Agenda Day 3: Do Now ‐ while I check HW

Unit1 Basics.notebook 1 September 09, 2016 Agenda Day 3: 'R 1RZ ZKLOH , FKHFN +: +RPHZRUN TXHVWLRQV" 2EMHFWLYH , FDQ RSHUDWH ZLWK UHDO QXPEHUV 3UDFWLFH Reminders: +: VHH KDQGRXW 4XL] 7HVW Mr. Barresi will come on Monday to explain HVCC credit

Transcript of Agenda Day 3: Do Now ‐ while I check HW

Unit1 Basics.notebookSeptember 09, 2016
Agenda Day 3: • Do Now while I check HW • Homework questions? • Objective: I can operate with
real numbers • Practice
Mr. Barresi will come on Monday to explain HVCC credit
Unit1 Basics.notebook
Absolute Value: how far the number is from zero
|-7| |9| |0| Notice: the answer is never negative
Adding real numbers
5-8 is the same as 5 + (-8)
1.2 Operations with Real Numbers What are the rules???
Multiplying Real Numbers:
Dividing Real Numbers:
ex 2
ex 3