Afzan Module Halus

A. Label the nouns in the picture Label kata nama yang terdapat pada gambar 2. E _ _ _ _ _ _ t 3. M _ _ _ _ y 4. M _ _ 1. T _ _ _ 7. B _ _ 6. S _ _ _ _ c _ _ e 5. W _ _ _ n 10. G _ _ l 9.T _ _ _ r 8. B _ _ _ _ a 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 5



Transcript of Afzan Module Halus

A. Label the nouns in the pictureLabel kata nama yang terdapat pada gambar B. Rewritethe nouns in the boxes above and give the meaning in Bahasa Melayu.2.E______t3. M_ ___y4. M _ _1.T___7. B __ 6. S ____c__e 5. W___n10. G _ _l 9.T___r8. B __ _ _a1 2346789105Tulis semula kata nama di atas dan beri makna di dalam Bahasa Melayu1 Tree- poo6____________2_____________ 7____________3_____________ 8____________4_____________ 9____________5_____________10___________C. Choose the correct words from the table and fill in the boxes below Pilih perkataan yang betul dan isikan di dalam kotak di bawah1. T!e people are at t!e .2. T!ere are a "e# $n t!e %oo.3. T#oaarer&nn$n' to#ar() t!e *an.4. T!e *an '$+e) ato t!e elep!ant).5. T!e #o*an #ear) a .6. T!ere $) a ,&nc! o"near t!e *an.7. T!e t$'er $) $n t!e . 8. T!e '$rl #ear) a D. Rewrite the sentences Tulis semula ayat-ayat di atas.%oo tree)elep!ant) ca'e)$rt)&'arcane )car",anana)

1.__________________________________________2.__________________________________________3.__________________________________________4.__________________________________________5.__________________________________________6.__________________________________________7.__________________________________________8.__________________________________________.!ill in the blan"s with correct words. Isikan tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang sesuai.1.T!e ___________are at t!e %oo.2. T!ere are a "e# tree) $n t!e __________.3. T#o elep!ant) are r&nn$n' to#ar() t!e _______.4. T!e *an '$+e) a )&'arcane to t!e ____________.5. T!e _________#ear) a )car".6. T!ere $) a _______ o" ,anana) near t!e *an.7. T!e _____________ $) $n t!e ca'e.8.T!e ____________ #ear) a )$rt.!. Rearrange the nouns # ad$ectives and verbs given to ma"e sentences Susun semula katanama, sifatkata dan katakera yand diberi untuk membina ayat .

xample %. elephant &ow-'rey Do what - eat) )&'arcane#$l()leep). $n t!e ca'e*an*oneyelep!ant 'reyeat) )&'arcane. at t!e %oo,$')#$n') . near a treet$'er#o*anyo&n'loo) at. t$'er $n t!e ca'e,ea&t$"&l)tan(). ,e)$(e !er (a&'!ter 'here- /t t!e %ooT!e 'rey elep!ant eat) )&'arcane at t!e %oo.

2. mon"ey &ow- ,$' Do what- )#$n') 'here- near a tree __________________________________________________________.3.(iger &ow-#$l( Do what- )leep) 'here-$n t!e ca'e____________________________________________________________. 4. man&ow-yo&n'Do what- loo) at t!e t$'er'here- $n t!e ca'e____________________________________________________________.5. woman &ow-,ea&t$"&lDo what- )tan()'here-,e)$(e !er (a&'!ter _____________________________________________________________.).List down the nouns# verbs and ad$ectives from the picture above as many as youcan .*enarai"atanama# "ata"er$a dan ad$e"tif daripada gambar di atas sebanya" yang boleh.+,-+* .RB* AD/C(0.*A.'rite themeaning in Bahasa Melayu.Tulis makna di dalam Bahasa Melayu

B.!ill in the blan"s belowPenuhkan tempat-tempatkosong di bawah1. )!el" 2.. l$,rar$an4. ta,le3.,oo5. penc$l6. r&ler1.T!e ,oo) are on t!e )!el".2. T!e ________________$) carry$n' )o*e ,oo) an( "$le).3. T!e ______ $) t!$c.4. T!e '$rl) are rea($n' at t!e _______________.5. T!ere $) a _______ on t!e ta,le.6. T!ere $) a _________on t!e ta,le.C.'rite the meaning in Bahasa MelayuTulis makna dalam Bahasa Melayu D.'rite correct sentences with the words above.Tulis ayat yang betul menggunakan perkataan di atas.%.$) !ol($n'1. $) carry$n'2. $) )tan($n'3. $) rea($n'4. $) )$tt$n')e(an' *e*e'an'1.S$t$$) !ol($n'a ,oo.2. /*$na!________at t!e ta,le.3. T!e l$,rar$an__________)o*e ,oo).4. T!e #o*an ______________at t!e co&nter.

5. T!e '$rl________________ near !er "r$en(..(ry to ma"e your own sentences with the help of the words below !uba bina ayat kamu sendiri dengan bantuan perkataan-perkataan di bawah.%.'ho5 'here 5 (he people are in the library.4. 'ho5 Do what 5 'here 5____________________________________________________.T!e peopleT!e '$rl)are rea($n'at t!e ta,le$n t!e l$,raryT!e #o*an1.'ho5Do what 5'here5_______________________________________________________.2.'ho5 Do what5'here5 _______________________________________________________.3.'hat5 'here 5_______________________________________________________.$) carry$n'$) )tan($n'near t!e co&nterT!e l$,rar$an$n t!e l$,raryT!e penc$lon t!e ta,le