Ahava B’Shem Yeshua “Love In The Name Of Jesus” Volume 6 ...€¦ · “Love In The Name Of...

March 2020 Volume 6, Issue 5 Monthly Newsletter From Our Messianic Leader….. OUR HOPE For those of us who believe in our Lord and Master Yeshua, the con- ditions of this world ought to be so- bering and yet motivating. Ephesians 2:12 says: at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the na- tional life of Isra’el. You were foreigners to the cove- nants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. Is there anything worse than this … being in this world without hope and without God? If one does not have a relationship with our heavenly Father through His son Yeshua HaMashiach there is NO eternal hope. Yeshua came into this world to take on the punishment for our sins and die that terrible death on the cross that we all deserved. In doing this He satisfied the Father’s demands for a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, thereby removing the guilt and the condemnation for all of us who believe in Him as their Lord and Sav- ior. The final result was for those who were lost and far away from him have been brought closer and near to Him by the blood He has shed. Now that we have received this hope, we are called to share it with others. People will not know that Yeshua is the ONLY hope unless they learn about Him from us. Peter pointed out that this assignment may not al- ways be easy because most people are intimidated or hostile to our message (Good News). Still, we are called to give an account for the hope that is in us with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter3:15 CJB says; 15 but treat the Messiah as holy, as Lord in your hearts; [a] while remaining always ready to give a reasoned an- swer to anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you — yet with hu- mility and fear. Our witness or testimony of and for our Lord Yeshua should show through our words and actions. The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) will begin in the renewing of our mind with His Holy word, our attitudes and behavior becoming more like Yeshua. This will show a powerful witness to all people around you or to the world without hope. Adonai can transform a person’s life now and the promise of eternal life for all of us that will come to Him in Repent- ance and Faith. So, let us share our hope with oth- ers! Al Messianic Leader Ahava B'Shem Yeshua Inside this issue: Local Announcements 2 Ministry Updates 6 Messianic 101 7 Reading Schedule 8 Calendar 9 Classifieds 10 Ahava B’Shem Yeshua “Love In The Name Of Jesus”

Transcript of Ahava B’Shem Yeshua “Love In The Name Of Jesus” Volume 6 ...€¦ · “Love In The Name Of...

Page 1: Ahava B’Shem Yeshua “Love In The Name Of Jesus” Volume 6 ...€¦ · “Love In The Name Of Jesus ... Please talk to Dee Rodriguez if you would like to serve as a teacher ...

March 2020

Volume 6, Issue 5

Monthly Newsletter

From Our Messianic Leader…..


For those of us who

believe in our Lord and

Master Yeshua, the con-

ditions of this world ought to be so-

bering and yet motivating.

Ephesians 2:12 says: at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the na-tional life of Isra’el. You were foreigners to the cove-nants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. Is there anything worse than this …

being in this world without hope and

without God? If one does not have a

relationship with our heavenly Father

through His son Yeshua HaMashiach

there is NO eternal hope.

Yeshua came into this world to take

on the punishment for our sins and

die that terrible death on the cross

that we all deserved. In doing this He

satisfied the Father’s demands for a

blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of

sins, thereby removing the guilt and

the condemnation for all of us who

believe in Him as their Lord and Sav-

ior. The final result was for those who

were lost and far away from him have

been brought closer and near to Him

by the blood He has shed.

Now that we have received this hope,

we are called to share it with others.

People will not know that Yeshua is

the ONLY hope unless they learn

about Him from us. Peter pointed

out that this assignment may not al-

ways be easy because most people

are intimidated or hostile to our

message (Good News). Still, we are

called to give an account for the

hope that is in us with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter3:15 CJB says; 15 but treat the Messiah as holy, as Lord in your hearts;[a] while remaining always ready to give a reasoned an-swer to anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you — yet with hu-mility and fear.

Our witness or testimony of and for

our Lord Yeshua should show

through our words and actions. The

Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) will

begin in the renewing of our mind

with His Holy word, our attitudes

and behavior becoming more like

Yeshua. This will show a powerful

witness to all people around you or

to the world without hope. Adonai

can transform a person’s life now and the promise of eternal life for all of

us that will come to Him in Repent-

ance and Faith.

So, let us share our hope with oth-


Al Messianic Leader

Ahava B'Shem Yeshua

Inside this issue:




Ministry Updates 6

Messianic 101 7

Reading Schedule 8

Calendar 9

Classifieds 10

Ahava B’Shem Yeshua “Love In The Name Of Jesus”

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“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another

place - but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows whether you have attained royal

status for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 TLV

Ahava B’Shem Yeshua Page 2



Come join Ahava B’Shem Yeshua for a time of Celebration!

WHEN: March 7, 2020

TIME: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

WHERE: Alliance Bible Church

2601 Iron Springs Road

Prescott, AZ 86305

Ahava B’Shem Yeshua will be celebrating Purim, a time of G-d’s deliverance,

with an exciting time of fun, fellowship, dance, and the reading of the Megil-

lah (the Book of Esther)!

Bring your groggers and noisemakers, for a fun time of audience participa-

tion. We will learn the story of Esther, and ADONAI’S miraculous salvation

of the Jewish people in ancient Persia.


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April 8, 2020

We will be celebrating the Pesach (Passover) Seder in Individual Homes.

For those who need a place to Partake of the Pesach Seder,

please email us at [email protected],

or call 928.443.5988.

Come celebrate this joyous High Holy Day Festival and learn about Yeshua in the redemption of the children of Israel!

Chag Pesach Sameach!!

The next day, John sees Yeshua coming to him and says, “Behold, the Lamb of G-d who takes

away the sin of the world!”

John 1:29 TLV

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HEBREW CLASSES Come join us and learn beginning Hebrew!

WHEN: Shabbat

TIME: 9:30 am before Shabbat Service

WHERE: Downstairs @ Alliance Bible Church

2601 Iron Springs Road

Prescott, AZ 86305

HaYesod ‘The Festivals’ Class

First Fruits of Zion will be releasing their newest HaYesod ‘The Festivals’ in January 2020. For those interested in attending this exciting new class, we will be offering it starting on Shabbat, ON HOLD UNTIL MATERIALS ARE RELEASED , 2020 at 1:15 pm. This class is a 10 week program that explores the beauty of the biblical fes-tivals.

Please contact us by email at [email protected], call the office at 928.443.5988, or see the sign up sheet in back of the Sanctuary.

Student workbooks can be purchased for $35 and couples can share a workbook.

Please see the following link for more information: https://hayesod.ffoz.org/



Purim Celebration, Shabbat, March 7, 2020 @ 10:30 am, during Worship

Individual Pesach Seders, Wednesday Evening, April 8, 2020—see Sign Up Sheet in back of the Sanctuary

Special Pesach Shabbat, Shabbat, April 11, 2020 @ 10:30 am, during worship

March of Remembrance, Sunday, April 19, 2020 @ 1:30 pm, The Courthouse Square, Prescott, AZ

TORAH SERVICE Come join us on March 28th for our Torah Services!

Our next monthly Torah Service will be held on Shabbat, March 28th, 2020 during our

Shabbat Service at 10:30 am.

Don’t miss this special service!!

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Men’s Bible Study

Our Congregational Leader Al Rodriguez will be leading the Bible Study using The Old Testament Studies, from Tom Bradford. Please check out

the website at https://www.torahclass.com/old-testament-studies-tc. For any of the men that are interested, please email Al at [email protected] or call him at 928.443.5988.

When: Every Wednesday

Where: Alliance Bible Church (Downstairs)

2601 Iron Springs Road

Prescott, AZ 86305

Time: 9:30 am until 11:30 am

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Women’s Bible Study

The women are studying the book of Acts using Tom Bradford's Torah Class. Please

check out Mr. Bradford's class at http://www.torahclass.com/. For more information call 928.443.5988.

When: The 2nd & 4th Thursday (March 12th & 26th)

Where: 503 Perry Street, Prescott, AZ 86303

Time: 10:30 am until 12:00 pm


Please join us for Shabbat Oneg (Sabbath Delight) after Service. It is a time of good

food and fellowship.

We supply the chicken, kosher hot dogs, or sandwiches.

Please bring a dish or dessert to share.

No shellfish, pork or any other unclean meats (Leviticus 11).

Bring enough to feed your family and 4 more.


The Mourner’s Kaddish prayer is the prayer traditionally recited in memory of the dead. The prayer is recited during the be-

reavement period and to mark the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Should you wish that this prayer be said for your

loved one, please see our Congregational Leader Al Rodriguez.

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Ahava Children’s Ministry The sign up sheet for March is back in the classroom/nursery area on the wall. We are encouraging parents

of those who utilize this ministry to consider volunteering to assist once a month, or every 6 weeks. Teach-

ers and helpers can sign themselves up for dates that work for them. It will cover 2 months at a time.

Teachers will be planning their own lessons, and helpers as usual will assist the teacher. In the storage room

in the back of the sanctuary, there is a curriculum box for books and lessons, or you can use resources that

you have. We have purchased Bibles for the children to use when in Shabbat class. At times, we will be

reading the Torah Parashah during Shabbat Class (along with the rest of the Shul).

More teachers are needed. There should be a minimum of one adult in the back (18 or over) but prefer-

ably 2 adults should sign up at a time. Please talk to Dee Rodriguez if you would like to serve as a teacher

for the first time, or if you would be willing to serve as the new Shabbat School leader.

For those who sign up for Shabbat School, all messages and slides are uploaded to our website the

following week.

Davidic Dance Ministry As March approaches, we are in anticipation for many exciting things coming up! I have been working with an amazing group of 13 men who will be doing a dance on March 7

th for

Purim. They are so dedicated and are doing so very well! Ages range from 7 to 90! It has been so fun teaching and working with them. What an amazing group of men we have at Ahava. Please don’t miss this great presentation on Purim during service! On March 14

th, the dance group is planning to celebrate Purim either at Good Samaritan or Pioneer

Nursing Home. All are welcome to join us, even if it’s just to support and mingle with the residents. They were truly blessed the last time we came. We will dance, bring Hamantaschen, groggers and read a Reader’s Digest version of the story of Esther. I encourage anyone that would like to, to join us at 3 PM on March 14

th at one of the above nursing homes. More details to follow.

Beginner’s class will resume on March 14

th at 1 PM. Many of the beginners who started in January

have done so well and have truly become a part of the dance family. It is my desire that everyone who wants to dance feels welcomed and that you can find your place. I look forward to seeing new faces! May HaShem bless you in all that you do. Thank you for loving, supporting, encouraging and pray-ing for me. Love in Yeshua, Hessa

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March 10th, 2020, Tuesday (Adar 14, 5780)

Special Service, Shabbat March 7th

Esther 9:22 as the days when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was

turned into joy and their mourning into celebration. These were to be days of feasting, celebration and sending pre-

sents of food to one another and giving gifts to the poor (TLV).

Purim is a time to commemorate the saving of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman. The story of Es-

ther, is a story of all believers. It tells us that Adonai puts us in the place where He wants us, and some-

times it is “for such a time as this” Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will

arise for the Jews from another place - but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows whether you have

attained royal status for such a time as this?” (TLV). Esther encourages believers that Adonai is faithful, His

love for us is sure. Romans 8:28 Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who

are called according to His purpose (TLV).

In addition to reading the book of Esther during Purim, there are other traditions that help mark this fes-

tive occasion.

1) Festive and Fun Filled Service

Children (and adults) are encouraged to wear costumes. Many choose to dress up

as Esther or Mordechai. Others choose to wear costumes of Haman, Vashti or King Ahasuerus . During the reading of Esther, it is a tradition to make noise, boo-

ing sounds, and stamping our feet whenever the name of “Haman” is read. When

the name of “Mordechai” is read, the crowd cheers and shouts. To increase the

noise level, gragers (noise makers) are used!

2) Gifts

During the time of Purim it is customary to give gifts of food to others. This is considered a mitzvah

(command, a good deed). A common pastry given is Hamantaschen (Haman’s Hat or Ears).

3) Charity to the Poor

To express our appreciation of Adonai’s divine deliverance and provision on Purim is customary to give

gifts to the poor, or charity (tzedakah).

4) Festive Purim Meal

It is customary to eat a joyous, festive meal consisting of a oversized

challah with raisins and of course Hamantaschen!

Purim teaches us that Adonai is faithful, His deliverance sure and our salvation

comes only from Him!!

Chag Purim Sameach!!


Grager (noisemaker)

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March 7th Tetsaveh “You shall command” Torah Portion: Exo 27:20-30:10

Haftarah: Eze 43:10-27

Brit Hadasha: Heb 13:10-17

Shabbat Zachor “Shabbat of Remembrance” Maftir: Deut 25:17-19

Haftarah: 1 Sam 15:2-34

March 9th Ta’anit Esther “Fast of Esther” Torah Portion: Exo 32:11-14, 34:1-10

Minor Fast Day from Sunrise to Sunset Haftarah: Isa 55:6-56:8

March 10th Purim “Feast of Lots” Torah Portion: Exo 17:8-16

Megillah: Book of Esther

March 11th Shushan Purim “Susa Feast of Lots” Torah Portion: Exo 17:8-16

March 14th Ki Tisa “When you elevate (the head)” Torah Portion: Exo 30:11-34:35

Haftarah: 1 Kings 18:1-39

Brit Hadasha: 1 Cor 8:4-13

Shabbat Parah “Shabbat of the Red Heifer” Maftir: Num 19:1-22

Haftarah: Eze 36:16-38

March 21st VaYakhel “And he assembled” Torah Portion: Exo 35:1-38:20

Haftarah: 1 Kings 7:13-26, 40-50

Brit Hadasha: 2 Cor 9:6-11

P’kudei “Accountings of” Torah Portion: Exo 38:21-40:38

Haftarah: 1 Kings 7:51-8:21

Brit Hadasha: 2 Cor 3:7-18

Shabbat HaChodesh “Shabbat of the New Moon” Maftir: Exo 12:1-20

Shabbat before Nisan Haftarah: Eze 45:16-46:18

March 26th Rosh Chodesh “Beginning of the month” Nisan I Num 28:1-15

March 28th VaYikra “And He called” Torah Portion: Lev 1:1-6:7

Haftarah: Isa 43:21-44:23

Brit Hadasha: Heb 10:1-18



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MARCH 2020

ADAR / NISAN 5780 Sun / Rishon Mon / Sheni Tue / Shlishi Wed / Revi’i

Thu /

Chamishi Fri / Shishi Sat / Shabbat

1 Adar 5 2 Adar 6 3 Adar 7 4 Adar 8

Men’s Prayer

with Alliance


Men’s Bible

Study 9:30 am

5 Adar 9 6 Adar 10

7 Adar 11


Hebrew Class @


Service 10:30am Special Purim


Beginner’s Dance

1 pm

Shabbat Zachor

8 Adar 12

9 Adar 13

Ta’anit Esther

(Fast of Esther)

10 Adar 14

Purim (Feast of


11 Adar 15

Men’s Prayer

with Alliance


Men’s Bible

Study 9:30 am Shushan Purim

(Susa Feast of Lots)

12 Adar 16

Women’s Bible

Study 10:30am

Book of Acts

13 Adar 17

14 Adar 18

Ki Tisa

Hebrew Class @


Service 10:30am


Dance 1 pm Shabbat Parah

15 Adar 19

16 Adar 20

17 Adar 21

18 Adar 22

Men’s Prayer

with Alliance


Men’s Bible

Study 9:30 am

19 Adar 23

20 Adar 24

21 Adar 25

VaYakhel /


Hebrew Class @


Service 10:30am

Beginner’s Dance

1 pm



22 Adar 26

23 Adar 27

24 Adar 28

25 Adar 29

Men’s Prayer

with Alliance


Men’s Bible

Study 9:30 am

26 Nisan 1

Women’s Bible

Study 10:30am

Book of Acts

Rosh Chodesh

27 Nisan 2

28 Nisan 3


Hebrew Class @


Service 10:30am

Torah Service Beginner’s Dance

1 pm

29 Nisan 4

30 Nisan 5

31 Nisan 6

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Page 10 Ahava B’Shem Yeshua

Men’s Prayer

When: Wednesdays at 7:00 AM

Where: Alliance Bible Church, 2601 Iron Springs Road, Prescott, AZ

Contact: Al Rodriguez 928.443.5988

Men’s Bible Study

When: Wednesdays

Where: Alliance Bible Church, 2601 Iron Springs Road, Prescott, AZ


Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Contact: Al Rodriguez at 928.443.5988

Women’s Bible Study

When: The 2nd & 4th Thursday (March 12th & 26th)

Where: 503 Perry Street, Prescott, AZ 86303

Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Contact: Ahava B’Shem Yeshua Office 928.443.5988








Al Rodriguez - President

Ramona Aldridge

Karen Rossi

Troy Wade

Robin Walton

Rabbi Jack Zimmerman


Chelsea Walton

Phone: 928.443.5988

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.ahavabshemyeshua.com

Shabbat Service 10:30 am Saturdays Location:

Alliance Bible Church

2601 Iron Springs Road

Prescott, AZ 86305

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday 9:00am—3:00pm

Sunday Closed