ffoni Ogdensburg to Ottawaand return

$ 1 0 . 5 0 , A m e r i c a n , C u r r e n c y ,

. .Excursion Tickets to Montreal, Quebec,Portland, White Mountains, Boston, Saratoga and NewTork, at equally low rates of fare, for sale at the GrandTrunk Railway Agency, Old Ogdensburg Bank Building,State Street. OHAS. I. BALDWIN, Agent.'

Ogdensburg, July 9, J863.., . x . ,

T 3


Ktiigaru Falls and Stcapeusioii Sfldgo!,'iaaEB' EXPaEss TRAINS ' J

teBve Suspension Bridge, Hamilton and Toronto, dally,{Sundays eicepted,) on arriial.of Trains from the Bast

for 'D E T R O I T , CEKOAGO, P E H

B ^ * And ail points We3t.Trains leave Ogdensburgh, via Borne, Watertswn and

OeSensburgh E'.'R., daily (Sundays excepted) at T:40 A.M:, Rome 1:25 P.M.,.Niagara Falls and Busp'nBt. 12:20A. M., Detroit 0:80 A. BI., arriving at Chicago 9:80 P. M.

Express Train leaves.Ogdensburgh 2:00 X'.M., Koine9:10, Niagara Falls ana Suspension Br. 0:50 A. M,, De-troit, 5 P.M., arriving .'at Ohlcago 6:00 A. i t , mak-Ing close connections with all trains South, West andNorthwest. I s j f

Thiii is tlioShotteBt, Cheapest ina moul relteWo rouwto the Great Wes,t. j - ! ' , i

Ask for Tioketsivla Great Westera Hallway, whlqb. canDe obtained at all the ('principal Ticket Offices in iheUnited States and Canada. I .'

JAMKS;8IMO"SDS, . jS ' ; Agent, Ogdensburgn, K. Y. i

•1. N. DERBir,! Traveling Agent, Ogd'h, N. X. jTHQS. SWINTXKD,Gen. Manager, Hamilton, Ont. ,JAMBS OHAEMONj'Gsneral Agent, Hamilton, O>t.Odbgh/SiKylSilSCT (jald&wtf) ,




&> Wilsonf

\' ' • ' i J

Are solo ilgenta In Ogdeneburg, for'lhe

- I i"Family Favorite'' «-- "Weeia HSaclilne.

The simplest and best. Least liable to get out of orderand the best Hemmer,. ptitoher ^na Feller In une. . The:Agency of the Weed Machine is now at our store insteadof sit .T. Allendorph's, as formerly. ' :

' • ' A L S O

Grover «fe Kaiser's,

Old Favorite, triea and approved for years.

OalLbefore purchasing elsewhere and get-a good Ma-chine and algood bargain. • .,

' ' THOMPSON * WILSON,Uv23d&wly] No. 6 Eagle Block, Ogdensburg. >


La: JOa-

FORT EDWARD INSTITUTE.—Fall term September3d. $60p»rterm. Superb brick buildings. Sixteenffeachara. .Qourse for ladies or .Gentlemen.; or pholMef studies, GommonJ-Obmniercial^Clasaical^ or ornamen-tal. l?lrst rate advantages. Address for catalogues, }

T. E. SING, D. D., Fort Edward, N. Y. '

WANTED—AGBKTS—To Bell the LOST OATTSE, thuonly Democratic .History oft the}. War; also, T_HE30¥SIN piiTJE.'a thrillinirfecord'of'the'-rahlrand fileofthe0nlon Army; Headley's life of Grant; CampaignBadges and engravings of both parties, &c.

E. B. TREAT & CO., 654 Broadway, N. Y. '

I EASItTT. MADE. •' '"With our Complete Stencil and Key Check Outfit.—iEmail Capital required. Circulars Jree. STAFFORD?MAWFG. 00., 66 Fulton Street, New Tork. ;

BOOK. AGENTS WANTED,The fastest selling book extant,

MEN OF OUR TIMES;Or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegant volume,!isplendidly-illustrated with; 19 beautiful.Steel IEngrav-ling's.'and a pai?trait of the author, Mrs.

HARRIET BEE0HER STOWB. .'Agents say it is the "best, and sells the quickest of any

boolcthey ever sold. Now is the time to sell it. Every-!body wants it. Agents are taking 200 orders per week;

( y W e p a y extra large.commission's s ^and grant exciuslve tetritory. Send for circulars giv-ing full particulars. Address




GREAT $1.00 * SA£E!:

SHEETIN.GS freojof cost to our-Agents. i. WATCHES f£ee;of cost to our Agents. " j

SEWIN9-Machines free of cost to our Agents. iLEATHER Goods free of cost to Agents.LINEN Goods free of, ,cost to our Agents.SILKS & ShaWls free 6t cost to our Agents.BOOTS. & Shoes free of cost,to our Agents. . - , 'u)KBS3-0*)do free bf-'COBt fo'lOnr; Agents. * " "' !


{3ST(J'atalpgue' of goods senl; io.any adiifo«s,frBend'idpney by registereilletter.. AdareaiaU" ' • ' ' C'VHABRIS

, !"• (..I'.".. .. [•

"" WME-tatm^. \' . - ; . ' i - - ' • . .

• T i ' i - f Q . ' . . : . ( ) , • . ! • . | f i t , ' , i» . — - i. ' '

iwW^P-atP'J? :ar.eV6xhansted by over work'.r.of iead orhand and feel the need of something invigorating,-don^ta?!nfe'1"WRl'ey ft?; any intoxicatingithiogi whether niiderthefname.of'.bitterg^or otherwise. -i:Such Srtlcles'givejust as much strength to your weary; body; and", mind uthe whip gives.to tliesjaded ihors*. .and no more; ..Alco-holic stimulants arainjurlouB to-Ji()rye -Beilth,; and. arealways followed by depressing reaotioni.ii ,;• i „'..? <

DOpD'3 NEKVINB AITO-IfrViGdKrATOK"- 'Is a' Tonic" ana'Gentle Stimulant which is not kttendedby reaction:" ^hatlpainsTor,you"B malntaln*s. WhenIt refreshes body and.'-mlnd'lt"Tefreshes with naturalstrength-,t.bat:comej:to «tay. ii'We5'are noffe commendingteetotallsm iathe;lnteTe8t,of any factlonii.'Hutlong and(itendea obsecvation.teachea us.that he-who resorts tothebp1;tle,rorire»tprr«6uperatlc3a'iwlllfinai.a«i,he.:ke"epiat It.thst he it klndliaga'Qrerai.i i • bbnea.whiohiwlll.con-.sua>fljm^e!thBi ainesfOf''perditloJlTJ. ThnrT?oriir'it. .IMEea Tonlc^hf t will refresh and not destroy. Dodd's Nerr*lneis'for sale by all druggists. Price $1. gee book ofcertificates that accompanies each bottle. (stS-2m)

Are now finished and In loperatlon. Although tills road.Is built with great rapidity,.the work is thoroughly done,and. Is pronounced by the Dnited States Commissioner to.be first-class in every respect, before it Is accepted, anduefore.any bonds can be issued upon it.1 . 1 j

.- Hapidityrarid e^celle^icc of £onstrnctionJiaye been^ssicured by a complete division of labor, and by distribut--ing the twenty thousand men employed along the line,for long distances, at once. It is nqw probable that the,


Wliole Line to tlto Pacific will tc Com-pleted In 1809;-

The Company have ample means of which the Govern-ment grants the right of way, and all necessary timber-and other materials found along the iine of its operastions; also 12,800 asres of land to the mile, taken in al«ternate sections on each side ot its-road; also United:-States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to$48,000 per mile, according to the difficulties to be sur-mounted on the various sections to be built, for which it.'takes'a second mortgaga.a's security, ami it is expecte'djthat no only the Interest, but the principal amountmaybo paid in services rendered by t i e Company in trans-;porting troops, mails,'.&c. ! i

TUB SARN1KQS OP THE UNION.PACIFIC KAIL-EOAD, from Its Way or LocalBuslnes3 only, during the:-year ending June 30th. 1868, amounted to over 1

which, after paying all expenses,' was much more thansufficient to pay the interest on its Bonds. These earn-ings are no Indication of the vast through traffic that'muBtfollowthe'bpehlngof the line-to the Pacific, but'they certainly prove that

Oponsuchaproperty,.cdstlng nearly three times theiramount, • ' ,'i . iOpamount,

Are Entirely Secure,2ho TJnio'n PaclficBonds are for $1,000 each, and have

coupons attached. They have thirty years to run, andbeat sncpal Interest, piyaWe on tlie first days of fann-»ryind?July at theOompany?s Office In tBe Oily of NewYork, at the rate of'six per cent, in gold. The PrincipalIs payable in gold at maturity. The price is 102, andattbe present rate of goldj, these bpndsi.pay a liberal'Income on.lb.elr cost i

A very important consideration In determining thevalue oftheae bonds, Is the length of time they have torun.. . ;<

It 1B yell knpwp..tiiat a longbond always.commands amuch, higherpric'e than a shortone. itis-safeto as-'sume.that flaring the nest thirty years, the rite of in-'teresl in tliQ United States will decline as it has dona in]Europe,.ah.i'wehivear!jhttoexpecttnat such six per,cent, securities as these will be held at as liigli a premi-um *s tnos'e "of tHa Government,-which, in 1"86T,-werebought in at from 2D to 83 per cent, above par. The ex-poRt demand alone may produce this result, and "as theissue of aprivate.corporation, they are beyond-thereachof political action.^ , '", _.

1 ' ' 'The Company believe that these Bonds, at the present1

rate, are the cheapest security in the market, and re-serve the right to advance the price at any time.

a 5 ~ S b i t i ill b i d i O G D E N

r r T ' ' v ' V. N.' BEBBTi1,"and in New Tork•Atthe Company's Office, .No.. 20-Nassau Street,.

AKD BY ' ' . - ; . : ;John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. BO Wall St.,'.

And by the Obinpany's advertised Agents through- j'•• 'outthe United States.' • ; ' ' i

Itenmttmch should be made in drafts or -otherfimds par im. New Yorfyand: 'the Bonds will be sentfret ofcharg.ely retime, eatress. Parties,gtiOicrtb-&n.g throughlocal qgents,will. look to them for:thtir$<tf$delivery, i« '• ' i . i ' .: ',

A PAMPHLET AND MAP JOR 1868 has just, beenpublished by the- Company,, giving fuller; Informationthan is possible in an advertisement, reiptcting the Pro-gress oftlie" Work, the Keiottices of the Country tra-yersed by the, RoadVttie-MeMifer Construction, and theValue of the Bonda, which will .be tent free on applica-tion at.the Company's offices or to any of the advertisedagents'." " *-* - • ./»"•-. o

JOHN.J. .CISfo<>, T*eft«ur«r«-July 21,1868. #<(jjjSd*w3m) NKWTORK.

•A lit, BBKS0N3 INDBBTBl) -TO THE' i'KTE J.H*.jcii Guest, are iequeited1 to 'Settle1 without further de-lay. ThlsUth'eiIi"A8T'CAtI.i' Allacbou'nti notgettleflb y t e SOtU'of September, will be put in suit.

SMUiMAN FOOTS, Executor.August 21,1S63. (au22d£wlm)


1868. Cbftnge tff Xlm«r~ —TS68.• y-, J StraSlBB; 4ABKAN"SBMEKt|' ", ITHREE THZINSrDjClLY (Sundays Eacipled,,}On and after Monday, May 26, trains trill run aa

follows: iiBt—BOSTON EXPRESS. !

Leaves Ogdensburg 5:80 A.M., (breakfast atMalone,)arrive at Houses Point at 10:85 A. M., connecting withVermont Central R.R. Day Express, for Burlington, C«b-cord, Nashua, Lowell, arrive in Boston 10:80 P. M. i

2dr-THSOUGH MAIIt i * .; jX.eate'r OEden»bnrg at.1.00 P*M. , PSUdimJSgetion

a t 2 P : M . , ' Blalone 8:5C P. M., connect ing 'at ' Mooer'sJunction wlthP, * JI. R. K. for Bl&ttsburgh, Burlingtonand Whitehall, via Lake Ohaiapiain Steamers,-ai-rivD at House's Potat at 6.25 P. M., connecting with*Vt, OentralSlgat,B3pres8,for Burlington.aria-*m point*East and South, arriving in Boston ,»t 8:40£At M.> SprinE-fleld 6:40 A.' W.\; Troy 4:85 ACM., New lork 10:80 i . J I .

Passengers by this train who wish to take steamers OnLake Champlain will change cars at THooer's Junctionmeeting SteamerB at Pittsburgh instead of House's St.as heretofore. f

.8d—AOOOMMODATION -wlth SLEEPING. OAE. j .Leave Ogdensburg at 6 P. M.' on arrival'of Grand

Trunk day express train from Toronto and 'West, arriv-ing at Bouse's Point at 4:85 A; M ^ connecting wlthVerimont Central day mail for Bh'rlirigtonj White ElvjrJunction, Concord, Wtchburg, Nashua and Lowell, arr>rive In Boston at 6:80 P.M. .

"- '•'*•' RETURNINGi"-;

leave New York 3:80 P. 11., Troy 9:80 P. M., sleepingcar, Rutland 1:80 A. M. Burlington 4:15 A.S1.; BoMton B:00"'P. >M., Rouse'i Point 7:16 Ai W.j arriveat Ogdensburgh at 12:40 P. M. Connecting at Slooer'sJunction with trains from Plattsburgb, andLake Champlain Steamers; at .Potidam pWon with R., W. & O. R. B. for Watertown, Some andWest; also with Stages for Massena Springs ; and at Og-deneburg•fflthtralns of R.',W. * O . Rs.'Bvfar South andWest; with Grand Trunk Railway for West; St. Law-rence and Ottawa Railway for Ottawa, and withNorthern Transportation Co.'BXlne Steamers Jor West.

Also, leave Rutland 5:80 A. M., Nerthfield 7:45 A. M.,Burlington 9:50 A. M., Rouses Point 12:10 P. M., arriveat Ogdensburg at 5:40 P. M. •-if • -. *

t>. W. O. BROWl-7, :G«n'l Snp't.!

Bnpt.'s Office, Ogdeasburgj May 2S;.1868.. , fd&w) j


. E:E ' ASBANG-"E'M-&-irT-. ;• ,, OomniencIngMay25,1888. .

•BASIS Q01SQ SODTli AMD KiBT. ' !MAIL TEAIN leaves Rouse's P t at4:40 A. M., recelvos

passengers from. O. & JJ. O. B. £. . leaving Ogdensbm^ at6:00 P. M., connects at White Rlyer Junction an'ff BeV-lows 1'alls, with trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring-field, and with trains on Passdmpslc road; arrives atNewYork at 10:45 P.M. I! DAT EXPEBSS leaves Ogdensburg at 5:80 A. MiSouse's Point 10:45 A. M., for Boston, 4 c , arrivingIn Boston.vls Lowell, a t 10:80 P.M. . . . ••*•.;

NIGHT BXPHESS," l e a v e s Og8ensburg a t 1:00P . M., Rous.e'B Point a t , 6;85 P . M., ..arrriving at Boston at 8:40. A. Vt:, • connecting at 'BellowjFalls with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worcen1

ter, and with Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield,So., and arriving in New York 'a t l2:80P;Mi •

TRArSSQOINaNOKTH AND WIST. |DAT EXPRESS leaves Boston, via Lowel), at 8:00 A|

M.-, for. Bnrllngion, St. Albane, &c,-arriving-ai 0g'den3-burg at 5:80 A.M. ' J

MAIL TEAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 7:00 A. M.Jvia Lawrence and Iltchburgh at 7:50-4. Mi, gprlngfliloat7:45 A. M.,, for Burlington and-St.. Albans. j

Trains leaving Boston via ITitcbburg at 7:S0 A. M.;and Springfield at T:45 A. M., connect at White ElverJunction with the day express train. , ,, I

.ACCOMMODATION UKAIN leaveB North8el4at7:45A. M.,for Burlington, Rutland, St~. AlbanB, House's Pt.JOgdensburg, 4c. »

NIGHT BXPBESS leaves Bellow? FaUi: at,10:00 P. M.|receiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. R., leavingNewYorkatl2:15P. M., and from Cheshire E. R. le&vfingBostonat 6:80 P .M. ; connecting at..White RiveijJuDction with train leaving Boston at 5:00 P. M.,"forBurlington, Rouse's Point, and Ogdensburgh, connect^ing with steamers and Grand Trunk Trains forthe West.'

Sleeping Oars are attached to Night TrainB. IThrough Tickets for Chicago and the West for saleaf

;he principal stations. ,. IS-. MBHUILL, Gen'l Bupt. I

St. Albans, Vt , May 25,1868. . - - • • -& BURSilNGTOA K.

LEAVE OGDENSBUKS- |At 1.00 J?. M., Express, for Tray ana New York, with'

sleeping cariromBt. Albans to; Troy,, arriving in Troy»t 4.40 A. M.t and New Xork at 10.00 A. M., via tha HndiR on River Railroad. !1 Atl.00 E. M"., Express for BcJ'c-a, arriving at Bur;lington, by Sail, at 9 80 P;M.,(wlth aleeplng-cur from. Bur-lington) and arrive in Boston next mdrniHgat 8:80o'clock; "i

Or, Passengers by the 1:00 P. M. train can take ondof the Lake Champlain Steamers, »n arriving at Rouse'sPoint, get supper on board,.pass through, the'- niostpleas-ant part of the Lake, touch at Pittsburgh, and arrive atBurlington In time to connect, WITHOUT FAIL, with*the 10:00 P. M. JEspress '.Craln.for Boston, (with sleeping'cars} andarrivein Boston next cioriiing at S:S0 o'clocfei

Passengers taking the LOOP. SI. train Siiiurdays,srerive in New York at 8:00 P. M. Sunday.

At 6P. M., (sleeping car to .Rouse's Point) arriving af4:35 A. M., Burlington 8:00 A. M., Rutland noon, arriv-ing at Boston at 6:80 P. M. {

Jor tickets or information.apply to Ticket Offloe, Og-densburgh R. R. Depot, or of Ohas. I. Baldwin, G. T. R;Ecket Office, State street, or T. N. Derby, G. W. R. Tick-et Office, State street, opposite Seymour House. - |

(MET" Baggage dheefcedthrough from Ogdensburg. \.!'. \ ' GEO. A. MERRILL,.Supt.


SSoks, •WASE)RlrO'WH-i.N©O(tfDBNS-!



On. and after Monday, May 11,1888, and until farthernotice, Passenger Trains -will run on tbis Road as *ol-lows,(S"andaya escepted,) , . i

: BXPKESS' MAIL.Leave Ogdensburg 9:15 A, II . , arrives at Watertowxr

12:25, (20 minutes for dinner,) Rome 4:05 P. M., Osvregoi4:35 P.M., connecangat, Rome vlth New.-Tork OentratExpress Trains for all points East and West, arrivingatUtica 5:10 P. M., Syracuse 8:25 P. M., Rochester 9:10 P.iM., Albany 9:80P. M., Buffalo 12;00 P.M., Suspension!BrtflSe'12-35 A. Si., New York 6:00 A.M., D'etro'lt 10:00 A.*M., Chicago 8:30P.JM. i

••"' NEW YORK; EXPRESS.Leave Ogdensburg.at 2:00 V. M., arrive1 at Watertowffi

S:1SP.M., (20 minutes for Supper,) Oswego 8:85 P. M.,!Rome 9:20 B.M., Utica 10:16 P. M., Albany 1:40 A. M.,1New York, 7:00 A. M.; Syracuse 12:20 A; If., Rochesteri8:30 A.M.,. Buffalo' 6:20, M.K. SuspenslonBr 6:40 A. K.'

Elegant Sleeping Oar attached to this" train at-Watertown and run through to New York withoutahange. I

Close connections nude at Buffalo and Suspension Br.(for Chicago and all points West.

RBTTJRNIN&.Leave New Tork at 80th Street Depot, 6:30 P.M., ar-

rive at Watertown T:40 A. M., (20 minutes for break-fast) Ogdensburg, 11:15 A.. JM. , . j'

Sleeeping Car attached to this train, and . runsthrough t i Watertown. ' ,

^"Through Tickets to Troy, Albany, New York,'Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Spring-fleld.Buffalb, and all principal points East- arid West,can be ob'tained at the Ticket Office at the Depot; arid*at the Tickef'Office, of the Sreat'Wfc irri ' Railway, "Og-1

densburg,T.N. DERBY, Agent1 '.. 'Fare as low and 12 hours quicker than 'by any other

ronteto New York, ? '• ' " ' ' ' ' ' '" '"-''•'Baggage checkedthrouga.

ADDISONH. T. ERARY, asn.Tlcket Agent,

186T-8. "Wlntsr Arransomout;. 1867-8

Oswego and Syracuse lailjroadIn connection with the Kew Yo'r£ Central R. • R.

C'paimeaoiiig Nov. 25, 1S67.

• Direct route t«BTTFFAI.O, CtEVEIiAND, XOLEBO

Detroit, Cliicag-o, 'iail Joints ' West and South _ _ -

ITainsTeaveOgaensburgtt at2 P.; M., arrive StOBwegbat9P.Mi' IieaveOJwegdatB;69P. M., arrive at OgdensbBrghi&fl:05A.Mi ; ' ' 'Leave Oswego 9-A. M.-, Tultdn- 9:S5 A: MJ, l amsbn* 9:89

A; M.,BaldwInsviUeioa7 A. M.,' arr lve 'at Syracuse' 10:85 A. M. " • • ••" =

LeaveOflwegb 2 P. M., Elilton 2:S4'P. M.jiialBipnB 2:59P . M., Ualdwinsvllle'8ii7 P : M.. arr.iye'at-SyracnBe8:55 P . M., connecting witk'Syracase", Binghampton»nd New York R. R. for Binghampton, Phllaclelpliia,Baltimore sind'all points South, } \< ' i»- i i a i

Leave Oswego 6 P. M., Fulton 6:30 P . Sf., Lamsons 0:52P.M;,BaldwInsvme,7!0TP.M., arrive afrSyracuie

< • * ' ' RETURNING: ' ! ' ' , .Leave Syracuse 6:45"-A.M.; 2 ; 8 5 T : M . ; t : 2 0 * . Mi > ' *ArriveaiOswego!8:85 A. M.; 4:35?. 6L ; 9:10*; M. I

' • " " * • - — • - ""-•--»- •-•- - - • - -•• j j , e Company'S'Offlce

T B ; THBLTS,' 'sn-pfesc

._ _ __ i / i 3H?Ai tWA|r ; :Throughto Ohluijo|in J53honfi, being 12 hourB_gnloker

tnanbyanyotfier.route, j.'»** »f~ j ' - VTrains leave" "Prescott-* Junction,* opposite Ogdeaa-rgfira«foi}owl, lit:! *'t •-•'••' JOB THE WEBT. . ..

Ohleago.DayExpress...'.,..:,','...;,.1'.3S P. M.,Aoctfmm6aattoiif...J - , . . . , . . ' . i..i..:.4.tO V.•.•*"•"

'Kvenlng Bipre'sB'."..'.'.'!^':', V.i ,4'4'0'RSt."'" '<S0* Throu'gn' Tickets'for sale at- tfio flSheril .ttpiel

Office, 01di-0gdensburgh,B&nk.BulldlMg;'8tate^ree't;'' "

0. J. BiYD&iSi' ''"'•" ::' ' ' Ogaensfinirgn iT,Managing Director. 5). P. BEACH,

" Generri Agent. Hew Tort Oltr.

EK (NEl^.H[A]!ER18Bt«aB)KAlE^OlAIJ-.^ij.,,,,; J

TrainB leave White Rlipr Junction for Opncord, Nash-ua, Groton Junction, • "Worseitfcr, P&yldence, LowelLBoston, 4c , at 1S31tXxLfl!Xitt> iiOi&iSK M., or on »r-rival of traini from OKdentborgh: and Montreal. {

Leave Concord for Ogaenaburgli and Montreal at 10:80A. M., and 8:15 RStjor<m'arrivii:Df'tSiin'B- ftom Bds-ton, Worcester, &c. h' ! , cJ • ' .n'i i

Trains over tUs8paa:»Jipn.dal)iy.la/jonnpctIon withtrains over the Ogdensburgh RoadT'carrylna Pas«en-gers andSretght to-»nd'lrooi- ttte^West; rOgdensburgli,M t a l nd M a n c h m r N h i ^ t e P 1 *gers a d S r e gMontreal, and

lmonueai, ana mancnemer* .Kasnusi^Wonseiter, ProTi-dence, Lowell, Lawrence,.,.Bostoa(!'tPortsinouUi,"Portlana and the Eastjrad'all Intermealat^pbliita T

—"ON8L0W 8TEARN8. Agentj

•-•> i 1 1 . "

33STE?SSr-"JS;-Q3KB .; D I K E••• -l . - ' . . , . > ; . n:\A •• j . :-iS.-.- ,.•'';•'. trPi-i u'J %shorn Steamboat Landing, Albany, dally, (Bnnd«j'»ex-

, cepteavatT o'clock P.M.. . " " . . "i

s | luesdayB, Thursdays andi i _ ,,.Wa«j.«j. •-= i T i ' :: BaturaayS^A, i0S~Purchase Tickets only, to Albany Pis«en«eM

and their Baggage cai-rted^o'theBoati Free T,-,• j•Br4B'-&e-M:^-'O,-B.«ii-»rifll(rrlUei"i7UF'--2^:ifllow

toh Y d h

g pe p sjde t e Yard ,ana hanftv thChecks tb;<)Ur;Agent; anSiive paying'40 c^iits'srptfor thirir baggage to the:N.'.Y..O.K.R. Baeir4«S%Io1iOly.. . . . , >> >• : , . , , - . I j - [ i i j . . • , i n

S3P"HuaBO^Rlver filR Tlbkt tekf *uaBO .Rlver fil.R. Tlbketa teken'fpip* ssage

i : ! >• \ - j ' h h \ ' - i - i i - f - . - ••• C ' ? '•-•'•• "--'••'• > • • • '

.^jLe^al, C*BvBUl,.tj^Q.tferi,ilfc;.I«''9^e Pape r s

' . . •^^ ' f^r ,' , ; . ' '• ' • ; , . . ' : n > i " ;

i- _: , -'I :• ... Bc(A '(

Ari fe^&^, ;^ ;1 1 - i '1 ' !• '•/' I

1868 Great Express Line to the Weal, 1*868.

-' \ '• - • ••• 4 - IVIA THE

i I.../-.' ' . Cl/-

I-iine of

SAE.WKA. j^ilp


Milwaukee, <CJ$ticago• AND ALB^Af-H MICll&lN PdRTS: '"} j

Three to-l'our Days Tl.rae Bayed saw anyi^therWaterioiite. , ,-,-n . it

$1*4 Sflrst, i


OHIOAS.O, MILWAPKEE,'SHEBO.lGANiandall;Eakel _ l i _ i . , ,MicKlgan]Port«." ' . " '1 tar* Ideals . & s e r t b s I n c l u d e d onSteam^

ere .on. all first Class Tickets. • ' • «-' •'.'•' .- -•« j. The foJlowingSpIendld, Low-Eressure Pas'sengeriteam<

e.rs-wulform ftfe.line .duringtb.e season of 18.6S;: • -,«. \5 ; F # w * d e : i : ' C a p C ' G i i l i e 3• mw W. M. 3. . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . Vltpil* VXiliIC3# -, I

j g - . o f F r e m o n t *.... ICTapt'-Iffi Barret. • • I. 5*PfftB°nle*T----.--"-.-Oapt.fi::jrticholsori; . »

s u n . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . CaptR. A.fj;dnes.,-i; iTo connect with one of the above Steamers' Passeni

gers wiu leave OgdenBburg 6» Mondaye, Wedriesdayiiand.E'xiday«,)viaGrand.Xrunk,SaUway.- ' ".' f

The rates by this line are,, cheaper than by anyother-• water route andfrom tlree to four flays "snorter between!Ogdensburg and Chicago or Milwaukee, with 6nly: bntfchange, which i« made direct from the csars to tho toatjAO UTTITlinllft. tJS*YT,*rra rti* "nArklranA ^WI.^-TI#« ^ .v-Xrt. t . t

j»x« iuiiU<ag-for'aie!r special "benefit woicD carriesPassengers, Hojies, Wagons,-Tumiture, andiall dgicrlp-tionof HpuBenoiaQppda.'Extra Baggage,, 6 c , connect-ing afrSarnia^bove Started, .wljitheit.iln.e of'steamer*

C.X BALDWIN, Agent, Ogdensburg,'."- -

That fact induces te offerldg ofall. Weknow tho '•' - - •<

-. t id



"VPIia a fair teBV'wili'prbte to; tliousands, as' it lias to}hundreds who are now ntlng it, afar preferable Olb-tbtanJthlng heretofore used. , . T ,-l ?

53i"erefore, we cofaiSlly invite every one to cast.off aliiprejudices and without regard to misrepreBentaWens of*lnterestedriiarties, to ' ' , • •inr . ><

' ' ' ' r" ' ^ '

JW^i.i ;ina and Japan.


fitcamBhlps on the Atl»utte;Connectln(:on Pacific with!kxm&kiW'VswsA rooLORADO

008TAEipAirL. OHTANA,Oneiof the iboveMargt l if t •plesdld iMamihlpi wllivepier No's4S'NortkiRl*er,4o6tof Canal Btreet, a

hJt9tll6ttedttfflti(exoTOt:w,b^tt»sd^^ti8rjj;arthen ontfieprecedinf Saturdaj^for Asplnwall,, connecting^ viaPanama Railway wftfi-otfe'oFthe Gompany's Steamshipfrom PanapMor;Btn'B»ncl«%o,itc*ichliig at Acapulco.

Departures of the.lit and ,24th. .connect at Panama. «jthBtessieraforiSouffiTaciMVjPoHs, "Those of 1st touchMannanilloi'*-K"s>'-;' *&• «&MSs»--.

Departure of 9tli:e»th;month;e6nnect3, with the neweteata llnefrpm Bujuoa to, Auiti»Jlajftnd New Zealand.

Steamer i f BefeiSK^conhetts'iiloIely at SanPranciscoirith steamertGypjjtBBtrBWOFleSviiig Oct. 1,1868, forJapan and.'GJ>Iiii £^w5S| s 0 *f^,-?$fo%M

One Hundred-^ound»-,BiwgB«e .ailoireil to each adult,Baggagei:ma«te:rs accompany^ibaggafe throii^h, and at*tend to ladlei and children witSoutfmale'protectsrs. Bag;gage received on the dwrtLHie day before sailing, from.8teambo*t«,r«llroad«,»nai«»««ngeTB who prefer to Bendflown early*/tf i s t££T »^- PTsSStT?An experienced surge,pn,,Qn board. Medlcln* and at-tendancefce|

(jyldly> ,,.,,; iz''- i?'3?.--feBABT, Agent.

• . : . ' . * „ . / . *:•• •••;- !n. %<. -ir.'i

Baoks,bgS.-.I UM r - . . l ' . i ' i s ! -..:•>*?/ ' - T ;.. A:i«ui! ! • $ ? '!A&< ', [' -X-ii^il --xifiL • :. •'-Z-:-ah ,y>-^->

_ qbHC J U . ^ k ^ JW, . ~m r% ?*-* ^ - ^ mmWW > ^ ^ .


<•.::> -{y

'<. btae3 sbnf'j;m Y/,-

\Beaiijs and Oats

> h foaDBiaoiii (OWO3OT ten. aos* JI. obi'sV)' *'

Oeeps coaetajitlyoh hand afid for sals oheap, aUkinds o

::>'•.' ...:.••', -flonsUitSg.a.%a'rt>df l l

"ourj.Pjork.- patsj C.orni!PeaSj1^.eansJ. ,s!sp. Teaij .8ngat3' * . ' 'MolaBseSj.Syrupy,". ' .' " ", ' J

Oatoeal, Buckwheat Hour, Corn Starch, Maliena, Wheat-en:OrltS, Opooi, Ghoeolatei laplofel, i c : Ett4<St« of 'all

LS5KriBSg?S»fiH5W?ra|S?S^1»i;-S61?*^ i®fe#*i; -Itr^nea^Honey, Pure Spices, Mustard end Pepper. Pain Killers o ' r s a l e * . • • \ > , .• ••-, *•••••{ '•- I . - ( • ' . ! ; • ^ ( - : . ? • ' :

^ ^ C l r a and tobacco, tho Tery best.brands.&s**T6a3es«in«a:- 'Soods-'aSlIvirsa'In

B P ^ a O T & s * T 6 a 3 e sha"yll lageiEzee. . . , ' ?

'4R»T " ' o. A.~\t,'

Rjioi-8 Ga.

i ' *J ?&£;'.•< <,•'•":••• •*¥*

•tp . I . T : I ' . W ^ V - ; j i : T . c

' . - • , ( • - - > L 1 - • ;• I ' k - i . y , ' . - U . - . . . < i - - ? i - . i i - . . !

!3)hlg ,well'j£nowri;iCoiflpan'yjwilli during the present sea

""-"' J ' ' R E Q - T r L A S I j ^ * ' B E X v v i i i E - Nv . . i . • • « - ; . : , , ; . ; - . - . - , > • ; l_: -\ -." , : ' - - . , ! ; . : -


i i , ' . •:-%\ '• j . . , _ > ! j . . I ^ ' i i{ . - • •> •ig Ogdensburg Dapy,.for- Lake Erie Ports, on ar-

•' •rival'dftheMailTrainfromtheEast'; ahd'TrtWeek'-'ly,^.JIopd.oy,,?5ednesday)

" ' "Lalte Miolilgaii Ports.. " These Steamers make regular connectkrastat.Qg-

"densbuirg with the Ogdensburg ft Lake Champlain. R. R.,•an'd; Vermont Oehtral Xine for Boston: and UlJ.points£ast. At Western Lake ports, with Railroad ana Oa^slBinesj'for aU-pointsSoSthi'Weat-ansl' Softfiwest, makingit the favorite route foEjapsengers andJreigW,'8Btlieieis but OHB TRA.HSB3PMENT between" Boston • zhdChicago. \ - —^ .w^

^Sr*i;he;5teamer.» arfejprovia&?*ltli large Cabins anaStaterooms, elegantly furnished, for the accomniodatlon

Liof Mrst'Class Passengers ahdcomfortB:ble-.Second^Gls.33SOatflhs proviaei'wltli- Berths ana" Cook Stoves for Sas-"Benger3;»nd > FainiiieB. desiring ,tTo-;furniEE their; own* 'pro-visions, Ac. , * . ',

:"'^«-!niere ;is no'chatige 'bf'Steamer between pgd'ens-:;burg and; ghitjagpi thereby making, it the cheapest gadbest rbufc for Passengers niovlng with ifieir Gocd's,8tock;,Ao:j asstKey-avoid; ferriage;. cartsge,thotel<bills,and numerous .other expanses, as .well as damage to ttieirproperty by rough, KantUSig; ' • / * ; ' ' ' ' " ' - " • ' - 1

, t^"First iClas6 Tickets include MealsandStaterpoms.'" '^"R'ates of Paesage ana Freight'idwertJiari by anyi i t h e r r o u t e . . . • ' . ; - . • •'' -. • i ' . - ; . " : • : • • • • i . 7 i ' V . > i >,'S^y"Baggage Checked through to destination,

. • j , . . JN0i,HO.eKING,;No. *figtateiStteet,3ostpniW; B; BUCKLEY, Cape Tincent.if. Y. *CHAS.ALLISON,08WegbiN..Y.-!'' : \:>,wrRBNOHi CHIEDS k GO., Cleveland. O.

, , W; T. WALKER A.CO.,,Tpled6iOi £ . •,"NVJ; KODIBE,Detroit, Miohi


!If;,aUwlll;dojSO ihere will Boofi-bsia- greateV'rusc"! t ian

SO cents.'

•Jl i , " ' . '• ••»' V « . <. .;•.!» -. .,•'•'<"•- ' '

?j;\i,}i. Tlme:froin.-Bosi«d-1T::, All expre8ies,in,charge;of=.s»fe *nd trusty ,rt

Drfleri for tKe pnrcnale of gbbds Inthecitlei .coliclted and promptly attended to. Office In

- ' ; ' ' ' : AGENTS^*ANiKD'-ibRr'']jANJ" .'*.**.'. '. 'Wbrf'h/iV'i^M~/tmA mitJtiy^iii^J' r

I.XVTB O F G 'BK. '~ i j £ i rSSBS , "« ; ' v GKisX.: CompriBing a 6omj>le«e"*ccurate hjstory ^f •hls'eventr',fulSpd interestingesreer; with: an .'authentic narrative :of his invaluable mllitery Berjlces, adding also an im.

?aj2?L^^^^hi?,sfesgi?5?i?:iavar "'Dana'B Life of G«ner«l Grintis »uife""tp:b'e the most au-

thentic and best Life »f Grant publisbed." iPor part iallars,*pplytoor»dare«BGUKDON BILL *CO.,Spring-fleW, Mass., or MSK BBAINARD, Koohester, N. ¥.


J W * , . a g e u i , ;o.iOgdensburg, N. Y-.

: GEOJ,WxSMMH,,6en'l.;XIcket.Age!it,;. • • : ' . : • •'• ••'•<!H. Jv G.OODNO, Passenger Asen t

- -:; -••OmSg"cor.JF6fd'S

h \ t>.-,'

D A I L Y tmibr ••' " ' • -'•"'-

ye, OEdensburBat XB. M.JlBrockVUle SJ i i t f ] ; Ai-cioudria Bay eT-'M.;-; Kingsfen 8:80 K "M.," Cnarf6tt«

jJ;30,,A.{M.j a r r l v l n g j a t . t e w l s t o n 9 : 8 0 4 , i f c N i a g a r aF a l l s l 0 : 8 0 A . M . . ... . t " , , . . .

ii^Tfil'siOompany %llli: ;8firlhf-:'$itf 'ieSsb'n of •pleasure

"ers'for-^Basureand busIneiS "feavei;" between' Ogdens--flnrg)Mo'n'tre»l,^Toronto.arict'Eewlst^n...;;t:^s0'. < j ! . . . '

""' " ' leyiU'_becompose'diof"the Large,t Stauneh.and

1 COLraiBrAN Capt. J[L B. DBtes.•Connecting fat <JgdenBb,urgcwitb:'. the' 'elegaaf "-River

Steaiiaers "~OHAMPION :.";:.". = ."..©apt. OarraSbeaE*'-1

BAK8HEB ."T;".*."....,.."..Oapt Bailey.And Ogdengburg B.'g.;,fpj|Son8e?aBolnt and all pointsSouth, and East, forjeaingji.J>aily Xine (Sundays e^cepfc-e ^ t b r q u g & i a k e ^ n t a r i p a n d B i j e r - S t .ta.wr.ence,-"Jga'

rlvarbf"Brf"Xe^tbrqug&iake^ntarip andBijer-St .ta.wr.ence,-Jgav-ing'Ogdensburg, atTRM.j.on aTrlvarbf"Bxprefs"Xraiiiftom the|Ea8t,i,.j6u5Ujg,iati;Brp,clcville,AlekandHa!iBttyiKingston and Ghaflotte, arriylngatXewisWh thefbllqw-ing morningfat9:80>;i conh'ebtiiig'at 'Kingston' with' ~'i£$3yb t u t M B a y o f a u i n t % f J B U m d P i Mp.oat up. .tne cay-oi, uuinse^ipr .iseueviiie snfMMeton,., atCharloft'eiridiEewiEfotfwith'New York 'CenfralSafroadfpr,NlagaraiJ!aUs. .and;JBuffaip, therfeby formingfa' deskconnection wltn all the following routes: , ',-. AtSuspension Bridge, with «ift.--Western''Raiiw:ay'forHamilton, .London, Detroitr-'Ohlcagp, Milwaukee andall points West an* Smith ;:,at. Bnffaio,J*lthpLSkeigSareand Michigan Sonthern, O^evelanil snd Crestlhie "RjiEfo.alUp6ints:Westana!Soiitn;andwl&&iIfalb'ana-rJialie'

"*!' an8 all.points'fdfCEake

Sr'MSanstortatisn. isFS^ei'M^^^^SbWpRt,. " . J M ; , ; CWest.

[1teXnear^Unedaalledstrengthiaaasrpeedon XaKe Ontario," as"^wl^e l i ^o rBaf^&d^ i^ i idHB

Jranaeur-oi^cenery anor,Cpmfoft,of. »SBenser8.f.-..S !• Throfi^asfeiM cV'tieluVcha'kTof MpoWdf lieEaifroaa ahaSieamboat'OMcesin,Northern N"e*"Yor]tmd Ne\c*nglitfiiSt«i«!l" '}J -; SOS'ITJty»tRBV.'^ *'} KOSIT J ^ B t R B ^

Bistem Agent, «|i«i!S.bufB.andTreassMtei(!'!• A1BX. MILLOT,.Sec'yandTreas.,s,Montrei!;

