Age of Reason Romantic Period - Brouwer's Classroom

Age of Reason and Romantic Period

Transcript of Age of Reason Romantic Period - Brouwer's Classroom

Age of Reas onand


RRee lliiggiioonn

RReennaaiiss ss aannccee wwaassRRee lliiggiioouuss llyy ccoonnffuuss iinngg ::

²Henry VIII: 1s t

Protes tant king²Edward VI: Protes tant²Mary I: Catholic²Elizabeth I :

Protes tant² J ames I : Protes tant²Charles I : Catholic² 1648: Puritans

TThhee MMee rrrryy MMoonnaarrcc hh!!

NNoo mmoorree ooff tthhiiss !!

²1660: King Charles II back : The MerryMonarch!

²Succeeded by his brother J ames II

²Parliament s teps in:


RRoommaannttiiccppee rriioodd

²1776 UnitedStates declarethemselvesindependent² 1780’s Indus trial


LLiitteerraattuurree iinn tthhee AAggee ooffRReeaass oonn

²Greek and Roman s tyle highes t ideal

²Great believe in reasonability andrationality

²Prose used for communicationabout scientific experiments

SSaattiirreeMocking s tupidity of people

who didn’t s eem to beguided by reason.

DDrraammaa ²Charles II reopenedtheatres²Women as actors²More exclus ive;

aris tocracy andupper-clas s people

²Comedy ofmanners²After Charles II :

middle clas sestook over theatres

PPrrooss ee* To deal with

actualities (pamphlets ,es s ays , diaries )

* Novels ; middle clas ses• wanted to be• entertained.

Characteris ticsof the Novel

² Story is in prose

² Story is fictitious

² Character development

² Story contains a plot

² Story creates animpres s ion of reality

GGuulllliivvee rr’’ss TTrraavvee llss

LLiitteerraattuurree iinn tthhee RRoommaannttiiccppeerriioodd

²Emotion, intuition &imagination


CChhaarraacc ttee rriiss ttiicc ss

²people living clos e to nature

²Brita in’s pas t

²innocence of children

²s upernatura l elements

Idealiza tion of

²attraction to exoticcultures


"And Did Thos eFeet”

And did those feet in ancient timeWalk upon England’s mountains green?And was the holy Lamb of GodOn England’s pleasant pas tures seen?

And did the Countenance DivineShine forth upon our clouded hills ?And was J erusalem builded hereAmong these dark satanic mills ?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!Bring me my arrows of des ire!Bring me my spear! O clouds , unfold!Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,Nor shall my sword s leep in my hand,Till we have built J erusalemIn England’s green and pleasant land