AHOPE for Children Press Kit



General description of the activities of AHOPE for Children.

Transcript of AHOPE for Children Press Kit


AHOPE For Children is a non-profit organization serving the

children of Ethiopia, with a primary emphasis on caring for

orphans infected with HIV. This is accomplished in 3 ways:

A Community Outreach Program which enables orphaned

children to remain with their extended families and

culture while receiving medical care, education, food and

other services.

Two Children’s Homes which are pleasant, well staffed

and provide care exclusively for orphans who are HIV

positive and have no extended family to care for them.

International Adoption by enabling HIV+ orphans in

AHOPE’S care to find permanent loving families overseas.

Although AHOPE is not an adoption agency, to date nearly

100 children have been placed in their new adoptive homes

through reputable licensed adoption agencies.

AHOPE For Children is saving lives. If your readers are interested

in true life stories of despair and hope, tragedy and triumph;

articles and interviews are available with AHOPE’s executive

director, HIV positive orphans in Ethiopia, adoptive families in

S. Stine America and pediatric HIV/AIDS doctors.


The AHOPE Child Development Center provides essential services

to enable a destitute extended family to keep its orphaned

children at home. The first Child Development Center was

opened in September of 2007 in an impoverished neighborhood

of Addis Ababa. It has the capacity to assist 100 children and their

guardians and is designed as a model that is suitable for

replication in other needy areas as funding allows.

The children are provided with all the essentials to thrive, including

food, clothing, psycho-social support, and schooling. There is an

in-house preschool and older children are provided with school

fees, uniforms and books. Medical care is provided, including

anti-retroviral therapy. The guardians of the children receive

family training in nutrition, hygiene, care of HIV infected persons

and other skills that contribute to a healthy environment.

The Center houses a Community Children’s Library to enable the

children of AHOPE to socialize with other children and adults in

the community in a way that decreases stigma and discrimination

against the HIV positive children. This first Center is truly a place

where the entire community can find hope for the future.


AHOPE Ethiopia provides two children’s homes exclusively for

the care of children infected with HIV, with a capacity of about

100 children total. Both homes are clean, cheerful and have

areas for outdoor play within their walled compounds. There is

a high ratio of staff to children to ensure individualized attention.

There is a pediatrician on staff working part time and full time

trained nurses. There are also certified teachers, social workers

and well trained, supervised child care workers as well as staff

for cleaning, cooking, driving, maintenance and guarding the

compounds. Children of kindergarten age attend Worldwide

Orphans Academy. The older children attend several local public


AHOPE Ethiopia is presently leasing 4 compounds to provide

facilities for the program. None of the compounds are designed

for its present use, and all improvements necessary to make the

buildings and grounds suitable are to the benefit of the landlord.

Plans have been drawn for AHOPE CHILDREN’S VILLAGE, a facility

that will provide home-like care for the children, spaces for public

events, a clinic, and transitional housing with counseling facilities

for young adults being prepared to emerge from orphanage life

to successful independent adult life in society. M. Mistretta


Many of the orphans residing in AHOPE’S Children’s Homes are

now finding new families through international adoption. There

are now nearly 100 success stories of HIV positive AHOPE

children being raised in loving families abroad. AHOPE is not an

adoption agency and does not facilitate international adoptions.

There are several reputable agencies committed to helping

improve the lives of HIV positive orphans, by seeking international

families for AHOPE children and by helping HIV+ orphans

remaining in Ethiopia. For additional information about this

growing movement, please see Positively Orphaned or contact

AHOPE for additional information.


A recent United Nations report stated that there are 1 million

children in Ethiopia who have been orphaned by AIDS. Many of

these children are infected with HIV. Much misinformation and

superstition surrounds HIV/AIDS within the Ethiopian population,

which has resulted in widespread stigma. Sadly, relatives are

often reluctant to accept children whose parents have died from

AIDS. This has resulted in widespread abandonment of children to

the streets or to institutional care. Providing orphanage care is

not an adequate way to address the problem. Families need to be

encouraged and supported to care for orphaned children at

home, rather than abandoning them.

In 1997, Adoption Advocates International (AAI) began to provide

adoption services for orphaned children in Ethiopia. One in every

six children referred to AAI for adoption tested positive for HIV. In

response, AAI established a children’s home that was exclusively

for the care of children infected with HIV. In 2002, a non-profit

charity was set up to assist in the funding for the HIV positive

children’s home. In 2005, the first pediatric program in Ethiopia

to provide life saving medication was established at AHOPE in

partnership with Worldwide Orphans Foundation. Once consid-

ered a hospice program, AHOPE then became a program of S

M. Mistretta education and hope for a real adult future for every child.


Interviews, images and articles are available by contacting


Media Relations

AHOPE For Children

[email protected]

US 310.428.6696 UK +44(0)777.281.9079


Executive Director

AHOPE For Children

[email protected]



Marketing Director

AHOPE For Children

[email protected]

