Agro Homeopathic Remedies a-Z - Homeopathy Plus

Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E » Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34] You are here: Home Agrohomeopathy › Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Remedies come in vials containing approximately 100 pills (makes 200 litres of liquid) and come with instructions. Price: $16.00AU A guide to help you choose the best remedy for your garden’s problem is available here. Name Abbrev Use for Quantity Abies nigra Abies. Hover Aceticum acidum Ac. Hover Aconitum napellus Acon. Hover Allium cepa All. Hover Amblyseius Amb. Hover Latest News Tutorials Treatment Room Homeoprophylaxis / Vaccination Know Your Remedies Library Videos / Podcasts Contact Us Legal Matters Reversing Autism Members Shop


Agro Homeopathic remedies A - z

Transcript of Agro Homeopathic Remedies a-Z - Homeopathy Plus

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34]

    You are here: Home Agrohomeopathy Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E

    Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-EAgrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

    Remedies come in vials containing approximately 100 pills (makes 200 litres of liquid) and come with instructions. Price: $16.00AU

    A guide to help you choose the best remedy for your gardens problem is available here.

    Name Abbrev Use for Quantity

    Abies nigra Abies. Hover

    Aceticum acidum Ac. Hover

    Aconitum napellus Acon. Hover

    Allium cepa All. Hover

    Amblyseius Amb. Hover

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    YHSPSticky NoteDeficient evaporation; excessive evaporation; impaired evaporation; deficient respiration; impaired photosynthesis.

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury by insect; mechanical injury; injury by storm; light rust; blight; mites; viral diseases; orange discolouration; red discolouration; yellow discolouration; shrivelled by fungal disease; blight from virus; rust; rust banana, leaf, bean, chrysanthemum, iris, snapdragon, poplar, pelagonium, marigold, rose, stem, stripe; barley yellow dwarf virus; aphids with yellow dwarf virus; mites; bean blossom thrips.

    YHSPSticky NotePoor uptake of nutrients.

    YHSPSticky NoteMites.

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34]

    Ammonium carbonicum Amm. Hover

    Ammonium muriaticum Amm-m. Hover

    Aphidius Aph. Hover

    Aranea diadema Aran. Hover

    Arnica montana Arn. Hover

    Arsenicum album Ars. Hover

    Athyrium filix-femina Athyr. Hover

    Bacillus thuringiensis Bac. Hover

    Belladonna Bell. Hover

    Berberis vulgaris Berb. Hover

    Bombyx processionea Bomb. Hover

    Borax veneta Bor. Hover

    Boron Bor. Hover

    Bovista lycoperdon Bov. Hover

    Bufo rana Bufo. Hover

    Calcarea carbonica Calc-c. Hover

    Calcarea fluorica Calc-f. Hover

    Calcarea phosphorica Calc-ph. Hover

    Calcarea silicata Calc-sil. Hover

    Calcarea sulphurica Calc-sulph. Hover

    YHSPSticky NoteOrange discolouration; red discolouration; yellow discolouration; shrivelled by fungal disease; deficient respiration;

    YHSPSticky NoteEngorged capillaries; flowers slimy secretions;

    YHSPSticky NoteBeetles; cabbage moth; procession moth; spitfire; webworm; hawk moth; rust mite; diamondback moth; grapevine moth; potato moth; procession moth; thrips; wasps; weevils;

    YHSPSticky Note HoverInjury crush or bruise;

    YHSPSticky NoteWeeds;

    YHSPSticky NoteBeetles; caterpillars; cabbage moth; flies; cabbage flies; cabbage fly; carrotfly; white fly;

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury by insect; viral diseases; red discolouration; yellow discolouration; shrivelled by fungal disease; blight from virus; rust; leaf rust; bean rust; rust banana, leaf, bean, chrysanthemum, iris, snapdragon, poplar, pelagonium, marigold, rose, stem, stripe; barley yellow dwarf virus; aphids with yellow dwarf virus;

    YHSPSticky NoteDamaged epidermis: dry, foamy, slimy, patchy, wet; diminished fruits; orange discolouration; red discolouration; yellow discolouration; excessive leaves; deficient respiration; increased water requirement; decreased water requirement

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury by insect; shrivelled by pests; caterpillars; cluster caterpillar; procession moth; spitfire; webworm; flies; hawk moth; rust mite; moths; diamondback moth; grapevine moth; potato moth; procession moth; sawfly; sawfly larvae; hard scales; soft scales;

    YHSPSticky NoteBoron deficiency; boron excess;

    YHSPSticky NoteBoron imbalances

    YHSPSticky NoteMites;

    YHSPSticky NoteWhite fly; injury by insect;

    YHSPSticky NoteMagnesium deficiency; manganese deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; sulphur deficiency; zinc deficiency; magnesium excess; manganese excess; phosphorus excess; sulphur excess; zinc excess;

    YHSPSticky NoteRipening avocados; nematodes; blotch; phytopthora stem; dry and harsh bark; swollen nodes; distorted tillering; numerous tillering;

    YHSPSticky NoteCracked epidermis; soft epidermis; soft epidermis; thin epidermis; soft-skinned fruit; small fruit; brittle; brown discolouration; leaves with yellow margins; leaves with dry tips; leathery leaves; rolled leaves; wrinkled leaves; nematodes; blotch; sooty mold; stem rot;

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34]

    Calendula officinale Cal. Hover

    Coriandrum sativum Cor. Hover

    Camphora Camph. Hover

    Cantharis vesicatoria Canth. Hover

    Carbo acidum Carb. Hover

    Carbo vegetabilis Carb-v. Hover

    Chamomilla Cham. Hover

    Chrysopida Chrys. Hover

    Chrysopras Chryso. Hover

    Citricum acidum Cit-ac. Hover

    Cobaltum metallicum Cob. Hover

    Coccinella septempunctata Cocc-s. Hover

    Coccus cacti Cocc. Hover

    Cochlearia armoracia Coch. Hover

    Coriandrum sativum Cor. Hover

    Cuprum metallicum Cup-m. Hover

    Cuprum sulphuricum Cup-s. Hover

    Encarsia formosa Enc. Hover

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury; mechanical injury; storm injury; nematodes; blight from nematodes; ants; root knot nematode;

    YHSPSticky NoteDeficient respiration; impaired photosynthesis; termites; woodworm;

    YHSPSticky NoteSunburn;

    YHSPSticky NoteBurnt by fire; mechanical injury; storm injury; wind damage; red discolouration; anthracnose; damping off; rot; dry rot; wet rot; windrowing; silica deficiency; silica excess;

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury;

    YHSPSticky Noteshrivelled by pests;

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury by pests; shrivelled with pest activity; aphids;

    YHSPSticky NoteExcessive evaporation; deficient respiration;

    YHSPSticky NoteInjury by insect; shrivelled by pests; aphids; caterpillars; mites; redlegged mite; spidermite; tomato mite; russet mite; moquitos; diamondback moth; scales; soft scales;

    YHSPSticky NoteComing soon

    YHSPSticky NoteScales; hard scales; honeydew scales;

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34]

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    Your Your Remedy Oleander (Olnd.)

    Know Your Remedies Apis Melifica

    Know Your Remedies: Bromium


    Homeopathy where two stressed

    people equals less stress

    Know Your Remedy: Nux moschata


    Know Your Remedy: Ipecacuanha

    Taken to Court 3 Increasing

    awareness about homeoprophylaxis

    (Part one)

    Trauma and Grief Marys Story

    Homeopathic First Aid Kit

    Homeopathy for the holidays

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    TAGSalternative animals autism cancer child children cold Common Uses conventional disease drops effect fever first flu government health history homeopath homeopathic homeopathic remedy homeopaths

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  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:19:34]


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    obesity ABC Homeopathy Forum

    2014 Homeopathy Plus

    Disclaimer: All material presented on the Homeopathy Plus website, or within its communications and newsletters, has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of Homeopathy Plus. It is provided for

    general information and educational purposes only.

    Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice, nor should the information we provide be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and

    diagnosis when appropriate. All remedy-related information provided by Homeopathy Plus is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) and referenced


    (c) 1997-2014 Homeopathy Plus - Ph: +61 02 4304 0822 / email: office(at) - 7B/1 Pioneer Avenue Tuggerah NSW 2259

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

    You are here: Home Agrohomeopathy Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N

    Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-NAgrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

    Name Abbrev Use for Quantity

    Equisetum hyemale Ferr. Hover .

    Ferrum metallicum Ferr. Hover .

    Ferrum muriaticum Ferr-m. Hover

    Ferrum phosphoricum Ferr-p. Hover

    Ferrum sulphuricum Ferr-s. Hover

    Foeniculum sativum Foen. Hover

    Foeniculum vulgare Foen-v. Hover

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  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

    Formica rufa Form-r. Hover

    Fragaria vesca Frag. Hover

    Gastein aqua Gast. Hover

    Gelsemium sempervirens Gels. Hover

    Helix tosta Helx. Hover

    Hepar sulphuris calcarea Abies. Hover

    Hyssopus officinalis Hyss. Hover

    Juglans nigra Juglans. Hover

    Kali oxalicum Kali. Hover

    Kali bichromicum Kali-b. Hover

    Kali carbonicum Kali-carb. Hover

    Kali iodatum Kali-i. Hover

    Kali metallicum Kali-m. Hover

    Kali muriaticum Kali-mur. Hover

    Kali nitricum Kali-n. Hover

    Kali permanganicum Kali-p. Hover

    Kali phosphoricum Pali-p. Hover

    Kali sulphuricum Kali-sulph. Hover

    Lacticum acidum Lac-ac. Hover

    Lapis albus Lap. Hover

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

    Latrodectus hasselti Lat-h. Hover

    Latrodectus katipo Lat-k. Hover

    Latrodectus mactans Lat-m Hover

    Ledum palustre Led-p. Hover

    Magnesia carbonica Mag-c. Hover

    Magnesia muriatica Mag-m. Hover

    Magnesia phosphorica Mag-ph. Hover

    Magnesia sulphurica Mag-sulph. Hover

    Magnesium metallicum Mag-m Hover

    Manganum Mang. Hover

    Manganum aceticum Mang-ac. Hover

    Mentha piperta Menth. Hover

    Mercurius corrosivus Merc-c. Hover

    Molybdenum Molyb. Hover

    Morgan (bach) Morgan. Hover

    Natrum carbonicum Nat-c. Hover

    Natrum metallicum Nat-met. Hover

    Natrum muriaticum Nat-met. Hover

    Natrum phosphoricum Nat-ph. Hover

    Natrum salicylicum Nat-met. Hover

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

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    Your Your Remedy Oleander (Olnd.)

    Know Your Remedies Apis Melifica

    Know Your Remedies: Bromium


    Homeopathy where two stressed

    people equals less stress

    Know Your Remedy: Nux moschata


    Know Your Remedy: Ipecacuanha

    Taken to Court 3 Increasing

    awareness about homeoprophylaxis


    1. Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E

    TAGSalternative animals autism cancer child children cold Common Uses conventional disease drops effect fever first flu government health history homeopath homeopathic homeopathic remedy homeopaths

    homeopathy Homeopathy Plus medicine pain

    Natrum sulphuricum Nat-sulph. Hover

    Nematodes Nem. Hover

    Nitricum acidum Nit-ac. Hover

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  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

    (Part one)

    Trauma and Grief Marys Story

    Homeopathic First Aid Kit

    Homeopathy for the holidays

    Pills Liquid plants politics practitioner

    problem problems remedies remedy research science society story study symptoms treat treatment uk vaccines water


    homeopathy | My Eczema Tales

    'Adopt latest digital tech' businesses


    Guess who's speaking at the NSTA

    National Conference

    Calves very swollen ABC

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    obesity ABC Homeopathy Forum

    2014 Homeopathy Plus

    Disclaimer: All material presented on the Homeopathy Plus website, or within its communications and newsletters, has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of Homeopathy Plus. It is provided for

    general information and educational purposes only.

    Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice, nor should the information we provide be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and

    diagnosis when appropriate. All remedy-related information provided by Homeopathy Plus is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) and referenced


    (c) 1997-2014 Homeopathy Plus - Ph: +61 02 4304 0822 / email: office(at) - 7B/1 Pioneer Avenue Tuggerah NSW 2259

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:20:36]

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:21:02]

    You are here: Home Agrohomeopathy Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

    Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-ZAgrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

    Name Abbrev Use for Quantity

    Ocinum basilicum Oci. Hover

    Ocinum canum Oci-c. Hover .

    Oniscus asellus Onis. Hover

    Oxalicum acidum Oxal. Hover

    Phaseolus nanus Ferr-s. Hover

    Phosphoricum acidum Ph-ac. Hover

    Phosphorus Phos. Hover

    Porcellio scaber Form-r. Hover

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  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:21:02]

    Plumbum metallicum Plumb. Hover

    Polygonum Polg. Hover

    Pyrethrum offininarum Pyr. Hover

    Pyruvicum acidum Pyr. Hover

    Ricinis communis calcarea Ric. Hover

    Ruta graveolens Ruta. Hover

    Salicylicum acidum Sal-ac. Hover

    Salvia officinalis Salv. Hover

    Sambucus nigra Samb. Hover

    Satureia hortensis Sat. Hover

    Secale cornutum Sec. Hover

    Shellac Shell. Hover

    Silica marina Sil-m. Hover

    Silicea terra Sil-t. Hover

    Sulphur Sulph. Hover

    Sulphuricum acidum Sulph-ac. Hover

    Syrphida larva Syrph. Hover

    Syntocinon Synt. Hover

    Tagetes erecta Tag. Hover

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:21:02]

    Tanacetum vulgare Tan. Hover

    Tarentula cubensis Tarent. Hover

    Tarentula hispanica Tar. Hover

    Teucrium marumverum Teuc Hover

    Theridion curassavicum Ther. Hover

    Theridion curassavicum Ther.. Hover

    Thuja occidentalis Mag-m. Hover

    Tingis cardui Ting. Hover

    Trapaeolum majus Trap. Hover

    Trombidium muscae domesticae

    Tromb. Hover

    Uranium nitricum Ur.

    Urea pura Urea. Hover

    Ustilago maydis Ust. Hover

    Vaccinum myrtillus Vacc-m.. Hover

    Valeriana officinalis Val. Hover

    Viburnum opulus Vib. Hover

    Zincum metallicum Zinc. Hover

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  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:21:02]

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    Your Your Remedy Oleander (Olnd.)

    Know Your Remedies Apis Melifica

    Know Your Remedies: Bromium


    Homeopathy where two stressed

    people equals less stress

    Know Your Remedy: Nux moschata


    Know Your Remedy: Ipecacuanha

    Taken to Court 3 Increasing

    awareness about homeoprophylaxis

    (Part one)

    Trauma and Grief Marys Story

    Homeopathic First Aid Kit

    Homeopathy for the holidays


    1. Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N

    2. Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E

    TAGSalternative animals autism cancer child children cold Common Uses conventional disease drops effect fever first flu government health history homeopath homeopathic homeopathic remedy homeopaths

    homeopathy Homeopathy Plus medicine pain Pills Liquid plants politics practitioner

    problem problems remedies remedy research science society story study symptoms treat treatment uk vaccines water


    homeopathy | My Eczema Tales

    'Adopt latest digital tech' businesses

  • Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus[25-03-2014 PM 07:21:02]


    Guess who's speaking at the NSTA

    National Conference

    Calves very swollen ABC

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    obesity ABC Homeopathy Forum

    2014 Homeopathy Plus

    Disclaimer: All material presented on the Homeopathy Plus website, or within its communications and newsletters, has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of Homeopathy Plus. It is provided for

    general information and educational purposes only.

    Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice, nor should the information we provide be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and

    diagnosis when appropriate. All remedy-related information provided by Homeopathy Plus is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) and referenced


    (c) 1997-2014 Homeopathy Plus - Ph: +61 02 4304 0822 / email: office(at) - 7B/1 Pioneer Avenue Tuggerah NSW 2259 Remedies A-E Homeopathy PlusAgrohomeopathic Remedies F-N Homeopathy PlusAgrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Homeopathy Plus

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