AGM 2012 - Executive Summary



Executive Summary of motions and consitutional amendments for AGM 2012

Transcript of AGM 2012 - Executive Summary



Robert Gordon University Students’ Association Annual General Meeting

18h May 20126.30pm

RGU:Union, 2nd Floor Bar

1. Welcome from the Chair & Quorum Count

1.1.The number of people needed to make the AGM constitutionally capable of

discussing and voting on business, known as Quorum, is 60. Please ensure you have

signed in and collected a voting card.

2. Minutes of Previous AGM

2.1.The Minutes of the last AGM need to be ratified and accepted

3. Submission of Accounts

3.1.The Students’ Association Accounts for 2010/11 need to be approved

4. Declaration of donations

5. Declaration of Affiliations

6. Executive Report

6.1.The Union Officers will each present a short report on their progress and

achievements over the last year.

6.2.You will have a chance to comment on the progress of the Elected part-time officers

over the last year, as reported in the AGM booklet

7. Motions

7.1.Transparency of the Students’ Union

8. Constitutional Matters

8.1.Amendment of Constitution Clause 4.3.2 (Members of Executive Board) &

Amendment of Constitution Clause 8.1 (Part-Time Officers)

8.2.Amendment of Constitution Clause 4.5.3 (Chair of Executive Board)

8.3.Amendment of Constitution Clause 6 (General Meetings – provisions applicable to

Extraordinary General Meetings)

8.4.Amendment of Constitution Clause 13.1 (Constitutional Amendments)

9. Approval of the Honorary Treasurer

9.1.The Honorary Treasurer is nominated by the Board of Governors of the University

and it is a constitutional requirement that they are voted into position by the AGM.


This is the opportunity for students to assess the competency and appropriateness

of the Board Nominee on the Union Executive Board

10. Strategic Plan update

11. Constitutional update

12. Elections Debate

13. AOCB

Ryan Maclean

President (Communications & Democracy) 2011/12


Appendix 1 -Annual General Meeting FAQ

There are few things more confusing than an Annual General Meeting especially one which

is held by a student member focused organisation such as the Students’ Association, so we

thought it would be useful, beneficial and above all, about time, that we helped de-mystify

some of the jargon and the other goings on at this annual and very important event.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Students’ Association represents the student voice and the Annual General Meeting

(AGM) is a chance for all students to have a say about the Union and its policies. The AGM is

a key date in the Association’s calendar where motions submitted by students are debated

and voted on by its members. Any student can submit a motion prior to the AGM and all

students can vote on the day, motions can only be passed if they receive enough student

votes at the AGM. Student input plays a vital role in how RGUSA works for and represents


The Jargon


The document that holds all the rules, regulations and requirements for running the

democratic side of the Students’ association. We literally have to do ‘everything by the


Ordinary Members

All matriculated students studying at Robert Gordon University unless they have decided to

opt out of being a member of RGUSA


All students elected to any position in the Students’ association structure is accountable for

their actions to a higher authority. In the case of the AGM this authority is all Ordinary

members; the elected students are, after all, there to work on your behalf so you should ask

questions and challenge what they are doing in your name!


Standing Orders

The procedures set down in the constitution for how to run and control a meeting in the

Students’ Association. This includes the AGM.


A written suggestion put forward with at least a proposer and seconder to make a change or

to ensure something happens within the students’ Association.


If a motion is passed it becomes a policy of the Students’ association and hence must be

followed at all times or achieved within a stated timeframe.


When a motion is put forward it can be amended if others feel it isn’t quite right in its

current format. If an amendment is put forward then initially a vote is taken to approve the

amendment. If this is passed then a further vote is taken to pass the amended motion (The

original motion is now considered defunct as the amended motion has taken its place)


An ordinary member who puts forward a motion and has the chance to speak about it first


An ordinary member who supports a proposed motion and has the chance to speak about it



Executive Board

11 Students elected to make the day-to-day decisions relating to the Students’ association.

These 11are made up of 3 Full-time officers (aka Sabbatical Officers, sabbaticals, sabbs) and

7 Part-time Officers (aka Non-Sabbatical Officers, Non-sabbs). In addition there is an

Honorary Treasurer nominated by the Board of Governors of the University.


The MINIMUM number of ordinary members that must be present before a meeting can go

ahead and if during a vote, the MINIMUM number of ordinary members that must be

present to pass the vote

The Process

Motions & Amendments

Motions and Amendments are there for a number of different reasons. These are:

To change the RGUSA constitution

To pass RGUSA policy

How to submit a motion

Any student can submit a motion, but you will need 20 Ordinary members signatures added

to it when you submit it and it should be submitted at least 2 weeks before the AGM.

What are amendments and why do they confuse the issue?

An amendment is just that; a suggestion to change the original motion (for whatever reason)

to something slightly different, but this should not be so different as it changes the original

motion beyond all recognition.

If the vote to change the original motion using the submitted amendment is passed then this

becomes the motion to vote on. This is why it seems there is sometimes two votes on the

same motion but in fact the first vote is to use the amendment to change the motion whilst

the second vote is to actually pass the amended motion


The Debate

Each Motion shall have a Proposer and a seconder as well as the 20 ordinary member

signatures. The chair will allow the Proposer to open up the discussion with a speech,

followed by a speech from somebody not in favour of the motion (if anyone), then the

seconder will be invited to speak, followed by someone else not in favour of the motion.

After these opening speeches the Chair will invite debate from the floor. It is up to the chair

how long each opening speech is given but they must all be given equal time.

A debate can go on for as long as the chair deems necessary. However, the chair must

ensure that enough time has passed so that good, open and informed debate has occurred

in readiness for a vote

Any ordinary member may speak at any time on any of the subjects being debated, however

all speakers must speak ‘through the chair’ i.e. its up to the chair to decide who speaks and

in what order and speakers should indicate that they wish to speak in order for the chair to

pick them.


There are 3 ways you can vote in any debate; For, Against and Abstain. To abstain means

you are neither For or Against a particular decision but it does show that you were at the

meeting as many decisions require a Quorum to be passed

In parts

If a motion has more than one part that is being put forward then if required, it can be voted

on ‘In Parts’. This option would normally be taken if there were parts of the motion that

were liked but also certain parts that were not liked, therefore possibly allowing the ‘good’

bits to be passed whilst the ‘not so good’ bits would not be passed.


Appendix 2 – Motions

Motion 2012/01 – Transparency

Proposer – George Lawie

Union Notes

The Students’ Union is run by students, for students.

The Executive Board is elected by the members of the Union as Students of Robert

Gordon University

The Executive Board, its sub-committees, and the members thereof should report

regularly to the students who elected them into position on the progress they are

making throughout their year.

Union Believes

That all competent business should be transparent to the members of the Union

If, for a valid and competent reason, information must be withheld, the removal of

such information should be noted in an appropriate manner.

Union Resolves

To commit to full transparency in the future, including regular, pro-active and timely

publication of the full minutes of the Executive Board and all other committees of

the Students’ Association, as well as regular information pertaining to any

constitution/regulatory changes or campaigns planned by the Students’ Association

To help comply with Environmental policies, publication of minutes should be done

primarily through electronic means – either by email, publication on the Students’

Association Website, publication within the University’s Virtual Learning

Environment, or another suitable manner that ensures accessibility for the entire

student body.


Appendix 3 – Constitutional Amendments

301 – Members of Executive Board

Proposer – Executive Board

AGM Notes

RAG has grown considerably since its inception

Raising and Giving is now a fundamental part of Union Activities

AGM Resolves

To incorporate the RAG Chair as a full member of the Students’ Association

Executive Board

To Amend Constitutional Clause 4.3.2 to read as follows:

“4.3.2 the Vice Presidents and RAG Chair”

To Amend & Add To Constitutional Clause 8.1 to read as follows:

“8.1 There shall be seven Eight Executive Officers of the Association:

Vice-President (Academic)

Vice-President (Entertainment & Events)

Vice-President (Environment & Ethics)

Vice-President (Equality & Diversity)

Vice-President (International)

Vice-President (Societies)

Vice-President (Sports)

RAG Chair”


302 – Chair of Executive Board

Proposer – Executive Board

AGM Notes

At the AGM 2011 it was agreed that the 3 sabbatical officers would each be a

President of the Association, with remit for specific areas

All Presidents are elected equally and should have equal status

AGM Resolves

To ensure that the Executive Board reflects this equal status and elects a competent

Chair of the Board from the 3 Presidents

To Delete & Replace Constitutional Clause 4.5.3 to read as follows:

“The Chair of the Executive Board shall be one of the three sabbatical Presidents, as

elected by the members of the Executive Board at the first meeting of the Academic

Year. In the Elected Chair’s absence the Executive Board shall elect one of their

number to act as Chair.

303 – General Meetings – Provisions Applicable to Extraordinary General Meetings

Proposer – Executive Board

AGM Notes

The members may wish to call an Emergency General Meeting throughout the

course of the year on an issue that may concern them

An Extraordinary General Meeting should be considered equal to any other General


AGM Resolves

To ensure the constitution reflects the equal status of all General meetings

To Delete & Amend Constitutional clause 6.2 & 6.3 to read as follows:

“6.2 No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Meeting unless…”

“6.3 The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by…”


304 – Amendment of the Constitution

Proposer – Executive Board

AGM Notes

The Constitution is the governing document for the Students’ Association

The Constitution is the document that ensures the Union is governed in a way that

serves the best interests of its members.

Constitutional amendments may, from time to time, need to be carried out during

the course of the year if any major concerns arise.

Extraordinary General Meetings should be considered equal to all other General

meetings, including the Annual General Meeting

AGM Resolves

To ensure that Constitutional Amendments can be implemented outwith the Annual

General Meeting

To Delete & Amend Constitutional Clause 13.1 to read as follows:

“The Constitution may be amended at any duly constituted Annual General Meeting

of the Association…”


Appendix 4 – Honorary Treasurer Nominees

Below you will find a list of the nominees from the Board of Governors for the post of

Honorary Treasurer of the Students’ Association, for vote by the AGM.

1. Fiona Duncan – Senior Lecturer – Department of Accounting & Finance