Aidan janzthe magna carta

THE MAGNA CARTA Aidan Janz Sutherland Secondary Law 12

Transcript of Aidan janzthe magna carta

  • 1. TheMagna Carta
    Aidan Janz
    Sutherland Secondary
    Law 12

2. What is it?
The Magna Carta was written in 1215 CE and is an English legal document which had a huge influence on the developing legal system of England.
Many people believe it was one of the most important documents of all time, because it helps define our modern day laws.
The Magna Carta was a collection of 37 English laws - some copied, some recollected, some old and some new
3. Signing of the Magna Carta

  • The barons were providing the king with men to defend his territory and were giving him money. Traditionally, the king had always consulted the barons before raising taxes and demanding more men for military service

4. The Barons began to get fed up with their king, so they made him sign the Magna Carta which created fairness to all the people. 5. The document was a group of written rules between the king and the people that
the king would govern England and deal
with its subjects according to the customs
of feudal law.
6. SUMMARY OF THE Magna Carta

  • The Church was to be free from royal interference, especially in the election of bishops - The king had no part of anything that was happening within the church.

7. No taxes except the regular feudal dues were to be levied, except by the consent of the Great Council, or Parliament 8. The right to due process which led to Trial by Jury 9. All weights and measures to be kept uniform throughout the realm