AIKOL Press 3rd Issue

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  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


    Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

    Praise be to Allah s.w.t, the Almighty, eternal Guardian o the heavens and earth, Ruler over all creatures.Peace and blessings be upon the master and the seal o the Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W.We are grateul to meet you with the third issue o our newsletter.

    T is is our third edition in the AIKOL Press but we have a good reason to be present rom now on inthese pages, our motivation is YOU. We want you to know us, get a eeling o what LAWSOC means,the services we of er and how we, the members o AIKOL, experience it.

    LAWSOC is a column which will take you or a ride through some o the programmes which we havecarried out, so that you can be prepared or what you will be acing in the uture.

    At the dawn o new century, the inormation is power, the power that not only keeps them abreasto the recent trends, rather they bring people together in this great world o diversi ed cultures anddif erences.

    LAWSOC is well aware o the importance o ef ective communication in the modern world and has takenconsiderable steps in this regard. One o the important steps in this regard is its monthly newsletter.

    AIKOL Press not only provides the AIKOLians with the current news and activities o LAWSOC,rather it will give you a spectrum o inormation which includes the international news, knowledge,current legal issues and legal sector updates .T is will not only help the student members o AIKOL toincrease their knowledge and awareness, rather it will also help the students to grow proessional andtechnically.

    Inormation is Power

  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


    Grab the Opportunities

    In the name o Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciul.

    Peace be upon him our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions. Alhamdulillah, Hehas showered His blessing upon us by giving the chance to continue our lie and duty as the caliph oAllah in this world and praise to Allah SW because he has give us the opportunity to publish the 3rdissue o AIKOL Press which is the last issue or this semester.

    As we all know, recently we are shocked by the 8.8 scala Richter earthquake ollowed by tsunamithat hit Japan and had killed almost 1000 innocent people there. It caused major damages to thecountry. T e tsunami also hit Hawaii several hours later, but did not cause major damage. Many othercountries such as Philippines, South America, Alaska and Canada had been alerted or the tsunamithat is predicted to hit them. Isnt it the sign rom Allah so that we must aware o His power andwarnings? We should thank Him or still protecting our beloved country rom that kind o disaster.

    Most o us have the opinion that as a student we should concentrate and ocus into our study sothat we can succeed as a good student. T e question that we must think is that is it true to be a goodstudent we only have to pass with f ying colors without involving ourselves in any programs that canbene t us?

    T us, my brothers and sisters, I would like to encourage you to join and lets be part o us in LAWSOC.

    We will provide or you a bridge to actively participate in many bene cial programs. InsyaAllah,during the end o this November, we will organize an annual estival which is AIKOL FESIVAL2011. T ere will be many interesting programmes during the estival. In addition to that we also willorganize AIKOL Community Service and many more. AIKOLians, grab this opportunity to join us toserve the ummah as a whole and to mould the uture legacy.

  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


    AlKitab, anyone?

    I youve been reading the news lately, sure you had came across the story

    o Malay Bible being detained by the government. T e issue o MalayBible is yet another chapter in our reedom o religion classroom. Being amulti-religious society, o course this kind o story will be seen as tryingto stir the hornets nest.

    Bible Society o Malaysia (BSM) imported 5,000 Alkitab Berita Baikrom Indonesia on March 23, 2009, but the Malay Bibles together with100 copies o other Christian literature were conf scated and detained bythe Home Ministry at Port Klang, and that the BSM had tried to retrievethem or over a year.

    T ere is also a similar incident involving another Christian group,the Gideons, which had its shipment o 10,000 Malay-language Biblesdetained in Kuching in 2009; but had the conf scation order li ed a erPutrajaya intervened directly.

    T is issue had open a debate between quarters regarding the relevancyo allowing the publication o Bible in Malay. Some say that allowingthis will lead to mass propagation o Christian teaching to the Malays,something that is against the provision o the Federal Constitution.While some others think that as long as it is distributed among theChristians, then why not?

    T e Malaysian Insider reported a statement by the President o PersatuanUlama Malaysia, Whats the point o objecting to it? I know thesentiment is that there is a ear o Malays reading the Bible, but these arewithin their (Christians) rights... there is not much we can do about it,we can bang our heads against the wall and nothing will happen, he said.

    # T e Christian Bibleconsists o the Old

    estament and Newestament

    # Bible comes rom Latinbiblia, meaning books

    # T e word testament

    means covenant

    # T e Bible has 66 books

    # T e Bible was writtenby many di erent authorswriting in many di erent

    times and places

    # T e Bible was written romabout 1450 BC to 100 AD

    # T e Bible was the f rstbook to be printed, in 1454

    # Miles Coverdale publishedthe f rst English translationo the entire Bible in 1535

    # T e Bible has been

  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


    T e Story o an Evil Genius

    Ferdinand Marcos was known to be one o the most notoriousdictator in the modern history. But little did we know about howgenius he was, as a law student. In 1939, while incarcerated, he

    graduated cum laude with a law degree rom the U.P. College o Law.While in detention Governor Roque B. Ablan Sr. o Ilocos Nortehelped Marcos study or the bar exams by providing a desk lamp inhis cell, law books and reviewers. Marcos passed the bar examinationwith the highest score on record, while also writing an 830-pagedeense. Several people contested his score and a retake was takenalbeit an oral bar examination witnessed by several people. His

    second bar examination resulted in a 100% score, the highest gradeobtained in the Philippine Bar.


    Mr. Dewey was brief ng his client, who was about to testiy in his own deense. You must swear to tellthe complete truth. Do you understand?

    T e client replied that he did. T e lawyer then asked, Do you know what will happen i you dont tellthe truth?

    T e client looked back and said, I imagine that our side will win.


    A guy walks into a post o ce one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the countermethodically placing Love stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takesout a perume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them.

    Ferdinand Marcos

  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue


    Lies A Journey

    Alhamdulillah, we meet again or the third issue o AIKOL Press, the voice o Aikolians. And thiswould be the f nal issue or this semester. InsyaAllah, well be back or the next semester.

    Whether you realize it or not, this week is the last week beore we embark on a stressul journeythrough the f nal exam. ime ies ast, huh?

    Surely lots o us eel very stressul during times like these, right? Assignments, presentations, projects,etc. All o these seem to be hurdles or us to concentrate on our preparation or the f nal. o make itworse, some o us may also ace personal problem which a ected them psychologically.

    But come on, is there anyone in this whole world that doesnt has any problem? No, right? Everyonehas their own problem. T e most important thing is to conront it correctly. And to know how, doreer to our 7 steps o deeating stress.

    Problems will come and go. T ats how lies work. It is these problems that will help us to become

    a better person. Like they always say, lies a journey, not a destination. And surely, theres no easyjourney. See you again in the next issue o AIKOL Press, the voice o Aikolians.

    T ank you.

  • 8/7/2019 AIKOL Press 3rd Issue
