Agile Project Management with PPM Studio

Heading AGILE Project Management with PPM Studio

Transcript of Agile Project Management with PPM Studio

HeadingAGILE Project Management


PPM Studio

Struggling to go AGILE???

Not able to prioritize requirements based on business value, resource availability?

Cannot manage Backlog planning and new requests?

Don’t have control on project progress?

Scrum meetings a big issue?

Here is the solution……

PPM Studio

Ready to use Agile Software development (SCRUM) and AGILE Project Management suite

Bring speed and agility to the software development process

Ensure your AGILE team with

• Faster release planning

• Business value driven stories prioritization

• Seamless collaboration among team members

• Managing change and ensures successful software delivery….

Simplified product planning with easy to use inbuilt product planner

Define, prioritize, plan and manage requirements by release, by iterations and by sprints.

Visualize your requirements management with Digital User Story board

Real time update of user stories and defects by sprint, iteration or release.

Real time progress monitoring through burn down charts and velocity charts.

Bird eye view of Backlog planning along with new requests to select and plan the release accordingly.

Inbuilt collaboration suite with powerful and easy to use scrum meetings

Seamless integration with MS Outlook, MS SharePoint and Lotus Notes.

Configurable dashboards with inbuilt burn-down, burn-up, defects analysis and other must have charts for Agile teams and Scrum masters.

Plan your product map

Plan and manage requirements, user stories and goals across multiple

projects, products and teams.

Prioritize requirements based on business value, resource availability.

Plan your release as per the backlogs and new requests

Plan your releases ahead with high level estimates

Prioritize user stories and plan them release wise to give portfolio view to product owner

Push & pull user stories from release to release based on prioritization.

Plan your test cases much ahead of development

Provide high level estimation and schedule for each release.

Resource planning user story wise to forecast and plan your capacity

Scrum level or Sprint wise planning

Plan user stories sprint wise and categorize them: New enhancements and fixes.

Encourage physical face to face meeting s with meetings manager

Set acceptance criteria to team in meetings and indentify the impediment

Resolve identified issues & risk before they become impediments.

Track and monitor assignments for the week through meetings manager

Capacity planning and monitoring the utilization sprint by sprint.

Intuitive Backlog management

Identify the back logs sprint wise and plan for their execution

Forecast and plan for the resource capacity required for the back log vs. fresh user stories

Monitor & Control with traceability

Detailed end to end traceability at every engineering object

Project wise view of resources allocated and utilized to get a hook of capacity planned vs actual

Direct sprints through sprint planning, review meeting and daily Scrum & retrospective meetings

Real time progress monitoring through burn down charts and velocity charts

Identify risks and impediments and resolve them to maintain the velocity

Cooperative, Collaborative and Integrated teams

Unified project work space with real time updates on project progress

Inbuilt e-mail and discussion system for faster communication while working on assignment

Information flow from other development and testing tools through seamless integration using APIs.

More details at

Enquiries at [email protected]